package org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.tooltip; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.web.html5.css.GuiResourcesSimple; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.CancelEventTimer; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickEndHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p> * Singleton class that maintains a GWT panel for displaying toolTips. * </p> * * <p> * Design is adapted from Java's ToolTipManager. ToolTip behavior should follow * this description from the Java source code: * </p> * * <p> * "ToolTipManager contains numerous properties for configuring how long it will * take for the tooltips to become visible, and how long till they hide. * Consider a component that has a different tooltip based on where the mouse * is, such as JTree. When the mouse moves into the JTree and over a region that * has a valid tooltip, the tooltip will become visible after initialDelay * milliseconds. After dismissDelay milliseconds the tooltip will be hidden. If * the mouse is over a region that has a valid tooltip, and the tooltip is * currently visible, when the mouse moves to a region that doesn't have a valid * tooltip the tooltip will be hidden. If the mouse then moves back into a * region that has a valid tooltip within reshowDelay milliseconds, the tooltip * will immediately be shown, otherwise the tooltip will be shown again after * initialDelay milliseconds." * </p> * * @author G. Sturr */ public final class ToolTipManagerW { /** * The toolTip can include a link. depending on the type of the link, * another picture has to be added. */ public enum ToolTipLinkType { /** * question mark */ Help, /** * TODO another picture is needed */ ViewSavedFile; } private AppW app; private SimplePanel tipPanel; private HTML tipHTML; private TooltipPanel bottomInfoTipPanel; private HTML bottomInfoTipHTML; private String questionMark; private String viewSavedFile; private Label helpLabel; private String oldText = ""; /** last mouse x coord */ int mouseX = 0; /** last mouse y coord */ int mouseY = 0; private Timer timer; private boolean blockToolTip = true; /** * Time, in milliseconds, to delay showing a toolTip. * * Java default = 1750, // maybe we use a quicker 1000? */ private int initialDelay = 1750; /** * Time, in milliseconds, to allow the toolTip to remain visible. * * Java default = 4000. */ private int dismissDelay = 4000; /** * Time, in milliseconds, to allow showing a new toolTip immediately, with * no delay. After this delay has expired, toolTips are shown with an * initial delay. * * Java default = 500; */ private int reshowDelay = 500; /** * Flag to enable/disable a delay time before showing a toolTip. * */ boolean enableDelay = true; /** * Flag to prevent a toolTip delay, even if an initial delay has been * enabled. This is helpful when the mouse is moved around nearby objects * and the initial delay is annoying to the user. */ boolean showImmediately = false; /** * HTML element associated with the toolTip. The toolTip will be positioned * relative to this element. */ private Element tipElement; private static boolean enabled = true; private String helpURL; /** Singleton instance of ToolTipManager. */ final static ToolTipManagerW sharedInstance = new ToolTipManagerW(); /***************************************************** * Constructor */ private ToolTipManagerW() { initTooltipManagerW(); } /** * All methods are accessed from this instance. * * @return Singleton instance of this class */ public static ToolTipManagerW sharedInstance() { return sharedInstance; } private void initTooltipManagerW() { if (tipPanel != null || !enabled) { return; } createTipElements(); createBottomInfoTipElements(); registerMouseListeners(); } private void createTipElements() { tipHTML = new HTML(); tipHTML.setStyleName("toolTipHTML"); tipPanel = new SimplePanel(); tipPanel.setStyleName("ToolTip"); tipPanel.add(tipHTML); tipPanel.setVisible(false); RootPanel.get().add(tipPanel); } private void createBottomInfoTipElements() { bottomInfoTipHTML = new HTML(); bottomInfoTipHTML.setStyleName("infoText"); questionMark = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.questionMark().getSafeUri() .asString(); viewSavedFile = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.viewSaved().getSafeUri() .asString(); bottomInfoTipPanel = new TooltipPanel(); bottomInfoTipPanel.setStyleName("infoTooltip"); bottomInfoTipPanel.add(bottomInfoTipHTML); bottomInfoTipPanel.setVisible(false); RootPanel.get().add(bottomInfoTipPanel); ClickEndHandler.init(bottomInfoTipPanel, new ClickEndHandler() { @Override public void onClickEnd(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { openHelp(); } }); } /** * Open current help URL in browser / webview */ void openHelp() { if (helpURL != null && app != null) { app.getFileManager().open(helpURL); hideAllToolTips(); } } /** * @return whether tooltips are blocked */ public boolean isToolTipBlocked() { return blockToolTip; } /** * @param blockToolTip * whether to block tooltips */ public void setBlockToolTip(boolean blockToolTip) { this.blockToolTip = blockToolTip; } // ===================================== // BottomInfoToolTip // ===================================== /** * @param text * String * @param helpLinkURL * String * @param link * {@link ToolTipLinkType} * @param app * app for positioning * @param kb * whether keyboard is open */ public void showBottomInfoToolTip(String text, final String helpLinkURL, ToolTipLinkType link, AppW app, boolean kb) { if (blockToolTip || app == null) { return; } = app; bottomInfoTipPanel.removeFromParent(); app.getPanel().add(bottomInfoTipPanel); bottomInfoTipHTML.setHTML(text); if (helpLabel != null) { bottomInfoTipPanel.remove(helpLabel); } boolean online = app.getNetworkOperation() == null || app.getNetworkOperation().isOnline(); this.helpURL = helpLinkURL; if (app.isExam() && app.getExam().getStart() >= 0) { this.helpURL = null; } if (helpURL != null && helpURL.length() > 0 && link != null && online) { helpLabel = new Label(); if (link.equals(ToolTipLinkType.Help)) { helpLabel.getElement().getStyle() .setBackgroundImage("url(" + this.questionMark + ")"); } else if (link.equals(ToolTipLinkType.ViewSavedFile)) { helpLabel.getElement().getStyle() .setBackgroundImage("url(" + this.viewSavedFile + ")"); } // IE and FF block popups if they are comming from mousedown, so use // mouseup instead helpLabel.addStyleName("manualLink"); /* * In "exam" mode the question mark is not shown */ if (!(app.isExam() && app.getExam().getStart() >= 0)) { bottomInfoTipPanel.add(helpLabel); } } bottomInfoTipPanel.setVisible(true); // Helps to align the InfoTooltip in the center of the screen: Style style = bottomInfoTipPanel.getElement().getStyle(); style.setLeft(0, Unit.PX); double left = (app.getWidth() - bottomInfoTipPanel.getOffsetWidth()) / 2; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } // Toolbar on bottom - tooltip needs to be positioned higher so it // doesn't overlap with the toolbar if (app.getToolbarPosition() == SwingConstants.SOUTH) { style.setLeft(left * 1.5, Unit.PX); style.setTop( (app.getHeight() - (kb ? 250 : 70) - 50) - 20 * lines(text), Unit.PX); // Toolbar on top } else { style.setLeft(left, Unit.PX); style.setTop((app.getHeight() - (kb ? 250 : 70)) - 20 * lines(text), Unit.PX); } if (link == ToolTipLinkType.Help && helpURL != null && helpURL.length() > 0) { scheduleHideBottom(); } } private static int lines(String text) { int lines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if ('\n' == text.charAt(i)) { lines++; } } return lines; } /** * displays the given message * * @param text * String * @param closeAutomatic * whether the message should be closed automatically after * dismissDelay milliseconds * @param app * application */ public void showBottomMessage(String text, boolean closeAutomatic, AppW app) { if (text == null || "".equals(text)) { hideBottomInfoToolTip(); return; } blockToolTip = false; showBottomInfoToolTip(StringUtil.toHTMLString(text), "", null, app, app .getAppletFrame() .isKeyboardShowing()); blockToolTip = true; if (closeAutomatic) { scheduleHideBottom(); } } private void scheduleHideBottom() { cancelTimer(); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { hideBottomInfoToolTip(); } }; timer.schedule(dismissDelay); } /** * Hide the bottom tooltip */ public void hideBottomInfoToolTip() { cancelTimer(); bottomInfoTipPanel.removeFromParent(); } // ===================================== // Getters/Setters // ===================================== /** * @return time, in milliseconds, to wait before showing toolTip */ public int getInitialDelay() { return initialDelay; } /** * Set initial delay time. * * @param initialDelay * time, in milliseconds, to wait before showing toolTip */ public void setInitialDelay(int initialDelay) { this.initialDelay = initialDelay; } /** * @return time, in milliseconds, to wait before hiding toolTip * */ public int getDismissDelay() { return dismissDelay; } /** * Set dismissDelay time * * @param dismissDelay * time, in milliseconds, to wait before hiding toolTip */ public void setDismissDelay(int dismissDelay) { this.dismissDelay = dismissDelay; } /** * Set flag to enable/disable delay timers * * @param enableDelay * If true, timers manage toolTip visibility. If false, the * toolTip is shown immediately without automatic hiding. */ public void setEnableDelay(boolean enableDelay) { this.enableDelay = enableDelay; } // ===================================== // Mouse Listeners // ===================================== /** * Register mouse listeners to keep track of the mouse position and hide the * toolTip on a mouseDown event. */ private void registerMouseListeners() { if (!enabled) { return; } // Closing tooltips is done in AppW.closePopups Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new NativePreviewHandler() { @Override public void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) { NativeEvent e = event.getNativeEvent(); if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONTOUCHSTART) { CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } mouseX = e.getClientX(); mouseY = e.getClientY(); } }); } // ====================================== // ToolTip location // ====================================== /** * Set the toolTip widget location using the tipElement location or, if this * is null, use current mouse coordinates. */ void setToolTipLocation() { int left, top, topAbove; // get initial position from associated tip element or, // if this is null, from mouse coordinates if (tipElement == null) { left = Window.getScrollLeft() + mouseX; topAbove = top = Window.getScrollTop() + mouseY + 18; } else { left = tipElement.getAbsoluteLeft(); top = tipElement.getAbsoluteBottom(); topAbove = tipElement.getAbsoluteTop(); } // handle toolTip overflow at left and bottom edge int w = tipPanel.getOffsetWidth(); int windowLeft = RootPanel.get().getAbsoluteLeft() + RootPanel.get().getOffsetWidth(); if (left + w > windowLeft) { left = left - w; } int h = tipPanel.getOffsetHeight(); int windowBottom = RootPanel.get().getAbsoluteTop() + RootPanel.get().getOffsetHeight(); if (top + h > windowBottom) { top = topAbove - h; } // set the toolTip location RootPanel.get().setWidgetPosition(tipPanel, left, top); } // ====================================== // Show/Hide ToolTip // ====================================== /** * Show toolTip relative to a given element * * @param element * element associated with tooltip * @param toolTipText * text to be displayed */ public void showToolTip(Element element, String toolTipText) { if (!enabled) { return; } tipElement = element; if (tipElement == null) { hideToolTip(); return; } showToolTipWithDelay(toolTipText); } /** * Show toolTip using mouse coordinates. * * @param toolTipText * text to be displayed */ public void showToolTip(String toolTipText) { if (!enabled) { return; } tipElement = null; showToolTipWithDelay(toolTipText); } private void showToolTipWithDelay(String toolTipText) { if (oldText.equals(toolTipText)) { return; } if (toolTipText == null) { hideToolTip(); return; } oldText = toolTipText; tipHTML.setHTML(toolTipText); if (enableDelay && !showImmediately) { setInitialDelayTimer(); } else { show(); } } /** * Show the toolTip. */ void show() { if (!enabled) { return; } // tipPanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("visibility", // "visible"); tipPanel.setVisible(true); // locate and show the toolTip setToolTipLocation(); // set to immediate mode so that toolTips for nearby elements will not // be delayed showImmediately = true; // set the dismiss timer if (enableDelay) { setDismissDelayTimer(); } } /** * Hide the toolTip. */ public void hideToolTip() { if (!enabled) { return; } // exit if toolTip is already hidden if (!tipPanel.isVisible() && "".equals(oldText)) { return; } tipHTML.setHTML(""); oldText = ""; // tipPanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("visibility", "hidden"); tipPanel.setVisible(false); // cancel the timer in case of a delayed call to show() cancelTimer(); // but, if in immediate mode, reset the reshow timer if (showImmediately) { setReshowTimer(); } } // ====================================== // Timers // ====================================== private void setInitialDelayTimer() { cancelTimer(); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { show(); // App.debug("initialDelay timer done, toolTip shown"); } }; // App.debug("start initialDelay timer"); timer.schedule(initialDelay); } private void setDismissDelayTimer() { cancelTimer(); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { hideToolTip(); // App.debug("dismissDelay timer done, toolTip hidden"); } }; // App.debug("start dismissDelay timer"); timer.schedule(dismissDelay); } private void setReshowTimer() { cancelTimer(); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { showImmediately = false; // App.debug("reshow timer done, showImmediately = false"); } }; // App.debug("start reshowDelay timer"); timer.schedule(reshowDelay); } private void cancelTimer() { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } } /** * @param allowToolTips * global tooltips flag */ public static void setEnabled(boolean allowToolTips) { enabled = allowToolTips; } /** * Hide all tooltips */ public static void hideAllToolTips() { sharedInstance().showImmediately = false; sharedInstance().hideToolTip(); sharedInstance().hideBottomInfoToolTip(); } }