package org.geogebra.common.kernel.prover.polynomial; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.cas.GeoGebraCAS; import org.geogebra.common.cas.singularws.SingularWebService; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.main.SingularWSSettings; import org.geogebra.common.util.ExtendedBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * This is a simple polynomial class for polynomials with arbitrary many * variables. * * @author Simon Weitzhofer * */ public class PPolynomial implements Comparable<PPolynomial> { private TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> terms; /** * Creates the 0 polynomial */ public PPolynomial() { terms = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(); } /** * Copies a polynomial * * @param poly * the polynomial to copy */ public PPolynomial(final PPolynomial poly) { terms = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(poly.getTerms()); } private PPolynomial(final TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> terms) { this.terms = terms; } /** * Getter for the map which contains the terms and the according * coefficients. * * @return the map */ public TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> getTerms() { return terms; } /** * Creates a constant polynomial. * * @param coeff * the constant */ public PPolynomial(final BigInteger coeff) { this(coeff, new PTerm()); } /** * Creates a constant polynomial. * * @param coeff * the constant */ public PPolynomial(final long coeff) { this(new BigInteger(Long.toString(coeff)), new PTerm()); } /** * Creates a polynomial which contains only one variable * * @param fv * the variable */ public PPolynomial(final PVariable fv) { this(); terms.put(new PTerm(fv), BigInteger.ONE); } /** * Creates the polynomial coeff*variable * * @param coeff * the coefficient * @param variable * the variable */ public PPolynomial(final BigInteger coeff, final PVariable variable) { this(); if (coeff != BigInteger.ZERO) terms.put(new PTerm(variable), coeff); } /** * Creates the polynomial coeff*(variable^power) * * @param coeff * The coefficient * @param variable * the variable * @param power * the exponent */ public PPolynomial(final BigInteger coeff, final PVariable variable, final int power) { this(); if (coeff != BigInteger.ZERO) terms.put(new PTerm(variable, power), coeff); } /** * Creates the polynomial which contains only one term * * @param t * the term */ public PPolynomial(final PTerm t) { this(); terms.put(t, BigInteger.ONE); } /** * Creates the polynomial coeff*t * * @param coeff * the coefficient * @param t * the term */ public PPolynomial(final BigInteger coeff, final PTerm t) { this(); if (coeff != BigInteger.ZERO) terms.put(t, coeff); } /** * Returns the sum of the polynomial plus another polynomial. * * @param poly * the polynomial to add * @return the sum */ public PPolynomial add(final PPolynomial poly) { TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> result = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(terms); TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> terms2 = poly.getTerms(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it = terms2.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry =; PTerm t = entry.getKey(); if (terms.containsKey(t)) { BigInteger coefficient = terms.get(t).add(terms2.get(t)); if (coefficient == BigInteger.ZERO) { result.remove(t); } else { result.put(t, terms.get(t).add(entry.getValue())); } } else { result.put(t, entry.getValue()); } } return new PPolynomial(result); } /** * Calculates the additive inverse of the polynomial * * @return the negation of the polynomial */ public PPolynomial negate() { TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> result = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it = terms.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry =; PTerm t = entry.getKey(); result.put(t, BigInteger.ZERO.subtract(entry.getValue())); } return new PPolynomial(result); } /** * Subtracts another polynomial * * @param poly * the polynomial which is subtracted * @return the difference */ public PPolynomial subtract(final PPolynomial poly) { return add(poly.negate()); } /** * Multiplies the polynomial with another polynomial * * @param poly * the polynomial which is multiplied * @return the product */ public PPolynomial multiply(final PPolynomial poly) { /* if (AbstractApplication.singularWS != null && AbstractApplication.singularWS.isAvailable()) { if (poly.toString().length()>100 && this.toString().length()>100) { String singularMultiplicationProgram = getSingularMultiplication("rr", poly, this); AbstractApplication.trace(singularMultiplicationProgram.length() + " bytes -> singular"); String singularMultiplication = AbstractApplication.singularWS.directCommand(singularMultiplicationProgram); return new Polynomial(singularMultiplication); } } */ TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> result = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(); TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> terms2 = poly.getTerms(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it1 = terms.entrySet().iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry1 =; PTerm t1 = entry1.getKey(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it2 = terms2.entrySet() .iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry2 =; PTerm t2 = entry2.getKey(); PTerm product = t1.times(t2); BigInteger productCoefficient = entry1.getValue() .multiply(entry2.getValue()); if (result.containsKey(product)) { BigInteger sum = result.get(product).add(productCoefficient); if (sum == BigInteger.ZERO) { result.remove(product); } else { result.put(product, result.get(product).add(productCoefficient)); } } else { result.put(product, productCoefficient); } } } return new PPolynomial(result); } public int compareTo(PPolynomial poly) { if (this==poly){ return 0; } TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> polyVars = poly.getTerms(); if (polyVars.isEmpty()) { if (terms.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return 1; } if (terms.isEmpty()) { return -1; } PTerm termsLastKey=terms.lastKey(), polyVarsLastKey=polyVars.lastKey(); int compare = termsLastKey.compareTo(polyVarsLastKey); if (compare == 0) { compare = terms.get(termsLastKey).compareTo(polyVars.get(polyVarsLastKey)); } if (compare != 0) { return compare; } do { SortedMap<PTerm, BigInteger> termsSub = terms.headMap(termsLastKey); SortedMap<PTerm, BigInteger> oSub = polyVars.headMap(polyVarsLastKey); if (termsSub.isEmpty()) { if (oSub.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return -1; } if (oSub.isEmpty()) { return 1; } termsLastKey=termsSub.lastKey(); polyVarsLastKey=oSub.lastKey(); compare = termsLastKey.compareTo(polyVarsLastKey); if (compare == 0) { compare = termsSub.get(termsLastKey).compareTo( oSub.get(polyVarsLastKey)); } } while (compare == 0); return compare; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it = terms.entrySet().iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { return "0"; } while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry =; PTerm t = entry.getKey(); BigInteger c = entry.getValue(); if (!t.getTerm().isEmpty()) { if (c != BigInteger.ONE) sb.append(c + "*"); sb.append(t); } else sb.append(c); sb.append('+'); } String ret = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); // removing closing "+" ret = ret.replaceAll("\\+-", "-").replaceAll("-1\\*", "-") .replaceAll("\\+1\\*", "+").replaceAll("^1\\*", ""); return ret; } /** * Exports the polynomial into LaTeX * @return the LaTeX formatted polynomial */ public String toTeX() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it = terms.entrySet().iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { return "0"; } while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry =; PTerm t = entry.getKey(); BigInteger c = entry.getValue(); if (!t.getTerm().isEmpty()) { if (c != BigInteger.ONE) { // c != -1 if (c.add(BigInteger.ONE) != BigInteger.ZERO) { // c < -1 if (c.add(BigInteger.ONE).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1); // removing last "+" } } sb.append(c); } else { // -1 if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1); // removing last "+" } sb.append('-'); } } sb.append(t.toTeX()); } else sb.append(c); sb.append('+'); } return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); // removing closing "+" } /** * The set of the variables in this polynomial * @return the set of variables */ public HashSet<PVariable> getVars() { HashSet<PVariable> v = new HashSet<PVariable>(); Iterator<PTerm> it = terms.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PTerm t =; v.addAll(t.getVars()); } return v; } /** * The set of the variables in the given polynomials * @param polys the polynomials * @return the set of variables */ public static HashSet<PVariable> getVars(PPolynomial[] polys) { HashSet<PVariable> v = new HashSet<PVariable>(); int polysLength = 0; if (polys != null) polysLength = polys.length; for (int i=0; i<polysLength; ++i) { HashSet<PVariable> vars = polys[i].getVars(); if (vars != null) v.addAll(vars); } return v; } /** * Creates a comma separated list of the variables in the given polynomials * @param polys the polynomials * @param extraVars (maybe) extra variables (typically substituted variables) * @param free filter the query if the variables are free or dependant (or any if null) * @return the comma separated list */ public static String getVarsAsCommaSeparatedString(PPolynomial[] polys, HashSet<PVariable> extraVars, Boolean free) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); HashSet<PVariable> vars = getVars(polys); if (extraVars != null) vars.addAll(extraVars); Iterator<PVariable> it = vars.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PVariable fv =; if ((free == null) || (free && fv.isFree()) || (!free && !fv.isFree())) sb.append("," + fv); } if (sb.length()>0) return sb.substring(1); // removing first "," character return ""; } /** * Creates a comma separated list of the given polynomials * @param polys the polynomials * @return the comma separated list */ public static String getPolysAsCommaSeparatedString(PPolynomial[] polys) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < polys.length; ++i) { if (!polys[i].isZero()) { // avoid sending 0 to Giac's eliminate sb.append("," + polys[i].toString()); } } if (sb.length()>0) return sb.substring(1); // removing first "," character return ""; } /** * Creates a Singular program for creating a ring to work with two * polynomials, and multiply them; adds a closing ";" * @param ringVariable variable name for the ring in Singular * @param p1 first polynomial * @param p2 second polynomial * @return the Singular program code */ public String getSingularMultiplication(String ringVariable, PPolynomial p1, PPolynomial p2) { String vars = getVarsAsCommaSeparatedString(new PPolynomial[] {p1, p2}, null, null); if (!"".equals(vars)) return "ring " + ringVariable + "=0,(" + vars + "),dp;" // ring definition in Singular + "short=0;" // switching off short output + "(" + p1.toString() + ")" + "*" + "(" + p2.toString() + ");"; // the multiplication command return p1.toString() + "*" + p2.toString() + ";"; } /** * Creates a polynomial which describes the input coordinates as points * lying on the same line. * @param fv1 x-coordinate of the first point * @param fv2 y-coordinate of the first point * @param fv3 x-coordinate of the second point * @param fv4 y-coordinate of the second point * @param fv5 x-coordinate of the third point * @param fv6 y-coordinate of the third point * @return the polynomial */ public static PPolynomial collinear(PVariable fv1, PVariable fv2, PVariable fv3, PVariable fv4, PVariable fv5, PVariable fv6) { Log.trace("Setting up equation for collinear points " + "(" + fv1 + "," + fv2 + "), " + "(" + fv3 + "," + fv4 + ") and " + "(" + fv5 + "," + fv6 + ")"); // a*d-b*c: PPolynomial a = new PPolynomial(fv1); PPolynomial b = new PPolynomial(fv2); PPolynomial c = new PPolynomial(fv3); PPolynomial d = new PPolynomial(fv4); PPolynomial e = new PPolynomial(fv5); PPolynomial f = new PPolynomial(fv6); PPolynomial ret = a.multiply(d).subtract(b.multiply(c)) // + e*(b-d) .add(e.multiply(b.subtract(d))) // - f*(a-c) .subtract(f.multiply(a.subtract(c))); return ret; } /** * Creates a polynomial which describes the input coordinates as points * are perpendicular, i.e. AB is perpendicular to CD. * @param v1 x-coordinate of the first point (A) * @param v2 y-coordinate of the first point (A) * @param v3 x-coordinate of the second point (B) * @param v4 y-coordinate of the second point (B) * @param v5 x-coordinate of the third point (C) * @param v6 y-coordinate of the third point (C) * @param v7 x-coordinate of the fourth point (D) * @param v8 y-coordinate of the fourth point (D) * @return the polynomial */ public static PPolynomial perpendicular(PVariable v1, PVariable v2, PVariable v3, PVariable v4, PVariable v5, PVariable v6, PVariable v7, PVariable v8) { Log.trace("Setting up equation for perpendicular lines " + "(" + v1 + "," + v2 + ")-" + "(" + v3 + "," + v4 + ") and " + "(" + v5 + "," + v6 + ")-" + "(" + v7 + "," + v8 + ")"); PPolynomial a1 = new PPolynomial(v1); PPolynomial a2 = new PPolynomial(v2); PPolynomial b1 = new PPolynomial(v3); PPolynomial b2 = new PPolynomial(v4); PPolynomial c1 = new PPolynomial(v5); PPolynomial c2 = new PPolynomial(v6); PPolynomial d1 = new PPolynomial(v7); PPolynomial d2 = new PPolynomial(v8); // (a1-b1)*(c1-d1)+(a2-b2)*(c2-d2) PPolynomial ret = ((a1.subtract(b1)).multiply(c1.subtract(d1))) .add((a2.subtract(b2)).multiply(c2.subtract(d2))); return ret; } /** * Creates a polynomial which describes the input coordinates as points * are parallel, i.e. AB is parallel to CD. * @param v1 x-coordinate of the first point (A) * @param v2 y-coordinate of the first point (A) * @param v3 x-coordinate of the second point (B) * @param v4 y-coordinate of the second point (B) * @param v5 x-coordinate of the third point (C) * @param v6 y-coordinate of the third point (C) * @param v7 x-coordinate of the fourth point (D) * @param v8 y-coordinate of the fourth point (D) * @return the polynomial */ public static PPolynomial parallel(PVariable v1, PVariable v2, PVariable v3, PVariable v4, PVariable v5, PVariable v6, PVariable v7, PVariable v8) { Log.trace("Setting up equation for parallel lines " + "(" + v1 + "," + v2 + ")-" + "(" + v3 + "," + v4 + ") and " + "(" + v5 + "," + v6 + ")-" + "(" + v7 + "," + v8 + ")"); PPolynomial a1 = new PPolynomial(v1); PPolynomial a2 = new PPolynomial(v2); PPolynomial b1 = new PPolynomial(v3); PPolynomial b2 = new PPolynomial(v4); PPolynomial c1 = new PPolynomial(v5); PPolynomial c2 = new PPolynomial(v6); PPolynomial d1 = new PPolynomial(v7); PPolynomial d2 = new PPolynomial(v8); // (a1-b1)*(c2-d2)-(a2-b2)*(c1-d1) PPolynomial ret = ((a1.subtract(b1)).multiply(c2.subtract(d2))) .subtract((a2.subtract(b2)).multiply(c1.subtract(d1))); return ret; } /** * Creates a polynomial which describes the area of a triangle, i.e. area of * triangle ABC. * * @param v1 * x-coordinate of the first point (A) * @param v2 * y-coordinate of the first point (A) * @param v3 * x-coordinate of the second point (B) * @param v4 * y-coordinate of the second point (B) * @param v5 * x-coordinate of the third point (C) * @param v6 * y-coordinate of the third point (C) * @return the polynomial */ public static PPolynomial area(PVariable v1, PVariable v2, PVariable v3, PVariable v4, PVariable v5, PVariable v6) { PPolynomial a1 = new PPolynomial(v1); PPolynomial a2 = new PPolynomial(v2); PPolynomial b1 = new PPolynomial(v3); PPolynomial b2 = new PPolynomial(v4); PPolynomial c1 = new PPolynomial(v5); PPolynomial c2 = new PPolynomial(v6); PPolynomial ret = a1.multiply(b2).add(b1.multiply(c2)) .add(c1.multiply(a2)).subtract(c1.multiply(b2)) .subtract(a1.multiply(c2)).subtract(a2.multiply(b1)); return ret; } /** * Calculates the determinant of a 4 times 4 matrix * @param matrix matrix * @return the determinant */ public static PPolynomial det4(final PPolynomial[][] matrix){ return matrix[0][3].multiply(matrix[1][2].multiply(matrix[2][1].multiply(matrix[3][0]))).subtract( matrix[0][2].multiply(matrix[1][3]).multiply(matrix[2][1]).multiply(matrix[3][0])).subtract( matrix[0][3].multiply(matrix[1][1]).multiply(matrix[2][2]).multiply(matrix[3][0])).add( matrix[0][1].multiply(matrix[1][3]).multiply(matrix[2][2]).multiply(matrix[3][0])).add( matrix[0][2].multiply(matrix[1][1]).multiply(matrix[2][3]).multiply(matrix[3][0])).subtract( matrix[0][1].multiply(matrix[1][2]).multiply(matrix[2][3]).multiply(matrix[3][0])).subtract( matrix[0][3].multiply(matrix[1][2]).multiply(matrix[2][0]).multiply(matrix[3][1])).add( matrix[0][2].multiply(matrix[1][3]).multiply(matrix[2][0]).multiply(matrix[3][1])).add( matrix[0][3].multiply(matrix[1][0]).multiply(matrix[2][2]).multiply(matrix[3][1])).subtract( matrix[0][0].multiply(matrix[1][3]).multiply(matrix[2][2]).multiply(matrix[3][1])).subtract( matrix[0][2].multiply(matrix[1][0]).multiply(matrix[2][3]).multiply(matrix[3][1])).add( matrix[0][0].multiply(matrix[1][2]).multiply(matrix[2][3]).multiply(matrix[3][1])).add( matrix[0][3].multiply(matrix[1][1]).multiply(matrix[2][0]).multiply(matrix[3][2])).subtract( matrix[0][1].multiply(matrix[1][3]).multiply(matrix[2][0]).multiply(matrix[3][2])).subtract( matrix[0][3].multiply(matrix[1][0]).multiply(matrix[2][1]).multiply(matrix[3][2])).add( matrix[0][0].multiply(matrix[1][3]).multiply(matrix[2][1]).multiply(matrix[3][2])).add( matrix[0][1].multiply(matrix[1][0]).multiply(matrix[2][3]).multiply(matrix[3][2])).subtract( matrix[0][0].multiply(matrix[1][1]).multiply(matrix[2][3]).multiply(matrix[3][2])).subtract( matrix[0][2].multiply(matrix[1][1]).multiply(matrix[2][0]).multiply(matrix[3][3])).add( matrix[0][1].multiply(matrix[1][2]).multiply(matrix[2][0]).multiply(matrix[3][3])).add( matrix[0][2].multiply(matrix[1][0]).multiply(matrix[2][1]).multiply(matrix[3][3])).subtract( matrix[0][0].multiply(matrix[1][2]).multiply(matrix[2][1]).multiply(matrix[3][3])).subtract( matrix[0][1].multiply(matrix[1][0]).multiply(matrix[2][2]).multiply(matrix[3][3])).add( matrix[0][0].multiply(matrix[1][1]).multiply(matrix[2][2]).multiply(matrix[3][3])); } /** * Calculates the cross product of two vectors of dimension three. * @param a the first vector * @param b the second vector * @return the cross product of the two vectors */ public static PPolynomial[] crossProduct(PPolynomial[] a, PPolynomial[] b) { PPolynomial[] result=new PPolynomial[3]; result[0]=(a[1].multiply(b[2])).subtract(a[2].multiply(b[1])); result[1]=(a[2].multiply(b[0])).subtract(a[0].multiply(b[2])); result[2]=(a[0].multiply(b[1])).subtract(a[1].multiply(b[0])); return result; } /** * Substitutes variables in the polynomial by integer values * * @param substitutions * A map of the substitutions * @return a new polynomial with the variables substituted. */ public PPolynomial substitute(Map<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions) { if (substitutions == null) return this; TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> result = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it = terms.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry =; PTerm t1 = entry.getKey(); TreeMap<PVariable, Integer> term = new TreeMap<PVariable, Integer>(t1.getTerm()); BigInteger product = BigInteger.ONE; Iterator<Entry<PVariable, BigInteger>> itSubst = substitutions .entrySet() .iterator(); while (itSubst.hasNext()) { Entry<PVariable, BigInteger> entrySubst =; PVariable variable = entrySubst.getKey(); Integer exponent = term.get(variable); if (exponent != null) { product = product .multiply(entrySubst.getValue().pow(exponent)); term.remove(variable); } } product = product.multiply(entry.getValue()); PTerm t = new PTerm(term); if (result.containsKey(t)) { BigInteger sum = result.get(t).add(product); // if (sum.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > -1) { // throw new ArithmeticException( // "Integer Overflow in polynomial class"); // } if (sum.longValue() == 0) { result.remove(t); } else { result.put(t, sum); } } else if (product.intValue() != 0){ // if (product.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > -1) { // throw new ArithmeticException( // "Integer Overflow in polynomial class"); // } result.put(t, product); } } return new PPolynomial(result); } /** * Substitutes a variable in the polynomial by another variable. * * @param oldVar * old variable * @param newVar * new variable * * @return a new polynomial with the variable substituted. */ public PPolynomial substitute(PVariable oldVar, PVariable newVar) { TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger> result = new TreeMap<PTerm, BigInteger>(); Iterator<Entry<PTerm, BigInteger>> it = terms.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PTerm, BigInteger> entry =; PTerm t1 = entry.getKey(); TreeMap<PVariable, Integer> term = new TreeMap<PVariable, Integer>( t1.getTerm()); Integer oldExponent = term.get(oldVar); if (oldExponent != null) { Integer newExponent = term.get(newVar); if (newExponent == null) { newExponent = 0; } else { term.remove(newVar); } term.remove(oldVar); term.put(newVar, oldExponent + newExponent); } BigInteger coeff = entry.getValue(); PTerm t = new PTerm(term); result.put(t, coeff); } return new PPolynomial(result); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof PPolynomial) { return this.compareTo((PPolynomial) o) == 0; } return super.equals(o); } @Override public int hashCode() { return terms.hashCode(); } /** * Tests if the Polynomial is the zero polynomial * @return true if the polynomial is zero false otherwise */ public boolean isZero() { return terms.isEmpty(); } /** * Tests if the polynomial is a constant. * @return if input is a constant */ public boolean isConstant() { if (terms.size() > 1) { return false; } if (terms.firstKey().equals(new PTerm())) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return Integer value of Polynomial if it is constant */ public BigInteger getConstant() { if (terms.size() > 1) { return null; } return terms.firstEntry().getValue(); } /** * Tests if two polynomials are associates by a +/-1 multiplier * @param p1 First polynomial * @param p2 Second polynomial * @return if the polynomials are associates */ public static boolean areAssociates1(PPolynomial p1, PPolynomial p2) { return p1.equals(p2) || p1.add(p2).isZero(); } /** * Tests if the Polynomial is the constant one polynomial * @return true if the polynomial is zero false otherwise */ public boolean isOne() { return equals(new PPolynomial(BigInteger.ONE)); } /** * Converts substitutions to Singular strings * * @param substitutions * input as a HashMap * @return the parameters for Singular (e.g. "v1,0,v2,0,v3,0,v4,1") */ static String substitutionsString( HashMap<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<Entry<PVariable, BigInteger>> it = substitutions.entrySet() .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PVariable, BigInteger> entry =; PVariable v = entry.getKey(); ret.append("," + v.toString() + "," + entry.getValue()); } if (ret.length()>0) return ret.substring(1); return ""; } /** * Adds a leading comma to the input string if it not empty * @param in input * @return output string */ public static String addLeadingComma (String in) { if (in == null || in.length() == 0) return ""; return "," + in; } /** * Returns in1 if it is not empty, in2 otherwise * @param in1 input1 * @param in2 input2 * @return the first non-empty input */ public static String coalesce (String in1, String in2) { if (in1 == null || in1.length() == 0) return in2; return in1; } /** * Creates a Singular program for creating a ring to work with several * polynomials, and returns if the equation system has a solution. Uses * the Groebner basis w.r.t. the revgradlex order. * @param substitutions HashMap with variables and values, e.g. {v1->0},{v2->1} * @param polys polynomials, e.g. "v1+v2-3*v4-10" * @param fieldVars field variables (comma separated) * @param ringVars ring variables (comma separated) * @param transcext use coefficients from a transcendental extension * @return the Singular program code */ public static String createGroebnerSolvableScript( HashMap<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions, String polys, String fieldVars, String ringVars, boolean transcext) { String ringVariable = "r"; String idealVariable = "i"; String dummyVar = "d"; String vars = ringVars + addLeadingComma(fieldVars); String substCommand = ""; if (substitutions != null) { String substParams = substitutionsString(substitutions); substCommand = idealVariable + "=subst(" + idealVariable + "," + substParams + ");"; } String ret = "ring " + ringVariable + "="; if (transcext) { ret += "(0" + addLeadingComma(fieldVars) + "),(" + coalesce(ringVars, dummyVar); } else { ret += "0,(" + coalesce(vars, dummyVar); } ret += "),dp;" // ring definition in Singular, using revgradlex + "ideal " + idealVariable + "=" + polys + ";"; // ideal definition in Singular ret += substCommand; ret += "groebner(" + idealVariable + ")!=1;"; // the Groebner basis calculation command return ret; } /** * Creates a Singular program for the elimination ideal given by * a set of generating polynomials. We get the result in factorized form. * @param polys set of polynomials generating the ideal * @param pVariables the variables of the polynomials * @param dependentVariables the variables that should be eliminated * @return the Singular program code */ /* * Example program code: * ring r=0,(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15),dp; * ideal i=-1*v5+-1*v3+2*v1,-1*v6+-1*v4+2*v2,-1*v9+2*v7+-1*v5,-1*v10+2*v8+-1*v6,2*v11+-1*v7+-1*v1,2*v12+-1*v8+-1*v2, * -1*v13*v12+v14*v11+v13*v6+-1*v11*v6+-1*v14*v5+v12*v5, * -1*v13*v10+v14*v9+v13*v4+-1*v9*v4+-1*v14*v3+v10*v3, * -1+2*v15*v14*v10+-1*v15*v10^2+2*v15*v13*v9+-1*v15*v9^2+-2*v15*v14*v4+v15*v4^2+-2*v15*v13*v3+v15*v3^2; * ideal e=eliminate(i,v1*v2*v7*v8*v11*v12*v13*v14*v15); * list o;int s=size(e);int j;for(j=1;j<=s;j=j+1){o[j]=factorize(e[j]);}o; * * Example output from Singular: * [1]: [1]: _[1]=1 _[2]=v4*v5-v3*v6-v4*v9+v6*v9+v3*v10-v5*v10 [2]: 1,1 */ public static String createEliminateFactorizedScript( PPolynomial[] polys, PVariable[] pVariables, Set<PVariable> dependentVariables) { String ringVariable = "r"; String idealVariable = "i"; String loopVariable = "j"; String sizeVariable = "s"; String eliminationVariable = "e"; String outputVariable = "o"; String dummyVar = "d"; StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("ring "); ret.append(ringVariable); ret.append("=0,("); StringBuilder vars = new StringBuilder(); for (PVariable v : pVariables) { vars.append(v + ","); } if (vars.length() > 0) { ret.append(vars.substring(0, vars.length() - 1)); if (dependentVariables.isEmpty()) { ret.append(",").append(dummyVar); } } else ret.append(dummyVar); ret.append("),dp;"); ret.append("ideal "); ret.append(idealVariable); ret.append("="); ret.append(getPolysAsCommaSeparatedString(polys)); ret.append(";"); ret.append("ideal "); ret.append(eliminationVariable); ret.append("="); ret.append("eliminate("); ret.append(idealVariable); ret.append(","); vars = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<PVariable> dependentVariablesIterator = dependentVariables.iterator(); while (dependentVariablesIterator.hasNext()){ vars.append(; if (dependentVariablesIterator.hasNext()){ vars.append("*"); } } if (vars.length() > 0) { ret.append(vars); } else { ret.append(dummyVar); } ret.append(");"); // list o;int s=size(e);int j;for(j=1;j<=s;j=j+1){o[j]=factorize(e[j]);}o; ret.append("list " + outputVariable + ";int " + sizeVariable + "=size(" + eliminationVariable + ");"); ret.append("int " + loopVariable + ";for(" + loopVariable + "=1;" + loopVariable + "<=" + sizeVariable + ";" + loopVariable + "=" + loopVariable + "+1)"); ret.append("{" + outputVariable + "[" + loopVariable + "]=factorize(" + eliminationVariable + "[" + loopVariable + "]);}o;"); return ret.toString(); } /** * Decides if an array of polynomials (as a set) gives a solvable equation system * on the field of the complex numbers. * @param polys the array of polynomials * @param substitutions some variables which are to be evaluated with exact numbers * @param kernel kernel for the prover * @param transcext use coefficients from transcendent extension if possible * @return yes if solvable, no if no solutions, or null (if cannot decide) */ public static ExtendedBoolean solvable(PPolynomial[] polys, HashMap<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions, Kernel kernel, boolean transcext) { HashSet<PVariable> substVars = null; String polysAsCommaSeparatedString = getPolysAsCommaSeparatedString(polys); substVars = new HashSet<PVariable>(substitutions.keySet()); String freeVars = getVarsAsCommaSeparatedString(polys, substVars, true); String dependantVars = getVarsAsCommaSeparatedString(polys, substVars, false); String solvableResult, solvableProgram; SingularWebService singularWS = kernel.getApplication().getSingularWS(); if (singularWS != null && singularWS.isAvailable()) { solvableProgram = createGroebnerSolvableScript(substitutions, polysAsCommaSeparatedString, freeVars, dependantVars, transcext); if (solvableProgram.length() > SingularWSSettings.debugMaxProgramSize) Log.trace(solvableProgram.length() + " bytes -> singular"); else Log.trace(solvableProgram + " -> singular"); try { solvableResult = singularWS.directCommand(solvableProgram); if (solvableResult.length() > SingularWSSettings.debugMaxProgramSize) Log.trace("singular -> " + solvableResult.length() + " bytes"); else Log.trace("singular -> " + solvableResult); if ("0".equals(solvableResult)) { return ExtendedBoolean.FALSE; // no solution } if ("".equals(solvableResult)) { return ExtendedBoolean.UNKNOWN; // maybe timeout (no answer) } } catch (Throwable e) { Log.debug("Could not compute solvability with SingularWS"); return ExtendedBoolean.UNKNOWN; } return ExtendedBoolean.TRUE; // at least one solution exists } // If SingularWS is not applicable, then we try to use the internal CAS: GeoGebraCAS cas = (GeoGebraCAS) kernel.getGeoGebraCAS(); solvableProgram = cas.getCurrentCAS().createGroebnerSolvableScript(substitutions, polysAsCommaSeparatedString, freeVars, dependantVars, transcext); if (solvableProgram == null) {"Not implemented (yet)"); return ExtendedBoolean.UNKNOWN; // cannot decide } solvableResult = cas.evaluate(solvableProgram); if ("0".equals(solvableResult) || "false".equals(solvableResult)) { return ExtendedBoolean.FALSE; // no solution } if ("1".equals(solvableResult) || "true".equals(solvableResult)) { return ExtendedBoolean.TRUE; // at least one solution exists } return ExtendedBoolean.UNKNOWN; // cannot decide } /** Returns the square of the input polynomial * @param p input polynomial * @return the square (p*p) */ public static PPolynomial sqr(PPolynomial p) { return p.multiply(p); } /** * Returns the square of the distance of two points * @param a1 first coordinate of A * @param a2 second coordinate of A * @param b1 first coordinate of B * @param b2 second coordinate of B * @return the square of the distance */ public static PPolynomial sqrDistance(PVariable a1, PVariable a2, PVariable b1, PVariable b2) { return sqr(new PPolynomial(a1).subtract(new PPolynomial(b1))) .add(sqr(new PPolynomial(a2).subtract(new PPolynomial(b2)))); } /** * Returns if AO=OB, i.e. whether the AOB triangle is isosceles * @param a1 first coordinate of A * @param a2 second coordinate of A * @param o1 first coordinate of O * @param o2 second coordinate of O * @param b1 first coordinate of B * @param b2 second coordinate of B * @return the 0 polynomial if AO=OB */ public static PPolynomial equidistant(PVariable a1, PVariable a2, PVariable o1, PVariable o2, PVariable b1, PVariable b2) { return sqrDistance(a1,a2,o1,o2).subtract(sqrDistance(o1,o2,b1,b2)); } /** * Returns the elimination ideal for the given equation system, assuming * given substitutions. Only the dependent variables will be eliminated. * * @param eqSystem * the equation system * @param substitutions * fixed values for certain variables * @param kernel * GeoGebra kernel * @param permutation * use this permutation number for changing the order of the * first free variables * @param factorized * compute output ideal in factorized form * @param oneCurve * prefer getting one algebraic curve than an ideal with more * elements * @return elements of the elimination ideal or null if computation failed */ public static Set<Set<PPolynomial>> eliminate(PPolynomial[] eqSystem, HashMap<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions, Kernel kernel, int permutation, boolean factorized, boolean oneCurve) { TreeSet<PVariable> dependentVariables = new TreeSet<PVariable>(); TreeSet<PVariable> freeVariables = new TreeSet<PVariable>(); TreeSet<PVariable> variables = new TreeSet<PVariable>(getVars(eqSystem)); Iterator<PVariable> variablesIterator = variables.iterator(); while (variablesIterator.hasNext()) { PVariable variable =; if (!variable.isFree()) { dependentVariables.add(variable); } else { if (substitutions == null || !substitutions.containsKey(variable)) { freeVariables.add(variable); } } } PPolynomial[] eqSystemSubstituted; if (substitutions != null) { eqSystemSubstituted = new PPolynomial[eqSystem.length]; for (int i = 0; i < eqSystem.length; i++) { eqSystemSubstituted[i] = eqSystem[i] .substitute(substitutions); } variables.removeAll(substitutions.keySet()); } else { eqSystemSubstituted = eqSystem; } String elimResult, elimProgram; Log.debug("Eliminating system in " + variables.size() + " variables (" + dependentVariables.size() + " dependent)"); SingularWebService singularWS = kernel.getApplication().getSingularWS(); if (singularWS != null && singularWS.isAvailable() && factorized) { /* * In most cases the revlex permutation gives good (readable) result, but not always. * So we try to permute the last four non-substituted free variables here. * All the 24 possibilities here may be a bit slow, so we sketch up a priority for * checking. */ int vSize = freeVariables.size(); PVariable[] aVariables = new PVariable[vSize]; Iterator<PVariable> it = freeVariables.iterator(); int ai = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { aVariables[ai++] =; } int[] indices = new int[vSize]; for (int i = 0; i < vSize; ++i) { indices[i] = i; } if (vSize >= 4) { // Don't permute if there are not enough free variables. // Suggested permutations in priority. The first one is revlex, the last one is lex. int[][] perms = { { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, { 3, 2, 0, 1 }, { 3, 1, 2, 0 }, { 3, 1, 0, 2 }, { 3, 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 0, 2, 1 }, { 2, 3, 1, 0 }, { 2, 3, 0, 1 }, { 2, 1, 0, 3 }, { 2, 1, 3, 0 }, { 2, 0, 1, 3 }, { 2, 0, 3, 1 }, { 1, 3, 2, 0 }, { 1, 3, 0, 2 }, { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, { 1, 2, 0, 3 }, { 1, 0, 3, 2 }, { 1, 0, 2, 3 }, { 0, 3, 2, 1 }, { 0, 3, 1, 2 }, { 0, 2, 3, 1 }, { 0, 2, 1, 3 }, { 0, 1, 3, 2 }, { 0, 1, 2, 3 } }; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { indices[j + vSize - 4] = 3 - perms[permutation][j] + vSize - 4; } } PVariable[] pVariables = new PVariable[variables.size()]; StringBuilder debug = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < vSize; ++j) { pVariables[j] = aVariables[indices[j]]; debug.append(aVariables[indices[j]]); if (j < vSize - 1) { debug.append(","); } } Log.debug("Checking variable permutation #" + permutation + ": " + debug); it = dependentVariables.iterator(); for (int j = vSize; j < variables.size(); ++j) { pVariables[j] =; } /* End of permutation. */ elimProgram = createEliminateFactorizedScript( eqSystemSubstituted, pVariables, dependentVariables); if (elimProgram.length() > SingularWSSettings.debugMaxProgramSize) Log.trace(elimProgram.length() + " bytes -> singular"); else Log.trace(elimProgram + " -> singular"); try { elimResult = singularWS.directCommand(elimProgram); if (elimResult == null) { return null; } if (elimResult.length() > SingularWSSettings.debugMaxProgramSize) Log.trace("singular -> " + elimResult.length() + " bytes"); else Log.trace("singular -> " + elimResult); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.debug("Could not compute elimination with SingularWS"); return null; } } else { // If SingularWS is not applicable or don't need factorization, then // we try to use the internal CAS: GeoGebraCAS cas = (GeoGebraCAS) kernel.getGeoGebraCAS(); String polys = getPolysAsCommaSeparatedString(eqSystemSubstituted); String elimVars = getVarsAsCommaSeparatedString(eqSystemSubstituted, null, false); String freeVars = getVarsAsCommaSeparatedString(eqSystemSubstituted, null, true); Log.trace("gbt polys = " + polys); Log.trace("gbt vars = " + elimVars + "," + freeVars); // Consider uncomment this if Giac cannot find a readable NDG: // elimVars = dependentVariables.toString().replaceAll(" ", ""); // elimVars = elimVars.substring(1, elimVars.length()-1); if (factorized) { elimProgram = cas.getCurrentCAS() .createEliminateFactorizedScript(polys, elimVars); } else { elimProgram = cas.getCurrentCAS().createEliminateScript(polys, elimVars, oneCurve, kernel.precision()); } if (elimProgram == null) {"Not implemented (yet)"); return null; // cannot decide } elimResult = cas.evaluate(elimProgram).replace("unicode95u", "_") .replace("unicode91u", "["); if (!factorized) { elimResult = elimResult.replace(".0", ""); elimResult = elimResult.substring(1, elimResult.length() - 1); elimResult = "[1]: [1]: _[1]=1 _[2]=" + elimResult + " [2]: 1,1"; Log.trace("Rewritten: " + elimResult); } } // Singular returns "empty list", Giac "{0}" when the statement is // false: if ("empty list".equals(elimResult) || "{0}".equals(elimResult)) { // If we get an empty list from Singular, it means // the answer is false, so we artificially create the {{0}} answer. Set<Set<PPolynomial>> ret = new HashSet<Set<PPolynomial>>(); HashSet<PPolynomial> polys = new HashSet<PPolynomial>(); polys.add(new PPolynomial(BigInteger.ZERO)); // this might be Polynomial() as well ret.add(polys); return ret; } /* * Singular may return "halt 1" or something similar. We should handle * this in general but for some strange reason we cannot catch the * exception later from PolynomialParser. TODO: find a better way than * this hack. */ if (elimResult.contains("halt")) { return null; // too difficult problem for Singular } // Giac returns ? or empty string if there was a timeout: if ("?".equals(elimResult) || "".equals(elimResult)) { return null; // cannot decide } try { return PolynomialParser.parseFactoredPolynomialSet( elimResult, variables); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.debug("Cannot parse: " + elimResult); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; // cannot decide } }