package org.geogebra.web.html5.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.factories.CASFactory; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.App.InputPosition; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.Browser; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @TagName(ArticleElement.TAG) public final class ArticleElement extends Element { static final String TAG = "article"; /** * @param element * Assert, that the given {@link Element} is compatible with this * class and automatically typecast it. * @return */ public static ArticleElement as(Element element) { if (element != null) { element.setTabIndex(10); } // assert element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(TAG); //addNativeHandlers(element); return (ArticleElement) element; } protected ArticleElement() { } public void add(Widget w) { this.appendChild(w.getElement()); } public void clear() { this.setInnerHTML(""); } public boolean remove(Widget w) { for (int i = 0; i < this.getChildCount(); i++) { if (this.getChild(i).equals(w.getElement())) { this.removeChild(this.getChild(i)); return true; } } return false; } public static native void addNativeHandlers(Element el, AppW app)/*-{ el.onfocus = function(event) { app.@org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW::addFocusToApp()(); } }-*/; /** * @return the data-param-id article attribute as String if set else * AppWeb.DEFAULT_APPLET_ID */ public String getDataParamId() { String ret = this.getAttribute("data-param-id"); if (("".equals(ret)) || !ret.matches("[A-Za-z0-9_]+")) { return AppW.DEFAULT_APPLET_ID; } return ret; } /** * @return the data-param-filename article attribute as String if set else * empty String */ public String getDataParamFileName() { String ret = this.getAttribute("data-param-filename"); return (ret != null) ? ret : ""; } public String getDataParamJSON() { String ret = this.getAttribute("data-param-json"); return (ret != null) ? ret : ""; } /** * Determines if the "data-param-guiOff" article attribute is set to true If * it is set to true, the GuiManager should never be created, and only a * single Graphics View should show in web applets, regardless of what is * there in the ggb file's construction. This is for speedup, but its * drawback is that it should be decided before the AppW is created. * * @return the data-param-guiOff (default: false) */ public boolean getDataParamGuiOff() { return ("true".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-guiOff"))); } /** * Determines if the "data-param-enableLabelDrags" article attribute is set * to true * * @return the data-param-enableLabelDrags (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamEnableLabelDrags() { return (!"false".equals(this .getAttribute("data-param-enableLabelDrags"))); } /** * Determines if the "data-param-enableUndoRedo" article attribute is set to * true * * @return the data-param-enableUndoRedo (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamEnableUndoRedo() { return (!"false" .equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-enableUndoRedo"))); } /** * Determines if the "data-param-enableRightClick" article attribute is set * to true * * @return the data-param-enableRightClick (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamEnableRightClick() { return (!"false".equals(this .getAttribute("data-param-enableRightClick"))); } public boolean getDataParamEnableCAS(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-enableCAS", def); } public boolean getDataParamEnable3D(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-enable3D", def); } public boolean getDataParamEnableGraphing(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-enableGraphing", def); } /* * Returns true, if there is data-param-enableGraphing attribute, and it is * not an empty string */ public boolean hasDataParamEnableGraphing() { return !"".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-enableGraphing")); } public String getDataParamRounding() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-rounding"); } /** * @return the data-param-ggbbase64 article attribute as String if set else * empty String */ public String getDataParamBase64String() { String ret = this.getAttribute("data-param-ggbbase64"); return (ret != null) ? ret : ""; } /** * @return the data-param-showMenuBar (default: false) */ public boolean getDataParamShowMenuBar(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-showMenuBar", def) || getDataParamApp(); } public boolean getDataParamShowMenuBar2(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-showMenuBar", def); } public boolean getDataParamAllowStyleBar(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-allowStyleBar", def); } /** * @return the data-param-showToolBar (default: false) */ public boolean getDataParamShowToolBar(boolean def) { if (getDataParamShowMenuBar(false) || getDataParamApp()) { return true; } return getBoolParam("data-param-showToolBar", def); } public boolean getDataParamShowToolBarHelp(boolean def) { if (!getDataParamShowToolBar(false) && !getDataParamApp()) { return false; } return getBoolParam("data-param-showToolBarHelp", def); } /** * * @return the data-param-customToolBar (default: null) */ public String getDataParamCustomToolBar() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-customToolBar"); } /** * @return the data-param-showAlgebraInput (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamShowAlgebraInput(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-showAlgebraInput", def); } public InputPosition getAlgebraPosition(InputPosition def) { String pos = this.getAttribute("data-param-algebraInputPosition").toLowerCase().trim(); if("top".equals(pos)){ return; } if("bottom".equals(pos)){ return InputPosition.bottom; } if(pos.length() > 0){ return InputPosition.algebraView; } return def; } private boolean getBoolParam(String attr, boolean def) { return (def && !"false".equals(this.getAttribute(attr))) || "true".equals(this.getAttribute(attr)); } /** * @return the data-param-showResetIcon (default: false) */ public boolean getDataParamShowResetIcon() { return ("true".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-showResetIcon"))); } /** * @return the data-param-showAnimationButton (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamShowAnimationButton() { return (!"false".equals(this .getAttribute("data-param-showAnimationButton"))); } public int getDataParamCapturingThreshold() { int threshold = App.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; if ("".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-capturingThreshold"))) { return threshold; } try { threshold = Integer.parseInt(this .getAttribute("data-param-capturingThreshold")); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error("Invalid capturing threshold: " + this.getAttribute("data-param-capturingThreshold")); } return threshold; } /** * eg "de" * * @return the data-param-showResetIcon (default: null) */ public String getDataParamLanguage() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-language"); } /** * * eg "AT" * * @return the data-param-showResetIcon (default: null) */ public String getDataParamCountry() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-country"); } /** * * @return the data-param-allowJSscripting (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamUseBrowserForJS() { return (!"false" .equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-useBrowserForJS"))); } /** * @return the data-param-enableShiftDragZoom (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamShiftDragZoomEnabled() { return (!"false".equals(this .getAttribute("data-param-enableShiftDragZoom"))); } /** * @return integer value of the data-param-width, 0 if not present */ public int getDataParamWidth() { return getIntegerAttribute("data-param-width", 0); } private int getIntegerAttribute(String string, int fallback) { String val = this.getAttribute(string); if(val == null || val.isEmpty()){ return fallback; } try{ return Integer.parseInt(val, 10); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn("Invalid value of " + string + ":" + val); } return fallback; } /** * @return integer value of the data-param-height, 0 if not present */ public int getDataParamHeight() { return getIntegerAttribute("data-param-height", 0); } /** * @return wheter the applet should fit to screen */ public boolean getDataParamFitToScreen() { return "true".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-fittoscreen")) || getDataParamApp(); } public String getDataParamBorder() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-borderColor"); } /** * @return the data-param-showLogging (default: false) */ public boolean getDataParamShowLogging() { return ("true".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-showLogging")) || Location .getParameter("GeoGebraDebug") != null); } /** * @return the data-param-allowSymbolTable (default: true) */ public boolean getDataParamAllowSymbolTable() { return (!"false".equals(this .getAttribute("data-param-allowSymbolTable"))); } /** * * @return that the article element has (inherited) direction attribute */ public native boolean isRTL() /*-{ var style; if ($wnd.getComputedStyle) { style = $wnd.getComputedStyle(this); return style.direction === "rtl"; } else if (this.currentStyle) { return this.currentStyle.direction === "rtl"; } return false; }-*/; private static native String getTransform(JavaScriptObject style) /*-{ return style.transform || style.webkitTransform || style.MozTransform || style.msTransform || style.oTransform || ""; }-*/; private native double envScale(String type) /*-{ var current = this; var sx = 1; var sy = 1; do { var matrixRegex = /matrix\((-?\d*\.?\d+),\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+),\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+),\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+),\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+),\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)\)/, style = $wnd .getComputedStyle(current); if (style) { var transform = style.transform || style.webkitTransform || style.MozTransform || style.msTransform || style.oTransform || ""; var matches = transform.match(matrixRegex); if (matches && matches.length) { sx *= $wnd.parseFloat(matches[1]); sy *= $wnd.parseFloat(matches[4]); } else if (transform.indexOf("scale") === 0) { var mul = $wnd.parseFloat(transform.substr(transform .indexOf("(") + 1)); sx *= mul; sy *= mul; } } current = current.parentElement; } while (current); return type === "x" ? sx : sy; }-*/; /** * @return the CSS scale attached to the article element */ public double getScaleX() { // no instance fields in subclasses of Element, so no way to assign it // to // a simple field if ("".equals(this.getAttribute("data-scalex"))) { this.setAttribute("data-scalex", String.valueOf(envScale("x"))); } return Double.parseDouble(this.getAttribute("data-scalex")); } public double readScaleX() { if ("".equals(this.getAttribute("data-scalex"))) { return envScale("x"); } return Double.parseDouble(this.getAttribute("data-scalex")); } /** * @return the CSS scale attached to the article element * */ public double getScaleY() { // no instance fields in subclasses of Element, so no way to asign it to // a simple field if ("".equals(this.getAttribute("data-scaley"))) { this.setAttribute("data-scaley", String.valueOf(envScale("y"))); } return Double.parseDouble(this.getAttribute("data-scaley")); } /** * @return default false */ public boolean getDataParamAllowStyleBar() { return "true".equals(getAttribute("data-param-allowStyleBar")); } public boolean getDataParamApp() { return "true".equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-app")); } public boolean getDataParamScreenshotGenerator() { return "true".equals(this .getAttribute("data-param-screenshotGenerator")); } public String getDataParamLAF() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-laf"); } /** * @return wheter focus prevented (use in multiple applets) */ public boolean preventFocus() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-preventFocus") != null; } public String getDataClientID() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-clientid"); } public String getDataParamPerspective() { String ret = this.getAttribute("data-param-perspective"); return ret == null ? "" : ret; } public double getDataParamScale() { String scale = this.getAttribute("data-param-scale"); if (scale.length() < 1) { return 1; } double ret = 1; try { ret = Double.parseDouble(scale); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn("Invalid scale"); } return ret; } /** * Sync data-scale params with external environment * */ public void adjustScale() { if (getDataParamApp() || (getAttribute("data-scalex") != null && !"" .equals(getAttribute("data-scalex")))) { return; } double externalScale = getDataParamScale(); Element parent = this.getParentElement(); if (parent.getParentElement() != null && "applet_container".equals(parent.getParentElement().getId())) { parent = parent.getParentElement(); } Browser.scale(parent, externalScale, 0, 0); setAttribute("data-scalex", "" + envScale("x")); setAttribute("data-scaley", "" + envScale("y")); } public String getDataParamPrerelease() { return getAttribute("data-param-prerelease").trim().toLowerCase(); } public String getDataParamTubeID() { return getAttribute("data-param-tubeid"); } /* * public boolean getDataParamNo3D() { return * "true".equals(getAttribute("data-param-no3d")); } * * public boolean getDataParamNoCAS() { return * "true".equals(getAttribute("data-param-nocas")); } */ public boolean getDataParamShowStartTooltip(boolean def) { return getBoolParam("data-param-showTutorialLink", def); } /** * @return whether to enable file menu */ public boolean getDataParamEnableFileFeatures() { return !"false".equals(getAttribute("data-param-enableFileFeatures")); } public static ArrayList<ArticleElement> getGeoGebraMobileTags() { NodeList<Element> nodes = Dom .getElementsByClassName(GeoGebraConstants.GGM_CLASS_NAME); ArrayList<ArticleElement> articleNodes = new ArrayList<ArticleElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { ArticleElement ae =; ae.initID(i); articleNodes.add(ae); } return articleNodes; } public void initID(int i) { String paramID = getDataParamId(); if (paramID.length() > 0) { int suffix = 0; while (DOM.getElementById(paramID) != null) { paramID = getDataParamId() + suffix; suffix++; } setId(paramID); return; } Date creationDate = new Date(); setId(GeoGebraConstants.GGM_CLASS_NAME + i + creationDate.getTime()); } public boolean disableHiRes3D() { return "true".equals(getAttribute("data-param-disablehires3d")); } public boolean getDataParamErrorDialogsActive() { return !"false" .equals(this.getAttribute("data-param-errorDialogsActive")); } public String getApiKey() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-apiKey"); } public static boolean isEnableUsageStats() { return ((CASFactory) GWT.create(CASFactory.class)).isEnabled(); } public String getMaterialsAPIurl() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-materialsApi"); } public String getLoginAPIurl() { return this.getAttribute("data-param-loginApi"); } public boolean getDataParamShowAppsPicker() { return this.getBoolParam("data-param-showAppsPicker", false); } public int getBorderThickness() { return getDataParamFitToScreen() ? 0 : 2; } }