package; import java.sql.Timestamp; /** * <p> * Title: idegaWeb</p> <p> * Description: </p> <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001</p> <p> * Company: idega</p> * *@author <a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</a> *@created 15. mars 2002 *@version 1.0 */ public interface InformationCategory { /** * Gets the name attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The name value */ public String getName(); /** * Gets the iD attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The iD value */ public int getID(); /** * Gets the description attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The description value */ public String getDescription(); /** * Gets the valid attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The valid value */ public boolean getValid(); /** * Gets the created attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The created value */ public Timestamp getCreated(); /** * Gets the type attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The type value */ public String getType(); /** * Gets the deleted attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The deleted value */ public boolean getDeleted(); /** * Gets the deletedBy attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The deletedBy value */ public int getDeletedBy(); /** * Gets the deletedWhen attribute of the InformationCategory object * *@return The deletedWhen value */ public Timestamp getDeletedWhen(); }