/* * $Id: TPosAuthorisationEntriesBeanBMPBean.java,v 1.6 2005/06/15 16:36:24 gimmi Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2002 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.block.creditcard.data; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.data.GenericEntity; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.data.IDOLookupException; import com.idega.data.query.Column; import com.idega.data.query.MatchCriteria; import com.idega.data.query.SelectQuery; import com.idega.data.query.Table; import com.idega.data.query.WildCardColumn; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * @author <a href="mail:palli@idega.is">Pall Helgason</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class TPosAuthorisationEntriesBeanBMPBean extends GenericEntity implements TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean, CreditCardAuthorizationEntry { private final static String ENTITY_NAME = "tpos_auth_entries"; private final static String AUTHORISATION_AMOUNT = "auth_amount"; private final static String AUTHORISATION_CURRENCY = "auth_currency"; private final static String AUTHORISATION_CODE = "auth_code"; private final static String AUTHORISATION_ID_RSP = "auth_id_rsp"; private final static String AUTHORISATION_PATH_REASON_CODE = "auth_path_res_code"; private final static String BATCH_NUMBER = "batch_nr"; private final static String CARD_BRAND_ID = "card_brand_id"; private final static String CARD_BRAND_NAME = "card_brand_name"; private final static String CARD_CHARACTERISTICS = "card_caracter"; private final static String CARD_TYPE_ID = "card_type_id"; private final static String CARD_TYPE_NAME = "card_type_name"; private final static String ENTRY_DATE = "entry_date"; private final static String DETAIL_EXPECTED = "detail"; private final static String ERROR_NR = "error_nr"; private final static String ERROR_TEXT = "error_text"; private final static String CARD_EXPIRES = "card_expires"; private final static String LOCATION_NR = "location_nr"; private final static String MERCHANT_NR_AUTHORISATION = "merc_auth"; private final static String MERCHANT_NR_OTHER_SERVICES = "merc_other"; private final static String MERCHANT_NR_SUBMISSION = "merc_sub"; private final static String ATTACHMENT_COUNT = "att_count"; private final static String PAN = "pan"; private final static String POS_NR = "pos_nr"; private final static String POS_SERIAL_NR = "pos_ser_nr"; private final static String PRINT_DATA = "print_data"; private final static String SUBMISSION_AMOUNT = "sub_amount"; private final static String SUBMISSION_CURRENCY = "sub_currency"; private final static String ENTRY_TIME = "entry_time"; private final static String TOTAL_RESPONSE_CODE = "rsp_code"; private final static String TRANSACTION_NR = "transact_nr"; private final static String VOIDED_ATHORISATION_ID_RESPONSE = "void_rsp"; private final static String VOIDED_TRANSACTION_NR = "void_trans"; private final static String XML_ATTACHMENT = "xml"; private final static String CARD_NUMBER = "card_number"; private final static String PARENT_ID = "parent_id"; /** * Constructor for the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object */ public TPosAuthorisationEntriesBeanBMPBean() { super(); } /** * Constructor for the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param id Description of the Parameter * @exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ public TPosAuthorisationEntriesBeanBMPBean(int id) throws SQLException { super(id); } /** * Description of the Method */ public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(getAuthorisationAmountColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getAuthorisationCurrencyColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 6); addAttribute(getAuthorisationCodeColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 3); addAttribute(getAuthorisationIdRspColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getAuthorisationPathReasonCodeColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 5); addAttribute(getBatchNumberColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 5); addAttribute(getBrandIdColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getBrandNameColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getCardCharacteristicsColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 5); addAttribute(getCardTypeColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getCardNameColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getEntryDateColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 8); addAttribute(getDetailExpectedColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getErrorNoColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getErrorTextColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getCardExpiresColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 4); addAttribute(getLocationNrColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getMerchantNrAuthorisationColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getMerchantNrOtherServicesColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getMerchantNrSubmissionColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getAttachmentCountColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getPanColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getPosNrColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getPosSerialNrColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 20); addAttribute(getPrintDataColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getSubmissionAmountColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 10); addAttribute(getSubmissionCurrencyColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 5); addAttribute(getEntryTimeColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 6); addAttribute(getTotalResponseCodeColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 6); addAttribute(getTransactionNrColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 6); addAttribute(getVoidedAuthorisationIdResponseColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getVoidedTransactionNrColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getXMLAttachmentColumnName(), "", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(CARD_NUMBER, "card_number", true, true, String.class, 50); this.addOneToOneRelationship(PARENT_ID, TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean.class); } /** * Gets the entityName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The entityName value */ public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } /** * Gets the authorisationAmountColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The authorisationAmountColumnName value */ public static String getAuthorisationAmountColumnName() { return AUTHORISATION_AMOUNT; } /** * Gets the authorisationCurrencyColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The authorisationCurrencyColumnName value */ public static String getAuthorisationCurrencyColumnName() { return AUTHORISATION_CURRENCY; } /** * Gets the authorisationCodeColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The authorisationCodeColumnName value */ public static String getAuthorisationCodeColumnName() { return AUTHORISATION_CODE; } /** * Gets the authorisationIdRspColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The authorisationIdRspColumnName value */ public static String getAuthorisationIdRspColumnName() { return AUTHORISATION_ID_RSP; } /** * Gets the authorisationPathReasonCodeColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The authorisationPathReasonCodeColumnName value */ public static String getAuthorisationPathReasonCodeColumnName() { return AUTHORISATION_PATH_REASON_CODE; } /** * Gets the batchNumberColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The batchNumberColumnName value */ public static String getBatchNumberColumnName() { return BATCH_NUMBER; } /** * Gets the brandIdColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The brandIdColumnName value */ public static String getBrandIdColumnName() { return CARD_BRAND_ID; } /** * Gets the brandNameColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The brandNameColumnName value */ public static String getBrandNameColumnName() { return CARD_BRAND_NAME; } /** * Gets the cardCharacteristicsColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The cardCharacteristicsColumnName value */ public static String getCardCharacteristicsColumnName() { return CARD_CHARACTERISTICS; } /** * Gets the cardTypeColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The cardTypeColumnName value */ public static String getCardTypeColumnName() { return CARD_TYPE_ID; } /** * Gets the cardNameColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The cardNameColumnName value */ public static String getCardNameColumnName() { return CARD_TYPE_NAME; } /** * Gets the entryDateColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The entryDateColumnName value */ public static String getEntryDateColumnName() { return ENTRY_DATE; } /** * Gets the detailExpectedColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The detailExpectedColumnName value */ public static String getDetailExpectedColumnName() { return DETAIL_EXPECTED; } /** * Gets the errorNoColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The errorNoColumnName value */ public static String getErrorNoColumnName() { return ERROR_NR; } /** * Gets the errorTextColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The errorTextColumnName value */ public static String getErrorTextColumnName() { return ERROR_TEXT; } /** * Gets the cardExpiresColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The cardExpiresColumnName value */ public static String getCardExpiresColumnName() { return CARD_EXPIRES; } /** * Gets the locationNrColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The locationNrColumnName value */ public static String getLocationNrColumnName() { return LOCATION_NR; } /** * Gets the merchantNrAuthorisationColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The merchantNrAuthorisationColumnName value */ public static String getMerchantNrAuthorisationColumnName() { return MERCHANT_NR_AUTHORISATION; } /** * Gets the merchantNrOtherServicesColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The merchantNrOtherServicesColumnName value */ public static String getMerchantNrOtherServicesColumnName() { return MERCHANT_NR_OTHER_SERVICES; } /** * Gets the merchantNrSubmissionColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The merchantNrSubmissionColumnName value */ public static String getMerchantNrSubmissionColumnName() { return MERCHANT_NR_SUBMISSION; } /** * Gets the attachmentCountColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The attachmentCountColumnName value */ public static String getAttachmentCountColumnName() { return ATTACHMENT_COUNT; } /** * Gets the panColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The panColumnName value */ public static String getPanColumnName() { return PAN; } /** * Gets the posNrColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The posNrColumnName value */ public static String getPosNrColumnName() { return POS_NR; } /** * Gets the posSerialNrColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The posSerialNrColumnName value */ public static String getPosSerialNrColumnName() { return POS_SERIAL_NR; } /** * Gets the printDataColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The printDataColumnName value */ public static String getPrintDataColumnName() { return PRINT_DATA; } /** * Gets the submissionAmountColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The submissionAmountColumnName value */ public static String getSubmissionAmountColumnName() { return SUBMISSION_AMOUNT; } /** * Gets the submissionCurrencyColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The submissionCurrencyColumnName value */ public static String getSubmissionCurrencyColumnName() { return SUBMISSION_CURRENCY; } /** * Gets the entryTimeColumnName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * class * * @return The entryTimeColumnName value */ public static String getEntryTimeColumnName() { return ENTRY_TIME; } /** * Gets the totalResponseCodeColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The totalResponseCodeColumnName value */ public static String getTotalResponseCodeColumnName() { return TOTAL_RESPONSE_CODE; } /** * Gets the transactionNrColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The transactionNrColumnName value */ public static String getTransactionNrColumnName() { return TRANSACTION_NR; } /** * Gets the voidedAuthorisationIdResponseColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The voidedAuthorisationIdResponseColumnName value */ public static String getVoidedAuthorisationIdResponseColumnName() { return VOIDED_ATHORISATION_ID_RESPONSE; } /** * Gets the voidedTransactionNrColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The voidedTransactionNrColumnName value */ public static String getVoidedTransactionNrColumnName() { return VOIDED_TRANSACTION_NR; } /** * Gets the xMLAttachmentColumnName attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean class * * @return The xMLAttachmentColumnName value */ public static String getXMLAttachmentColumnName() { return XML_ATTACHMENT; } /** * Gets the authorisationAmount attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The authorisationAmount value */ public String getAuthorisationAmount() { return getStringColumnValue(getAuthorisationAmountColumnName()); } /** * Gets the authorisationCurrency attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The authorisationCurrency value */ public String getAuthorisationCurrency() { return getStringColumnValue(getAuthorisationCurrencyColumnName()); } /** * Gets the authorisationCode attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The authorisationCode value */ public String getAuthorisationCode() { return getStringColumnValue(getAuthorisationCodeColumnName()); } /** * Gets the authorisationIdRsp attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The authorisationIdRsp value */ public String getAuthorisationIdRsp() { return getStringColumnValue(getAuthorisationIdRspColumnName()); } /** * Gets the authorisationPathReasonCode attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The authorisationPathReasonCode value */ public String getAuthorisationPathReasonCode() { return getStringColumnValue(getAuthorisationPathReasonCodeColumnName()); } /** * Gets the batchNumber attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The batchNumber value */ public String getBatchNumber() { return getStringColumnValue(getBatchNumberColumnName()); } /** * Gets the brandId attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The brandId value */ public String getBrandId() { return getStringColumnValue(getBrandIdColumnName()); } /** * Gets the brandName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The brandName value */ public String getBrandName() { return getStringColumnValue(getBrandNameColumnName()); } /** * Gets the cardCharacteristics attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The cardCharacteristics value */ public String getCardCharacteristics() { return getStringColumnValue(getCardCharacteristicsColumnName()); } /** * Gets the cardType attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The cardType value */ public String getCardType() { return getStringColumnValue(getCardTypeColumnName()); } /** * Gets the cardName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The cardName value */ public String getCardName() { return getStringColumnValue(getCardNameColumnName()); } /** * Gets the entryDate attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The entryDate value */ public String getEntryDate() { return getStringColumnValue(getEntryDateColumnName()); } /** * Gets the detailExpected attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The detailExpected value */ public String getDetailExpected() { return getStringColumnValue(getDetailExpectedColumnName()); } /** * Gets the errorNo attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The errorNo value */ public String getErrorNo() { return getStringColumnValue(getErrorNoColumnName()); } /** * Gets the errorText attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The errorText value */ public String getErrorText() { return getStringColumnValue(getErrorTextColumnName()); } /** * Gets the cardExpires attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The cardExpires value */ public String getCardExpires() { return getStringColumnValue(getCardExpiresColumnName()); } /** * Gets the locationNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The locationNr value */ public String getLocationNr() { return getStringColumnValue(getLocationNrColumnName()); } /** * Gets the merchantNrAuthorisation attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The merchantNrAuthorisation value */ public String getMerchantNrAuthorisation() { return getStringColumnValue(getMerchantNrAuthorisationColumnName()); } /** * Gets the merchantNrOtherServices attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The merchantNrOtherServices value */ public String getMerchantNrOtherServices() { return getStringColumnValue(getMerchantNrOtherServicesColumnName()); } /** * Gets the merchantNrSubmission attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The merchantNrSubmission value */ public String getMerchantNrSubmission() { return getStringColumnValue(getMerchantNrSubmissionColumnName()); } /** * Gets the attachmentCount attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The attachmentCount value */ public String getAttachmentCount() { return getStringColumnValue(getAttachmentCountColumnName()); } /** * Gets the pan attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The pan value */ public String getPan() { return getStringColumnValue(getPanColumnName()); } /** * Gets the posNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The posNr value */ public String getPosNr() { return getStringColumnValue(getPosNrColumnName()); } /** * Gets the posSerialNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The posSerialNr value */ public String getPosSerialNr() { return getStringColumnValue(getPosSerialNrColumnName()); } /** * Gets the printData attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The printData value */ public String getPrintData() { return getStringColumnValue(getPrintDataColumnName()); } /** * Gets the submissionAmount attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The submissionAmount value */ public String getSubmissionAmount() { return getStringColumnValue(getSubmissionAmountColumnName()); } /** * Gets the submissionCurrency attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The submissionCurrency value */ public String getSubmissionCurrency() { return getStringColumnValue(getSubmissionCurrencyColumnName()); } /** * Gets the entryTime attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The entryTime value */ public String getEntryTime() { return getStringColumnValue(getEntryTimeColumnName()); } /** * Gets the totalResponseCode attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The totalResponseCode value */ public String getTotalResponseCode() { return getStringColumnValue(getTotalResponseCodeColumnName()); } /** * Gets the transactionNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The transactionNr value */ public String getTransactionNr() { return getStringColumnValue(getTransactionNrColumnName()); } /** * Gets the voidedAuthorisationIdResponse attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The voidedAuthorisationIdResponse value */ public String getVoidedAuthorisationIdResponse() { return getStringColumnValue(getVoidedAuthorisationIdResponseColumnName()); } /** * Gets the voidedTransactionNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @return The voidedTransactionNr value */ public String getVoidedTransactionNr() { return getStringColumnValue(getVoidedTransactionNrColumnName()); } /** * Gets the xMLAttachment attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The xMLAttachment value */ public String getXMLAttachment() { return getStringColumnValue(getXMLAttachmentColumnName()); } /** * Sets the authorisationAmount attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param amount The new authorisationAmount value */ public void setAuthorisationAmount(String amount) { setColumn(getAuthorisationAmountColumnName(), amount); } /** * Sets the authorisationCurrency attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param currency The new authorisationCurrency value */ public void setAuthorisationCurrency(String currency) { setColumn(getAuthorisationCurrencyColumnName(), currency); } /** * Sets the authorisationCode attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param code The new authorisationCode value */ public void setAuthorisationCode(String code) { setColumn(getAuthorisationCodeColumnName(), code); } /** * Sets the authorisationIdRsp attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param rsp The new authorisationIdRsp value */ public void setAuthorisationIdRsp(String rsp) { setColumn(getAuthorisationIdRspColumnName(), rsp); } /** * Sets the authorisationPathReasonCode attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param code The new authorisationPathReasonCode value */ public void setAuthorisationPathReasonCode(String code) { setColumn(getAuthorisationPathReasonCodeColumnName(), code); } /** * Sets the batchNumber attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param number The new batchNumber value */ public void setBatchNumber(String number) { setColumn(getBatchNumberColumnName(), number); } /** * Sets the brandId attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param id The new brandId value */ public void setBrandId(String id) { setColumn(getBrandIdColumnName(), id); } /** * Sets the brandName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param name The new brandName value */ public void setBrandName(String name) { setColumn(getBrandNameColumnName(), name); } /** * Sets the cardCharacteristics attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param characteristics The new cardCharacteristics value */ public void setCardCharacteristics(String characteristics) { setColumn(getCardCharacteristicsColumnName(), characteristics); } /** * Sets the cardType attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param type The new cardType value */ public void setCardType(String type) { setColumn(getCardTypeColumnName(), type); } /** * Sets the cardName attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param name The new cardName value */ public void setCardName(String name) { setColumn(getCardNameColumnName(), name); } /** * Sets the entryDate attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param date The new entryDate value */ public void setEntryDate(String date) { setColumn(getEntryDateColumnName(), date); } /** * Sets the detailExpected attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param expected The new detailExpected value */ public void setDetailExpected(String expected) { setColumn(getDetailExpectedColumnName(), expected); } /** * Sets the errorNo attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param no The new errorNo value */ public void setErrorNo(String no) { setColumn(getErrorNoColumnName(), no); } /** * Sets the errorText attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param text The new errorText value */ public void setErrorText(String text) { setColumn(getErrorTextColumnName(), text); } /** * Sets the cardExpires attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param expires The new cardExpires value */ public void setCardExpires(String expires) { setColumn(getCardExpiresColumnName(), expires); } /** * Sets the locationNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param location The new locationNr value */ public void setLocationNr(String location) { setColumn(getLocationNrColumnName(), location); } /** * Sets the merchantNrAuthorisation attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param nr The new merchantNrAuthorisation value */ public void setMerchantNrAuthorisation(String nr) { setColumn(getMerchantNrAuthorisationColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the merchantNrOtherServices attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param nr The new merchantNrOtherServices value */ public void setMerchantNrOtherServices(String nr) { setColumn(getMerchantNrOtherServicesColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the merchantNrSubmission attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param nr The new merchantNrSubmission value */ public void setMerchantNrSubmission(String nr) { setColumn(getMerchantNrSubmissionColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the attachmentCount attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param count The new attachmentCount value */ public void setAttachmentCount(String count) { setColumn(getAttachmentCountColumnName(), count); } /** * Sets the pan attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param pan The new pan value */ public void setPan(String pan) { setColumn(getPanColumnName(), pan); } /** * Sets the posNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param nr The new posNr value */ public void setPosNr(String nr) { setColumn(getPosNrColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the posSerialNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param nr The new posSerialNr value */ public void setPosSerialNr(String nr) { setColumn(getPosSerialNrColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the printData attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param data The new printData value */ public void setPrintData(String data) { setColumn(getPrintDataColumnName(), data); } /** * Sets the submissionAmount attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param amount The new submissionAmount value */ public void setSubmissionAmount(String amount) { setColumn(getSubmissionAmountColumnName(), amount); } /** * Sets the submissionCurrency attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param currency The new submissionCurrency value */ public void setSubmissionCurrency(String currency) { setColumn(getSubmissionCurrencyColumnName(), currency); } /** * Sets the entryTime attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param time The new entryTime value */ public void setEntryTime(String time) { setColumn(getEntryTimeColumnName(), time); } /** * Sets the totalResponseCode attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param code The new totalResponseCode value */ public void setTotalResponseCode(String code) { setColumn(getTotalResponseCodeColumnName(), code); } /** * Sets the transactionNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param nr The new transactionNr value */ public void setTransactionNr(String nr) { setColumn(getTransactionNrColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the voidedAuthorisationIdResponse attribute of the * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param response The new voidedAuthorisationIdResponse value */ public void setVoidedAuthorisationIdResponse(String response) { setColumn(getVoidedAuthorisationIdResponseColumnName(), response); } /** * Sets the voidedTransactionNr attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean * object * * @param nr The new voidedTransactionNr value */ public void setVoidedTransactionNr(String nr) { setColumn(getVoidedTransactionNrColumnName(), nr); } /** * Sets the xMLAttachment attribute of the TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @param xml The new xMLAttachment value */ public void setXMLAttachment(String xml) { setColumn(getXMLAttachmentColumnName(), xml); } public double getAmount() { String amount = getAuthorisationAmount(); try { return Double.parseDouble(amount); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { return -1; } } public String getCurrency() { return this.getAuthorisationCurrency(); } public Date getDate() { String date = this.getEntryDate(); String time = this.getEntryTime(); // Trying to make a string like this : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss try { StringBuffer sqlString = new StringBuffer(); sqlString.append(date.substring(0, 4)).append("-").append(date.substring(4, 6)).append("-").append(date.substring(6, 8)); if (time != null) { sqlString.append(" ").append(time.substring(0, 2)).append(":").append(time.substring(2, 4)).append(":").append(time.substring(4, 6)); } IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(sqlString.toString()); return stamp.getDate(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String getAuthorizationCode() { return getAuthorisationIdRsp(); } public Object ejbFindByAuthorisationIdRsp(String authIdRsp, IWTimestamp stamp) throws FinderException { String dateString = stamp.getDateString("yyyyMMdd"); Table table = new Table(this); Column auth = new Column(table, AUTHORISATION_ID_RSP); Column date = new Column(table, ENTRY_DATE); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new WildCardColumn(table)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(auth, MatchCriteria.EQUALS, authIdRsp)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(date, MatchCriteria.EQUALS, dateString)); return this.idoFindOnePKBySQL(query.toString()); //return this.idoFindOnePKByColumnBySQL(AUTHORISATION_ID_RSP, authIdRsp); } /** * Set the creditcard number, which should be encrypted FIRST * @param cardNumber The new cardNumber value */ public void setCardNumber(String cardNumber) { setColumn(CARD_NUMBER, cardNumber); } /** * Gets the creditCard value * TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean object * * @return The creditCard value */ public String getCardNumber() { return getStringColumnValue(CARD_NUMBER); } public int getParentID() { return getIntColumnValue(PARENT_ID); } public CreditCardAuthorizationEntry getParent() { return (TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean) getColumnValue(PARENT_ID); } public void setParentID(int id) { setColumn(PARENT_ID, id); } public String getErrorNumber() { return getErrorNo(); } public CreditCardAuthorizationEntry getChild() throws FinderException { Object obj = this.idoFindOnePKByColumnBySQL(PARENT_ID, this.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (obj != null) { TPosAuthorisationEntriesBeanHome home; try { home = (TPosAuthorisationEntriesBeanHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TPosAuthorisationEntriesBean.class); return home.findByPrimaryKey(obj); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new FinderException(e.getMessage()); } } return null; } public String getExtraField() { // NOT USED return null; } public Collection ejbFindRefunds(IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) throws FinderException { to.addDays(1); String fromDate = from.getDateString("yyyyMMdd"); String toDate = to.getDateString("yyyyMMdd"); Table table = new Table(this); Column date = new Column(ENTRY_DATE); Column code = new Column(AUTHORISATION_CODE); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new WildCardColumn(table)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(code, MatchCriteria.EQUALS, "T5")); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(date, MatchCriteria.GREATEREQUAL, fromDate)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(date, MatchCriteria.LESSEQUAL, toDate)); return this.idoFindPKsByQuery (query); } public Collection ejbFindByDates(IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) throws FinderException { to.addDays(1); String fromDate = from.getDateString("yyyyMMdd"); String toDate = to.getDateString("yyyyMMdd"); Table table = new Table(this); Column date = new Column(ENTRY_DATE); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new WildCardColumn(table)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(date, MatchCriteria.GREATEREQUAL, fromDate)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(date, MatchCriteria.LESSEQUAL, toDate)); return this.idoFindPKsByQuery (query); } }