/* * $Id: Page.java,v 2007/01/12 19:31:32 idegaweb Exp $ * Created in 2000 by Tryggvi Larusson * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.presentation; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.NotLoggedOnException; import com.idega.core.builder.business.BuilderService; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICDomain; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICDynamicPageTrigger; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.core.data.ICTreeNode; import com.idega.core.file.business.ICFileSystem; import com.idega.core.file.data.ICFile; import com.idega.data.IDONoDatastoreError; import com.idega.event.IWFrameBusiness; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWConstants; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplicationSettings; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWStyleManager; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.include.GlobalIncludeManager; import com.idega.idegaweb.include.StyleSheetLink; import com.idega.io.serialization.FileObjectReader; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Window; import com.idega.repository.data.ImplementorRepository; import com.idega.repository.data.PropertyDescription; import com.idega.repository.data.PropertyDescriptionHolder; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.servlet.IWCoreServlet; import com.idega.util.FacesUtil; import com.idega.util.FrameStorageInfo; import com.idega.util.IWColor; import com.idega.util.URLUtil; import com.idega.util.datastructures.QueueMap; /** * <p> * An instance of this class (or subclass) is always a top level object in * UIComponent tree in an HTML presentation in idegaWeb. This object maps to and * renders the * * <pre> * <HTML><HEAD>...</HEAD> <BODY>... </BODY></HTML> * </pre> * * tags in HTML and renders the children inside the body tags. * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:31:32 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">tryggvil</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class Page extends PresentationObjectContainer implements PropertyDescriptionHolder { // static variables: private static Page NULL_CLONE_PAGE = new Page(); private static boolean NULL_CLONE_PAGE_INITIALIZED = false; protected final static String ROWS_PROPERTY = "ROWS"; protected final static String IW_PAGE_KEY = "idegaweb_page"; public final static String IW_FRAME_STORAGE_PARMETER = "idegaweb_frame_page"; public final static String IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER = "idegaweb_frame_class"; public final static String IW_FRAMESET_PAGE_PARAMETER = "idegaweb_frameset_path"; public final static String IW_FRAME_NAME_PARAMETER = "idegaweb_frame_name"; public final static String PRM_IW_BROWSE_EVENT_SOURCE = "iw_b_e_s"; // private final static String // START_TAG="<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">\n<html>"; /** * By skipping the validation URL XML compliant browser still recognise * attributes such as height / width * */ public final static String DOCTYPE_HTML_4_0_1_TRANSITIONAL = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">"; public final static String DOCTYPE_HTML_4_0_1_STRICT = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">"; public final static String DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n\t\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">"; public final static String DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_1 = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n\t\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\">"; // private final static String START_TAG = // "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html>"; private final static String START_TAG_HTML_4_0 = "<html>"; private final static String END_TAG = "</html>"; private static String META_KEYWORDS = "keywords"; private static String META_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static String META_HTTP_EQUIV_EXPIRES = "Expires"; private final static String NEWLINE = "\n"; // State held variables: private int _ibPageID; private String _title; // private Script _theAssociatedScript; // private Script associatedBodyScript = null; // private Script _theSourceScript; private boolean _zeroWait = false; private int _redirectSecondInterval = -1; private String _redirectURL = null; private String _redirectInfo; private boolean _doReload = false; private String _linkColor = "#000000"; private String _visitedColor = "#000000"; private String _hoverColor = "#000000"; private String _textDecoration = "underline"; private String _hoverDecoration = "underline"; private String _pageStyleFont = Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL; private String _pageStyleFontSize = Text.FONT_SIZE_10_STYLE_TAG; private String _pageStyleFontStyle = Text.FONT_FACE_STYLE_NORMAL; // private String _styleSheetURL; private String _shortCutIconURL = null; private int _shortCutIconID = -1; private boolean _addStyleSheet = false; private boolean _addBody = true; private Map _frameProperties; private boolean _isTemplate = false; private boolean _isPage = true; private boolean _isDraft = false; private boolean _isExtendingTemplate = false; private String _templateId = null; private Map _styleDefinitions; private Map _metaTags; private QueueMap _styleSheets; private QueueMap _javascripts; private QueueMap _javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls; private QueueMap _javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls; private Map _HTTPEquivs; protected Map _localizationMap; private boolean addGlobalScript = true; private ICFile styleFile = null; private ICDynamicPageTrigger dynamicPageTrigger = null; private boolean _isCategory = false; private ICPage _windowToOpenOnLoad; private int _windowWidth = 800; private int _windowHeight = 600; private ICPage forwardPage; private String docType; private boolean useIE7Extension = false; /** */ public Page() { this(""); } /** *@param s * Description of the Parameter */ public Page(String s) { super(); setTransient(false); setTitle(s); } /** *@param color * The new backgroundColor value */ public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { setStyleAttribute("background-color:" + color); } /** *@param color * The new backgroundColor value */ public void setBackgroundColor(IWColor color) { setBackgroundColor(color.getHexColorString()); } /** *@param color * The new textColor value */ public void setTextColor(String color) { setMarkupAttribute("text", color); } /** *@param color * The new alinkColor value */ public void setAlinkColor(String color) { setMarkupAttribute("alink", color); } /** *@param color * The new hoverColor value */ public void setHoverColor(String color) { setMarkupAttribute("alink", color); this._hoverColor = color; } /** * Sets the styleDefinition attribute of the Page object * *@param styleName * The new styleDefinition value *@param styleAttribute * The new styleDefinition value */ public void setStyleDefinition(String styleName, String styleAttribute) { if (this._styleDefinitions == null) { this._styleDefinitions = new Hashtable(); } this._styleDefinitions.put(styleName, styleAttribute); } public void addStyleSheetURL(String URL) { if (this._styleSheets == null) { this._styleSheets = new QueueMap(); } this._styleSheets.put(URL, URL); } private String getStyleSheetURL(String markup, IWContext iwc) { QueueMap map = new QueueMap(); // The default style sheet MUST come first so we can override it in // latter sheets! List sheets = GlobalIncludeManager.getInstance().getStyleSheets(); for (Iterator iter = sheets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { StyleSheetLink sheet = (StyleSheetLink) iter.next(); String url = (String) sheet.getUrl(); String styleSheetURL = iwc.getIWMainApplication() .getTranslatedURIWithContext(url); map.put(styleSheetURL, styleSheetURL); // this.addStyleSheetURL(styleSheetURL); } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // First the default and global style sheets if (!map.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = map.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String URL = (String) iter.next(); addStyleSheet(buffer, markup, URL); } } // Now the added style if (this._styleSheets != null && !this._styleSheets.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = this._styleSheets.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String URL = (String) iter.next(); addStyleSheet(buffer, markup, URL); } } return buffer.toString(); } private StringBuffer addStyleSheet(StringBuffer buffer, String markup, String URL) { return buffer.append("<link type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + URL + "\" rel=\"stylesheet\" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"); } public void addJavascriptURL(String URL) { if (this._javascripts == null) { this._javascripts = new QueueMap(); } this._javascripts.put(URL, URL); } protected String getJavascriptURLs(IWContext iwc) { if (this.addGlobalScript) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // Print a reference to the global .js script file String src = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle() .getResourcesURL(); try { ICDomain d = iwc.getDomain(); if (d.getURL() != null) { if (src.startsWith("/")) { String protocol; /** * @todo this is case sensitive and could break! move to * IWContext. Also done in Link, SubmitButton, * Image and PageIncluder **/ if (iwc.getRequest().isSecure()) { protocol = "https://"; } else { protocol = "http://"; } src = protocol + d.getURL() + src; } } } catch (IDONoDatastoreError de) { // de.printStackTrace(); } buffer.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + src + "/iw_core.js\">"); buffer.append("</script>"); if (this._javascripts != null && !this._javascripts.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = this._javascripts.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String URL = (String) iter.next(); buffer.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + URL + "\"></script>\n"); } } buffer.append("\n"); return buffer.toString(); } return ""; } /** * Sets the linkStyle attribute of the Page object * *@param style * The new linkStyle value */ public void setLinkStyle(String style) { setStyleDefinition("A", style); } public void setStyleInStyleSheet(String name, String style) { IWStyleManager manager = IWStyleManager.getInstance(); if (name != null && style != null) { manager.setStyle(name, style); } } /** * Sets the linkHoverStyle attribute of the Page object * *@param style * The new linkHoverStyle value */ public void setLinkHoverStyle(String style) { setStyleDefinition("A:hover", style); } /** * Sets the pageStyle attribute of the Page object * *@param style * The new pageStyle value */ public void setPageStyle(String style) { setStyleDefinition("body", style); setStyleDefinition("table", style); } /** * Sets the metaTag attribute of the Page object * *@param tagName * The new metaTag value *@param tagValue * The new metaTag value */ public void setMetaTag(String tagName, String tagValue) { if (this._metaTags == null) { this._metaTags = new Hashtable(); } this._metaTags.put(tagName, tagValue); } /** * Sets the hTTPEquivTag attribute of the Page object * *@param tagName * The new hTTPEquivTag value *@param tagValue * The new hTTPEquivTag value */ public void setHTTPEquivTag(String tagName, String tagValue) { if (this._HTTPEquivs == null) { this._HTTPEquivs = new Hashtable(); } this._HTTPEquivs.put(tagName, tagValue); } /** * Sets the keywordsMetaTag attribute of the Page object * *@param wordsCommaSeparated * The new keywordsMetaTag value */ public void setKeywordsMetaTag(String wordsCommaSeparated) { setMetaTag(META_KEYWORDS, wordsCommaSeparated); } /** * Sets the descriptionMetaTag attribute of the Page object * *@param wordsCommaSeparated * The new descriptionMetaTag value */ public void setDescriptionMetaTag(String wordsCommaSeparated) { setMetaTag(META_DESCRIPTION, wordsCommaSeparated); } /** * Sets the expiryDate attribute of the Page object * *@param dateString * The new expiryDate value */ public void setExpiryDate(String dateString) { this.setHTTPEquivTag(META_HTTP_EQUIV_EXPIRES, dateString); } /** * Sets the defaultValues attribute of the Page object */ private void setDefaultValues() { // addStyleSheetURL(_styleSheetURL); // the script is now a standard script called iwOpenWindow in iw_core.js // getAssociatedScript().addFunction("windowopen", // Window.windowScript()); } /** * Gets the styleDefinition attribute of the Page object * *@return The styleDefinition value */ public String getStyleDefinition() { StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer(); String styleName = ""; if (this._styleDefinitions != null) { returnString.append("<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n"); Iterator keyIter = this._styleDefinitions.keySet().iterator(); // Enumeration e = _styleDefinitions.keys(); // while (e.hasMoreElements()) { while (keyIter.hasNext()) { // styleName = (String) e.nextElement(); styleName = (String) keyIter.next(); returnString.append("\t"); returnString.append(styleName); String styleAttribute = getStyleAttribute(styleName); if (!styleAttribute.equals(slash)) { returnString.append(" { "); returnString.append(styleAttribute); returnString.append(" }\n"); } returnString.append(""); } returnString.append(" -->\n</style>"); returnString.append("\n"); } return returnString.toString(); } /** * <p> * This method gets the script fragment that calls the javacript for the IE7 * (plugin) that makes IE more standards compliant.<br/> * See: <a * href="http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/">http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/</a> * </p> * * @return */ public String getIE7() { String scriptUrl = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication() .getCoreBundle().getResourcesURL() + "/ie7/ie7-standard-p.js"; String scriptString = "<!-- compliance patch for microsoft browsers -->\n" + "<!--[if lt IE 7]><script src=\"" + scriptUrl + "\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script><![endif]-->"; return scriptString; } /** * <p> * Gets if the IE7 Code fragment is rendered out in the header of the page. * Defaults to false. * </p> * * @return */ public boolean getUseIE7Extension() { return this.useIE7Extension; } /** * <p> * Sets if the IE7 Extension (http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/) should be used. * Default is false. * </p> */ public void setUseIE7Extension(boolean useIE7Extension) { this.useIE7Extension = useIE7Extension; } /** * Gets the styleAttribute attribute of the Page object * *@param styleName * Description of the Parameter *@return The styleAttribute value */ public String getStyleAttribute(String styleName) { if (this._styleDefinitions != null) { return (String) this._styleDefinitions.get((Object) styleName); } else { return null; } } /** * Gets the metaTags attribute of the Page object * *@return The metaTags value */ public String getMetaTags(String markup) { StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer(); String tagName = ""; if (this._metaTags != null) { // Enumeration e = _metaTags.keys(); // while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Iterator keyIter = this._metaTags.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { // tagName = (String) e.nextElement(); tagName = (String) keyIter.next(); returnString.append("<meta name=\""); returnString.append(tagName); returnString.append("\" "); String tagValue = getMetaTag(tagName); if (tagValue != null) { returnString.append(" content=\""); returnString.append(tagValue); returnString.append("\""); } returnString.append(" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"); } returnString.append("\n"); } if (this._HTTPEquivs != null) { // Enumeration e = _HTTPEquivs.keys(); // while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Iterator keyIter = this._HTTPEquivs.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { // tagName = (String) e.nextElement(); tagName = (String) keyIter.next(); returnString.append("<meta http-equiv=\""); returnString.append(tagName); returnString.append("\" "); String tagValue = getHTTPEquivTag(tagName); if (tagValue != null) { returnString.append(" content=\""); returnString.append(tagValue); returnString.append("\""); } returnString.append(" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"); } returnString.append("\n"); } return returnString.toString(); } /** * Gets the hTTPEquivTag attribute of the Page object * *@param tagName * Description of the Parameter *@return The hTTPEquivTag value */ public String getHTTPEquivTag(String tagName) { if (this._HTTPEquivs != null) { return (String) this._HTTPEquivs.get((Object) tagName); } else { return null; } } /** * Gets the metaTag attribute of the Page object * *@param tagName * Description of the Parameter *@return The metaTag value */ public String getMetaTag(String tagName) { if (this._metaTags != null) { return (String) this._metaTags.get((Object) tagName); } else { return null; } } /** *@param textDecoration * The new textDecoration value */ public void setTextDecoration(String textDecoration) { this._textDecoration = textDecoration; } /** *@param hoverDecoration * The new hoverDecoration value */ public void setHoverDecoration(String hoverDecoration) { this._hoverDecoration = hoverDecoration; } /** *@param styleSheetURL * The new styleSheetURL value */ public void setStyleSheetURL(String styleSheetURL) { int index = styleSheetURL.indexOf(","); while (index > -1) { addStyleSheetURL(styleSheetURL.substring(0, index)); try { styleSheetURL = styleSheetURL.substring(index + 1); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { styleSheetURL = styleSheetURL.substring(index); } styleSheetURL.trim(); index = styleSheetURL.indexOf(","); } addStyleSheetURL(styleSheetURL); } /** *@param color * The new vlinkColor value */ public void setVlinkColor(String color) { setMarkupAttribute("vlink", color); this._visitedColor = color; } /** *@param color * The new linkColor value */ public void setLinkColor(String color) { setMarkupAttribute("link", color); this._linkColor = color; } /** *@param textFontFace * The new pageFontFace value */ public void setPageFontFace(String textFontFace) { this._pageStyleFont = textFontFace; } /** *@param textFontSize * The new pageFontSize value */ public void setPageFontSize(String textFontSize) { this._pageStyleFont = textFontSize; } /** *@param textFontStyle * The new pageFontStyle value */ public void setPageFontStyle(String textFontStyle) { this._pageStyleFontStyle = textFontStyle; } /** *@return The pageFontFace value */ public String getPageFontFace() { return (this._pageStyleFont); } /** *@return The pageFontSize value */ public String getPageFontSize() { return (this._pageStyleFont); } /** *@return The pageFontStyle value */ public String getPageFontStyle() { return (this._pageStyleFontStyle); } /** *@param title * The new title value */ public void setTitle(String title) { this._title = title; setName(title); } public void setLocalizedTitle(String text) { } public void setIsCategory(boolean isCategory) { this._isCategory = isCategory; } public String getLocalizedTitle(IWContext iwc) { // Map tree = PageTreeNode.getTree(iwc); BuilderService bservice; ICTreeNode node = null; try { bservice = getBuilderService(iwc); int pageId = bservice.getCurrentPageId(iwc); int currentUserId = -1; if (iwc.isLoggedOn()) { currentUserId = iwc.getCurrentUserId(); node = (ICTreeNode) bservice.getPageTree(pageId, currentUserId); } else { node = (ICTreeNode) bservice.getPageTree(pageId); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDONoDatastoreError de) { // de.printStackTrace(); } if (node != null) { String locName = node.getNodeName(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); if (locName != null && !locName.equals("")) { return locName; } } return getTitle(); } /** *@param width * The new marginWidth value */ public void setMarginWidth(int width) { setLeftMargin(width); // setAttribute("marginwidth", Integer.toString(width)); } /** *@param height * The new marginHeight value */ public void setMarginHeight(int height) { setTopMargin(height); // setAttribute("marginheight", Integer.toString(height)); } /** *@param leftmargin * The new leftMargin value */ public void setLeftMargin(int leftmargin) { setStyleAttribute("margin-left:" + leftmargin + "px"); // setAttribute("leftmargin", Integer.toString(leftmargin)); } /** *@param topmargin * The new topMargin value */ public void setTopMargin(int topmargin) { setStyleAttribute("margin-top:" + topmargin + "px"); // setAttribute("topmargin", Integer.toString(topmargin)); } /** *@param allMargins * The new allMargins value */ public void setAllMargins(int allMargins) { // setMarginWidth(allMargins); // setMarginHeight(allMargins); setStyleAttribute("margin:" + allMargins + "px"); } /** *@return The title value */ public String getTitle() { return this._title; } /** *@param myScript * The new associatedScript value */ public void setAssociatedScript(Script myScript) { getFacets().put("page_associated_script", myScript); // _theAssociatedScript = myScript; } /* * */ /** * Description of the Method */ private void initializeAssociatedScript() { Script _theAssociatedScript = (Script) getFacets().get( "page_associated_script"); if (_theAssociatedScript == null) { _theAssociatedScript = new Script(); setAssociatedScript(_theAssociatedScript); } } /** *@return The associatedScript value */ public Script getAssociatedScript() { initializeAssociatedScript(); // return _theAssociatedScript; return (Script) getFacets().get("page_associated_script"); } /** *@param imageURL * The new backgroundImage value */ public void setBackgroundImage(String imageURL) { setStyleAttribute("background:url('" + imageURL + "')"); } /** *@param backgroundImage * The new backgroundImage value *@todo : this must implemented in the print method...like in the Link * class IMPORTANT! for this to work you must have an application * property called IW_USES_OLD_MEDIA_TABLES (set to anything) */ public void setBackgroundImage(Image backgroundImage) { if (backgroundImage != null) { setBackgroundImage(getImageUrl(backgroundImage)); } } /** *@param image * Description of the Parameter *@return The imageUrl value *@todo : replace this with a implementation in print IMPORTANT! for this * to work you must have an application property called * IW_USES_OLD_MEDIA_TABLES (set to anything) */ private String getImageUrl(Image image) { if (image.getURL() != null) { return image.getURL(); } else { return image.getMediaURL(); } } /** *@param action * The new onLoad value */ public void setOnLoad(String action) { setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onload", action); } /** * Sets an alert that is displayed on page load, * * @param alert * The alert to display. */ public void setAlertOnLoad(String alert) { setOnLoad("alert('" + alert + "');"); } /** *@param action * The new onBlur value */ public void setOnBlur(String action) { setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onblur", action); } /** *@param action * The new onUnLoad value */ public void setOnUnLoad(String action) { setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onunload", action); } /** * Sets an alert that is displayed on page unload, * * @param alert * The alert to display. */ public void setAlertOnUnLoad(String alert) { setOnUnLoad("alert('" + alert + "');"); } /** * Sets the window to close immediately when this page is loaded */ public void close() { setOnLoad("window.close()"); } /** * Sets the window to close immediately when page is loaded and the focus on * its parent ( opener ) if exists * * @param focusOnparent */ public void close(boolean focusOnParent) { if (focusOnParent) { setOnLoad("if(window.opener && window.opener.focus){ window.opener.focus(); } window.close()"); } else { close(); } } /** * Sets the window to maintain focus when it is blurred */ public void keepFocus() { setOnBlur("window.focus()"); } /** * Sets the page to go directly back in history one step on load of this * page */ public void setToGoBack() { setOnLoad("history.go(-1)"); } /** * Sets the parent (caller) window to reload on Unload */ public void setParentToReload() { setOnUnLoad("window.opener.location.reload()"); } public void setParentToReloadWithURL(String url) { setOnUnLoad("window.opener.location.href='" + url + "'"); } /** * Sets the parent (caller) window to submit its first form when this page * unloads if there is one */ public void setParentPageMainFormToSubmitOnUnLoad() { setParentPageFormToSubmitOnUnLoad(0); } /** * Sets the parent (caller) window to submit its form at index formIndex if * there is one, on unload of this page. * * @param formIndex * index of the form in the parent page */ public void setParentPageFormToSubmitOnUnLoad(int formIndex) { setOnUnLoad("window.opener.document.forms[" + formIndex + "].submit()"); } /** * Sets the parent (caller) window to submit the form with the given name if * there is one, on unload of this page. * * @param formIndex * index of the form in the parent page */ public void setParentPageFormToSubmitOnUnLoad(String formName) { setOnUnLoad("javascript:window.opener.document.getElementById('" + formName + "').submit()"); } /** *Sets the parent (caller) page to change location (URL) when this page * unloads * * @param URL * The new toRedirect value */ public void setParentToRedirect(String URL) { setOnUnLoad("javascript:window.opener.location = '" + URL + "';"); } /** * Displays an alert on load of this page.<br> * * @author aron@idega.is *@param sMessage * The new toLoadAlert value */ public void setToLoadAlert(String sMessage) { setOnLoad("alert('" + sMessage + "')"); } /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public boolean doPrint(IWContext iwc) { boolean returnBoole; if (iwc.getParameter("idegaspecialrequesttype") == null) { returnBoole = true; } else if (iwc.getParameter("idegaspecialrequesttype").equals("page") && iwc.getParameter("idegaspecialrequestname").equals( this.getName())) { returnBoole = true; } else { returnBoole = false; } return returnBoole; } /* * */ /** * Sets the defaultAttributes attribute of the Page object * *@param iwc * The new defaultAttributes value */ private void setDefaultAttributes(IWContext iwc) { /* * if (!isAttributeSet("bgcolor")) { * setBackgroundColor(iwc.getDefaultBackgroundColor()); } */ } /** */ public void setToReload() { this._doReload = true; } /** * Sets the addBody attribute of the Page object * *@param addBodyTag * The new addBody value */ public void setAddBody(boolean addBodyTag) { this._addBody = addBodyTag; } /** *@param URL * The new toRedirect value */ public void setToRedirect(String URL) { this._zeroWait = true; setToRedirect(URL, 0); } /** *@param URL * The new toRedirect value *@param secondInterval * The new toRedirect value */ public void setToRedirect(String URL, int secondInterval) { this._redirectInfo = "" + secondInterval + " ;URL=" + URL; this._redirectSecondInterval = secondInterval; this._redirectURL = URL; } /** *@return The redirectInfo value */ public String getRedirectInfo() { return this._redirectInfo; } public void setToForwardToPage(ICPage page) { this.forwardPage = page; } /** *@param milliseconds * The new toClose value */ public void setToClose(int milliseconds) { getAssociatedScript().addFunction("close_time", "setTimeout(\"window.close()\"," + milliseconds + ")"); } /* * */ /** * Description of the Method * *@param newObjToCreate * Description of the Parameter */ protected void prepareClone(PresentationObject newObjToCreate) { super.prepareClone(newObjToCreate); Page newPage = (Page) newObjToCreate; newPage._title = this._title; // Script newScript = (Script) _theAssociatedScript; // if (newScript != null) { // newPage._theAssociatedScript = (Script) newScript.clone(); // } newPage._zeroWait = this._zeroWait; newPage._redirectInfo = this._redirectInfo; newPage._doReload = this._doReload; newPage._linkColor = this._linkColor; newPage._visitedColor = this._visitedColor; newPage._hoverColor = this._hoverColor; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@param askForPermission * Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Object clonePermissionChecked(IWUserContext iwuc, boolean askForPermission) { // return this.clone(iwc,true); if (askForPermission) { if (iwuc.hasViewPermission(this)) { return this.clone(iwuc, askForPermission); } else { if (!NULL_CLONE_PAGE_INITIALIZED) { try { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); // Text pageNotFound = new Text("No permission", true, // false, false); // pageNotFound.setFontSize(4); // NULL_CLONE_PAGE.add(pageNotFound); Image noPermissionImage = getBundle(iwc).getImage( "shared/stopalert.gif"); NULL_CLONE_PAGE.add(noPermissionImage); if (iwc != null) { BuilderService bservice = getBuilderService(iwc); int pageId = 1; String page = null; // getProperty //iwc.getParameter(_PRM_PAGE_ID); if (page != null) { try { pageId = Integer.parseInt(page); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { pageId = bservice.getRootPageId(); } } else { pageId = bservice.getRootPageId(); } NULL_CLONE_PAGE.setOnLoad("document.location='" + bservice.getPageURI(pageId) + "'"); } NULL_CLONE_PAGE_INITIALIZED = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return NULL_CLONE_PAGE; } } else { return this.clone(); } } /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@param askForPermission * Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Object clone(IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission) { Page obj = null; try { obj = (Page) super.clone(iwc, askForPermission); // if (_theAssociatedScript != null) { // obj._theAssociatedScript = (Script) _theAssociatedScript.clone(); // } obj._title = this._title; obj._zeroWait = this._zeroWait; obj._redirectInfo = this._redirectInfo; obj._doReload = this._doReload; obj._linkColor = this._linkColor; obj._visitedColor = this._visitedColor; obj._hoverColor = this._hoverColor; obj._textDecoration = this._textDecoration; // obj._styleSheetURL = _styleSheetURL; obj._addStyleSheet = this._addStyleSheet; obj._ibPageID = this._ibPageID; obj.styleFile = this.styleFile; if (this._javascripts != null) { obj._javascripts = this._javascripts; } if (this._styleSheets != null) { obj._styleSheets = this._styleSheets; } if (this._styleDefinitions != null) { obj._styleDefinitions = this._styleDefinitions; } if (this.dynamicPageTrigger != null) { obj.dynamicPageTrigger = (ICDynamicPageTrigger) this.dynamicPageTrigger .clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /* * public synchronized Object clone() { Page obj = null; try { obj = * (Page)super.clone(); if (this.theAssociatedScript != null) { * obj.theAssociatedScript = (Script)this.theAssociatedScript.clone(); } * obj.title = this.title; obj.zeroWait = this.zeroWait; obj.redirectInfo = * this.redirectInfo; obj.doReload = this.doReload; obj.linkColor = * this.linkColor; obj.visitedColor = this.visitedColor; obj.hoverColor = * this.hoverColor; obj.textDecoration = this.textDecoration; * obj.styleSheetURL = this.styleSheetURL; obj.addStyleSheet = * this.addStyleSheet; } catch(Exception ex) { * ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } */ /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@exception Exception * Description of the Exception */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this.forwardPage != null) { iwc.forwardToIBPage(this, this.forwardPage); } if (this._doReload) { if (iwc.getSession().getAttribute("idega_special_reload") != null) { iwc.getSession().removeAttribute("idega_special_reload"); } else { setToRedirect(iwc.getRequestURI()); iwc.getSession().setAttribute("idega_special_reload", "true"); } } /* get the files cached url */ if (this.styleFile != null) { ICFileSystem fsystem = getICFileSystem(iwc); String styleSheetURL = fsystem.getFileURI(((Integer) this.styleFile .getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); setStyleSheetURL(styleSheetURL); } } /* * */ /** * Gets the childOfOtherPage attribute of the Page object * *@return The childOfOtherPage value */ protected boolean isChildOfOtherPage() { UIComponent parent = getParent(); if (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof Page) { if (parent instanceof FrameSet) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (parent instanceof UIViewRoot) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * @return a boolean wether (this) has a parent that is a FrameSet */ protected boolean isInFrameSet() { UIComponent parent = getParent(); if (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof FrameSet || parent instanceof Frame) { return true; } } return false; } /** * <code>Gets the contents inside the Head <head> </head> tags with the exception of the title and * the "associated script.</code> * * @param iwc * @return */ protected String getHeadContents(IWContext iwc) { IWMainApplicationSettings settings = iwc.getApplicationSettings(); String characterEncoding = settings.getCharacterEncoding(); String markup = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getProperty( MARKUP_LANGUAGE, HTML); return getHeadContents(markup, characterEncoding, iwc); } /** * <code>Gets the contents inside the Head <head> </head> tags with the exception of the title and * the "associated script.</code> * * @param iwc * @return */ protected String getHeadContents(String markup, String characterEncoding, IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(getPrintableSchortCutIconURL(iwc)); if (getUseIE7Extension()) { buf.append(getIE7()); } buf.append(getMetaInformation(markup, characterEncoding)); buf.append(getMetaTags(markup)); buf.append(getJavaScriptBeforeJavascriptURLs(iwc)); buf.append(getJavascriptURLs(iwc)); buf.append(getJavaScriptAfterJavascriptURLs(iwc)); buf.append(getStyleSheetURL(markup, iwc)); buf.append(getStyleDefinition()); return buf.toString(); } /** * <code>Adds the script string to the <head> of the page before javascript.js files are loaded, the added string are printed in the same order as they come in</code> * * @param script */ public void addJavaScriptBeforeJavaScriptURLs(String keyInMap, String script) { if (this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls == null) { this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls = new QueueMap(); } this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls.put(keyInMap, script); } /** * <code>Adds the script string to the <head> of the page after javascript.js files are loaded, the added string are printed in the same order as they come in</code> * * @param script */ public void addJavaScriptAfterJavaScriptURLs(String keyInMap, String script) { if (this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls == null) { this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls = new QueueMap(); } this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls.put(keyInMap, script); } public void removeJavaScriptFromJavascriptBeforeJavaScriptsUrlsMap( String key) { if (this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls != null) { this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls.remove(key); } } public void removeJavaScriptFromJavascriptAfterJavaScriptsUrlsMap(String key) { if (this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls != null) { this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls.remove(key); } } /** * Gets a block of free form javascript (just strings) to insert BEFORE * importing some javascript.js files * * @param iwc * @return a javascript block */ private String getJavaScriptBeforeJavascriptURLs(IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls != null && !this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls.isEmpty()) { buffer.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); Iterator iter = this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls.values() .iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String value = (String) iter.next(); buffer.append(value).append("\n"); } buffer.append("</script>\n"); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Gets a block of free form javascript (just strings) to insert AFTER * importing some javascript.js files * * @param iwc * @return a javascript block */ private String getJavaScriptAfterJavascriptURLs(IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls != null && !this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls.isEmpty()) { buffer.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); Iterator iter = this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls.values() .iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String value = (String) iter.next(); buffer.append(value).append("\n"); } buffer.append("</script>\n"); } return buffer.toString(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @seecom.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#initVariables(com.idega. * presentation.IWContext) */ public void initVariables(IWContext iwc) throws IOException { super.initVariables(iwc); setDefaultValues(); setDefaultAttributes(iwc); } /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@exception Exception * Description of the Exception */ public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this.printBegin(iwc); // Catch all exceptions that are thrown in print functions of objects // stored inside try { super.print(iwc); } catch (Exception ex) { println("<h1>An Error Occurred!</h1>"); println("IW Error"); println("<pre>"); String message = ex.getMessage(); if (message != null) { println(message); } ex.printStackTrace(System.err); println("</pre>"); } this.printEnd(iwc); } public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { callMain(context); this.printBegin(IWContext.getIWContext(context)); } /** * Bridging method for JSF: * * @throws Exception */ public void printBegin(IWContext iwc) throws IOException { this.initVariables(iwc); boolean isInsideOtherPage = this.isChildOfOtherPage(); if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML)) { if (!isInsideOtherPage) { IWMainApplicationSettings settings = iwc .getApplicationSettings(); String characterEncoding = settings.getCharacterEncoding(); String markup = getMarkupLanguageForPage(); String docType = getDocType(); println(getStartTag(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), docType, characterEncoding)); if (this._zeroWait) { setDoPrint(false); } if (this._windowToOpenOnLoad != null) { URLUtil url = new URLUtil(iwc, this._windowToOpenOnLoad); setOnLoad("javascript:" + Window.getWindowCallingScript(url.toString(), "Window", false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, false, this._windowWidth, this._windowHeight)); } println("<head>"); println("<title>" + getLocalizedTitle(iwc) + "</title>\n"); /* * //shortcut icon println(getPrintableSchortCutIconURL(iwc)); * print(getMetaInformation(markup, characterEncoding)); * print(getMetaTags(markup)); print(getJavascriptURLs(iwc)); if * (getAssociatedScript() != null) { * getAssociatedScript()._print(iwc); } * print(getStyleSheetURL(markup)); print(getStyleDefinition()); */ print(getHeadContents(markup, characterEncoding, iwc)); if (getAssociatedScript() != null) { // getAssociatedScript()._print(iwc); UIComponent script = getAssociatedScript(); this.renderChild(iwc, script); } // Laddi: Made obsolete with default style sheet /* * if (_addStyleSheet) { * println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + _styleSheetURL + * "\" type=\"text/css\">\n"); } */ println("\n</head>"); if (this._addBody) { println("<body " + getMarkupAttributesString() + ">"); if (getAssociatedBodyScript() != null) { // getAssociatedBodyScript()._print(iwc); UIComponent script = getAssociatedBodyScript(); this.renderChild(iwc, script); } } // added by Eiki for frameSet in a page support } } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_WML)) { println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); if (true) { println("<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">"); } println("<wml>"); println("<head>"); println("<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\"/>"); println("</head>"); print("<card title=\"" + getLocalizedTitle(iwc) + "\""); if (this._redirectSecondInterval > -1) { print(" ontimer=\"" + this._redirectURL + "\""); println(" id=\"card1\">"); println("<timer value=\"" + this._redirectSecondInterval * 10 + "\"/>"); } else { println(" id=\"card1\">"); } } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals( IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML)) { println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>"); // println("<!DOCTYPE ITEXT SYSTEM \"http://www.lowagie.com/iText/itext.dtd\">"); println("<itext producer=\"Idega Software, http://www.idega.com\">"); } } public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context) throws IOException { List children = getChildren(); // This is a temporary workaround, because of iterator // NoSuchElementException problem (iterator should be used when it // starts working) try { Object[] array = children.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { Object obj = array[i]; UIComponent child = (UIComponent) obj; renderChild(context, child); } } catch (NotLoggedOnException noex) { // TODO: Change this, this is a workaround till a better not logged // on error page is created: IWContext iwc = castToIWContext(context); String notLoggedOnString = getResourceBundle(iwc) .getLocalizedString("error_not_logged_on", "You are not logged on, please go to login page and log in."); println("<h2>" + notLoggedOnString + "</h2>"); } /* * Iterator iter = children.iterator(); int size = children.size(); * while(iter.hasNext()){ //for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); * iter.hasNext();) { UIComponent child = (UIComponent) iter.next(); * this.renderChild(context,child); } */ } public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context) throws IOException { this.printEnd(IWContext.getIWContext(context)); resetGoneThroughMain(); long time = FacesUtil.registerRequestEnd(context); String renderingText = time + " ms"; context.getResponseWriter().writeComment(renderingText); } /** * Bridging method for JSF: */ public void printEnd(IWContext iwc) throws IOException { boolean isInsideOtherPage = this.isChildOfOtherPage(); if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML)) { if (!isInsideOtherPage) { if (this._addBody) { println("\n\n</body>"); } println(getEndTag()); } } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_WML)) { println("</card>"); println("</wml>"); } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals( IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML)) { println("</itext>"); } } /** *@param key * The new property value *@param values * The new property value */ public void setProperty(String key, String values[]) { if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("title")) { setTitle(values[0]); } } /** *@return The startTag value */ public static String getStartTag(Locale locale, String docType, String encoding) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (docType.equals(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL)) { buffer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"").append( encoding != null ? encoding : "ISO-8859-1").append("\"?>") .append("\n"); buffer.append(docType); buffer.append(NEWLINE); buffer .append("<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\""); buffer.append(locale.getLanguage()); buffer.append("\" lang=\""); buffer.append(locale.getLanguage()); buffer.append("\">"); return buffer.toString(); } else if (docType.equals(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_1)) { buffer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"").append( encoding != null ? encoding : "ISO-8859-1").append("\"?>") .append("\n"); buffer.append(docType); buffer.append(NEWLINE); buffer .append("<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\""); buffer.append(locale.getLanguage()); buffer.append("\">"); return buffer.toString(); } else { buffer.append(docType); buffer.append(NEWLINE); buffer.append(START_TAG_HTML_4_0); buffer.append(NEWLINE); return buffer.toString(); } /* * if (markup.equals(XHTML)) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); * buffer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"").append(encoding != * null ? encoding : "ISO-8859-1").append("\"?>").append("\n"); * //buffer. * append("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"" * ).append("\n");//buffer.append( * "\t\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">" * ).append("\n"); buffer.append(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL); * buffer. * append("<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"" * +locale.getLanguage()+"\" lang=\""+locale.getLanguage()+"\">"); * return buffer.toString(); } else if (markup.equals(XHTML1_1)) { * StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); * buffer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"").append(encoding != * null ? encoding : "ISO-8859-1").append("\"?>").append("\n"); * //buffer. * append("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"") * .append("\n"); * //buffer.append("\t\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\">" * ).append("\n"); buffer.append(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_1); * buffer.append("<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"" * +locale.getLanguage()+"\">"); return buffer.toString(); } return * START_TAG; */ } /** *@return The endTag value */ public static String getEndTag() { return END_TAG; } /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return The metaInformation value */ public String getMetaInformation(String markup, String characterEncoding) { boolean addIdegaAuthorAndCopyRight = false; String theReturn = "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" + characterEncoding + "\" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"idegaWeb " + IWContext.getInstance().getIWMainApplication() .getProductInfo().getVersion() + "\" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"; // If the user is logged on then there is no caching by proxy servers boolean notUseProxyCaching = true; if (notUseProxyCaching) { theReturn += "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"; } if (getRedirectInfo() != null) { theReturn += "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"" + getRedirectInfo() + "\" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"; } if (addIdegaAuthorAndCopyRight) { theReturn += "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"idega.is\"/>\n<meta name=\"copyright\" content=\"idega.is\" " + (!markup.equals(HTML) ? "/" : "") + ">\n"; } return theReturn; } /** * Used to find the Page object to be printed in top of the current page * *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return The page value */ public static Page getPage(IWContext iwc) { Page page = (Page) IWCoreServlet.retrieveObject(IW_PAGE_KEY); return page; } /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value *@exception Exception * Description of the Exception */ public static Page loadPage(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String classKey = iwc.getParameter(IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER); String frameKey = iwc.getParameter(IW_FRAME_STORAGE_PARMETER); String framePathKey = iwc.getParameter(IW_FRAMESET_PAGE_PARAMETER); String frameNameKey = iwc.getParameter(IW_FRAME_NAME_PARAMETER); if (framePathKey != null && frameNameKey != null) { /** * @todo EJB create */ IWFrameBusiness fb = (IWFrameBusiness) IBOLookup .getSessionInstance(iwc, IWFrameBusiness.class); Page pg = fb.getFrame(framePathKey, frameNameKey); if (pg != null) { // if( iwc.getParameter(PRM_IW_BROWSE_EVENT_SOURCE) != null && // pg instanceof IWBrowseControl){ // //System.out.println("dispatchEvent(iwc)"); // ((IWBrowseControl)pg).dispatchEvent(iwc); // } // else { // System.out.println("!dispatchEvent(iwc)"); // } return pg; } else { Page defaultPage = new Page(); // defaultPage.setBackgroundColor("#FF0000"); System.err.println("[" + Page.class + "]: Frame " + frameNameKey + ": page is null"); return defaultPage; } } else if (frameKey != null) { Page page = getPage(getFrameStorageInfo(iwc), iwc); System.out .println("com.idega.presentation.Page: Trying to get page stored in session"); return page; } else if (classKey != null) { // try{ String className = IWMainApplication.decryptClassName(classKey); Page page = null; try { page = (Page) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className) .newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IWPageInitializationException( "There was an error, your session is probably expired"); } String sID = iwc .getParameter(IWMainApplication._PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID); try { if (sID != null) { System.err.println("sID: " + sID); page.setICObjectInstanceID(Integer.parseInt(sID)); // this.ib_object_instance_id = Integer.parseInt(sID); System.err.println("Integer.parseInt(sID): " + Integer.parseInt(sID)); System.err.println("getICObjectInstanceID: " + page.getICObjectInstanceID()); } /* * else{ System.err.println("sID == null"); } */ } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err .println(page + ": cannot init ic_object_instance_id"); } return page; // } // catch(Exception e){ // Page page = new Page(); // page.add("Page invalid"); // page.addBreak(); // page.add(e.getClass().getName()+"Message: "+e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); // return page; // } } else { return new Page(); } } /* * */ /** * Gets the frameStorageInfo attribute of the Page class * *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return The frameStorageInfo value */ private static FrameStorageInfo getFrameStorageInfo(IWContext iwc) { String key = iwc.getParameter(IW_FRAME_STORAGE_PARMETER); FrameStorageInfo info = (FrameStorageInfo) iwc.getSessionAttribute(key); if (info == null) { info = FrameStorageInfo.EMPTY_FRAME; } return info; } /* * */ /** * Gets the page attribute of the Page class * *@param info * Description of the Parameter *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return The page value */ private static Page getPage(FrameStorageInfo info, IWContext iwc) { String key = info.getStorageKey(); Page theReturn = (Page) iwc.getSessionAttributeWeak(key); if (theReturn == null) { try { theReturn = (Page) info.getFrameClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (theReturn == null) { theReturn = new Page("Expired"); theReturn.add("This page has expired"); } ex.printStackTrace(); } storePage(theReturn, iwc); } return theReturn; } /** *@param page * Description of the Parameter *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter */ public static void storePage(Page page, IWContext iwc) { String storageKey = page.getID(); String infoKey = storageKey; FrameStorageInfo info = new FrameStorageInfo(storageKey, page .getClass()); iwc.setSessionAttribute(infoKey, info); iwc.setSessionAttributeWeak(storageKey, page); } /** *@param page * The new topPage value */ public static void setTopPage(Page page) { IWCoreServlet.storeObject(IW_PAGE_KEY, page); } /** *@param iwc * Description of the Parameter *@return The requestingTopPage value */ public static boolean isRequestingTopPage(IWContext iwc) { return !iwc.isParameterSet(IW_FRAME_STORAGE_PARMETER); } /** * Sets the ID (BuilderPage ID) * *@param id * The new pageID value */ public void setPageID(int id) { this._ibPageID = id; } /** * method for adding a style sheet file the url generating is done in the * main method * * @param file * The new styleSheet value */ public void setStyleSheet(ICFile file) { this.styleFile = file; } /** * Returns set the (BuilderPage) ID set to this page * *@return The pageID value */ public int getPageID() { return this._ibPageID; } /** * Sets this page to be a template page */ public void setIsTemplate() { this._isTemplate = true; this._isPage = false; this._isDraft = false; } /** * Sets this page to be a "normal" page */ public void setIsPage() { this._isTemplate = false; this._isPage = true; this._isDraft = false; } /** * Sets this page to be a draft */ public void setIsDraft() { this._isTemplate = false; this._isPage = false; this._isDraft = true; } /** *@return The isTemplate value */ public boolean getIsTemplate() { return (this._isTemplate); } /** *@return The isPage value */ public boolean getIsPage() { return (this._isPage); } /** *@return The isDraft value */ public boolean getIsDraft() { return (this._isDraft); } /** */ public void setIsExtendingTemplate() { this._isExtendingTemplate = true; } /** *@return The isExtendingTemplate value */ public boolean getIsExtendingTemplate() { return (this._isExtendingTemplate); } /** * Sets the windowToOpenOnLoad attribute of the Page object * *@param link * The new windowToOpenOnLoad value *@param iwc * The new windowToOpenOnLoad value */ public void setWindowToOpenOnLoad(Link link, IWContext iwc) { this.setOnLoad(link.getWindowToOpenCallingScript(iwc)); } public void setWindowToOpenOnLoad(ICPage page) { setWindowToOpenOnLoad(page, 800, 600); } public void setWindowToOpenOnLoad(ICPage page, int width, int height) { this._windowToOpenOnLoad = page; this._windowWidth = width; this._windowHeight = height; } /** * Sets the templateId attribute of the Page object * *@param id * The new templateId value */ public void setTemplateId(String id) { this._templateId = id; } /** * Gets the templateId attribute of the Page object * *@return The templateId value */ public String getTemplateId() { return (this._templateId); } /** * Used to add source of scriptfiles (JavaScript) The file url should end on * the form "scriptfile.js" * *@param jsString * The feature to be added to the ScriptSource attribute */ public void addScriptSource(String jsString) { getAssociatedScript().addScriptSource(jsString); } /** * Gets the file id of the shortcut icon * * @return the shortcut icon file id */ public int getShortCutIconID() { return this._shortCutIconID; } /** * Gets the URL of the shortcut icon * * @return URL to shortcut icon */ public String getShortCutIconURL() { return this._shortCutIconURL; } /** * Sets the file id of the shortcut icon * * @param id * of the icon file */ public void setShortCutIconID(int id) { this._shortCutIconID = id; } /** * Sets the URL to the shortcut icon * * @param url * to the icon file */ public void setShortCutIconURL(String url) { this._shortCutIconURL = url; } private String getPrintableSchortCutIconURL(IWContext iwc) { String url = null; if (getShortCutIconID() > 0) { ICFileSystem fsystem; try { fsystem = getICFileSystem(iwc); url = fsystem.getFileURI(getShortCutIconID()); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (getShortCutIconURL() != null) { url = getShortCutIconURL(); } if (url != null) { return "<link type=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" + url + "\" />"; } return ""; // <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> } public ICDynamicPageTrigger getDynamicPageTrigger() { if (this.dynamicPageTrigger == null) { this.dynamicPageTrigger = (ICDynamicPageTrigger) ImplementorRepository .getInstance().newInstanceOrNull( ICDynamicPageTrigger.class, this.getClass()); if (this.dynamicPageTrigger == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "[Page] Implementation of ICDynamicPageTrigger could not be found. Implementing bundle was not loaded."); } } return this.dynamicPageTrigger; } /** * Returns the associatedBodyScript. * * @return Script */ public Script getAssociatedBodyScript() { Script associatedBodyScript = (Script) getFacets().get( "page_associated_body_script"); if (associatedBodyScript == null) { associatedBodyScript = new Script(); setAssociatedBodyScript(associatedBodyScript); } return associatedBodyScript; } /** * Sets the associatedScript. * * @param associatedScript * The associatedScript to set */ public void setAssociatedBodyScript(Script script) { // this.associatedBodyScript = script; getFacets().put("page_associated_body_script", script); } /** * Set the docType for the header of the page. Default it is set to Html * 4.0.1. transitional. Most commonn doctypes are defined in the static * contsants DOCTYPE_... in this class. * * @param docType */ public void setDoctype(String docType) { this.docType = docType; } /** * Get the set docType. If no doctype/markupLanguage is set in the * page/system then this method returns the HTML 4.0.1 Transitional. * * @return */ public String getDocType() { if (this.docType == null) { String markup = getSetApplicationMarkupLanguage(); if (markup.equals(XHTML)) { return DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL; } else if (markup.equals(XHTML1_1)) { return DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_1; } else { return DOCTYPE_HTML_4_0_1_TRANSITIONAL; } } else { return this.docType; } } /** * Checks if an XHTML doctype is defined for the page or the system. * * @return True if an XHTML doctype has been set for the document or XHTML * markup for the application. */ public boolean isXHtmlDocTypeDeclared() { String docType = getDocType(); if (docType.equals(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL)) { return true; } else if (docType.equals(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_1)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets if the Markup Language for the Page. This method uses the set * DocType (if any) to calculate the used MarkupLanguage String. * * @return */ public String getMarkupLanguageForPage() { if (this.docType != null) { if (this.docType.equals(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL)) { return XHTML; } else if (this.docType.equals(DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_1)) { return XHTML1_1; } } return getSetApplicationMarkupLanguage(); } /** * Add javascript urls to page HEAD, comma separated * * @param urls */ public void setJavascriptURLs(String urls) { if (urls != null) { int index = urls.indexOf(","); while (index > -1) { String tmp = urls.substring(0, index); addJavascriptURL(tmp.trim()); urls = urls.substring(index + 1); index = urls.indexOf(","); } addJavascriptURL(urls.trim()); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @seejavax.faces.component.StateHolder#restoreState(javax.faces.context. * FacesContext, java.lang.Object) */ public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; super.restoreState(context, values[0]); this._ibPageID = ((Integer) values[1]).intValue(); this._title = (String) values[2]; this._zeroWait = ((Boolean) values[3]).booleanValue(); this._redirectSecondInterval = ((Integer) values[4]).intValue(); this._redirectURL = (String) values[5]; this._redirectInfo = (String) values[6]; this._redirectURL = (String) values[7]; this._doReload = ((Boolean) values[8]).booleanValue(); this._linkColor = (String) values[9]; this._visitedColor = (String) values[10]; this._hoverColor = (String) values[11]; this._textDecoration = (String) values[12]; this._hoverDecoration = (String) values[13]; this._pageStyleFont = (String) values[14]; this._pageStyleFontSize = (String) values[15]; this._pageStyleFontStyle = (String) values[16]; this._shortCutIconURL = (String) values[17]; this._shortCutIconID = ((Integer) values[18]).intValue(); this._addStyleSheet = ((Boolean) values[19]).booleanValue(); this._addBody = ((Boolean) values[20]).booleanValue(); this._frameProperties = (Map) values[21]; this._isTemplate = ((Boolean) values[22]).booleanValue(); this._isPage = ((Boolean) values[23]).booleanValue(); this._isDraft = ((Boolean) values[24]).booleanValue(); this._isExtendingTemplate = ((Boolean) values[25]).booleanValue(); this._templateId = (String) values[26]; this._styleDefinitions = (Map) values[27]; this._metaTags = (Map) values[28]; this._styleSheets = (QueueMap) values[29]; this._javascripts = (QueueMap) values[30]; this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls = (QueueMap) values[31]; this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls = (QueueMap) values[32]; this._HTTPEquivs = (Map) values[33]; this._localizationMap = (Map) values[34]; this.addGlobalScript = ((Boolean) values[35]).booleanValue(); this.styleFile = (ICFile) values[36]; // this.dynamicPageTrigger=(ICDynamicPageTrigger)values[37]; this._isCategory = ((Boolean) values[38]).booleanValue(); this._windowToOpenOnLoad = (ICPage) values[39]; this._windowWidth = ((Integer) values[40]).intValue(); this._windowHeight = ((Integer) values[41]).intValue(); this.forwardPage = (ICPage) values[42]; this.docType = (String) values[43]; this.useIE7Extension = ((Boolean) values[44]).booleanValue(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * javax.faces.component.StateHolder#saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext * ) */ public Object saveState(FacesContext context) { Object values[] = new Object[45]; values[0] = super.saveState(context); values[1] = new Integer(this._ibPageID); values[2] = this._title; values[3] = Boolean.valueOf(this._zeroWait); values[4] = new Integer(this._redirectSecondInterval); values[5] = this._redirectURL; values[6] = this._redirectInfo; values[7] = this._redirectURL; values[8] = Boolean.valueOf(this._doReload); values[9] = this._linkColor; values[10] = this._visitedColor; values[11] = this._hoverColor; values[12] = this._textDecoration; values[13] = this._hoverDecoration; values[14] = this._pageStyleFont; values[15] = this._pageStyleFontSize; values[16] = this._pageStyleFontStyle; values[17] = this._shortCutIconURL; values[18] = new Integer(this._shortCutIconID); values[19] = Boolean.valueOf(this._addStyleSheet); values[20] = Boolean.valueOf(this._addBody); values[21] = this._frameProperties; values[22] = Boolean.valueOf(this._isTemplate); values[23] = Boolean.valueOf(this._isPage); values[24] = Boolean.valueOf(this._isDraft); values[25] = Boolean.valueOf(this._isExtendingTemplate); values[26] = this._templateId; values[27] = this._styleDefinitions; values[28] = this._metaTags; values[29] = this._styleSheets; values[30] = this._javascripts; values[31] = this._javascriptStringsBeforeJSUrls; values[32] = this._javascriptStringsAfterJSUrls; values[33] = this._HTTPEquivs; values[34] = this._localizationMap; values[35] = Boolean.valueOf(this.addGlobalScript); values[36] = this.styleFile; // values[37]=this.dynamicPageTrigger; values[38] = Boolean.valueOf(this._isCategory); values[39] = this._windowToOpenOnLoad; values[40] = new Integer(this._windowWidth); values[41] = new Integer(this._windowHeight); values[42] = this.forwardPage; values[43] = this.docType; values[44] = Boolean.valueOf(this.useIE7Extension); return values; } public List getPropertyDescriptions() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new PropertyDescription( "method:1:implied:void:setStyleSheetURL:java.lang.String:", "1", File.class.getName(), FileObjectReader.class.getName(), false)); list.add(new PropertyDescription( ":method:1:implied:void:setTemplateId:java.lang.String:", "1", ICPage.class.getName(), ICPage.class.getName(), true)); return list; } }