package org.geogebra.common.main; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; /** * Color constants for swatches, spreadsheet etc. */ public class GeoGebraColorConstants { // table colors /** background of selected cell */ public static final GColor TABLE_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR = GColor .newColor(214, 224, 245); /** background of selected row / column header */ public static final GColor TABLE_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR_HEADER = GColor.LIGHT_GRAY; /** background of row / column header */ public static final GColor TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_HEADER = GColor .newColor(232, 238, 247); /** grid color for spreadsheet */ public static final GColor TABLE_GRID_COLOR = GColor.GRAY; private static GColor rgb(int r, int g, int b) { return GColor.newColor(r, g, b); } private static GColor rgb(int rgb) { return GColor.newColorRGB(rgb); } // ggb color constants /** violet */ public static final GColor VIOLET = rgb(127, 0, 255); /** lime */ public static final GColor LIME = rgb(191, 255, 0); /** pink */ public static final GColor PINK = rgb(255, 192, 203); /** light orange (wikipedia papaya whip) */ public static final GColor LIGHTORANGE = rgb(255, 239, 213); /** light yellow (wikipedia lemon chiffon) */ public static final GColor LIGHTYELLOW = rgb(255, 250, 205); /** aqua (wikipedia pale aqua) */ public static final GColor AQUA = rgb(188, 212, 230); /** light purple (wikipedia periwinkle) */ public static final GColor LIGHTPURPLE = rgb(204, 204, 255); /** light violet (wikipedia mauve) */ public static final GColor LIGHTVIOLET = rgb(224, 176, 255); /** turqoise (wikipedia pale turquoise) */ public static final GColor TURQUOISE = rgb(175, 238, 238); /** light green (wikipedia tea green) */ public static final GColor LIGHTGREEN = rgb(208, 240, 192); /** maroon */ public static final GColor MAROON = rgb(128, 0, 0); /** * Dark green: don't change: default Angle color */ public static final GColor GGB_GREEN = rgb(0, 100, 0); /** purple */ public static final GColor GGB_PURPLE = rgb(153, 51, 255); /** dark red, for functions */ public static final GColor GGB_RED = rgb(204, 0, 0); /** violet */ public static final GColor GGB_VIOLET = rgb(244, 0, 153); /** intersection point gray */ public static final GColor GGB_GRAY = rgb(102, 102, 102); /** polygon brown */ public static final GColor GGB_BROWN = rgb(153, 51, 0); /** intersection line orange */ public static final GColor GGB_ORANGE = rgb(255, 85, 0); /** * Light blue: don't change: default Point on path color */ public static final GColor LIGHTBLUE = rgb(125, 125, 255); /** gold */ public static final GColor GOLD = GColor.newColor(255, 215, 0); /** dark blue (wikipedia persian blue) */ public static final GColor DARKBLUE = rgb(28, 57, 187); /** indigo */ public static final GColor INDIGO = rgb(75, 0, 130); /** purple */ public static final GColor PURPLE = rgb(128, 0, 128); /** crimson */ public static final GColor CRIMSON = rgb(220, 20, 60); /** 87.5% gray */ public static final GColor GRAY7 = grayN(7); /** 75% gray (silver) */ public static final GColor GRAY6 = grayN(6); /** 62.5% gray */ public static final GColor GRAY5 = grayN(5); /** 50% gray */ public static final GColor GRAY4 = grayN(4); /** 37.5% gray */ public static final GColor GRAY3 = grayN(3); /** 25% gray */ public static final GColor GRAY2 = grayN(2); /** 12.5% gray */ public static final GColor GRAY1 = grayN(1); /** 87.5% gray */ public static final GColor DARK_GRAY = GRAY7; /** 37.5% gray */ public static final GColor LIGHT_GRAY = GRAY3; /** 75% gray */ public static final GColor SILVER = GRAY6; // input coloring /** defined objects (violet) */ public static final GColor DEFINED_OBJECT_COLOR = GColor.newColor(102, 102, 255); /** undefined objects */ public static final GColor UNDEFINED_OBJECT_COLOR = GRAY3; /** local objects (local variables, blue) */ public static final GColor LOCAL_OBJECT_COLOR = GColor.newColor(0, 102, 255); /** unbalanced brackets */ public static final GColor UNBALANCED_BRACKET_COLOR = GColor.RED; /** balanced bracket (green) */ public static final GColor BALANCED_BRACKET_COLOR = GColor.newColor(0, 127, 0); /** text mode */ public static final GColor INPUT_TEXT_COLOR = GRAY4; /** default color */ public static final GColor INPUT_DEFAULT_COLOR = GColor.BLACK; /** MOW Colors */ public static final GColor MOW_PURPLE_DARK = GColor.newColor(103, 58, 183); public static final GColor MOW_TEAL = GColor.newColor(0, 150, 136); public static final GColor MOW_CARROT = GColor.newColor(230, 126, 34); /** * HashMap recording RGB color values with named colors key = color name * from value = RBG color */ private static volatile HashMap<String, GColor> geogebraColor = null; // must // be // declared // volatile private static final Object lock = new Object(); /** * initialize (once) only if needed * * @return map of internal lowercase strings to GColors */ public static HashMap<String, GColor> getGeoGebraColors() { if (geogebraColor == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (geogebraColor == null) { // have to do this inside the sync HashMap<String, GColor> geogebraColor0 = new HashMap<String, GColor>(); // primary geogebraColor0.put("red", GColor.RED); geogebraColor0.put("orange", GColor.ORANGE); geogebraColor0.put("yellow", GColor.YELLOW); geogebraColor0.put("green", GColor.GREEN); geogebraColor0.put("cyan", GColor.CYAN); geogebraColor0.put("blue", GColor.BLUE); geogebraColor0.put("violet", VIOLET); geogebraColor0.put("magenta", GColor.MAGENTA); geogebraColor0.put("lime", LIME); // light primary geogebraColor0.put("pink", PINK); geogebraColor0.put("lightorange", LIGHTORANGE); geogebraColor0.put("lightyellow", LIGHTYELLOW); geogebraColor0.put("aqua", AQUA); geogebraColor0.put("lightpurple", LIGHTPURPLE); geogebraColor0.put("lightviolet", LIGHTVIOLET); geogebraColor0.put("turquoise", TURQUOISE); geogebraColor0.put("lightgreen", LIGHTGREEN); geogebraColor0.put("darkblue", DARKBLUE); // dark primary geogebraColor0.put("maroon", MAROON); geogebraColor0.put("brown", GGB_BROWN); geogebraColor0.put("gold", GOLD); geogebraColor0.put("darkgreen", GGB_GREEN); geogebraColor0.put("lightblue", LIGHTBLUE); geogebraColor0.put("indigo", INDIGO); geogebraColor0.put("purple", PURPLE); geogebraColor0.put("crimson", CRIMSON); // white/gray/black geogebraColor0.put("white", GColor.WHITE); geogebraColor0.put("black", GColor.BLACK); geogebraColor0.put("gray7", GRAY7); geogebraColor0.put("gray6", GRAY6); geogebraColor0.put("gray5", GRAY5); geogebraColor0.put("gray", GRAY4); geogebraColor0.put("gray3", GRAY3); geogebraColor0.put("gray2", GRAY2); geogebraColor0.put("gray1", GRAY1); geogebraColor0.put("darkgray", DARK_GRAY); geogebraColor0.put("lightgray", LIGHT_GRAY); geogebraColor0.put("silver", SILVER); geogebraColor = geogebraColor0; } } } return geogebraColor; } /** popup color menu type: standard */ public static final int COLORSET_STANDARD = 0; /** popup color menu type: background */ public static final int COLORSET_BGCOLOR = 1; /** * Reverse lookup for GeoGebraColors key = RBG color value = color name from * */ private static volatile HashMap<GColor, String> geogebraColorReverse = null; private static HashMap<GColor, String> getGeoGebraColorReverse() { if (geogebraColorReverse == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock2) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (geogebraColorReverse == null) { // have to do this inside // the sync HashMap<GColor, String> geogebraColorReverse0 = new HashMap<GColor, String>(); for (Entry<String, GColor> entry : getGeoGebraColors() .entrySet()) { geogebraColorReverse0.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } geogebraColorReverse = geogebraColorReverse0; } } } return geogebraColorReverse; } /** * Returns Color object corresponding with given GeoGebra color name string * * @param app * application * @param colorName * localized color name * @return Color object corresponding with given GeoGebra color name string */ public static GColor getGeogebraColor(App app, String colorName) { getGeoGebraColors(); GColor ret = geogebraColor.get(StringUtil.toLowerCase(colorName)); if (ret == null) { ret = geogebraColor .get(app.getLocalization().reverseGetColor(colorName)); } if (ret == null) { // will need only English characters ret = htmlColorMap().get(colorName.toUpperCase()); } return ret; } /** * Returns GeoGebra color name string corresponding with given Color object * * @param app * application * @param color * color * @return GeoGebra color name string corresponding with given Color object */ public static String getGeogebraColorName(App app, GColor color) { return app.getLocalization() .getColor(getGeoGebraColorReverse().get(color)); } /** * Returns a gray Color where the gray hue is determined by n, an integer * from 1-7. Gray, in RGB values, is given by red = green = blue = (256 - * 32*n) For example: n = 7 gives RGB[32,32,32], v. dark gray n = 6 gives * RGB[64,64,64], dark gray ... n = 1 gives RGB[224,224,224] v.light gray * * @param n * @return */ private static GColor grayN(int n) { int grayN = 256 - 32 * n; return rgb(grayN, grayN, grayN); } private static volatile GColor[] primaryColors = null; private static GColor[] getPrimaryColors() { if (primaryColors == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock2) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (primaryColors == null) { // have to do this inside the // sync getGeoGebraColors(); GColor[] primaryColors0 = new GColor[9]; primaryColors0[0] = geogebraColor.get("red"); primaryColors0[1] = geogebraColor.get("orange"); primaryColors0[2] = geogebraColor.get("yellow"); primaryColors0[3] = geogebraColor.get("lime"); primaryColors0[4] = geogebraColor.get("green"); primaryColors0[5] = geogebraColor.get("cyan"); primaryColors0[6] = geogebraColor.get("blue"); primaryColors0[7] = geogebraColor.get("violet"); primaryColors0[8] = geogebraColor.get("magenta"); primaryColors = primaryColors0; } } } return primaryColors; } private static volatile GColor[] lightPrimaryColors = null; private static GColor[] getLightPrimaryColors() { if (lightPrimaryColors == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock2) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (lightPrimaryColors == null) { // have to do this inside the // sync getGeoGebraColors(); GColor[] lightPrimaryColors0 = new GColor[9]; lightPrimaryColors0[0] = null; // for the null icon symbol // (for removing // bgcolor) lightPrimaryColors0[1] = geogebraColor.get("pink"); lightPrimaryColors0[2] = geogebraColor.get("lightorange"); lightPrimaryColors0[3] = geogebraColor.get("lightyellow"); lightPrimaryColors0[4] = geogebraColor.get("lightgreen"); lightPrimaryColors0[5] = geogebraColor.get("turquoise"); lightPrimaryColors0[6] = geogebraColor.get("aqua"); lightPrimaryColors0[7] = geogebraColor.get("lightpurple"); lightPrimaryColors0[8] = geogebraColor.get("lightviolet"); lightPrimaryColors = lightPrimaryColors0; } } } return lightPrimaryColors; } private static volatile GColor[] darkPrimaryColors = null; private static GColor[] getDarkPrimaryColors() { if (darkPrimaryColors == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock2) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (darkPrimaryColors == null) { // have to do this inside the // sync getGeoGebraColors(); GColor[] darkPrimaryColors0 = new GColor[9]; darkPrimaryColors0[0] = geogebraColor.get("maroon"); darkPrimaryColors0[1] = geogebraColor.get("brown"); darkPrimaryColors0[2] = geogebraColor.get("gold"); darkPrimaryColors0[3] = geogebraColor.get("darkgreen"); darkPrimaryColors0[4] = geogebraColor.get("lightblue"); darkPrimaryColors0[5] = geogebraColor.get("purple"); darkPrimaryColors0[6] = geogebraColor.get("indigo"); darkPrimaryColors0[7] = geogebraColor.get("crimson"); darkPrimaryColors0[8] = geogebraColor.get("pink"); darkPrimaryColors = darkPrimaryColors0; } } } return darkPrimaryColors; } private static volatile GColor[] grayColors = null; private static final Object lock2 = new Object(); private static GColor[] getGrayColors() { if (grayColors == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock2) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (grayColors == null) { // have to do this inside the sync GColor[] grayColors0 = new GColor[9]; grayColors0[0] = getGeoGebraColors().get("white"); grayColors0[1] = grayN(1); grayColors0[2] = grayN(2); grayColors0[3] = grayN(3); grayColors0[4] = grayN(4); grayColors0[5] = grayN(5); grayColors0[6] = grayN(6); grayColors0[7] = grayN(7); grayColors0[8] = getGeoGebraColors().get("black"); grayColors = grayColors0; } } } return grayColors; } /** * Returns array of localized color names * * @param app * application * @param color * colors * @return array of localized color names */ public static String[] getColorNames(App app, GColor[] color) { String[] s = new String[color.length]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { s[i] = getGeogebraColorName(app, color[i]); } return s; } /** * Returns array of colors for color popup menus * * @param colorSetType * COLORSET_* (background or primary) * @return array of colors for color popup menus */ public static GColor[] getPopupArray(int colorSetType) { GColor[] popupColors = new GColor[27]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (colorSetType == COLORSET_STANDARD) { // first row popupColors[i] = getPrimaryColors()[i]; // second row popupColors[i + 9] = getDarkPrimaryColors()[i]; // third row popupColors[i + 18] = getGrayColors()[i]; } if (colorSetType == COLORSET_BGCOLOR) { // first row popupColors[i] = getLightPrimaryColors()[i]; // second row popupColors[i + 9] = getPrimaryColors()[i]; // third row popupColors[i + 18] = getGrayColors()[i]; } } return popupColors; } /** * Returns array of colors for color popup menus * * @param colorSetType * COLORSET_* (background or primary) * @return array of colors for color popup menus */ public static GColor[] getSimplePopupArray(int colorSetType) { GColor[] popupColors = new GColor[10]; popupColors[0] = GGB_GREEN; popupColors[1] = GColor.BLUE; popupColors[2] = GGB_PURPLE; popupColors[3] = GGB_VIOLET;// rgb(244, 0, 153); popupColors[4] = GGB_RED; popupColors[5] = GColor.BLACK; popupColors[6] = GGB_GRAY;// rgb(102, 102, 102); popupColors[7] = GGB_BROWN; // rgb(153, 51, 0); popupColors[8] = GGB_ORANGE;// rgb(255, 85, 0); popupColors[9] = null; // placeholder for (...) button return popupColors; } /** * Returns array of colors for MOW color popup. * * @return array of colors for MOW color popup. */ public static GColor[] getMOWPopupArray() { GColor[] popupColors = new GColor[5]; popupColors[0] = GColor.BLACK; popupColors[1] = MOW_PURPLE_DARK; popupColors[2] = MOW_TEAL; popupColors[3] = MOW_CARROT; // popupColors[0] = GGB_GREEN; // popupColors[1] = GColor.BLUE; // popupColors[2] = GGB_PURPLE; // popupColors[3] = GGB_VIOLET;// rgb(244, 0, 153); popupColors[4] = null; // placeholder for (...) button return popupColors; } /** * Array of colors intended for the primary color swatch panel of the * GeoGebraColorChooser class. * * @return array of colors intended for the primary color swatch panel */ public static GColor[] getPrimarySwatchColors() { GColor[] primColors = new GColor[18]; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i = i + 2) { // first row primColors[i] = getGrayColors()[i / 2]; primColors[i + 1] = getPrimaryColors()[i / 2]; } return primColors; } /** * Array of colors intended for the main color swatch panel of the * GeoGebraColorChooser class. */ public static GColor[] mainColorSwatchColors = { // Row 1 RED related colors PINK, rgb(255, 153, 204), rgb(255, 102, 153), rgb(255, 51, 102), rgb(255, 0, 51), GGB_RED, MAROON, rgb(51, 0, 0), // Row 2 ORANGE related colors LIGHTORANGE, rgb(255, 204, 51), rgb(255, 153, 0), rgb(255, 153, 51), rgb(255, 102, 0), rgb(204, 102, 0), rgb(153, 102, 0), rgb(51, 51, 0), // Row 3 YELLOW related colors LIGHTYELLOW, rgb(255, 255, 153), rgb(255, 255, 102), GOLD, rgb(255, 204, 102), rgb(204, 153, 0), GGB_BROWN, rgb(102, 51, 0), // Row 4 YELLOW-GREEN ("LIME") related colors rgb(204, 255, 204), rgb(204, 255, 102), rgb(153, 255, 0), rgb(153, 204, 0), rgb(102, 204, 0), rgb(102, 153, 0), rgb(51, 153, 0), rgb(0, 102, 51), // Row 5 GREEN related colors LIGHTGREEN, rgb(153, 255, 153), rgb(102, 255, 0), rgb(51, 255, 0), rgb(0, 204, 0), rgb(0, 153, 0), GGB_GREEN, rgb(0, 51, 0), // Row 6 CYAN related colors TURQUOISE, rgb(153, 255, 255), rgb(51, 255, 204), rgb(0, 153, 255), rgb(0, 153, 204), rgb(0, 102, 153), rgb(0, 51, 204), rgb(0, 51, 153), // Row 7 BLUE related colors AQUA, rgb(153, 204, 255), rgb(102, 204, 255), rgb(102, 153, 255), rgb(125, 125, 255), rgb(51, 51, 255), rgb(0, 0, 204), rgb(0, 0, 51), // Row 8 VIOLET related colors LIGHTPURPLE, rgb(204, 153, 255), rgb(204, 102, 255), rgb(153, 102, 255), rgb(102, 0, 204), PURPLE, INDIGO, rgb(51, 0, 51), // Row 9 MAGENTA related colors LIGHTVIOLET, rgb(255, 153, 255), rgb(255, 153, 153), rgb(255, 51, 204), CRIMSON, rgb(204, 0, 102), rgb(153, 0, 51), rgb(102, 0, 153), }; private static volatile HashMap<String, GColor> colors = null; /** * initialize (once) only when needed * * @return map HTML name => color */ public static final HashMap<String, GColor> htmlColorMap() { if (colors == null) { // avoid sync penalty if we can synchronized (lock) { // declare a private static Object to use for // mutex if (colors == null) { // have to do this inside the sync // findbugs DC_PARTIALLY_CONSTRUCTED HashMap<String, GColor> colors0 = new HashMap<String, GColor>(); // HTML 3.2 // colors0.put("AQUA", rgb(0x00FFFF)); // colors0.put("BLACK", rgb(0x000000)); // colors0.put("BLUE", rgb(0x0000FF)); colors0.put("FUCHSIA", rgb(0xFF00FF)); // colors0.put("GRAY", rgb(0x808080)); // colors0.put("GREEN", rgb(0x008000)); // colors0.put("LIME", rgb(0x00FF00)); // colors0.put("MAROON", rgb(0x800000)); colors0.put("NAVY", rgb(0x000080)); colors0.put("OLIVE", rgb(0x808000)); // colors0.put("PURPLE", rgb(0x800080)); // colors0.put("RED", rgb(0xFF0000)); // colors0.put("SILVER", rgb(0xC0C0C0)); colors0.put("TEAL", rgb(0x008080)); // colors0.put("WHITE", rgb(0xFFFFFF)); // colors0.put("YELLOW", rgb(0xFFFF00)); colors0.put("ALICEBLUE", rgb(0xEFF7FF)); colors0.put("ANTIQUEWHITE", rgb(0xF9E8D2)); colors0.put("AQUAMARINE", rgb(0x43B7BA)); colors0.put("AZURE", rgb(0xEFFFFF)); colors0.put("BEIGE", rgb(0xF5F3D7)); colors0.put("BISQUE", rgb(0xFDE0BC)); colors0.put("BLANCHEDALMOND", rgb(0xFEE8C6)); colors0.put("BLUEVIOLET", rgb(0x7931DF)); // colors0.put("BROWN", rgb(0x980516)); colors0.put("BURLYWOOD", rgb(0xEABE83)); colors0.put("CADETBLUE", rgb(0x578693)); colors0.put("CHARTREUSE", rgb(0x8AFB17)); colors0.put("CHOCOLATE", rgb(0xC85A17)); colors0.put("CORAL", rgb(0xF76541)); colors0.put("CORNFLOWERBLUE", rgb(0x151B8D)); colors0.put("CORNSILK", rgb(0xFFF7D7)); // colors0.put("CRIMSON", rgb(0xE41B17)); colors0.put("CYAN", rgb(0x00FFFF)); // colors0.put("DARKBLUE", rgb(0x2F2F4F)); colors0.put("DARKCYAN", rgb(0x57FEFF)); colors0.put("DARKGOLDENROD", rgb(0xAF7817)); // colors0.put("DARKGRAY", rgb(0x7A7777)); // colors0.put("DARKGREEN", rgb(0x254117)); colors0.put("DARKKHAKI", rgb(0xB7AD59)); colors0.put("DARKMAGENTA", rgb(0xF43EFF)); colors0.put("DARKOLIVEGREEN", rgb(0xCCFB5D)); colors0.put("DARKORANGE", rgb(0xF88017)); colors0.put("DARKORCHID", rgb(0x7D1B7E)); colors0.put("DARKRED", rgb(0xE41B17)); colors0.put("DARKSALMON", rgb(0xE18B6B)); colors0.put("DARKSEAGREEN", rgb(0x8BB381)); colors0.put("DARKSLATEBLUE", rgb(0x2B3856)); colors0.put("DARKSLATEGRAY", rgb(0x253856)); colors0.put("DARKTURQUOISE", rgb(0x3B9C9C)); colors0.put("DARKVIOLET", rgb(0x842DCE)); colors0.put("DEEPPINK", rgb(0xF52887)); colors0.put("DEEPSKYBLUE", rgb(0x3BB9FF)); colors0.put("DIMGRAY", rgb(0x463E41)); colors0.put("DODGERBLUE", rgb(0x1589FF)); colors0.put("FIREBRICK", rgb(0x800517)); colors0.put("FLORALWHITE", rgb(0xFFF9EE)); colors0.put("FORESTGREEN", rgb(0x4E9258)); colors0.put("GAINSBORO", rgb(0xD8D9D7)); colors0.put("GHOSTWHITE", rgb(0xF7F7FF)); // colors0.put("GOLD", rgb(0xD4A017)); colors0.put("GOLDENROD", rgb(0xEDDA74)); colors0.put("GREENYELLOW", rgb(0xB1FB17)); colors0.put("HONEYDEW", rgb(0xF0FEEE)); colors0.put("INDIANRED", rgb(0x5E2217)); // colors0.put("INDIGO", rgb(0x307D7E)); colors0.put("IVORY", rgb(0xFFFFEE)); colors0.put("KHAKI", rgb(0xADA96E)); colors0.put("LAVENDER", rgb(0xE3E4FA)); colors0.put("LAVENDERBLUSH", rgb(0xFDEEF4)); colors0.put("LAWNGREEN", rgb(0x87F717)); colors0.put("LEMONCHIFFON", rgb(0xFFF8C6)); // colors0.put("LIGHTBLUE", rgb(0xADDFFF)); colors0.put("LIGHTCORAL", rgb(0xE77471)); colors0.put("LIGHTCYAN", rgb(0xE0FFFF)); colors0.put("LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW", rgb(0xFAF8CC)); // colors0.put("LIGHTGREEN", rgb(0xCCFFCC)); // colors0.put("LIGHTGRAY", Color.LIGHT_GRAY); colors0.put("LIGHTPINK", rgb(0xFAAFBA)); colors0.put("LIGHTSALMON", rgb(0xF9966B)); colors0.put("LIGHTSEAGREEN", rgb(0x3EA99F)); colors0.put("LIGHTSKYBLUE", rgb(0x82CAFA)); colors0.put("LIGHTSLATEGRAY", rgb(0x6D7B8D)); colors0.put("LIGHTSTEELBLUE", rgb(0x728FCE)); // colors0.put("LIGHTYELLOW", rgb(0xFFFEDC)); colors0.put("LIMEGREEN", rgb(0x41A317)); colors0.put("LINEN", rgb(0xF9EEE2)); // colors0.put("MAGENTA", rgb(0xFF00FF)); colors0.put("MEDIUMAQUAMARINE", rgb(0x348781)); colors0.put("MEDIUMBLUE", rgb(0x152DC6)); colors0.put("MEDIUMORCHID", rgb(0xB048B5)); colors0.put("MEDIUMPURPLE", rgb(0x8467D7)); colors0.put("MEDIUMSEAGREEN", rgb(0x306754)); colors0.put("MEDIUMSLATEBLUE", rgb(0x5E5A80)); colors0.put("MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN", rgb(0x348017)); colors0.put("MEDIUMTURQUOISE", rgb(0x48CCCD)); colors0.put("MEDIUMVIOLETRED", rgb(0xCA226B)); colors0.put("MIDNIGHTBLUE", rgb(0x151B54)); colors0.put("MINTCREAM", rgb(0xF5FFF9)); colors0.put("MISTYROSE", rgb(0xFDE1DD)); colors0.put("MOCCASIN", rgb(0xFDE0AC)); colors0.put("NAVAJOWHITE", rgb(0xFDDAA3)); colors0.put("OLDLACE", rgb(0xFCF3E2)); colors0.put("OLIVEDRAB", rgb(0x658017)); // colors0.put("ORANGE", rgb(0xF87A17)); colors0.put("ORANGERED", rgb(0xF63817)); colors0.put("ORCHID", rgb(0xE57DED)); colors0.put("PALEGOLDENROD", rgb(0xEDE49E)); colors0.put("PALETURQUOISE", rgb(0xAEEBEC)); colors0.put("PALEVIOLETRED", rgb(0xD16587)); colors0.put("PAPAYAWHIP", rgb(0xFEECCF)); colors0.put("PEACHPUFF", rgb(0xFCD5B0)); colors0.put("PERU", rgb(0xC57726)); // colors0.put("PINK", rgb(0xFAAFBE)); colors0.put("PLUM", rgb(0xB93B8F)); colors0.put("POWDERBLUE", rgb(0xADDCE3)); colors0.put("ROSYBROWN", rgb(0xB38481)); colors0.put("ROYALBLUE", rgb(0x2B60DE)); colors0.put("SADDLEBROWN", rgb(0xF63526)); colors0.put("SALMON", rgb(0xF88158)); colors0.put("SANDYBROWN", rgb(0xEE9A4D)); colors0.put("SEAGREEN", rgb(0x4E8975)); colors0.put("SEASHELL", rgb(0xFEF3EB)); colors0.put("SIENNA", rgb(0x8A4117)); colors0.put("SKYBLUE", rgb(0x6698FF)); colors0.put("SLATEBLUE", rgb(0x737CA1)); colors0.put("SLATEGRAY", rgb(0x657383)); colors0.put("SNOW", rgb(0xFFF9FA)); colors0.put("SPRINGGREEN", rgb(0x4AA02C)); colors0.put("STEELBLUE", rgb(0x4863A0)); colors0.put("TAN", rgb(0xD8AF79)); colors0.put("THISTLE", rgb(0xD2B9D3)); colors0.put("TOMATO", rgb(0xF75431)); // colors0.put("TURQUOISE", rgb(0x43C6DB)); // colors0.put("VIOLET", rgb(0x8D38C9)); colors0.put("WHEAT", rgb(0xF3DAA9)); colors0.put("WHITESMOKE", rgb(0xFFFFFF)); colors0.put("YELLOWGREEN", rgb(0x52D017)); colors = colors0; } } } return colors; } }