package org.geogebra.common.plugin.script; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Event; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.ScriptError; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.ScriptType; /** * @author arno Parent class for script objects. There is one script class for * each type of script. They must be added to the enum ScriptType. */ public abstract class Script { /** * Application the script belongs to */ protected final App app; /** * source code for the script */ protected String text; /** * @param app * the script's application * @param text * the script's source code */ public Script(App app, String text) { super(); = app; this.text = text; } /** * Get the script's source code * * @return the source code as a string */ public String getText() { return text; } /** * Get the script's internal text (which could be different from the * localized text) * * @return the internal text */ public String getInternalText() { return text; } /** * Perform actions necessary (if any) to bind the script to a GeoElement via * a given EventType * * @param geo * the geo * @param evtType * the event type */ public void bind(GeoElement geo, EventType evtType) { // Do nothing by default here } /** * Perform actions necessary (if any) to unbind the script from a GeoElement * via a given EventType * * @param geo * the geo * @param evtType * the event type */ public void unbind(GeoElement geo, EventType evtType) { // Do nothing by default here } /** * Run the script * * @param evt * the event that triggered the script * @throws ScriptError * error thrown if the script cannot be run */ public abstract boolean run(Event evt) throws ScriptError; /** * Get the script's type * * @return the script's type */ public abstract ScriptType getType(); /** * Get the language name of the script (convenience function) * * @return the language name */ public String getLanguageName() { return this.getType().getName(); } /** * @return the XML attribute name for serialization to file */ public Object getXMLName() { return this.getType().getXMLName(); } /** * @return a new copy of this object */ public abstract Script copy(); /** * The text of this script is modified by changing every whole word oldLabel * to newLabel. * * @return whether any renaming happened */ public abstract boolean renameGeo(String oldLabel, String newLabel); }