package com.idega.block.staff.presentation; /** * Title: Old version of StaffBrowser using the old legacy system. * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved * Company: idega *@author <a href="">��rhallur "Laddi" Helgason</a> * @version 1.2 */ import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.block.presentation.Builderaware; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import; import; import com.idega.util.GenericGroupComparator; import com.idega.util.GenericUserComparator; import com.idega.util.text.StyleConstants; import com.idega.util.text.TextStyler; public class StaffBrowser extends Block implements Builderaware { private String _emailAlignment; private boolean _isAdmin = false; private int _userID = -1; private int _localeID; public static final int ALL_STAFF = 1; public static final int DIVISION_STAFF = 2; public static final int USER = 3; private int _layout = ALL_STAFF; private boolean _addAlphabet = false; private boolean _hasAlphabetLetter; private String _alphabetLetter; private String _selectedLetterColor; private String _zebraColor1, _zebraColor2; private int row = -1; private String _name; private String _alphabetName; private boolean _styles = true; private boolean _showAge; //private boolean _showGender; private boolean _showEducation; private boolean _showTitle; private boolean _showListTitle; private boolean _showBeganWork; private boolean _showArea; private boolean _showImage; private boolean _showMetaData; private boolean _showWorkPhone; private boolean _showListWorkPhone; private boolean _showMobilePhone; private boolean _showEmail; private boolean _allowUserEdit= false; private boolean _showPictureInList = false; private String _imageWidth; private String _imageHeight; private String _nameWidth; private String _attributesWidth; private String _width; private String _linkStyle; private String _hoverStyle; private String _alphabetLinkStyle; private String _alphabetHoverStyle; private String _textStyle; private String _headlineStyle; private String _divisionStyle; private ICPage _page; private ICPage _backPage; private IWBundle _iwb; private IWResourceBundle _iwrb; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.staff"; private Table _myTable; private String _emailWidth; private String _workPhoneWidth; private String _titleWidth; private boolean _showDetails = true; private Group _group; private int _sortNamesBy = GenericUserComparator.FIRSTLASTMIDDLE; private boolean _showDivisionHeader = true; private String extraAlignment = Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER; private boolean _sortAlphabetically = true; private boolean _sortGroupsAlphabetically = true; private boolean _showNavigationLinks = true; public StaffBrowser() { setDefaultValues(); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this._iwb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); this._iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this._isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); this._localeID = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); this.row = 1; this._myTable = new Table(); this._myTable.setWidth(this._width); if (this._isAdmin) { this._myTable.add(getAdminButtons(), 1, this.row); this.row++; } handleParameters(iwc); getStaff(iwc); add(this._myTable); } private void getStaff(IWContext iwc) { setStyles(); if (this._addAlphabet && this._layout == ALL_STAFF) { this._myTable.add(getAlphabetTable(), 1, this.row); this.row++; } switch (this._layout) { case ALL_STAFF : getAllStaff(iwc); break; case DIVISION_STAFF : getDivisionStaff(iwc); break; case USER : getUser(iwc); break; } } private void getAllStaff(IWContext iwc) { List users = null; if (this._hasAlphabetLetter) { users = StaffFinder.getAllUsersByLetter(iwc, this._alphabetLetter); } else { users = StaffFinder.getAllUsers(iwc); } getStaffTable(iwc, users); } private void getStaffTable(IWContext iwc, List users) { Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(3); int staffRow = 1; Link userLink = null; Text userName = null; Link emailLink = null; Text titleText = null; Text phoneText = null; StaffHolder holder = null; Image image = null; int column = 1; int emailColumn = -1; if (users != null) { if (this._sortAlphabetically) { Collections.sort(users, new GenericUserComparator(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), this._sortNamesBy)); } Iterator iter = users.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { column = 1; holder = StaffFinder.getStaffHolder((User), this._localeID); userLink = getStaffLink(holder.getName(), holder.getUserID()); userName = getStaffText(holder.getName()); emailLink = getEmailLink(holder.getEmail()); if (holder.getTitle() != null) { titleText = new Text(holder.getTitle()); } else { titleText = new Text(""); } titleText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (holder.getWorkPhone() != null) { phoneText = new Text(holder.getWorkPhone()); } else { phoneText = new Text(""); } phoneText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if(!this._showPictureInList){ if (isShowDetails()) { table.add(userLink, column++, staffRow); } else { table.add(userName, column++, staffRow); } if (this._showListTitle) { if (this._titleWidth != null) { table.setWidth(column, this._titleWidth); } table.add(titleText, column++, staffRow); } if (this._showListWorkPhone) { if (this._workPhoneWidth != null) { table.setWidth(column, this._workPhoneWidth); } table.add(phoneText, column++, staffRow); } if (emailLink != null) { if (this._emailWidth != null) { table.setWidth(column, this._emailWidth); } if (this._emailAlignment != null) { emailColumn = column; table.setAlignment(column, staffRow, this._emailAlignment); } table.add(emailLink, column++, staffRow); } } else{ column = 2; int imageStartRow = staffRow; if (holder.getImageID() != -1) { try { image = new Image(holder.getImageID()); if (this._imageWidth != null) { image.setWidth(this._imageWidth); } if (this._imageHeight != null) { image.setHeight(this._imageHeight); } image.setBorder(1); image.setVerticalSpacing(3); image.setHorizontalSpacing(10); } catch (Exception e) { image = null; } if (image != null) { table.add(image, 1, staffRow); } } staffRow++; if (isShowDetails()) { table.add(userLink, column, ++staffRow); } else { table.add(userName, column, ++staffRow); } if (this._showListTitle) { table.add(titleText, column, ++staffRow); } if (this._showListWorkPhone) { table.add(phoneText, column, ++staffRow); } if (emailLink != null) { table.add(emailLink, column, ++staffRow); } table.mergeCells(1,imageStartRow,1,staffRow); column++; } if (this._isAdmin || (this._allowUserEdit && iwc.getUserId() == holder.getUserID())) { table.setAlignment(column, staffRow, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); table.add(getEditLink(holder.getUserID()), column, staffRow); if(this._isAdmin) { table.add(getDeleteLink(holder.getUserID()), column, staffRow); } } staffRow++; } } if (this._zebraColor1 != null && this._zebraColor2 != null) { table.setHorizontalZebraColored(this._zebraColor1, this._zebraColor2); } int centeredColumn = 2; if (this._showListTitle) { centeredColumn = 3; } for (int a = centeredColumn; a <= table.getColumns(); a++) { if (a != emailColumn) { table.setColumnAlignment(a, this.extraAlignment); } } if (this._nameWidth != null) { table.setWidth(1, this._nameWidth); } this._myTable.add(table, 1, this.row); } private void getDivisionStaff(IWContext iwc) { List groups = StaffFinder.getAllGroups(iwc); if (this._sortGroupsAlphabetically) { Collections.sort(groups, new GenericGroupComparator(iwc)); } boolean showDivision = true; Text divisionText = null; if (groups != null) { Iterator iterator = groups.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { GenericGroup group = (GenericGroup); if (this._group != null) { showDivision = false; if (((Integer)this._group.getPrimaryKey()).intValue() == ((Integer)group.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()) { showDivision = true; } } if (showDivision) { List users = StaffFinder.getUsersInPrimaryGroup(group); if (users != null && users.size() > 0) { if (this._showDivisionHeader) { divisionText = new Text(group.getName()); divisionText.setFontStyle(this._divisionStyle); this._myTable.add(divisionText, 1, this.row); this.row++; } getStaffTable(iwc, users); this.row++; this._myTable.setHeight(1, this.row, "6"); this.row++; } } } } } private void getUser(IWContext iwc) { StaffHolder holder = StaffFinder.getStaffHolder(this._userID, iwc); Table userTable = new Table(); userTable.setWidth("100%"); userTable.setCellpadding(0); userTable.setCellspacing(0); Table textTable = new Table(); textTable.setWidth("100%"); //textTable.setWidth(1,"110"); int tableRow = 1; int column = 1; Image image = null; if (holder != null && holder.getImageID() != -1) { try { image = new Image(holder.getImageID()); if (this._imageWidth != null) { image.setWidth(this._imageWidth); } if (this._imageHeight != null) { image.setHeight(this._imageHeight); } image.setBorder(1); image.setVerticalSpacing(3); image.setHorizontalSpacing(10); } catch (Exception e) { image = null; } if (image != null) { userTable.add(image, 1, 1); } } int userid = -1000; if (holder != null) { userid = holder.getUserID(); Text name = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_name", "Name") + ":"); name.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text nameText = new Text(holder.getName()); nameText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); textTable.add(name, column, tableRow); textTable.add(nameText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; int userAge = holder.getAge(); Text age = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_age", "Age") + ":"); age.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text ageText = new Text(Integer.toString(userAge)); ageText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showAge && userAge > 0) { textTable.add(age, column, tableRow); textTable.add(ageText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } /*Text gender = new Text(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_gender","Gender")+":"); gender.setFontStyle(_headlineStyle); Text genderText = new Text(""); genderText.setFontStyle(_textStyle); if ( _showGender ) { textTable.add(gender,column,tableRow); textTable.add(genderText,column+1,tableRow); tableRow++; }*/ Text title = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_title", "Title") + ":"); title.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text titleText = new Text(""); if (holder.getTitle() != null) { titleText.setText(holder.getTitle()); } titleText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showTitle && holder.getTitle() != null) { textTable.add(title, column, tableRow); textTable.add(titleText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } Text workPhone = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("work_phone", "Work phone") + ":"); workPhone.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text workPhoneText = new Text(""); if (holder.getWorkPhone() != null) { workPhoneText.setText(holder.getWorkPhone()); } workPhoneText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showWorkPhone && holder.getWorkPhone() != null) { textTable.add(workPhone, column, tableRow); textTable.add(workPhoneText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } Text mobilePhone = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("Mobile_phone", "Mobile phone") + ":"); mobilePhone.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text mobilePhoneText = new Text(""); if (holder.getMobilePhone() != null) { mobilePhoneText.setText(holder.getMobilePhone()); } mobilePhoneText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showMobilePhone && holder.getMobilePhone() != null) { textTable.add(mobilePhone, column, tableRow); textTable.add(mobilePhoneText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } Text mail = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("email", "E-mail") + ":"); mail.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text mailText = new Text(""); if (holder.getEmail() != null) { mailText.setText(holder.getEmail()); } mailText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); Link mailLink = new Link(mailText); if (holder.getEmail() != null) { mailLink.setURL("mailto:" + holder.getEmail()); } if (this._showEmail && holder.getEmail() != null) { textTable.add(mail, column, tableRow); textTable.add(mailLink, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } Text area = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_area", "Area") + ":"); area.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text areaText = new Text(""); if (holder.getArea() != null) { areaText.setText(holder.getArea()); } areaText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showArea && holder.getArea() != null) { textTable.add(area, column, tableRow); textTable.add(areaText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } Text beganWork = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_began_work", "Began work") + ":"); beganWork.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text beganWorkText = new Text(""); if (holder.getBeganWork() != null) { beganWorkText.setText(holder.getBeganWork().getLocaleDate(iwc)); } beganWorkText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showBeganWork && holder.getBeganWork() != null) { textTable.add(beganWork, column, tableRow); textTable.add(beganWorkText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } Text education = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_education", "Education") + ":"); education.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text educationText = new Text(""); if (holder.getEducation() != null) { educationText.setText(holder.getEducation()); } educationText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); if (this._showEducation && holder.getEducation() != null) { textTable.add(education, column, tableRow); textTable.add(educationText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } if (holder.getMetaAttributes() != null && this._showMetaData) { String[] attributes = holder.getMetaAttributes(); String[] values = holder.getMetaValues(); for (int a = 0; a < attributes.length; a++) { Text meta = new Text(attributes[a] + ":"); meta.setFontStyle(this._headlineStyle); Text metaText = new Text(values[a]); metaText.setFontStyle(this._textStyle); textTable.add(meta, column, tableRow); textTable.add(metaText, column + 1, tableRow); tableRow++; } } } int index = -1; List users = StaffFinder.getAllUsers(iwc); if (users != null) { GenericUserComparator comparator = new GenericUserComparator(GenericUserComparator.NAME); Collections.sort(users, comparator); index = users.indexOf(StaffFinder.getUser(this._userID)); } Table linkTable = new Table(3, 1); linkTable.setWidth(1, "33%"); linkTable.setWidth(2, "33%"); linkTable.setWidth(3, "33%"); linkTable.setWidth("100%"); linkTable.setAlignment(2, 1, "center"); Link nextLink = getNextUserLink(users, index); Link previousLink = getPreviousUserLink(users, index); Link backLink = new Link("< " + this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("back", "Back") + " >"); if (this._backPage != null) { backLink.setPage(this._backPage); } backLink.setStyle(this._name); if (previousLink != null && this._showNavigationLinks) { linkTable.add(previousLink, 1, 1); } linkTable.add(backLink, 2, 1); if (nextLink != null && this._showNavigationLinks) { linkTable.add(nextLink, 3, 1); linkTable.setAlignment(3, 1, "right"); } if (image != null) { userTable.add(textTable, 2, 1); userTable.setWidth(2, "100%"); userTable.mergeCells(1, 5, 2, 5); userTable.add(linkTable, 1, 5); } else { userTable.add(textTable, 1, 1); userTable.add(linkTable, 1, 5); } textTable.setWidth(1, "100"); if (this._attributesWidth != null) { textTable.setWidth(1, this._attributesWidth); } textTable.setColumnVerticalAlignment(1, "top"); textTable.setColumnVerticalAlignment(2, "top"); userTable.setColumnVerticalAlignment(1, "top"); userTable.setColumnVerticalAlignment(2, "top"); this._myTable.add(userTable, 1, this.row); if (this._isAdmin || (this._allowUserEdit && iwc.getUserId()==userid)) { this._myTable.add(getEditLink(this._userID), 1, this.row + 1); } } private Link getNextUserLink(List users, int index) { Link link = new Link(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("next_user", "Next") + " >>"); link.setStyle(this._name); if (users.size() > index + 1) { link.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID, ((User) users.get(index + 1)).getID()); } else { link = null; } return link; } private Link getPreviousUserLink(List users, int index) { Link link = new Link("<< " + this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("previous_user", "Prev")); link.setStyle(this._name); if (index > 0) { link.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID, ((User) users.get(index - 1)).getID()); } else { link = null; } return link; } private Text getStaffText(String name) { Text text = new Text(name); if (this._textStyle != null) { text.setStyleAttribute(this._textStyle); } return text; } private Link getStaffLink(String name, int userID) { Link link = new Link(name); if (this._styles) { link.setStyle(this._name); } link.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID, userID); if (this._page != null) { link.setPage(this._page); } return link; } private Link getEmailLink(String email) { Link link = null; if (email != null) { link = new Link(email); if (this._styles) { link.setStyle(this._name); } link.setURL("mailto:" + email); } return link; } private Link getEditLink(int userID) { Image adminImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/edit.gif"); Link adminLink = new Link(adminImage); adminLink.setWindowToOpen(StaffEditor.class); adminLink.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID, userID); return adminLink; } private Link getDeleteLink(int userID) { Image adminImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/delete.gif"); Link adminLink = new Link(adminImage); adminLink.setWindowToOpen(StaffEditor.class); adminLink.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID, userID); adminLink.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_MODE, StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_DELETE); return adminLink; } private Table getAlphabetTable() { String[] alphabet = { "A", "�", "B", "C", "D", "E", "�", "F", "G", "H", "I", "�", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "�", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "�", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "�", "Z", "�", "�", "�", this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("all", "Allir")}; Table table = new Table(); int column = 1; Link link = null; Text divider = new Text(" - "); divider.setFontStyle(this._alphabetLinkStyle); for (int a = 0; a < alphabet.length; a++) { if (this._alphabetLetter != null && this._alphabetLetter.equalsIgnoreCase(alphabet[a])) { Text text = new Text(alphabet[a]); if (this._styles) { TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(this._alphabetLinkStyle); styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this._selectedLetterColor); styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FONT_WEIGHT, StyleConstants.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD); text.setFontStyle(styler.getStyleString()); } table.add(text, column, 1); } else { link = new Link(alphabet[a]); if (this._styles) { link.setStyle(this._alphabetName); } link.addParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_LETTER, alphabet[a]); table.add(link, column, 1); } column++; } return table; } private Link getAdminButtons() { Image adminImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/edit.gif"); Link adminLink = new Link(adminImage); adminLink.setWindowToOpen(UserApplication.class); return adminLink; } private void handleParameters(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.getParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_LETTER) != null) { this._alphabetLetter = iwc.getParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_LETTER); this._hasAlphabetLetter = true; if (this._alphabetLetter != null && this._alphabetLetter.equalsIgnoreCase(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("all", "Allir"))) { this._hasAlphabetLetter = false; } } else { this._alphabetLetter = this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("all", "Allir"); this._hasAlphabetLetter = false; } if (iwc.getParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID) != null) { try { this._userID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID)); this._layout = USER; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._userID = -1; this._layout = ALL_STAFF; } } } private void setStyles() { if (this._name == null) { this._name = this.getName(); } if (this._name == null) { if (getICObjectInstanceID() != -1) { this._name = "staff_" + Integer.toString(getICObjectInstanceID()); } else { this._name = "staff_" + Double.toString(Math.random()); } } this._alphabetName = "alpha_" + this._name; if (getParentPage() != null) { getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name, this._linkStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name + ":hover", this._hoverStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._alphabetName, this._alphabetLinkStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._alphabetName + ":hover", this._alphabetHoverStyle); } else { this._styles = false; } } private void setDefaultValues() { this._width = "100%"; this._selectedLetterColor = "#0000CC"; this._linkStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 8pt;color: #000000;text-decoration: none;"; this._hoverStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 8pt;color: #000000;text-decoration: underline;"; this._alphabetLinkStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 8pt;color: #000000;text-decoration: none;"; this._alphabetHoverStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 8pt;color: #000000;text-decoration: underline;"; this._textStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 8pt;color: #000000;"; this._headlineStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-size: 10pt;color: #000000;"; this._divisionStyle = "font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-size: 10pt;color: #000000;"; this._showAge = true; //_showGender = true; this._showEducation = true; this._showTitle = true; this._showBeganWork = true; this._showArea = true; this._showImage = true; this._showMetaData = true; this._showListTitle = false; this._showWorkPhone = true; this._showListWorkPhone = false; this._showMobilePhone = true; this._showEmail = true; } public void setShowAlphabet(boolean showAlphabet) { this._addAlphabet = showAlphabet; } public void setShowAge(boolean showAge) { this._showAge = showAge; } public void setShowWorkPhone(boolean showWorkPhone) { this._showWorkPhone = showWorkPhone; } public void setShowListWorkPhone(boolean showWorkPhone) { this._showListWorkPhone = showWorkPhone; } public void setShowMobilePhone(boolean showMobilePhone) { this._showMobilePhone = showMobilePhone; } /*public void setShowGender(boolean showGender) { _showGender = showGender; }*/ public void setShowEducation(boolean showEducation) { this._showEducation = showEducation; } public void setShowTitle(boolean showTitle) { this._showTitle = showTitle; } public void setShowListTitle(boolean showTitle) { this._showListTitle = showTitle; } public void setShowBeganWork(boolean showBeganWork) { this._showBeganWork = showBeganWork; } public void setShowArea(boolean showArea) { this._showArea = showArea; } public void setShowImage(boolean showImage) { this._showImage = showImage; } public void setShowExtraInfo(boolean showExtraInfo) { this._showMetaData = showExtraInfo; } public void setShowEmail(boolean showEmail) { this._showEmail = showEmail; } public void setImageWidth(String width) { this._imageWidth = width; } public void setImageHeight(String height) { this._imageHeight = height; } public void setNameWidth(String width) { this._nameWidth = width; } public void setAttributesWidth(String width) { this._attributesWidth = width; } public void setTextStyle(String style) { this._textStyle = style; } public void setHeadlineStyle(String style) { this._headlineStyle = style; } public void setDivisionStyle(String style) { this._divisionStyle = style; } public void setLinkStyle(String style, String style2, String style3, String style4) { this._linkStyle = style; this._hoverStyle = style4; } public void setLinkStyle(String style, String hoverStyle) { this._linkStyle = style; this._hoverStyle = hoverStyle; } public void setAlphabetLinkStyle(String style, String style2, String style3, String style4) { this._alphabetLinkStyle = style; this._alphabetHoverStyle = style4; } public void setAlphabetLinkStyle(String style, String hoverStyle) { this._alphabetLinkStyle = style; this._alphabetHoverStyle = hoverStyle; } public void setWidth(String width) { this._width = width; } public void setSelectedLetterColor(String color) { this._selectedLetterColor = color; } public void setStaffPage(ICPage page) { this._page = page; } public void setBackPage(ICPage page) { this._backPage = page; } public void setZebraColors(String color1, String color2) { this._zebraColor1 = color1; this._zebraColor2 = color2; } public void setLayout(int layout) { this._layout = layout; } public boolean deleteBlock(int ICObjectInstanceId) { return true; } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public Object clone() { StaffBrowser obj = null; try { obj = (StaffBrowser) super.clone(); if (this._myTable != null) { obj._myTable = (Table) this._myTable.clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } protected String getCacheState(IWContext iwc, String cacheStatePrefix) { String returnString = iwc.getParameter(StaffBusiness.PARAMETER_USER_ID); if (returnString == null) { returnString = ""; } return cacheStatePrefix + returnString; } /** * Sets the _emailWidth. * @param _emailWidth The _emailWidth to set */ public void setEmailWidth(String emailWidth) { this._emailWidth = emailWidth; } /** * Sets the _titleWidth. * @param _titleWidth The _titleWidth to set */ public void setTitleWidth(String titleWidth) { this._titleWidth = titleWidth; } /** * Sets the _workPhoneWidth. * @param _workPhoneWidth The _workPhoneWidth to set */ public void setWorkPhoneWidth(String workPhoneWidth) { this._workPhoneWidth = workPhoneWidth; } /** * Returns the showDetails. * @return boolean */ public boolean isShowDetails() { return this._showDetails; } /** * Sets the showDetails. * @param showDetails The showDetails to set */ public void setShowDetails(boolean showDetails) { this._showDetails = showDetails; } public void setGroup(Group group) { this._group = group; } public void setShowDivisionHeader(boolean showHeader) { this._showDivisionHeader = showHeader; } public void setExtraColumnsAlignment(String alignment) { this.extraAlignment = alignment; } /** * Sets the _sortAlphabetically. * @param sortAlphabetically The _sortAlphabetically to set */ public void setSortAlphabetically(boolean sortAlphabetically) { this._sortAlphabetically = sortAlphabetically; } /** * Sets the _sortGroupsAlphabetically. * @param sortGroupsAlphabetically The _sortGroupsAlphabetically to set */ public void setSortGroupsAlphabetically(boolean sortGroupsAlphabetically) { this._sortGroupsAlphabetically = sortGroupsAlphabetically; } /** * @param string */ public void setEmailAlignment(String string) { this._emailAlignment = string; } /** * @param navigationLinks */ public void setShowNavigationLinks(boolean navigationLinks) { this._showNavigationLinks = navigationLinks; } /** * @param sortNamesBy The sortNamesBy to set. */ public void setSortNamesBy(int sortNamesBy) { this._sortNamesBy = sortNamesBy; } /** * @param userEdit The _allowUserEdit to set. */ public void setAllowUserEdit(boolean userEdit) { this._allowUserEdit = userEdit; } public void setShowPictureInList(boolean picture){ this._showPictureInList = picture; } }