package org.geogebra.common.move.ggtapi.models; import; import java.util.Date; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.move.ggtapi.models.json.JSONException; import org.geogebra.common.move.ggtapi.models.json.JSONObject; /** * Material POJO * * @author Matthias Meisinger * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Material implements Comparable<Material>, Serializable { public enum Provider { TUBE, GOOGLE, ONE, LOCAL } public enum MaterialType { ggb, ggt, link, book, ws, csv, flexiblews; } private int id; private String title; private MaterialType type; private String description; /** * UNIX timestamp of this material's creation time. */ private long timestamp; /** * UNIX timestamp of this material's last autosave time. */ private long autoSaveTimestamp; private String author; /** * URL to the author's profile in GeoGebraTube. */ private int author_id; /** * Id of the person who stored material to local device */ private int viewerID; /** * URL to the overview page of the material. */ private String url; /** * URL to the material itself (link to student page for materials of type * ggb, download link for ggt, or external link for link). */ private String url_direct; /** * Two letter language code of the material. */ private String language; /** * URL of the thumbnail picture for the material. It is empty if there is no * thumbnail available for the material. */ private String thumbnail; /** * true if a material is featured, false otherwise. */ private boolean featured; /** * Number of likes for this material */ private int likes; private int width; private int height; private String instructionsPre; private String instructionsPost; private boolean showMenu, showToolbar, showInputbar, showResetIcon, shiftDragZoom; private String base64; private String googleID; private long syncStamp; private long modified; private String visibility; private int localID; private boolean deleted; private boolean fromAnotherDevice; private boolean favorite; private boolean is3d; private boolean spreadsheet; private boolean cas; private boolean graphics2; private boolean constprot; private boolean propcalc; private boolean dataanalysis; private boolean funcinsp; private boolean macro; private String sharingKey; private int elemcntApplet; public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { this.deleted = deleted; } public Material(int id, MaterialType type) { = id; this.type = type; this.title = ""; this.timestamp = -1; this.autoSaveTimestamp = -1; = ""; this.author_id = -1; this.url = ""; this.url_direct = ""; this.language = ""; this.featured = false; this.likes = -1; this.description = ""; this.instructionsPre = ""; this.instructionsPost = ""; this.visibility = "P"; this.width = 800; this.height = 600; this.thumbnail = ""; this.syncStamp = -1; this.modified = -1; this.localID = -1; this.showMenu = false; this.showToolbar = false; this.showInputbar = false; this.showResetIcon = false; this.shiftDragZoom = true; } public void setShowMenu(boolean showMenu) { this.showMenu = showMenu; } public void setShowToolbar(boolean showToolbar) { this.showToolbar = showToolbar; } public void setShowInputbar(boolean showInputbar) { this.showInputbar = showInputbar; } public void setShowResetIcon(boolean showResetIcon) { this.showResetIcon = showResetIcon; } public void setShiftDragZoom(boolean shiftDragZoom) { this.shiftDragZoom = shiftDragZoom; } public int getId() { return; } public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public MaterialType getType() { return this.type; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public String getAuthor() { return; } public String getAuthorURL() { return GeoGebraConstants.PROFILE_URL_BASE + this.author_id; } /** * @return the URL to the overview page of the material as a String */ public String getURL() { return this.url; } public String getEditUrl() { return GeoGebraConstants.EDIT_URL_BASE +; } /** * @return the URL to the material itself (link to student page for * materials of type ggb, download link for ggt, or external link * for link). */ public String getURLdirect() { return this.url_direct; } public String getLanguage() { return this.language; } public String getThumbnail() { return this.thumbnail; } public boolean isFeatured() { return this.featured; } public int getLikes() { return this.likes; } public Date getDate() { return new Date(getTimestampForJava()); } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public void setType(MaterialType type) { this.type = type; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } public void setTimestampFromJava(long timestamp) { setTimestamp(timestamp / 1000); // JAVA USES MILLISECONDS, UNIX USES // SECONDS } public void resetTimestamp() { setTimestamp(0); setAutosaveTimestamp(0); } public void setAutosaveTimestamp(long autoSaveTimestamp) { this.autoSaveTimestamp = autoSaveTimestamp; } public void setAutosaveTimestampFromJava(long autoSaveTimestamp) { setAutosaveTimestamp(autoSaveTimestamp / 1000); // JAVA USES // MILLISECONDS, UNIX // USES SECONDS } public long getAutosaveTimestamp() { return autoSaveTimestamp; } public long getAutosaveTimestampForJava() { // JAVA USES MILLISECONDS, UNIX USES SECONDS return autoSaveTimestamp * 1000; } public void setAuthor(String author) { = author; } public void setAuthorId(int author_id) { this.author_id = author_id; } public void setURL(String url) { this.url = url; } public void setURLdirect(String url_direct) { this.url_direct = url_direct; } private String preview_url; public void setPreviewURL(String preview_url) { this.preview_url = preview_url; } public String getPreviewURL() { return preview_url; } public void setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language; } private boolean thumbnailIsBase64 = false; public void setThumbnailUrl(String url) { this.thumbnail = url; setThumbnailIsBase64(false); } public void setThumbnailBase64(String base64) { this.thumbnail = base64; setThumbnailIsBase64(true); } public boolean thumbnailIsBase64() { return thumbnailIsBase64; } public void setThumbnailIsBase64(boolean flag) { thumbnailIsBase64 = flag; } public void setFeatured(boolean featured) { this.featured = featured; } public void setLikes(int likes) { this.likes = likes; } public void setSyncStamp(long stamp) { this.syncStamp = stamp; } public long getSyncStamp() { return this.syncStamp; } public void setVisibility(String v) { this.visibility = v; } public String getVisibility() { return this.visibility; } @Override public int compareTo(Material another) { if (another == null) { return 1; } return -; } @Override public boolean equals(Object another) { if (!(another instanceof Material)) { return false; } return == ((Material) another).id; } @Override public int hashCode() { return; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ID: ").append(": (").append(this.type) .append(") (local ").append(localID).append(") "); sb.append("Title: "); sb.append(this.title); sb.append(" "); sb.append("by "); sb.append(; sb.append(" ("); sb.append(this.getAuthorURL()); sb.append("), "); sb.append("Date: "); sb.append(this.getDate()); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Description: "); sb.append(this.description); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Language: "); sb.append(this.language); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("URL: "); sb.append(this.url); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("URL_DIRECT: "); sb.append(this.url_direct); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("preview URL: "); sb.append(this.preview_url); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Thumbnail: "); sb.append(this.thumbnail); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Featured: "); sb.append(this.isFeatured()); sb.append(" "); sb.append("Likes: "); sb.append(this.likes); return sb.toString(); } public JSONObject toJson() { return toJson(false); } public JSONObject toJson(boolean storeLocalValues) { JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); putString(ret, "thumbnail", thumbnail); // putString(ret,"-type", TODO); putString(ret, "author_id", author_id + ""); putString(ret, "language", language); putString(ret, "author", author); putString(ret, "description", description); putString(ret, "url_direct", url_direct); putString(ret, "featured", featured + ""); putString(ret, "timestamp", timestamp + ""); putString(ret, "url", url); putString(ret, "type",; putString(ret, "title", title); putString(ret, "visibility", visibility); putString(ret, "id", id + ""); putString(ret, "likes", likes + ""); putString(ret, "ggbBase64", base64); putBoolean(ret, "deleted", deleted); putBoolean(ret, "favorite", favorite); putString(ret, "height", height + ""); putString(ret, "width", width + ""); putString(ret, "instructions_pre", this.instructionsPre); putString(ret, "instructions_post", this.instructionsPost); putString(ret, "syncstamp", syncStamp + ""); putString(ret, "modified", this.modified + ""); putBoolean(ret, "toolbar", this.showToolbar); putBoolean(ret, "menubar", this.showMenu); putBoolean(ret, "inputbar", this.showInputbar); putBoolean(ret, "from_another_device", this.fromAnotherDevice); putString(ret, "is3d", this.is3d ? "1" : "0"); putString(ret, "viewerID", viewerID + ""); if (storeLocalValues) { putString(ret, "localID", localID + ""); putString(ret, "autoSaveTimestamp", autoSaveTimestamp + ""); } return ret; } private static void putBoolean(JSONObject ret, String key, boolean val) { if (val) { try { ret.put(key, Boolean.valueOf(val)); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void putString(JSONObject ret, String key, String value) { if (value != null) { try { ret.put(key, value); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public long getTimestampForJava() { // JAVA USES MILLISECONDS, UNIX USES SECONDS return timestamp * 1000; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public String getInstructionsPre() { return instructionsPre; } public String getInstructionsPost() { return instructionsPost; } public void setHeight(int height) { if (height > 0) { this.height = height; } } public void setWidth(int width) { if (width > 0) { this.width = width; } } public void setInstructionsPre(String instructionsPre) { this.instructionsPre = instructionsPre; } public void setInstructionsPost(String instructionsPost) { this.instructionsPost = instructionsPost; } public boolean getShiftDragZoom() { return this.shiftDragZoom; } public boolean getShowMenu() { return this.showMenu; } public boolean getShowToolbar() { return this.showToolbar; } public boolean getShowInputbar() { return this.showInputbar; } public boolean getShowResetIcon() { return this.showResetIcon; } public void setBase64(String base64) { this.base64 = base64; } public String getBase64() { return this.base64; } public String getGoogleID() { return this.googleID; } public void setGoogleID(String googleID) { this.googleID = googleID; } public void setModified(long parseLong) { this.modified = parseLong; } public long getModified() { return this.modified; } public void setLocalID(int localID) { this.localID = localID; } public int getLocalID() { return localID; } public boolean isFromAnotherDevice() { return fromAnotherDevice; } public void setFromAnotherDevice(boolean fromAnotherDevice) { this.fromAnotherDevice = fromAnotherDevice; } public int getAuthorID() { return this.author_id; } public boolean isFavorite() { return this.favorite; } public void setFavorite(boolean favorite) { this.favorite = favorite; } public boolean has3d() { return is3d; } public void setIs3d(boolean is3d) { this.is3d = is3d; } public boolean hasSpreadsheet() { return spreadsheet; } public void setSpreadsheet(boolean spreadsheet) { this.spreadsheet = spreadsheet; } public boolean hasCas() { return cas; } public void setCas(boolean cas) { this.cas = cas; } public boolean hasGraphics2() { return graphics2; } public void setGraphics2(boolean graphics2) { this.graphics2 = graphics2; } public boolean hasConstprot() { return constprot; } public void setConstprot(boolean constprot) { this.constprot = constprot; } public boolean hasPropcalc() { return propcalc; } public void setPropcalc(boolean propcalc) { this.propcalc = propcalc; } public boolean hasDataanalysis() { return dataanalysis; } public void setDataanalysis(boolean dataanalysis) { this.dataanalysis = dataanalysis; } public boolean hasFuncinsp() { return funcinsp; } public void setFuncinsp(boolean funcinsp) { this.funcinsp = funcinsp; } public boolean hasMacro() { return macro; } public void setMacro(boolean macro) { this.macro = macro; } public void setSharingKey(String sharingKey) { this.sharingKey = sharingKey; } public String getSharingKey() { return sharingKey; } public String getSharingKeyOrId() { return sharingKey == null || sharingKey.isEmpty() ? id + "" : sharingKey; } public int getElemcntApplet() { return elemcntApplet; } public void setElemcntApplet(int elemcntApplet) { this.elemcntApplet = elemcntApplet; } public int getViewerID() { return viewerID; } public void setViewerID(int int1) { this.viewerID = int1; } }