/* * $Id: XMLReader.java,v 2007/01/12 19:31:48 idegaweb Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.builder.business; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import com.idega.builder.dynamicpagetrigger.util.DPTCrawlable; import com.idega.builder.tag.BuilderPage; import com.idega.core.component.data.ICObjectInstance; import com.idega.event.ObjectInstanceCacher; import com.idega.presentation.Page; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.util.reflect.PropertyCache; import com.idega.xml.XMLAttribute; import com.idega.xml.XMLElement; import com.idega.xml.XMLException; /** * @author <a href="tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a>, * <a href="palli@idega.is">Pall Helgason</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class XMLReader { /** * */ private XMLReader() { } /** * */ private static void setAllBuilderControls(UIComponent parent, boolean setTo) { //List list = parent.getChildren(); //if (list != null) { //Iterator it = list.iterator(); Iterator it = parent.getFacetsAndChildren(); while (it.hasNext()) { try{ UIComponent obj = (UIComponent) it.next(); if(obj instanceof PresentationObject){ ((PresentationObject)obj).setUseBuilderObjectControl(setTo); ((PresentationObject)obj).setBelongsToParent(true); //if (obj instanceof PresentationObjectContainer) { // setAllBuilderControls((PresentationObjectContainer) obj, setTo); //} setAllBuilderControls(obj, setTo); } } catch(ClassCastException cce){ cce.printStackTrace(); } } //} } /** * */ static Page getPopulatedPage(IBXMLPage ibxml) { Page parentContainer = null; String pageKey = null; XMLElement root = ibxml.getRootElement(); XMLElement pageXML = root.getChild(XMLConstants.PAGE_STRING); List pageAttr = pageXML.getAttributes(); Iterator attr = pageAttr.iterator(); boolean hasTemplate = false; boolean isTemplate = false; boolean isLocked = true; String dptRootPage = null; // Parse the page attributes while (attr.hasNext()) { XMLAttribute at = (XMLAttribute) attr.next(); if (at.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.TEMPLATE_STRING)) { hasTemplate = true; String pageId = at.getValue(); //parentContainer = getBuilderLogic().getPageCacher().getPage(at.getValue()); parentContainer = getBuilderLogic().getPageCacher().getComponentBasedPage(pageId).getNewPageCloned(); parentContainer.setIsExtendingTemplate(); parentContainer.setTemplateId(at.getValue()); setAllBuilderControls(parentContainer, false); } else if (at.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.PAGE_TYPE)) { String value = at.getValue(); if (value.equals(XMLConstants.PAGE_TYPE_TEMPLATE) || value.equals(XMLConstants.PAGE_TYPE_DPT_TEMPLATE)) { isTemplate = true; } } else if (at.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.ID_STRING)) { pageKey = at.getValue(); } else if (at.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.REGION_LOCKED)) { if (at.getValue().equals("true")) { isLocked = true; } else { isLocked = false; } } else if (at.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.DPT_ROOTPAGE_STRING)) { dptRootPage = at.getValue(); } } //If the page does not extend a template it has no parent container if (!hasTemplate) { parentContainer = new BuilderPage(); } else { setTemplateObjectsForPage(ibxml); } if (isLocked) { parentContainer.lock(); } else { parentContainer.unlock(); } //Set the type of the page if (isTemplate) { parentContainer.setIsTemplate(); ibxml.setType(XMLConstants.PAGE_TYPE_TEMPLATE); } else { parentContainer.setIsPage(); ibxml.setType(XMLConstants.PAGE_TYPE_PAGE); } //sets the id of the page try { int id = Integer.parseInt(pageKey); parentContainer.setPageID(id); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { parentContainer.setPageID(Integer.parseInt(ibxml.getPageKey())); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // System.err.println("NumberFormatException - ibxml.getKey():"+ibxml.getKey()+" not Integer"); } } //sets dptRootpageID try { if(dptRootPage!=null) { parentContainer.getDynamicPageTrigger().setRootPage(dptRootPage); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } parentContainer.setTitle(ibxml.getName()); if (pageXML.hasChildren()) { List children = pageXML.getChildren(); Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) it.next(); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.PROPERTY_STRING)) { setProperty(child, parentContainer); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.ELEMENT_STRING) || child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.MODULE_STRING)) { if (!parentContainer.getIsExtendingTemplate()) { parseElement(child, parentContainer, ibxml); } else if (!parentContainer.isLocked()) { parseElement(child, parentContainer, ibxml); } } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.REGION_STRING)) { parseRegion(child, parentContainer, ibxml); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.CHANGE_PAGE_LINK)) { changeDPTCrawlableLinkedPageProperty(child, parentContainer); } else if (child.getName().equals(XMLConstants.CHANGE_IC_INSTANCE_ID)) { changeInstanceId(child, parentContainer); } else { System.err.println("Unknown tag in xml description file : " + child.getName()); } } } return (parentContainer); } /** * */ static void parseRegion(XMLElement reg, PresentationObjectContainer regionParent, CachedBuilderPage ibxml) { List regionAttrList = reg.getAttributes(); UIComponent newRegionParent = regionParent; if ((regionAttrList == null) || (regionAttrList.isEmpty())) { System.err.println("Table region has no attributes"); return; } int x = 1; int y = 1; boolean isLocked = true; XMLAttribute locked = reg.getAttribute(XMLConstants.REGION_LOCKED); if (locked != null) { if (locked.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { isLocked = true; } else { isLocked = false; } } XMLAttribute label = reg.getAttribute(XMLConstants.LABEL_STRING); XMLAttribute regionIDattr = reg.getAttribute(XMLConstants.ID_STRING); String regionID = null; if (regionIDattr != null) { regionID = regionIDattr.getValue(); try { Integer.parseInt(regionID); XMLAttribute regionAttrX = reg.getAttribute(XMLConstants.X_REGION_STRING); if (regionAttrX != null) { try { x = regionAttrX.getIntValue(); } catch (XMLException e) { System.err.println("Unable to convert x region attribute to integer"); x = 1; } } XMLAttribute regionAttrY = reg.getAttribute(XMLConstants.Y_REGION_STRING); if (regionAttrY != null) { try { y = regionAttrY.getIntValue(); } catch (XMLException e) { System.err.println("Unable to convert y region attribute to integer"); y = 1; } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //Integer.parseInt(regionID.substring(0, regionID.indexOf("."))); int indexOfDot = regionID.indexOf("."); if(indexOfDot!=-1){ String theRest = regionID.substring(indexOfDot + 1, regionID.length()); x = Integer.parseInt(theRest.substring(0, theRest.indexOf("."))); y = Integer.parseInt(theRest.substring(theRest.indexOf(".") + 1, theRest.length())); } } } boolean parseChildren = true; boolean emptyParent = false; /*if (regionParent instanceof HtmlPage) { HtmlPage hPage = (HtmlPage)regionParent; HtmlPageRegion regionContainer = hPage.getRegion(regionID); newRegionParent = regionContainer; //regionContainer.setRegionId(regionID); //hPage.add(newRegionParent,regionID); } else */ if (regionParent instanceof com.idega.presentation.Page) { if ((regionID == null) || (regionID.equals(""))) { System.err.println("Missing id attribute for region tag"); return; } if (((Page) regionParent).getIsExtendingTemplate()) { newRegionParent = regionParent.getContainedObject(regionID); if (newRegionParent == null) { if (label != null) { newRegionParent = regionParent.getContainedLabeledObject(label.getValue()); if (newRegionParent == null) { parseChildren = false; } } else { parseChildren = false; } } else { if ( ((PresentationObject)newRegionParent).getBelongsToParent() && ((PresentationObjectContainer)newRegionParent).isLocked()){ parseChildren = false; } else{ emptyParent = true; } } } } else if (regionParent instanceof com.idega.presentation.Table) { if (isLocked) { ((Table) regionParent).lock(x, y); } else { ((Table) regionParent).unlock(x, y); } if (label != null) { ((Table) regionParent).setLabel(label.getValue(), x, y); } newRegionParent = ((Table) regionParent).containerAt(x, y); } if (parseChildren) { if (reg.hasChildren()) { if (emptyParent){ ((PresentationObjectContainer)newRegionParent).empty(); } List children = reg.getChildren(); Iterator childrenIt = children.iterator(); while (childrenIt.hasNext()) { parseElement((XMLElement) childrenIt.next(), (PresentationObjectContainer) newRegionParent, ibxml); } } } } /** *Sets properties from the xml on the object via reflection or getAttributes().put(..) or PresentationObject.setProperty(...) */ static void setProperty(XMLElement property, UIComponent object) { String key = null; List values = new ArrayList(); List li = property.getChildren(); Iterator it = li.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { XMLElement e = (XMLElement) it.next(); if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.NAME_STRING)) { key = e.getTextTrim(); } else if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.VALUE_STRING)) { values.add(e.getTextTrim()); } } if (key != null) { //key is MethodIdentifier if (key.startsWith(XMLConstants.METHOD_STRING)) { try { setReflectionProperty(object, key, values); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //Backward compatability and possibly good for beanproperties, used by Image,Page and Table at least... //NOT into PropertyCache.... if(object instanceof PresentationObject){ //depracated stuff, the method in PO does the same as for a UIComponent in the "else part" //but is overridden by ancient classes that do different thing with it String[] vals = new String[values.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++){ vals[i] = (String) values.get(i); } ((PresentationObject)object).setProperty(key,vals); } else{ //UIComponent object.getAttributes().put(key,values); } } } } /** * */ static void setReflectionProperty(UIComponent instance, String methodIdentifier, List stringValues) { ComponentPropertyHandler.getInstance().setReflectionProperty(instance, methodIdentifier, stringValues); } /** * */ public static UIComponent parseElement(XMLElement el, UIComponent parent, CachedBuilderPage ibxml) { UIComponent firstUICInstance = null; List at = el.getAttributes(); boolean isLocked = true; if ((at == null) || (at.isEmpty())) { System.err.println("No attributes specified"); return null; } String className = null; String icObjectInstanceId = null; String icObjectId = null; ICObjectInstance icObjectInstance = null; Iterator it = at.iterator(); //get the attributes for the module tag while (it.hasNext()) { XMLAttribute attr = (XMLAttribute) it.next(); if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.CLASS_STRING)) { className = attr.getValue(); } else if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.ID_STRING)) { icObjectInstanceId = attr.getValue(); } else if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.IC_OBJECT_ID_STRING)) { icObjectId = attr.getValue(); } else if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.REGION_LOCKED)) { if (attr.getValue().equals("false")) { isLocked = false; } else { isLocked = true; } } } try { //first create an instance //try to do it first by the classname (definately an UIComponent and maybe a PresentationObject) if (className !=null && icObjectId == null) { try { firstUICInstance = (UIComponent) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new Exception("Invalid Class tag for module"); } } else if(icObjectInstanceId!=null){ icObjectInstance = ((com.idega.core.component.data.ICObjectInstanceHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ICObjectInstance.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(Integer.parseInt(icObjectInstanceId)); firstUICInstance = icObjectInstance.getNewInstance(); } setInstanceId(ibxml, firstUICInstance, icObjectInstanceId, icObjectId, icObjectInstance); //TODO JSF Compat IS this necesery? //This is a hack to refresh the property cache so that we don't get old properties. //(this is used in JSF state restoring for PresentationObjects) String objectCacheKey = BuilderLogic.getInstance().getInstanceId(firstUICInstance); PropertyCache.getInstance().clearPropertiesForKey(objectCacheKey); ////// //TODO are there any similar UIComponent containers we need to check for? if (firstUICInstance instanceof PresentationObjectContainer) { if (isLocked) { ((PresentationObjectContainer) firstUICInstance).lock(); } else { ((PresentationObjectContainer) firstUICInstance).unlock(); } } if (firstUICInstance instanceof com.idega.presentation.Table) { com.idega.presentation.Table table = (com.idega.presentation.Table) firstUICInstance; if(parent instanceof PresentationObjectContainer){ ((PresentationObjectContainer)parent).add(table); } else{ parent.getChildren().add(table); } if (el.hasChildren()) { List children = el.getChildren(); Iterator itr = children.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) itr.next(); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.PROPERTY_STRING)) { setProperty(child, table); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.ELEMENT_STRING) || child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.MODULE_STRING)) { parseElement(child, table, ibxml); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.REGION_STRING)) { parseRegion(child, table, ibxml); } else { System.err.println("Unknown tag in xml description file : " + child.getName()); } } } } else { //Add the component to its parent try { if(parent instanceof PresentationObjectContainer){ ((PresentationObjectContainer)parent).add(firstUICInstance); } else{ parent.getChildren().add(firstUICInstance); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); if (parent != null) { System.err.println("ParentID: " + parent.getId()); } if (firstUICInstance != null){ System.err.println("InstanceID: " + BuilderLogic.getInstance().getInstanceId(firstUICInstance)); } } //set the properties for it or do the same for its children if (el.hasChildren()) { List children = el.getChildren(); Iterator itr = children.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { XMLElement child = (XMLElement) itr.next(); if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.PROPERTY_STRING)) { setProperty(child, firstUICInstance); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.ELEMENT_STRING) || child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.MODULE_STRING)) { parseElement(child, firstUICInstance, ibxml); } else if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XMLConstants.REGION_STRING)) { parseRegion(child, (PresentationObjectContainer) firstUICInstance, ibxml); } else { System.err.println("Unknown tag in xml description file : " + child.getName()); } } } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("The specified class can not be found: " + className); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e2) { System.err.println("Illegal access"); e2.printStackTrace(); } catch (java.lang.InstantiationException e3) { System.err.println("Unable to instanciate class: " + className); e3.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e4) { System.err.println("Exception"); e4.printStackTrace(); } return firstUICInstance; } /** * @param ibxml * @param firstUICInstance * @param icObjectInstanceId * @param icObjectId * @param icObjectInstance * @return */ private static void setInstanceId(CachedBuilderPage ibxml, UIComponent firstUICInstance, String icObjectInstanceId, String icObjectId, ICObjectInstance icObjectInstance) { if(firstUICInstance instanceof PresentationObject){ PresentationObject presentationObject = (PresentationObject) firstUICInstance; presentationObject.setICObjectInstance(icObjectInstance); if (icObjectId == null) { presentationObject.setICObject(icObjectInstance.getObject()); } else { presentationObject.setICObjectID(Integer.parseInt(icObjectId)); } //TODO JSF COMPAT FIND OUT WHAT THIS IS for?? // added by gummi@idega.is // - cache ObjectInstance if (!"0".equals(icObjectInstanceId)) { setObjectInstance(ibxml, icObjectInstanceId, presentationObject); } } else{ //set the instance id for a UIComponent firstUICInstance.setId(icObjectInstanceId); } } /** * */ static void changeDPTCrawlableLinkedPageProperty(XMLElement change, PresentationObjectContainer parent) { List regionAttrList = change.getAttributes(); if ((regionAttrList == null) || (regionAttrList.isEmpty())) { System.err.println("Table region has no attributes"); return; } XMLAttribute id = change.getAttribute(XMLConstants.LINK_ID_STRING); XMLAttribute newPageLink = change.getAttribute(XMLConstants.LINK_TO); int intId = -1; int intNewPage = -1; try { intId = id.getIntValue(); intNewPage = newPageLink.getIntValue(); } catch (com.idega.xml.XMLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List li = parent.getChildrenRecursive(); if (li != null) { Iterator it = li.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PresentationObject obj = (PresentationObject) it.next(); if (obj instanceof DPTCrawlable) { DPTCrawlable l = (DPTCrawlable) obj; if (intId == l.getICObjectInstanceID()) { l.setLinkedDPTPageID(intNewPage); } } } } } /** * */ static void changeInstanceId(XMLElement change, Page page) { int from = -1, to = -1; try { from = change.getAttribute(XMLConstants.IC_INSTANCE_ID_FROM).getIntValue(); to = change.getAttribute(XMLConstants.IC_INSTANCE_ID_TO).getIntValue(); } catch (XMLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (from != -1 && to != -1) { List children = page.getChildrenRecursive(); if (children != null) { Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PresentationObject obj = (PresentationObject) it.next(); if (obj.getICObjectInstanceID() == from) { obj.changeInstanceIdForInheritedObject(to); ObjectInstanceCacher.changeObjectInstanceID(page, Integer.toString(from), Integer.toString(to), obj); return; } } } } } public static void setTemplateObjectsForPage(CachedBuilderPage ibxml){ setObjectInstance(ibxml, null, null); } public static void setObjectInstance(CachedBuilderPage ibxml, String instanceKey, PresentationObject objectInstance){ if(instanceKey != null){ ObjectInstanceCacher.putObjectIntanceInCache(instanceKey,objectInstance); } //System.err.println("Cashing objectInstance: "+instanceKey); String pageKey = ibxml.getPageKey(); String templatePageKey = ibxml.getTemplateKey(); ObjectInstanceCacher.copyInstancesFromPageToPage(templatePageKey,pageKey); //System.err.println("Cashing objectInstance: "+instanceKey+" on page "+ ibxml.getKey()+" extending: "+ibxml.getTemplateId()); if(instanceKey != null){ ObjectInstanceCacher.getObjectInstancesCachedForPage(ibxml.getPageKey()).put(instanceKey,objectInstance); } } protected static BuilderLogic getBuilderLogic(){ return BuilderLogic.getInstance(); } }