/* * Created on 2.6.2003 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */ package se.idega.block.pki.business; import se.nexus.nbs.sdk.NBSAuthResult; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.LoggedOnInfo; /** * @author gummi * * To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */ public class NBSLoggedOnInfo extends LoggedOnInfo { private NBSAuthResult _nbsAuthResult = null; public final static String KEY_PERSONAL_ID = "serialNumber"; private final static String _nameKey = "CN"; private final static String _organizationKey = "O"; private final static String _countryKey = "C"; private final static String givenNameKey = "givenName"; private final static String SurNameKey = "SN"; public String getNBSPersonalID(){ return _nbsAuthResult.getSubjectAttributeValue(KEY_PERSONAL_ID); } public String getNBSCommonName(){ return _nbsAuthResult.getSubjectAttributeValue(_nameKey); } public String getNBSCountry(){ return _nbsAuthResult.getSubjectAttributeValue(_organizationKey); } public String getNBSOrganization(){ return _nbsAuthResult.getSubjectAttributeValue(_countryKey); } public String getGivenName(){ return _nbsAuthResult.getSubjectAttributeValue(givenNameKey); } public String getSurName(){ return _nbsAuthResult.getSubjectAttributeValue(SurNameKey); } /** * @return */ public NBSAuthResult getNbsAuthResult() { return _nbsAuthResult; } /** * @param result */ public void setNbsAuthResult(NBSAuthResult result) { _nbsAuthResult = result; } }