/* * Created on 19.5.2003 * * To change this generated comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code Template */ package com.idega.data; /** * A class that data classes should implement to declare that they implement metata property behaviour. * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public interface MetaDataCapable { /** *Sets all the metadata key/values for this instance with the given map where the is keys and values of String type. */ public void setMetaDataAttributes(java.util.Map map); /** *Gets all the metadata key/values for this instance with the given map where the keys and values of String type. */ public java.util.Map getMetaDataAttributes(); /** *Sets all the metadata types this instance with the given map which is keys and values of String type. */ public java.util.Map getMetaDataTypes(); /** *Set the metadata set for the key metaDataKey to value value */ public void setMetaData(String metaDataKey,String value); /** *Set the metadata set for the key metaDataKey to value value */ public void setMetaData(String metaDataKey,String value,String type); /** * Gets the metadata set for the key metaDataKey */ public String getMetaData(String metaDataKey); /** * Rename a metadata key */ public void renameMetaData(String oldKeyName, String newKeyName); /** * Rename a metadata key, and change the value */ public void renameMetaData(String oldKeyName, String newKeyName, String value); /** * Gets the metadata for the key metaDataKey */ public boolean removeMetaData(String metaDataKey); /** * @deprecated legacy * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public void updateMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException; }