package; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.ldapserver.server.syntax.DirectoryString; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming.DN; import com.idega.core.ldap.util.IWLDAPConstants; import com.idega.core.ldap.util.IWLDAPUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.datastructures.NestedSetsContainer; /** * <p>Title: GroupBusinessBean</p> * <p>Description: A collection of methods to create, remove, lookup and manipulate a Group.</p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a>,<a href="">Eirikur S. Hrafnsson</a> * @version 1.2 */ public class GroupBusinessBean extends implements GroupBusiness,IWLDAPConstants { private GroupRelationHome groupRelationHome; private UserHome userHome; private GroupHome groupHome; private UserGroupRepresentativeHome userRepHome; private GroupHome permGroupHome; private AddressHome addressHome; private EmailHome emailHome; private PhoneHome phoneHome; private ICFileHome fileHome; private String[] userRepresentativeType; private static final String GROUP_HOME_FOLDER_LOCALIZATION_PREFIX = "ic_group.home_folder."; private NestedSetsContainer groupTreeSnapShot = null; public GroupBusinessBean() { } public UserHome getUserHome(){ if(this.userHome==null){ try{ this.userHome = (UserHome)IDOLookup.getHome(User.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.userHome; } public UserGroupRepresentativeHome getUserGroupRepresentativeHome(){ if(this.userRepHome==null){ try{ this.userRepHome = (UserGroupRepresentativeHome)IDOLookup.getHome(UserGroupRepresentative.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.userRepHome; } public GroupHome getGroupHome(){ if(this.groupHome==null){ try{ this.groupHome = (GroupHome)IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.groupHome; } public GroupHome getPermissionGroupHome(){ if(this.permGroupHome==null){ try{ this.permGroupHome = (GroupHome)IDOLookup.getHome(PermissionGroup.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.permGroupHome; } /** * Get all groups in the system that are not UserRepresentative groups * @return Collection With all grops in the system that are not UserRepresentative groups */ public Collection getAllGroups() { try { return getGroups(getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(),false); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns all groups that are not permission or general groups */ public Collection getAllNonPermissionOrGeneralGroups(){ try { //filter String[] groupsNotToReturn = new String[2]; groupsNotToReturn[0] = this.getGroupHome().getGroupType(); //groupsNotToReturn[0] = ((Group); groupsNotToReturn[1] = this.getPermissionGroupHome().getGroupType(); //groupsNotToReturn[0] = ((PermissionGroup); //filter end return getGroups(groupsNotToReturn,true); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns all groups filtered by the grouptypes array. * @param groupTypes the Groups a String array of group types to be filtered with * @param returnSpecifiedGroupTypes if true it returns the Collection with all the groups that are of the types specified in groupTypes[], else it returns the opposite (all the groups that are not of any of the types specified by groupTypes[]) * @return Collection of Groups * @throws Exception If an error occured */ public Collection getGroups(String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) throws Exception { Collection result = getGroupHome().findAllGroups(groupTypes,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); if(result != null){ //TODO move from business level to data level by using 'NOT IN (_list_of_standard_group_ids_)' result.removeAll(getAccessController().getStandardGroups()); } return result; } /** * Returns all the groups that are a direct parent of the group with id uGroupId * @return Collection of direct parent groups */ public Collection getParentGroups(int uGroupId)throws EJBException,FinderException{ //public Collection getGroupsContainingDirectlyRelated(int uGroupId){ try { Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(uGroupId); return getParentGroups(group); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns all the groups that are a direct parent of the group group * @return Collection of direct parent groups */ public Collection getParentGroups(Group group){ //public Collection getGroupsContainingDirectlyRelated(Group group){ try { return group.getParentGroups(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Optimized version of getParentGroups(Group group) by Gummi 25.08.2004 * Database access is minimized by passing a Map of cached groupParents and Map of cached groups to the method */ public Collection getParentGroups(Group group,Map cachedParents, Map cachedGroups){ //public Collection getGroupsContainingDirectlyRelated(Group group){ try { return group.getParentGroups(cachedParents,cachedGroups); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns all the groups that are not a direct parent of the Group with id uGroupId. That is both groups that are indirect parents of the group or not at all parents of the group. * @see * @return Collection of non direct parent groups */ public Collection getNonParentGroups(int uGroupId){ // public Collection getAllGroupsNotDirectlyRelated(int uGroupId){ try { Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(uGroupId); Collection isDirectlyRelated = getParentGroups(group); Collection AllGroups = getAllGroups();// Filters out userrepresentative groups // EntityFinder.findAll(; if(AllGroups != null){ if(isDirectlyRelated != null){ AllGroups.remove(isDirectlyRelated); } AllGroups.remove(group); return AllGroups; }else{ return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns all the groups that are not a direct parent of the group with id uGroupId which are "Registered" i.e. non system groups such as not of the type user-representative and permission * @param uGroupId the ID of the group * @return Collection */ public Collection getNonParentGroupsNonPermissionNonGeneral(int uGroupId){ //public Collection getRegisteredGroupsNotDirectlyRelated(int uGroupId){ try { Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(uGroupId); Collection isDirectlyRelated = getParentGroups(group); Collection AllGroups = getAllNonPermissionOrGeneralGroups();// Filters out userrepresentative/permission groups // EntityFinder.findAll(; if(AllGroups != null){ if(isDirectlyRelated != null){ AllGroups.remove(isDirectlyRelated); } AllGroups.remove(group); return AllGroups; }else{ return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets all the groups that are indirect parents of the group by id uGroupId recursively up the group tree. * @param uGroupId * @return Collection of indirect parent (grandparents etc.) Groups */ public Collection getParentGroupsInDirect(int uGroupId){ // public Collection getGroupsContainingNotDirectlyRelated(int uGroupId){ try { Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(uGroupId); Collection isDirectlyRelated = getParentGroups(group); Collection AllGroups = getParentGroupsRecursive(uGroupId); // EntityFinder.findAll(; if(AllGroups != null){ if(isDirectlyRelated != null){ Iterator iter = isDirectlyRelated.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item =; AllGroups.remove(item); //while(AllGroups.remove(item)){} } } AllGroups.remove(group); return AllGroups; }else{ return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns recursively up the group tree parents of group aGroup * @param uGroupId an id of the Group to be found parents recursively for. * @return Collection of Groups found recursively up the tree * @throws EJBException If an error occured */ public Collection getParentGroupsRecursive(int uGroupId)throws EJBException{ //public Collection getGroupsContaining(int uGroupId)throws EJBException{ try { Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(uGroupId); return getParentGroupsRecursive(group); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IBORuntimeException(ex); } } /** * Returns recursively up the group tree parents of group aGroup * @param aGroup The Group to be found parents recursively for. * @return Collection of Groups found recursively up the tree * @throws EJBException If an error occured */ public Collection getParentGroupsRecursive(Group aGroup) throws EJBException { return getParentGroupsRecursive(aGroup, null, null); } /** * Optimized version of getParentGroupsRecursive(Group) by Sigtryggur 22.06.2004 * Database access is minimized by passing a Map of cached groupParents and Map of cached groups to the method */ public Collection getParentGroupsRecursive(Group aGroup, Map cachedParents, Map cachedGroups ) throws EJBException { return getParentGroupsRecursive(aGroup,getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(),false, cachedParents, cachedGroups); } public String[] getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(){ if(this.userRepresentativeType == null){ this.userRepresentativeType = new String[1]; this.userRepresentativeType[0] = this.getUserGroupRepresentativeHome().getGroupType(); } return this.userRepresentativeType; } /** * Returns recursively up the group tree parents of group aGroup with filtered out with specified groupTypes * @param aGroup a Group to find parents for * @param groupTypes the Groups a String array of group types to be filtered with * @param returnSpecifiedGroupTypes if true it returns the Collection with all the groups that are of the types specified in groupTypes[], else it returns the opposite (all the groups that are not of any of the types specified by groupTypes[]) * @return Collection of Groups found recursively up the tree * @throws EJBException If an error occured */ public Collection getParentGroupsRecursive(Group aGroup, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) throws EJBException{ return getParentGroupsRecursive(aGroup, groupTypes, returnSpecifiedGroupTypes, null, null); } private Collection getParentGroupsRecursive(Group aGroup, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes, Map cachedParents, Map cachedGroups) throws EJBException{ if(useStoredProsedureGettingParentGroupsRecursive()){ return getParentGroupsRecursiveUsingStoredProcedure(aGroup,groupTypes,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); } else { return getParentGroupsRecursiveNotUsingStoredProcedure(aGroup,groupTypes,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes,cachedParents,cachedGroups); } } /** * Optimized version of getParentGroupsRecursive(Group,String[],boolean) by Sigtryggur 22.06.2004 * Database access is minimized by passing a Map of cached groupParents and Map of cached groups to the method */ private Collection getParentGroupsRecursiveNotUsingStoredProcedure(Group aGroup, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes, Map cachedParents, Map cachedGroups) throws EJBException{ //public Collection getGroupsContaining(Group groupContained, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSepcifiedGroupTypes) throws EJBException,RemoteException{ Collection groups = aGroup.getParentGroups(cachedParents, cachedGroups); if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0){ Map GroupsContained = new LinkedHashMap(); String key = ""; Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if(item!=null){ key = item.getPrimaryKey().toString(); if(!GroupsContained.containsKey(key)){ GroupsContained.put(key,item); putGroupsContaining( item, GroupsContained,groupTypes, returnSpecifiedGroupTypes, cachedParents, cachedGroups ); } } } List specifiedGroups = new ArrayList(); List notSpecifiedGroups = new ArrayList(); int j = 0; int k = 0; Iterator iter2 = GroupsContained.values().iterator(); if(groupTypes != null && groupTypes.length > 0){ boolean specified = false; while (iter2.hasNext()) { Group tempObj = (Group); for (int i = 0; i < groupTypes.length; i++) { if (tempObj.getGroupType().equals(groupTypes[i])){ specifiedGroups.add(j++, tempObj); specified = true; } } if(!specified){ notSpecifiedGroups.add(k++, tempObj); }else{ specified = false; } } notSpecifiedGroups.remove(aGroup); specifiedGroups.remove(aGroup); } else { while (iter2.hasNext()) { Group tempObj = (Group); notSpecifiedGroups.add(j++, tempObj); } notSpecifiedGroups.remove(aGroup); returnSpecifiedGroupTypes = false; } return (returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) ? specifiedGroups : notSpecifiedGroups; /////REMOVE AFTER IMPLEMENTING PUTGROUPSCONTAINED BETTER }else{ return null; } } private void putGroupsContaining(Group group, Map GroupsContained , String[] groupTypes, boolean returnGroupTypes ) { putGroupsContaining(group, GroupsContained, groupTypes, returnGroupTypes, null, null); } /** * Optimized version of putGroupsContaining(Group, Map, String[], boolean) by Sigtryggur 22.06.2004 * Database access is minimized by passing a Map of cached groupParents and Map of cached groups to the method */ private void putGroupsContaining(Group group, Map GroupsContained , String[] groupTypes, boolean returnGroupTypes, Map cachedParents, Map cachedGroups ) { Collection pGroups = null; if (cachedParents == null) { pGroups = group.getParentGroups();//TODO EIKI FINISH THIS groupTypes,returnGroupTypes); } else { pGroups = group.getParentGroups(cachedParents, cachedGroups); } if (pGroups != null ){ String key = ""; Iterator iter = pGroups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if(item!=null){ key = item.getPrimaryKey().toString(); if(!GroupsContained.containsKey(key)){ GroupsContained.put(key,item); putGroupsContaining(item, GroupsContained,groupTypes,returnGroupTypes, cachedParents, cachedGroups); } } } } } public Collection getUsers(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getUsers(group); } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } public Collection getUsersDirectlyRelated(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getUsersDirectlyRelated(group); } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } public Collection getUsersNotDirectlyRelated(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getUsersNotDirectlyRelated(group); } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Returns recursively down the group tree children of group with id groupId * @param groupId an id of a Group to find parents for * @return Collection of Groups found recursively down the tree * @throws EJBException If an error occured */ public Collection getChildGroupsRecursive(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ //public Collection getGroupsContained(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException,RemoteException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getChildGroupsRecursive(group); } catch(IOException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Returns recursively down the group tree children of group aGroup with filtered out with specified groupTypes * @param aGroup a Group to find children for * @return Collection of Groups found recursively down the tree * @throws EJBException If an error occured */ public Collection getChildGroupsRecursive(Group aGroup) throws EJBException{ return getChildGroupsRecursive(aGroup,getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(),false); } /** * Returns recursively down the group tree children of group aGroup with filtered out with specified groupTypes. * WHEN IT FINDS A GROUP THAT IS NOT OF A DESIRED GROUP TYPE IT STOPS FOR THAT GROUP. If you want to also recurse under those groups * use the method Collection getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(int groupId, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean complementSetWanted). * @param aGroup a Group to find children for * @param groupTypes the Groups a String array of group types to be filtered with * @param returnSpecifiedGroupTypes if true it returns the Collection with all the groups that are of the types specified in groupTypes[], else it returns the opposite (all the groups that are not of any of the types specified by groupTypes[]) * @return Collection of Groups found recursively down the tree * @throws EJBException If an error occured */ public Collection getChildGroupsRecursive(Group aGroup, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) throws EJBException{ //public Collection getGroupsContained(Group groupContaining, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSepcifiedGroupTypes) throws RemoteException{ try{ Map GroupsContained = new HashMap();//to avoid duplicates Collection groups = aGroup.getChildGroups(groupTypes,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); //int j = 0; if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty() ){ String key = ""; Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if(item!=null){ key = item.getPrimaryKey().toString(); if(!GroupsContained.containsKey(key)){ GroupsContained.put(key,item); putGroupsContained( item, GroupsContained,groupTypes ,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); } } } return new ArrayList(GroupsContained.values()); }else{ return null; } } catch(IOException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Return all the user directly under(related to) this group. * * @see */ public Collection getUsers(Group group) throws FinderException{ //filter User groupTypeProxy = (User)IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(User.class); return group.getChildGroups(groupTypeProxy); } /** * Return all the user under(related to) this group and any contained group recursively! * * @see */ public Collection getUsersRecursive(Group group) throws FinderException{ try{ Collection list = getChildGroupsRecursive(group,getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(),true); if(list != null && !list.isEmpty()){ return getUsersForUserRepresentativeGroups(list); } else { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Return all the user under(related to) this group and any contained group recursively! * * @see */ public Collection getUsersRecursive(int groupId) throws FinderException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getUsersRecursive(group); } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Returns all the groups that are direct children groups of group with id groupId. * @param groupId an id of a Group to find children groups for * @return Collection of Groups that are Direct children of group aGroup */ public Collection getChildGroups(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ //public Collection getGroupsContainedDirectlyRelated(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getChildGroups(group); } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } public Collection getChildGroupsResultFiltered(Group parentGroup, String groupName, Collection groupTypes, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection) throws RemoteException { Group group = null; Collection ancestorsOfGroup = null; Collection allMatchingGroups = getGroupsByGroupNameAndGroupTypes(groupName, groupTypes, onlyReturnTypesInCollection); Collection filteredChildGroups = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = allMatchingGroups.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { try { group = (Group); ancestorsOfGroup = getParentGroupsRecursive(group); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ancestorsOfGroup != null && ancestorsOfGroup.contains(parentGroup)) { filteredChildGroups.add(group); } } return filteredChildGroups; } /** * @see getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(Group group, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection) * @param groupId * @param groupTypesAsString - a collection of strings representing group types, empty or null for any type * @param onlyReturnTypesInCollection - should be set to true if you want to fetch all the groups that have group types * that are contained in the collection groupTypesAsString else false to exclude those group types * @return a collection of groups */ public Collection getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(int groupId, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection) { return getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(groupId, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, false); } public Collection getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(int groupId, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection, boolean includeAliases) { Group group = null; try{ group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); } catch (FinderException findEx) { System.err.println( "[GroupBusiness]: Can't retrieve group. Message is: " + findEx.getMessage()); findEx.printStackTrace(System.err); return new ArrayList(); } catch (RemoteException ex) { System.err.println( "[GroupBusiness]: Can't retrieve group. Message is: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new RuntimeException("[GroupBusiness]: Can't retrieve group."); } return getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(group, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, includeAliases); } public Collection getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(Group group, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection) { return getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(group, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, false); } public Collection getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(Group group, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection, boolean includeAliases) { return getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(group, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, false, false); } /** Returns all the groups that are direct and indirect children of the specified group. * If the grouptype collection is not null and none empty the returned groups are filtered to only include or exclude those grouptypes * in the returning collection depending on whether the boolean is set to true or false. * The method does not stop recursing a group even if that group is not specified in the desired grouptype collection. * Its children are always checked also that is the most important difference to the method getChildGroupsRecursive. * @param group * @param groupTypesAsString - a collection of strings representing group types, empty or null for any type * @param onlyReturnTypesInCollection - should be set to true if you want to fetch all the groups that have group types * that are contained in the collection groupTypesAsString else false to exclude those group types * @return a collection of groups */ public Collection getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(Group group, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection, boolean includeAliases, boolean excludeGroupsWithoutMembers) { // author: Thomas Collection alreadyCheckedGroups = new ArrayList(); Collection result = new ArrayList(); getChildGroupsRecursive(group, alreadyCheckedGroups, result, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, includeAliases, excludeGroupsWithoutMembers); return result; } public Collection getUsersFromGroupRecursive(Group group) { return getUsersFromGroupRecursive(group, null, false); } public Collection getUsersFromGroupRecursive(Group group, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection) { // author: Thomas Collection users = new ArrayList(); Collection groups = getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered(group, groupTypesAsString , onlyReturnTypesInCollection); Iterator iterator = groups.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Group tempGroup = (Group); try { users.addAll(getUsers(tempGroup)); } catch (Exception ex) {}; } return users; } private void getChildGroupsRecursive ( Group currentGroup, Collection alreadyCheckedGroups, Collection result, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection) { getChildGroupsRecursive(currentGroup,alreadyCheckedGroups, result, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, false); } private void getChildGroupsRecursive ( Group currentGroup, Collection alreadyCheckedGroups, Collection result, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection, boolean includeAliases) { getChildGroupsRecursive(currentGroup,alreadyCheckedGroups, result, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, false, false); } private void getChildGroupsRecursive ( Group currentGroup, Collection alreadyCheckedGroups, Collection result, Collection groupTypesAsString, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection, boolean includeAliases, boolean excludeGroupsWithoutMembers) { Integer currentPrimaryKey = (Integer) currentGroup.getPrimaryKey(); if (alreadyCheckedGroups.contains(currentPrimaryKey)) { // already checked, avoid looping return; } alreadyCheckedGroups.add(currentPrimaryKey); String currentGroupType = currentGroup.getGroupType(); // does the current group belong to the result set? //if both are true or false then it belongs, otherwise not. (using XOR) String[] userType = new String[]{getUserHome().getGroupType()}; if(groupTypesAsString==null || groupTypesAsString.isEmpty()){ //no specific type, add all if (excludeGroupsWithoutMembers) { Collection users = currentGroup.getChildGroups(userType, true); if (!users.isEmpty()) { result.add(currentGroup); } } else { result.add(currentGroup); } } else if (!(groupTypesAsString.contains(currentGroupType) ^ ( onlyReturnTypesInCollection) ) ) { if (excludeGroupsWithoutMembers) { Collection users = currentGroup.getChildGroups(userType, true); if (!users.isEmpty()) { result.add(currentGroup); } } else { result.add(currentGroup); } } // go further Collection children = currentGroup.getChildGroups(); Iterator childrenIterator = children.iterator(); while (childrenIterator.hasNext()) { Group child = (Group); if (includeAliases) { if (child.isAlias()) { if (child.getAlias() != null){ alreadyCheckedGroups.add(child.getPrimaryKey()); child = child.getAlias(); } } } getChildGroupsRecursive(child, alreadyCheckedGroups, result, groupTypesAsString, onlyReturnTypesInCollection, includeAliases, excludeGroupsWithoutMembers); } } /** * Returns all the groups that are direct children groups of group aGroup. * @param aGroup a group to find children groups for * @return Collection of Groups that are Direct children of group aGroup */ public Collection getChildGroups(Group aGroup){ return getChildGroups(aGroup, getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(),false); } public Collection getChildGroups(Group aGroup, Collection groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) { return getChildGroups(aGroup, ((String[]) groupTypes.toArray(new String[groupTypes.size()])), returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); } public Collection getChildGroups(Group aGroup, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) { try { Collection list = aGroup.getChildGroups(groupTypes,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); if(list != null){ list.remove(aGroup); } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Collection getUsersDirectlyRelated(Group group) throws EJBException,RemoteException,FinderException{ //TODO GET USERS DIRECTLY Collection result = group.getChildGroups(this.getUserRepresentativeGroupTypeStringArray(),true); return getUsersForUserRepresentativeGroups(result); } /** * @param groupId a group to find Groups under * @return Collection A Collection of Groups that are indirect children (grandchildren etc.) of the specified group recursively down the group tree * @throws FinderException if there was an error finding the group by id groupId * @throws EJBException if other errors occur. */ public Collection getChildGroupsInDirect(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ //public Collection getGroupsContainedNotDirectlyRelated(int groupId) throws EJBException,FinderException{ try{ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); return getChildGroupsInDirect(group); } catch(RemoteException e){ throw new IBORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * @param group a group to find Groups under * @return Collection A Collection of Groups that are indirect children (grandchildren etc.) of the specified group recursively down the group tree * @throws EJBException if an error occurs. */ public Collection getChildGroupsInDirect(Group group) throws EJBException{ //public Collection getGroupsContainedNotDirectlyRelated(Group group) throws EJBException{ try { Collection isDirectlyRelated = getChildGroups(group); Collection AllGroups = getChildGroupsRecursive(group); if(AllGroups != null){ if(isDirectlyRelated != null){ AllGroups.removeAll(isDirectlyRelated); } AllGroups.remove(group); return AllGroups; }else{ return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Collection getUsersNotDirectlyRelated(Group group) throws EJBException,RemoteException,FinderException{ Collection DirectUsers = getUsersDirectlyRelated(group); Collection notDirectUsers = getUsers(group); if(notDirectUsers != null){ if(DirectUsers != null){ Iterator iter = DirectUsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item =; notDirectUsers.remove(item); } } return notDirectUsers; }else{ return null; } /* if(notDirectUsers != null){ notDirectUsers.removeAll(DirectUsers); } return notDirectUsers; */ } private void putGroupsContained(Group group,Map GroupsContained, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnGroupTypes ) throws RemoteException{ Collection childGroups = group.getChildGroups(groupTypes,returnGroupTypes); if (childGroups != null && !childGroups.isEmpty() ){ String key = ""; Iterator iter = childGroups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); key = item.getPrimaryKey().toString(); if(!GroupsContained.containsKey(key)){ GroupsContained.put(key,item); putGroupsContained(item, GroupsContained, groupTypes, returnGroupTypes); } } } } /** * @param groupIDs a string array of IDs to be found. * @return A Collection of groups with the specified ids. * @see[]) */ public Collection getGroups(String[] groupIDs) throws FinderException,RemoteException { return this.getGroupHome().findGroups(groupIDs); } public Collection getUsersForUserRepresentativeGroups(Collection groups)throws FinderException,RemoteException{ try { return this.getUserHome().findUsersForUserRepresentativeGroups(groups); } catch (FinderException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); return new Vector(0); } } public void updateUsersInGroup( int groupId, String[] usrGroupIdsInGroup, User currentUser) throws RemoteException,FinderException { if(groupId != -1){ Group group = this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId); //System.out.println("before"); Collection lDirect = getUsersDirectlyRelated(groupId); Set direct = new HashSet(); if(lDirect != null){ Iterator iter = lDirect.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User item = (User); direct.add(Integer.toString(item.getGroupID())); //System.out.println("id: "+ item.getGroupID()); } } //System.out.println("after"); Set toRemove = (Set)((HashSet)direct).clone(); Set toAdd = new HashSet(); if(usrGroupIdsInGroup != null){ for (int i = 0; i < usrGroupIdsInGroup.length; i++) { if(direct.contains(usrGroupIdsInGroup[i])){ toRemove.remove(usrGroupIdsInGroup[i]); } else { toAdd.add(usrGroupIdsInGroup[i]); } //System.out.println("id: "+ usrGroupIdsInGroup[i]); } } //System.out.println("toRemove"); Iterator iter2 = toRemove.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { String item = (String); //System.out.println("id: "+ item); group.removeGroup(Integer.parseInt(item), currentUser, false); } //System.out.println("toAdd"); Iterator iter3 = toAdd.iterator(); while (iter3.hasNext()) { String item = (String); //System.out.println("id: "+ item); group.addGroup(Integer.parseInt(item)); } }else{ //System.out.println("groupId = "+ groupId + ", usrGroupIdsInGroup = "+ usrGroupIdsInGroup); } } public Group getGroupByGroupID(int id)throws FinderException,RemoteException{ return this.getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } public Collection getGroupsByGroupName(String name)throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupHome().findGroupsByName(name); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public Collection getGroupsByGroupNameAndGroupTypes(String name, Collection groupTypes, boolean onlyReturnTypesInCollection)throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupHome().findGroupsByNameAndGroupTypes(name, groupTypes, onlyReturnTypesInCollection); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * Gets a collection of groups of the supplied group type and which names start with the supplied name string ('name%') * @param type the group * @param name * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getGroupsByGroupTypeAndFirstPartOfName(String groupType, String groupNameStartsWith)throws RemoteException{ try { if(!groupNameStartsWith.endsWith("%")){ groupNameStartsWith = groupNameStartsWith + "%"; } return this.getGroupHome().findGroupsByGroupTypeAndLikeName(groupType,groupNameStartsWith); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public Collection getGroupsByAbbreviation(String abbreviation)throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupHome().findGroupsByAbbreviation(abbreviation); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public User getUserByID(int id)throws FinderException,RemoteException{ return this.getUserHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } public void addUser(int groupId, User user)throws EJBException,RemoteException{ try{ this.getGroupByGroupID(groupId).addGroup(user); } catch(FinderException fe){ throw new EJBException(fe.getMessage()); } } /** * Not yet implemented */ public GroupHome getGroupHome(String groupType){ if(this.groupHome==null){ try{ /** * @todo: implement */ this.groupHome = (GroupHome)IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.groupHome; } public GroupRelationHome getGroupRelationHome(){ if(this.groupRelationHome==null){ try{ this.groupRelationHome = (GroupRelationHome)IDOLookup.getHome(GroupRelation.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.groupRelationHome; } /** * Creates or updated a group from an LDAP DN and its attributes and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) and/or the supplied parent group * @throws NamingException,RemoteException,CreateException * @see distinguishedName,Attributes attributes, boolean createUnderRootGroup, Group parentGroup) */ public Group createOrUpdateGroup(DN distinguishedName,Attributes attributes, boolean createUnderRootDomainGroup, Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,NamingException,RemoteException{ IWLDAPUtil ldapUtil = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); int homePageID,homeFolderID,aliasID; homePageID=homeFolderID=aliasID=-1; String name = ldapUtil.getNameOfGroupFromAttributes(attributes); String description = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION,attributes); String abbr = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_ABBREVIATION,attributes); String type = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_GROUP_TYPE,attributes); if(type==null){ type = getGroupTypeHome().getGeneralGroupTypeString(); } //needs to be done, otherwise the create group will fail or at least the group is not displayed in the userapp createVisibleGroupType(type); String uniqueID = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_UNIQUE_ID,attributes); //String email = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL,attributes); //String address = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_REGISTERED_ADDRESS,attributes); //String phone = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER,attributes); //search for the group //try to find the group by its unique id or DN //if it is found this must mean an update Group group = getGroupByDNOrUniqueId(distinguishedName, uniqueID); if(group==null){ System.out.println("GroupBusiness: Group not found by directoryString. Creating a new group..."); group = createGroup(name,description,type,homePageID,homeFolderID,aliasID,createUnderRootDomainGroup,parentGroup); if(uniqueID!=null){ group.setUniqueId(uniqueID);; } } //TODO update the group group.setName(name); group.setDescription(description); //don't overwrite the type //group.setGroupType(type); group.setAbbrevation(abbr); if(uniqueID!=null){ group.setUniqueId(uniqueID); } //todoupdate emails,addresses,phone and email; List parent = group.getParentGroups(); if(parent.isEmpty() && parentGroup!=null){ parentGroup.addGroup(group); } //set all the attributes as metadata also setMetaDataFromLDAPAttributes(group,distinguishedName,attributes); return group; } /** * Tries to to get the group by its unique id and then tries to find it by the distinguished name (LDAP) if that fails. * Both values do NOT need to be set. * @param distinguishedName * @param uniqueID * @param ldapUtil * @return The group if found but otherwise null * @throws RemoteException */ public Group getGroupByDNOrUniqueId(DN distinguishedName, String uniqueID) throws RemoteException { Group group = null; IWLDAPUtil ldapUtil = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); if(uniqueID!=null){ try { group = getGroupByUniqueId(uniqueID); } catch (FinderException e) { //temp debug System.out.println("GroupBusiness: Group not found by unique id: "+uniqueID); } } if(group==null && distinguishedName!=null){ group = getGroupByDirectoryString(ldapUtil.convertDNToDirectoryString(distinguishedName)); } return group; } public Group getGroupByUniqueId(String uniqueID) throws FinderException { Group group; group = getGroupHome().findGroupByUniqueId(uniqueID); return group; } /** * Adds or changes the groups current metadata with metadatafields contained in the attributes. * It does not currently remove any existing metadata unless the value in the attributes is an empty string ("") * @param group * @param distinguishedName * @param attributes */ public void setMetaDataFromLDAPAttributes(Group group, DN distinguishedName, Attributes attributes) { IWLDAPUtil ldapUtil = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); //good to have for future lookup, should actually be multivalued! if(distinguishedName!=null){ group.setMetaData(IWLDAPConstants.LDAP_META_DATA_KEY_DIRECTORY_STRING,distinguishedName.toString().toLowerCase()); } if (attributes != null) { NamingEnumeration attrlist = attributes.getAll(); try { while (attrlist.hasMore()) { Attribute att = (Attribute); //only store true meta data keys and not ldap keys that have been handled already if(ldapUtil.isAttributeIWMetaDataKey(att)){ String key = ldapUtil.getAttributeKeyWithoutMetaDataNamePrefix(att); String keyWithPrefix = att.getID(); if(key.indexOf("binary")<0){ String value; try { value = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(keyWithPrefix, attributes); if(value.length()<=2000){ if("".equals(value)){ value = null; } group.setMetaData(key,value); } else{ System.err.println("[GroupBusiness] attribute is too long: "+key); } //Todo if we want to copy all ldap attributes we could remove all attributes we have handled and just //save the rest as metdata //attributes.remove(key); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("[GroupBusiness] attribute has no value or an error occured: "+key); } } else{ System.out.print("[GroupBusiness] binary attributes not supported yet: "+key); } } } } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }; } /** * Creates or updated a group from an LDAP DN and its attributes and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) * @throws NamingException,RemoteException,CreateException * @see distinguishedName,Attributes attributes) */ public Group createOrUpdateGroup(DN distinguishedName,Attributes attributes)throws CreateException,NamingException,RemoteException{ return createOrUpdateGroup(distinguishedName,attributes,true,null); } /** * Creates a group from an LDAP DN and its attributes and adds it under the parentGroup supplied * @see distinguishedName,Attributes attributes,Group parentGroup) */ public Group createOrUpdateGroup(DN distinguishedName,Attributes attributes, Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,NamingException,RemoteException{ return createOrUpdateGroup(distinguishedName,attributes,false,parentGroup); } /** * Creates a general group and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) * @see, String, String) */ public Group createGroup(String name)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ String description = ""; return createGroup(name,description); } /** * Creates a general group and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) * @see, String, String) */ public Group createGroup(String name,String description)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ String generaltype = getGroupHome().getGroupType(); return createGroup(name,description,generaltype); } /** * Creates a group and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) * @see, String, String) */ public Group createGroup(String name,String description,String type)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,-1); } /** * Creates a group and adds it under the default Domain (ICDomain)<br> * If createUnderDomainRoot is true it is added under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the domain. * @see, String, String) */ public Group createGroup(String name,String description,String type,boolean createUnderDomainRoot)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,-1,-1,createUnderDomainRoot,null); } /** * Creates a group and adds it under the default Domain (IBDomain) and under the group parentGroup. * @see, String, String) */ public Group createGroupUnder(String name,String description,String type,Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,-1,-1,false,parentGroup); } /** * Creates a general group and adds it under the default Domain (IBDomain) and under the group parentGroup. * @see, String, String) */ public Group createGroupUnder(String name,String description,Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ String generaltype = getGroupHome().getGroupType(); return createGroup(name,description,generaltype,-1,-1,false,parentGroup); } /** * Creates a group and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) * @see, String, String, int) */ public Group createGroup(String name,String description,String type,int homePageID)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,-1,-1); } /** * Creates a group and adds it under the root (directly under in the group tree) of the default Domain (ICDomain) * @see, String, String, int) */ public Group createGroup(String name,String description,String type,int homePageID,int aliasID)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,homePageID,aliasID,true,null); } /** * Creates a group and adds it under the the default Domain (ICDomain) and under the group parentGroup. * @see, String, String, int) */ public Group createGroupUnder(String name,String description,String type,int homePageID,int aliasID,Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,homePageID,aliasID,false,parentGroup); } protected Group createGroup(String name,String description,String type,int homePageID,int aliasID,boolean createUnderDomainRoot,Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ return createGroup(name,description,type,homePageID,-1,aliasID,createUnderDomainRoot,parentGroup); } protected Group createGroup(String name,String description,String type,int homePageID,int homeFolderID,int aliasID,boolean createUnderDomainRoot,Group parentGroup)throws CreateException,RemoteException{ Group newGroup; newGroup = getGroupHome().create(); newGroup.setName(name); newGroup.setDescription(description); newGroup.setGroupType(type); if ( homePageID != -1 ) { newGroup.setHomePageID(homePageID); } if (aliasID != -1) { newGroup.setAliasID(aliasID); } if ( homeFolderID != -1 ) { newGroup.setHomeFolderID(homeFolderID); }; if(homeFolderID == -1 ) { createGroupHomeFolder(newGroup); } if(createUnderDomainRoot){ addGroupUnderDomainRoot(this.getIWApplicationContext().getDomain(),newGroup); } else{ addGroupUnderDomain(this.getIWApplicationContext().getDomain(),newGroup,null); } if(parentGroup!=null){ parentGroup.addGroup(newGroup); } return newGroup; } public ICFileHome getICFileHome(){ if(this.fileHome==null){ try{ this.fileHome = (ICFileHome)IDOLookup.getHome(ICFile.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.fileHome; } public ICFile createGroupHomeFolder(Group group) throws CreateException { ICFile file = getICFileHome().create(); file.setName(group.getName()); file.setLocalizationKey(GROUP_HOME_FOLDER_LOCALIZATION_PREFIX+group.getGroupType()); file.setMimeType(; file.setDescription("This is a home folder for a group");; group.setHomeFolder(file);; return file; } public Collection getAllAllowedGroupTypesForChildren(int groupId, IWUserContext iwuc) { // try to get the group Group group; try { group = (groupId > -1) ? getGroupByGroupID(groupId) : null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } return getAllAllowedGroupTypesForChildren(group, iwuc); } /** * It is allowed and makes sense if the parameter group is null: * In this case alias and general group type is returned. */ public Collection getAllAllowedGroupTypesForChildren(Group group, IWUserContext iwuc) { GroupTypeHome groupTypeHome; GroupType groupType; String groupTypeString; try { groupTypeHome = (GroupTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(GroupType.class); // super admin: return all group types if (iwuc.isSuperAdmin()) { try { if (groupTypeHome.getNumberOfVisibleGroupTypes() <= 0) { ((; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return groupTypeHome.findVisibleGroupTypes(); } // try to get the corresponding group type if (group != null) { groupTypeString = group.getGroupType(); groupType = groupTypeHome.findByPrimaryKey(groupTypeString); } else { // okay, group is null, but we need an instance // to get the alias and general group type groupTypeString = ""; groupType = GroupTypeBMPBean.getStaticInstance(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } // get general and alias group type GroupType generalType = findOrCreateGeneralGroupType(groupType, groupTypeHome); GroupType aliasType = findOrCreateAliasGroupType(groupType, groupTypeHome); ArrayList groupTypes = new ArrayList(); if (group == null) { // first case: group is null groupTypes.add(generalType); groupTypes.add(aliasType); } else { if(!groupType.getOnlySupportsSameTypeChildGroups()){ // add same type if(groupType.getSupportsSameTypeChildGroups()){ groupTypes.add(groupType); } int typeSize = groupTypes.size(); //add children of type of selected group addGroupTypeChildren(groupTypes, groupType); //we only add general and alias types if there are no child types defined if(groupTypes.size()<=typeSize){ if (!generalType.getType().equals(groupTypeString) && !groupTypes.contains(groupType)) { groupTypes.add(generalType); } if (!aliasType.getType().equals(groupTypeString) && !groupTypes.contains(groupType)) { groupTypes.add(aliasType); } } } else{ //so we can define a type that cannot have children if(groupType.getSupportsSameTypeChildGroups()){ groupTypes.add(groupType); } } } return groupTypes; } public void addGroupTypeChildren(List list, GroupType groupType) { Iterator iterator = groupType.getChildrenIterator(); while (iterator != null && iterator.hasNext()) { GroupType child = (GroupType); if(!list.contains(child)){ list.add(child); } addGroupTypeChildren(list, child); } } public String getGroupType(Class groupClass)throws RemoteException{ return ((GroupHome)IDOLookup.getHome(groupClass)).getGroupType(); } public GroupType getGroupTypeFromString(String type) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ return getGroupTypeHome().findGroupTypeByGroupTypeString(type); } /** * Returns a collection of UserGroupPluginBusiness beans or an empty list * @param plugins * @return a collection of UserGroupPluginBusiness implementing classes */ protected Collection getUserGroupPluginBusinessBeansFromUserGroupPluginEntities(Collection plugins) { if(plugins == null || plugins.isEmpty()) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = plugins.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UserGroupPlugIn element = (UserGroupPlugIn); UserGroupPlugInBusiness pluginBiz; try { pluginBiz = (UserGroupPlugInBusiness) getServiceInstance(RefactorClassRegistry.forName(element.getBusinessICObject().getClassName()) ); list.add(pluginBiz); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return list; } /** * Gets a collection of UserGroupPluginBusiness beans that can operate on the supplied group type * @param groupType * @return Collection of plugins * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getUserGroupPluginsForGroupType(String groupType) throws RemoteException{ try { return getUserGroupPluginBusinessBeansFromUserGroupPluginEntities(getUserGroupPlugInHome().findRegisteredPlugInsForGroupType(groupType)); } catch (FinderException e) { //no big deal, there are no plugins registered. Return an empty list } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { // no big deal, there are no plugins registered. Return an empty list } return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } /** * Gets a collection of UserGroupPluginBusiness beans that can operate on the supplied group * @param group * @return Collection of plugins * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getUserGroupPluginsForGroup(Group group) throws RemoteException { try { return getUserGroupPluginBusinessBeansFromUserGroupPluginEntities(getUserGroupPlugInHome().findRegisteredPlugInsForGroup(group)); } catch (FinderException e) { //no big deal, there are no plugins registered. Return an empty list } return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } /** * Gets a collection of UserGroupPluginBusiness beans that can operate on the supplied user * @param user * @return Collection of plugins * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getUserGroupPluginsForUser(User user) throws RemoteException{ try { //TODO finna allar gruppur tengdar thessum user og gera find fall sem tekur inn i sig collection a groups //THIS METHOD IS NOT FINISHED AND THE FIND METHOD ONLY GETS ALL PLUGINS return getUserGroupPluginBusinessBeansFromUserGroupPluginEntities(getUserGroupPlugInHome().findRegisteredPlugInsForUser(user)); } catch (FinderException e) { //no big deal, there are no plugins registered. Return an empty list } return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } /** * Gets a collection of all registered UserGroupPluginBusiness beans * @return Collection of plugins * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getUserGroupPlugins() throws RemoteException{ try { return getUserGroupPluginBusinessBeansFromUserGroupPluginEntities(getUserGroupPlugInHome().findAllPlugIns()); } catch (FinderException e) { //no big deal, there are no plugins registered. Return an empty list } return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } /** * This method will try to find the parent of the group (if only one) and then calls callAllUserGroupPluginAfterGroupCreateOrUpdateMethod(group,parentGroup) */ public void callAllUserGroupPluginAfterGroupCreateOrUpdateMethod(Group group) { List list = group.getParentGroups(); Group parentGroup = null; if(list!=null && list.size()==1){ parentGroup = (Group)list.iterator().next(); } callAllUserGroupPluginAfterGroupCreateOrUpdateMethod(group,parentGroup); } public void callAllUserGroupPluginAfterGroupCreateOrUpdateMethod(Group group, Group parentGroup) { // get plugins and call the method Collection pluginsForGroup; try { pluginsForGroup = getUserGroupPluginsForGroup(group); Iterator plugs = pluginsForGroup.iterator(); while (plugs.hasNext()) { UserGroupPlugInBusiness plugBiz = (UserGroupPlugInBusiness); plugBiz.afterGroupCreateOrUpdate(group, parentGroup); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void callAllUserGroupPluginBeforeGroupRemoveMethod(Group group, Group parentGroup) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { // get plugins and call the method Collection pluginsForGroup; pluginsForGroup = getUserGroupPluginsForGroup(group); Iterator plugs = pluginsForGroup.iterator(); while (plugs.hasNext()) { UserGroupPlugInBusiness plugBiz = (UserGroupPlugInBusiness); plugBiz.beforeGroupRemove(group, parentGroup); } } public GroupTypeHome getGroupTypeHome() throws RemoteException{ return (GroupTypeHome) this.getIDOHome(GroupType.class); } protected UserGroupPlugInHome getUserGroupPlugInHome() throws RemoteException{ return (UserGroupPlugInHome) this.getIDOHome(UserGroupPlugIn.class); } /** * Adds a group direcly under the domain (right in top under the domain in the group tree). * This adds the group with GroupRelationType Top to the domain. * @param domain * @param group * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public void addGroupUnderDomainRoot(ICDomain domain, Group group) throws CreateException,RemoteException{ GroupDomainRelationTypeHome gdrHome = (GroupDomainRelationTypeHome)getIDOHome(GroupDomainRelationType.class); GroupDomainRelationType domRelType; try { domRelType = gdrHome.getTopNodeRelationType(); addGroupUnderDomain(domain,group,domRelType); } catch (FinderException e) { logWarning("Error finding GroupRelationType=TOP when adding group under domain"); log(e); } } public void addGroupUnderDomain(ICDomain domain, Group group, GroupDomainRelationType type) throws CreateException,RemoteException{ GroupDomainRelation relation = (GroupDomainRelation)IDOLookup.create(GroupDomainRelation.class); relation.setDomain(domain); relation.setRelatedGroup(group); if(type != null){ relation.setRelationship(type); }; } /** * Method updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist. This method can both be used to update the user main address or to create one<br> * if one does not exist. Only userId and StreetName(AndNumber) are required to be not null others are optional. * @param userId * @param streetNameAndNumber * @param postalCodeId * @param countryName * @param city * @param province * @param poBox * @return Address the address that was created or updated * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public Address updateGroupMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(Integer groupId, String streetNameAndNumber, Integer postalCodeId, String countryName, String city, String province, String poBox) throws CreateException,RemoteException { Address address = null; if( streetNameAndNumber!=null && groupId!=null ){ try{ AddressBusiness addressBiz = getAddressBusiness(); String streetName = addressBiz.getStreetNameFromAddressString(streetNameAndNumber); String streetNumber = addressBiz.getStreetNumberFromAddressString(streetNameAndNumber); Group group = getGroupByGroupID(groupId.intValue()); address = getGroupMainAddress(group); Country country = null; if( countryName!=null ){ country = ((CountryHome)getIDOHome(Country.class)).findByCountryName(countryName); } PostalCode code = null; if( postalCodeId!=null){ code = ((PostalCodeHome)getIDOHome(PostalCode.class)).findByPrimaryKey(postalCodeId); } boolean addAddress = false;/**@todo is this necessary?**/ if( address == null ){ AddressHome addressHome = addressBiz.getAddressHome(); address = addressHome.create(); AddressType mainAddressType = addressHome.getAddressType1(); address.setAddressType(mainAddressType); addAddress = true; } if( country!=null ) { address.setCountry(country); } if( code!=null ) { address.setPostalCode(code); } if( province!=null ) { address.setProvince(province); } if( city!=null ) { address.setCity(city); } if( poBox!=null) { address.setPOBox(poBox); } address.setStreetName(streetName); if( streetNumber!=null ) { address.setStreetNumber(streetNumber); } else { address.setStreetNumber(""); }; if(addAddress){ group.addAddress(address); } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to update or create address for groupid : "+ groupId.toString()); } } else { throw new CreateException("No streetname or userId is null!"); } return address; } public AddressBusiness getAddressBusiness() throws RemoteException{ return (AddressBusiness) getServiceInstance(AddressBusiness.class); } /** * Gets the users main address and returns it. * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getGroupMainAddress(Group group) throws RemoteException, IDOLookupException, IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException, IDORelationshipException{ AddressType type = getAddressHome().getAddressType1(); Collection coll = group.getAddresses(type); if (coll == null || coll.isEmpty()) { return null; } // return the first element (there is only on element) return (Address) coll.iterator().next(); } public AddressHome getAddressHome(){ if(this.addressHome==null){ try{ this.addressHome = (AddressHome)IDOLookup.getHome(Address.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.addressHome; } public Phone[] getGroupPhones(Group group)throws RemoteException{ try { Collection phones = group.getPhones(); // if(phones != null){ return (Phone[])phones.toArray(new Phone[phones.size()]); // } //return (Phone[]) ((; } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Email getGroupEmail(Group group) { try { Collection L = group.getEmails(); if(L != null){ if ( ! L.isEmpty() ) { return (Email)L.iterator().next(); } } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void updateGroupMail(Group group, String email) throws CreateException,RemoteException { Email mail = getGroupEmail(group); boolean insert = false; if ( mail == null ) { mail = this.getEmailHome().create(); insert = true; } if ( email != null ) { mail.setEmailAddress(email); }; if(insert){ //((; try{ group.addEmail(mail); } catch(Exception e){ throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } } } public EmailHome getEmailHome(){ if(this.emailHome==null){ try{ this.emailHome = (EmailHome)IDOLookup.getHome(Email.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.emailHome; } public void updateGroupPhone(Group group, int phoneTypeId, String phoneNumber) throws EJBException { try{ Phone phone = getGroupPhone(group,phoneTypeId); boolean insert = false; if ( phone == null ) { phone = this.getPhoneHome().create(); phone.setPhoneTypeId(phoneTypeId); insert = true; } if ( phoneNumber != null ) { phone.setNumber(phoneNumber); }; if(insert){ //((; group.addPhone(phone); } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } public Phone getGroupPhone(Group group, int phoneTypeId)throws RemoteException{ try { Phone[] result = this.getGroupPhones(group); //IDOLegacyEntity[] result = ((; if(result != null){ for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if((result[i]).getPhoneTypeId() == phoneTypeId){ return result[i]; } } } return null; } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public PhoneHome getPhoneHome(){ if(this.phoneHome==null){ try{ this.phoneHome = (PhoneHome)IDOLookup.getHome(Phone.class); } catch(RemoteException rme){ throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.phoneHome; } /** Group is removable if the group is either an alias or * has no children. * Childrens are other groups or users. * @param group * @param parentGroup can be null * @return boolean * @throws RemoteException * @throws RemoveException */ public boolean isGroupRemovable(Group group, Group parentGroup) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { boolean canRemove = false; // childCount checks only groups as children canRemove = ((group.getGroupType().equals("alias")) || (group.getChildCount() <= 0 && (getUserBusiness().getUsersInGroup(group).isEmpty()))); if (canRemove) { callAllUserGroupPluginBeforeGroupRemoveMethod(group, parentGroup); } return canRemove; } public String getNameOfGroupWithParentName(Group group, Collection parentGroups) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Collection parents = parentGroups; buffer.append(group.getName()).append(" "); if(parents!=null && !parents.isEmpty()) { Iterator par = parents.iterator(); Group parent = (Group); buffer.append("(").append(parent.getName()).append(") "); } return buffer.toString(); } public String getNameOfGroupWithParentName(Group group) { return getNameOfGroupWithParentName(group,getParentGroups(group)); } /** * Optimized version of getNameOfGroupWithParentName(Group group) by Gummi 25.08.2004 * Database access is minimized by passing a Map of cached groupParents and Map of cached groups to the method */ public String getNameOfGroupWithParentName(Group group,Map cachedParents, Map cachedGroups) { return getNameOfGroupWithParentName(group,getParentGroups(group,cachedParents,cachedGroups)); } private UserBusiness getUserBusiness() { IWApplicationContext context = getIWApplicationContext(); try { return (UserBusiness), UserBusiness.class); } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates a visible group type from the supplied group type string if it does not already exist, * if it exists it will update the group types visibilty to true. * @param groupType * @return a GroupType bean * @throws RemoteException */ public GroupType createVisibleGroupType(String groupType) throws RemoteException{ return createGroupTypeOrUpdate(groupType,true); } /** * Creates a group type that has the visibility supplied if the type does not already exist. * If it exist this method will update its visibility. * @param groupType * @param visible * @return a GroupType bean * @throws RemoteException */ public GroupType createGroupTypeOrUpdate(String groupType, boolean visible) throws RemoteException{ GroupTypeHome home = getGroupTypeHome(); try { GroupType type = home.findByPrimaryKey(groupType); type.setVisibility(visible); return type; } catch (FinderException findEx) { try { GroupType type = home.create(); type.setType(groupType); type.setVisibility(visible);; return type; } catch (CreateException createEx) { throw new RuntimeException(createEx.getMessage()); } } } private GroupType findOrCreateAliasGroupType(GroupType aGroupType, GroupTypeHome home) { try { GroupType type = home.findByPrimaryKey(home.getAliasGroupTypeString()); return type; } catch (FinderException findEx) { try { GroupType type = home.create(); type.setGroupTypeAsAliasGroup(); type.setVisibility(true);; return type; } catch (CreateException createEx) { throw new RuntimeException(createEx.getMessage()); } } } private GroupType findOrCreateGeneralGroupType(GroupType aGroupType, GroupTypeHome home) { try { GroupType type = home.findByPrimaryKey(home.getGeneralGroupTypeString()); return type; } catch (FinderException findEx) { try { GroupType type = home.create(); type.setGroupTypeAsGeneralGroup(); type.setVisibility(true);; return type; } catch (CreateException createEx) { throw new RuntimeException(createEx.getMessage()); } } } /** * Gives all parent groups owners' primary groups, permit permission to this group. * The permission to give others permissions to this group. */ public void applyPermitPermissionToGroupsParentGroupOwnersPrimaryGroups(Group group) throws RemoteException { UserBusiness userBiz = getUserBusiness(); String groupId = group.getPrimaryKey().toString(); AccessController access = getAccessController(); Collection col = getParentGroupsRecursive(group); if (col != null && !col.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = col.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group parent = (Group); Collection owners = AccessControl.getAllOwnerGroupPermissionsReverseForGroup(parent); if (owners != null && !owners.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter2 = owners.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission); User user = userBiz.getUser(perm.getGroupID()); Group primary = user.getPrimaryGroup(); if(primary!=null) { String primaryGroupId = primary.getPrimaryKey().toString(); try { //the owners primary group access.setPermission( AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, this.getIWApplicationContext(), primaryGroupId, groupId, AccessController.PERMISSION_KEY_PERMIT, Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } /** * Sets the user as an owner of the group. * @param group * @param user */ public void applyUserAsGroupsOwner(Group group, User user) { AccessController access = getAccessController(); try { access.setAsOwner(group, ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue(), this.getIWApplicationContext()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void applyCurrentUserAsOwnerOfGroup(IWUserContext iwc, Group group) { User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); applyUserAsGroupsOwner(group, user); } /** * Give the current users primary group all permission except for owner * */ public void applyAllGroupPermissionsForGroupToCurrentUsersPrimaryGroup(IWUserContext iwuc, Group group) { User user = iwuc.getCurrentUser(); Group groupToGetPermissions = user.getPrimaryGroup(); applyAllGroupPermissionsForGroupToGroup(group, groupToGetPermissions); } /** * Give the users primary group all permission except for owner * */ public void applyAllGroupPermissionsForGroupToUsersPrimaryGroup(Group group, User user) { Group groupToGetPermissions = user.getPrimaryGroup(); applyAllGroupPermissionsForGroupToGroup(group, groupToGetPermissions); } /** * This methods gives the second group specified all permissions to the other groups except for owner permission (set to users not groups). * The permissions include: view,edit,create,remove users, and the permission to give others permissions to it. * @param iwac * @param groupToSetPermissionTo The group the permission apply to. * @param groupToGetPermissions The group that will own the permissions e.g. get the rights to do the stuff. */ public void applyAllGroupPermissionsForGroupToGroup(Group groupToSetPermissionTo, Group groupToGetPermissions) { AccessController access = getAccessController(); try { IWApplicationContext iwac = this.getIWApplicationContext(); String groupId = groupToGetPermissions.getPrimaryKey() .toString(); String theGroupIDToSetPermissionTo = groupToSetPermissionTo.getPrimaryKey() .toString(); //create permission access.setPermission(AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, iwac, groupId, theGroupIDToSetPermissionTo, AccessController.PERMISSION_KEY_CREATE, Boolean.TRUE); //edit permission access.setPermission(AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, iwac, groupId, theGroupIDToSetPermissionTo, AccessController.PERMISSION_KEY_EDIT, Boolean.TRUE); //delete permission access.setPermission(AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, iwac, groupId, theGroupIDToSetPermissionTo, AccessController.PERMISSION_KEY_DELETE, Boolean.TRUE); //view permission access.setPermission(AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, iwac, groupId, theGroupIDToSetPermissionTo, AccessController.PERMISSION_KEY_VIEW, Boolean.TRUE); //permission to give other permission access.setPermission(AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, iwac, groupId, theGroupIDToSetPermissionTo, AccessController.PERMISSION_KEY_PERMIT, Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If the groupToGetInheritanceFrom has inherited permission it is copied to the other group. * * @param groupToGetInheritanceFrom * @param groupToInheritPermissions */ public void applyPermissionControllingFromGroupToGroup(Group groupToGetInheritanceFrom, Group groupToInheritPermissions) { if (groupToGetInheritanceFrom != null) { //is controller if (groupToGetInheritanceFrom.isPermissionControllingGroup()) { groupToInheritPermissions.setPermissionControllingGroup(groupToGetInheritanceFrom);; } //is being controlled if (groupToGetInheritanceFrom.getPermissionControllingGroupID() > 0) { groupToInheritPermissions.setPermissionControllingGroup(groupToGetInheritanceFrom .getPermissionControllingGroup());; } } } /** * This method should only be called once for a newly created group if it was done in code. This method is * automatically called if the group is created in the user application. * Sets the user as the owner of the group and gives his primary group all group permissions to the group. * Also gives all owners' primary groups of the groups parent groups permission to give others permission * to this group. Finally checks the groups parent if any for inherited permissions and sets them. * @param newlyCreatedGroup * @param user * @throws RemoteException */ public void applyOwnerAndAllGroupPermissionsToNewlyCreatedGroupForUserAndHisPrimaryGroup(Group newlyCreatedGroup, User user) throws RemoteException { //set user as owner of group applyUserAsGroupsOwner(newlyCreatedGroup, user); //give the users primary group all permission except for owner applyAllGroupPermissionsForGroupToUsersPrimaryGroup(newlyCreatedGroup, user); //owners should get the permission to give permission for this group applyPermitPermissionToGroupsParentGroupOwnersPrimaryGroups(newlyCreatedGroup); //check if to parent group is a permissions controlling group or has a reference to a permission controlling group Collection parentGroups = newlyCreatedGroup.getParentGroups(); if(parentGroups!=null && !parentGroups.isEmpty()) { applyPermissionControllingFromGroupToGroup((Group)parentGroups.iterator().next(), newlyCreatedGroup); } //apply permissions that have been marked to be inherited to this group from its parents applyInheritedPermissionsToGroup(newlyCreatedGroup); } /** * Applies permissions that have been marked to be inherited to this group * from its parents * * @param newlyCreatedGroup * @throws RemoteException */ public void applyInheritedPermissionsToGroup(Group newlyCreatedGroup) throws RemoteException { AccessController access = getAccessController(); Collection recursiveParents = getParentGroupsRecursive(newlyCreatedGroup); if (recursiveParents != null && !recursiveParents.isEmpty()) { try { Collection permissions = AccessControl.getPermissionHome().findAllGroupPermissionsToInheritByGroupCollection( recursiveParents); Iterator iter = permissions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission); try { access.setPermission(AccessController.CATEGORY_GROUP_ID, this.getIWApplicationContext(), Integer.toString(perm.getGroupID()), newlyCreatedGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString(), perm.getPermissionString(), Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace();// no parents, might happen not really an // error } } } /** * Returns a collection (list) of User objects that have owner permission to * this group * * @param group * to get owners for * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getOwnerUsersForGroup(Group group) throws RemoteException { Collection permissions = AccessControl.getAllOwnerGroupPermissionsReverseForGroup(group); ArrayList listOfOwnerUsers = new ArrayList(); UserBusiness userBiz = getUserBusiness(); //we only want active ones Iterator permissionsIter = permissions.iterator(); while (permissionsIter.hasNext()) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission); if(perm.getPermissionValue()){ listOfOwnerUsers.add(userBiz.getUser(perm.getGroupID())); } } return listOfOwnerUsers; } /** * Finds the correct group from the database using the directory strings * group structure * * @param dn * @return a Group data bean */ public Group getGroupByDirectoryString(DirectoryString dn) throws RemoteException { //TODO use one of the DN helper classes to do this cleaner String identifier = dn.getDirectoryString().toLowerCase(); String dnFromMetaDataKey = IWLDAPConstants.LDAP_META_DATA_KEY_DIRECTORY_STRING; Group group = null; //try and get by metadata first then by inaccurate method Collection groups = getGroupsByMetaDataKeyAndValue(dnFromMetaDataKey,identifier); if(!groups.isEmpty() && groups.size()==1){ //we found it! group = (Group)groups.iterator().next(); } else{ //LAST CHECK! //Warning this is potentially inaccurate and slow. //1. We start with shrinking the DN to the groups parent DN //2. Then we look for that group by its metadata //3. if we don't find it we return null because the groups parent does not exist in the database // if we do find the parent we get its children and see if we find a group with the name we are looking for //4.We double check if the groups we find already have a DN meta data. // if all of them do then we cannot say that they are the correct one and return null // if exactly one does then we return that one // else if more than one have no DN and have the same name we return null because we cannot deside. IWLDAPUtil util = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); int firstComma = identifier.indexOf(","); int startOfGroupName = identifier.indexOf("="); String groupName = identifier.substring(startOfGroupName+1,firstComma); if(firstComma>0){ //1. String parentDN = identifier.substring(firstComma+1,identifier.length()); List candidates = new Vector(); //2. Collection potentialParent = getGroupsByMetaDataKeyAndValue(dnFromMetaDataKey,parentDN); if(!potentialParent.isEmpty() && potentialParent.size()==1){ //we found it! Group parent = (Group)potentialParent.iterator().next(); //3. List children = parent.getChildGroups(); if(children!=null && !children.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = children.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group child = (Group); //4. if(groupName.equals(child.getName()) && child.getMetaData(dnFromMetaDataKey)==null){ candidates.add(child); } } if(!candidates.isEmpty() && candidates.size()==1){ group = (Group)candidates.iterator().next(); } } }else if(potentialParent.isEmpty()){ Collection possibleGroups = getGroupsByGroupName(groupName); if(!possibleGroups.isEmpty()){ List dnParts = util.getListOfStringsFromDirectoryString(dn); String rootDN = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance().getRootDNString(); boolean isTheWinner = false; //this used to be return (Group) if the size of the collection was 1 but I think that not enough checking Iterator possibleWinners = possibleGroups.iterator(); while(possibleWinners.hasNext() && group==null){ Group child = (Group); //a recursive method that checks all the parents names of this group against the names in the ldap dn string isTheWinner = isParentPathCorrectFromDN(child,1,dnParts,rootDN); if(isTheWinner){ group = child; } } } } } } return group; } /** * Checks RECURSIVELY if the name of the childs parent is the same as in the childs DN * @param child * @param i * @param dnParts * @param rootDN * @return */ private boolean isParentPathCorrectFromDN(Group child, int indexOfChildsParentInDNParts, List dnParts, String rootDN) { IWLDAPUtil ldapUtil = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); boolean isPathCorrect = true; List parents = child.getParentGroups(); //"there can be..only one!...parent" if(!parents.isEmpty()){ String dnPart = (String)dnParts.get(indexOfChildsParentInDNParts); String parentName = dnPart.substring(dnPart.indexOf("=")+1); Group parent = (Group)parents.get(0); int size = dnParts.size(); String name = ldapUtil.removeTrailingSpaces(parent.getName()); if(name.equals(parentName) && indexOfChildsParentInDNParts<size){ //keep on checking this parents parent...recursive isPathCorrect = isParentPathCorrectFromDN(parent,++indexOfChildsParentInDNParts,dnParts,rootDN); } else{ isPathCorrect = false; } } else{ //check if the remaining dn is the root dn List remaining = dnParts.subList(indexOfChildsParentInDNParts,dnParts.size()); String restOfDn = ListUtil.convertListOfStringsToCommaseparatedString(remaining); if(!restOfDn.equals(rootDN)){ isPathCorrect = false; } } return isPathCorrect; } /** * Gets all the groups that have this metadata key and value * @param key * @param value * @return a collection of Groups or an empty list */ public Collection getGroupsByMetaDataKeyAndValue(String key, String value){ Collection groups; try { groups = getGroupHome().findGroupsByMetaData(key,value); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } return groups; } private Collection getParentGroupsRecursiveUsingStoredProcedure(Group aGroup, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSpecifiedGroupTypes) throws EJBException{ return ParentGroupsRecursiveProcedure.getInstance().findParentGroupsRecursive(aGroup,groupTypes,returnSpecifiedGroupTypes); } private boolean useStoredProsedureGettingParentGroupsRecursive(){ return false; //ParentGroupsRecursiveProcedure.getInstance().isAvailable(); } public NestedSetsContainer getLastGroupTreeSnapShot() throws EJBException { if(this.groupTreeSnapShot==null){ refreshGroupTreeSnapShot(); } return this.groupTreeSnapShot; } public void refreshGroupTreeSnapShotInANewThread(){ try { GroupTreeRefreshThread thread = new GroupTreeRefreshThread(); thread.start(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void refreshGroupTreeSnapShot() throws EJBException { try { Collection domainTopNodes = this.getIWApplicationContext().getDomain().getTopLevelGroupsUnderDomain(); NestedSetsContainer nsc = new NestedSetsContainer(); Iterator iter = domainTopNodes.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ nsc.add(GroupTreeImageProcedure.getInstance().getGroupTree((Group); } this.groupTreeSnapShot=nsc; } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e); } } public boolean userGroupTreeImageProcedureTopNodeSearch(){ return GroupTreeImageProcedure.getInstance().isAvailable(); } /** * * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:31 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="">gummi</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class GroupTreeRefreshThread extends Thread { private int randID; /** * */ public GroupTreeRefreshThread() { this("GroupTreeRefreshThread-",(int)(Math.random()*1000)); } private GroupTreeRefreshThread(String name, int rand){ super(name+rand); this.randID=rand; } public void run() { try { log("[GroupBusiness]: fetch grouptree, new thread started 'randID:"+this.randID+"'"); refreshGroupTreeSnapShot(); log("[GroupBusiness]: fetch grouptree, thread done 'randID:"+this.randID+"'"); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } // Class /** * @todo move implementation from methodName(Group group) to methodName(int groupId) * @todo reimplement all methods returning list of users */