package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Break; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Paragraph; import com.idega.presentation.text.Strong; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.BackButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CloseButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: Golf Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author 2000 - idega team - <a href="">Gudmundur Agust * Saemundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class RegisterTime extends GolfBlock { private TeeTimeBusinessBean business; private DropdownMenu unionDropdown; private Form myForm = null; private Table frameTable; private int maxPerMemberPerDay = 1; private int maxCountInGroups = 4; private int maxPerOwnerPerDay = 4; private IWTimestamp currentDay; private String currentField; private String currentUnion; private String currentMember; private StartingtimeFieldConfig fieldInfo; private Text templText; private static String closeParameterString = "window_close"; private boolean lockedAsWapLayout = false; public static final String PRM_LOCKED_AS_WML_LAYOUT = "iw_lock_as_wml_layout"; private int backPage = -1; public static final String PRM_BACK_PAGE = "bpage"; private TeeTimeBusinessBean service = new TeeTimeBusinessBean(); public RegisterTime() { business = new TeeTimeBusinessBean(); unionDropdown = (DropdownMenu) GolfCacher.getUnionAbbreviationDropdown( "club").clone(); templText = getSmallText(""); templText.setFontSize(1); } public TextInput insertEditBox(String name, Form myForm) { TextInput myInput = new TextInput(name); myInput.setParentObject(myForm); myInput.setMaxlength(10); return myInput; } public TextInput insertEditBox(String name, String text) { TextInput myInput = new TextInput(name); myInput.setAsNotEmpty(); myInput.setContent(text); return myInput; } public TextInput insertEditBox(String name, String text, int size) { TextInput myInput = new TextInput(name); myInput.setSize(size); myInput.setAsNotEmpty(); myInput.setContent(text); return myInput; } public DropdownMenu insertUnionDropdown(String name, String text, int size) throws SQLException { DropdownMenu mydropdown = (DropdownMenu) unionDropdown.clone(); mydropdown.setSelectedElement(text); mydropdown.keepStatusOnAction(); return mydropdown; } public TextInput insertEditBox(String name, int size) { TextInput myInput = new TextInput(name); myInput.setSize(size); return myInput; } private SubmitButton insertButton(String btnName, String Action, String Method, Form theForm) { SubmitButton mySubmit = new SubmitButton(btnName); theForm.setMethod(Method); theForm.setAction(Action); return mySubmit; } private SubmitButton insertButton(Image image, String imageName, String Action, String Method, Form theForm) { SubmitButton mySubmit = new SubmitButton(image, imageName); theForm.setMethod(Method); theForm.setAction(Action); return mySubmit; } private SubmitButton insertButton(String btnName, String Action, String Method, String onSub, Form theForm) { SubmitButton mySubmit = new SubmitButton(btnName); mySubmit.setOnSubmit(onSub); theForm.setMethod(Method); theForm.setAction(Action); return mySubmit; } public void lineUpTable(int skraMarga, IWContext modinfo) throws IOException { int memberId = -1; boolean memberAvailable = false; // f� member id fyrir member til a� finna hann og setja inn � // textinputi� fyrir hann if (modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("member_id") != null) { memberId = Integer.parseInt((String) modinfo.getSession() .getAttribute("member_id")); memberAvailable = true; } String lines[] = new String[skraMarga]; int groupNums[] = new int[skraMarga]; try { Member member = null; if (memberId != -1) member = ((MemberHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Member.class)) .findByPrimaryKey(memberId); String FieldID = currentField; String Date = modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("date").toString(); String MemberId = modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("member_id") .toString(); GolfField myGolfField = getFieldInfo(Integer.parseInt(FieldID), Date); int Line = Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getParameter("line")); int max = business.countEntriesInGroup(Line, this.currentField, this.currentDay); for (int j = 0; j < skraMarga; j++) { if (max > 3) { while (max > 3) { Line++; max = business.countEntriesInGroup(Line, this.currentField, this.currentDay); } } max++; lines[j] = getTime(Line, myGolfField); groupNums[j] = Line; } Table myTable = new Table(6, skraMarga + 3); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setWidth(2, "40"); myTable.setHeight(1, "30"); myTable.add(getSmallText(localize("start.time", "Time")), 2, 1); myTable.add( getSmallText(localize("start.social_nr", "Social nr.")), 3, 1); myTable.add(getSmallText(localize("start.vip_card", "VIP card")), 5, 1); myTable.add(getSmallText(localize("start.card_number", "Card number")), 6, 1); myTable.setColumnAlignment(1, "center"); myTable.setColumnAlignment(5, "center"); myTable.setColumnAlignment(6, "center"); boolean admin = false; boolean clubadmin = false; boolean clubworker = false; String unionAbbrevation = null; if (memberAvailable) { admin = .isAdmin(modinfo); clubadmin = .isClubAdmin(modinfo); clubworker = .isClubWorker(modinfo); unionAbbrevation = member.getMainUnion().getAbbrevation(); } int i = 1; for (; i < skraMarga + 1; i++) { myTable.setWidth(1, "25"); myTable.add(getSmallText(lines[i - 1]), 2, i + 1); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("group_num", Integer .toString(groupNums[i - 1])), 2, i + 1); myTable.setAlignment(2, i + 1, "left"); if (i == 1 && memberAvailable) { myTable.add(insertEditBox("secure_num", member .getSocialSecurityNumber()), 3, i + 1); } else { myTable.add(insertEditBox("secure_num", myForm), 3, i + 1); } myTable.add(insertEditBox("card", 4), 5, i + 1); myTable.add(insertEditBox("cardNo", 12), 6, i + 1); } myTable.setColumnAlignment(5, "center"); myTable.setColumnAlignment(6, "center"); // setPlayers(modinfo); myTable.mergeCells(4, i + 2, 6, i + 2); myTable.add(getButton(new SubmitButton(localize("", "Book"))), 4, i + 2); myForm.setMethod("post"); myTable.add(getButton(new CloseButton(localize("teetime.cancel", "Cancel"))), 4, i + 2); myTable.setAlignment(4, i + 2, "right"); frameTable.empty(); frameTable.add(myTable); } catch (SQLException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } } public void lineUpWMLTable(int skraMarga, IWContext modinfo) throws IOException { int memberId = -1; boolean memberAvailable = true; // get member_id for member to find him and put his SSN into the // textinput String lines[] = new String[skraMarga]; int groupNums[] = new int[skraMarga]; try { Member member = AccessControl.getMember(modinfo); String FieldID = currentField; String Date = modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("date").toString(); String MemberId = String.valueOf(AccessControl.getMember(modinfo) .getID()); GolfField myGolfField = getFieldInfo(Integer.parseInt(FieldID), Date); int Line = Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getParameter("line")); int max = business.countEntriesInGroup(Line, this.currentField, this.currentDay); for (int j = 0; j < skraMarga; j++) { if (max > 3) { while (max > 3) { Line++; max = business.countEntriesInGroup(Line, this.currentField, this.currentDay); } } max++; lines[j] = getTime(Line, myGolfField); groupNums[j] = Line; } Text timeText = new Text(localize("start.time", "Time")); // new Label(this.localize("start.social_nr","Social nr."),); String unionAbbrevation = null; if (memberAvailable) { unionAbbrevation = member.getMainUnion().getAbbrevation(); } this.empty(); Text dateText = new Text(localize("start.Date", "Date") + ": " + (new IWTimestamp(Date)).getDateString("EEE d MMM", modinfo.getCurrentLocale())); Text fieldText = new Text(localize("start.Field", "Field") + ": " + getFieldName(Integer.parseInt(modinfo .getParameter("field_id")))); Text teetimeText = new Text(localize("start.Teetime", "Teetime") + ": " + lines[0]); Text numberOfPlayersText = new Text(localize( "start.Number_of_players", "Number of players") + ": " + skraMarga); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(dateText); p.add(new Break()); p.add(fieldText); p.add(new Break()); p.add(teetimeText); p.add(new Break()); p.add(numberOfPlayersText); add(p); Paragraph message = new Paragraph(); String sMessage = localize( "start.are_you_sure_you_want_to_reserve_this_teetime", "Are you sure you want to reserve this teetime"); // sMessage += " "+lines[0]+" "+(new // IWTimestamp(Date)).getDateString("EEE d MMM", // modinfo.getCurrentLocale())+" "; // sMessage += // localize("start.at_the_field","at the field")+....; sMessage += "?"; message.add(new Text(sMessage)); add(message); Paragraph links = new Paragraph(); Link yes = new Link(localize("yes", "Yes")); yes.maintainParameter("secure_num", modinfo); yes.maintainParameter("line", modinfo); yes.maintainParameter("date", modinfo); yes.maintainParameter("field_id", modinfo); yes.maintainParameter("union_id", modinfo); yes.maintainParameter(PRM_LOCKED_AS_WML_LAYOUT, modinfo); yes.maintainParameter(PRM_BACK_PAGE, modinfo); yes.addParameter("secure_num", member.getSocialSecurityNumber()); yes.addParameter("group_num", Integer.toString(groupNums[0])); yes.addParameter("num_of_players", skraMarga); Strong y = new Strong(); y.add(yes); links.add(y); BackButton cancel = new BackButton(localize("start.cancel", "Cancel")); links.add(new Text(" | ")); Strong s = new Strong(); s.add(cancel); links.add(s); add(links); } catch (SQLException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } } public String getFieldName(int field_id) throws SQLException, IOException, FinderException { return service.getFieldName(field_id); } public void handleFormInfo(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException, IOException { Vector illegal = new Vector(0); Vector legal = new Vector(0); int k = 0; int l = 0; frameTable.empty(); frameTable.setAlignment(1, 1, "center"); if (modinfo.getParameter("secure_num") != null) { String sentSecureNums[] = modinfo.getParameterValues("secure_num"); String playerCard[] = modinfo.getParameterValues("card"); String playerCardNo[] = modinfo.getParameterValues("cardNo"); String lines[] = modinfo.getParameterValues("group_num"); int numPlayers = sentSecureNums.length; boolean ones = false; boolean fullGroup = false; boolean fullOwnerQuota = false; boolean fullMemberQuota = false; if (sentSecureNums != null) { for (int j = 0; j < sentSecureNums.length; j++) { try { if (sentSecureNums[j] != null && !"".equals(sentSecureNums[j])) { boolean ssn = false; // social security number if (sentSecureNums[j].length() == 10) { try { Integer.parseInt(sentSecureNums[j] .substring(0, 5)); Integer.parseInt(sentSecureNums[j] .substring(6, 9)); ssn = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ssn = false; } } if (ssn) { Member tempMemb = ( MemberBMPBean .getMember(sentSecureNums[j]); if (tempMemb != null) { int otherPlayers = -1; do { if (business.countEntriesInGroup( Integer.parseInt(lines[j]), this.currentField, this.currentDay) >= maxCountInGroups) { illegal.add(k++, new Integer(j)); fullGroup = true; } else if (business .countOwnersEntries( Integer .parseInt(this.currentMember), this.currentField, this.currentDay) >= maxPerOwnerPerDay) { illegal.add(k++, new Integer(j)); fullOwnerQuota = true; } else if (otherPlayers < 0 && business .countMembersEntries( tempMemb .getID(), this.currentField, this.currentDay) >= maxPerMemberPerDay) { illegal.add(k++, new Integer(j)); fullMemberQuota = true; } else { String unionAbbr = "-"; if (playerCard != null && playerCard.length > j) { Union union = GolfCacher .getCachedUnion(tempMemb .getMainUnionID()); if (union != null) { unionAbbr = union .getAbbrevation(); } business .setStartingtime( Integer .parseInt(lines[j]), this.currentDay, this.currentField, Integer .toString(tempMemb .getID()), this.currentMember, tempMemb .getName(), Float .toString(tempMemb .getHandicap()), unionAbbr, playerCard[j], playerCardNo[j]); } else { if (otherPlayers > -1) { business .setStartingtime( Integer .parseInt(lines[j]), this.currentDay, this.currentField, Integer .toString(tempMemb .getID()), this.currentMember, "- " + tempMemb .getName(), null, unionAbbr, "", ""); legal.add(l++, new Integer( j)); } else { if (sentSecureNums.length == 1) { String howMany = modinfo .getParameter("num_of_players"); if (howMany != null) { otherPlayers = Integer .parseInt(howMany); } } Union union = GolfCacher .getCachedUnion(tempMemb .getMainUnionID()); if (union != null) { unionAbbr = union .getAbbrevation(); } business .setStartingtime( Integer .parseInt(lines[j]), this.currentDay, this.currentField, Integer .toString(tempMemb .getID()), this.currentMember, tempMemb .getName(), Float .toString(tempMemb .getHandicap()), unionAbbr, "", ""); } } } otherPlayers--; } while (otherPlayers > 0); legal.add(l++, new Integer(j)); ones = true; } else { illegal.add(k++, new Integer(j)); } } else { illegal.add(k++, new Integer(j)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { illegal.add(k++, new Integer(j)); } } if (legal.size() > 0) { if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { Text myText = (Text) templText.clone(); myText.setText(localize( "start.you_have_been_registered", "You have been registered")); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(myText); frameTable.add(p); } else { Text myText = (Text) templText.clone(); myText.setText(localize( "start.the_following_where_registered", "The following where registered:")); Table tempTable = new Table(3, legal.size()); tempTable.setToForceToRenderAsTableInWML(true); for (int i = 0; i < legal.size(); i++) { int index = ((Integer) legal.get(i)).intValue(); Text tempIllegal1 = (Text) templText.clone(); tempIllegal1.setText(sentSecureNums[index]); tempTable.add(tempIllegal1, 1, i + 1); if (playerCard != null && playerCard.length > index) { Text tempIllegal2 = (Text) templText.clone(); tempIllegal2.setText(playerCard[index]); tempTable.add(tempIllegal2, 2, i + 1); Text tempIllegal3 = (Text) templText.clone(); tempIllegal3.setText(playerCardNo[index]); tempTable.add(tempIllegal3, 3, i + 1); } } Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(Text.getBreak()); p.add(myText); p.add(Text.getBreak()); p.add(tempTable); frameTable.add(p); } // frameTable.add(Text.getBreak()); // frameTable.add(Text.getBreak()); // frameTable.add(new // CloseButton(localize("start.close_window","Close Window"))); } if (illegal.size() > 0) { Text myText = (Text) templText.clone(); myText.setText(localize("start.error_in_following", "Error in following:")); Table tempTable = new Table(3, illegal.size()); tempTable.setToForceToRenderAsTableInWML(true); for (int i = 0; i < illegal.size(); i++) { int index = ((Integer) illegal.get(i)).intValue(); Text tempIllegal1 = (Text) templText.clone(); tempIllegal1.setText(sentSecureNums[index]); tempTable.add(tempIllegal1, 1, i + 1); if (playerCard != null && playerCard.length > index) { Text tempIllegal2 = (Text) templText.clone(); tempIllegal2.setText(playerCard[index]); tempTable.add(tempIllegal2, 2, i + 1); Text tempIllegal3 = (Text) templText.clone(); tempIllegal3.setText(playerCardNo[index]); tempTable.add(tempIllegal3, 3, i + 1); } } Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(); p2.add(myText); p2.add(Text.getBreak()); p2.add(tempTable); frameTable.add(p2); if (ones) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text noError = (Text) templText.clone(); noError.setText(localize( "start.all_others_where_registered", "All others where registered")); p.add(noError); frameTable.add(p); } if (fullGroup) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text Error = (Text) templText.clone(); Error.setText(localize("start.group_is_full", "Group is full"));// "Holl sem reynt var a� skr� � er fullt "); p.add(Error); frameTable.add(p); } if (fullOwnerQuota) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text ownerQuota = (Text) templText.clone(); ownerQuota.setText(localize("start.ownerquota", "Not allowed to register more golfers to day"));// "Hefur ekki r�ttindi til a� skr� fleiri � �essum velli � dag"); p.add(ownerQuota); Text comment = (Text) templText.clone(); comment.setText(localize( "start.contact_club_to_register", "Contact the club to register"));// "Hafi� samband vi� kl�bbinn ef skr� � fleiri"); p.add(comment); frameTable.add(p); } else if (fullMemberQuota) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text memberQuota = (Text) templText.clone(); memberQuota .setText(localize("start.memberquota", "Not allowed to register golfer again in public registration to day"));// "Ekki m� skr� sama mann oftar en einu sinni � dag � netskr�ningu"); p.add(memberQuota); Text comment = (Text) templText.clone(); comment.setText(localize( "start.contact_club_to_register", "Contact the club to register"));// "Hafi� samband vi� kl�bbinn ef skr� � fleiri"); p.add(Text.getBreak()); p.add(comment); frameTable.add(p); } else { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text comment = (Text) templText.clone(); comment.setText(localize( "start.try_again_or_contact_the_club", "Try again or contact the club"));// "Reyni� aftur e�a hafi� samband vi� kl�bbinn"); p.add(Text.getBreak()); p.add(comment); frameTable.add(p); } if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { if (backPage != -1) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Link link = new Link(localize( "start.wml_back_link", "Back to overview")); link.setPage(backPage); p.add(link); frameTable.add(p); } } else { // this.add(new BackButton(new // Image("/pics/rastimask/Takkar/Ttilbaka1.gif"))); frameTable.add(Text.getBreak()); frameTable.add(Text.getBreak()); frameTable.add(new CloseButton(localize( "start.close_window", "Close Window"))); } } else { if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { if (backPage != -1) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Link link = new Link(localize( "start.wml_back_link", "Back to overview")); link.setPage(backPage); p.add(link); frameTable.add(p); } } else { this.getParentPage().setParentToReload(); this.getParentPage().close(); } } } else { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text comment = (Text) templText.clone(); comment.setText(localize("start.no_one_was_registered", "No one was registered"));// "Enginn skr��ist"); p.add(Text.getBreak()); p.add(comment); // this.add(new BackButton(new // Image("/pics/rastimask/Takkar/Ttilbaka1.gif"))); p.add(new Break()); p.add(new Break()); if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { if (backPage != -1) { p.add(new Break()); Link link = new Link(localize("start.wml_back_link", "Back to overview")); link.setPage(backPage); frameTable.add(link); } } else { p.add(new CloseButton(localize("start.close_window", "Close Window"))); } frameTable.add(p); } } else { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Text comment = (Text) templText.clone(); comment.setText(localize("start.no_one_was_registered", "No one was registered"));// "Enginn skr��ist"); p.add(Text.getBreak()); p.add(comment); // this.add(new BackButton(new // Image("/pics/rastimask/Takkar/Ttilbaka1.gif"))); p.add(new Break()); p.add(new Break()); if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { if (backPage != -1) { p.add(new Break()); Link link = new Link(localize("start.wml_back_link", "Back to overview")); link.setPage(backPage); p.add(link); } } else { p.add(getButton(new CloseButton(localize("start.close_window", "Close Window")))); } frameTable.add(p); } } public void setErroResponse(Form myForm, boolean inputErr) { Table myTable = new Table(2, 3); if (inputErr) { myTable.add(getErrorText(localize( "start.you_have_to_register_as_many_as_reserved", "You have to register as many as reserved")), 2, 1);// "Nau�synlegt er a� skr� eins marga og teknir voru fr�"), // 2, // 1); myTable.add(getButton(new BackButton()), 2, 3); } else { myTable.add(getErrorText(localize("start.group_is_full", "This group is full. Choose another time.")), 2, 1);// "�etta holl er �v� mi�ur fullt. Gj�r�u svo vel a� velja ߎr n�jan t�ma"), // 2, // 1); myTable.add(getButton(new CloseButton(localize( "start.close_window", "Close Window"))), 2, 3); } myTable.setAlignment(2, 3, "center"); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setCellspacing(0); frameTable.empty(); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(myTable); frameTable.add(p); } public GolfField getFieldInfo(int field, String date) throws SQLException, IOException { StartingtimeFieldConfig FieldConfig = business.getFieldConfig(field, date); GolfField field_info = new GolfField(new IWTimestamp(FieldConfig .getOpenTime()).toSQLTimeString(), new IWTimestamp(FieldConfig .getCloseTime()).toSQLTimeString(), FieldConfig .getMinutesBetweenStart(), field, date, FieldConfig .getDaysShown(), FieldConfig.publicRegistration()); return field_info; } public String getTime(int end, GolfField myGolfField) { int interval = myGolfField.get_interval(); int openMin = myGolfField.get_open_min(); int openHour = myGolfField.get_open_hour(); String Time = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= end; i++) { if (openMin >= 60) { openMin -= 60; openHour++; } if (openMin < 10) Time = openHour + ":0" + openMin; else Time = openHour + ":" + openMin; openMin += interval; } return Time; } public void noPermission() { Text satyOut = getErrorText(this.localize("start.no_permission", "No permission")); satyOut.setFontSize(4); Table AlignmentTable = new Table(); AlignmentTable.setBorder(0); AlignmentTable.add(Text.getBreak()); AlignmentTable.add(satyOut); AlignmentTable.setAlignment("center"); AlignmentTable.add(Text.getBreak()); AlignmentTable.add(Text.getBreak()); frameTable.empty(); frameTable.add(AlignmentTable); } public void main(IWContext modinfo) throws Exception { this.empty(); myForm = new Form(); frameTable = new Table(); frameTable.setAlignment("center"); frameTable.setWidth("100%"); myForm.add(frameTable); this.add(myForm); this.getParentPage().setTitle( this.localize("start.register_tee_time", "Register tee time")); try { boolean keepOn = true; try { String date = modinfo.getParameter("date"); // String field_id = // modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("field_id").toString(); currentField = modinfo.getParameter("field_id"); currentUnion = modinfo.getParameter("union_id"); if (date == null) { date = (String) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("date"); // String field_id = // modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("field_id").toString(); currentField = (String) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute( "field_id"); currentUnion = (String) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute( "union_id"); } String wmlLock = modinfo.getParameter(PRM_LOCKED_AS_WML_LAYOUT); lockedAsWapLayout = (wmlLock != null && !"".equals(wmlLock)); String bPage = modinfo.getParameter(PRM_BACK_PAGE); if (bPage != null) { try { backPage = Integer.parseInt(bPage); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } try { currentMember = Integer.toString(AccessControl.getMember( modinfo).getID()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out .println("RegisterTime: Unable to load currentMember, NullPointerException: " + e.getMessage()); keepOn = false; this.noPermission(); } currentDay = new IWTimestamp(date); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); keepOn = false; this.noPermission(); } // if(modinfo.getParameter(saveParameterString+".x") != null || // modinfo.getParameter(saveParameterString) != null){ // this.handleFormInfo(modinfo); // } if (keepOn) { myForm.maintainParameter("secure_num"); myForm.maintainParameter("line"); myForm.maintainParameter("date"); myForm.maintainParameter("field_id"); myForm.maintainParameter("union_id"); myForm.maintainParameter(PRM_LOCKED_AS_WML_LAYOUT); myForm.maintainParameter(PRM_BACK_PAGE); int skraMargaInt = 0; String skraMarga = modinfo.getParameter("skraMarga"); int line = Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getParameter("line")); int check = business.countEntriesInGroup(line, currentField, currentDay); if (check > 3) { setErroResponse(myForm, false); } else { if (modinfo.getParameter("secure_num") != null) { handleFormInfo(modinfo); if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { this.empty(); this.add(frameTable); } } else { fieldInfo = business.getFieldConfig(Integer .parseInt(currentField), currentDay); skraMargaInt = Integer.parseInt(skraMarga); if (lockedAsWapLayout || modinfo.isClientHandheld()) { lineUpWMLTable(skraMargaInt, modinfo); } else { lineUpTable(skraMargaInt, modinfo); } } } } else { this.noPermission(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // method main() ends /** * @param backPage * The backPage to set. */ public void setBackPage(int backPage) { this.backPage = backPage; } } // Class ends