package org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidianFor3D; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianController; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianControllerCompanion; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoJoinPoints3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoMidpoint3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoPolarLine3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPoint3D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Path; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoSegmentND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoVectorND; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; public class EuclidianControllerFor3DCompanion extends EuclidianControllerCompanion { public EuclidianControllerFor3DCompanion(EuclidianController ec) { super(ec); } @Override protected GeoAngle createAngle(GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { GeoDirectionND orientation = ec.getView().getDirection(); if (((GeoElement) A).isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) B).isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) C).isGeoElement3D()) { // at least one 3D geo if (orientation == ec.kernel.getSpace()) { // space is default // orientation for 3D // objects return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, A, B, C); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, A, B, C, orientation); // use // view // orientation } // 2D geos if (orientation == ec.kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is default // orientation for 2D // objects return super.createAngle(A, B, C); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, A, B, C, orientation); // use // view // orientation } @Override protected GeoElement[] createAngles(GeoPolygon p) { GeoDirectionND orientation = ec.getView().getDirection(); if (p.isGeoElement3D()) { // 3D polygon if (orientation == ec.kernel.getSpace()) { // space is default // orientation for 3D // objects return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angles3D(null, p); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angles3D(null, p, orientation); // use // view // orientation } // 2D polygon if (orientation == ec.kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is default // orientation for 2D // objects return super.createAngles(p); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angles3D(null, p, orientation); // use // view // orientation } @Override protected GeoAngle createAngle(GeoVectorND v1, GeoVectorND v2) { GeoDirectionND orientation = ec.getView().getDirection(); if (v1.isGeoElement3D() || v2.isGeoElement3D()) { // at least one 3D geo if (orientation == ec.kernel.getSpace()) { // space is default // orientation for 3D // objects return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, v1, v2); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, v1, v2, orientation); // use // view // orientation } // 2D polygon if (orientation == ec.kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is default // orientation for 2D // objects return super.createAngle(v1, v2); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, v1, v2, orientation); // use // view // orientation } @Override public GeoAngle createAngle(GeoPointND p1, GeoPointND p2, GeoNumberValue a, boolean clockWise) { GeoDirectionND direction = ec.getView().getDirection(); if (direction == ec.kernel.getXOYPlane() || direction == ec.kernel.getSpace()) { // use xOy plane if (p1.isGeoElement3D() || p2.isGeoElement3D()) { return (GeoAngle) ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle(null, p1, p2, a, ec.kernel.getXOYPlane(), !clockWise)[0]; } return super.createAngle(p1, p2, a, clockWise); } return (GeoAngle) ec.kernel.getManager3D().Angle(null, p1, p2, a, direction, !clockWise)[0]; } @Override protected GeoAngle createLineAngle(GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) { GeoDirectionND orientation = ec.getView().getDirection(); if (g.isGeoElement3D() || h.isGeoElement3D()) { // at least one 3D geo if (orientation == ec.kernel.getSpace()) { // space is default // orientation for 3D // objects return ec.kernel.getManager3D().createLineAngle(g, h); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().createLineAngle(g, h, orientation); // use // view // orientation } // 2D geos if (orientation == ec.kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is default // orientation for 2D // objects return super.createLineAngle(g, h); } return ec.kernel.getManager3D().createLineAngle(g, h, orientation); // use // view // orientation } @Override protected GeoElement[] translate(GeoElement geo, GeoVectorND vec) { if (geo.isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) vec).isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Translate3D(null, geo, vec); } return super.translate(geo, vec); } @Override protected GeoElement[] mirrorAtPoint(GeoElement geo, GeoPointND point) { if (geo.isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) point).isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Mirror3D(null, geo, point); } return super.mirrorAtPoint(geo, point); } @Override protected GeoElement[] mirrorAtLine(GeoElement geo, GeoLineND line) { if (geo.isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) line).isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Mirror3D(null, geo, line); } return super.mirrorAtLine(geo, line); } @Override public GeoElement[] dilateFromPoint(GeoElement geo, GeoNumberValue num, GeoPointND point) { if (geo.isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) point).isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Dilate3D(null, geo, num, point); } return super.dilateFromPoint(geo, num, point); } /** * Method used when geos are both 2D * * @param a * first geo * @param b * second geo * @return single intersection point */ public GeoPointND getSingleIntersectionPointFrom2D(GeoElement a, GeoElement b, boolean coords2D) { return super.getSingleIntersectionPoint(a, b, coords2D); } @Override public GeoPointND getSingleIntersectionPoint(GeoElement a, GeoElement b, boolean coords2D) { // check if a and b are two 2D geos if (!a.isGeoElement3D() && !b.isGeoElement3D()) { return getSingleIntersectionPointFrom2D(a, b, coords2D); } GeoPointND point = null; // first hit is a line if (a.isGeoLine()) { if (b.isGeoLine()) { /* * if (!((GeoLine) a).linDep((GeoLine) b)) { return ec.kernel * .IntersectLines(null, (GeoLine) a, (GeoLine) b); } */ point = (GeoPoint3D) ec.kernel.getManager3D().Intersect(null, (GeoLineND) a, (GeoLineND) b); } else if (b.isGeoConic()) { point = ec.kernel.getManager3D().IntersectLineConicSingle(null, (GeoLineND) a, (GeoConicND) b, ec.xRW, ec.yRW, ec.getView().getInverseMatrix()); /* * } else if (b.isGeoFunctionable()) { // line and function * GeoFunction f = ((GeoFunctionable) b).getGeoFunction(); if * (f.isPolynomialFunction(false)) { return * ec.kernel.IntersectPolynomialLineSingle(null, f, (GeoLine) a, * xRW, yRW); } GeoPoint2 initPoint = new GeoPoint2( * ec.kernel.getConstruction()); initPoint.setCoords(xRW, yRW, * 1.0); return ec.kernel.IntersectFunctionLine(null, f, * (GeoLine) a, initPoint); */ } else { return null; } } // first hit is a conic else if (a.isGeoConic()) { if (b.isGeoLine()) { point = ec.kernel.getManager3D().IntersectLineConicSingle(null, (GeoLineND) b, (GeoConicND) a, ec.xRW, ec.yRW, ec.getView().getInverseMatrix()); } else if (b.isGeoConic() && !a.isEqual(b)) { point = ec.kernel.getManager3D().IntersectConicsSingle(null, (GeoConicND) a, (GeoConicND) b, ec.xRW, ec.yRW, ec.getView().getInverseMatrix()); } else { return null; } } if (point != null) { if (coords2D) { point.setCartesian(); } else { point.setCartesian3D(); } point.update(); } return point; } @Override protected GeoElement[] orthogonal(GeoPointND point, GeoLineND line) { return new GeoElement[] { (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D() .OrthogonalLine3D(null, point, line, ec.getView().getDirection()) }; } @Override public GeoPointND createNewPoint(String label, boolean forPreviewable, Path path, double x, double y, double z, boolean complex, boolean coords2D) { // check if the path is 3D geo or contains a 3D geo GeoElement geo = path.toGeoElement(); if (geo.isGeoElement3D() || (geo.isGeoList() && ((GeoList) geo).containsGeoElement3D())) { ec.checkZooming(forPreviewable); GeoPointND point = ec.kernel.getManager3D().Point3D(label, path, x, y, z, !forPreviewable, coords2D); return point; } // else use 2D return ec.createNewPoint2D(label, forPreviewable, path, x, y, complex, coords2D); } @Override protected GeoElement midpoint(GeoSegmentND segment) { if (((GeoElement) segment).isGeoElement3D()) { return (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D().Midpoint(null, segment); } return super.midpoint(segment); } @Override protected GeoElement midpoint(GeoConicND conic) { if (((GeoElement) conic).isGeoElement3D()) { return (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D().Center(null, conic); } return super.midpoint(conic); } @Override protected GeoElement midpoint(GeoPointND p1, GeoPointND p2) { if (((GeoElement) p1).isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) p2).isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoMidpoint3D algo = new AlgoMidpoint3D( ec.kernel.getConstruction(), p1, p2); return algo.getPoint(); } return super.midpoint(p1, p2); } @Override public GeoElement[] regularPolygon(GeoPointND geoPoint1, GeoPointND geoPoint2, GeoNumberValue value) { if (geoPoint1.isGeoElement3D() || geoPoint2.isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().RegularPolygon(null, geoPoint1, geoPoint2, value, ec.getView().getDirection()); } return ec.kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().RegularPolygon(null, geoPoint1, geoPoint2, value); } @Override protected AlgoElement segmentAlgo(Construction cons, GeoPointND p1, GeoPointND p2) { if (p1.isGeoElement3D() || p2.isGeoElement3D()) { return new AlgoJoinPoints3D(cons, p1, p2, null, GeoClass.SEGMENT3D); } return super.segmentAlgo(cons, p1, p2); } @Override protected GeoElement[] createCircle2(GeoPointND p0, GeoPointND p1) { if (p0.isGeoElement3D() || p1.isGeoElement3D()) { return createCircle2For3D(p0, p1); } return super.createCircle2(p0, p1); } /** * * @param p0 * center * @param p1 * point on circle * @return circle in the current plane */ protected GeoElement[] createCircle2For3D(GeoPointND p0, GeoPointND p1) { return new GeoElement[] { ec.kernel.getManager3D().Circle3D(null, p0, p1, ec.getView().getDirection()) }; } @Override protected GeoConicND circle(Construction cons, GeoPointND center, GeoNumberValue radius) { if (center.isGeoElement3D()) { return circleFor3D(cons, center, radius); } return, center, radius); } /** * * @param cons * construction * @param center * center * @param radius * radius * @return circle in the current plane */ protected GeoConicND circleFor3D(Construction cons, GeoPointND center, GeoNumberValue radius) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Circle3D(null, center, radius, ec.getView().getDirection()); } @Override protected GeoElement[] angularBisector(GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) { if (g.isGeoElement3D() || h.isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().AngularBisector3D(null, g, h); } return super.angularBisector(g, h); } @Override protected GeoElement angularBisector(GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { if (A.isGeoElement3D() || B.isGeoElement3D() || C.isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().AngularBisector3D(null, A, B, C); } return super.angularBisector(A, B, C); } @Override protected GeoElement circleArcSector(GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, int type) { GeoDirectionND orientation = ec.getView().getDirection(); return (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D().CircleArcSector3D(null, A, B, C, orientation, type); // use view orientation } @Override protected GeoElement semicircle(GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B) { GeoDirectionND orientation = ec.getView().getDirection(); return (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D().Semicircle3D(null, A, B, orientation); // use view orientation } @Override protected GeoElement circumcircleArc(GeoPointND p1, GeoPointND p2, GeoPointND p3) { if (p1.isGeoElement3D() || p2.isGeoElement3D() || p3.isGeoElement3D()) { return (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D().CircumcircleArc3D(null, p1, p2, p3); } return super.circumcircleArc(p1, p2, p3); } @Override protected GeoElement circumcircleSector(GeoPointND p1, GeoPointND p2, GeoPointND p3) { if (p1.isGeoElement3D() || p2.isGeoElement3D() || p3.isGeoElement3D()) { return (GeoElement) ec.kernel.getManager3D() .CircumcircleSector3D(null, p1, p2, p3); } return super.circumcircleSector(p1, p2, p3); } @Override protected GeoElement[] tangent(GeoPointND a, GeoConicND c) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Tangent3D(null, a, c); } @Override protected GeoElement[] tangent(GeoLineND l, GeoConicND c) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Tangent3D(null, l, c); } @Override protected GeoElement[] tangent(GeoConicND c1, GeoConicND c2) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().CommonTangents3D(null, c1, c2); } @Override protected GeoElementND polarLine(GeoPointND P, GeoConicND c) { if (P.isGeoElement3D() || c.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoPolarLine3D algo = new AlgoPolarLine3D( ec.kernel.getConstruction(), null, c, P); return algo.getLine(); } return super.polarLine(P, c); } @Override protected GeoElement diameterLine(GeoLineND l, GeoConicND c) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().DiameterLine3D(null, l, c); } @Override protected GeoElement diameterLine(GeoVectorND v, GeoConicND c) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().DiameterLine3D(null, v, c); } @Override protected GeoElement lineBisector(GeoSegmentND segment) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().LineBisector3D(null, segment, ec.getView().getDirection()); } @Override protected GeoElement lineBisector(GeoPointND a, GeoPointND b) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().LineBisector3D(null, a, b, ec.getView().getDirection()); } @Override protected GeoConicND conic5(GeoPointND[] points) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (points[i].isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Conic3D(null, points); } } return super.conic5(points); } @Override protected GeoConicND ellipseHyperbola(GeoPointND a, GeoPointND b, GeoPointND c, int type) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().EllipseHyperbola3D(null, a, b, c, ec.getView().getDirection(), type); } @Override protected GeoConicND parabola(GeoPointND a, GeoLineND l) { if (a.isGeoElement3D() || l.isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Parabola3D(null, a, l); } return super.parabola(a, l); } @Override protected GeoElement vectorPoint(GeoPointND a, GeoVectorND v) { if (a.isGeoElement3D() || v.isGeoElement3D()) { GeoPointND endPoint = (GeoPointND) ec.kernel.getManager3D() .Translate3D(null, a, v)[0]; return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Vector3D(null, a, endPoint); } return super.vectorPoint(a, v); } @Override protected GeoElement locus(GeoPointND a, GeoPointND b) { if (a.isGeoElement3D() || b.isGeoElement3D()) { return ec.kernel.getManager3D().Locus3D(null, a, b); } return, b); } }