package org.geogebra.web.html5.kernel; import org.geogebra.common.awt.MyImage; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.util.FileExtensions; import org.geogebra.common.util.MD5EncrypterGWTImpl; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.css.GuiResourcesSimple; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.MyImageW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ImageManagerW; import; /** * Connects geoelements to images in Web */ public class GeoElementGraphicsAdapterW extends org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElementGraphicsAdapter { private App app; /** * @param appl * application */ public GeoElementGraphicsAdapterW(App appl) { app = appl; } @Override public MyImage getFillImage() { if (image != null) { return image; } if ("".equals(imageFileName)) { return null; } if (imageFileName.startsWith("/geogebra")) { String fn = imageFileName.replace("/geogebra/", "") .replace("gui/images/", ""); ImageResource res = null; if ("go-down.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .icons_fillings_arrow_big_down(); } else if ("go-up.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .icons_fillings_arrow_big_up(); } else if ("go-previous.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .icons_fillings_arrow_big_left(); } else if ("go-next.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .icons_fillings_arrow_big_right(); } else if ("nav_rewind.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_rewind(); } else if ("nav_fastforward.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_fastforward(); } else if ("nav_skipback.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_skipback(); } else if ("nav_skipforward.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_skipforward(); } else if ("exit.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_cancel(); } else if ("main/nav_play.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_play(); } else if ("main/nav_pause.png".equals(fn)) { res = GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.icons_fillings_pause(); } return res == null ? null : new MyImageW(ImageManagerW .getInternalImage(res), false); } image = app.getExternalImageAdapter(imageFileName, 0, 0); return image; } @Override public void setImageFileName(String fileNameRaw) { String fileName = fileNameRaw; // for file names e.g. /geogebra/main/nav_play.png if (fileName != null && fileName.length() != 0 && fileName.charAt(0) == '/') { fileName = fileName.substring(1); } if (fileName == null || fileName.equals(this.imageFileName)) { return; } setImageFileNameOnly(fileName); // such file names are saved in the ggb file too, so this if is not // needed (and does not work) // if (fileName.startsWith("/geogebra")) { // internal image // ImageElement im = ((ImageManager) app // .getImageManager()).getImageResource(imageFileName); // image = new // geogebra.html5.awt.BufferedImage(ImageManager.toBufferedImage(im)); // } else { image = app.getExternalImageAdapter(fileName, 0, 0); // } } @Override public void convertToSaveableFormat() { if ("".equals(imageFileName)) { return; } String oldFn = imageFileName; FileExtensions ext = StringUtil.getFileExtension(imageFileName); if (ext.isAllowedImage()) { Log.warn("Invalid image:" + oldFn); return; } String fn = StringUtil.changeFileExtension(imageFileName, FileExtensions.PNG); MD5EncrypterGWTImpl md5e = new MD5EncrypterGWTImpl(); imageFileName = md5e.encrypt(fn) + "/" + fn; Log.debug("Converted:" + oldFn + "->" + imageFileName); } }