package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.toolbar.mow; import java.util.Vector; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianConstants; import org.geogebra.common.gui.toolbar.ToolBar; import org.geogebra.common.gui.toolbar.ToolbarItem; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.FastClickHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.LayoutUtilW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.NoDragImage; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.ImgResourceHelper; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.StandardButton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Base class of submenus of MOWToorbar * * @author Laszlo Gal, Alicia Hofstaetter * */ public abstract class SubMenuPanel extends FlowPanel implements ClickHandler, FastClickHandler { /** app **/ AppW app; private boolean info; /** * Scrollpanel to larger toolbars like 'Tools' */ ScrollPanel scrollPanel; /** * Here goes the toolbar contents ie the buttons */ FlowPanel contentPanel; /** * The info (help) panel for the selected tool. */ FlowPanel infoPanel; /** * icon of the tool for */ NoDragImage infoImage; /** '?' image */ NoDragImage questionMark; /** the brief info itself */ HTML infoLabel; /** link to more info. */ String infoURL; /** * * @param app * GGB application. * @param info * true if submenu should have an info panel. */ public SubMenuPanel(AppW app, boolean info) {; = info; createGUI(); } /** * Makes the content panel and the info panel, if needed. */ protected void createGUI() { addStyleName("mowSubMenu"); createContentPanel(); if (hasInfo()) { createInfoPanel(); add(LayoutUtilW.panelRow(scrollPanel, infoPanel)); } else { add(scrollPanel); } } /** * Creates the scrollable panel of contents. */ protected void createContentPanel() { scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); scrollPanel.addStyleName("mowSubMenuContent"); contentPanel = new FlowPanel(); scrollPanel.add(contentPanel); } /** * Creates the info panel. */ protected void createInfoPanel() { infoPanel = new FlowPanel(); infoPanel.addStyleName("mowSubMenuInfo"); } /** * * @param toolbarString * GGB toolbar definition string. * @return The vector of modes. */ protected Vector<ToolbarItem> getToolbarVec(String toolbarString) { Vector<ToolbarItem> toolbarVec; try { toolbarVec = ToolBar.parseToolbarString(toolbarString); } catch (Exception e) { toolbarVec = ToolBar.parseToolbarString(ToolBar.getAllTools(app)); } return toolbarVec; } /** * Adds tool buttons to content panel depending on a toolbar definition * string. * * @param toolbarString * The toolbar definition string */ protected void addModesToToolbar(String toolbarString) { addModesToToolbar(contentPanel, toolbarString); } /** * Adds tool buttons to an arbitrary panel depending on a toolbar definition * string. * * @param panel * The panel to add mode buttons. * @param toolbarString * The toolbar definition string */ protected void addModesToToolbar(FlowPanel panel, String toolbarString) { Vector<ToolbarItem> toolbarVec = getToolbarVec(toolbarString); for (int i = 0; i < toolbarVec.size(); i++) { ToolbarItem ob = toolbarVec.get(i); Vector<Integer> menu = ob.getMenu(); addModeMenu(panel, menu); } } /** * Add buttons to a panel depending a mode vector. * * @param panel * The panel to add the mode buttons. * @param menu * The vector of modes to add buttons. */ protected void addModeMenu(FlowPanel panel, Vector<Integer> menu) { if (app.isModeValid(menu.get(0).intValue())) { panel.add(createButton(menu.get(0).intValue())); } } /** * Creates a toolbar button from a mode. * * @param mode * The mode the button will stand for. * @return Newly created toolbar button to set its mode. */ protected StandardButton createButton(int mode) { NoDragImage im = new NoDragImage(GGWToolBar.getImageURL(mode, app)); // opacity hack: old icons don't need opacity, new ones do if (imageNeedsOpacity(mode)) { im.addStyleName("opacityFixForOldIcons"); } StandardButton button = new StandardButton(null, "", 32); button.getUpFace().setImage(im); button.addFastClickHandler(this); button.addStyleName("mowToolButton"); button.getElement().setAttribute("mode", mode + ""); button.getElement().setId("mode" + mode); return button; } /** * * @return true if submenu has info panel. */ public boolean hasInfo() { return info; } /** * * @param info * true if submenu should have info panel, false if not. */ public void setInfo(boolean info) { = info; } /** * Initializes the submenu when it is opened from MOWToolbar. */ public void onOpen() { int mode = app.getMode(); setMode(mode); } /** * reset */ public void reset() { deselectAllCSS(); infoPanel.clear(); } @Override public void onClick(Widget source) { int pos = scrollPanel.getHorizontalScrollPosition(); int mode = Integer.parseInt(source.getElement().getAttribute("mode")); setCSStoSelected(source); app.setMode(mode); if (hasInfo()) { infoPanel.clear(); showToolTip(mode); } scrollPanel.setHorizontalScrollPosition(pos); } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == questionMark) { app.getFileManager().open(infoURL); } } /** * Sets CSS of active tool to selected * * @param source * The widget to select. */ public void setCSStoSelected(Widget source) { FlowPanel parent = (FlowPanel) source.getParent(); for (int i = 0; i < parent.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = parent.getWidget(i); if (w != source) { w.getElement().setAttribute("selected", "false"); } else { w.getElement().setAttribute("selected", "true"); } } } /** * unselect all tools */ public void deselectAllCSS() { // override in subclasses } /** * Add tooltips to info panel * * @param mode * The mode of the tool that needs info. */ protected void showToolTip(int mode) { if (mode >= 0) { infoImage = new NoDragImage(GGWToolBar.getImageURL(mode, app)); infoImage.addStyleName("mowToolButton"); // opacity hack: old icons don't need opacity, new ones do if (imageNeedsOpacity(mode)) { infoImage.addStyleName("opacityFixForOldIconsSelected"); } else { infoImage.addStyleName("selected"); } infoLabel = new HTML(app.getToolTooltipHTML(mode)); infoLabel.addStyleName("mowInfoLabel"); infoURL = app.getGuiManager().getTooltipURL(mode); questionMark = new NoDragImage(ImgResourceHelper.safeURI(GGWToolBar.getMyIconResourceBundle().help_32())); infoPanel.add(infoImage); infoPanel.add(infoLabel); boolean online = app.getNetworkOperation() == null || app.getNetworkOperation().isOnline(); if (infoURL != null && infoURL.length() > 0 && online) { questionMark.addClickHandler(this); questionMark.addStyleName("mowQuestionMark"); infoPanel.add(questionMark); } } } /** * Decide if icon needs opacity or not. New icons are black with opacity. * Old icons don't need opacity so they get a style fix. * * @param mode * app mode * @return true if icon needs a style fix */ protected boolean imageNeedsOpacity(int mode) { if ((mode < 101 && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_TEXT && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_IMAGE && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_FREEHAND_SHAPE) || (mode > 110 && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_VIDEO && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_AUDIO && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_GEOGEBRA)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Select tool and show its info. * * @param mode * The mode to select and display info from. */ public void setMode(int mode) { reset(); Element btn = DOM.getElementById("mode" + mode); if (btn != null) { btn.setAttribute("selected", "true"); showToolTip(mode); } } /** * @return first mode; to be selected once this submenu is opened */ public abstract int getFirstMode(); }