package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWConstants; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Break; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Paragraph; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.GenericButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.IntegerInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.InterfaceObject; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Label; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SelectionBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.util.IWCalendar; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: TeeTimeSearch * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 * Company: idega Software * @author 2004 - idega team - <br><a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a><br> * @version 1.0 */ public class TeeTimeSearch extends GolfBlock { /** * Time interval between options when searching for teetime. */ private static final int TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE = 60; private TeeTimeBusinessBean service = new TeeTimeBusinessBean(); private String _blockWidth = Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT; private int _numberOfResultColumns = 10; private ICPage _teeTimeTablePage = null; private ICPage _teeTimesPage = null; private int width = 160; private boolean lockedAsWapLayout = false; private ICPage backPage = null; private ICPage wmlRegisterPage = null; public void main(IWContext modinfo) throws Exception { IWTimestamp funcDate = new IWTimestamp(); try { removeUnionIdSessionAttribute(modinfo); if (modinfo.getSessionAttribute("side_num") == null && modinfo.getParameter("side") == null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("side_num", "0"); else if (modinfo.getParameter("side") != null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("side_num", modinfo.getParameter("side")); if (modinfo.getSessionAttribute("when") == null && modinfo.getParameter("hvenaer") == null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("when", "0"); else if (modinfo.getParameter("hvenaer") != null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("when", modinfo.getParameter("hvenaer")); if (modinfo.getSessionAttribute("field_id") == null && modinfo.getParameter("hvar") == null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("field_id", "1"); else if (modinfo.getParameter("hvar") != null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("field_id", modinfo.getParameter("hvar")); if (modinfo.getSessionAttribute("date") == null && modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("day") == null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("date", new IWTimestamp().toSQLDateString()); else if (modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("day") != null) modinfo.setSessionAttribute("date", modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("day")); } catch (Exception E) { E.printStackTrace(); } Form myForm = new Form(); GolfField myField = new GolfField(); GolfField Today = new GolfField(); TableInfo myTableInfo = new TableInfo(); Vector Groups = new Vector(); // boolean search = true; // Table startTable = new Table(1, 2); // startTable.setHeight(1, "15"); // startTable.setCellpadding(0); // startTable.setCellspacing(0); // startTable.add(Text.emptyString(), 1, 1); // if (search) { // startTable.add(getSearchForm(modinfo, funcDate), 1, 2); // } // add(startTable); boolean results = (modinfo.getParameter("results") != null); boolean result_part = (modinfo.getParameter("part")!=null); if(result_part){ addWapResults(modinfo, null, null, null); } else { if(lockedAsWapLayout || IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_WML.equals(modinfo.getMarkupLanguage())) { if(!results) { add(getWapSearchForm(modinfo, funcDate)); } } else { add(getSearchForm(modinfo, funcDate)); } if (results) { if (modinfo.getParameterValues("fields") != null && modinfo.getParameter("fjoldi") != null && !modinfo.getParameter("fjoldi").equals("")) { if (numericString(modinfo.getParameter("fjoldi"))) { String[] myParameters = modinfo.getParameterValues("fields"); int fields; for (int i = 0; i < myParameters.length; i++) { fields = Integer.parseInt(myParameters[i]); myField = getFieldInfo(fields, modinfo.getParameter("date").toString()); Today = getFieldInfo(fields, funcDate.toSQLDateString()); try { Groups = search(funcDate, modinfo, myField, Today, Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getParameter("fjoldi").toString()), modinfo.getParameter("date").toString(), modinfo.getParameter("ftime").toString(), modinfo.getParameter("ltime").toString(), 0, 36); if(lockedAsWapLayout || IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_WML.equals(modinfo.getMarkupLanguage())) { addWapResults(modinfo, Groups, myField, modinfo.getParameter("date").toString()); } else { this.add(getResultTable(modinfo, Groups, myField, modinfo.getParameter("date").toString(), _numberOfResultColumns)); } } catch (Exception E) { System.out.println("TeeTimeSearch: " + E.getMessage()); //E.printStackTrace(); if (E.getMessage().equals("Error1")) { Table Error1 = new Table(1, 1); Error1.setWidth(_blockWidth); Error1.setHeight(1, "21"); //Error1.setBorder(1); Error1.setColumnAlignment(1, "center"); Error1.add(this.getSmallErrorText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "_")), 1, 1); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(Error1); this.add(p); break; } if (E.getMessage().equals("Error2")) { Table Error2 = new Table(1, 1); Error2.setWidth(_blockWidth); Error2.setHeight(1, "21"); //Error2.setBorder(1); Error2.setColumnAlignment(1, "center"); Error2.add(this.getSmallErrorText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "_")), 1, 1); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(Error2); this.add(p); break; } if (E.getMessage().equals("Error3")) { Table Error3 = new Table(1, 3); Error3.setWidth(_blockWidth); Error3.setHeight(1, "30"); Error3.setHeight(2, "25"); Error3.setCellspacing(0); //Error3.setBorder(1); Error3.setColumnAlignment(1, "center"); Error3.add(this.getSmallErrorText(getFieldName(myField.get_field_id())), 1, 1); Error3.add(this.getSmallErrorText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "_")), 1, 2); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(Error3); this.add(p); } } } } else { Table Error = new Table(1, 1); Error.setWidth(_blockWidth); Error.setHeight(1, "21"); Error.setColumnAlignment(1, "center"); Error.add(this.getSmallErrorText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "_")), 1, 1); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(Error); this.add(p); } } else { Table Error = new Table(1, 1); Error.setWidth(_blockWidth); Error.setHeight(1, "21"); Error.setColumnAlignment(1, "center"); Error.add(this.getSmallErrorText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "_")), 1, 1); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(Error); this.add(p); } } } } public Link getSearchLink(IWContext modinfo, boolean inUse) { Link myLink; if (inUse) myLink = new Link(getResourceBundle().getImage("tabs/search.gif")); else myLink = new Link(getResourceBundle().getImage("tabs/search1.gif")); myLink.addParameter("state", "search"); return myLink; } public Link getEntryLink(IWContext modinfo, boolean inUse) { Link myLink; if (inUse) myLink = new Link(getResourceBundle().getImage("tabs/teetimes.gif")); else myLink = new Link(getResourceBundle().getImage("tabs/teetimes1.gif")); if(_teeTimesPage!=null) { myLink.setPage(_teeTimesPage); } return myLink; } public Form getWapSearchForm(IWContext modinfo, IWTimestamp dateFunc) throws IOException, SQLException, FinderException { Form myForm = new Form(); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("state", "search")); InterfaceObject fieldDropdownMenu = getFieldDropdownMenu(modinfo,false); DropdownMenu countOfPlayers = new DropdownMenu("fjoldi"); countOfPlayers.addMenuElement(1,"1"); countOfPlayers.addMenuElement(2,"2"); countOfPlayers.addMenuElement(3,"3"); countOfPlayers.addMenuElement(4,"4"); countOfPlayers.setSelectedElement(1); InterfaceObject playerCountInputBox = countOfPlayers;//insertEditBox("fjoldi", 2); IWTimestamp firstOpenTime = service.getFirstOpentime(IWTimestamp.RightNow()); IWTimestamp lastOpenTime = service.getLastClosetime(IWTimestamp.RightNow()); IWTimestamp approxSelectedTime = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); approxSelectedTime.setAsTime(); DropdownMenu firstTimeDropdownMenu = getTimeDropdown("ftime",(IWTimestamp)firstOpenTime.clone(),(IWTimestamp)lastOpenTime.clone(),TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE,approxSelectedTime); firstOpenTime.addMinutes(TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE); approxSelectedTime.addMinutes(TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE); DropdownMenu lastTimeDropdownMenu = getTimeDropdown("ltime",(IWTimestamp)firstOpenTime.clone(),(IWTimestamp)lastOpenTime.clone(),TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE,approxSelectedTime); // InterfaceObject firstTimeDropdownMenu = insertTimeDrowdown("ftime", "22:00", getHours(getFirstOpentime()), getHours(getLastClosetime()), TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE); // InterfaceObject lastTimeDropdownMenu = insertTimeDrowdown("ltime", "22:00", getHours(getFirstOpentime()), getHours(getLastClosetime()), TEE_TIME_SEARCH_INTERVALE); InterfaceObject dateDropdownMenu = insertDropdown("date", dateFunc, getMaxDaysShown(), modinfo); Label vollur = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Course"),fieldDropdownMenu); Label fjoldi = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "How many?"),playerCountInputBox); Label fKL = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "From"),firstTimeDropdownMenu); Label tKL = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "To"),lastTimeDropdownMenu); Label dags = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Date"),dateDropdownMenu); int row = 1; myForm.add(vollur); myForm.add(fieldDropdownMenu); myForm.addBreak(); myForm.add(fjoldi); myForm.add(playerCountInputBox); myForm.addBreak(); myForm.add(dags); // String funcyDateRS = dateFunc.toSQLDateString(); // DropdownMenu myDropdown = new DropdownMenu("date"); // for (int i = 0; i < getMaxDaysShown(); i++) { // myDropdown.addMenuElement(getNextDaysRS(dateFunc, funcyDateRS, i), getNextDays(dateFunc, funcyDateRS, i)); // } // myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); myForm.add(dateDropdownMenu); myForm.addBreak(); myForm.add(fKL); // DropdownMenu fHours = new DropdownMenu("ftime_h"); // for(int i = 0;i<24;i++) { // fHours.addMenuElement(i,String.valueOf(i)); // } // fHours.keepStatusOnAction(); // DropdownMenu fMinutes = new DropdownMenu("ftime_m"); // fMinutes.addMenuElement(0,"00"); // fMinutes.addMenuElement(30,"30"); // //fMinutes.addMenuElement(59,"59"); // fMinutes.keepStatusOnAction(); // // myForm.add(fHours); // myForm.add(":"); // myForm.add(fMinutes); myForm.add(firstTimeDropdownMenu); myForm.addBreak(); myForm.add(tKL); // DropdownMenu lHours = new DropdownMenu("ltime_h"); // for(int i = 0;i<24;i++) { // lHours.addMenuElement(i,String.valueOf(i)); // } // lHours.keepStatusOnAction(); // // DropdownMenu lMinutes = new DropdownMenu("ltime_m"); // lMinutes.addMenuElement(0,"00"); // lMinutes.addMenuElement(30,"30"); // //lMinutes.addMenuElement(59,"59"); // lMinutes.keepStatusOnAction(); // myForm.add(lHours); // myForm.add(":"); // myForm.add(lMinutes); myForm.add(lastTimeDropdownMenu); SubmitButton bSearch = new SubmitButton(localize("","Search")); myForm.add(bSearch); insertHiddenInput("results", "1", myForm); return myForm; } public Form getSearchForm(IWContext modinfo, IWTimestamp dateFunc) throws IOException, SQLException, FinderException { Form myForm = new Form(); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("state", "search")); Table frameTable = new Table(); //frameTable.setBorder(1); frameTable.setWidth(_blockWidth); frameTable.setAlignment(1,1,Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT); frameTable.setCellspacing(0); frameTable.setCellpadding(0); frameTable.setCellpadding(1,1,15); Table mergeTable = new Table(3, 4); mergeTable.mergeCells(2,1,3,1); mergeTable.mergeCells(2,2,3,2); mergeTable.mergeCells(2,3,3,3); mergeTable.setAlignment("left"); //mergeTable.setBorder(1); mergeTable.setCellspacing(0); mergeTable.setCellpadding(4); mergeTable.setCellpaddingRight(1,1,3); mergeTable.setCellpaddingRight(1,2,3); mergeTable.setCellpaddingRight(1,3,3); mergeTable.setCellpaddingRight(1,4,3); mergeTable.setNoWrap(1,1); mergeTable.setNoWrap(1,2); mergeTable.setNoWrap(1,3); mergeTable.setNoWrap(1,4); mergeTable.setAlignment(3,4,Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); Table SelectSubmit = new Table(2,2); SelectSubmit.setAlignment("left"); //SelectSubmit.setBorder(3); SelectSubmit.setCellspacing(0); SelectSubmit.setCellpadding(0); SelectSubmit.setCellpaddingRight(1,2,5); SelectSubmit.setCellpaddingLeft(2,2,5); SelectSubmit.setAlignment(2, 2, "center"); Text vollur = getText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Course")); Text fjoldi = getText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "How many?")); Text fKL = getText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "From")); Text tKL = getText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "To")); Text dags = getText(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Date")); SelectSubmit.setVerticalAlignment(2, 2, "bottom"); SelectSubmit.add(vollur, 1, 1); SelectSubmit.setCellpaddingLeft(1,1,5); SelectSubmit.add(insertSelectionBox("fields", modinfo, 6), 1, 2); mergeTable.add(dags, 1, 1); mergeTable.add(insertDropdown("date", dateFunc, getMaxDaysShown(), modinfo), 2, 1); mergeTable.add(fKL, 1, 2); mergeTable.add(insertTimeDrowdown("ftime", "22:00", getHours(getFirstOpentime()), getHours(getLastClosetime()), 30), 2, 2); mergeTable.add(tKL, 1, 3); mergeTable.add(insertTimeDrowdown("ltime", "22:00", getHours(getFirstOpentime()), getHours(getLastClosetime()), 30), 2, 3); mergeTable.add(fjoldi, 1, 4); mergeTable.add(insertEditBox("fjoldi", 2), 2, 4); GenericButton bSearch = getSubmitButton(); bSearch.setName(localize("","Search")); mergeTable.add(bSearch, 3, 4); SelectSubmit.add(mergeTable, 2, 2); insertHiddenInput("results", "1", myForm); frameTable.add(SelectSubmit,1,1); myForm.add(frameTable); return myForm; } public boolean checkTime(int begin_hour, int begin_min, int end_hour, int end_min) { return (begin_hour < end_hour || (begin_hour == end_hour && begin_min < end_min)) && begin_hour >= 0 && begin_hour <= 24 && end_hour >= 0 && end_hour <= 24 && begin_min >= 0 && begin_min < 60 && end_min >= 0 && end_min < 60; } public Table getResultTable(IWContext modinfo, Vector Groups, GolfField info, String date1, int resultCol) throws SQLException, IOException, FinderException { Table myTable = new Table(2, 2); myTable.mergeCells(1, 2, 2, 2); myTable.setRowStyleClass(1,getHeaderRowClass()); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setRowAlignment(1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT); myTable.setCellpaddingLeft(1,1,15); myTable.setCellpaddingRight(2,1,15); myTable.setWidth(_blockWidth); myTable.setAlignment(2, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); Vector myVector = new Vector(); Vector boolVector = new Vector(); myVector = (Vector) Groups.elementAt(0); boolVector = (Vector) Groups.elementAt(1); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < boolVector.size(); i++) { if (((Boolean) boolVector.elementAt(i)).booleanValue()) count++; } Link myLink = getSmallHeaderLink(getFieldName(info.get_field_id())); if(_teeTimeTablePage != null) { myLink.setPage(_teeTimeTablePage); } myLink.addParameter("hvar", "" + info.get_field_id()); myLink.addParameter("search", "1"); myLink.addParameter("club", "" + getFieldUnion(info.get_field_id())); myLink.addParameter("day", date1); myTable.add(myLink, 1, 1); Text smallText = getSmallHeader(""); if ((count % 10 == 1 || (count % 100) % 10 == 1) && count % 100 != 11) { smallText.setText(" (" + count + " " + getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Available tee time") + ")"); myTable.add(smallText, 2, 1); } else if (count != 0) { smallText.setText(" (" + count + " " + getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Available tee_times") + ")"); myTable.add(smallText, 2, 1); } else { smallText.setText(" (" +getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "_")+")"); myTable.add(smallText, 2, 1); } boolean first = true; Link[] Times = new Link[count]; int links = 0; int hour = 0; int rows = 0; if (count != 0) { Table resultTable = new Table(resultCol, 1); resultTable.setCellspacing(0); resultTable.setCellpadding(0); resultTable.setWidth(_blockWidth); for (int i = 0; i < boolVector.size(); i++) { if (((Boolean) boolVector.elementAt(i)).booleanValue()) { hour = getHours(TimeVsGroupnum(Integer.parseInt(myVector.elementAt(i).toString()), info) + ":00"); Times[links] = getLink(TimeVsGroupnum(Integer.parseInt(myVector.elementAt(i).toString()), info)); if (hour < 13) Times[links].addParameter("hvenaer", "0"); else if (hour < 17) Times[links].addParameter("hvenaer", "1"); else Times[links].addParameter("hvenaer", "2"); if(_teeTimeTablePage != null) { Times[links].setPage(_teeTimeTablePage); } Times[links].addParameter("hvar", "" + info.get_field_id()); Times[links].addParameter("search", "1"); Times[links].addParameter("club", "" + getFieldUnion(info.get_field_id())); Times[links].addParameter("day", date1); if (links % resultCol == 0) { rows++; resultTable.setRows(rows); resultTable.setRowStyleClass(rows,((rows%2==0)?getDarkRowClass():getLightRowClass())); } resultTable.add(Times[links], links % resultCol + 1, rows); links++; } } for (int i = 1; i <= resultCol; i++) { resultTable.setColumnAlignment(i, "center"); } myTable.add(resultTable, 1, 2); } return myTable; } public void addWapResults(IWContext modinfo, Vector Groups, GolfField info2, String date) throws SQLException, IOException, FinderException { Form myForm = new Form(); if(wmlRegisterPage!=null){ myForm.setPageToSubmitTo(wmlRegisterPage); } else { myForm.setClassToInstanciateAndSendTo(RegisterTime.class); if(backPage!=null){ myForm.addParameter(RegisterTime.PRM_BACK_PAGE,backPage.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } } TeetimeSearchResult result = (TeetimeSearchResult)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(modinfo,TeetimeSearchResult.class); result.setSublistSize(1000); //Always show all the results, if not the layout has to change(todo) if(Groups != null){ Vector myVector = new Vector(); Vector boolVector = new Vector(); Vector resultList = new Vector(); myVector = (Vector) Groups.elementAt(0); boolVector = (Vector) Groups.elementAt(1); for (int i = 0; i < boolVector.size(); i++) { if (((Boolean) boolVector.elementAt(i)).booleanValue()){ resultList.add(myVector.elementAt(i)); } } result.cachResult(resultList,info2,new IWTimestamp(date),new IWTimestamp(modinfo.getParameter("ftime")),new IWTimestamp(modinfo.getParameter("ltime")),Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getParameter("fjoldi"))); } else if(!result.isInitialized()){ Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(localize("start.session_timeout","Session has expired")); add(p); return; } myForm.addParameter("search", "1"); myForm.addParameter("field_id",result.getFieldInfo().get_field_id()); myForm.addParameter("date", result.getDate().getDateString("yyyy-MM-dd")); myForm.addParameter("union_id", getFieldUnion(result.getFieldInfo().get_field_id())); //myForm.addParameter("skraMarga",modinfo.getParameter("fjoldi")); //register one at a time //myForm.addParameter("skraMarga","1"); myForm.addParameter(RegisterTime.PRM_LOCKED_AS_WML_LAYOUT, "y"); int count = result.getResultSize(); Text dateText = new Text(localize("start.Date","Date")+": "+result.getDate().getLocaleDate(modinfo.getCurrentLocale())); Text fieldText = new Text(localize("start.Field","Field")+": "+getFieldName(result.getFieldInfo().get_field_id())); Text intervalText = new Text(localize("start.Interval","Interval")+": "+result.getFirstTime().getLocaleTime(modinfo.getCurrentLocale(),IWTimestamp.SHORT)+"-"+result.getLastTime().getLocaleTime(modinfo.getCurrentLocale(),IWTimestamp.SHORT)); Text resultText = new Text(localize("start.Results","Results")+": "+count); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(dateText); p.add(new Break()); p.add(fieldText); p.add(new Break()); p.add(intervalText); p.add(new Break()); p.add(resultText); add(p); boolean first = true; // Link[] Times = new Link[count]; // int links = 0; //int hour = 0; // int rows = 0; DropdownMenu radio = new DropdownMenu("line"); Label label = new Label(localize("start.choose_teetime","Choose teetime:"),radio); DropdownMenu howMany = new DropdownMenu("skraMarga"); Label hmLabel = new Label(localize("start.choose_how_many_you_want_to_register","Choose how many you want to register:"),radio); if (count != 0) { String part = modinfo.getParameter("part"); List l; if("next".equals(part)){ l =; } else if("prev".equals(part)) { l=result.prev(); } else { l=result.current(); } for (Iterator iter = l.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String element = (String); radio.addMenuElement(element,TimeVsGroupnum(Integer.parseInt(element), result.getFieldInfo())); } int i = 1; for(; i <=result.getNumberOfPlayers();i++){ howMany.addMenuElement(i,String.valueOf(i)); } howMany.setSelectedElement(i-1); myForm.add(label); myForm.add(radio); myForm.addBreak(); myForm.add(hmLabel); myForm.add(howMany); if(result.hasPrevious()){ Link prev = new Link(localize("prev","Previous")); prev.addParameter("part","prev"); prev.maintainParameter("skraMarga",modinfo); prev.maintainParameter("fjoldi",modinfo); add(prev); } if(result.hasNext()){ Link next = new Link(localize("next","Next")); next.addParameter("part","next"); next.maintainParameter("skraMarga",modinfo); next.maintainParameter("fjoldi",modinfo); add(next); } myForm.add(new SubmitButton(localize("start.reserve","Reserve"))); add(myForm); } } public Vector search(IWTimestamp funcDate, IWContext modinfo, GolfField info, GolfField today, int fjoldi, String date, String firstTime, String lastTime, int firstHandicap, int LastHandicap) throws SQLException, IOException, Exception { boolean is_allowed = false; for (int i = 0; i < today.get_days_shown(); i++) { if (getNextDaysRS(funcDate, funcDate.toSQLDateString(), i).equals(date)) { is_allowed = true; } } if (!is_allowed) throw new Exception("Error3"); int numOfGroup = fjoldi / 4; if (fjoldi % 4 > 0) numOfGroup++; Vector frameGroups = new Vector(); Vector Groups = new Vector(); Vector boolGroups = new Vector(); frameGroups.add(0, Groups); frameGroups.add(1, boolGroups); int gr = numberOfGroups(firstTime, lastTime, info.get_interval()); int firstgr = numberOfGroups(info.get_open_hour(), info.get_open_min(), firstTime, info.get_interval()) + 1; int lastgr = firstgr + gr; int j = firstgr; for (int i = 0; i <= gr; i++) { Groups.add(i, new Integer(j++)); boolGroups.add(i, new Boolean(true)); } TeeTime[] result = service.getTableEntries(date, firstgr, (lastgr + numOfGroup), info.get_field_id()); Vector group_num = new Vector(); int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { group_num.add(k, "" + result[i].getGroupNum()); k++; } group_num.add(k, "-1"); // sett inn �ar sem group_num m� ekki vera af // lengd 0 er aldrei fari� � seinni for-loopuna // og ekki passa� upp � a� allir komist fyrir // lokun. int count = 0; int p = 0; int m = 0; for (m = firstgr; m <= lastgr; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < group_num.size(); n++) { if (Integer.parseInt(group_num.elementAt(n).toString()) >= m && Integer.parseInt(group_num.elementAt(n).toString()) < (m + numOfGroup)) { count++; } if (count > (numOfGroup * 4 - fjoldi) || (((m + numOfGroup) > getLastGroup(info) + 1) && (count > (-(m - getLastGroup(info)) * 4 - fjoldi)))) { boolGroups.set(p, new Boolean(false)); count = 0; } } count = 0; p++; } for (int i = 0; i < Groups.size(); i++) { if (Integer.parseInt(Groups.elementAt(i).toString()) < 1 || Integer.parseInt(Groups.elementAt(i).toString()) > getLastGroup(info)) { boolGroups.set(i, new Boolean(false)); } } Vector tournamentGroups = new Vector(0); int tournamentGroupsIndex = 0; List TournamentRounds = EntityFinder.findAll((TournamentRound) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(TournamentRound.class), "select tournament_round.* from tournament,tournament_round where tournament_round.tournament_id=tournament.tournament_id and tournament_round.round_date >= '" + funcDate.toSQLDateString() + " 00:00' and tournament_round.round_date <= '" + funcDate.toSQLDateString() + " 23:59' and tournament.field_id = " + today.get_field_id()); if (TournamentRounds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < TournamentRounds.size(); i++) { TournamentRound tempRound = (TournamentRound) TournamentRounds.get(i); IWTimestamp begin = new IWTimestamp(tempRound.getRoundDate()); begin.setAsTime(); IWTimestamp End_ = new IWTimestamp(tempRound.getRoundEndDate()); End_.setAsTime(); End_.addMinutes(today.get_interval()); End_.addMinutes(info.get_interval()); IWTimestamp begintime = new IWTimestamp(0, 1, 0, today.get_open_hour(), today.get_open_min(), 0); begintime.setAsTime(); int firstGroup = IWTimestamp.getMinutesBetween(begintime, begin) / today.get_interval(); int groupCount = IWTimestamp.getMinutesBetween(begin, End_) / today.get_interval(); int[] tempBeginGroupAndEnd = new int[2]; tempBeginGroupAndEnd[0] = firstGroup + 1; tempBeginGroupAndEnd[1] = firstGroup + groupCount; tournamentGroups.add(tournamentGroupsIndex++, tempBeginGroupAndEnd); } } for (Iterator iter = tournamentGroups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { int[] beginAndEnd = (int[]); for (int i = (beginAndEnd[0]-firstgr); i <= (beginAndEnd[1]-firstgr); i++) { if(i>=0 && i<=gr){ boolGroups.set(i, new Boolean(false)); } } } return frameGroups; } public int numberOfGroups(String firstTime, String lastTime, int interval) throws Exception { SqlTime mySqlTime = new SqlTime(firstTime); int firsthour = mySqlTime.get_hour(); int firstmin = mySqlTime.get_min(); mySqlTime.set_sqltime(lastTime); int lasthour = mySqlTime.get_hour(); int lastmin = mySqlTime.get_min(); if (!checkTime(firsthour, firstmin, lasthour, lastmin)) throw new Exception("Error1"); int time = (lasthour - firsthour) * 60 + (lastmin - firstmin); return time / interval; } public int numberOfGroups(int firsthour, int firstmin, String lastTime, int interval) { SqlTime mySqlTime = new SqlTime(lastTime); int lasthour = mySqlTime.get_hour(); int lastmin = mySqlTime.get_min(); int time = (lasthour - firsthour) * 60 + (lastmin - firstmin); return time / interval; } public GolfField getFieldInfo(int field, String date) throws SQLException, IOException { StartingtimeFieldConfig FieldConfig = service.getFieldConfig(field, date); GolfField field_info = new GolfField(new IWTimestamp(FieldConfig.getOpenTime()).toSQLTimeString(), new IWTimestamp(FieldConfig.getCloseTime()).toSQLTimeString(), FieldConfig.getMinutesBetweenStart(), field, date, FieldConfig.getDaysShown(), FieldConfig.publicRegistration()); return field_info; } public SubmitButton insertButton(String btnName, String Method, String Action, Form theForm) { SubmitButton mySubmit = (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(btnName)); theForm.getChildren().add(mySubmit); theForm.setMethod(Method); theForm.setAction(Action); return mySubmit; } private SubmitButton insertButton(Image image, String imageName, String Method, String Action, Form theForm) { SubmitButton mySubmit = (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(image, imageName)); theForm.getChildren().add(mySubmit); theForm.setMethod(Method); theForm.setAction(Action); return mySubmit; } public SubmitButton insertButton(String btnName) { SubmitButton mySubmit = (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(btnName)); return mySubmit; } public SubmitButton insertButton(Image myImage, String btnName) { SubmitButton mySubmit = (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(myImage, btnName)); return mySubmit; } public HiddenInput insertHiddenInput(String inpName, String value, Form theForm) { HiddenInput myObject = new HiddenInput(inpName, value); theForm.getChildren().add(myObject); return myObject; } public DropdownMenu getFieldDropdownMenu(IWContext modinfo,boolean showAll) throws IOException, SQLException { DropdownMenu myDropdownMenu = new DropdownMenu("fields"); Field[] field = service.getStartingEntryField(); IWTimestamp opent = new IWTimestamp(1, 1, 1, 7, 59, 59); opent.setAsTime(); IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); now.setAsTime(); boolean userHasPermissionToRegister = true; for (int i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { try { Union union = ((UnionHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Union.class)).findByPrimaryKey(field[i].getUnionID()); StartingtimeFieldConfig conf = service.getFieldConfig(field[i].getID(),IWTimestamp.RightNow()); userHasPermissionToRegister = (conf!=null&&((conf.getNonMemberRegistration()) || (getMember()!=null&&getMember().isMemberInUnion(union) && conf.publicRegistration())&&((union.getPrimaryKey().toString().equals("100")&&now.isLaterThan(opent)) || !union.getPrimaryKey().toString().equals("100")))); if(showAll || userHasPermissionToRegister){ myDropdownMenu.addMenuElement(field[i].getID(), union.getAbbrevation() + " - " + field[i].getName()); } } catch (FinderException fe) { log(fe); } } myDropdownMenu.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdownMenu; } public SelectionBox insertSelectionBox(String SelectionBoxName, IWContext modinfo, int height) throws IOException, SQLException { SelectionBox mySelectionBox = (SelectionBox) getStyledInterface(new SelectionBox(SelectionBoxName)); mySelectionBox.setHeight(height); mySelectionBox.setWidth(String.valueOf(width)); Field[] field = service.getStartingEntryField(); for (int i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { try { Union union = ((UnionHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Union.class)).findByPrimaryKey(field[i].getUnionID()); mySelectionBox.addElement("" + field[i].getID(), union.getAbbrevation() + " - " + field[i].getName()); } catch (FinderException fe) { log(fe); } } mySelectionBox.keepStatusOnAction(); return mySelectionBox; } public DropdownMenu insertClubSelectionBox(String SelectionBoxName, IWContext modinfo, int height) throws IOException, SQLException { DropdownMenu mySelectionBox = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(SelectionBoxName)); mySelectionBox.setMarkupAttribute("size", Integer.toString(height)); Union[] union = service.getStartingEntryUnion(); for (int i = 0; i < union.length; i++) { mySelectionBox.addMenuElement("" + union[i].getID(), union[i].getName()); } if (union.length > 0) mySelectionBox.setSelectedElement(Integer.toString(union[0].getID())); mySelectionBox.keepStatusOnAction(); return mySelectionBox; } public DropdownMenu insertDropdown(String dropdownName, int countFrom, int countTo) { String from = Integer.toString(countFrom); DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); for (; countFrom <= countTo; countFrom++) { myDropdown.addMenuElement(Integer.toString(countFrom), Integer.toString(countFrom)); } myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdown; } public DropdownMenu insertDropdown(String dropdownName, IWTimestamp funcDate, GolfField today, IWContext modinfo) { //String funcyDate = funcDate.getDateStamp(); String funcyDateRS = funcDate.toSQLDateString(); DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); // myDropdown.addMenuElement(funcyDateRS, getNextDays(funcDate, // funcyDateRS, // 0)); for (int i = 0; i < today.get_days_shown(); i++) { myDropdown.addMenuElement(getNextDaysRS(funcDate, funcyDateRS, i), getNextDays(funcDate, funcyDateRS, i)); } myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); myDropdown.setToSubmit(); myDropdown.setSelectedElement(modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("date").toString()); return myDropdown; } public DropdownMenu insertDropdown(String dropdownName, IWTimestamp funcDate, int days_shown, IWContext modinfo) { //String funcyDate = funcDate.getDateStamp(); String funcyDateRS = funcDate.toSQLDateString(); DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); // myDropdown.addMenuElement(funcyDateRS, getNextDays(funcDate, // funcyDateRS, // 0)); for (int i = 0; i < days_shown; i++) { myDropdown.addMenuElement(getNextDaysRS(funcDate, funcyDateRS, i), getNextDays(funcDate, funcyDateRS, i)); } myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); // myDropdown.setToSubmit(); // myDropdown.setSelectedElement(modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("date").toString()); return myDropdown; } public DropdownMenu insertDrowdown(String dropdownName, TableInfo myTableInfo, IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException, IOException { // PrintWriter out = modinfo.getResponse().getWriter(); DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); int end = myTableInfo.get_row_num(); int interval = myTableInfo.get_interval(); int pic_min = myTableInfo.get_first_pic_min(); int pic_hour = myTableInfo.get_first_pic_hour(); int first_group = myTableInfo.get_first_group(); String Time; String TimeVal; int val = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= end; i++) { if (pic_min >= 60) { pic_min -= 60; pic_hour++; } if (pic_min < 10) Time = pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else Time = pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; val = (first_group + i) - 1; TimeVal = Integer.toString(val); myDropdown.addMenuElement(TimeVal, Time); pic_min += interval; } myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdown; } /* * public String getTime( int end, GolfField myGolfField) { int interval = * myGolfField.get_interval(); int openMin = myGolfField.get_open_min(); int * openHour = myGolfField.get_open_hour(); String Time = ""; for(int i = 1; * i <= end; i ++){ if (openMin >= 60){ openMin -= 60; openHour++; } if * (openMin < 10) Time = openHour + ":0" + openMin; else Time = openHour + * ":" + openMin; openMin += interval; } return Time; } */ public DropdownMenu insertDrowdown(String dropdownName, String auto, int bil) { DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); String time; String TimeVal; int pic_hour; for (int i = 0; i <= 23; i++) { pic_hour = i; if (pic_hour != 24) { for (int pic_min = 0; pic_min < 60; pic_min += bil) { if (pic_min < 10 && pic_hour < 10) time = "0" + pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else if (pic_min < 10) time = "" + pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else if (pic_hour < 10) time = "0" + pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; else time = "" + pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; TimeVal = time + ":00"; myDropdown.addMenuElement(TimeVal, time); } } else { myDropdown.addMenuElement("24:00:00", "00:00"); continue; } } //myDropdown.setSelectedElement(auto + ":00"); myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdown; } public DropdownMenu insertDrowdown(String dropdownName, String auto, int bil, boolean ltime) { DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); String time; String TimeVal; boolean first = true; int pic_hour; for (int i = 0; i <= 24; i++) { pic_hour = i; if (pic_hour != 24) { for (int pic_min = 0; pic_min < 60; pic_min += bil) { if (!first) { if (pic_min < 10 && pic_hour < 10) time = "0" + pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else if (pic_min < 10) time = "" + pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else if (pic_hour < 10) time = "0" + pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; else time = "" + pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; TimeVal = time + ":00"; myDropdown.addMenuElement(TimeVal, time); } first = false; } } else { myDropdown.addMenuElement("24:00:00", "00:00"); continue; } } //myDropdown.setSelectedElement(auto + ":00"); myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdown; } public DropdownMenu insertTimeDrowdown(String dropdownName, String auto, int firstHour, int lastHour, int interval) { DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); String time; String TimeVal; // boolean first = true; int pic_hour; if (lastHour != 24) lastHour++; for (int i = firstHour; i <= lastHour; i++) { pic_hour = i; if (pic_hour != 24) { for (int pic_min = 0; pic_min < 60; pic_min += interval) { if (pic_min < 10 && pic_hour < 10) time = "0" + pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else if (pic_min < 10) time = "" + pic_hour + ":0" + pic_min; else if (pic_hour < 10) time = "0" + pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; else time = "" + pic_hour + ":" + pic_min; TimeVal = time + ":00"; myDropdown.addMenuElement(TimeVal, time); if (i == lastHour) break; } } else { myDropdown.addMenuElement("24:00:00", "00:00"); continue; } } //myDropdown.setSelectedElement(auto + ":00"); myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdown; } public DropdownMenu getTimeDropdown(String dropdownName, IWTimestamp firstOpenTime, IWTimestamp lastCloseTime, int interval, IWTimestamp approxSelectedTime) { DropdownMenu myDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu(dropdownName)); SimpleDateFormat valueFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat displayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); boolean selectedElementChosen = false; IWTimestamp current = (IWTimestamp)firstOpenTime.clone(); IWTimestamp next = (IWTimestamp)firstOpenTime.clone(); while(lastCloseTime.isLaterThanOrEquals(next)){ current = next; myDropdown.addMenuElement(valueFormat.format(current.getDate()), displayFormat.format(current.getDate())); if(!selectedElementChosen && current.isLaterThanOrEquals(approxSelectedTime)){ myDropdown.setSelectedElement(valueFormat.format(current.getDate())); selectedElementChosen=true; } next = ((IWTimestamp)current.clone()); next.addMinutes(interval); if(current.isLaterThan(next)){ myDropdown.addMenuElement("24:00:00", "24:00"); if(!selectedElementChosen){ myDropdown.setSelectedElement("24:00:00"); } break; } } myDropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return myDropdown; } public TextInput insertEditBox(String name) { TextInput myInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface(new TextInput(name)); myInput.keepStatusOnAction(); return myInput; } public TextInput insertEditBox(String name, int size) { IntegerInput myInput = (IntegerInput) getStyledInterface(new IntegerInput(name)); myInput.setSize(size); myInput.setValue(1); myInput.keepStatusOnAction(); return myInput; } public String getNextDaysRS(IWTimestamp funcDate, String date, int days) { IWCalendar calendar = new IWCalendar(funcDate); int day, month, year; StringTokenizer Timetoken = new StringTokenizer(date, "-"); year = Integer.parseInt(Timetoken.nextToken()); month = Integer.parseInt(Timetoken.nextToken()); day = Integer.parseInt(Timetoken.nextToken()) + days; if (day > calendar.getLengthOfMonth(month, year)) { day -= (calendar.getLengthOfMonth(month, year)); month++; } if (month > 12) { year++; month -= 12; } String d, m; if (day < 10) d = "0" + day; else d = "" + day; if (month < 10) m = "0" + month; else m = "" + month; return year + "-" + m + "-" + d; } public String getNextDays(IWTimestamp funcDate, String date, int days) { IWCalendar calendar = new IWCalendar(funcDate); int day, month, year; StringTokenizer Timetoken = new StringTokenizer(date, "-"); year = Integer.parseInt(Timetoken.nextToken()); month = Integer.parseInt(Timetoken.nextToken()); day = Integer.parseInt(Timetoken.nextToken()) + days; if (day > calendar.getLengthOfMonth(month, year)) { day -= calendar.getLengthOfMonth(month, year); month++; } if (month > 12) { year++; month -= 12; } String mon = calendar.getMonthName(month); if (day < 10) return day + ".  " + mon.toLowerCase() + " " + year; else return day + ". " + mon.toLowerCase() + " " + year; } public String getFieldName(int field_id) throws SQLException, IOException, FinderException { return service.getFieldName(field_id); } public String getFirstOpentime() throws IOException, SQLException, FinderException { return service.getFirstOpentime(IWTimestamp.RightNow()).toSQLTimeString(); } public int getMaxDaysShown() throws IOException, SQLException, FinderException { return service.getMaxDaysShown(IWTimestamp.RightNow()); } public String getLastClosetime() throws IOException, SQLException, FinderException { return service.getLastClosetime(IWTimestamp.RightNow()).toSQLTimeString(); } public int getFieldUnion(int field_id) throws SQLException, IOException, FinderException { return service.getFieldUnion(field_id); } // /#### Skilar Klukkustundinni �r streng � forminu 'klst:min:sec' // \(08:00:00)\ // ####/// public int getHours(String Hours) { SqlTime mySqlTime = new SqlTime(Hours); return mySqlTime.get_hour(); } // /######## Skilar n�meri � �v� holli sem er s��ast fyrir lokun // #####//////// public int getLastGroup(GolfField myGolfField) { int interval = myGolfField.get_interval(); int Hours = myGolfField.get_close_hour() - myGolfField.get_open_hour(); int Min = myGolfField.get_close_min() - myGolfField.get_open_min(); return (Hours * 60 + Min) / interval; } // /#### Skilar t�ma m.v. v�ll og n�mer � holli ####/// public String TimeVsGroupnum(int group, GolfField myGolfField) { int interval = myGolfField.get_interval(); int openHour = myGolfField.get_open_hour(); int openMin = myGolfField.get_open_min(); int Hour = openHour + ((group - 1) * interval) / 60; int Min = openMin + ((group - 1) * interval) % 60; if (Min >= 60) { Min -= 60; Hour++; } String time; if (Min < 10 && Hour < 10) time = "0" + Hour + ":0" + Min; else if (Min < 10) time = "" + Hour + ":0" + Min; else if (Hour < 10) time = "0" + Hour + ":" + Min; else time = "" + Hour + ":" + Min; return time; } public boolean numericString(String myString) { boolean isTrue = true; for (int i = 0; i < myString.length(); i++) { if (!(myString.charAt(i) == '0' || myString.charAt(i) == '1' || myString.charAt(i) == '2' || myString.charAt(i) == '3' || myString.charAt(i) == '4' || myString.charAt(i) == '5' || myString.charAt(i) == '6' || myString.charAt(i) == '7' || myString.charAt(i) == '8' || myString.charAt(i) == '9')) isTrue = false; } return isTrue; } public ICPage getTeeTimesPage() { return _teeTimesPage; } public void setTeeTimesPage(ICPage p) { _teeTimesPage = p; } public ICPage getTeeTimeTablePage() { return _teeTimeTablePage; } public void setTeeTimeTablePage(ICPage p) { _teeTimeTablePage = p; } public void setNumberOfResultColumns(int n) { if(n>0) { _numberOfResultColumns = n; } } /** * @param width The width to set. */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } /** * @return Returns the lockedAsWapLayout. */ public boolean isLockedAsWapLayout() { return lockedAsWapLayout; } /** * @param lockedAsWapLayout The lockedAsWapLayout to set. */ public void setLockedAsWapLayout(boolean lockedAsWapLayout) { this.lockedAsWapLayout = lockedAsWapLayout; } /** * @param backPage The backPage to set. */ public void setBackPageForWMLMode(ICPage backPage) { this.backPage = backPage; } /** * @param wmlRegisterPage The wmlRegisterPage to set. */ public void setWmlRegisterPage(ICPage wmlRegisterPage) { this.wmlRegisterPage = wmlRegisterPage; } }