package org.geogebra.web.web.cas.view; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCasCell; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.DrawEquationW; import org.geogebra.web.web.cas.view.InputPanel.InputPanelCanvas; import org.geogebra.web.web.cas.view.InputPanel.InputPanelLabel; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Graphical representation of CAS cells in Web * * @author Zbynek Konecny * */ public class CASTableCellW extends VerticalPanel { private GeoCasCell casCell; private final InputPanel inputPanel; private FlowPanel outputPanel; private String textBeforeEdit; private CASEditorW textField; private String outputText; private Label commentLabel; /** * Creates new graphical representation of CAS cell * * @param casCell * cas cell value * @param app * application */ public CASTableCellW(GeoCasCell casCell, App app) { this.casCell = casCell; inputPanel = (casCell == null || !casCell.isUseAsText()) ? new InputPanelCanvas( app) : new InputPanelLabel(); inputPanel.addStyleName("CAS_inputPanel"); if (casCell != null) { inputPanel .setText(casCell.getInput(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); inputPanel.setLaTeX(casCell .getLaTeXInput(StringTemplate.latexTemplate)); } add(inputPanel); Label outputLabel = null; outputText = ""; Canvas canvas = null; if (casCell != null && casCell.showOutput()) { if (casCell.getLaTeXOutput() != null && !casCell.isError()) { String eqstring = casCell.getLaTeXOutput(); canvas = DrawEquationW.paintOnCanvasOutput(casCell, eqstring, null, casCell.getKernel().getApplication().getFontSize() + 1); } else { outputLabel = renderPlain(); } // #5119 outputText = casCell.getOutput(StringTemplate.numericDefault); } else { outputLabel = new Label(); } outputPanel = new FlowPanel(); if (casCell != null) { commentLabel = new Label(); commentLabel.addStyleName("CAS_commentLabel"); if (StringUtil.empty(casCell.getCommandAndComment())) { commentLabel.setVisible(false); } else { commentLabel.setText(casCell.getCommandAndComment() + " "); } commentLabel.getElement().getStyle() .setFontSize(app.getFontSizeWeb(), Unit.PX); // commentLabel.getElement().getStyle().setColor("gray"); outputPanel.add(commentLabel); } outputPanel.add(canvas == null ? outputLabel : canvas); outputPanel.setStyleName("CAS_outputPanel"); add(outputPanel); } private Label renderPlain() { Label outputLabel = new Label(); if (casCell.isError()) { outputLabel.getElement().getStyle().setColor("red"); } // #5119 outputLabel.setText(casCell.getOutput(StringTemplate.numericDefault)); return outputLabel; } /** * @param casEditorW * field for editing * @param newText * editor content to overwrite current */ public void startEditing(CASEditorW casEditorW, String newText) { clear(); textField = casEditorW; add(textField.toWidget()); textBeforeEdit = inputPanel.getText(); if (newText == null) { casEditorW.setLaTeX( textBeforeEdit, getCASCell() .getLaTeXInput(StringTemplate.latexTemplateJLM)); } textField.setText(newText == null ? textBeforeEdit : newText); casEditorW.ensureEditing(); add(outputPanel); if(getCASCell() != null && getCASCell().isError()){ showError(); } textField.requestFocus(); } /** * Remove editor and show input normally, update the CAS cell input */ public void stopEditing() { if (textField != null && !textBeforeEdit.equals(textField.getText())) { setInput(); inputPanel.setText(textField.getText()); inputPanel.setLaTeX(textField.getLaTeX()); } clear(); add(inputPanel); add(outputPanel); } /** * Remove editor and show input normally */ public void cancelEditing() { clear(); add(inputPanel); add(outputPanel); } /** * Set input of cell from textField */ public void setInput() { if (textField != null) { casCell.setInput(textField.getText()); casCell.setLaTeXInput(textField.getLaTeX()); } } /** * @return cas cell represented by this object */ public GeoCasCell getCASCell() { return casCell; } public void setFont() { setFont(casCell.getGeoText().getFontStyle()); } public void setFont(int fontStyle) { if (inputPanel != null) { if ((fontStyle & GFont.BOLD) != 0) { inputPanel.addStyleName("bold"); } else { inputPanel.removeStyleName("bold"); } if ((fontStyle & GFont.ITALIC) != 0) { inputPanel.addStyleName("italic"); } else { inputPanel.removeStyleName("italic"); } } } public void setColor() { GColor newColor = casCell.getFontColor(); inputPanel.getElement().getStyle() .setColor(GColor.getColorString(newColor)); } public Widget getOutputWidget() { return outputPanel; } public String getInputString() { return inputPanel.getText(); } public String getOutputString() { return outputText; } public void insertInput(String input) { if (textField == null) { return; } textField.insertString(input); textField.ensureEditing(); } public void setPixelRatio(double ratio) { if (casCell != null && casCell.showOutput()) { if (casCell.getLaTeXOutput() != null && !casCell.isError()) { String eqstring = casCell.getLaTeXOutput(); this.outputPanel.clear(); if (this.commentLabel != null) { this.commentLabel .getElement() .getStyle() .setFontSize( casCell.getKernel().getApplication() .getFontSizeWeb(), Unit.PX); this.outputPanel.add(this.commentLabel); } this.outputPanel.add(DrawEquationW.paintOnCanvasOutput(casCell, eqstring, null, casCell.getKernel().getApplication() .getFontSizeWeb() + 1)); } } this.inputPanel.setPixelRatio(ratio); } public void showError() { outputPanel.clear(); outputPanel.add(renderPlain()); } }