package org.geogebra.common.kernel.discrete.tsp.impl; // Fast Local Search, 2-Opt "Dont look bits" public final class FLS { /** * 2-Opt a tour. removes 2 edges, then reconstructs a tour. in general (from * 1. take route[0] to route[i-1] and * add them in order to new_route 2. take route[i] to route[k] and add them * in reverse order to new_route 3. take route[k+1] to end and add them in * order to new_route * * note that reverse is called with min(from,to)+1, max(from,to). in a 2-opt * move, 2 edges are removed, leaving 2 disconnected sub-tours. either one * of these subtours is then reversed and the 2 subtours reconnected in a * different (shorter) way. * * Bentley, in his experiements on TSP heuristics paper notes that since * either subtour can be reversed, it is best to reverse the shortest one, * otherwise an arbitrary reversal will be N/2 array accesses. * * this implementation currently reverses whatever subtour does not wrap * around -which could be the larger of the two. */ private static void reverse(final Point[] x, final int from, final int to) { for (int i = from, j = to; i < j; i++, j--) { final Point tmp = x[i]; x[i] = x[j]; x[j] = tmp; } } /** * a tour is a circle. wrap around. */ private static int wrap(final int i, final int max) { return (max + i) % max; } /** * cost of a 2-Opt. cost of replacing existing edges (ab), (cd) with new * edges (ac) (bd). returns the delta of a 2-Opt move. a negative delta * indicates that performing this 2-Opt will result in a shorter tour, and a * positive delta indicates that this 2-Opt will result in a longer tour. * * this function is the main hotspot in the optimisation. it is not feasible * to pre-compute a matrix (a lookup table) for a tour with N cities, since * this will be O(N^2) and the most compact representation will be * (N^2-N)/2. * * good optimisation: most of the time the algorithm is evaluating bad * moves, in the obvious case where 2 edge exchanges would result in 2 * longer edges, avoid 4 square root operations by comparing squares. this * results in a 40% speed up in this code. */ private static double moveCost(final Point a, final Point b, final Point c, final Point d) { // original edges (ab) (cd) final double _ab = a.distanceSqr(b), _cd = c.distanceSqr(d); // candidate edges (ac) (bd) final double _ac = a.distanceSqr(c), _bd = b.distanceSqr(d); // triangle of inequality: at least 1 edge will be shorter. // if both will be longer, there will be no improvement. // return a positive delta to indicate no improvement. if (_ab < _ac && _cd < _bd) { return 1; } // otherwise must calculate distance delta. return (Math.sqrt(_ac) + Math.sqrt(_bd)) - (Math.sqrt(_ab) + Math.sqrt(_cd)); } /** * set active bits for 4 vertices making up edges ab, cd. */ private static void activate(final Point a, final Point b, final Point c, final Point d) { a.setActive(true); b.setActive(true); c.setActive(true); d.setActive(true); } /** * try to find a move from the current city. given the current city, search * for a 2-opt move that will result in an improvement to the tour length. * the edge before the current city, (prevPoint,currenPoint) and after * (currentPoint,nextPoint) are compared to all over edges (c,d), starting * at (c=currentPoint+2, d=currentPoint+3) until an improvement is found. */ private static double findMove(final int current, final Point currentPoint, final Point[] points, final int numCities) { // previous and next city index and point object. final int prev = wrap(current - 1, numCities); final int next = wrap(current + 1, numCities); final Point prevPoint = points[prev]; final Point nextPoint = points[next]; // iterate through pairs (i,j) where i = current+2 j = current+3 // until i = current+numCities-2, j = current+numCities-1. // if points = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, current = 4, this will produce: // (6,7) (7,8) (8,9) (9,0) (0,1) (1,2) (2,3) for (int i = wrap(current + 2, numCities), j = wrap(current + 3, numCities); j != current; i = j, j = wrap(j + 1, numCities)) { final Point c = points[i]; final Point d = points[j]; // previous edge: // see if swaping the current 2 edges: // (prevPoint, currentPoint) (c, d) to: // (prevPoint, c) (currentPoint, d) // will result in an improvement. if so, set active bits for // the 4 vertices involved and reverse everything between: // (currentPoint, c). final double delta1 = moveCost(prevPoint, currentPoint, c, d); if (delta1 < 0) { activate(prevPoint, currentPoint, c, d); reverse(points, Math.min(prev, i) + 1, Math.max(prev, i)); return delta1; } // next edge: // see if swaping the current 2 edges: // (currentPoint, nextPoint) (c, d) to: // (currentPoint, c) (nextPoint, d) // will result in an improvement. if so, set active bits for // the 4 vertices involved and reverse everything between: // (nextPoint, c). final double delta2 = moveCost(currentPoint, nextPoint, c, d); if (delta2 < 0) { activate(currentPoint, nextPoint, c, d); reverse(points, Math.min(current, i) + 1, Math.max(current, i)); return delta2; } } return 0.0; } /** * optimise a tour. return a 2-Optimal tour. */ public static double optimise(final Point[] points) { // total tour distance double best = distance(points); // System.out.printf("tour length = %.4f\n", best); // total number of cities in the tour final int numCities = points.length; // numCities - visited = total number of active cities. // current = current city being explored. int visited = 0, current = 0; // terminate when a full rotation of of static order from city 1:N // has completed without making a move (when all cities are inactive). // the resulting tour (points) will be "2-Optimal" -that is, no further // imrovements are possible (local optima). while (visited < numCities) { final Point currentPoint = points[current]; if (currentPoint.isActive()) { // from the current city, try to find a move. final double modified = findMove(current, currentPoint, points, numCities); // if a move was found, go to previous city. // best is += modified delta. if (modified < 0) { current = wrap(current - 1, numCities); visited = 0; best += modified; continue; } currentPoint.setActive(false); } // if city is inactive or no moves found, go to next city. current = wrap(current + 1, numCities); visited++; } return best; } /** * Euclidean distance. tour wraps around N-1 to 0. */ private static double distance(final Point[] points) { final int len = points.length; double d = points[len - 1].distance(points[0]); for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { d += points[i - 1].distance(points[i]); } return d; } }