package org.geogebra.web.keyboard; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.ButtonHandler; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.HasKeyboard; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.KeyBoardButtonBase; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.KeyboardListener; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.KeyboardListener.ArrowType; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.TabbedKeyboard; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.GPopupPanel; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.GuiManagerInterfaceW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.tooltip.ToolTipManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.inputbar.InputBarHelpPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.inputbar.InputBarHelpPopup; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.VirtualKeyboardGUI; import; import; import; /** * Web implementation of onscreen keyboard * * @author Zbynek, based on Balaz's cross-platform model */ public class OnscreenTabbedKeyboard extends TabbedKeyboard implements VirtualKeyboardGUI, ButtonHandler { private KeyboardListener processField; private InputBarHelpPopup helpPopup=null; /** * @param app * keyboard context */ public OnscreenTabbedKeyboard(HasKeyboard app) { buildGUI(this, app); ClickStartHandler.init(this, new ClickStartHandler(true, true) { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { // just stop propagation } }); } private void createHelpPopup() { if (helpPopup != null) { return; } helpPopup = new InputBarHelpPopup((AppW)app, null, "helpPopupAV"); helpPopup.addAutoHidePartner(this.getElement()); helpPopup.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<GPopupPanel>() { @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<GPopupPanel> event) { // TODO handle closing? } }); } public void show() { this.keyboardWanted = true; checkLanguage(); setVisible(true); } public void resetKeyboardState() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setStyleName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void endEditing() { if (processField != null) { processField.endEditing(); } } public void setProcessing(KeyboardListener field) { if (processField != null && processField.getField() != null) { if (field == null || processField.getField() != field.getField()) { endEditing(); } } this.processField = field; } @Override public void onClick(KeyBoardButtonBase btn, PointerEventType type) { ToolTipManagerW.hideAllToolTips(); if (processField == null) { return; } if (btn instanceof KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase && ((KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase) btn).getAction() != null) { KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase button = (KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase) btn; switch (button.getAction()) { case CAPS_LOCK: // removeAccents(); processShift(); break; case BACKSPACE_DELETE: processField.onBackSpace(); break; case RETURN_ENTER: // make sure enter is processed correctly processField.onEnter(); if (processField.resetAfterEnter()) { getUpdateKeyBoardListener().keyBoardNeeded(false, null); } break; case LEFT_CURSOR: processField.onArrow(ArrowType.left); break; case RIGHT_CURSOR: processField.onArrow(ArrowType.right); break; case SWITCH_TO_SPECIAL_SYMBOLS: selectSpecial(); break; case SWITCH_TO_ABC: selectAbc(); break; case SWITCH_KEYBOARD: // String caption = button.getCaption(); // if (caption.equals(GREEK)) { // setToGreekLetters(); // } else if (caption.equals(NUMBER)) { // setKeyboardMode(KeyboardMode.NUMBER); // } else if (caption.equals(TEXT)) { // if (greekActive) { // greekActive = false; // switchABCGreek.setCaption(GREEK); // updateKeys("lowerCase", this.keyboardLocale); // setStyleName(); // } // if (shiftIsDown) { // processShift(); // } // if (accentDown) { // removeAccents(); // } // setKeyboardMode(KeyboardMode.TEXT); // } else if (caption.equals(SPECIAL_CHARS)) { // setKeyboardMode(KeyboardMode.SPECIAL_CHARS); // } else if (caption.equals(PAGE_ONE_OF_TWO)) { // showSecondPage(); // } else if (caption.equals(PAGE_TWO_OF_TWO)) { // showFirstPage(); // } } } else { String text = btn.getFeedback(); if (isAccent(text)) { processAccent(text); } else { processField .insertString(app.getLocalization().getCommand(text)); // TODO processAccent(null); disableCapsLock(); } // if (isAccent(text)) { // processAccent(text, btn); // } else { // processField.insertString(text); // if (accentDown) { // removeAccents(); // } // } // // if (shiftIsDown && !isAccent(text)) { // processShift(); // } processField.setFocus(true); } Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { scrollCursorIntoView(); } }); } }); } /** * Scroll cursor of selected textfield into view */ protected void scrollCursorIntoView() { processField.scrollCursorIntoView(); } public void afterShown(final Runnable runnable) { runOnAnimation(runnable, getElement()); } private native void runOnAnimation(Runnable runnable, root) /*-{ var callback = function() { root.className = root.className.replace(/animating/, ""); runnable.@java.lang.Runnable::run()(); }; if (( || === "") && root.className.match(/animating/)) { root.addEventListener("animationend", callback); return; } window.setTimeout(callback, 0); }-*/; public void prepareShow(boolean animated) { if (animated) { addStyleName("animating"); } show(); } public void remove(final Runnable runnable) { app.updateCenterPanelAndViews(); this.addStyleName("animatingOut"); runOnAnimation(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeFromParent();; } }, getElement()); } public boolean hasTouchFeedback() { return true; } @Override protected void showHelp(int x, int y) { boolean show = helpPopup != null && helpPopup.isShowing(); if (!show) { createHelpPopup(); GuiManagerInterfaceW gm = ((AppW)app).getGuiManager(); InputBarHelpPanelW helpPanel = (InputBarHelpPanelW)(gm.getInputHelpPanel()); updateHelpPosition(helpPanel, x, y); } else if (helpPopup != null) { helpPopup.hide(); } } private void updateHelpPosition(final InputBarHelpPanelW helpPanel, final int x, final int y) { helpPopup.setPopupPositionAndShow(new GPopupPanel.PositionCallback() { @Override public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { doUpdateHelpPosition(helpPanel, x, y, offsetWidth, offsetHeight); } }); } /** * @param helpPanel * help panel * @param x * popup x-coord * @param y * popup y-coord * @param offsetWidth * panel width * @param offsetHeight * panel height */ protected void doUpdateHelpPosition(final InputBarHelpPanelW helpPanel, final int x, final int y, int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { AppW appw = (AppW) app; double scale = appw.getArticleElement().getScaleX(); double renderScale = appw.getArticleElement().getDataParamApp() ? scale : 1; double left = x - appw.getAbsLeft() - helpPanel.getPreferredWidth(scale); helpPopup.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("left", left * renderScale + "px"); int maxOffsetHeight; int totalHeight = (int) appw.getHeight(); int toggleButtonTop = (int) ((y - (int) appw.getAbsTop()) / scale); if (toggleButtonTop < totalHeight / 2) { int top = (toggleButtonTop); maxOffsetHeight = totalHeight - top; helpPopup.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("top", top * renderScale + "px"); helpPopup.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("bottom", "auto"); helpPopup.removeStyleName("helpPopupAVBottom"); helpPopup.addStyleName("helpPopupAV"); } else { int minBottom = appw.isApplet() ? 0 : 10; int bottom = (totalHeight - toggleButtonTop); maxOffsetHeight = bottom > 0 ? totalHeight - bottom : totalHeight - minBottom; helpPopup.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("bottom", (bottom > 0 ? bottom : minBottom) * renderScale + "px"); helpPopup.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("top", "auto"); helpPopup.removeStyleName("helpPopupAV"); helpPopup.addStyleName("helpPopupAVBottom"); } helpPanel.updateGUI(maxOffsetHeight, 1);; } }