package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; public class CategoryBusiness { private static String TREE_ORDER_COLUMN_NAME = "TREE_ORDER"; private static CategoryBusiness categoryBusiness; public static CategoryBusiness getInstance() { if (categoryBusiness == null) { categoryBusiness = new CategoryBusiness(); } return categoryBusiness; } public boolean disconnectBlock(int instanceid) { List L = CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryForObjectInstanceId(instanceid); if (L != null) { Iterator I = L.iterator(); while (I.hasNext()) { ICCategory Cat = (ICCategory); disconnectCategory(Cat, instanceid); } return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean disconnectCategory(ICCategory Cat, int iObjectInstanceId) { try { if (iObjectInstanceId > 0) { ICObjectInstance obj = ( ( ICObjectInstance.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy( iObjectInstanceId); Cat.removeFrom(obj); } return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { } return false; } /** * removes all categories bound to specified instance */ public boolean removeInstanceCategories(int iObjectInstanceId) { try { ICObjectInstance obj = ICObjectBusiness.getInstance().getICObjectInstance(iObjectInstanceId); obj.removeFrom(ICCategory.class); } catch (Exception ex) { } return false; } public boolean deleteBlock(int instanceid) { List L = CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryForObjectInstanceId(instanceid); if (L != null) { Iterator I = L.iterator(); while (I.hasNext()) { ICCategory N = (ICCategory); try { deleteCategory(N.getID(), instanceid); } catch (Exception sql) { } } return true; } else { return false; } } public void deleteCategory(int iCategoryId) throws Exception { deleteCategory(iCategoryId, CategoryFinder.getInstance().getObjectInstanceIdFromCategoryId(iCategoryId)); } public void deleteCategory(int iCategoryId, int iObjectInstanceId) throws RemoteException { try { ICCategory nc = CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategory(iCategoryId); if (iObjectInstanceId > 0) { ICObjectInstance obj = ( ( ICObjectInstance.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy( iObjectInstanceId); nc.removeFrom(obj); } ICCategory parent = (ICCategory) nc.getParentEntity(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeChild(nc); } nc.remove(); } catch (RemoveException e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException sql) { throw new RemoteException(sql.getMessage()); } } public void saveRelatedCategories(int iObjectInstanceId, int[] CategoryIds) { try { ICObjectInstance instance = ((ICObjectInstanceHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ICObjectInstance.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(iObjectInstanceId); //ICCategoryICObjectInstanceHome catObjInstHome = (ICCategoryICObjectInstanceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICCategoryICObjectInstance.class); ICCategoryHome catHome = (ICCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ICCategory.class); Category category; // int tree_order = 0; int treeOrder[] = new int[CategoryIds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < CategoryIds.length; i++) { category = catHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(CategoryIds[i])); treeOrder[i] = catHome.getOrderNumber(category, instance); // tree_order = 1;//catObjInstHome.getOrderNumber(category, instance); } instance.removeFrom(ICCategory.class); //,iObjectInstanceId).removeFrom((ICCategory) category); for (int i = 0; i < CategoryIds.length; i++) { category = catHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(CategoryIds[i])); //,iObjectInstanceId).removeFrom(ICCategory.class, CategoryIds[i]); //,iObjectInstanceId).removeFrom((ICCategory) category); instance.addTo(ICCategory.class, CategoryIds[i]); catHome.setOrderNumber(category, instance, treeOrder[i]); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public ICCategory saveCategory(int iCategoryId, String sName, String sDesc, int iObjectInstanceId, String type, boolean allowMultible) throws RemoteException { return saveCategory(iCategoryId, sName, sDesc, 0, iObjectInstanceId, type, allowMultible); } public ICCategory saveCategory( int iCategoryId, String sName, String sDesc, int orderNumber, int iObjectInstanceId, String type, boolean allowMultible) throws RemoteException { try { ICCategoryHome catHome = (ICCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ICCategory.class); ICCategory Cat = catHome.create(); if (iCategoryId > 0) { Cat = CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategory(iCategoryId); } Cat.setName(sName); Cat.setDescription(sDesc); Cat.setType(type); if (orderNumber == 0) { return saveCategory(Cat, iObjectInstanceId, allowMultible); } else { return saveCategory(Cat, iObjectInstanceId, orderNumber, allowMultible); } } catch (CreateException crex) { throw new RemoteException(crex.getMessage()); } } public boolean updateCategory(int id, String name, String info) { return updateCategory(id, name, info, 0, -1); } public boolean updateCategory(int id, String name, String info, int orderNumber, int objectInstanceId) { try { ICCategoryHome catHome = (ICCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICCategory.class); ICCategory cat = catHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); cat.setName(name); cat.setDescription(info); cat.update(); if (objectInstanceId > 0) { ICObjectInstanceHome objInsHome = (ICObjectInstanceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICObjectInstance.class); ICObjectInstance objIns = objInsHome.findByPrimaryKey(objectInstanceId); //ICCategoryICObjectInstanceHome catObjInsHome = ( ICCategoryICObjectInstanceHome); //catObjInsHome.setOrderNumber(cat, objIns, orderNumber); catHome.setOrderNumber(cat, objIns, orderNumber); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public ICCategory saveCategory(int iCategoryId, String sName, String sDesc, int iObjectInstanceId, String type) throws RemoteException { return saveCategory(iCategoryId, sName, sDesc, iObjectInstanceId, type, false); } public ICCategory saveCategory(ICCategory Cat, int iObjectInstanceId, boolean allowMultible) { return saveCategory(Cat, iObjectInstanceId, 0, allowMultible); } public boolean createPossiblyMissingTreeOrderColumnInICCategoryICObjectInstanceMiddleTable(ICCategory cat) { try { ((GenericEntity)cat).insertStartData(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public ICCategory saveCategory(ICCategory Cat, int iObjectInstanceId, int orderNumber, boolean allowMultible) { javax.transaction.TransactionManager t = com.idega.transaction.IdegaTransactionManager.getInstance(); try { t.begin(); if (Cat.getID() > 0) { Cat.update(); } else { Cat.setCreated(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); Cat.setValid(true); Cat.insert(); } // Binding category to instanceId if (iObjectInstanceId > 0) { //ICCategoryICObjectInstanceHome catObjInstHome = ((; ICObjectInstance objIns = ( ( ICObjectInstance.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy( iObjectInstanceId); //catObjInstHome.setOrderNumber(Cat, objIns, orderNumber); //added by Eiki, a fix for databases that do not have the TREE_ORDER COLUMN! //We must find a better way! createPossiblyMissingTreeOrderColumnInICCategoryICObjectInstanceMiddleTable(Cat); //// // Allows only one category per instanceId if (!allowMultible) { objIns.removeFrom((ICCategory) GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(ICCategory.class)); } Cat.addTo(objIns, TREE_ORDER_COLUMN_NAME, String.valueOf(orderNumber)); } t.commit(); return Cat; } catch (Exception e) { try { t.rollback(); } catch (javax.transaction.SystemException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public int createCategory(int iObjectInstanceId, String type) throws RemoteException { return saveCategory(-1, type + " Category - " + iObjectInstanceId, type + "Category - " + iObjectInstanceId, iObjectInstanceId, type, false) .getID(); } public ICCategory createCategory(int iObjectInstanceId, String type, String name, String description) throws RemoteException { return saveCategory(-1, name, description, iObjectInstanceId, type, false); } public void saveCategoryToParent(int category, int parent) throws RemoteException { try { ICCategory cat = getCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(category)); ICCategory par = getCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(parent)); par.addChild(cat); } catch (FinderException fex) { throw new RemoteException(fex.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException sql) { throw new RemoteException(sql.getMessage()); } } public ICCategoryHome getCategoryHome() throws RemoteException { return (ICCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICCategory.class); } }