package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.LocaleUtil; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Phrase; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.AccountingBlock; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Last modified: $Date: 2005/10/13 18:36:12 $ by $Author: laddi $ * * @author <a href="">Grimur Jonsson</a> * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg</a> * @version $Revision: 1.36 $ */ public class CheckAmountBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements CheckAmountBusiness, InvoiceStrings { private final static Font SANSSERIF_FONT = FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA, 9); private final static Font SANSSERIFBOLD_FONT = FontFactory.getFont (FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 11); private static final NumberFormat integerFormatter = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance (LocaleUtil.getSwedishLocale ()); private static final SimpleDateFormat periodFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyMM"); private static final SimpleDateFormat yearAndMonthFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM"); private static final SimpleDateFormat dateAndTimeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static final Color LIGHT_BLUE = new Color (0xf4f4f4); public void sendCheckAmountLists (final User currentUser, final String schoolCategoryPK) throws RemoteException, FinderException, CreateException { final SchoolCategory schoolCategory = getSchoolCategoryHome ().findByPrimaryKey (schoolCategoryPK); final Collection schools = getSchoolHome ().findAllByCategory (schoolCategory); final CheckAmountBroadcast broadcastInfo = getCheckAmountBroadcastHome ().create (); broadcastInfo.setSchoolCategory (schoolCategory); broadcastInfo.setStartTime (new Timestamp (System.currentTimeMillis ())); broadcastInfo.setSchoolCount (null == schools ? 0 : schools.size ()); if (null != currentUser) broadcastInfo.setCreatedBy (currentUser); (); new Thread () { public void run () { doBroadcastCheckAmountLists(schools, broadcastInfo); } }.start (); } void doBroadcastCheckAmountLists (final Collection schools, final CheckAmountBroadcast broadcastInfo) { try { if (schools != null && !schools.isEmpty ()) { final MemoryFileBuffer checkAmountListsBuffer = new MemoryFileBuffer (); final OutputStream outStream = new MemoryOutputStream (checkAmountListsBuffer); final Document document = createPdfDocument (); final PdfWriter writer = createPdfWriter (document, outStream); document.addCreationDate (); (); final CheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome recievingSchoolHome = getCheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome (); final SchoolCategory schoolCategory = broadcastInfo.getSchoolCategory (); final User currentUser = broadcastInfo.getCreatedBy (); for (Iterator i = schools.iterator (); i.hasNext();) { final School school = (School); final PaymentRecord [] records = getLockedPaymentRecords (schoolCategory, school); final Collection emailReceivers = new HashSet (); if (0 < records.length) { emailReceivers.addAll (findEmailReceiversAndNotifyThem (currentUser, school)); if (emailReceivers.isEmpty ()) { addCheckAmountListToDocument (writer, document, schoolCategory, school, records); } else { sendEmails(schoolCategory, school, records, emailReceivers); } setStatusToHistory (records); } createCheckAmountReceivingSchool (broadcastInfo, school, records, emailReceivers, recievingSchoolHome); } document.close(); writer.close (); outStream.close (); putCheckAmountListsInPrinterQueue(checkAmountListsBuffer, currentUser, schoolCategory); createJournalLog(currentUser, "" + schoolCategory.getPrimaryKey ()); } broadcastInfo.setEndTime (new Timestamp (System.currentTimeMillis ())); (); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } private static void createJournalLog (final User currentUser, final String schoolCategoryPK) throws CreateException, IDOLookupException { IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); JournalLog log = ((JournalLogHome) IDOLookup.getHome (JournalLog.class)).create(); log.setSchoolCategoryString(schoolCategoryPK); log.setEventFileSent(); log.setEventDate(now.getTimestamp()); log.setUser(currentUser);; } private static void createCheckAmountReceivingSchool (final CheckAmountBroadcast broadcastInfo, final School school, final PaymentRecord[] records, final Collection emailReceivers, final CheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome recievingSchoolHome) throws CreateException, RemoteException { final CheckAmountReceivingSchool receivingSchool = recievingSchoolHome.create (); receivingSchool.setSchool (school); receivingSchool.setCheckAmountBroadcast (broadcastInfo); receivingSchool.setPaymentRecordCount (records.length); receivingSchool.setIsByEmail (!emailReceivers.isEmpty ()); (); } private static void setStatusToHistory (final PaymentRecord[] records) { for (int i = 0; records.length > i; i++) { final PaymentRecord record = records [i]; record.setStatus (ConstantStatus.HISTORY); (); final PaymentHeader header = record.getPaymentHeader (); if (null != header) { header.setStatus (ConstantStatus.HISTORY); (); } } } private Document createPdfDocument() throws RemoteException{ final DocumentBusiness documentBusiness = getDocumentBusiness (); final Document document = new Document (PageSize.A4,documentBusiness.getPointsFromMM(30), documentBusiness.getPointsFromMM(30), documentBusiness.getPointsFromMM(0), documentBusiness.getPointsFromMM(0)); return document; } private void putCheckAmountListsInPrinterQueue (final MemoryFileBuffer buffer, User currentUser, SchoolCategory schoolCategory) throws RemoteException, CreateException, IDOLookupException { final ICFileHome icFileHome = (ICFileHome) getIDOHome(ICFile.class); final ICFile icFile = icFileHome.create(); final InputStream inStream = new MemoryInputStream(buffer); icFile.setFileValue(inStream); icFile.setMimeType("application/x-pdf"); icFile.setName("checkamountlist.pdf"); icFile.setFileSize(buffer.length());; //result.put (CHECK_AMOUNT_FILE_KEY, icFile.getPrimaryKey()); PrintedLetterMessage queueItem = (PrintedLetterMessage) getPrintedLetterMessageHome ().create(); final StringBuffer subject = new StringBuffer (); subject.append (localize (CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_DEFAULT)); subject.append (" "); subject.append (localize (schoolCategory.getLocalizedKey (), schoolCategory.getName ())); subject.append (" "); subject.append (yearAndMonthFormatter.format (new java.util.Date ())); queueItem.setSubject("" + subject); queueItem.setMessageData(icFile); queueItem.setOwner(currentUser); //mBusiness.flagMessageAsUnPrinted(currentUser, queueItem); getMessageBusiness ().flagMessageAsPrinted(currentUser, queueItem);; } private static PdfWriter createPdfWriter (final Document document, final OutputStream outStream) throws DocumentException { final PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outStream); writer.setViewerPreferences (PdfWriter.PageModeUseThumbs | PdfWriter.HideMenubar | PdfWriter.PageLayoutOneColumn | PdfWriter.FitWindow | PdfWriter.CenterWindow); return writer; } private void sendEmails (SchoolCategory schoolCategory, final School school, final PaymentRecord[] records, Collection emailReceivers) throws Exception { // create pdf document File file = new File (getTitle (school.getPrimaryKey()) + ".pdf"); OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final Document document = createPdfDocument (); final PdfWriter writer = createPdfWriter(document, outStream); document.addCreationDate();; addCheckAmountListToDocument(writer, document, schoolCategory, school, records); document.close(); writer.close(); outStream.close(); // send mails with document attached final CommuneMessageBusiness messageBusiness = getMessageBusiness (); for (Iterator i = emailReceivers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Email email = (Email); if (messageBusiness.getIfCanSendEmail()) { messageBusiness.sendMessage (email.getEmailAddress(), localize (CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_DEFAULT) + " - " + school.getName() + " " + yearAndMonthFormatter.format (new java.util.Date ()), "", file); } } file.delete(); } private void addCheckAmountListToDocument (final PdfWriter writer, final Document document, SchoolCategory schoolCategory, final School school, final PaymentRecord[] records) throws Exception { final DocumentBusiness documentBusiness = getDocumentBusiness (); document.newPage(); final String dateString = IWTimestamp.RightNow().getLocaleDate (getIWApplicationContext().getApplicationSettings().getDefaultLocale()); documentBusiness.createHeaderDate(document, writer, dateString); documentBusiness.createLogoContent(document); documentBusiness.createAddressContent(getAddressString (school),writer); documentBusiness.createNewlinesContent(document); document.add(getExternalContentTable(schoolCategory, records)); documentBusiness.createCommuneFooter(writer); } private Collection findEmailReceiversAndNotifyThem (final User currentUser, final School school) throws IBOLookupException, RemoteException, FinderException { final SchoolUserBusiness sub = getSchoolUserBusiness (); final Collection users = new HashSet (); users.addAll (sub.getHeadmasters (school)); users.addAll (sub.getAssistantHeadmasters (school)); users.addAll (sub.getEconomicalResponsibles (school)); final Collection emailReceivers = new HashSet(); if (users.size() > 0) { for (Iterator i = users.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final User user = (User); getMessageBusiness ().createUserMessage(null, user, currentUser, null, localize(CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_SENT_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_SENT_DEFAULT), localize(CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_SENT_TO_ALL_PARTIES_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_SENT_TO_ALL_PARTIES_DEFAULT), false); emailReceivers.addAll(user.getEmails()); } } return emailReceivers; } private static String getTitle (final Object schoolId) { return "CheckbeloppsLista_" + schoolId + "_" + IWTimestamp.RightNow ().getDate (); } private PdfPTable getExternalContentTable(SchoolCategory schoolCategory, PaymentRecord[] records) throws RemoteException { // add content to document final PdfPTable outerTable = new PdfPTable (1); outerTable.setWidthPercentage (100f); outerTable.getDefaultCell ().setBorder (0); addBoldPhrase (outerTable, "\n\n" + localize (CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_DEFAULT) + "\n\n"); final PdfPTable headerTable = getExternalHeaderTable (schoolCategory); outerTable.addCell (headerTable); addPhrase (outerTable, "\n"); final PdfPTable recordListTable = getRecordListTable(records, false); outerTable.addCell (recordListTable); addPhrase (outerTable, "\n"); final PdfPTable summaryTable = getSummaryTable(records, false); outerTable.addCell (summaryTable); return outerTable; } private static PaymentRecord[] getLockedPaymentRecords(SchoolCategory schoolCategory, School school) throws FinderException, IDOLookupException { Collection paymentHeaders = getPaymentHeaderHome ().findBySchoolAndSchoolCategoryPKAndStatus (school.getPrimaryKey(), schoolCategory.getPrimaryKey(), ConstantStatus.LOCKED + ""); PaymentRecord [] records = new PaymentRecord [0]; if (paymentHeaders != null && !paymentHeaders.isEmpty()) { final Collection recordCollection = getPaymentRecordHome ().findByPaymentHeaders(paymentHeaders); if (recordCollection != null && !recordCollection.isEmpty()) { records = (PaymentRecord []) recordCollection.toArray (records); } } return records; } private static String getAddressString (final School school) { final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer (); final String street = school.getSchoolAddress (); final String zip = school.getSchoolZipCode (); final String city = school.getSchoolZipArea (); final String country = school.getCountry() != null ? school.getCountry().getName() : null; result.append (school.getName() + '\n'); result.append ((null != street ? street : "") + '\n'); result.append (null != zip ? zip + " " : ""); result.append (null != city ? city : ""); result.append (null != country && !country.equals ("Sweden") ? '\n' + country : ""); return result.toString (); } private PdfPTable getExternalHeaderTable (final SchoolCategory category) { return getHeaderTable ("" + category.getPrimaryKey (), null, null, null, false); } public MemoryFileBuffer getInternalCheckAmountListBuffer (final String schoolCategoryId, final Integer providerId, final Date startPeriod, final Date endPeriod, final boolean isShowPosting) throws RemoteException, DocumentException { PaymentRecord [] records = new PaymentRecord [0]; if (null != schoolCategoryId && null != providerId) { records = getInvoiceBusiness () .getPaymentRecordsBySchoolCategoryAndProviderAndPeriod (schoolCategoryId, providerId, startPeriod, endPeriod); } final Document document = new Document (PageSize.A4, mmToPoints (20), mmToPoints (20), mmToPoints (20), mmToPoints (20)); final MemoryFileBuffer buffer = new MemoryFileBuffer (); final OutputStream outStream = new MemoryOutputStream (buffer); final PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance (document, outStream); writer.setViewerPreferences (PdfWriter.HideMenubar | PdfWriter.PageLayoutOneColumn | PdfWriter.PageModeUseNone | PdfWriter.FitWindow | PdfWriter.CenterWindow); document.addTitle (getTitle (providerId)); document.addCreationDate (); (); // add content to document final PdfPTable outerTable = new PdfPTable (1); outerTable.setWidthPercentage (100f); outerTable.getDefaultCell ().setBorder (0); addBoldPhrase (outerTable, localize (CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_DEFAULT) + "\n\n"); final PdfPTable headerTable = getHeaderTable (schoolCategoryId, providerId, startPeriod, endPeriod, true); outerTable.addCell (headerTable); addPhrase (outerTable, "\n"); final PdfPTable recordListTable = getRecordListTable(records, true); outerTable.addCell (recordListTable); addPhrase (outerTable, "\n"); final PdfPTable summaryTable = getSummaryTable(records, true); outerTable.addCell (summaryTable); if (isShowPosting) { addPhrase (outerTable, "\n"); addPhrase (outerTable, localize (OWN_POSTING_KEY, OWN_POSTING_DEFAULT) + ":"); final PostingBusiness postingBusiness = getPostingBusiness (); final PdfPTable ownPostingTable = getPostingTable (records, true, postingBusiness); outerTable.addCell (ownPostingTable); addPhrase (outerTable, ""); addPhrase (outerTable, localize (DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY, DOUBLE_POSTING_DEFAULT) + ":"); final PdfPTable doublePostingTable = getPostingTable (records, false, postingBusiness); outerTable.addCell (doublePostingTable); } document.add (outerTable); // close document document.close (); writer.setPdfVersion(PdfWriter.VERSION_1_2); writer.close (); buffer.setMimeType("application/pdf"); return buffer; } private PdfPTable getRecordListTable (final PaymentRecord[] records, final boolean isInternal) { final String [][] columnNames = {{ STATUS_KEY, STATUS_DEFAULT }, { PERIOD_KEY, PERIOD_DEFAULT }, { PLACEMENT_KEY, PLACEMENT_DEFAULT }, { NUMBER_OF_KEY, NUMBER_OF_DEFAULT }, { PRICE_PER_MONTH_KEY, PRICE_PER_MONTH_DEFAULT }, { PAYMENT_AMOUNT_KEY, PAYMENT_AMOUNT_DEFAULT }, { NOTE_KEY, NOTE_DEFAULT }}; final float [] externalColWidth = new float [] {1.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.2f, 1.4f}; final float [] internalColWidth = new float [] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.2f, 1.4f, 3.0f }; final PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable (isInternal ? internalColWidth : externalColWidth); table.setWidthPercentage (100f); table.getDefaultCell ().setBackgroundColor (new Color (0xd0daea)); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { if (isInternal || (0 != i && columnNames.length - 1 != i)) { addPhrase (table, localize (columnNames [i][0], columnNames [i][1])); } } table.setHeaderRows (1); // this is the end of the table header for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { table.getDefaultCell ().setBackgroundColor (i % 2 == 0 ? Color.white : LIGHT_BLUE); final PaymentRecord record = records [i]; addRecordOnARow (table, record, isInternal); } return table; } private PdfPTable getPostingTable (final PaymentRecord [] records, final boolean isOwnPosting, final PostingBusiness postingBusiness) throws RemoteException { final PostingField [] fields = getCurrentPostingFields (postingBusiness); final PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable (fields.length + 1); table.setWidthPercentage (100f); table.getDefaultCell ().setBackgroundColor (new Color (0xd0daea)); table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_CENTER); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { addPhrase (table, fields [i].getFieldTitle ()); } table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (table, localize (AMOUNT_KEY, AMOUNT_DEFAULT)); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { final PaymentRecord record = records [i]; final String postingString = isOwnPosting ? record.getOwnPosting () : record.getDoublePosting (); table.getDefaultCell ().setBackgroundColor (i % 2 == 0 ? Color.white : LIGHT_BLUE); int offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { final StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer (); final PostingField field = fields [j]; if (null != field) { if (field.getJustification () == PostingFieldBMPBean.JUSTIFY_RIGHT) { table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else { table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_LEFT); } if (null != postingString) { final int endPosition = min (offset + field.getLen (), postingString.length ()); value.append (postingString.substring (offset, endPosition).trim ()); offset = endPosition; } } addPhrase (table, value.toString ()); } table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (table, getFormattedAmount (record.getTotalAmount ())); } return table; } private PdfPTable getHeaderTable (final String schoolCategoryId, final Integer providerId, final Date startPeriod, final Date endPeriod, final boolean isInternal) { final PdfPTable headerTable = new PdfPTable (new float [] { 2.0f, 3.0f }); headerTable.getDefaultCell ().setBorder (0); addPhrase (headerTable, localize (MAIN_ACTIVITY_KEY, MAIN_ACTIVITY_DEFAULT) + ": "); addPhrase (headerTable, getSchoolCategoryName (schoolCategoryId)); if (isInternal) { addPhrase (headerTable, localize (PERIOD_KEY, PERIOD_DEFAULT) + ": "); final String period = (getFormattedPeriod (startPeriod)) + " - " + (getFormattedPeriod (endPeriod)); addPhrase (headerTable, period); } addPhrase (headerTable, localize (PRINT_DATE_KEY, PRINT_DATE_DEFAULT) + ": "); addPhrase (headerTable, dateAndTimeFormatter.format (new java.util.Date ())); if (isInternal) { try { final School school = getSchoolHome ().findByPrimaryKey (providerId); addPhrase (headerTable, localize (PROVIDER_KEY, PROVIDER_DEFAULT) + ": "); addPhrase (headerTable, school.getName ()); final Provider provider = new Provider (school); addPhrase (headerTable, localize (BANKGIRO_KEY, BANKGIRO_DEFAULT) + ": "); final String bankgiro = provider.getBankgiro (); addPhrase (headerTable, bankgiro != null ? bankgiro : ""); addPhrase (headerTable, localize (POSTGIRO_KEY, POSTGIRO_DEFAULT) + ": "); final String postgiro = provider.getPostgiro (); addPhrase (headerTable, postgiro != null ? postgiro : ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } return headerTable; } private PdfPTable getSummaryTable (final PaymentRecord [] records, final boolean isInternal) throws RemoteException { final float [] externalColWidth = new float [] { 6.0f, 3.6f, 0.0f }; final float [] internalColWidth = new float [] { 7.0f, 3.6f, 3.0f }; final PdfPTable summaryTable = new PdfPTable (isInternal ? internalColWidth : externalColWidth); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setBorder (0); final PaymentSummary summary = new PaymentSummary (records); addPhrase (summaryTable, localize (TOTAL_AMOUNT_PLACEMENTS_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_PLACEMENTS_DEFAULT) + ": "); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (summaryTable, integerFormatter.format (summary.getPlacementCount ())); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_LEFT); addPhrase (summaryTable, ""); addPhrase (summaryTable, localize (TOTAL_AMOUNT_INDIVIDUALS_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_INDIVIDUALS_DEFAULT) + ": "); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (summaryTable, integerFormatter.format (summary.getIndividualsCount ())); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_LEFT); addPhrase (summaryTable, ""); addPhrase (summaryTable, localize (TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_EXCLUDED_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_EXCLUDED_DEFAULT) + ": "); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (summaryTable, getFormattedAmount (summary.getTotalAmountVatExcluded ())); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_LEFT); addPhrase (summaryTable, ""); addPhrase (summaryTable, localize (TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_DEFAULT) + ": "); summaryTable.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (summaryTable, getFormattedAmount (summary.getTotalAmountVat ())); addPhrase (summaryTable, ""); return summaryTable; } private static void addRecordOnARow (final PdfPTable table, final PaymentRecord record, final boolean isInternal) { if (isInternal) { addPhrase (table, record.getStatus () + ""); } final Date period = record.getPeriod (); final String periodText = null != period ? getFormattedPeriod (period) : ""; addPhrase (table, periodText); addPhrase (table, record.getPaymentText ()); table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); addPhrase (table, integerFormatter.format (record.getPlacements ())); addPhrase (table, getFormattedAmount (record.getPieceAmount ())); addPhrase (table, getFormattedAmount (record.getTotalAmount ())); table.getDefaultCell ().setHorizontalAlignment (Element.ALIGN_LEFT); if (isInternal) { addPhrase (table, record.getNotes ()); } } private static PostingField [] getCurrentPostingFields (final PostingBusiness postingBusiness) throws RemoteException { final Date now = new Date (System.currentTimeMillis ()); final Collection fields = postingBusiness.getAllPostingFieldsByDate (now); final PostingField [] array = new PostingField [0]; return fields != null ? (PostingField []) fields.toArray (array) : array; } private static void addPhrase (final PdfPTable table, final String string) { table.addCell (new Phrase (new Chunk (null != string ? string : "", SANSSERIF_FONT))); } private static void addBoldPhrase (final PdfPTable table, final String string) { table.addCell (new Phrase (new Chunk (null != string ? string : "", SANSSERIFBOLD_FONT))); } private static float mmToPoints (final float mm) { return mm*72/25.4f; } private static long roundAmount (final float f) { return (f); } private static int min (final int a, final int b) { return a < b ? a : b; } private static String getFormattedAmount (final float f) { return f == -1.0f ? "0" : integerFormatter.format (roundAmount (f)); } private static String getFormattedPeriod (Date date) { return null != date ? periodFormatter.format (date) : ""; } private String getSchoolCategoryName (final String schoolCategoryId) { try { final SchoolCategory category = getSchoolCategoryHome ().findByPrimaryKey (schoolCategoryId); return localize (category.getLocalizedKey (), category.getName ()); } catch (Exception dummy) { return ""; } } public void deleteOldCheckAmountBroadcastInfo (final String schoolCategoryPK, final int days) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { final long offsetInMillis = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * (long) days; final Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp (System.currentTimeMillis () - offsetInMillis); try { final CheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome receivingSchoolHome = getCheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome (); final Collection checkAmountBroadcasts = getCheckAmountBroadcastHome ().findOlderByTimestamp (schoolCategoryPK, timestamp); for (Iterator i = checkAmountBroadcasts.iterator (); i.hasNext ();) { final CheckAmountBroadcast broadcastInfo = (CheckAmountBroadcast) (); final Collection receivingSchools = receivingSchoolHome.findAllByCheckAmountBroadcast (broadcastInfo); for (Iterator j = receivingSchools.iterator (); j.hasNext ();) { ((CheckAmountReceivingSchool) ()).remove (); } broadcastInfo.remove (); } } catch (FinderException e) { // no problem, no old things to remove } } private InvoiceBusiness getInvoiceBusiness () { try { return (InvoiceBusiness) getServiceInstance (InvoiceBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private DocumentBusiness getDocumentBusiness () { try { return (DocumentBusiness) getServiceInstance (DocumentBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private PostingBusiness getPostingBusiness () { try { return (PostingBusiness) getServiceInstance (PostingBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private SchoolUserBusiness getSchoolUserBusiness () { try { return (SchoolUserBusiness) getServiceInstance (SchoolUserBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private CommuneMessageBusiness getMessageBusiness () { try { return (CommuneMessageBusiness) getServiceInstance (CommuneMessageBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private static SchoolCategoryHome getSchoolCategoryHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (SchoolCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome (SchoolCategory.class); } private static PaymentRecordHome getPaymentRecordHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (PaymentRecordHome) IDOLookup.getHome (PaymentRecord.class); } private static PaymentHeaderHome getPaymentHeaderHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (PaymentHeaderHome) IDOLookup.getHome (PaymentHeader.class); } private static PrintedLetterMessageHome getPrintedLetterMessageHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (PrintedLetterMessageHome) IDOLookup.getHome (PrintedLetterMessage.class); } private static SchoolHome getSchoolHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (SchoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome (School.class); } private static CheckAmountBroadcastHome getCheckAmountBroadcastHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (CheckAmountBroadcastHome) IDOLookup.getHome (CheckAmountBroadcast.class); } private static CheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome getCheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome () throws IDOLookupException { return (CheckAmountReceivingSchoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome (CheckAmountReceivingSchool.class); } private String localize(String textKey, String defaultText) { return getResourceBundle ().getLocalizedString (textKey, defaultText); } private IWResourceBundle getResourceBundle () { final IWMainApplication app = getIWApplicationContext ().getIWMainApplication (); final IWBundle bundle = app.getBundle (AccountingBlock.IW_ACCOUNTING_BUNDLE_IDENTIFER); return bundle.getResourceBundle (app.getSettings ().getDefaultLocale ()); } }