package com.idega.block.datareport.presentation; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.entity.presentation.converter.ButtonConverter; import com.idega.block.entity.presentation.converter.editable.DropDownMenuConverter; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Page; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.StringHandler; import com.idega.util.text.StringNumberComparator; /** * <p>Title: idegaWeb</p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> * @version 1.0 * Created on Jan 21, 2004 */ public class QueryResultViewer extends Block { protected static final String ADD_QUERY_SQL_FOR_DEBUG = "ADD_QUERY_SQL_FOR_DEBUG"; public static final String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.dataquery"; public static final String QUERY_ID_KEY = "query_id_key"; public static final String DESIGN_ID_KEY = "design_id_key"; public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_KEY = "output_format_key"; public static final String DESIGN_CHOOSER_KEY = QueryRepresentation.DESIGN_LAYOUT_KEY; public static final String NUMBER_OF_ROWS_KEY = "number_of_rows_key"; public static final String ACTION_EXECUTE_QUERY = "action_execute_query"; public static final String ACTION_SHOW_QUERY = "execute_show_query"; public static final String EXECUTE_QUERY_KEY = "execute_query_key"; public static final String PDF_KEY = "pdf_key"; public static final String EXCEL_KEY = "excel_key"; public static final String HTML_KEY = "html_key"; private QueryToSQLBridge bridge; private SQLQuery query; private int queryId; // -1 is default value private int designId = -1; private int numberOfRowsLimit = -1; private int resultNumberOfRows = -1; private String outputFormat = HTML_KEY; public String getBundleIdentifier(){ return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { IWResourceBundle resourceBundle = getResourceBundle(iwc); String errorMessage = initializeByParsing(iwc, resourceBundle); if (errorMessage != null) { addErrorMessage(errorMessage); return; } List executedSQLStatements = new ArrayList(); if (this.query.isDynamic()) { showInputFieldsOrExecuteQuery(executedSQLStatements, resourceBundle, iwc); } else { errorMessage = executeQueries(this.query, this.numberOfRowsLimit, this.bridge, executedSQLStatements, resourceBundle, iwc); if (errorMessage != null) { addErrorMessage(errorMessage); if (this.resultNumberOfRows != -1) { showInputFieldsOrExecuteQuery(executedSQLStatements, resourceBundle, iwc); } } } } private String initializeByParsing(IWContext iwc, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle) throws NumberFormatException, RemoteException, FinderException, IOException { // request from self if (iwc.isParameterSet(QUERY_ID_KEY)) { this.queryId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(QUERY_ID_KEY)); this.designId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(DESIGN_ID_KEY)); this.outputFormat = iwc.getParameter(OUTPUT_FORMAT_KEY); if (iwc.isParameterSet(NUMBER_OF_ROWS_KEY)) { this.numberOfRowsLimit = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(NUMBER_OF_ROWS_KEY)); } } else { // request from overview EntityPathValueContainer executeContainer = ButtonConverter.getResultByParsing(iwc); if (executeContainer.isValid()) { // get the chosen output format this.outputFormat = executeContainer.getEntityPathShortKey(); // get the chosen query Integer queryIdInteger = executeContainer.getEntityIdConvertToInteger(); this.queryId = queryIdInteger.intValue(); //get the chosen layout EntityPathValueContainer layoutContainer = DropDownMenuConverter.getResultByEntityIdAndEntityPathShortKey(queryIdInteger, DESIGN_CHOOSER_KEY, iwc); if (layoutContainer.isValid()){ try { this.designId = Integer.parseInt(layoutContainer.getValue().toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logError("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve id of layout"); log(ex); return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_design_id_could_not_be_fetched", "Design id could not be fetched"); } } else { return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_design_id_could_not_be_fetched", "Design id could not be fetched"); } } else { return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_query_id_could_not_be_fetched", "Query id could not be fetched"); } } QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); QueryHelper queryHelper = queryService.getQueryHelper(this.queryId, iwc); this.bridge = getQueryToSQLBridge(); this.query = null; try { this.query = this.bridge.createQuerySQL(queryHelper, iwc); } catch (QueryGenerationException ex) { logError("[QueryResultViewer] Can't create query"); log(ex); return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_query_could_not_be_created", "Query could not be created"); } return null; } public QueryService getQueryService() { try { return (QueryService) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext() ,QueryService.class); } catch (RemoteException ex) { System.err.println("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve QueryService. Message is: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve QueryService"); } } public QueryToSQLBridge getQueryToSQLBridge() { try { return (QueryToSQLBridge) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext() ,QueryToSQLBridge.class); } catch (RemoteException ex) { System.err.println("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve QueryToSqlBridge. Message is: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve QueryToSQLBridge"); } } private void showInputFieldsOrExecuteQuery(List executedSQLStatements, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Map identifierValueMap = this.query.getIdentifierValueMap(); boolean calculateAccess = calculateAccess(identifierValueMap); boolean containsOnlyAccessVariable = containsOnlyAccessVariables(identifierValueMap); if ((! containsOnlyAccessVariable && ! iwc.isParameterSet(EXECUTE_QUERY_KEY)) || this.resultNumberOfRows != -1) { // Case: there are input fields and the user hasn't filled those fields yet or // the result contains a large number of rows. Map identifierInputDescriptionMap = this.query.getIdentifierInputDescriptionMap(); showInputFields(this.query, identifierValueMap, identifierInputDescriptionMap, resourceBundle, iwc); } else { // Case: // contains only access variable (nothing to do for the user) or // execute query key is set (user has laready filled in the input fields) // // get the values of the input fields Map modifiedValues = getModifiedIdentiferValueMapByParsingRequest(identifierValueMap, iwc); if (calculateAccess) { setAccessCondition(modifiedValues, iwc); } this.query.setIdentifierValueMap(modifiedValues); String errorMessage = executeQueries(this.query, this.numberOfRowsLimit, this.bridge, executedSQLStatements, resourceBundle, iwc); if (errorMessage != null) { if("true".equals(getBundle(iwc).getProperty(ADD_QUERY_SQL_FOR_DEBUG,"false"))){ addExecutedSQLQueries(executedSQLStatements); } addErrorMessage(errorMessage); if (! containsOnlyAccessVariable || this.resultNumberOfRows != -1) { Map identifierInputDescriptionMap = this.query.getIdentifierInputDescriptionMap(); identifierValueMap = this.query.getIdentifierValueMap(); showInputFields(this.query, identifierValueMap, identifierInputDescriptionMap, resourceBundle, iwc); } } } } private boolean calculateAccess(Map identifierValueMap) { return ( identifierValueMap.containsKey(DirectSQLStatement.GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE) || identifierValueMap.containsKey(DirectSQLStatement.USER_ACCESS_VARIABLE) || identifierValueMap.containsKey(DirectSQLStatement.USER_GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE)); } private boolean containsOnlyAccessVariables(Map identifierValueMap) { int numberOfVariables = identifierValueMap.size(); if (numberOfVariables > 3) { return false; } else if (identifierValueMap.containsKey(DirectSQLStatement.USER_ACCESS_VARIABLE)) { numberOfVariables--; } if (numberOfVariables > 2) { return false; } else if (identifierValueMap.containsKey(DirectSQLStatement.GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE)) { numberOfVariables--; } if (numberOfVariables > 1) { return false; } else if (identifierValueMap.containsKey(DirectSQLStatement.USER_GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE)) { numberOfVariables--; } return (numberOfVariables <= 0); } private void showInputFields(SQLQuery sqlQuery, Map identifierValueMap, Map identifierInputDescriptionMap, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, IWContext iwc) { String name = sqlQuery.getName(); String description = sqlQuery.getQueryDescription(); PresentationObject presentationObject = getInputFields(name, description, identifierValueMap, identifierInputDescriptionMap, resourceBundle, iwc); Form form = new Form(); form.addParameter(QUERY_ID_KEY, Integer.toString(this.queryId)); form.addParameter(DESIGN_ID_KEY, Integer.toString(this.designId)); form.addParameter(OUTPUT_FORMAT_KEY, this.outputFormat); form.add(presentationObject); add(form); } private PresentationObject getInputFields(String queryName, String queryDescription, Map identifierValueMap, Map identifierInputDescriptionMap, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, IWContext iwc) { // create a nice headline for the confused user String currentQuery = StringHandler.concat(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_current_query", "Current Query"),":"); Text currentQueryHeader = new Text(currentQuery); currentQueryHeader.setBold(); add(currentQueryHeader); add(Text.getBreak()); Text text = new Text(queryName); text.setBold(); add(text); if (queryDescription != null) { add(Text.getBreak()); String descriptionHeader = StringHandler.concat(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_query_description", "Query description"),":"); Text descriptionHeaderText = new Text(descriptionHeader); descriptionHeaderText.setBold(); add(descriptionHeaderText); add(Text.getBreak()); Text queryDescriptionText = new Text(queryDescription); queryDescriptionText.setBold(); add(queryDescriptionText); } Table table = null; int i = 1; // special case: ask for the desired number of rows if (this.resultNumberOfRows != -1) { table = new Table (2, identifierValueMap.size() + 2); Text desiredNumberOfRowsText = new Text(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_set_number_of_max_rows", "Set number of max rows")); table.add(desiredNumberOfRowsText, 1, i ); TextInput numberOfRowsInput = new TextInput(NUMBER_OF_ROWS_KEY, Integer.toString(this.resultNumberOfRows)); table.add(numberOfRowsInput, 2, i ); i++; } else { table = new Table (2, identifierValueMap.size() + 1); } Set keySet = identifierValueMap.keySet(); String[] keys = (String[]) keySet.toArray(new String[keySet.size()]); Arrays.sort(keys,new StringNumberComparator()); for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { String key = keys[j]; if (! DirectSQLStatement.USER_ACCESS_VARIABLE.equals(key) && ! DirectSQLStatement.GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE.equals(key) && ! DirectSQLStatement.USER_GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE.endsWith(key)) { InputDescription inputDescription = (InputDescription) identifierInputDescriptionMap.get(key); Object object = identifierValueMap.get(key); String inputHandlerClass = inputDescription.getInputHandler(); String description = inputDescription.getDescription(); InputHandler inputHandler = getInputHandler(inputHandlerClass); PresentationObject input = null; if (inputHandler == null) { String value = (object instanceof List) ? ((String) ((List) object).get(0)) : object.toString(); input = new TextInput(key, value); } else if (object instanceof Collection) { Collection value = (Collection) object; input = inputHandler.getHandlerObject(key, value, iwc); } else { String value = object.toString(); input = inputHandler.getHandlerObject(key, value, iwc); } table.add(description, 1, i); table.add(input, 2, i++); } } String okayText = resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_okay", "ok"); SubmitButton okayButton = new SubmitButton(okayText, EXECUTE_QUERY_KEY, "default_value"); okayButton.setAsImageButton(true); PresentationObject goBack = getGoBackButton(resourceBundle); table.add(goBack, 1, i); table.add(okayButton, 1, i); return table; } private InputHandler getInputHandler(String className) { if (className == null) { return null; } InputHandler inputHandler = null; try { inputHandler = (InputHandler) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className).newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { log(ex); logError("[QueryResultViewer] Could not retrieve handler class"); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { log(ex); logError("[QueryResultViewer] Could not instanciate handler class"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { log(ex); logError("[QueryResultViewer] Could not instanciate handler class"); } return inputHandler; } private PresentationObject getGoBackButton(IWResourceBundle resourceBundle) { String goBackText = resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_back_to_list", "Back to list"); Link goBack = new Link(goBackText); goBack.setOnClick("window.close()"); goBack.setAsImageButton(true); return goBack; } private String executeQueries(SQLQuery sqlQuery, int numberOfRows, QueryToSQLBridge sqlBridge, List executedSQLStatements, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { QueryResultSession sessionBean = (QueryResultSession) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, QueryResultSession.class); QueryResult queryResult = null; if (iwc.isParameterSet(NUMBER_OF_ROWS_KEY)) { // use the already existing result that was stored in the session but only if the // values of the variables have not changed Map identifierValueMap = sqlQuery.getIdentifierValueMap(); queryResult = sessionBean.getQueryResult(identifierValueMap); if (queryResult != null) { queryResult.setDesiredNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } } if (queryResult == null) { queryResult = sqlBridge.executeQueries(sqlQuery, numberOfRows, executedSQLStatements); } // check if everything is fine if (queryResult == null) { // serious error. // It's very likely that the server has chrashed before without removing all created views. // In that case a new view with the same name can't be created - the database will throw an error. return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_execution_of_query_failed", "Execution of query failed."); } if (queryResult.isEmpty()) { // nothing to do, result is empty, that is not an error return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_result_of_query_is_empty", "Result of query is empty"); } this.resultNumberOfRows = queryResult.getNumberOfRows(); // that means: if the user has set number of rows to 12 000 and the result contains 11 000 rows // nothing happens even if MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS_IN_RESULT is only set to 500 if (this.resultNumberOfRows > numberOfRows && this.resultNumberOfRows > QueryConstants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS_IN_RESULT) { String error = resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_number_of_rows_in result _might_be_too_large", "Number of rows might be too large"); String rows = resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_rows","rows"); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(error); buffer.append(": ").append(this.resultNumberOfRows).append(" ").append(rows); // store the already calculated result in the session // the user is now asked how many rows he wants to see and he can also change the values of the variables // therefore store the result and the used values for the inputfields. // if the current values are different (the user has changed some) the existing result can not be used. Map identifierMap = sqlQuery.getIdentifierValueMap(); sessionBean.storeQueryResult(identifierMap, queryResult); return buffer.toString(); } // destroy stored query result in session bean (if it was stored) sessionBean.deleteQueryResult(); this.resultNumberOfRows = -1; // get design JasperReportBusiness reportBusiness = getReportBusiness(); DesignBox designBox = getDesignBox(sqlQuery, reportBusiness, resourceBundle, iwc); // check if the design is fine if (designBox == null) { return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_design_is_not available", "Problems with the chosen layout occurred."); } // synchronize design and result String uri = null; if (EXCEL_KEY.equals(this.outputFormat)) { uri = reportBusiness.getSynchronizedSimpleExcelReport(queryResult, designBox, "report"); } // or pdf or html else { JasperPrint print = reportBusiness.printSynchronizedReport(queryResult, designBox); if (print == null) { return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("ro_could_not_use_layout", "Layout can't be used"); } if (PDF_KEY.equals(this.outputFormat)) { uri = reportBusiness.getPdfReport(print, "report"); } // the method below uses JasperReport for generating an excel file. // Commented out because JasperReport tries to keep the layout of the design for excel files. // But by using the layout too many rows and columns are created and if a value is too large for a single cell . // the value is split and put into two cells. // Thus the columns can not be sorted and it is hard to edit such an excel file. // Therefore the method below is not recommended. // // else if (EXCEL_KEY.equals(outputFormat)) { // uri = reportBusiness.getExcelReport(print, "report"); // } else { uri = reportBusiness.getHtmlReport(print, "report"); } } Page parentPage = getParentPage(); if("true".equals(getBundle(iwc).getProperty(ADD_QUERY_SQL_FOR_DEBUG,"false"))){ addExecutedSQLQueries(executedSQLStatements); add(new Text("ADD_QUERY_SQL_FOR_DEBUG is true, result is shown in pop up window!")); parentPage.setOnLoad(" iwOpenWindow('" + uri + "','IdegaWeb Generated Report','0','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','800','600') "); } else { parentPage.setToRedirect(uri); } // open an extra window with scrollbars //getParentPage().setOnLoad("'" + uri + "' , 'newWin', 'width=600,height=400,scrollbars=yes')"); //iwOpenWindow(Address,Name,ToolBar,Location,Directories,Status,Menubar,Titlebar,Scrollbars,Resizable,Width,Height) //getParentPage().setOnLoad(" iwOpenWindow('" + uri + "','IdegaWeb Generated Report','0','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','800','600') "); return null; } private DesignBox getDesignBox(SQLQuery sqlQuery, JasperReportBusiness reportBusiness, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, IWContext iwc) { DesignBox design = null; try { if (this.designId > 0) { design = reportBusiness.getDesignBox(this.designId); } else { design = reportBusiness.getDynamicDesignBox(sqlQuery, resourceBundle, iwc); } } catch (IOException ioEx) { logError("[QueryResultViewer] Couldn't retrieve design."); log(ioEx); } catch (JRException jrEx) { logError("[QueryResultViewer] Couldn't retrieve design."); log(jrEx); } // add the public parameter headline to the design Map designParameters = design.getParameterMap(); String queryName = sqlQuery.getName(); designParameters.put(DesignBox.REPORT_HEADLINE_KEY, queryName); return design; } public JasperReportBusiness getReportBusiness() { try { return (JasperReportBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), JasperReportBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException ex) { System.err.println("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve JasperReportBusiness. Message is: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve ReportBusiness"); } } private void setAccessCondition(Map identifierValueMap, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { // check session if the conditions have been calculated: QueryResultSession sessionBean = (QueryResultSession) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, QueryResultSession.class); String userAccess = (String) sessionBean.getValue(DirectSQLStatement.USER_ACCESS_VARIABLE); String userGroupAccess = (String) sessionBean.getValue(DirectSQLStatement.USER_GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE); String groupAccess = (String) sessionBean.getValue(DirectSQLStatement.GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE); if (userAccess == null || userGroupAccess == null || groupAccess == null) { List groupIds = new ArrayList(); User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(); GroupBusiness groupBusiness = getGroupBusiness(); Collection topGroupNodes = userBusiness.getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions(user,iwc); Iterator iterator = topGroupNodes.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext()) { Group topGroup = (Group); Collection childGroups = groupBusiness.getChildGroupsRecursive(topGroup); if (childGroups != null) { Iterator childGroupsIterator = childGroups.iterator(); while (childGroupsIterator.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); groupIds.add(group.getPrimaryKey()); } } } // create the where condition for user view StringBuffer userBuffer = new StringBuffer("(select related_ic_group_id from ic_group_relation where ic_group_id in "); Iterator groupIdsIterator = groupIds.iterator(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("( "); String separator = ""; while (groupIdsIterator.hasNext()) { buffer.append(separator); Object groupId =; buffer.append(groupId.toString()); separator = " , "; } buffer.append(" )"); userBuffer.append(buffer).append(" and group_relation_status = 'ST_ACTIVE')"); userAccess = userBuffer.toString(); userGroupAccess = buffer.toString(); groupAccess = buffer.toString(); // store in session sessionBean.setValue(DirectSQLStatement.USER_ACCESS_VARIABLE,userAccess); sessionBean.setValue(DirectSQLStatement.USER_GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE, userGroupAccess); sessionBean.setValue(DirectSQLStatement.GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE, groupAccess); } identifierValueMap.put(DirectSQLStatement.USER_ACCESS_VARIABLE, userAccess); identifierValueMap.put(DirectSQLStatement.USER_GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE, userGroupAccess); // create the where condition for group view identifierValueMap.put(DirectSQLStatement.GROUP_ACCESS_VARIABLE, groupAccess); } public UserBusiness getUserBusiness() { try { return (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), UserBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException ex) { System.err.println("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve UserBusiness. Message is: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve UserBusiness"); } } public GroupBusiness getGroupBusiness() { try { return (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), GroupBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException ex) { System.err.println("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve GroupBusiness. Message is: " + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("[QueryResultViewer]: Can't retrieve GroupBusiness"); } } // parsing of the request private Map getModifiedIdentiferValueMapByParsingRequest(Map identifierValueMap, IWContext iwc) { Map result = new HashMap(); Iterator iterator = identifierValueMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (iwc.isParameterSet(key)) { String[] values = iwc.getParameterValues(key); // change to collection-based API result.put(key, Arrays.asList(values)); } else { result.put(key, ""); } } return result; } private void addErrorMessage(String errorMessage) { Text text = new Text(errorMessage); text.setBold(); text.setFontColor("#FF0000"); add(text); add(Text.getBreak()); } private void addExecutedSQLQueries(List executedSQLStatements) { Iterator iterator = executedSQLStatements.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String statement = (String); Text text = new Text(statement); text.setBold(); text.setFontColor("#FF0000"); add(text); add(Text.getBreak()); } } }