package org.geogebra.web.web.move.ggtapi.operations; import; /** * @author gabor * * BaseURL for handling url based operations */ public final class BASEURL { /** * the start of the url */ public static final String urlStart = buildBaseURL(); /** * the html that opens the window */ public static final String opener = "html/opener.html"; /** * the callback */ public static final String callbackHTML = "html/ggtcallback.html"; private static String buildBaseURL() { return GWT.getModuleBaseForStaticFiles(); } /** * @return change this concerning what environment the project runs. */ public static String getCallbackUrl() { return BASEURL.urlStart + BASEURL.callbackHTML; } /** * @return the url that will redirect the window to GGT login */ public static String getOpenerUrl() { return BASEURL.urlStart + BASEURL.opener; } }