package; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.CalendarMonth; /** * Holds information about a batchrun for an invoice build (Used in fonster 33 in the C&P req. spec.) * Related to a set of rows in BatchRunError. * * @author Joakim * @see */ public class BatchRunBMPBean extends GenericEntity implements BatchRun { private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "cacc_batch_run"; private static final String COLUMN_SCHOOL_CATEGORY_ID = "school_category_id"; private static final String COLUMN_PERIOD = "period"; private static final String COLUMN_START = "start_date"; private static final String COLUMN_STOP = "stop_date"; private static final String COLUMN_TEST = "test"; /** * @see */ public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } /** * @see */ public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(COLUMN_PERIOD, "", true, true, java.sql.Date.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_START, "", true, true, java.sql.Timestamp.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_STOP, "", true, true, java.sql.Timestamp.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_TEST, "", true, true, java.lang.Boolean.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_SCHOOL_CATEGORY_ID, SchoolCategory.class); } protected void setDefaultvalues(){ setTest(false); } public String getSchoolCategoryID() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_SCHOOL_CATEGORY_ID); } public Date getPeriod() { return getDateColumnValue(COLUMN_PERIOD); } public Timestamp getStart() { return getTimestampColumnValue(COLUMN_START); } public Timestamp getEnd() { return getTimestampColumnValue(COLUMN_STOP); } public boolean getTest() { return getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_TEST); } public void setSchoolCategoryID(String i) { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_CATEGORY_ID, i); } public void setSchoolCategoryID(SchoolCategory s) { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_CATEGORY_ID, s); } public void setPeriod(Date d) { setColumn(COLUMN_PERIOD, d); } public void setStart(Timestamp d) { setColumn(COLUMN_START, d); } public void setEnd(Timestamp d) { setColumn(COLUMN_STOP, d); } public void setTest(boolean test) { setColumn(COLUMN_TEST, test); } /** * Gets the CalendarMonth for the Period * @return */ public CalendarMonth getMonth(){ return new CalendarMonth(getPeriod()); } /** * Finds one Batchrun from a schoolCategory. There should be max one schoolcategory * @throws javax.ejb.FinderException if no SchoolType is found. */ public Integer ejbFindBySchoolCategory(SchoolCategory schoolCategory, boolean test) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { IDOQuery query = this.idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhereEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_SCHOOL_CATEGORY_ID, (String)schoolCategory.getPrimaryKey()); query.appendAndEquals(COLUMN_TEST, test); return (Integer) idoFindOnePKByQuery(query); } }