package org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoCurveCartesian; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentNumber; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Equation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Function; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.CollectUndefinedVariables; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.VariableReplacer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ValidExpression; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Variable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.VectorArithmetic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.VectorValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.main.MyError; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.util.AsyncOperation; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; /** * Processing * * f(a)=(a,a) X=(a,a) (t,t) * */ public class ParametricProcessor { /** * kernel */ protected Kernel kernel; /** * Algebra processor */ protected AlgebraProcessor ap; /** * @param kernel * kernel * @param ap * algebra processor */ public ParametricProcessor(Kernel kernel, AlgebraProcessor ap) { this.kernel = kernel; this.ap = ap; } /** * @param ve0 * expression; should have label X or contain t, theta (also * equations X=... handled here for some reason) * @param undefinedVariables * list of names of undefined variables * @param autocreateSliders * whether to create sliders * @param callback * call this after sliders are created * @param info * processing information * @return resulting elements */ final GeoElement[] checkParametricEquation(ValidExpression ve0, TreeSet<String> undefinedVariables, AsyncOperation<GeoElementND[]> callback, EvalInfo info) { if (undefinedVariables.isEmpty()) { return null; } boolean parametricExpression = ("X".equals(ve0.getLabel()) || undefinedVariables.contains("t")); boolean parametricEquation = ve0.unwrap() instanceof Equation && "X".equals(((Equation) ve0.unwrap()).getLHS() .toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); if (!parametricEquation && !parametricExpression) { return null; } GeoElement replaceable = ap.getReplaceable(ve0.getLabels()); Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); boolean oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); if (replaceable != null) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); } String varName = getPreferredName(undefinedVariables); ValidExpression ve = ve0; TreeSet<GeoNumeric> num = new TreeSet<GeoNumeric>(); ap.replaceUndefinedVariables(ve, num, new String[] { varName, "X" });// Iteration[a+1, // a, // {1},4] for (GeoNumeric slider : num) { undefinedVariables.remove(slider.getLabelSimple()); } if (parametricExpression) { try { FunctionVariable fv = new FunctionVariable(kernel, varName); ExpressionNode exp = ve.deepCopy(kernel).traverse( VariableReplacer.getReplacer(varName, fv, kernel)) .wrap(); exp.resolveVariables(new EvalInfo(false)); GeoElement[] ret = processParametricFunction(exp, exp.evaluate(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), new FunctionVariable[] { fv }, "X".equals(ve.getLabel()) ? null : ve.getLabel(), info); if (ret != null && (num.isEmpty() || info.isAutocreateSliders())) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldMacroMode); ap.processReplace(replaceable, ret, null, info); return ret; } } catch (Throwable tt) { Log.debug("X is not parametric:" + tt.getMessage()); } removeSliders(num, undefinedVariables); } else if (parametricEquation) { // TODO this branch should be handled by processEquation, so maybe // not needed at all try { FunctionVariable fv = new FunctionVariable(kernel, varName); ExpressionNode exp = ((Equation) ve.unwrap()).getRHS() .deepCopy(kernel).traverse(VariableReplacer .getReplacer(varName, fv, kernel)) .wrap(); exp.resolveVariables(info); GeoElement[] ret = processParametricFunction(exp, exp.evaluate(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), new FunctionVariable[] { fv }, ve.getLabel(), info); if (ret != null && (num.isEmpty() || info.isAutocreateSliders())) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldMacroMode); ap.processReplace(replaceable, ret, null, info); return ret; } } catch (Throwable tt) { tt.printStackTrace(); Log.debug("X is not parametric"); } removeSliders(num, undefinedVariables); } removeSliders(num, undefinedVariables); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldMacroMode); return null; } private static String getPreferredName(TreeSet<String> undefinedVariables) { if (undefinedVariables.contains("t")) { return "t"; } if (undefinedVariables.contains(Unicode.thetaStr)) { return Unicode.thetaStr; } Iterator<String> t = undefinedVariables.iterator(); String varName =; if ("X".equals(varName)) { if (t.hasNext()) { return; } return "t"; } else if ("y".equals(varName)) { return Unicode.lambdaStr; } return varName; } private static void removeSliders(TreeSet<GeoNumeric> num, TreeSet<String> undefined) { for (GeoNumeric slider : num) { slider.remove(); undefined.add(slider.getLabelSimple()); } } /** * @param ev * expression * @return input expression or zero expression if input is null */ protected ExpressionNode expr(ExpressionValue ev) { if (ev == null) { return new ExpressionNode(kernel, 0); } return ev.wrap(); } /** * @param exp * expression * @param ev * evaluated exp * @param fv * function variable * @param label * label for output * @param info * processing information * @return paramteric curve (or line, conic) */ protected GeoElement[] processParametricFunction(ExpressionNode exp, ExpressionValue ev, FunctionVariable[] fv, String label, EvalInfo info) { Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); if (ev instanceof MyList) { GeoElement ge = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor().listExpression(exp); ge.setLabel(exp.getLabel()); return ge.asArray(); } if (fv.length < 2 && ev instanceof VectorValue && ((VectorValue) ev).getMode() != Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX) { GeoNumeric locVar = getLocalVar(exp, fv[0]); if (exp.getOperation() == Operation.IF) { ExpressionNode exp1 = exp.getRightTree(); ExpressionNode cx = VectorArithmetic.computeCoord(exp1, 0); ExpressionNode cy = VectorArithmetic.computeCoord(exp1, 1); return cartesianCurve(cons, label, exp1, locVar, new ExpressionNode[] { cx, cy }, exp.getLeftTree()); } ExpressionNode cx = VectorArithmetic.computeCoord(exp, 0); ExpressionNode cy = VectorArithmetic.computeCoord(exp, 1); ExpressionValue[] coefX = new ExpressionValue[5], coefY = new ExpressionValue[5]; if (ap.getTrigCoeffs(cx, coefX, new ExpressionNode(kernel, 1.0), locVar) && ap.getTrigCoeffs(cy, coefY, new ExpressionNode(kernel, 1.0), locVar)) { ExpressionNode a, b, c, d, xx, xy, yy; ExpressionNode x = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x").wrap() .subtract(expr(coefX[0])); ExpressionNode y = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y").wrap() .subtract(expr(coefY[0])); if (coefX[1] != null || coefX[2] != null) { a = expr(coefX[1]); b = expr(coefX[2]); c = expr(coefY[1]); d = expr(coefY[2]); xx = c.power(2).plus(d.power(2)).multiply(x).multiply(x); xy = c.multiply(a).plus(d.multiply(b)).multiply(-2) .multiply(x).multiply(y); yy = a.power(2).plus(b.power(2)).multiply(y).multiply(y); } else { a = expr(coefX[3]); b = expr(coefX[4]); c = expr(coefY[3]); d = expr(coefY[4]); xx = c.power(2).subtract(d.power(2)).multiply(x) .multiply(x); xy = c.multiply(a).subtract(d.multiply(b)).multiply(-2) .multiply(x).multiply(y); yy = a.power(2).subtract(b.power(2)).multiply(y) .multiply(y); } ExpressionNode den = a.power(2).multiply(d.power(2)) .plus(b.power(2).multiply(c.power(2))) .subtract(a.multiply(b).multiply(c).multiply(d) .multiply(2)); Equation eq = new Equation(kernel,, den); return paramConic(eq, exp, label, fv[0].getSetVarString()); } coefX = ap.arrayOfZeros(coefX.length); coefY = ap.arrayOfZeros(coefY.length); int degX = ap.getPolyCoeffs(cx, coefX, new ExpressionNode(kernel, 1.0), locVar); int degY = ap.getPolyCoeffs(cy, coefY, new ExpressionNode(kernel, 1.0), locVar); // line if ((degX >= 0 && degY >= 0) && (degX < 2 && degY < 2)) { FunctionVariable px = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable py = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); Equation eq = new Equation(kernel, coefX[1].wrap().multiply(py) .subtract(coefY[1].wrap().multiply(px)), coefX[1].wrap().multiply(coefY[0]) .subtract(coefX[0].wrap().multiply(coefY[1]))); eq.setForceLine(); eq.initEquation(); eq.setLabel(label); GeoElement[] line = ap.processLine(eq, buildParamEq(exp)); ((GeoLineND) line[0]).setToParametric(fv[0].getSetVarString()); line[0].update(); return line; // parabola // x=att+bt+c // y=dtt+et+f // t=(d*x-a*y-d*c+a*f)/(d*b-a*e) } else if (degX >= 0 && degY >= 0) { FunctionVariable px = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable py = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); Log.debug(coefX[2] + "," + coefX[1] + "," + coefX[0]); ExpressionNode t = px.wrap().multiply(coefY[2]) .subtract(py.wrap().multiply(coefX[2])) .plus(coefX[2].wrap().multiply(coefY[0])) .subtract(coefY[2].wrap().multiply(coefX[0])); ExpressionNode d = coefX[1].wrap().multiply(coefY[2]) .subtract(coefY[1].wrap().multiply(coefX[2])); Equation eq; // Numerically unstable eq = new Equation(kernel, d.power(2).multiply(px).multiply(coefX[2]) .plus(d.power(2).multiply(py) .multiply(coefY[2])), t.power(2) .multiply(coefY[2].wrap().power(2) .plus(coefX[2].wrap().power(2))) .plus(t.multiply( coefY[1].wrap().multiply(coefY[2]) .plus(coefX[1].wrap() .multiply(coefX[2]))) .multiply(d)) .plus(d.power(2).multiply(coefY[0].wrap() .multiply(coefY[2]).plus(coefX[0].wrap() .multiply(coefX[2]))))); return paramConic(eq, exp, label, fv[0].getSetVarString()); } return cartesianCurve(cons, label, exp, locVar, new ExpressionNode[] { cx, cy }, null); } else if (ev instanceof Function) { return ap.processFunction((Function) ev, info); } else if (ev instanceof FunctionNVar) { return ap.processFunctionNVar((FunctionNVar) ev, info); } Log.debug("InvalidFunction:" + exp.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate) + "," + ev.getClass() + "," + fv.length); throw new MyError(kernel.getApplication().getLocalization(), "InvalidFunction"); } /** * @param cons * construction * @param label * label * @param exp * expression * @param locVar * variable * @param c * coordinates * @param condition * limitation for input variable * @return curve */ protected GeoElement[] cartesianCurve(Construction cons, String label, ExpressionNode exp, GeoNumeric locVar, ExpressionNode[] c, ExpressionNode condition) { for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { checkNumber(c[i]); } GeoNumberValue[] coords = new GeoNumberValue[c.length]; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { AlgoDependentNumber nx = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, c[i], false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(nx); coords[i] = nx.getNumber(); } GeoNumberValue from = null, to = null; if (condition != null) { from = getBound(locVar, condition, true); to = getBound(locVar, condition, false); } boolean trig = c[0].has2piPeriodicOperations(); if (from == null) { from = new GeoNumeric(cons, trig ? 0 : -10); } if (to == null) { to = trig ? piTimes(2, cons) : new GeoNumeric(cons, 10); } AlgoCurveCartesian ac = makeCurveAlgo(cons, exp.deepCopy(kernel).wrap(), coords, locVar, from, to); ac.getCurve().setLabel(label); return ac.getOutput(); } /** * @param cons * construction * @param wrap * expression * @param coords * coords * @param locVar * variable * @param from * min * @param to * max * @return curve algo */ protected AlgoCurveCartesian makeCurveAlgo(Construction cons, ExpressionNode wrap, GeoNumberValue[] coords, GeoNumeric locVar, GeoNumberValue from, GeoNumberValue to) { return new AlgoCurveCartesian(cons, wrap, coords, locVar, from, to); } /** * @param cx * potential numeric expression */ protected void checkNumber(ExpressionNode cx) { if (!cx.evaluate(StringTemplate.maxPrecision).isNumberValue()) { throw new MyError(kernel.getApplication().getLocalization(), "InvalidFunction"); } } private GeoNumberValue getBound(GeoNumeric locVar, ExpressionNode condition, boolean swap) { if (condition.getOperation() == Operation.AND || condition.getOperation() == Operation.AND_INTERVAL) { GeoNumberValue lt = getBound(locVar, condition.getLeftTree(), swap); if (lt != null) { return lt; } GeoNumberValue rt = getBound(locVar, condition.getRightTree(), swap); if (rt != null) { return rt; } } ExpressionValue checkVar = swap ? condition.getLeft() : condition.getRight(); ExpressionValue checkNum = !swap ? condition.getLeft() : condition.getRight(); if ((condition.getOperation() == Operation.GREATER || condition.getOperation() == Operation.GREATER_EQUAL) && checkVar == locVar) { return (GeoNumberValue) ap.processNumber(checkNum.wrap(), checkNum.evaluate(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), new EvalInfo(false))[0]; } if ((condition.getOperation() == Operation.LESS || condition.getOperation() == Operation.LESS_EQUAL) && checkNum == locVar) { return (GeoNumberValue) ap.processNumber(checkVar.wrap(), checkVar.evaluate(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), new EvalInfo(false))[0]; } return null; } private GeoNumberValue piTimes(int i, Construction cons) { ExpressionNode en = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, i), Operation.MULTIPLY, new MyDouble(kernel, Math.PI)); GeoNumeric ret = new GeoNumeric(cons, i * Math.PI); ret.setDefinition(en); return ret; } /** * @param exp * RHS of parametric equation * @return equation X = exp */ protected ExpressionNode buildParamEq(ExpressionNode exp) { return new Equation(kernel, new Variable(kernel, "X"), exp).wrap(); } private GeoElement[] paramConic(Equation eq, ExpressionNode exp, String label, String param) { eq.initEquation(); eq.setForceConic(); eq.setLabel(label); GeoElement[] ret = ap.processConic(eq, buildParamEq(exp)); ((GeoConicND) ret[0]).toParametric(param); ((GeoConicND) ret[0]).update(); return ret; } /** * Creates a number and replaces all occurences of the variable with it * * @param exp * expression * @param fv * function variable * @return numeric that replaces the variable */ protected GeoNumeric getLocalVar(ExpressionNode exp, FunctionVariable fv) { GeoNumeric locVar = new GeoNumeric(kernel.getConstruction()); locVar.setSendValueToCas(false); locVar.setLocalVariableLabel(fv.getSetVarString()); exp.replace(fv, locVar); return locVar; } /** * @param ve * expression that might be RHS of parametric equation, eg (t,t) * @param fallback * what to return if ve is not parametric equation * @param cons * construction * @param info * processing information * @return parametric curve (or line, conic) or fallback */ public ValidExpression checkParametricEquationF(ValidExpression ve, ValidExpression fallback, Construction cons, EvalInfo info) { CollectUndefinedVariables collecter = new Traversing.CollectUndefinedVariables(); ve.traverse(collecter); final TreeSet<String> undefinedVariables = collecter.getResult(); if (undefinedVariables.size() == 1) { try { String varName = undefinedVariables.first(); FunctionVariable fv = new FunctionVariable(kernel, varName); ExpressionNode exp = ve.deepCopy(kernel).traverse( VariableReplacer.getReplacer(varName, fv, kernel)) .wrap(); exp.resolveVariables(info); boolean flag = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); GeoElement[] ret = processParametricFunction(exp, exp.evaluate(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), new FunctionVariable[] { fv }, null, info); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(flag); if (ret != null) { return ret[0].wrap(); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); Log.debug("X is not parametric"); } } return fallback; } /** * @param equ * aquation with X on LHS * @param info * processing information * @return parametric curve if possible */ public GeoElement[] processXEquation(Equation equ, EvalInfo info) { CollectUndefinedVariables collecter = new Traversing.CollectUndefinedVariables(); equ.traverse(collecter); final TreeSet<String> undefinedVariables = collecter.getResult(); // case 3DLine if (undefinedVariables.isEmpty()) { undefinedVariables.add("y"); } String varName = getPreferredName(undefinedVariables); FunctionVariable fv = new FunctionVariable(kernel, varName); ExpressionNode exp = equ.getRHS().deepCopy(kernel) .traverse(VariableReplacer.getReplacer(varName, fv, kernel)) .wrap(); exp.resolveVariables(info); GeoElement[] ret = processParametricFunction(exp, exp.evaluate(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), new FunctionVariable[] { fv }, equ.getLabel(), info); return ret; } /** * Returns the single free GeoNumeric/MyDouble expression wrapped in this * ExpressionValue. For "a + x(A)" this returns a, for "x(A)" this returns * null where A is a free point. If A is a dependent point, "a + x(A)" * throws an Exception. * * @param ev * expression * @return number */ public NumberValue getCoordNumber(ExpressionValue ev) { // simple variable "a" if (ev.isLeaf()) { // handle (a,1) and (1,a) case // 1 is MyDouble if (ev.isExpressionNode()) { if (((ExpressionNode) ev).getLeft() instanceof MyDouble) { return (NumberValue) ((ExpressionNode) ev).getLeft(); } } GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(ev.isGeoElement() ? ((GeoElement) ev).getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate) : ev.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); if (geo != null && geo.isGeoNumeric() && geo.isPointerChangeable()) { return (GeoNumeric) geo; } return null; } // return value GeoNumeric coordNumeric = null; // expression + expression ExpressionNode en = (ExpressionNode) ev; if (en.getOperation().equals(Operation.PLUS) && en.getLeft() instanceof GeoNumeric) { // left branch needs to be a single number variable: get it // e.g. a + x(D) coordNumeric = (GeoNumeric) en.getLeft(); if (!coordNumeric.isChangeable()) { return null; } // check that variables in right branch are all independent to avoid // circular definitions HashSet<GeoElement> rightVars = en.getRight().getVariables(); if (rightVars != null) { Iterator<GeoElement> it = rightVars.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement var =; if (var.isChildOrEqual(coordNumeric)) { return null; } } } } return coordNumeric; } }