package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Parameter; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SelectPanel; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SelectionBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextArea; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.util.SelectorUtility; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; /** * <p>Title: idega</p> * <p>Description: software</p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p> * <p>Company: idega software</p> * @author <a href="">Grimur Jonsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class HotelDesigner extends TravelManager implements DesignerForm { private IWResourceBundle _iwrb; private Supplier _supplier; private Service _service; private Product _product; private Timeframe _timeframe; private Collection _roomTypes; private Collection _hotelTypes; String NAME_OF_FORM = ServiceDesigner.NAME_OF_FORM; String ServiceAction = ServiceDesigner.ServiceAction; private String PARAMETER_IS_UPDATE = "isTourUpdate"; private String PARAMETER_TIMEFRAME_ID = "td_timeframeId"; private String PARAMETER_NAME = "hd_par_name"; private String PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION = "hd_par_desc"; private String PARAMETER_NUMBER = "hd_par_num"; private String PARAMETER_NUMBER_OF_UNITS = "hd_par_num_un"; private String PARAMETER_MAX_PER_UNIT = "hd_par_max_un"; private String PARAMETER_DISCOUNT_TYPE = "hd_par_disc"; private String PARAMETER_DESIGN_IMAGE_ID = "hd_par_des_img_id"; private String PARAMETER_USE_IMAGE_ID = "hd_par_use_img_id"; private String PARAMETER_PICKUP_ID = "hd_par_pick_id"; private String PARAMETER_ROOM_TYPE_ID = "hd_par_rt_id"; private String PARAMETER_HOTEL_TYPE_ID = "hd_par_ht_id"; private String PARAMETER_RATING = "hd_par_rat"; public HotelDesigner(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { init(iwc); } private void init( IWContext iwc ) throws Exception { super.main( iwc ); _iwrb = super.getResourceBundle(); _supplier = super.getSupplier(); RoomTypeHome rth = (RoomTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(RoomType.class); _roomTypes = rth.findAll(); HotelTypeHome hth = (HotelTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(HotelType.class); _hotelTypes = hth.findAll(); } private boolean setupData(int serviceId, IWContext iwc) { try { ServiceHome sHome = (ServiceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Service.class); ProductHome pHome = (ProductHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Product.class); _service = sHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(serviceId)); _product = pHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(serviceId)); _timeframe = getProductBusiness(iwc).getTimeframe(_product); return true; }catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public int handleInsert(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { String sServiceId = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_IS_UPDATE ); int serviceId = -1; if ( sServiceId != null ) { serviceId = Integer.parseInt( sServiceId ); } setupData(serviceId, iwc); String name = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_NAME ); String number = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_NUMBER ); String description = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION ); if ( description == null ) { description = ""; } String imageId = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_DESIGN_IMAGE_ID ); String numberOfUnits = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_NUMBER_OF_UNITS ); String maxPerUnit = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_MAX_PER_UNIT ); String useImageId = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_USE_IMAGE_ID ); String discountType = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_DISCOUNT_TYPE ); String[] pickupIds = iwc.getParameterValues( PARAMETER_PICKUP_ID ); String[] roomTypeIds = iwc.getParameterValues( PARAMETER_ROOM_TYPE_ID ); String[] hotelTypeIds = iwc.getParameterValues( PARAMETER_HOTEL_TYPE_ID ); String rating = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_RATING); int iDiscountType =; if ( discountType != null ) { iDiscountType = Integer.parseInt( discountType ); } int[] iRoomTypeIds = null; try { if (roomTypeIds != null) { iRoomTypeIds = new int[roomTypeIds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < iRoomTypeIds.length; i++) { iRoomTypeIds[i] = Integer.parseInt(roomTypeIds[i]); } } }catch (Exception e) { } int[] iHotelTypeIds = null; try { if (hotelTypeIds != null) { iHotelTypeIds = new int[hotelTypeIds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < iHotelTypeIds.length; i++) { iHotelTypeIds[i] = Integer.parseInt(hotelTypeIds[i]); } } }catch (Exception e) { } Float fRating = null; try { fRating = new Float(rating); } catch (Exception e) {} Integer iImageId = null; if ( imageId != null ) { if ( !imageId.equals( "-1" ) ) { iImageId = new Integer( imageId ); } } int iNumberOfUnits = BookingForm.UNLIMITED_AVAILABILITY; if (numberOfUnits != null) { try { iNumberOfUnits = Integer.parseInt(numberOfUnits); }catch (NumberFormatException n){ } } int iMaxPerUnit = 0; if (maxPerUnit != null) { try { iMaxPerUnit = Integer.parseInt( maxPerUnit); }catch (NumberFormatException n) { } } int returner = -1; HotelBusiness hb = (HotelBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, HotelBusiness.class); try { if ( serviceId == -1 ) { // hb.setTimeframe( activeFromStamp, activeToStamp, yearly ); returner = hb.createHotel(_supplier.getID(), iImageId, name, number, description, iNumberOfUnits,iMaxPerUnit, true, iDiscountType, iRoomTypeIds, iHotelTypeIds, fRating); } else { String timeframeId = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_TIMEFRAME_ID ); if ( timeframeId == null ) { timeframeId = "-1"; } // hb.setTimeframe( Integer.parseInt( timeframeId ), activeFromStamp, activeToStamp, yearly ); returner = hb.updateHotel(serviceId, _supplier.getID(), iImageId, name, number, description, iNumberOfUnits, iMaxPerUnit, true, iDiscountType, iRoomTypeIds, iHotelTypeIds, fRating); if ( useImageId == null ) { ProductEditorBusiness.getInstance().dropImage( _product, true ); } } Service service = ((ServiceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Service.class)).findByPrimaryKey(returner); service.removeAllHotelPickupPlaces(); if (pickupIds != null && returner > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pickupIds.length; i++) { if (!pickupIds[i].equals("-1")) { try{ (( Integer(pickupIds[i])).addToService(service); // service.addTo((( Integer(hotelPickupPlaceIds[i]))); }catch (IDOAddRelationshipException sql) { }catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } } } } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.err ); //add("TEMP - Service EKKI sm��u�"); } return returner; } public void finalizeCreation(IWContext iwc, Product product) throws RemoteException, FinderException { getHotelBusiness(iwc).finalizeHotelCreation(product); } public Form getDesignerForm( IWContext iwc ) throws RemoteException, FinderException { return getDesignerForm(iwc, -1); } public Form getDesignerForm( IWContext iwc, int serviceId ) throws RemoteException, FinderException { boolean isDataValid = true; boolean isChangingFromOtherType = false; if ( serviceId != -1 ) { isDataValid = setupData( serviceId, iwc ); } Form form = new Form(); form.setName( NAME_OF_FORM ); Table table = new Table(); form.add( table ); if ( isDataValid ) { table.setWidth( "90%" ); table.setAlignment("center"); int row = 0; IWTimestamp stamp = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); TextInput name = new TextInput( PARAMETER_NAME ); name.setSize( 40 ); TextArea description = new TextArea( PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION ); description.setWidth( "50" ); description.setHeight( "12" ); TextInput number = new TextInput( PARAMETER_NUMBER ); number.setSize( 20 ); number.keepStatusOnAction(); DropdownMenu locales = getProductBusiness(iwc).getLocaleDropDown( iwc ); int currentYear = IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear(); TextInput numberOfUnits = new TextInput( PARAMETER_NUMBER_OF_UNITS ); TextInput maxPerUnit = new TextInput( PARAMETER_MAX_PER_UNIT ); TextInput rating = new TextInput( PARAMETER_RATING ); rating.setWidth("20"); SelectionBox roomTypes = new SelectionBox(PARAMETER_ROOM_TYPE_ID ); roomTypes.addMenuElements(_roomTypes); SelectPanel hotelTypes = new SelectPanel(PARAMETER_HOTEL_TYPE_ID ); SelectorUtility su = new SelectorUtility(); hotelTypes = (SelectPanel) su.getSelectorFromIDOEntities(hotelTypes, _hotelTypes, "getLocalizationKey", _iwrb); //hotelTypes.addMenuElements(_hotelTypes); DropdownMenu discountType = new DropdownMenu( PARAMETER_DISCOUNT_TYPE ); discountType.addMenuElement(, _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.amount", "Amount" ) ); discountType.addMenuElement(, _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.percent", "Percent" ) ); PickupPlaceHome ppHome = (PickupPlaceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(PickupPlace.class); Collection pickupCollection = ppHome.findHotelPickupPlaces(this._supplier); List pps = ListUtil.convertCollectionToList(pickupCollection); SelectionBox pickups = new SelectionBox( pps ); ++row; Text nameText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); nameText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.name_of_room", "Name of room" ) ); table.add( nameText, 1, row ); table.add( name, 2, row ); ++row; Text numberText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); numberText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.number", "Number" ) ); table.add( numberText, 1, row ); table.add( number, 2, row ); ++row; Text descText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); descText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.description", "Description" ) ); Text imgText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); imgText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.image", "Image" ) ); table.setVerticalAlignment( 1, row, "top" ); table.setVerticalAlignment( 2, row, "top" ); ++row; ImageInserter imageInserter = new ImageInserter( PARAMETER_DESIGN_IMAGE_ID ); imageInserter.setHasUseBox( true, PARAMETER_USE_IMAGE_ID ); String imageId = iwc.getParameter( PARAMETER_DESIGN_IMAGE_ID ); if ( _service != null ) { _product = _service.getProduct(); Hotel hotel = null; try { hotel = ((HotelHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Hotel.class)).findByPrimaryKey(_product.getPrimaryKey()); int iNoUnits = hotel.getNumberOfUnits(); int iMaxPerUnit = hotel.getMaxPerUnit(); Collection rTypes = null; Collection hTypes = null; try { rTypes = hotel.getRoomTypes(); hTypes = hotel.getHotelTypes(); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { logWarning("HotelDesigner : no room types found for hotel"); } if (iNoUnits != BookingForm.UNLIMITED_AVAILABILITY ) { numberOfUnits.setContent(Integer.toString(iNoUnits)); } if (iMaxPerUnit >= 0 ) { maxPerUnit.setContent( Integer.toString(iMaxPerUnit)); } if (hTypes != null && !hTypes.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = hTypes.iterator(); String[] pks = new String[hTypes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < pks.length; i++) { pks[i] = ((HotelType); } hotelTypes.setSelectedElements(pks); } if (rTypes != null && !rTypes.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = rTypes.iterator(); String[] pks = new String[rTypes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < pks.length; i++) { pks[i] = ((RoomType); } roomTypes.setSelectedElements(pks); } if (hotel.getRating() != -1) { rating.setContent(Float.toString(hotel.getRating())); } }catch (FinderException fe) { System.out.println("[HotelDesigner] HotelBean not available"); } if ( imageId != null ) { imageInserter.setImageId( Integer.parseInt( imageId ) ); imageInserter.setSelected( true ); } else if ( _product.getFileId() != -1 ) { imageInserter.setImageId( _product.getFileId() ); imageInserter.setSelected( true ); } Collection pickupService = ppHome.findHotelPickupPlaces(_service); Iterator iter = pickupService.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { pickups.setSelectedElement(; } } table.setVerticalAlignment( 1, row, "top" ); table.setVerticalAlignment( 2, row, "top" ); table.add( imgText, 1, row ); table.add( imageInserter, 2, row ); ++row; Text timeframeText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); timeframeText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.timeframe", "Timeframe" ) ); Text tfFromText = ( Text ) smallText.clone(); tfFromText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.from", "from" ) ); Text tfToText = ( Text ) smallText.clone(); tfToText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "", "to" ) ); Text tfYearlyText = ( Text ) smallText.clone(); tfYearlyText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.yearly", "yearly" ) ); ++row; Text hotelTypeText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); hotelTypeText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.hotel_type", "Hotel type" ) ); // HotelPickupPlace[] hpps = (HotelPickupPlace[]) coll.toArray(new HotelPickupPlace[]{}); table.add(hotelTypeText, 1, row); table.setVerticalAlignment(1, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); table.add(hotelTypes, 2, row); hotelTypes.keepStatusOnAction(); ++row; Text roomTypeText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); roomTypeText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.room_type", "Room type" ) ); // HotelPickupPlace[] hpps = (HotelPickupPlace[]) coll.toArray(new HotelPickupPlace[]{}); table.add(roomTypeText, 1, row); table.setVerticalAlignment(1, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); table.add(roomTypes, 2, row); roomTypes.keepStatusOnAction(); ++row; Text ratingTypeText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); ratingTypeText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.rating", "Rating" ) ); // HotelPickupPlace[] hpps = (HotelPickupPlace[]) coll.toArray(new HotelPickupPlace[]{}); table.add(ratingTypeText, 1, row); table.add(rating, 2, row); rating.keepStatusOnAction(); ++row; Text pickupText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); pickupText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.pickup", "Pickup" ) ); // HotelPickupPlace[] hpps = (HotelPickupPlace[]) coll.toArray(new HotelPickupPlace[]{}); pickups.setName(PARAMETER_PICKUP_ID); pickups.keepStatusOnAction(); table.add( pickupText, 1, row ); table.add( pickups, 2, row ); table.setVerticalAlignment( 1, row, "top" ); table.setVerticalAlignment( 2, row, "top" ); ++row; Text noUnitsText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); noUnitsText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.number_of_units", "Number of units" ) ); table.add( noUnitsText, 1, row ); table.add( numberOfUnits, 2, row ); ++row; Text maxPerUnitText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); maxPerUnitText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.maximum_guests_per_room", "Maximum guests per room" ) ); table.add( maxPerUnitText, 1, row ); table.add( maxPerUnit, 2, row ); ++row; Text discountTypeText = ( Text ) theBoldText.clone(); discountTypeText.setText( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.discount_type", "Discount type" ) ); table.add( discountTypeText, 1, row ); table.add( discountType, 2, row ); ++row; table.mergeCells( 1, row, 2, row ); table.setAlignment( 1, row, "right" ); SubmitButton submit = new SubmitButton( _iwrb.getImage( "buttons/save.gif" ), ServiceDesigner.ServiceAction, ServiceDesigner.parameterCreate ); table.add( submit, 1, row ); table.setColumnAlignment( 1, "right" ); table.setColumnAlignment( 2, "left" ); if ( _service != null ) { Parameter par1 = new Parameter( PARAMETER_IS_UPDATE, Integer.toString( serviceId ) ); par1.keepStatusOnAction(); table.add( par1 ); name.setContent( _product.getProductName( super.getLocaleId() ) ); number.setContent( _product.getNumber() ); description.setContent( _product.getProductDescription( super.getLocaleId() ) ); discountType.setSelectedElement( Integer.toString( _product.getDiscountTypeId() ) ); } else { discountType.setSelectedElement( Integer.toString( ) ); } } else { table.add( _iwrb.getLocalizedString( "travel.data_is_invalid", "Data is invalid" ) ); } return form; } private HotelBusiness getHotelBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (HotelBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, HotelBusiness.class); } }