package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GRectangle; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.MyTableInterface; import org.geogebra.web.html5.event.PointerEvent; import org.geogebra.web.html5.event.ZeroOffset; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.CancelEventTimer; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.LongTouchManager; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.LongTouchTimer.LongTouchHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.EventUtil; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.GuiManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.AdvancedFocusPanel; import org.geogebra.web.web.javax.swing.GPopupMenuW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * TODO: Consider creating SpreadsheetHeaderW class, with all the common method * from the row and column header * * */ public class SpreadsheetRowHeaderW implements MouseDownHandler, MouseUpHandler, MouseMoveHandler, ClickHandler, DoubleClickHandler, KeyDownHandler, LongTouchHandler, TouchStartHandler, TouchMoveHandler, TouchEndHandler { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private AppW app; private MyTableW table; private Grid grid; private FlowPanel container; AdvancedFocusPanel focusPanel; private int mouseYOffset, resizingRow = -1; private boolean doRowResize = false; protected int row0 = -1; private boolean isMouseDown = false; private LongTouchManager longTouchManager; /** * @param app * @param table */ public SpreadsheetRowHeaderW(AppW app, MyTableW table) { = app; this.table = table; prepareGUI(); registerListeners(); /* * setFocusable(true); setAutoscrolls(false); addMouseListener(this); * addMouseMotionListener(this); addKeyListener(this); * setFixedCellWidth(SpreadsheetView.ROW_HEADER_WIDTH); * * setCellRenderer(new RowHeaderRenderer(table, this)); * * table.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); */ longTouchManager = LongTouchManager.getInstance(); } // ============================================ // GUI handlers // ============================================ private void registerListeners() { grid.addDomHandler(this, MouseDownEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, MouseUpEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, ClickEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, DoubleClickEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, TouchStartEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, TouchMoveEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(this, TouchEndEvent.getType()); } private void prepareGUI() { grid = new Grid(table.getModel().getRowCount(), 1); grid.setCellPadding(0); grid.setCellSpacing(0); grid.setHeight("0px"); grid.getElement().addClassName("geogebraweb-table-spreadsheet"); grid.getColumnFormatter().getElement(0).getStyle() .setWidth(SpreadsheetViewW.ROW_HEADER_WIDTH, Style.Unit.PX); for (int row = 0; row < grid.getRowCount(); row++) { initializeCell(row); } focusPanel = new AdvancedFocusPanel(); //focusPanel.addKeyDownHandler(this); focusPanel.addDomHandler(this, KeyDownEvent.getType()); addPasteHandlerTo(focusPanel.getTextarea()); Style s = focusPanel.getElement().getStyle(); // s.setDisplay(Style.Display.NONE); s.setPosition(Style.Position.ABSOLUTE); s.setTop(0, Unit.PX); s.setLeft(0, Unit.PX); container = new FlowPanel(); container.add(grid); container.add(focusPanel); } private void initializeCell(int rowIndex) { grid.setText(rowIndex, 0, (rowIndex + 1) + ""); int rowHeight = app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet().preferredRowHeight(); setRowHeight(rowIndex, rowHeight); Element elm = grid.getCellFormatter().getElement(rowIndex, 0); elm.addClassName("SVheader"); /*elm.getStyle().setBackgroundColor( MyTableW.BACKGROUND_COLOR_HEADER.toString());*/ } /** * updates header row count to match table row count */ public void updateRowCount() { if (grid.getRowCount() >= table.getRowCount()) { return; } int oldRowCount = grid.getRowCount(); grid.resizeRows(table.getRowCount()); for (int i = oldRowCount; i < table.getRowCount(); ++i) { initializeCell(i); } } // ============================================ // Getters/Setters // ============================================ public Widget getContainer() { return container; } private String getCursor() { return grid.getElement().getStyle().getCursor(); } private void setRowResizeCursor() { grid.getElement().getStyle().setCursor(Style.Cursor.ROW_RESIZE); } private void setDefaultCursor() { grid.getElement().getStyle().setCursor(Style.Cursor.DEFAULT); } /** * @param rowIndex * index of row to set height * @param rowHeight * new row height */ public void setRowHeight(int rowIndex, int rowHeight) { if (rowIndex >= grid.getRowCount()) { return; } grid.getRowFormatter().getElement(rowIndex).getStyle() .setHeight(rowHeight, Style.Unit.PX); } /** * Renders selected and unselected rows */ public void renderSelection() { /*String defaultBackground = MyTableW.BACKGROUND_COLOR_HEADER.toString(); String selectedBackground = MyTableW.SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR_HEADER .toString();*/ for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < grid.getRowCount(); rowIndex++) { /*Style s = grid.getCellFormatter().getElement(rowIndex, 0) .getStyle();*/ if (table.getSelectionType() == MyTableInterface.COLUMN_SELECT) { //setBgColorIfNeeded(s, defaultBackground); updateCellSelection(false, rowIndex); } else { if (table.selectedRowSet.contains(rowIndex) || (rowIndex >= table.minSelectionRow && rowIndex <= table.maxSelectionRow)) { //setBgColorIfNeeded(s, selectedBackground); updateCellSelection(true, rowIndex); } else { //setBgColorIfNeeded(s, defaultBackground); updateCellSelection(false, rowIndex); } } } } /** * Added "selected" class to the table headers of the selected cell * needed for css styling * @param selected * @param index */ private void updateCellSelection(boolean selected, int index) { if(selected) { grid.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(index, 0, "selected"); } else { grid.getCellFormatter().removeStyleName(index, 0, "selected"); } } /* Steffi: not needed anymore -> NOW: updateCellSelection * private static void setBgColorIfNeeded(Style s, String bgColor) { if (!s.getBackgroundColor().equals(bgColor)) s.setBackgroundColor(bgColor); }*/ /** * Update the rowHeader list when row selection changes in the table */ /* * public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { ListSelectionModel * selectionModel = (ListSelectionModel) e.getSource(); minSelectionRow = * selectionModel.getMinSelectionIndex(); maxSelectionRow = * selectionModel.getMaxSelectionIndex(); repaint(); } */ /** * @param p * location of mouse (in client area pixels) * @return index of the row to be resized if mouse point p is near a row * boundary */ private int getResizingRow(GPoint p, int boundary) { int resizeRow = -1; GPoint point = table.getIndexFromPixel(0, p.y); if (point != null) { // test if mouse is 3 pixels from row boundary int cellRow = point.getY(); if (cellRow >= 0) { GRectangle r = table.getCellRect(cellRow, 0, true); // App.debug("cell row = " + cellRow + " p.y = " + p.y + // " r.y = " + r.getY() + "r.height = " + r.getHeight()); // near row bottom ? if (p.y < r.getY() + boundary) { resizeRow = cellRow - 1; } // near row top ? if (p.y > r.getY() + r.getHeight() - boundary) { resizeRow = cellRow; } } } return resizeRow; } private static int getBoundary(PointerEventType eventType) { return eventType == PointerEventType.MOUSE ? 3 : 6; } public static int getAbsoluteX(MouseEvent e, AppW app) { return (int) ((e.getClientX() + Window.getScrollLeft()) / app .getArticleElement().getScaleX()); } public int getAbsoluteX(MouseEvent e) { return getAbsoluteX(e, app); } public static int getAbsoluteY(MouseEvent e, AppW app) { return (int) ((e.getClientY() + Window.getScrollTop()) / app .getArticleElement().getScaleY()); } public int getAbsoluteY(MouseEvent e) { return getAbsoluteY(e, app); } // =============================================== // Mouse Listeners // =============================================== /* * public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { * * // Double clicking on a row boundary auto-adjusts the // height of the * row above the boundary (the resizingRow) * * if (resizingRow >= 0 && !AppD.isRightClick(e) && e.getClickCount() == 2) * { table.fitRow(resizingRow); e.consume(); } } * * public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } * * public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } */ @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) { if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } e.preventDefault(); PointerEvent event = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(e, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerDown(event); } @Override public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e) { if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } e.preventDefault(); PointerEvent event = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(e, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerUp(event); } @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e) { if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } e.preventDefault(); PointerEvent event = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(e, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerMove(event); } @Override public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } // transfer focus to the table // @Override public void requestFocus() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(requestFocusCommand); } Scheduler.ScheduledCommand requestFocusCommand = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { focusPanel.setFocus(true); table.updateCopiableSelection(); } }; // =============================================== // Key Listeners // =============================================== @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent e) { //App.debug("row header key down"); e.stopPropagation(); int keyCode = e.getNativeKeyCode(); boolean shiftDown = e.isShiftKeyDown(); switch (keyCode) { default: // do nothing break; case KeyCodes.KEY_UP: if (shiftDown) { // extend the column selection int row = table.getLeadSelectionRow(); table.setSelectionType(MyTableInterface.ROW_SELECT); table.changeSelection(row - 1, -1, true); } else { // select topmost cell in first column left of the selection if (table.minSelectionRow > 0) { table.setSelection(0, table.minSelectionRow - 1); } else { table.setSelection(0, table.minSelectionRow); // table.requestFocus(); } } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN: if (shiftDown) { // extend the row selection int row = table.getLeadSelectionRow(); table.setSelectionType(MyTableInterface.ROW_SELECT); table.changeSelection(row + 1, -1, true); } else { // select topmost cell in first column left of the selection if (table.minSelectionRow >= 0) { table.setSelection(0, table.minSelectionRow + 1); } else { table.setSelection(0, table.minSelectionRow); // table.requestFocus(); } } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_C: // control + c // handled in browser copy event! ctrlDown implied //if (ctrlDown && table.minSelectionRow != -1 // && table.maxSelectionRow != -1) { // table.copyPasteCut.copy(0, table.minSelectionRow, table // .getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, // table.maxSelectionRow, altDown); //} break; case KeyCodes.KEY_V: // control + v // handled in browser paste event! ctrlDown implied //if (ctrlDown && table.minSelectionRow != -1 // && table.maxSelectionRow != -1) { // boolean storeUndo = table.copyPasteCut.paste(0, // table.minSelectionRow, table.getModel() // .getColumnCount() - 1, table.maxSelectionRow); // if (storeUndo) // app.storeUndoInfo(); //} break; case KeyCodes.KEY_X: // control + x // handled in browser cut event! ctrlDown implied //if (ctrlDown && table.minSelectionRow != -1 // && table.maxSelectionRow != -1) { // table.copyPasteCut.copy(0, table.minSelectionRow, table // .getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, // table.maxSelectionRow, altDown); //} //boolean storeUndo = table.copyPasteCut.delete(0, // table.minSelectionRow, // table.getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, // table.maxSelectionRow); //if (storeUndo) // app.storeUndoInfo(); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE: // delete case KeyCodes.KEY_BACKSPACE: // delete on MAC boolean storeUndo = table.copyPasteCut.delete(0, table.minSelectionRow, table.getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, table.maxSelectionRow); if (storeUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); } break; } } public int getOffsetWidth() { return getContainer().getOffsetWidth(); } public void setTop(int top) { container.getElement().getStyle().setTop(top, Unit.PX); } public int getTop(){ return container.getParent().getAbsoluteTop() - container.getAbsoluteTop(); } public static class MyFocusPanel extends SimplePanel implements Focusable { public MyFocusPanel(Widget widget) { super(widget); this.getElement().setPropertyInt("tabIndex", 0); } @Override public int getTabIndex() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.getElement().getPropertyInt("tabIndex"); } @Override public void setAccessKey(char key) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setFocus(boolean focused) { this.getElement().focus(); } @Override public void setTabIndex(int index) { this.getElement().setPropertyInt("tabIndex", index); } } @Override public void onTouchEnd(TouchEndEvent event) { longTouchManager.cancelTimer(); event.preventDefault(); PointerEvent e = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(event, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerUp(e); CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } @Override public void onTouchMove(TouchMoveEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); PointerEvent e = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(event, ZeroOffset.instance); if (doRowResize) { // resizing a column cancel long touch longTouchManager.cancelTimer(); } else { longTouchManager.rescheduleTimerIfRunning(this, e.getX(), e.getY(), false); } onPointerMove(e); CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } @Override public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); PointerEvent e = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(event, ZeroOffset.instance); longTouchManager.scheduleTimer(this, e.getX(), e.getY()); onPointerDown(e); CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } @Override public void handleLongTouch(int x, int y) { showContextMenu(x, y, false); } private void onPointerDown(PointerEvent e) { Event.setCapture(grid.getElement()); isMouseDown = true; if (table.getEditor().isEditing()) { table.getEditor().setAllowProcessGeo(true); table.getEditor().stopCellEditing(); table.getEditor().setAllowProcessGeo(false); table.finishEditing(false); } requestFocus(); boolean shiftPressed = e.isShiftDown(); boolean rightClick = (e.isRightClick()); int x = SpreadsheetMouseListenerW.getAbsoluteX(e.getWrappedEvent(), app); int y = SpreadsheetMouseListenerW.getAbsoluteY(e.getWrappedEvent(), app); GPoint p = new GPoint(x, y); resizingRow = getResizingRow(p, getBoundary(e.getType())); if (resizingRow >= 0) { mouseYOffset = p.y - table.getRowHeight(resizingRow); } // left click if (!rightClick) { if (resizingRow >= 0) { return; } GPoint point = table.getIndexFromPixel(x, y); if (point != null) { if (table.getSelectionType() != MyTableInterface.ROW_SELECT) { table.setSelectionType(MyTableInterface.ROW_SELECT); // ?//requestFocusInWindow(); } if (shiftPressed) { if (row0 != -1) { int row = point.getY(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(row0, row); } } // ctrl-select is handled in table else { row0 = point.getY(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(row0, row0); } table.repaint(); renderSelection(); } } } private void onPointerMove(PointerEvent e) { // Show resize cursor when mouse is over a row boundary HumanInputEvent<?> event = e.getWrappedEvent(); GPoint p = new GPoint( EventUtil.getTouchOrClickClientX(event), EventUtil.getTouchOrClickClientY(event)); int r = this.getResizingRow(p, getBoundary(e.getType())); if (r >= 0 && !getCursor().equals(Style.Cursor.ROW_RESIZE.getCssName())) { setRowResizeCursor(); } else if (!getCursor().equals(Style.Cursor.DEFAULT.getCssName())) { setDefaultCursor(); } if (isMouseDown) { if (e.isRightClick()) { return; } // On mouse drag either resize or select a row int x = SpreadsheetMouseListenerW.getAbsoluteX(e.getWrappedEvent(), app); int y = SpreadsheetMouseListenerW.getAbsoluteY(e.getWrappedEvent(), app); if (resizingRow >= 0) { // resize row int newHeight = y - mouseYOffset; if (newHeight > 0) { table.setRowHeight(resizingRow, newHeight); // flag to resize all selected rows on mouse release doRowResize = true; table.repaint(); renderSelection(); } } else { // select row GPoint point = table.getIndexFromPixel(x, y); if (point != null) { int row = point.getY(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(row0, row); // G.Sturr 2010-4-4 // keep the row header updated when drag selecting multiple // rows // ?//view.updateRowHeader(); // ?//table.scrollRectToVisible(table.getCellRect(point.y, // point.x, // ?// true)); table.repaint(); renderSelection(); } } } } private void onPointerUp(PointerEvent e) { Event.releaseCapture(grid.getElement()); isMouseDown = false; boolean rightClick = e.isRightClick(); if (rightClick) { if (!app.letShowPopupMenu()) { return; } GPoint p = table.getIndexFromPixel( SpreadsheetMouseListenerW.getAbsoluteX(e.getWrappedEvent(), app), SpreadsheetMouseListenerW.getAbsoluteY(e.getWrappedEvent(), app)); if (p == null) { return; } // if click is outside current selection then change selection if (p.getY() < table.minSelectionRow || p.getY() > table.maxSelectionRow || p.getX() < table.minSelectionColumn || p.getX() > table.maxSelectionColumn) { // switch to row selection mode and select row if (table.getSelectionType() != MyTableInterface.ROW_SELECT) { table.setSelectionType(MyTableInterface.ROW_SELECT); } table.setRowSelectionInterval(p.getY(), p.getY()); renderSelection(); } // show contextMenu showContextMenu(e.getX(), e.getY(), true); } // If row resize has happened, resize all other selected rows if (doRowResize) { int rowHeight = table.getRowHeight(resizingRow); // App.debug("doRowResiz for selection: " + rowHeight); // App.debug("min/max " + table.minSelectionRow + " , " + // table.maxSelectionRow); if (table.minSelectionRow != -1 && table.maxSelectionRow != -1 && (table.maxSelectionRow - table.minSelectionRow > 0)) { if (table.isSelectAll()) { table.setRowHeight(rowHeight); } else { for (int row = table.minSelectionRow; row <= table.maxSelectionRow; row++) { // App.debug("set row height row/height: " + row + " / " // + rowHeight); table.setRowHeight(row, rowHeight); } } } table.repaint(); table.renderSelectionDeferred(); doRowResize = false; } } private void showContextMenu(int x, int y, boolean relative) { if (!app.letShowPopupMenu()) { return; } SpreadsheetContextMenuW contextMenu = ((GuiManagerW) app .getGuiManager()).getSpreadsheetContextMenu(table); GPopupMenuW popup = (GPopupMenuW) contextMenu.getMenuContainer(); if (relative) {, x, y); } else { GPoint(x, y)); } } public native void addPasteHandlerTo(Element elem) /*-{ var self = this; elem.onpaste = function(event) { var text, cbd; if ($wnd.clipboardData) { // Windows Internet Explorer cbd = $wnd.clipboardData; if (cbd.getData) { text = cbd.getData('Text'); } } if (text === undefined) { // all the other browsers if (event.clipboardData) { cbd = event.clipboardData; if (cbd.getData) { text = cbd.getData('text/plain'); } } } if (text !== undefined) { self.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetRowHeaderW::onPaste(Ljava/lang/String;)(text); } } elem.oncopy = function(even2) { self.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetRowHeaderW::onCopy(Z)(even2.altKey); // do not prevent default!!! // it will take care of the copy... } elem.oncut = function(even3) { self.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetRowHeaderW::onCut()(); // do not prevent default!!! // it will take care of the cut... } }-*/; public void onPaste(String text) { if (table.minSelectionRow != -1 && table.maxSelectionRow != -1) { boolean storeUndo = ((CopyPasteCutW)table.copyPasteCut).paste(0, table.minSelectionRow, table.getModel() .getColumnCount() - 1, table.maxSelectionRow, text); if (storeUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); } } } public void onCopy(final boolean altDown) { // the default action of the browser just modifies // the textarea of the AdvancedFocusPanel, does // no harm to the other parts of the code, and // consequently, it should ideally be done before this! // so let's run the original code afterwards... // not sure one ScheduleDeferred is enough... // but in theory, it should be as code continues from // here towards the default action, as we are in the event Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (table.minSelectionRow != -1 && table.maxSelectionRow != -1) { ((CopyPasteCutW)table.copyPasteCut).copy(0, table.minSelectionRow, table .getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, table.maxSelectionRow, altDown, true); } } }); } public void onCut() { // the default action of the browser just modifies // the textarea of the AdvancedFocusPanel, does // no harm to the other parts of the code, and // consequently, it should ideally be done before this! // not sure one ScheduleDeferred is enough... // but in theory, it should be as code continues from // here towards the default action, as we are in the event Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (table.minSelectionRow != -1 && table.maxSelectionRow != -1) { ((CopyPasteCutW)table.copyPasteCut).copy(0, table.minSelectionRow, table .getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, table.maxSelectionRow, false, true); } boolean storeUndo = table.copyPasteCut.delete(0, table.minSelectionRow, table.getModel().getColumnCount() - 1, table.maxSelectionRow); if (storeUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); } } }); } }