package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.gui.SetLabels; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ModeSetter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.View; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.GeoGebraColorConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.PrintableW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DataAnalysisViewW extends FlowPanel implements View, ProvidesResize, RequiresResize, SetLabels, IDataAnalysisListener, PrintableW { // ggb private AppW app; private Kernel kernel; private DataAnalysisModel model; protected DataAnalysisControllerW daCtrl; private DataAnalysisStyleBarW stylebar; // colors public static final GColor TABLE_GRID_COLOR = GeoGebraColorConstants.TABLE_GRID_COLOR; public static final GColor TABLE_HEADER_COLOR = GColor.newColor(240, 240, 240); public static final GColor HISTOGRAM_COLOR = GColor.BLUE; public static final GColor BOXPLOT_COLOR = GeoGebraColorConstants.GGB_RED; public static final GColor BARCHART_COLOR = GeoGebraColorConstants.GGB_GREEN; public static final GColor DOTPLOT_COLOR = GeoGebraColorConstants.GRAY5; public static final GColor NQPLOT_COLOR = GeoGebraColorConstants.GRAY5; public static final GColor REGRESSION_COLOR = GColor.RED; public static final GColor OVERLAY_COLOR = GeoGebraColorConstants.DARKBLUE; private GColor[] colors = { TABLE_GRID_COLOR, TABLE_HEADER_COLOR, HISTOGRAM_COLOR, BOXPLOT_COLOR, BARCHART_COLOR, DOTPLOT_COLOR, NQPLOT_COLOR, REGRESSION_COLOR, OVERLAY_COLOR, GColor.BLACK, GColor.WHITE }; // main GUI panels private DataPanelW dataPanel; private StatisticsPanelW statisticsPanel; private RegressionPanelW regressionPanel; private DataDisplayPanelW dataDisplayPanel1, dataDisplayPanel2; private SplitLayoutPanel comboPanelSplit, mainSplit; /** * For calling the onResize method in a deferred way */ Scheduler.ScheduledCommand deferredOnRes = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { onResize(); } }; Scheduler.ScheduledCommand deferredDataPanelOnRes = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (model.isMultiVar() && model.showStatPanel()) { Log.debug("Showing MultiVar stat panel"); dataDisplayPanel1.resize(getOffsetWidth(), getOffsetHeight() - statisticsPanel.getOffsetHeight(), true); } else { dataDisplayPanel1.onResize(); dataDisplayPanel2.onResize(); } if (model.showDataPanel()) { dataPanel.onResize(); } } }; private DataSource dataSource; /************************************************* * Constructs the view. * * @param app * @param mode */ public DataAnalysisViewW(AppW app, int mode) { = app; this.kernel = app.getKernel(); daCtrl = new DataAnalysisControllerW(app, this); model = new DataAnalysisModel(app, this, daCtrl); dataSource = new DataSource(app); daCtrl.loadDataLists(true); setView(dataSource, mode, true); model.setIniting(false); } /************************************************* * END constructor */ public void changeMode(int mode) { model = new DataAnalysisModel(app, this, daCtrl); setView(dataSource, mode, true); } protected void setView(DataSource dataSource, int mode, boolean forceModeUpdate) { if (app.has(Feature.ONE_VAR_FREQUENCY_TABLE)) { dataSource.setFrequencyFromColumn(true); } dataSource.setDataListFromSelection(mode); dataDisplayPanel1 = new DataDisplayPanelW(this); dataDisplayPanel2 = new DataDisplayPanelW(this); comboPanelSplit = new SplitLayoutPanel(); comboPanelSplit.setStyleName("comboSplitLayout"); comboPanelSplit.add(dataDisplayPanel1); mainSplit = new SplitLayoutPanel(); mainSplit.add(comboPanelSplit); mainSplit.setWidgetMinSize(comboPanelSplit, 500); mainSplit.setStyleName("daMainSplit"); add(mainSplit); model.setView(dataSource, mode, forceModeUpdate); // updateFonts(); setLabels(); updateGUI(); } public Widget getStyleBar() { if (stylebar == null) { stylebar = new DataAnalysisStyleBarW(app, this); } return stylebar; } private void buildStatisticsPanel() { if (statisticsPanel != null) { // TODO handle any orphaned geo children of stat panel statisticsPanel = null; } statisticsPanel = new StatisticsPanelW(app, this); } @Override public void setPlotPanelOVNotNumeric(int mode) { dataDisplayPanel1.setPanel(PlotType.BARCHART, mode); dataDisplayPanel2.setPanel(PlotType.BARCHART, mode); } @Override public void setPlotPanelOVRawData(int mode) { dataDisplayPanel1.setPanel(PlotType.HISTOGRAM, mode); dataDisplayPanel2.setPanel(PlotType.BOXPLOT, mode); } @Override public void setPlotPanelOVFrequency(int mode) { dataDisplayPanel1.setPanel(PlotType.BARCHART, mode); dataDisplayPanel2.setPanel(PlotType.BOXPLOT, mode); } @Override public void setPlotPanelOVClass(int mode) { dataDisplayPanel1.setPanel(PlotType.HISTOGRAM, mode); dataDisplayPanel2.setPanel(PlotType.HISTOGRAM, mode); } @Override public void setPlotPanelRegression(int mode) { dataDisplayPanel1.setPanel(PlotType.SCATTERPLOT, mode); dataDisplayPanel2.setPanel(PlotType.RESIDUAL, mode); } @Override public void setPlotPanelMultiVar(int mode) { dataDisplayPanel1.setPanel(PlotType.MULTIBOXPLOT, mode); } /** * set the data plot panels with default plots */ public void setDataPlotPanels() { model.setDataPlotPanels(); } // Create DataPanel to display the current data set(s) and allow // temporary editing. protected DataPanelW buildDataPanel() { if (dataPanel != null) { // TODO handle any orphaned data panel geos dataPanel = null; } if (!model.isMultiVar()) { dataPanel = new DataPanelW(app, this); } return dataPanel; } @Override public void loadDataTable(ArrayList<GeoElement> dataArray) { if (dataPanel == null) { buildDataPanel(); } // TODO: Implement! // dataPanel.loadDataTable(dataArray); } protected DataPanelW getDataPanel() { return dataPanel; } // ================================================= // GUI // ================================================= private void updateLayout() { clear(); int regressiodIdx = model.isRegressionMode() && regressionPanel != null ? regressionPanel.getRegressionIdx() :- 1; mainSplit.clear(); boolean stat = model.showStatPanel(); boolean data = model.showDataPanel(); if (data && dataPanel == null) { buildDataPanel(); } if (model.isMultiVar()) { comboPanelSplit.clear(); if (stat) { // set the size of comboPanelSplit.addSouth(statisticsPanel, statisticsPanel .estimateHeight(model.getDataTitles().length)); comboPanelSplit.add(dataDisplayPanel1); } else { comboPanelSplit.add(dataDisplayPanel1); } mainSplit.add(comboPanelSplit); } else { if (stat && data) { mainSplit.addWest(statisticsPanel, 300); mainSplit.addEast(comboPanelSplit, 300); mainSplit.add(dataPanel); } else if (stat && !data) { mainSplit.addWest(statisticsPanel, 300); mainSplit.add(comboPanelSplit); } else if (!stat && data) { mainSplit.addWest(dataPanel, 300); mainSplit.add(comboPanelSplit); } else { mainSplit.add(comboPanelSplit); } mainSplit.setWidgetMinSize(comboPanelSplit, 500); // =========================================== // regression panel } add(mainSplit); if (model.isRegressionMode()) { regressionPanel = new RegressionPanelW(app, this); add(regressionPanel); if (regressiodIdx != -1) { regressionPanel.setRegressionIdx(regressiodIdx); } mainSplit.setHeight("80%"); } else { mainSplit.setHeight("100%"); } deferredDataPanelOnResize(); } // ====================================== // Getters/setters // ====================================== public DataAnalysisControllerW getDaCtrl() { return daCtrl; } public DataSource getDataSource() { return model.getDataSource(); } public GroupType groupType() { return daCtrl.getDataSource().getGroupType(); } public DataDisplayPanelW getDataDisplayPanel1() { return dataDisplayPanel1; } public DataDisplayPanelW getDataDisplayPanel2() { return dataDisplayPanel2; } public RegressionPanelW getRegressionPanel() { return regressionPanel; } public StatisticsPanelW getStatisticsPanel() { return statisticsPanel; } /** * Component representation of this view * * @return reference to self */ public Widget getDataAnalysisViewComponent() { return this; // return statisticsPanel; } @Override public DataAnalysisControllerW getController() { return daCtrl; } public GeoElement getRegressionModel() { return daCtrl.getRegressionModel(); } public AppW getApp() { return app; } // public int getMode() { // return mode; // } // ================================================= // Handlers for Component Visibility // ================================================= @Override public void updateStatDataPanelVisibility() { updateLayout(); } public void doPrint() { // List<Printable> l = new ArrayList<Printable>(); // l.add(this); // PrintPreview.get(app, App.VIEW_DATA_ANALYSIS, PageFormat.LANDSCAPE) // .setVisible(true); } // ================================================= // Event Handlers and Updates // ================================================= @Override public void updateGUI() { if (stylebar != null) { stylebar.updateGUI(); } deferredOnResize(); } @Override public void setLabels() { if (model.isIniting()) { return; } if (model.isRegressionMode() && regressionPanel != null) { regressionPanel.setLabels(); } if (stylebar != null) { stylebar.setLabels(); } } // ================================================= // Number Format // // (use GeoGebra rounding settings unless decimals < 4) // ================================================= // ================================================= // View Implementation // ================================================= @Override public void remove(GeoElement geo) { model.remove(geo); } @Override public void update(GeoElement geo) { model.update(geo); } @Override final public void updateVisualStyle(GeoElement geo, GProperty prop) { update(geo); } @Override public void updatePreviewFromInputBar(GeoElement[] geos) { // TODO } @Override public void add(GeoElement geo) { // do nothing } @Override public void clearView() { // do nothing } @Override public void rename(GeoElement geo) { // do nothing } @Override public void repaintView() { // do nothing } @Override public void updateAuxiliaryObject(GeoElement geo) { // do nothing } @Override public void reset() { // do nothing } @Override public void setMode(int mode, ModeSetter m) { // do nothing } public void attachView() { model.updateFromSettings(); kernel.attach(this); // attachView to plot panels dataDisplayPanel1.attachView(); if (dataDisplayPanel2 != null) { dataDisplayPanel2.attachView(); } } public void detachView() { dataDisplayPanel1.detachView(); if (dataDisplayPanel2 != null) { dataDisplayPanel2.detachView(); } daCtrl.removeStatGeos(); kernel.detach(this); } public String[] getDataTitles() { return daCtrl.getDataTitles(); } // ================================================= // Printing // ================================================= // public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) { // if (pageIndex > 0) // return (NO_SUCH_PAGE); // // Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; // g2d.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX(), pageFormat.getImageableY()); // // // construction title // int y = 0; // Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); // String title = cons.getTitle(); // if (!"".equals(title)) { // Font titleFont = app.getBoldFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, // app.getBoldFont().getSize() + 2); // g2d.setFont(titleFont); // g2d.setColor(; // // Font fn = g2d.getFont(); // FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics(); // y += fm.getAscent(); // g2d.drawString(title, 0, y); // } // // // construction author and date // String author = cons.getAuthor(); // String date = cons.getDate(); // String line = null; // if (!"".equals(author)) { // line = author; // } // if (!"".equals(date)) { // if (line == null) // line = date; // else // line = line + " - " + date; // } // // if (line != null) { // g2d.setFont(app.getPlainFont()); // g2d.setColor(; // // Font fn = g2d.getFont(); // FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics(); // y += fm.getHeight(); // g2d.drawString(line, 0, y); // } // if (y > 0) { // g2d.translate(0, y + 20); // space between title and drawing // } // // // scale the dialog so that it fits on one page. // double xScale = pageFormat.getImageableWidth() / this.getWidth(); // double yScale = (pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - (y + 20)) // / this.getHeight(); // double scale = Math.min(xScale, yScale); // // this.paint(g2d, scale); // // return (PAGE_EXISTS); // } // // /** // * Paint the dialog with given scale factor (used for printing). // */ // public void paint(Graphics graphics, double scale) { // // Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics; // g2.scale(scale, scale); // super.paint(graphics); // // } // @Override public int getViewID() { return App.VIEW_DATA_ANALYSIS; } @Override public void startBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void endBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean suggestRepaint() { return false; } @Override public DataAnalysisModel getModel() { return model; } public void setModel(DataAnalysisModel model) { this.model = model; } @Override public void onModeChange() { dataPanel = null; buildStatisticsPanel(); setDataPlotPanels(); updateLayout(); } @Override public void showComboPanel2(boolean show) { comboPanelSplit.clear(); int w = mainSplit.getOffsetWidth(); int h = mainSplit.getOffsetHeight(); if (show) { dataDisplayPanel1.resize(w, h/2, true); dataDisplayPanel1.resize(w, h/2, true); comboPanelSplit.addNorth(dataDisplayPanel1, h / 2.0); comboPanelSplit.add(dataDisplayPanel2); } else { dataDisplayPanel1.resize(w, h, true); comboPanelSplit.add(dataDisplayPanel1); } updateGUI(); } public String format(double value) { return model.format(value); } @Override public GColor createColor(int idx) { return colors[idx]; } @Override public boolean hasFocus() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean isShowing() { return app.showView(App.VIEW_DATA_ANALYSIS); } @Override public void onResize() { for (Widget w: getChildren()) { if (w instanceof RequiresResize) { ((RequiresResize)w).onResize(); } } } /** * For calling the onResize method in a deferred way */ public void deferredOnResize() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(deferredOnRes); } public void deferredDataPanelOnResize() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(deferredDataPanelOnRes); } public void updateOtherDataDisplay(DataDisplayPanelW display) { if (!model.showDataDisplayPanel2()) { return; } if (display == dataDisplayPanel1) { dataDisplayPanel2.update(); } else { dataDisplayPanel1.update(); } } public List<Widget> getPrintable() { Widget[] printableList = { new Label("Data analysis View") }; return Arrays.asList(printableList); } @Override public void getPrintable(FlowPanel pPanel, Button btPrint) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public DataDisplayModel getDisplayModel(int index) { return index == 0 ? this.dataDisplayPanel1.getModel() : this.dataDisplayPanel2.getModel(); } }