package com.idega.block.questions.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryBlock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Layer; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.text.Anchor; import com.idega.presentation.text.AnchorLink; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Paragraph; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HelpButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; /** * * * */ public class QuestionsAndAnswers2 extends CategoryBlock { private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private IWBundle iwb,core; private String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.questions"; private boolean isAdmin = false; private QuestionsService questionsService; private Locale currentLocale; private String prmViewCategory = "qa_view_cat_id"; private String valViewCategory = null; //used with showAllCategories private boolean showAll = true; // ???? private boolean showAllCategories =true; //user can see list of categories, ad click on category to see only questions in this category private boolean showQuestionTitle = true; private boolean showQuestionBody = true; private boolean showAnswerTitle = true; private boolean showAnswerBody = true; private boolean showQuestionList = true; //show questions in questions admin part private boolean showQuestionListCount = true; //XXX seems like it has no setter and hence no property in the builder; gotta add it private boolean showDeletedQuestions = true; private boolean showDeleteButton = true; private boolean showMoveButtons = true; private boolean showHomeButton = true; private String questionPrefixText = "Q:"; private String answerPrefixText = "A:"; private Image questionPrefixImage = null; private Image answerPrefixImage = null; public final static String STYLENAME_Q_TITLE = "QuestionTitle"; public final static String STYLENAME_Q_BODY = "QuestionBody"; public final static String STYLENAME_A_TITLE = "AnswerTitle"; public final static String STYLENAME_A_BODY = "AnswerBody"; public final static String STYLENAME_Q_PREFIX = "QuestionPrefix"; public final static String STYLENAME_A_PREFIX = "AnswerPrefix"; public final static String STYLENAME_C_TITLE = "CategoryTitle"; public final static String STYLENAME_Q_COUNT = "QuestionCount"; public final static String DEFAULT_Q_TITLE = "font-style:normal;color:#000000;font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;"; public final static String DEFAULT_Q_BODY = "font-weight:plain;"; public final static String DEFAULT_A_TITLE = "font-style:normal;color:#000000;font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;"; public final static String DEFAULT_A_BODY = "font-weight:plain;"; public final static String DEFAULT_Q_PREFIX = "font-style:normal;color:#000000;font-size:13px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;"; public final static String DEFAULT_A_PREFIX = "font-style:normal;color:#000000;font-size:13px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;";; public final static String DEFAULT_C_TITLE = "font-style:normal;color:#000000;font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;"; public final static String DEFAULT_Q_COUNT = "font-weight:plain;"; private int layout = QAndALayoutHandler.DEFAULT_LAYOUT; private final static String DEFAULT_MAIN_STYLE_CLASS = "questions_and_answers"; private String mainStyleClass = DEFAULT_MAIN_STYLE_CLASS; public QuestionsAndAnswers2(){ setAutoCreate(false); } public String getBundleIdentifier(){ return this.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /** * @see com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryBlock#getCategoryType() */ public String getCategoryType() { return "QA2"; } /** * @see com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryBlock#getMultible() */ public boolean getMultible() { return true; } public void main(IWContext iwc)throws RemoteException{ //debugParameters(iwc); this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this.core = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle(); this.isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); this.questionsService = (QuestionsService)IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc,QuestionsService.class); this.currentLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); if(this.layout == QAndALayoutHandler.SINGLE_RANDOM_LAYOUT){ if(this.isAdmin){ add(getCategoryAdminPart(iwc)); add(Text.getBreak()); } ///add(getRandomQAndA(iwc)); /// XXX what with this??? } else { this.valViewCategory = iwc.getParameter(this.prmViewCategory); processForm(iwc); // form processing Layer mainLayer = createLayerWithStyleClass(this.getMainStyleClass()); if (this.isAdmin) { mainLayer.getChildren().add(getCategoryAdminPart(iwc)); //admin part to manage categories } mainLayer.getChildren().add(getQuestionsAdminPart(iwc)); //admin part for questions if (this.showAll && (this.showAllCategories || (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null))) { mainLayer.getChildren().add(getQuestionsListPart(iwc)); //list of questions and their answers } add(mainLayer); } } public PresentationObject getCategoryAdminPart(IWContext iwc){ Layer layer = createLayerWithStyleClass("category_admin"); Link link = getCategoryLink(); link.setImage(this.core.getImage("/shared/detach.gif")); link.setStyleClass("category_management"); layer.getChildren().add(link); String helpTitle = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("help_title", "Q & A"); String helpText = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("help_text", "If the blank page icon appears you have to save changes with the save button, else changes are saved in the editor window (when the open icon appears)"); HelpButton help = new HelpButton(helpTitle, helpText); help.setStyleClass("category_help"); layer.getChildren().add(help); layer.getChildren().add(createLayerWithStyleClass("clearer")); return layer; } private DropdownMenu getInvalidQuestions(String name, int categoryId)throws RemoteException{ DropdownMenu drop = new DropdownMenu(name); drop.addMenuElementFirst("-1", this.iwrb.getLocalizedString( "deleted_questions", "Deleted questions")); try { Collection questions = this.questionsService.getQuestionHome() .findAllInvalidByCategory(categoryId); Iterator iter = questions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Question quest = (Question); ContentHelper helper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(quest .getQuestionID(), this.currentLocale); if (helper.getLocalizedText() != null) { String headline = helper.getLocalizedText().getHeadline(); if (headline.length() > 20) { headline = headline.substring(0, 20) + "..."; } drop.addMenuElement(quest.getPrimaryKey().toString(), headline); } } } catch (FinderException fex) { throw new RemoteException(fex.getMessage()); } return drop; } private void processForm(IWContext iwc)throws RemoteException{ int cat_id = -1; if (iwc.isParameterSet("save_cat")) { cat_id = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("save_cat")); } String entityId = iwc.getParameter("ent_id"); int ent_id = -1; try { if (entityId != null) { ent_id = Integer.parseInt(entityId); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (ent_id > 0 && iwc.isParameterSet("trash_quest")) { this.questionsService.invalidateQuestion(ent_id); } else if (ent_id > 0 && iwc.isParameterSet("delete_quest")) { this.questionsService.removeQuestion(ent_id); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet("validate_quest")) { int inv_quest_id = Integer.parseInt( iwc.getParameter( "inv_quest" + cat_id ) ); if (inv_quest_id > 0) { this.questionsService.validateQuestion(inv_quest_id); } } else if (ent_id > 0 && iwc.isParameterSet("move_up")) { int swap_quest_id = Integer.parseInt(iwc .getParameter("swap_up_quest_id" + entityId)); if (swap_quest_id > 0) { this.questionsService.swapSequences(ent_id, swap_quest_id); } } else if (ent_id > 0 && iwc.isParameterSet("move_down")) { int swap_quest_id = Integer.parseInt(iwc .getParameter("swap_down_quest_id" + entityId)); if (swap_quest_id > 0) { this.questionsService.swapSequences(ent_id, swap_quest_id); } } } public Map getStyleNames() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); String[] styleNames = { STYLENAME_Q_TITLE , STYLENAME_Q_BODY , STYLENAME_A_TITLE, STYLENAME_A_BODY , STYLENAME_Q_PREFIX , STYLENAME_A_PREFIX , STYLENAME_C_TITLE , STYLENAME_Q_COUNT }; String[] styleValues = { DEFAULT_Q_TITLE , DEFAULT_Q_BODY, DEFAULT_A_TITLE, DEFAULT_A_BODY , DEFAULT_Q_PREFIX , DEFAULT_A_PREFIX , DEFAULT_C_TITLE , DEFAULT_Q_COUNT }; for (int a = 0; a < styleNames.length; a++) { map.put(styleNames[a], styleValues[a]); } return map; } public void setShowAll(boolean showAll){ this.showAll = showAll; } public void setShowOnlyOneCategory(boolean showOnlyOneCategory){ this.showAllCategories = !showOnlyOneCategory; } public void setShowAllCategories(boolean showAllCategories){ this.showAllCategories = showAllCategories; } public void setShowQuestionTitle (boolean showQuestionTitle){ this.showQuestionTitle = showQuestionTitle; } public void setShowQuestionBody(boolean showQuestionBody){ this.showQuestionBody=showQuestionBody; } public void setShowAnswerTitle(boolean showAnswerTitle){ this.showAnswerTitle = showAnswerTitle; } public void setShowAnswerBody(boolean showAnswerBody){ this.showAnswerBody = showAnswerBody; } public void setShowQuestionList(boolean showQuestionList){ this.showQuestionList = showQuestionList; } public void setShowDeleteButton(boolean showDeleteButton){ this.showDeleteButton = showDeleteButton; } public void setShowMoveButtons(boolean showMoveButtons){ this.showMoveButtons = showMoveButtons; } public void setShowHomeButton(boolean showHomeButton){ this.showHomeButton = showHomeButton; } public void setShowDeletedQuestions(boolean showDeletedQuestions){ this.showDeletedQuestions = showDeletedQuestions; } public void setQuestionPrefixText(String questionPrefixText){ this.questionPrefixText = questionPrefixText; } public void setAnswerPrefixText(String answerPrefixText){ this.answerPrefixText = answerPrefixText; } public void setQuestionPrefixImage(Image questionPrefixImage){ this.questionPrefixImage = questionPrefixImage; } public void setAnswerPrefixImage(Image answerPrefixImage){ this.answerPrefixImage= answerPrefixImage; } public synchronized Object clone() { QuestionsAndAnswers2 obj = null; try { obj = (QuestionsAndAnswers2) super.clone(); obj.answerPrefixImage = this.answerPrefixImage; obj.questionPrefixImage = this.questionPrefixImage; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /** * @param layout The layout to set. */ public void setLayout(int layout) { this.layout = layout; } public String getMainStyleClass() { return this.mainStyleClass; } public void setMainStyleClass(String mainStyleClass) { this.mainStyleClass = mainStyleClass; } /** * Helper method that returns Layer object with class attribute defined in styleClass param * * @param styleClass * @return */ private Layer createLayerWithStyleClass(String styleClass) { Layer l = new Layer(); l.setStyleClass(styleClass); return l; } //// admin part for questions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Layer getQuestionsAdminPart(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException{ Layer l = createLayerWithStyleClass("questions_admin"); Collection categories = null; if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null) { try { ICCategory viewCat; viewCat = getCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(this.valViewCategory)); categories = new Vector(1); categories.add(viewCat); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //categories = getCategories(); categories = getRootCategories(); } if ( categories != null && !categories.isEmpty() ){ Iterator iter = categories.iterator(); walkAPCategoryTree(iwc, iter, l); } else { // no categories exist, so show an info message Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.setStyleClass("info"); p.getChildren().add(new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_category", "Please create a category"))); l.getChildren().add(p); } return l; } /** * walks through category tree in recursive way and displays categories and their questions * * @param iwc * @param iter * @param poc * @throws RemoteException */ private void walkAPCategoryTree(IWContext iwc, Iterator iter, PresentationObjectContainer poc) throws RemoteException { while (iter.hasNext()) { ICCategory cat = (ICCategory); Integer catId = (Integer) cat.getPrimaryKey(); // Integer catParentId = new Integer(cat.getParentId()); // ICTreeNode node = cat.getParentNode(); // int i = cat.getChildCount(); // create and add a category header... getAPCategory(poc, cat); if (cat.isLeaf()) { // get and add all category questions if (this.showQuestionList) { if (this.showAllCategories) { poc.getChildren().add(getAPCategoryQuestions(iwc, cat)); } else { if (this.valViewCategory != null) { poc.getChildren().add(getAPCategoryQuestions(iwc, cat)); } } } //add form that allows to create new questin or revalidate invalidated questions if (this.isAdmin) { if (this.showAllCategories) { poc.getChildren().add(getAPCategoryQestionForm(catId)); } else { if (this.valViewCategory != null) { poc.getChildren().add(getAPCategoryQestionForm(catId)); } } } } else { // go deeper in the tree in recursive mode walkAPCategoryTree(iwc, cat.getChildrenIterator(), poc); } } } /** * returns category title */ private void getAPCategory(PresentationObjectContainer poc, ICCategory cat) { String catPK = ((Integer) cat.getPrimaryKey()).toString(); Layer layer = createLayerWithStyleClass("category"); if (this.showAll) { if (!this.showAllCategories) { Link link = new Link(new Text(cat.getName(this.currentLocale))); if (this.valViewCategory == null ) { link.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } else { link.removeParameter(this.prmViewCategory); } layer.getChildren().add(link); } else { AnchorLink link = new AnchorLink(new Text(cat.getName(this.currentLocale)), "cat" + catPK); layer.getChildren().add(link); } } else { layer.getChildren().add(new Text(cat.getName(this.currentLocale))); } Anchor anchor = new Anchor("ap_cat" + catPK); layer.getChildren().add(anchor); poc.getChildren().add(layer); } /** * returns questions, that belong to given category */ private PresentationObjectContainer getAPCategoryQuestions(IWContext iwc, ICCategory cat) throws RemoteException { PresentationObjectContainer poc = new PresentationObjectContainer(); Collection questions = new Vector(); Integer catId = (Integer) cat.getPrimaryKey(); try { questions = this.questionsService.getQuestionHome().findAllByCategory( catId.intValue()); } catch (FinderException ex) { } Question quest = null, previous = null, latter = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(questions); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { quest = (Question) list.get(i); if (i > 0) { previous = (Question) list.get(i - 1); } if ((i + 1) < list.size()) { latter = (Question) list.get(i + 1); } else { latter = null; } poc.getChildren().add(getAPQuestionItem(iwc, quest, i + 1, previous, latter)); } return poc; } /** * creates info for one question */ private Layer getAPQuestionItem(IWContext iwc, Question question, int number, Question previous, Question latter) throws RemoteException { // gather data ContentHelper helper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(question .getQuestionID(), this.currentLocale); String qHeadline = helper.getLocalizedText() != null ? helper .getLocalizedText().getHeadline() : ""; //create(encode) presentation Layer item = createLayerWithStyleClass("item"); Anchor anchor = new Anchor("ap_q" + question.getPrimaryKey()); item.getChildren().add(anchor); //question number if (this.showQuestionListCount) { Paragraph numberP = new Paragraph(); numberP.setStyleClass("number"); numberP.getChildren().add(new Text(Integer.toString(number) + ".")); item.getChildren().add(numberP); } //question title Paragraph titleP = new Paragraph(); titleP.setStyleClass("title"); if (this.showAll) { AnchorLink l = new AnchorLink(new Text(qHeadline), "q" + question.getPrimaryKey()); titleP.getChildren().add(l); } else { titleP.getChildren().add(new Text(qHeadline)); } item.getChildren().add(titleP); if (this.isAdmin) { item.getChildren().add(getAPQuestionForm(iwc, question, previous, latter)); } Paragraph clearer = new Paragraph(); clearer.setStyleClass("clearer"); item.getChildren().add(clearer); return item; } /** * returns invalidate / delete / move up / move down form for question * * @param iwc * @param question * @param previous * @param latter * @return */ private PresentationObject getAPQuestionForm(IWContext iwc, Question question, Question previous, Question latter) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.setStyleClass("question_form"); Integer categoryId = new Integer(question.getCategoryId()); String catPK = categoryId.toString(); Integer questionId = (Integer) question.getPrimaryKey(); //edit link Link editLink = new Link(); editLink.setStyleClass("edit"); editLink.setWindowToOpen(QandAEditorWindow.class); editLink.addParameter(QandAEditorWindow.PRM_CATEGORY, categoryId.toString()); editLink.setImage(this.iwb.getImage("open.gif", this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("button_edit_question", "Edit question"))); editLink.addParameter(QandAEditorWindow.PRM_QA_ID, questionId.toString()); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { editLink.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } p.getChildren().add(editLink); if (this.showDeleteButton) { // trash Link trash = new Link(this.iwb.getImage("trashcan_empty.gif", this.iwrb .getLocalizedString("button_invalidate", "Trashcan"))); trash.setStyleClass("trash"); trash.addParameter("ent_id", questionId.toString()); trash.addParameter("trash_quest", "true"); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { trash.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } p.getChildren().add(trash); // delete Link delete = new Link(this.iwb.getImage("delete.gif", this.iwrb .getLocalizedString("button_remove", "Remove from list"))); delete.setStyleClass("delete"); delete.addParameter("ent_id", questionId.toString()); delete.addParameter("delete_quest", "true"); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { delete.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } p.getChildren().add(delete); } if (this.showMoveButtons) { // up if (previous != null) { Link up = new Link(this.iwb.getImage("up.gif", this.iwrb .getLocalizedString("button_up", "Move up"))); up.setStyleClass("up"); up.addParameter("move_up", "true"); up.addParameter("ent_id", questionId.toString()); up.addParameter("swap_up_quest_id" + questionId, previous .getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { up.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } p.getChildren().add(up); } // down if (latter != null) { Link down = new Link(this.iwb.getImage("down.gif", this.iwrb .getLocalizedString("button_down", "Move down"))); down.setStyleClass("down"); down.addParameter("move_down", "true"); down.addParameter("ent_id", questionId.toString()); down.addParameter("swap_down_quest_id" + questionId, latter .getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { down.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } p.getChildren().add(down); } } return p; } /** * generates question creation and revalidation form for given category */ private PresentationObject getAPCategoryQestionForm(Integer categoryId) throws RemoteException { String catPK = categoryId.toString(); Layer l = new Layer(); l.setStyleClass("new_and_deleted_questions"); Form form = new Form(); form.add(new HiddenInput("save_cat",categoryId.toString())); //link to create new question Link newQandA = new Link(); newQandA.setStyleClass("new"); newQandA.setWindowToOpen(QandAEditorWindow.class); newQandA.addParameter(QandAEditorWindow.PRM_CATEGORY,categoryId.toString()); newQandA.setImage(this.iwb.getImage("new.gif",this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("button_create_question","Create question"))); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { newQandA.addParameter(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); } form.add(newQandA); if (this.showDeletedQuestions) { // meny containing invalidated questions DropdownMenu deletedQuestions = getInvalidQuestions("inv_quest" + categoryId.toString(), categoryId.intValue()); deletedQuestions.setStyleClass("deleted_questions"); form.add(deletedQuestions); // button to revalidate invalidated question SubmitButton sb = new SubmitButton(this.iwb.getImage("validate.gif", this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("button_validate", "Validate selected")), "validate_quest"); sb.setStyleClass("validate"); form.add(sb); if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null ) { HiddenInput hi = new HiddenInput(this.prmViewCategory, catPK.toString()); form.add(hi); } } l.getChildren().add(form); Paragraph clearer = new Paragraph(); clearer.setStyleClass("clearer"); l.getChildren().add(clearer); return l; } //// list of questions and answers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * returns div, which contains list of questions and their answers */ private Layer getQuestionsListPart(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException{ Layer l = createLayerWithStyleClass("questions_list"); Collection categories = null; if (!this.showAllCategories && this.valViewCategory != null) { try { ICCategory viewCat; viewCat = getCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(this.valViewCategory)); categories = new Vector(1); categories.add(viewCat); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //categories = getCategories(); //this method returns not only roots, but childern too, so it doesn't suit us categories = getRootCategories(); } if ( categories != null && !categories.isEmpty() ){ Iterator iter = categories.iterator(); walkQLCategoryTree(iwc, iter, l); } return l; } /** * walks through category tree in recursive manner */ private void walkQLCategoryTree(IWContext iwc, Iterator iter, PresentationObjectContainer poc) throws RemoteException { while (iter.hasNext()) { ICCategory cat = (ICCategory); // create and add a category header... if (this.showAllCategories) { getQLCategoryItem(poc, cat); } if (cat.isLeaf()) { // get and add all category questions poc.getChildren().add(getQLCategoryQuestions(iwc, cat)); } else { // go deeper in the tree in recursive mode walkQLCategoryTree(iwc, cat.getChildrenIterator(), poc); } } } /** * return questions that belong to given category */ private PresentationObjectContainer getQLCategoryQuestions(IWContext iwc, ICCategory cat) throws RemoteException { PresentationObjectContainer poc = new PresentationObjectContainer(); Collection questions = new Vector(); Integer catId = (Integer) cat.getPrimaryKey(); try { questions = this.questionsService.getQuestionHome().findAllByCategory( catId.intValue()); } catch (FinderException ex) { } Question quest; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(questions); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { quest = (Question) list.get(i); poc.getChildren().add(getQLQuestionItem(quest)); } return poc; } /** * returns category headline */ private void getQLCategoryItem(PresentationObjectContainer poc, ICCategory cat) { String catPK = ((Integer) cat.getPrimaryKey()).toString(); Layer layer = createLayerWithStyleClass("category"); AnchorLink link = new AnchorLink(new Text(cat.getName(this.currentLocale)), "ap_cat" + catPK); layer.getChildren().add(link); Anchor anchor = new Anchor("cat" + catPK); layer.getChildren().add(anchor); poc.getChildren().add(layer); } /** * returns one question and it's answer */ private Layer getQLQuestionItem(Question question) throws RemoteException { // gather data ContentHelper helper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(question .getQuestionID(), this.currentLocale); String qHeadline = helper.getLocalizedText() != null ? helper .getLocalizedText().getHeadline() : ""; String qBody = helper.getLocalizedText() != null ? helper .getLocalizedText().getBody() : ""; //create(encode) presentation Layer item = createLayerWithStyleClass("item"); //question Layer q = createLayerWithStyleClass("question"); //anchor so we can get here from list in q admin part item.getChildren().add( new Anchor("q" + question.getPrimaryKey().toString())); Paragraph qPrefix = new Paragraph(); qPrefix.setStyleClass("prefix"); qPrefix.getChildren().add(new Text(this.questionPrefixText)); q.getChildren().add(qPrefix); //fix if image is set if (this.showQuestionTitle) { Paragraph qHeadlineP = new Paragraph(); qHeadlineP.setStyleClass("title"); qHeadlineP.getChildren().add(new Text(qHeadline)); q.getChildren().add(qHeadlineP); } if (this.showQuestionBody) { Paragraph qBodyP = new Paragraph(); qBodyP.setStyleClass("body"); qBodyP.getChildren().add(new Text(qBody)); q.getChildren().add(qBodyP); } item.getChildren().add(q); //answer if (question.getAnswerID() > 0) { // gather data helper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(question.getAnswerID(), this.currentLocale); String answerHeadline = helper.getLocalizedText() != null ? helper .getLocalizedText().getHeadline() : ""; String answerBody = helper.getLocalizedText() != null ? helper .getLocalizedText().getBody() : ""; //create presentation Layer a = createLayerWithStyleClass("answer"); Paragraph aPrefixP = new Paragraph(); aPrefixP.setStyleClass("prefix"); aPrefixP.getChildren().add(new Text(this.answerPrefixText)); a.getChildren().add(aPrefixP); //XXX fix if prefix image is set if (this.showAnswerTitle) { Paragraph aHeadlineP = new Paragraph(); aHeadlineP.setStyleClass("title"); aHeadlineP.getChildren().add(new Text(answerHeadline)); a.getChildren().add(aHeadlineP); } if (this.showAnswerBody) { Paragraph aBodyP = new Paragraph(); aBodyP.setStyleClass("body"); aBodyP.getChildren().add(new Text(answerBody)); a.getChildren().add(aBodyP); } item.getChildren().add(a); } //'home' link if (this.showHomeButton) { AnchorLink al = new AnchorLink(this.iwb.getImage("home.gif"), "ap_q" + question.getPrimaryKey()); al.setStyleClass("home"); item.getChildren().add(al); } return item; } }