package org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Equation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.Commands; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; /** * Algorithm for computation of tangent curve * */ public class AlgoImplicitPolyTangentCurve extends AlgoElement implements AlgoTangentHelper { private GeoImplicit poly; private GeoPointND point; private GeoImplicit tangentPoly; private boolean pointOnPath; /** * @param c * construction * @param poly * polynomial * @param point * point * @param pointOnPath * whether point is on path by definition */ public AlgoImplicitPolyTangentCurve(Construction c, GeoImplicit poly, GeoPointND point, boolean pointOnPath) { super(c, false); this.poly = poly; this.point = point; tangentPoly = (GeoImplicit) poly.copy(); tangentPoly.preventPathCreation(); this.pointOnPath = pointOnPath; setInputOutput(); compute(); // tangentPoly.setLabel("tgt"); } @Override public void compute() { /* * calculate tangent curve: dF/dx * x_p + dF/dy * y_p + u_{n-1} + * 2*u_{n-2} + ... + n*u_0 where u_i are the terms of poly with total * degree of i. */ double x = point.getInhomX(); double y = point.getInhomY(); tangentPoly.setDefined(); if (poly instanceof GeoImplicitCurve && poly.getCoeff() == null) { GeoImplicitCurve inputCurve = ((GeoImplicitCurve) poly); FunctionNVar f1 = inputCurve.getExpression(); FunctionVariable vx = f1.getFunctionVariables()[0]; FunctionVariable vy = f1.getFunctionVariables()[1]; // build expression Fx*(x-x0)+Fy*(y-y0) ExpressionNode x1 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, vx, Operation.MINUS, new MyDouble(kernel, x)); ExpressionNode y1 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, vy, Operation.MINUS, new MyDouble(kernel, y)); x1 = x1.multiply(inputCurve.getDerivativeX().getExpression()); y1 = y1.multiply(inputCurve.getDerivativeY().getExpression()); tangentPoly.fromEquation(new Equation(kernel,, new MyDouble(kernel, 0)), null); ((GeoImplicitCurve) tangentPoly).updatePath(); return; } double[][] coeff = poly.getCoeff(); double[][] newCoeff = new double[coeff.length][]; int maxDeg = poly.getDeg(); for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) { newCoeff[i] = new double[coeff[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; j++) { newCoeff[i][j] = (maxDeg - (i + j)) * coeff[i][j]; if (i + 1 < coeff.length && j < coeff[i + 1].length) { newCoeff[i][j] += x * (i + 1) * coeff[i + 1][j]; } if (j + 1 < coeff[i].length) { newCoeff[i][j] += y * (j + 1) * coeff[i][j + 1]; } // helper = // .multiply(vy.wrap().power(j)).multiply(newCoeff[i][j])); } } tangentPoly.setCoeff(PolynomialUtils.coeffMinDeg(newCoeff)); tangentPoly.setDefined(); } @Override protected void setInputOutput() { input = new GeoElement[] { poly.toGeoElement(), (GeoElement) point }; setOutputLength(1); setOutput(0, tangentPoly.toGeoElement()); setDependencies(); } @Override public Commands getClassName() { return Commands.Tangent; } /** * @return resulting tangent curve */ @Override public GeoImplicit getTangentCurve() { return tangentPoly; } @Override public GeoElement getVec() { return point.toGeoElement(); } @Override public boolean vecDefined() { return point.isDefined() && Kernel.isZero(point.getInhomZ()); } @Override public void getTangents(GeoPoint[] ip, OutputHandler<GeoLine> tangents) { int n = 0; if (point != null && poly.isOnPath(point, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION)) { tangents.adjustOutputSize(n + 1); double dfdx = this.poly.derivativeX(point.getInhomX(), point.getInhomY()); double dfdy = this.poly.derivativeY(point.getInhomX(), point.getInhomY()); if (!Kernel.isEqual(dfdx, 0, 1E-5) || !Kernel.isEqual(dfdy, 0, 1E-5)) { tangents.getElement(n).setCoords(dfdx, dfdy, -dfdx * point.getInhomX() - dfdy * point.getInhomY()); n++; } } if (pointOnPath) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < ip.length; i++) { if (Kernel.isEqual(ip[i].inhomX, point.getInhomX(), 1E-2) && Kernel.isEqual(ip[i].inhomY, point.getInhomY(), 1E-2)) { continue; } // normal vector does not exist, therefore tangent is not defined // We need to check if F1 :=dF/dx and F2 :=dF/dy are both zero when // eval at ip[i] // The error of F1 is dF1/dx * err(x) + dF1/dy * err(y), where // err(x) and err(y) satisfies // | (dF/dx) err(x) + (dF/dy) err(y) | < EPSILON // So |dF/dx|<= |dF1/dx * err(x) + dF1/dy * err(y)| <= Max(dF1/dx / // dF/dx, dF1/dy / dF/dy) * EPSILON // A convenient necessary condition of this is (dF/dx)^2 <= |dF1/dx| // * EPSILON. // Not very reasonably, now we use (dF/dx)^2 <= EPSILON only, to // avoid evaluation of dF1/dx // TODO: have a more reasonable choice; also we use standard // precision rather than working precision (might not be a problem) if (Kernel.isEqual(0, this.poly.derivativeX(ip[i].inhomX, ip[i].inhomY), Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION_SQRT) && Kernel.isEqual(0, this.poly.derivativeY(ip[i].inhomX, ip[i].inhomY), Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION_SQRT)) { continue; } tangents.adjustOutputSize(n + 1); tangents.getElement(n).setCoords( ip[i].getY() - this.point.getInhomY(), this.point.getInhomX() - ip[i].getX(), ip[i].getX() * this.point.getInhomY() - this.point.getInhomX() * ip[i].getY()); ip[i].addIncidence(tangents.getElement(n), false); n++; } } @Override public GeoPointND getTangentPoint(GeoElement geo, GeoLine line) { if (geo == poly && pointOnPath) { return point; } // for (int i = 0; i < this.tangents.size(); i++) { // if (tangents.getElement(i) == line) { // return R; // } // } return null; } }