package org.geogebra.common.euclidian; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GAffineTransform; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GGeneralPath; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPathIterator; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint2D; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GRectangle; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GRectangle2D; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GShape; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.clipping.ClipLine; import org.geogebra.common.factories.AwtFactory; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.MyPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.SegmentType; import org.geogebra.common.util.MyMath; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * A GeneralPath implementation that does clipping of line segments at the * screen in double coordinates. This is important to avoid rendering problems * that occur with GeneralPath when coordinates are larger than Float.MAX_VALUE. * * @author Markus Hohenwarter * @version October 2009 */ public class GeneralPathClipped implements GShape { private static final double MAX_COORD_VALUE = 10000; private ArrayList<MyPoint> pathPoints; private GGeneralPath gp; /** view */ protected EuclidianViewInterfaceSlim view; private double largestCoord; private boolean needClosePath; private GRectangle bounds; /** * Creates new clipped general path * * @param view * view */ public GeneralPathClipped(EuclidianViewInterfaceSlim view) { // this.view = (EuclidianView)view; this.view = view; pathPoints = new ArrayList<MyPoint>(); gp = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newGeneralPath(); // bounds = new Rectangle(); reset(); } /** * @return first point of the path */ public MyPoint firstPoint() { if (pathPoints.size() == 0) { return null; } return pathPoints.get(0); } /** * Clears all points and resets internal variables */ final public void reset() { pathPoints.clear(); gp.reset(); // bounds.setBounds(0,0,0,0); bounds = null; largestCoord = 0; needClosePath = false; } /** * Closes path */ final public void closePath() { needClosePath = true; } /** * @return this as GeneralPath */ public GGeneralPath getGeneralPath() { if (pathPoints.size() == 0) { return gp; } gp.reset(); if (largestCoord < MAX_COORD_VALUE) { addSimpleSegments(); } else { addClippedSegments(); } // clear pathPoints to free up memory pathPoints.clear(); return gp; } private void addSimpleSegments() { int size = pathPoints.size(); // double comparison for GGB-975 for (int i = 0; i < size && i < pathPoints.size(); i++) { MyPoint curP = pathPoints.get(i); /// if (curP != null) { addToGeneralPath(curP, curP.getSegmentType()); } else { Log.error("curP shouldn't be null here"); } } if (needClosePath) { gp.closePath(); } } /** * Clip all segments at screen to make sure we don't have to render huge * coordinates. This is especially important for fill the GeneralPath. */ private void addClippedSegments() { GRectangle viewRect = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight()); MyPoint curP = null, prevP; int size = pathPoints.size(); // GGB-975: under unknown conditions pathPoints may shrink so we need // double comparison for (int i = 0; i < size && i < pathPoints.size(); i++) { prevP = curP; curP = pathPoints.get(i); if (!curP.getLineTo() || prevP == null) { // moveTo point, make sure it is only slightly outside screen GPoint2D p = getPointCloseToScreen(curP.getX(), curP.getY()); addToGeneralPath(p, SegmentType.MOVE_TO); } else { // clip line at screen addClippedLine(prevP, curP, viewRect); } } if (needClosePath) { // line from last point to first point addClippedLine(curP, pathPoints.get(0), viewRect); gp.closePath(); } } private void addClippedLine(MyPoint prevP, MyPoint curP, GRectangle viewRect) { // check if both points on screen if (viewRect.contains(prevP) && viewRect.contains(curP)) { // draw line to point addToGeneralPath(curP, SegmentType.LINE_TO); return; } // at least one point is not on screen: clip line at screen GPoint2D[] clippedPoints = ClipLine.getClipped(prevP.getX(), prevP.getY(), curP.getX(), curP.getY(), -10, view.getWidth() + 10, -10, view.getHeight() + 10); if (clippedPoints != null) { // we have two intersection points with the screen // get closest clip point to prevP int first = 0; int second = 1; if (clippedPoints[first].distance(prevP.getX(), prevP.getY()) > clippedPoints[second].distance(prevP.getX(), prevP.getY())) { first = 1; second = 0; } // draw line to first clip point addToGeneralPath(clippedPoints[first], SegmentType.LINE_TO); // draw line between clip points: this ensures high quality // rendering // which Java2D doesn't deliver with the regular float GeneralPath // and huge coords addToGeneralPath(clippedPoints[second], SegmentType.LINE_TO); // draw line to end point if not already there addToGeneralPath(getPointCloseToScreen(curP.getX(), curP.getY()), SegmentType.LINE_TO); } else { // line is off screen // draw line to off screen end point addToGeneralPath(getPointCloseToScreen(curP.getX(), curP.getY()), SegmentType.LINE_TO); } } private GPoint2D getPointCloseToScreen(double ptx, double pty) { double x = ptx; double y = pty; double border = 10; double right = view.getWidth() + border; double bottom = view.getHeight() + border; if (x > right) { x = right; } else if (x < -border) { x = -border; } if (y > bottom) { y = bottom; } else if (y < -border) { y = -border; } return AwtFactory.getPrototype().newPoint2D(x, y); } private double auxX; private double auxY; // first control point private double cont1X = Double.NaN; private double cont1Y = Double.NaN; // second control point private double cont2X = Double.NaN; private double cont2Y = Double.NaN; private void addToGeneralPath(GPoint2D q, SegmentType lineTo) { GPoint2D p = gp.getCurrentPoint(); /* * We don't need to check the distance, since it has been already * checked when gp was constructed. Anyway, the distance check is not * enough here: we also would need to check if this is really a new * point or just a single point in the same position when a * moveTo-lineTo-moveTo construct was done. */ // boolean distant = true; // if (p != null) { // distant = p.distance(q) >= TOLERANCE; // } // if (!distant) { // return; // } if (lineTo == SegmentType.CONTROL) { if (Double.isNaN(cont1X) && Double.isNaN(cont1Y)) { cont1X = q.getX(); cont1Y = q.getY(); } else { cont2X = q.getX(); cont2Y = q.getY(); } } else if (lineTo == SegmentType.CURVE_TO) { if (!Double.isNaN(cont1X) && !Double.isNaN(cont1Y) && !Double.isNaN(cont2X) && !Double.isNaN(cont2Y)) { gp.curveTo(cont1X, cont1Y, cont2X, cont2Y, q.getX(), q.getY()); cont1X = Double.NaN; cont1Y = Double.NaN; cont2X = Double.NaN; cont2Y = Double.NaN; } } else if (lineTo == SegmentType.AUXILIARY) { auxX = q.getX(); auxY = q.getY(); } else if (lineTo == SegmentType.ARC_TO && p != null) { try { double dx1 = (auxX - p.getX()); double dy1 = (auxY - p.getY()); double dx2 = (auxX - q.getX()); double dy2 = (auxY - q.getY()); double angle = MyMath.angle(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2); double cv = btan(Math.PI - angle) * Math.tan(angle / 2); gp.curveTo(p.getX() + dx1 * cv, p.getY() + dy1 * cv, q.getX() + dx2 * cv, q.getY() + dy2 * cv, q.getX(), q.getY()); } catch (Exception e) { gp.moveTo(q.getX(), q.getY()); } } else if (lineTo == SegmentType.LINE_TO && p != null) { try { gp.lineTo(q.getX(), q.getY()); } catch (Exception e) { gp.moveTo(q.getX(), q.getY()); } } else { gp.moveTo(q.getX(), q.getY()); } } private static double btan(double angle) { double increment = angle / 2.0; return 4.0 / 3.0 * Math.sin(increment) / (1.0 + Math.cos(increment)); } /** * Move to (x,y). * * @param x * x-coord * @param y * y-coord */ final public void moveTo(double x, double y) { addPoint(x, y, SegmentType.MOVE_TO); } /** * Line to (x,y). * * @param x * x-coord * @param y * y-coord */ final public void lineTo(double x, double y) { addPoint(x, y, SegmentType.LINE_TO); } /** * Adds point to point list and keeps track of largest coordinate. * * @param pos * insert position * @param x * x-coord * @param y * y-coord */ final public void addPoint(int pos, double x, double y) { if (Double.isNaN(y)) { return; } MyPoint p = new MyPoint(x, y, SegmentType.LINE_TO); updateBounds(p); pathPoints.ensureCapacity(pos + 1); while (pathPoints.size() <= pos) { pathPoints.add(null); } pathPoints.set(pos, p); } /** * Adds point to point list and keeps track of largest coordinate. * * @param x * x-coord * @param y * y-coord * @param segmentType * path segment type */ protected final void addPoint(double x, double y, SegmentType segmentType) { if (Double.isNaN(y)) { return; } MyPoint p = new MyPoint(x, y, segmentType); updateBounds(p); pathPoints.add(p); } private void updateBounds(MyPoint p) { if (bounds == null) { bounds = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle(); bounds.setBounds((int) p.getX(), (int) p.getY(), 0, 0); } if (Math.abs(p.getX()) > largestCoord) { largestCoord = Math.abs(p.getX()); } if (Math.abs(p.getY()) > largestCoord) { largestCoord = Math.abs(p.getY()); } bounds.add(p.getX(), p.getY()); } /** * @return current point */ public GPoint2D getCurrentPoint() { if (pathPoints.size() == 0) { return null; } return pathPoints.get(pathPoints.size() - 1); } /** * Transforms this path * * @param af * transformation */ public void transform(GAffineTransform af) { int size = pathPoints.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { MyPoint p = pathPoints.get(i); af.transform(p, p); } } /** * @param p * point * @return true if contains given point */ public boolean contains(GPoint2D p) { return getGeneralPath().contains(p); } /** * @param rect * rectangle * @return true if contains given rectangle */ @Override public boolean contains(GRectangle2D rect) { return getGeneralPath().contains(rect); } @Override public boolean contains(double arg0, double arg1) { return getGeneralPath().contains(arg0, arg1); } /** * @param arg0 * x min * @param arg1 * y min * @param arg2 * width * @param arg3 * height * @return true if contains rectangle given by args */ public boolean contains(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) { return getGeneralPath().contains(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Override public boolean contains(int x, int y) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return getGeneralPath().contains(x, y); } /** * @param rectangle * rectangle to be checked * @return whether rectangle is contained in this path */ public boolean contains(GRectangle rectangle) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return getGeneralPath().contains(rectangle); } @Override public GRectangle getBounds() { return bounds == null ? AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle() : bounds; } @Override public GRectangle2D getBounds2D() { return bounds == null ? AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle() : bounds; } /* * public PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform arg0) { return * geogebra * .awt.GeneralPath.getAwtGeneralPath(getGeneralPath()).getPathIterator * (arg0); } */ @Override public GPathIterator getPathIterator(GAffineTransform arg0) { return getGeneralPath().getPathIterator(arg0); } @Override public boolean intersects(GRectangle2D arg0) { return getGeneralPath().intersects(arg0); } @Override public boolean intersects(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) { return getGeneralPath().intersects(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } @Override public boolean intersects(int i, int j, int k, int l) { return getGeneralPath().intersects(i, j, k, l); } /** * @param x * center x-coord * @param y * center y-coord * @param radius * inradius of the square * @return whether this intersects square with center (x,y) and inradius * radius */ public boolean intersects(int x, int y, int radius) { return getGeneralPath().intersects(x - radius, y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius); } /* * public Shape getAwtShape() { return * geogebra.awt.GeneralPath.getAwtGeneralPath(getGeneralPath()); } */ }