package org.geogebra.common.kernel.advanced; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.BrentSolver; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.NewtonSolver; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoRootNewton; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.Commands; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * Computes values corresponding to Excel's financial functions Rate, Nper, PMT, * PV and FV for problems involving compound interest with periodic payments. * Results are found by solving this fundamental formula: <br> * <br> * * pmt * (1 + rate * pmtType) * ((1 + rate)^n - 1) / (rate) + pv * (1 + rate)^n * + fv = 0 * * * da16e8168cbd * * <br> * If rate is 0, then: (pmt * nper) + pv + fv = 0 <br> * <br> * rate = interest rate for a compounding period <br> * n = number of periods (nper) <br> * pmt = payment amount made each period <br> * pv = present value <br> * fv = future value <br> * pmtType specifies whether payments are due at the beginning (pmtType = 0) or * end of each period (pmtType = 1). <br> * <br> * The formula (from Excel's documentation) is solved directly for the values * pmt, nper, pv and fv. Rate cannot be found directly and is found instead by * an iterative method. * * Also see Appendix E Formulas Used p251 hp 12c platinum financial calculator * User Guide * * @author G. Sturr * */ public class AlgoFinancial extends AlgoElement { public enum CalculationType { RATE, NPER, PMT, PV, FV } // input private GeoNumeric geoRate, geoNper, geoPmt, geoPV, geoFV, geoPmtType, geoGuess; // output private GeoNumeric result; // compute private CalculationType calcType; private double rate, nper, pmt, pv, fv, pmtType, guess; /** * @param cons * @param label * @param rate * @param nper * @param pmt * @param pv * @param fv * @param pmtType * @param calcType */ public AlgoFinancial(Construction cons, String label, GeoNumeric rate, GeoNumeric nper, GeoNumeric pmt, GeoNumeric pv, GeoNumeric fv, GeoNumeric pmtType, CalculationType calcType) { this(cons, label, rate, nper, pmt, pv, fv, pmtType, null, calcType); } /** * @param cons * @param label * @param rate * @param nper * @param pmt * @param pv * @param fv * @param pmtType * @param guess * @param calcType */ public AlgoFinancial(Construction cons, String label, GeoNumeric rate, GeoNumeric nper, GeoNumeric pmt, GeoNumeric pv, GeoNumeric fv, GeoNumeric pmtType, GeoNumeric guess, CalculationType calcType) { super(cons); this.geoRate = rate; this.geoNper = nper; this.geoPmt = pmt; this.geoPV = pv; this.geoFV = fv; this.geoPmtType = pmtType; this.geoGuess = guess; this.calcType = calcType; result = new GeoNumeric(cons); setInputOutput(); compute(); result.setLabel(label); } @Override public Commands getClassName() { switch (calcType) { case RATE: return Commands.Rate; case NPER: return Commands.Periods; case PMT: return Commands.Payment; case PV: return Commands.PresentValue; case FV: return Commands.FutureValue; default: return Commands.Rate; } } // for AlgoElement @Override protected void setInputOutput() { ArrayList<GeoElement> tempList = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); if (geoRate != null) { tempList.add(geoRate); } if (geoNper != null) { tempList.add(geoNper); } if (geoPmt != null) { tempList.add(geoPmt); } if (geoPV != null) { tempList.add(geoPV); } if (geoFV != null) { tempList.add(geoFV); } if (geoPmtType != null) { tempList.add(geoPmtType); } if (geoGuess != null) { tempList.add(geoGuess); } input = new GeoElement[tempList.size()]; input = tempList.toArray(input); setOutputLength(1); setOutput(0, result); setDependencies(); // done by AlgoElement } public GeoNumeric getResult() { return result; } @Override public final void compute() { switch (calcType) { case RATE: if (!(setNper() && setPmt() && setPV() && setFV() && setPmtType() && setGuess())) { result.setUndefined(); return; } if (computeRate()) { result.setValue(rate); } else { result.setUndefined(); } break; case NPER: if (!(setRate() && setPmt() && setPV() && setFV() && setPmtType())) { result.setUndefined(); return; } if (Kernel.isZero(rate)) { nper = Kernel.checkInteger(-(pv + fv) / pmt); } else { double pmt2 = pmt * (1 + rate * pmtType); nper = Kernel.checkInteger( Math.log((pmt2 - rate * fv) / (pmt2 + rate * pv)) / Math.log(1 + rate)); } if (nper <= 0) { nper = Double.NaN; } result.setValue(nper); break; case PMT: if (!(setRate() && setNper() && setPV() && setFV() && setPmtType())) { result.setUndefined(); return; } if (rate == 0) { pmt = -(pv + fv) / nper; } else { pmt = (-fv - pv * Math.pow(1 + rate, nper)) / pmtFactor(); } result.setValue(pmt); break; case PV: if (!(setRate() && setNper() && setPmt() && setFV() && setPmtType())) { result.setUndefined(); return; } if (rate == 0) { pv = -pmt * nper - fv; } else { pv = (-fv - pmt * pmtFactor()) / Math.pow(1 + rate, nper); } result.setValue(pv); break; case FV: if (!(setRate() && setNper() && setPmt() && setPV() && setPmtType())) { result.setUndefined(); return; } if (rate == 0) { fv = -pmt * nper - pv; } else { fv = -pmt * pmtFactor() - pv * Math.pow(1 + rate, nper); } result.setValue(fv); break; } } // ================================================ // Utility functions for compute // ================================================ private double pmtFactor() { return (1 + rate * pmtType) * (Math.pow(1 + rate, nper) - 1) / (rate); } /** * Uses Brent's method to find rate then Newton to polish the root * * adapted from AlgoRootInterval * * @return true if calculation successful */ private boolean computeRate() { BrentSolver rootFinder = new BrentSolver(); NewtonSolver rootPolisher = new NewtonSolver(); RateFunction fun = new RateFunction(nper, pv, fv, pmt, pmtType); double min = 0; double max = 0.001; double newtonRoot = Double.NaN; if (geoGuess != null) { rate = geoGuess.getValue(); double dx = 0.001; // look for sign-change around interval for Brent // within [-1,1] min = Math.max(-1, rate - dx); max = Math.min(1, rate + dx); double minSign = Math.signum(value(fun, min)); double maxSign = Math.signum(value(fun, max)); // sensible bound on rate (between 0 and 1) while (minSign == maxSign && dx < 1) { dx *= 2; min = Math.max(0, rate - dx); max = Math.min(1, rate + dx); minSign = Math.signum(value(fun, min)); maxSign = Math.signum(value(fun, max)); } } else { // default starting value if Brent fails rate = 0.1; // quick and dirty look for interval with sign change double minSign = Math.signum(value(fun, min)); double maxSign = Math.signum(value(fun, max)); // sensible bound on rate (1) while (minSign == maxSign && max < 1) { max += 0.05; maxSign = Math.signum(value(fun, max)); } } // Brent's method (Apache 2.2) try { // App.error("min = " + min + " max = " + max); rate = rootFinder.solve(AlgoRootNewton.MAX_ITERATIONS, fun, min, max); // App.error("brent rate = " + rate); } catch (Exception e) { // we will still try Newton in this case Log.debug("problem with Brent Solver" + e.getMessage()); } if (Kernel.isEqual(rate, 1) || Double.isInfinite(rate) || Double.isNaN(rate)) { rate = 0.1; } try { // Log.debug("trying Newton with starting value " + rate); newtonRoot = rootPolisher.solve(AlgoRootNewton.MAX_ITERATIONS, fun, min, max, rate); if (Math.abs(fun.value(newtonRoot)) < Math.abs(fun.value(rate))) { // App.error("polished result from Newton is better: \n" + rate // + "\n" + newtonRoot); rate = newtonRoot; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.debug("problem with Newton: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } // ============================================= // Test/set parameter values // ============================================= private static double value(RateFunction fun, double min) { try { return fun.value(min); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // catches ArithmeticException, IllegalStateException and // ArithmeticException return Double.NaN; } } private boolean setRate() { if (geoRate == null || !geoRate.isDefined()) { return false; } rate = geoRate.evaluateDouble(); return !Double.isNaN(rate); } private boolean setNper() { if (geoNper == null || !geoNper.isDefined()) { return false; } nper = Kernel.checkInteger(geoNper.evaluateDouble()); // number of periods must be positive // check for NaN not needed as NaN > 0 returns false return nper > 0; } private boolean setPmt() { if (geoPmt == null || !geoPmt.isDefined()) { return false; } pmt = geoPmt.evaluateDouble(); return !Double.isNaN(pmt); } private boolean setPV() { if (geoPV == null) { if (calcType == CalculationType.FV) { pv = 0; return true; } return false; } if (geoPV.isDefined()) { pv = geoPV.evaluateDouble(); return !Double.isNaN(pv); } return false; } private boolean setFV() { if (geoFV == null) { fv = 0; return true; } if (geoFV.isDefined()) { fv = geoFV.evaluateDouble(); return !Double.isNaN(fv); } return false; } private boolean setPmtType() { if (geoPmtType == null) { pmtType = 0; return true; } if (geoPmtType.isDefined()) { if (geoPmtType.getDouble() == 1 || geoPmtType.getDouble() == 0) { pmtType = geoPmtType.getDouble(); return true; } } return false; } private boolean setGuess() { if (geoGuess == null) { guess = 0.1; return true; } if (geoGuess.isDefined()) { guess = geoGuess.evaluateDouble(); return !Double.isNaN(guess); } return false; } }