package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import; import; import com.idega.block.importer.presentation.Importer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.Age; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.LocaleUtil; import com.idega.util.Timer; /** * @author palli * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. To enable and disable the creation of type * comments go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation. */ public class NationalRegisterFileImportHandlerBean extends IBOServiceBean implements NationalRegisterFileImportHandler, ImportFileHandler { private ImportFile file; private ArrayList failedRecordList = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList valueList; private Collection affectedFamilies = new HashSet(); public final static int COLUMN_SYMBOL = 0; public final static int COLUMN_OLD_ID = 1; public final static int COLUMN_SSN = 2; public final static int COLUMN_FAMILY_ID = 3; public final static int COLUMN_NAME = 4; public final static int COLUMN_COMMUNE = 5; public final static int COLUMN_STREET = 6; public final static int COLUMN_BUILDING = 7; public final static int COLUMN_FLOOR = 8; public final static int COLUMN_SEX = 9; public final static int COLUMN_MARITIAL_STATUS = 10; public final static int COLUMN_EMPTY = 11; public final static int COLUMN_NO_MAIL = 12; public final static int COLUMN_NATIONALITY = 13; public final static int COLUMN_PLACE_OF_BIRTH = 14; public final static int COLUMN_SPOUSE_SSN = 15; public final static int COLUMN_STATUS = 16; public final static int COLUMN_PARISH = 17; public final static int COLUMN_PO = 18; public final static int COLUMN_ADDRESS = 19; public final static int COLUMN_ADDRESS_CODE = 20; public final static int COLUMN_DATE_OF_MODIFICATION = 21; public final static int COLUMN_PLACEMENT_CODE = 22; public final static int COLUMN_DATE_OF_CREATION = 23; public final static int COLUMN_LAST_DOMESTIC_ADDRESS = 24; public final static int COLUMN_AGENT_SSN = 25; public final static int COLUMN_NEW = 26; public final static int COLUMN_ADDRESS_NAME = 27; public final static int COLUMN_DATE_OF_DELETION = 28; public final static int COLUMN_NEW_SSN_OR_NAME = 29; public final static int COLUMN_DATE_OF_BIRTH = 30; private final static String PROPERTY_NAME_RELATION_ONLY = "NAT_REG_RELATION_ONLY"; private final static String PROPERTY_NAME_POSTAL_CODE_FIX = "NAT_REG_POSTAL_CODE_FIX"; private final static String PROPERTY_NAME_GROUP_FIX = "NAT_REG_GROUP_ID_FIX"; /* * private final static String FATE_DECEASED = "L�ST"; private final static * String FATE_CHANGE_PERSONAL_ID = "BRFD"; private final static String * FATE_REMOVED = "BRFL"; //private final static String FATE_CHANGE_OLD_ID = * "BRNN"; */ private static String FATE_DECEASED = null; private static String FATE_CHANGE_PERSONAL_ID = null; private static String FATE_REMOVED = null; private boolean postalCodeFix = false; private boolean relationsOnly = false; private boolean citizenGroupFix = false; private User performer = null; private FamilyLogic famLog = null; private final static int BYTES_PER_RECORD = 301; private NumberFormat twoDigits = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); private NumberFormat precentNF = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); private HashMap postalToGroupMap = new HashMap(); private NationalRegisterBusiness natBiz; private UserBusiness uBiz; private CommuneBusiness cBiz; private String deceasedAddressString = null; public final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "is.idega.block.nationalregister"; /** * @see */ public boolean handleRecords() throws RemoteException { // UserTransaction transaction = // getSessionContext().getUserTransaction(); Timer clock = new Timer(); clock.start(); try { this.natBiz = (NationalRegisterBusiness) getServiceInstance(NationalRegisterBusiness.class); this.uBiz = (UserBusiness) getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); this.cBiz = (CommuneBusiness) getServiceInstance(CommuneBusiness.class); if (FATE_DECEASED == null || FATE_CHANGE_PERSONAL_ID == null || FATE_REMOVED == null) { NationalRegisterFate fate = ((NationalRegisterFateHome) IDOLookup.getHome(NationalRegisterFate.class)).findByFateCode(NationalRegisterConstants.FATE_DECEASED); if (fate == null || fate.getFateString() == null || "".equals(fate.getFateString())) { System.out.println("Missing DECEASED fate string in table reg_nat_is_fate"); return false; } FATE_DECEASED = fate.getFateString(); fate = ((NationalRegisterFateHome) IDOLookup.getHome(NationalRegisterFate.class)).findByFateCode(NationalRegisterConstants.FATE_CHANGE_PERSONAL_ID); if (fate == null || fate.getFateString() == null || "".equals(fate.getFateString())) { System.out.println("Missing CHANGE PERSONAL ID fate string in table reg_nat_is_fate"); return false; } FATE_CHANGE_PERSONAL_ID = fate.getFateString(); fate = ((NationalRegisterFateHome) IDOLookup.getHome(NationalRegisterFate.class)).findByFateCode(NationalRegisterConstants.FATE_REMOVED); if (fate == null || fate.getFateString() == null || "".equals(fate.getFateString())) { System.out.println("Missing REMOVED fate string in table reg_nat_is_fate"); return false; } FATE_REMOVED = fate.getFateString(); } try { this.performer = IWContext.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); } catch (NullPointerException n) { System.out.println("NationalRegisterImporter iwcontext instance not found"); this.performer = null; } if (this.performer == null) { admUser = this.getIWMainApplication().getAccessController().getAdministratorUser(); this.performer = ((UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class)).findByPrimaryKey(admUser.getPrimaryKey()); } // iterate through the records and process them String item; IWBundle bundle = getIWMainApplication().getBundle(Importer.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); String sRelationOnly = bundle.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_RELATION_ONLY); String sPostal = bundle.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_POSTAL_CODE_FIX); String sGroup = bundle.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_GROUP_FIX); this.affectedFamilies = new HashSet(); this.postalCodeFix = (sPostal != null && sPostal.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")); this.relationsOnly = (sRelationOnly != null && sRelationOnly.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")); this.citizenGroupFix = (sGroup != null && sGroup.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")); int count = 0; if (this.postalCodeFix) { System.out.println("NationalRegisterHandler postalCodeFix variable set to TRUE"); } if (this.relationsOnly) { System.out.println("NationalRegisterHandler relationsOnly variable set to TRUE"); } if (this.citizenGroupFix) { System.out.println("NationalRegisterHandler citizenGroupFix variable set to TRUE"); } long totalBytes = this.file.getFile().length(); long totalRecords = totalBytes / BYTES_PER_RECORD; this.twoDigits.setMinimumIntegerDigits(2); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastTimeCheck = beginTime; long averageTimePerUser100 = 0; long timeLeft100 = 0; long estimatedTimeFinished100 = beginTime; IWTimestamp stamp; double progress = 0; int intervalBetweenOutput = 100; System.out.println("NatRegImport processing RECORD [0] time: " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); while (!(item = (String) this.file.getNextRecord()).equals("")) { count++; if (!processRecord(item)) { this.failedRecordList.add(item); } if ((count % intervalBetweenOutput) == 0) { averageTimePerUser100 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeCheck) / intervalBetweenOutput; lastTimeCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); timeLeft100 = averageTimePerUser100 * (totalRecords - count); estimatedTimeFinished100 = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeLeft100; progress = ((double) count) / ((double) totalRecords); System.out.print("NatRegImport " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString() + ", processing RECORD [" + count + " / " + totalRecords + "]"); stamp = new IWTimestamp(estimatedTimeFinished100); System.out.println(" | " + this.precentNF.format(progress) + " done, guestimated time left of PHASE 1 : " + getTimeString(timeLeft100) + " finish at " + stamp.getTime().toString()); } item = null; } this.file.close(); System.out.println("NatRegImport processed RECORD [" + count + "] time: " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); clock.stop(); long msTime = clock.getTime(); long secTime = msTime / 1000; System.out.println("Time to handleRecords: " + msTime + " ms OR " + secTime + " s, averaging " + (msTime / count) + "ms per record"); clock.start(); handleFamilyRelation(); clock.stop(); msTime = clock.getTime(); secTime = msTime / 1000; System.out.println("Time to handleFamilyRelation: " + clock.getTime() + " ms OR " + ((int) (clock.getTime() / 1000)) + " s, averaging " + (msTime / count) + "ms per record"); printFailedRecords(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public String getTimeString(long time) { long t = time; int milli = (int) (t % 1000); t = (t - milli) / 1000; int second = (int) (t % 60); t = (t - second) / 60; int minut = (int) (t) % 60; int hour = (int) ((t - minut) / 60); return this.twoDigits.format(hour) + ":" + this.twoDigits.format(minut) + ":" + this.twoDigits.format(second) + "." + milli; } /** * After all lines in the import file has been imported, the relations are * handled. When the records are processed, the relations are stored in the * ArrayList _familyRelations * * @return * @throws RemoteException */ private boolean handleFamilyRelation() throws RemoteException { UserHome userHome = null; NationalRegisterBusiness natReg = null; try { natReg = (NationalRegisterBusiness) getServiceInstance(NationalRegisterBusiness.class); UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); userHome = userBusiness.getUserHome(); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (this.affectedFamilies != null && userHome != null && natReg != null) { long totalRecords = this.affectedFamilies.size(); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // long lastTimeCheck = beginTime; long averageTimePerUser = 0; // long averageTimePerUser100 = 0; long timeLeft = 0; // long timeLeft100 = 0; long estimatedTimeFinished = beginTime; // long estimatedTimeFinished100 = beginTime; IWTimestamp stamp; double progress = 0; int intervalBetweenOutput = 100; Iterator keysIter = this.affectedFamilies.iterator(); String key; int counter = 0; Collection familyColl; System.out.println("NatRegImport Total families to handle = " + totalRecords); System.out.println("NatRegImport processing family relations RECORD [0] time: " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); // Loop through all households/families while (keysIter.hasNext()) { ++counter; key = (String); try { familyColl = getFamilyMemberHome().findAllByFamilyNR(key); handleFamilyCollection(natReg, userHome, familyColl); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("NatRegImport ERROR, familyRelation failed for family : " + key); e.printStackTrace(); } if ((counter % intervalBetweenOutput) == 0) { /* * averageTimePerUser100 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - * lastTimeCheck) / intervalBetweenOutput; lastTimeCheck = * System.currentTimeMillis(); timeLeft100 = * averageTimePerUser100 * (totalRecords - counter); * estimatedTimeFinished100 = System.currentTimeMillis() + * timeLeft100; */ averageTimePerUser = (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime) / counter; progress = ((double) counter) / ((double) totalRecords); timeLeft = averageTimePerUser * (totalRecords - counter); estimatedTimeFinished = timeLeft + System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print("NatRegImport " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString() + ", processing family RECORD [" + counter + " / " + totalRecords + "]"); stamp = new IWTimestamp(estimatedTimeFinished); System.out.println(" | " + this.precentNF.format(progress) + " done, guestimated time left of PHASE 2 : " + getTimeString(timeLeft) + " finish at " + stamp.getTime().toString()); // stamp = new IWTimestamp(estimatedTimeFinished100); // System.out.println(" "+precentNF.format(progress)+" done, // guestimated time left of PHASE 2 : // "+getTimeString(timeLeft100)+" finish at // "+stamp.toString()); // System.out.println("NationalRegisterHandler processing // family relations RECORD [" + counter + "] time: " + // IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); } } System.out.println("NatRegImport processed family relations RECORD [" + counter + "] time: " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); } return true; } /** * * @param natRegBus * @param familyLogic * @param uHome * @param coll * @return * @throws RemoveException * @throws RemoveException * @throws RemoteException */ private boolean handleFamilyCollection(NationalRegisterBusiness natRegBus, UserHome uHome, Collection coll) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { if (coll != null) { FamilyLogicBean memFamLog = (FamilyLogicBean) getServiceInstance(FamilyLogicBean.class); NationalRegister natReg; Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); Collection coll2 = new Vector(coll); Iterator iter2 = coll.iterator(); Collection parents = new Vector(); User user; User user2; Age age; int oldestAge = 0; String spouseSSN; User oldestPerson = null; FamilyMember member; // This iteration sets the spouse, parent, custodian, child and // sibling relations. // The relations variables hold the relations that yet not have been // found in the import file // If there are any relations left in these variables after the new // relations have been set, // They have to be removed Relations oldRelations1 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); Relations newRelations1 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); Relations oldRelations2 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); Relations newRelations2 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); HashMap oldrelations = new HashMap(); HashMap newrelations = new HashMap(); // Loop through all family members to figure out what the relations // are while (iter.hasNext()) { member = (FamilyMember); user = member.getUser(); if (user == null) { System.out.println(" user == null : " + member.getPrimaryKey()); } if (user.getDateOfBirth() != null) { age = new Age(user.getDateOfBirth()); if (age.getYears() > oldestAge) { oldestAge = age.getYears(); oldestPerson = user; } } // If person has a spouse, it is also registered as possible // parent natReg = natRegBus.getEntryBySSN(user.getPersonalID()); spouseSSN = natReg.getSpouseSSN(); if (spouseSSN != null && !"".equals(spouseSSN.trim())) { parents.add(user); try { User spouse = uHome.findByPersonalID(spouseSSN); newRelations1 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); newRelations1.setUser(user); newRelations1.setSpouse(spouse); oldRelations1 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); oldRelations1.setForUser(user); newrelations.put(user, newRelations1); oldrelations.put(user, oldRelations1); newRelations2 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); newRelations2.setUser(spouse); newRelations2.setSpouse(user); oldRelations2 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); oldRelations2.setForUser(spouse); newrelations.put(spouse, newRelations2); oldrelations.put(spouse, oldRelations2); parents.add(spouse); break; } catch (FinderException e) { // System.out.println("NationalRegisterHandler processed // family relations RECORD [" + counter + "] time: " + // IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); // e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (parents.isEmpty() && oldestPerson != null) { parents.add(oldestPerson); } iter = coll.iterator(); FamilyMember member2; while (iter.hasNext()) { member = (FamilyMember); user = member.getUser(); if (oldrelations.get(user) == null) { oldRelations1 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); oldRelations1.setForUser(user); oldrelations.put(user, oldRelations1); } if (newrelations.get(user) == null) { newRelations1 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); newRelations1.setUser(user); newrelations.put(user, newRelations1); } else { newRelations1 = ((Relations) newrelations.get(user)); } coll2.remove(member); iter2 = coll2.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { member2 = (FamilyMember); user2 = member2.getUser(); if (oldrelations.get(user2) == null) { oldRelations2 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); oldRelations2.setForUser(user2); oldrelations.put(user2, oldRelations2); } if (newrelations.get(user2) == null) { newRelations2 = new Relations(getMemberFamilyLogic()); newRelations2.setUser(user2); newrelations.put(user2, newRelations2); } else { newRelations2 = ((Relations) newrelations.get(user2)); } if (parents.contains(user)) { if (parents.contains(user2)) { newRelations1.setSpouse(user2); newRelations2.setSpouse(user); } else { newRelations1.addChild(user2); newRelations1.addIsCustodianFor(user2); newRelations2.addParent(user); newRelations2.addHasCustodian(user); } } else { if (parents.contains(user2)) { newRelations1.addParent(user2); newRelations1.addHasCustodian(user2); newRelations2.addChild(user); newRelations2.addIsCustodianFor(user); } else { newRelations1.addSibling(user2); newRelations2.addSibling(user); } } } } Set set = newrelations.keySet(); Iterator newSetIt = set.iterator(); while (newSetIt.hasNext()) { User tmpuser = (User); Relations newR = (Relations) newrelations.get(tmpuser); Relations oldR = (Relations) oldrelations.get(tmpuser); /* * System.out.println("NEW"); newR.dumpInfo(); * System.out.println("OLD"); oldR.dumpInfo(); */ try { Relations newToAdd = Relations.inANotB(newR, oldR, getMemberFamilyLogic()); addNewRelations(memFamLog, tmpuser, newToAdd); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Relations oldToRemove = Relations.inANotB(oldR, newR, getMemberFamilyLogic()); removeTerminatedRelations(memFamLog, tmpuser, oldToRemove); } return true; } return false; } /** * Removes the old relations that previousley were set but now aren't in the * import file and therefore should be removed * * @param user * @param rel * @throws RemoveException * @throws RemoteException */ private void removeTerminatedRelations(FamilyLogicBean memFamLog, User user, Relations rel) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { // NationalRegisterBusiness natRegBus; // remove spouse // System.out.println("REMOVING"); // rel.dumpInfo(); if (null != rel.getSpouse()) { memFamLog.removeAsSpouseFor(user, rel.getSpouse(), this.performer); } // Remove from collections Iterator iter = rel.getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User child = (User); memFamLog.removeAsChildFor(child, user, this.performer); } iter = rel.getIsCustodianFor().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User child = (User); memFamLog.removeAsCustodianFor(user, child, this.performer); } iter = rel.getHasCustodians().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User custodian = (User); memFamLog.removeAsCustodianFor(custodian, user, this.performer); } iter = rel.getParents().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User parent = (User); memFamLog.removeAsParentFor(parent, user, this.performer); } iter = rel.getSiblings().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User sibling = (User); memFamLog.removeAsSiblingFor(user, sibling, this.performer); } } private void addNewRelations(FamilyLogicBean memFamLog, User user, Relations rel) throws RemoveException, RemoteException, CreateException { // NationalRegisterBusiness natRegBus; // remove spouse // System.out.println("ADDING"); // rel.dumpInfo(); if (null != rel.getSpouse()) { memFamLog.setAsSpouseFor(user, rel.getSpouse()); } // Remove from collections Iterator iter = rel.getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User child = (User); memFamLog.setAsChildFor(child, user); } iter = rel.getIsCustodianFor().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User child = (User); memFamLog.setAsCustodianFor(user, child); } iter = rel.getHasCustodians().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User custodian = (User); memFamLog.setAsCustodianFor(custodian, user); } iter = rel.getParents().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User parent = (User); memFamLog.setAsParentFor(parent, user); } iter = rel.getSiblings().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User sibling = (User); memFamLog.setAsSiblingFor(user, sibling); } } private boolean processRecord(String record) throws RemoteException, CreateException { this.valueList = this.file.getValuesFromRecordString(record); boolean success = storeNationRegisterEntry(); this.valueList = null; return success; } public void printFailedRecords() { System.out.println("Import failed for these records, please fix and import again:"); Iterator iter = this.failedRecordList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println((String); } } protected boolean storeNationRegisterEntry() throws RemoteException, CreateException { // variables String symbol = getProperty(COLUMN_SYMBOL); String oldId = getProperty(COLUMN_OLD_ID); String ssn = getProperty(COLUMN_SSN); String familyId = getProperty(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID); String name = getProperty(COLUMN_NAME); String commune = getProperty(COLUMN_COMMUNE); String street = getProperty(COLUMN_STREET); String building = getProperty(COLUMN_BUILDING); String floor = getProperty(COLUMN_FLOOR); String sex = getProperty(COLUMN_SEX); String maritialStatus = getProperty(COLUMN_MARITIAL_STATUS); String empty = getProperty(COLUMN_EMPTY); String prohibitMarking = getProperty(COLUMN_NO_MAIL); String nationality = getProperty(COLUMN_NATIONALITY); String placeOfBirth = getProperty(COLUMN_PLACE_OF_BIRTH); String spouseSSN = getProperty(COLUMN_SPOUSE_SSN); String fate = getProperty(COLUMN_STATUS); String parish = getProperty(COLUMN_PARISH); String po = getProperty(COLUMN_PO); String address = getProperty(COLUMN_ADDRESS); String addressCode = getProperty(COLUMN_ADDRESS_CODE); String dateOfModification = getProperty(COLUMN_DATE_OF_MODIFICATION); String placementCode = getProperty(COLUMN_PLACEMENT_CODE); String dateOfCreation = getProperty(COLUMN_DATE_OF_CREATION); String lastDomesticAddress = getProperty(COLUMN_LAST_DOMESTIC_ADDRESS); String agentSsn = getProperty(COLUMN_AGENT_SSN); String sNew = getProperty(COLUMN_NEW); String addressName = getProperty(COLUMN_ADDRESS_NAME); String dateOfDeletion = getProperty(COLUMN_DATE_OF_DELETION); String newSsnOrName = getProperty(COLUMN_NEW_SSN_OR_NAME); String dateOfBirth = getProperty(COLUMN_DATE_OF_BIRTH); Group group; // System.out.println("ssn = " + ssn); boolean success = true; if (ssn == null || ssn.equals("")) { return false; } group = getGroupForPostalCode(po); if (!this.relationsOnly) { // initialize business beans and data homes success = this.natBiz.updateEntry(symbol, oldId, ssn, familyId, name, commune, street, building, floor, sex, maritialStatus, empty, prohibitMarking, nationality, placeOfBirth, spouseSSN, fate, parish, po, address, addressCode, dateOfModification, placementCode, dateOfCreation, lastDomesticAddress, agentSsn, sNew, addressName, dateOfDeletion, newSsnOrName, dateOfBirth, group); if (FATE_DECEASED.equalsIgnoreCase(fate)) { User user; try { user = this.uBiz.getUser(ssn); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } //user.setDeleted(true); //user.setDeletedBy(((Integer) performer.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); //user.setDeletedWhen(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); //; if (this.deceasedAddressString == null) { try { IWBundle iwb = this.getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getBundle( IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); IWResourceBundle iwrb = iwb.getResourceBundle(LocaleUtil.getIcelandicLocale()); this.deceasedAddressString = iwrb.getLocalizedString("national_register.deceased", "Deceased"); } catch (Exception e) { this.deceasedAddressString = ""; System.out.println("Unable to initialize deceasedAddressString"); } } this.uBiz.updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(user, this.deceasedAddressString, null, null, null, null, null, null); this.uBiz.updateUsersCoAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(user, this.deceasedAddressString, null, null, null, null, null, null); FamilyLogic familyService = getMemberFamilyLogic(); IWTimestamp dom = new IWTimestamp(); if (dateOfModification != null && !"".equals(dateOfModification.trim())) { try { dom = new IWTimestamp(dateOfModification); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Could not parse the date '" + dateOfModification + "'"); e.printStackTrace(); dom = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); } } else { dom = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); } familyService.registerAsDeceased(user, dom.getDate(), this.performer); } if (FATE_CHANGE_PERSONAL_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(fate)) { try { User user = this.uBiz.getUser(ssn); if (user != null) { user.setPersonalID(newSsnOrName); } } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return true; } if (FATE_REMOVED.equalsIgnoreCase(fate)) { try { User user = this.uBiz.getUser(ssn); this.uBiz.deleteUser(user, this.performer); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /* * if(FATE_CHANGE_OLD_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(fate)){ * natBiz.updateUserOldID(oldId,ssn); return true; } */ if (this.postalCodeFix) { try { // User user = uBiz.getUser(ssn); if (this.postalCodeFix) { this.natBiz.updateUserAddress(this.uBiz.getUser(ssn), this.uBiz, address, po, null, null, null); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } } else { // Handling thing otherwise not handled in relationsship // only mode if (this.citizenGroupFix) { User user; try { user = this.uBiz.getUser(ssn); user.setPrimaryGroup(group);; } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } } // Family is marked as affected, and needs to be updated this.affectedFamilies.add(familyId); try { // Users previous family is marked as affected, and needs to be // updated this.affectedFamilies.add(getFamilyMemberHome().findBySSN(ssn).getFamilyNr()); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { // FinderExxception is ignored, since not all users have a family } return success; } /** * @param po * @return * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ private Group getGroupForPostalCode(String po) throws RemoteException, CreateException { // First see if it already has been fetched and stored in map. If so // just return it Group group = (Group) this.postalToGroupMap.get(po); if (null != group) { return group; } // Group not found, so finding it PostalCode postalCode = this.natBiz.getPostalCode(po); if (postalCode != null) { Commune commune = this.cBiz.getCommuneByPostalCode(postalCode); if (commune != null && commune.getGroup() != null) { group = commune.getGroup(); this.postalToGroupMap.put(po, group); } } else { try { group = this.cBiz.getOtherCommuneCreateIfNotExist().getGroup(); if (null != group) { System.out.println("NationalRegisterImport : connecting po:'" + po + "' to group:'" + group.getName() + "'"); } this.postalToGroupMap.put(po, group); } catch (FinderException e) { System.out.println("NationalRegisterImport : 'Other' group not found, throwing RuntimeException. \n\nMake sure the PostalCodeBundleStarter is run at least once."); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return group; } private String getProperty(int columnIndex) { String value = null; if (this.valueList != null) { try { value = (String) this.valueList.get(columnIndex); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return null; } if (this.file.getEmptyValueString().equals(value)) { return null; } else { return value; } } else { return null; } } /** * @see */ public void setImportFile(ImportFile file) throws RemoteException { this.file = file; } /** * @see */ public void setRootGroup(Group rootGroup) throws RemoteException { } /** * @see */ public List getFailedRecords() throws RemoteException { return this.failedRecordList; } public FamilyLogic getMemberFamilyLogic() throws RemoteException { if (this.famLog == null) { this.famLog = (FamilyLogic) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), FamilyLogic.class); } return this.famLog; } protected FamilyMemberHome getFamilyMemberHome() { try { return (FamilyMemberHome) this.getIDOHome(FamilyMember.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } // TODO add fix for specific groupIDs for certain people }