package; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.DateField; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWURL; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * <p><code>Crawler</code> Web crawler.</p> * This class is a part of the websearch webcrawler and search engine block. <br> * It is based on the <a href="">Lucene</a> java search engine from the Apache group and loosly <br> * from the work of David Duddleston of<br> * * @copyright Idega Software 2002 * @author <a href="">Eirikur Hrafnsson</a> */ public final class Crawler { private WebSearchIndex index; private IndexReader reader; private IndexWriter writer; private java.util.Stack linkQueue; private java.util.TreeSet links; private ContentHandler handler; private String rootURL; private String seedURL[]; private String scopeURL[]; private String indexPath; // search index path private boolean created; // if search index has been created private String cookie; private Collection ignoreParameters; // reporting private int reporting; // reporting level // Current URL data private currentURL; private String currentURLPath; // path of URL (no file) // private String href; private String contentType; private long lastModified; private ContentHandler htmlHandler = new HTMLHandler(); private ContentHandler pdfHandler = new PDFHandler(); /** * */ private Crawler() { } /** * */ public Crawler(WebSearchIndex index) { this(index, 0); } public Crawler(WebSearchIndex index, int reporting) { try { this.index = index; this.seedURL = index.getSeed(); this.scopeURL = index.getScope(); this.indexPath = index.getIndexPath(); this.rootURL = this.seedURL[0].substring(0, this.seedURL[0].indexOf("/", 8)); this.created = false; this.reporting = reporting; this.linkQueue = new java.util.Stack(); this.links = new java.util.TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < this.seedURL.length; i++) { this.links.add(this.seedURL[i].toLowerCase()); this.linkQueue.push(this.seedURL[i]); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; } public void addIgnoreParameters(Collection parameters) { this.ignoreParameters = parameters; } public void crawl() { try { if (this.reporting > 0) { System.out.println("Websearch: START CRAWLING"); } File file = new File(this.indexPath); if (!file.exists()) { //create directory structure System.out.println("Websearch: creating index folders..."); System.out.println("Websearch: "+this.indexPath); FileUtil.createFileAndFolder(this.indexPath,"segments"); if (this.reporting > 0) { System.out.println("create new index"); //IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(indexPath, new StopAnalyzer(), true); //writer.close(); } } /*else { // delete all files for now and build new index. // implement incremental index later. if (reporting > 0) System.out.println("index exists, delete all files"); //FileUtil.delete(indexPath); //delete all IndexReader reader =; int count = reader.numDocs(); if (reporting > 0) { System.out.println("deleting " + count + " records"); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //if (reporting > 1) System.out.println("deleted " + i); reader.delete(i); } reader.close(); System.out.println("Websearch: creating index folders..."); System.out.println("Websearch: "+indexPath); FileUtil.createFileAndFolder(indexPath,"segments"); }*/ // create new IndexWriter this.writer = new IndexWriter(this.indexPath, new StopAnalyzer(), true); String url; //System.out.println(linkQueue.toString()); if(this.linkQueue==null) { System.out.println("WebSearch crawler: linkQueue is null! check that a trailing / is in the seed url"); } while (this.linkQueue!=null && !this.linkQueue.empty()) { url = (String)this.linkQueue.pop(); if (!url.startsWith(this.rootURL)) { // root has changed. // example to this.rootURL = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/", 8)); } if (this.reporting > 1) { System.out.println(); System.out.print("SCANNING : " + url); } String result = scanPage(url); if (result.equals("good")) { if (this.reporting > 1) { System.out.print(" status: " + result); } if (this.reporting > 2) { System.out.println(" lastModified : " + this.lastModified); System.out.println(" contentType : " + this.contentType); System.out.println(" robot rules: index=" + this.handler.getRobotIndex() + " follow=" + this.handler.getRobotFollow()); System.out.println(" HREF : " +this.handler.getHREF()); System.out.println(" title : " +this.handler.getTitle()); System.out.println(" author : " +this.handler.getAuthor()); System.out.println(" published : " +this.handler.getPublished()); System.out.println(" description : " +this.handler.getDescription()); System.out.println(" keywords : " +this.handler.getKeywords()); System.out.println(" links : " + this.handler.getLinks()); if (this.reporting > 3) { System.out.println(" contents : " +this.handler.getContents()); } } } else { if (this.reporting == 1) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("SCANNED : " + url); } if (this.reporting > 0) { System.out.println(" *status: " + result); } } } if (this.reporting > 0) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("DONE CRAWLING"); System.out.println("links crawled"); java.util.Iterator it = this.links.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } System.out.println(); } //optinmize the search speed this.writer.optimize(); this.writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public final void handleHTML(HttpURLConnection httpCon) throws Exception { this.handler = this.htmlHandler; this.handler.parse(httpCon.getInputStream()); if (this.handler.getRobotFollow()) { java.util.List links = this.handler.getLinks(); //System.out.println("link count : " + links.size()); for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) { handleLink((String)links.get(i)); } } if (this.handler.getRobotIndex()) { indexLucene(); } } public void handleLink(String url) { String normalizedURL = normalizedURL(url); String lowerCaseURL = normalizedURL.toLowerCase(); if (!(normalizedURL.startsWith("http://") || normalizedURL.startsWith("https://"))) { // link needs to be evaluated, parsed and completed normalizedURL = parseHREF(normalizedURL, lowerCaseURL); if (normalizedURL != null) { lowerCaseURL = normalizedURL.toLowerCase(); } // is full URL } if (normalizedURL != null && inScope(normalizedURL)) { // is full URL and in scope. if (!this.links.contains(lowerCaseURL)) { this.links.add(lowerCaseURL); this.linkQueue.push(normalizedURL); } } } /** * Takes an url and rearranges it so all query parameters are in the same order as another url with the same query parameters. * This helps eliminate duplicates. It also changes servlet/IBMainServlet/? and servlet/IBMainServlet? to index.jsp? * @param url * @return */ protected String normalizedURL(String url) { //change servlet path to index.jsp if crawling an idegaweb application String normalized = TextSoap.findAndReplace(url,"servlet/IBMainServlet/?", "index.jsp?"); normalized = TextSoap.findAndReplace(url,"servlet/IBMainServlet?", "index.jsp?"); IWURL temp = new IWURL(normalized); return temp.getFullURL(); } public final void handlePDF(HttpURLConnection httpCon) throws Exception { this.handler = this.pdfHandler; this.handler.parse(httpCon.getInputStream()); indexLucene(); } /* * Index the html in lucene. * Path is the url path, and contents is the parsed html */ private void indexLucene() { try { //IndexWriter writer; //if (!created) { //writer = new IndexWriter(this.indexPath, new StopAnalyzer(), true); //created = true; //} else { //writer = new IndexWriter(this.indexPath, new StopAnalyzer(), false); //} Document mydoc = new Document(); mydoc.add(new Field("uid", this.currentURL.toString().toLowerCase(), false, true, false)); mydoc.add(Field.Text("url", this.currentURL.toString())); mydoc.add(Field.Text("contentType", this.contentType)); mydoc.add(Field.Keyword("lastModified",DateField.timeToString(this.lastModified))); String contents = this.handler.getContents(); if( contents!=null ){ //clean more! contents = TextSoap.findAndCut(contents,">"); contents = TextSoap.findAndCut(contents,"<"); contents = TextSoap.findAndCut(contents,"�?"); mydoc.add(Field.Text("contents", contents)); } if (this.handler.getTitle() != null) { mydoc.add(Field.Text("title", this.handler.getTitle())); } if (this.handler.getKeywords() != null) { mydoc.add(Field.Text("keywords", this.handler.getKeywords())); } if (this.handler.getDescription() != null) { mydoc.add(Field.Text("description", this.handler.getDescription())); } if (this.handler.getCategories() != null) { mydoc.add(Field.Text("categories", this.handler.getCategories())); } if (this.handler.getPublished() != -1) { // use meta tag mydoc.add(Field.Keyword("published", DateField.timeToString(this.handler.getPublished()))); } else { // use lastmodified from http header. mydoc.add(Field.Keyword("published", DateField.timeToString(this.lastModified))); } if (this.handler.getPublished() != -1) { // use meta tag mydoc.add(Field.Keyword("published", DateField.timeToString(this.handler.getPublished()))); } else { // use lastmodified from http header. } if (this.handler.getHREF() != null) { // Replace $link with url. String href = this.handler.getHREF(); int pos = href.indexOf("$link"); href = href.substring(0, pos) + this.currentURL.toString() + href.substring(pos + 5, href.length()); mydoc.add(Field.UnIndexed("href", href)); } this.writer.addDocument(mydoc); //writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean inScope(String url) { if (containsIgnoreParameter(url)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < this.scopeURL.length; i++) { if (url.startsWith(this.scopeURL[i])) { // in scope return true; } } // not in scope return false; } public boolean containsIgnoreParameter(String url) { if (this.ignoreParameters != null) { Iterator iter = this.ignoreParameters.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String parameter = (String); if (url.indexOf(parameter) != -1) { return true; } } } return false; } public String parseHREF(String url, String urlLowCase) { // Looks for incomplete URL and completes them if (urlLowCase.startsWith("/")) { url = this.rootURL + url; } else if (urlLowCase.startsWith("./")) { url = this.currentURLPath + url.substring(1, url.length()); } else if (urlLowCase.startsWith("../")) { int back = 1; while (urlLowCase.indexOf("../", back*3) != -1) { back++; } int pos = this.currentURLPath.length(); int count = back; while (count-- > 0) { pos = this.currentURLPath.lastIndexOf("/", pos) - 1; } url = this.currentURLPath.substring(0, pos+2) + url.substring(3*back, url.length()); } else if (urlLowCase.startsWith("javascript:")) { // ignore javascript:... url = null; } else if (urlLowCase.startsWith("#")) { // internal anchor... ignore. url = null; } else if (urlLowCase.startsWith("mailto:")) { // handle mailto:... url = null; } else { url = this.currentURLPath + "/" + url; } // strip anchor if exists otherwise crawler may index content multiple times // links to the same url but with unique anchors would be considered unique // by the crawler when they should not be //int i; if (url != null) { int i; if ((i = url.indexOf("#")) != -1) { url = url.substring(0,i); } } return url; } public String scanPage(String urlString) { String status = "good"; try { this.currentURL = new; this.currentURLPath = urlString.substring(0, urlString.lastIndexOf("/")); HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection)this.currentURL.openConnection(); httpCon.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "idegaWeb Web Search Engine Crawler"); if (this.cookie != null) { httpCon.setRequestProperty("Cookie", this.cookie); } httpCon.connect(); this.lastModified = httpCon.getLastModified(); if (httpCon.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie") != null) { this.cookie = stripCookie(httpCon.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie")); if (this.reporting > 1) { System.out.print(" got cookie : " + this.cookie); } } if (httpCon.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { this.contentType = httpCon.getContentType(); if (this.contentType.indexOf("text/html") != -1) { handleHTML(httpCon); } else if (this.contentType.indexOf("application/pdf") != -1) { handlePDF(httpCon); } else { status = "Not an excepted content type : " + this.contentType; } } else { status = "bad"; } httpCon.disconnect(); } catch ( mue) { status = mue.toString(); } catch ( uh) { status = uh.toString(); // Mark as a bad URL } catch ( ioe) { status = ioe.toString(); // Mark as a bad URL } catch (Exception e) { status = e.toString(); // Mark as a bad URL } return status; } public static String stripCookie(String cookie) { int loc = cookie.indexOf(";"); return (loc > 0) ? cookie.substring(0, loc) : cookie; } }