package org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.transform.MirrorableAtPlane; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.MatrixTransformable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Path; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.PathParameter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordMatrix; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordMatrix4x4; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordMatrixUtil; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordSys; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Dilateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Traceable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Transformable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Translateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys1DInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys2D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.RotateableND; /** * 1D linear object in space (segment, line, ...) * */ public abstract class GeoCoordSys1D extends GeoElement3D implements Path, GeoLineND, GeoCoordSys, GeoCoordSys1DInterface, Translateable, MatrixTransformable, Traceable, RotateableND, MirrorableAtPlane, Transformable, Dilateable { /** coord system */ protected CoordSys coordsys; /** start point */ protected GeoPointND startPoint; /** end point */ protected GeoPointND endPoint; private boolean isIntersection; /** * @param c * construction */ public GeoCoordSys1D(Construction c) { this(c, false); } /** * @param c * construction * @param isIntersection * whetherthis is intersection line */ public GeoCoordSys1D(Construction c, boolean isIntersection) { super(c); this.isIntersection = isIntersection; // moved from GeoElement's constructor // must be called from the subclass, see // setConstructionDefaults(); // init visual settings coordsys = new CoordSys(1); } /** * @param c * construction * @param O * start point * @param V * direction */ public GeoCoordSys1D(Construction c, Coords O, Coords V) { this(c); setCoord(O, V); } /** * @param c * construction * @param O * start point * @param I * end point */ public GeoCoordSys1D(Construction c, GeoPointND O, GeoPointND I) { this(c, O, I, false); } /** * @param c * construction * @param O * start point * @param I * end point * @param isIntersection * true for intersection lines */ public GeoCoordSys1D(Construction c, GeoPointND O, GeoPointND I, boolean isIntersection) { this(c, isIntersection); setCoord(O, I); } @Override public boolean isDefined() { return coordsys.isDefined(); } @Override public void setUndefined() { coordsys.setUndefined(); } /** * set the matrix to [(I-O) O] * * @param a_O * start point * @param a_I * end point */ public void setCoordFromPoints(Coords a_O, Coords a_I) { setCoord(a_O, a_I.sub(a_O)); } /** * set the matrix to [V O] * * @param o * start point * @param v * direction */ public void setCoord(Coords o, Coords v) { coordsys.resetCoordSys(); coordsys.addPoint(o); coordsys.addVector(v); coordsys.makeOrthoMatrix(false, false); } /** * set the line to pass through (pointX, pointY) * * @param pointX * x coord * @param pointY * y coord */ @Override final public void setLineThrough(double pointX, double pointY) { setCoord(new Coords(pointX, pointY, 0, 1), getDirectionInD3()); } /** * set coords to origin O and vector (I-O). If I (or O) is infinite, I is * used as direction vector. * * @param O * origin point * @param I * unit point * @return true if one point is null or infinite */ public boolean setCoord(GeoPointND O, GeoPointND I) { startPoint = O; endPoint = I; if ((O == null) || (I == null)) { return true; } if (I.isInfinite()) { if (O.isInfinite()) { setUndefined(); // TODO infinite line } else { setCoord(O.getInhomCoordsInD3(), I.getCoordsInD3()); } return true; } else if (O.isInfinite()) { setCoord(I.getInhomCoordsInD3(), O.getCoordsInD3()); return true; } else { setCoord(O.getInhomCoordsInD3(), I.getInhomCoordsInD3().sub(O.getInhomCoordsInD3())); return false; } } /** * @param geo * other system */ public void setCoord(GeoCoordSys1D geo) { setCoord(geo.getCoordSys().getOrigin(), geo.getCoordSys().getVx()); } @Override public void set(GeoElementND geo) { if (geo instanceof GeoCoordSys1D) { if (!geo.isDefined()) { setUndefined(); } else { setCoord((GeoCoordSys1D) geo); } } else if (geo instanceof GeoLineND) { if (!geo.isDefined()) { setUndefined(); } else { setCoord(((GeoLineND) geo).getStartPoint(), ((GeoLineND) geo).getEndPoint()); } } } /** * @param cons1 * construction for the copy * @return a new instance of the proper GeoCoordSys1D (GeoLine3D, * GeoSegment3D, ...) */ abstract protected GeoCoordSys1D create(Construction cons1); @Override final public GeoCoordSys1D copy() { GeoCoordSys1D geo = create(cons); geo.set(this); geo.setCoord(this); return geo; } /** * returns matrix corresponding to segment joining l1 to l2, using * getLineThickness() */ /* * public GgbMatrix getSegmentMatrix(double l1, double l2){ * * * * return GgbMatrix4x4.subSegmentX(getMatrix4x4(), l1, l2); } */ /** * returns the point at position lambda on the coord sys * * @param lambda * path parameter (0 for stat point) * @return the point at position lambda on the coord sys */ public Coords getPoint(double lambda) { return coordsys.getPoint(lambda); } /** * returns the point at position lambda on the coord sys in the dimension * given * * @param dimension * dimension * @param lambda * path parameter * @return the point at position lambda on the coord sys */ @Override public Coords getPointInD(int dimension, double lambda) { Coords v = getPoint(lambda); // Application.debug("v("+lambda+")=\n"+v+"\no=\n"+coordsys.getOrigin()+"\nVx=\n"+coordsys.getVx()+"\ncoordsys=\n"+coordsys.getMatrixOrthonormal()); switch (dimension) { case 3: return v; case 2: return new Coords(v.getX(), v.getY(), v.getW()); default: return null; } } /** @return cs unit */ public double getUnit() { return getCoordSys().getVx().norm(); } @Override public Coords getMainDirection() { return getCoordSys().getMatrixOrthonormal().getVx(); } @Override public Coords getDirectionForEquation() { return getCoordSys().getVx(); } // Path3D interface @Override public boolean isPath() { return true; } @Override public void pointChanged(GeoPointND P) { double t = getParamOnLine(P); if (t < getMinParameter()) { t = getMinParameter(); } else if (t > getMaxParameter()) { t = getMaxParameter(); } // set path parameter PathParameter pp = P.getPathParameter(); pp.setT(t); // udpate point using pathChanged P.setCoords(getPoint(t), false); } /** * @param P * point in space * @return path parameter of P's projection on line */ public double getParamOnLine(GeoPointND P) { boolean done = false; double t = 0; if (((GeoElement) P).isGeoElement3D()) { if (((GeoPoint3D) P).hasWillingCoords()) { if (((GeoPoint3D) P).hasWillingDirection()) { // project willing location using willing direction // GgbVector[] project = // coordsys.getProjection(P.getWillingCoords(), // P.getWillingDirection()); if (tmpCoords1 == null) { tmpCoords1 = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } t = ((GeoPoint3D) P).getWillingCoords() .projectedParameterOnLineWithDirection( coordsys.getOrigin(), coordsys.getVx(), ((GeoPoint3D) P).getWillingDirection(), tmpCoords1); done = true; } else { // project current point coordinates // Application.debug("ici\n // getWillingCoords=\n"+P.getWillingCoords()+"\n // matrix=\n"+getMatrix().toString()); Coords preDirection = ((GeoPoint3D) P).getWillingCoords() .sub(coordsys.getOrigin()) .crossProduct(coordsys.getVx()); if (preDirection.equalsForKernel(0, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION)) { preDirection = coordsys.getVy(); } if (tmpCoords1 == null) { tmpCoords1 = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } t = ((GeoPoint3D) P).getWillingCoords() .projectedParameterOnLineWithDirection( coordsys.getOrigin(), coordsys.getVx(), preDirection .crossProduct4(coordsys.getVx()), tmpCoords1); done = true; } } } if (!done) { // project current point coordinates // Application.debug("project current point coordinates"); Coords preDirection = P.getInhomCoordsInD3() .sub(coordsys.getOrigin()).crossProduct(coordsys.getVx()); if (preDirection.equalsForKernel(0, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION)) { preDirection = coordsys.getVy(); } if (tmpCoords1 == null) { tmpCoords1 = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } t = P.getInhomCoordsInD3().projectedParameterOnLineWithDirection( coordsys.getOrigin(), coordsys.getVx(), preDirection.crossProduct4(coordsys.getVx()), tmpCoords1); } return t; } @Override public void pathChanged(GeoPointND P) { // if kernel doesn't use path/region parameters, do as if point changed // its coords if (!getKernel().usePathAndRegionParameters(P)) { pointChanged(P); return; } PathParameter pp = P.getPathParameter(); P.setCoords(getPoint(pp.getT()), false); } @Override public boolean isOnPath(GeoPointND PI, double eps) { if (PI.getPath() == this) { return true; } return isOnPath(PI.getCoordsInD3(), eps); } @Override public boolean isOnPath(Coords coords, double eps) { return isOnFullLine(coords, eps); } @Override public boolean isOnFullLine(Coords p, double eps) { Coords cross; if (Kernel.isZero(p.getW())) {// infinite point : check direction cross = p.crossProduct(getDirectionInD3()); return cross.equalsForKernel(0, Kernel.MIN_PRECISION); } // standard case Coords d = getDirectionInD3().normalized(); Coords v = p.sub(getStartInhomCoords()); Coords n = v.sub(d.mul(v.dotproduct(d))); return n.dotproduct(n) < eps * eps; } @Override public boolean respectLimitedPath(Coords coords, double eps) { return true; } // ////////////////////////////////// // /** * return true if x is a valid coordinate (eg 0<=x<=1 for a segment) * * @param x * coordinate * @return true if x is a valid coordinate (eg 0<=x<=1 for a segment) */ abstract public boolean isValidCoord(double x); // ////////////////////////////////// // XML // ////////////////////////////////// /** * returns all class-specific xml tags for saveXML */ @Override protected void getXMLtags(StringBuilder sb) { super.getXMLtags(sb); // line thickness and type getLineStyleXML(sb); } @Override public CoordSys getCoordSys() { return coordsys; } @Override public Coords getLabelPosition() { return coordsys.getPoint(0.5); } @Override public Coords getCartesianEquationVector(CoordMatrix m) { if (m == null) { return CoordMatrixUtil.lineEquationVector(getCoordSys().getOrigin(), getCoordSys().getVx()); } return CoordMatrixUtil.lineEquationVector(getCoordSys().getOrigin(), getCoordSys().getVx(), m); } @Override public Coords getStartInhomCoords() { return getCoordSys().getOrigin().getInhomCoordsInSameDimension(); } /** * @return inhom coords of the end point */ @Override public Coords getEndInhomCoords() { return getCoordSys().getPoint(1).getInhomCoordsInSameDimension(); } @Override public Coords getDirectionInD3() { return getCoordSys().getVx(); } /** * * @return start point */ @Override public GeoPointND getStartPoint() { return startPoint; } /** * * @return "end" point */ @Override public GeoPointND getEndPoint() { return endPoint; } /** * * @return true if is an intersection curve */ public boolean isIntersection() { return isIntersection; } @Override final public boolean isTranslateable() { return true; } @Override final public void translate(Coords v) { Coords o = getCoordSys().getOrigin(); o.addInside(v); setCoord(o, getCoordSys().getVx()); } // /////////////////////////////////// // POINTS ON COORD SYS // /////////////////////////////////// /** list of points on this line */ protected ArrayList<GeoPointND> pointsOnLine; /** * Returns a list of points that this line passes through. May return null. * * @return list of points that this line passes through. */ public final ArrayList<GeoPointND> getPointsOnLine() { return pointsOnLine; } /** * Sets a list of points that this line passes through. This method should * only be used by AlgoMacro. * * @param points * list of points that this line passes through */ public final void setPointsOnLine(ArrayList<GeoPointND> points) { pointsOnLine = points; } @Override public final void addPointOnLine(GeoPointND p) { if (pointsOnLine == null) { pointsOnLine = new ArrayList<GeoPointND>(); } if (!pointsOnLine.contains(p)) { pointsOnLine.add(p); } } /** * Calculates the distance between this line and line g. * * @param g * line * @return distance between lines */ @Override final public double distance(GeoLineND g) { double dist; Coords cVector = this.getDirectionInD3() .crossProduct(g.getDirectionInD3()); Coords diffPoints = this.getPointInD(3, 0) .getInhomCoordsInSameDimension() .sub(g.getPointInD(3, 0).getInhomCoordsInSameDimension()); if (cVector.isZero()) { // two lines are parallel Coords n = diffPoints.crossProduct(this.getDirectionInD3()) .crossProduct(this.getDirectionInD3()); dist = Math.abs(diffPoints.dotproduct(n.normalize())); } else { dist = Math.abs(diffPoints.dotproduct(cVector.normalize())); } return dist; } @Override public void setToImplicit() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setToExplicit() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setToParametric(String parameter) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } // /////////////////////////// // MATRIX TRANSFORMABLE // /////////////////////////// @Override public boolean isMatrixTransformable() { return true; } @Override public void matrixTransform(double a00, double a01, double a10, double a11) { if (tmpMatrix4x4 == null) { tmpMatrix4x4 = CoordMatrix4x4.Identity(); } else { tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 3, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 4, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 3, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 4, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 1, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 2, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 3, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 4, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 1, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 2, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 3, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 4, 1); } tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 1, a00); tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 2, a01); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 1, a10); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 2, a11); setCoord(tmpMatrix4x4.mul(getCoordSys().getOrigin()), tmpMatrix4x4.mul(getCoordSys().getVx())); } private CoordMatrix4x4 tmpMatrix4x4; @Override public void matrixTransform(double a00, double a01, double a02, double a10, double a11, double a12, double a20, double a21, double a22) { if (tmpMatrix4x4 == null) { tmpMatrix4x4 = CoordMatrix4x4.Identity(); } else { tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 4, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 4, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 4, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 1, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 2, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 3, 0); tmpMatrix4x4.set(4, 4, 1); } tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 1, a00); tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 2, a01); tmpMatrix4x4.set(1, 3, a02); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 1, a10); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 2, a11); tmpMatrix4x4.set(2, 3, a12); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 1, a20); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 2, a21); tmpMatrix4x4.set(3, 3, a22); setCoord(tmpMatrix4x4.mul(getCoordSys().getOrigin()), tmpMatrix4x4.mul(getCoordSys().getVx())); } // //////////////// // TRACE // //////////////// private boolean trace; @Override public boolean isTraceable() { return true; } @Override public void setTrace(boolean trace) { this.trace = trace; } @Override public boolean getTrace() { return trace; } // ////////////////// // ROTATE // ////////////////// @Override public void rotate(NumberValue phiValue) { Coords o = getCoordSys().getOrigin(); double z = o.getZ(); /* * if (!Kernel.isZero(z)){ setUndefined(); return; } */ Coords v = getCoordSys().getVx(); double vz = v.getZ(); /* * if (!Kernel.isZero(vz)){ setUndefined(); return; } */ double phi = phiValue.getDouble(); double cos = Math.cos(phi); double sin = Math.sin(phi); double x = o.getX(); double y = o.getY(); double w = o.getW(); Coords oRot = new Coords(x * cos - y * sin, x * sin + y * cos, z, w); double vx = v.getX(); double vy = v.getY(); double vw = v.getW(); Coords vRot = new Coords(vx * cos - vy * sin, vx * sin + vy * cos, vz, vw); setCoord(oRot, vRot); } @Override final public void rotate(NumberValue phiValue, GeoPointND point) { Coords o = getCoordSys().getOrigin(); double z = o.getZ(); /* * if (!Kernel.isZero(z)){ setUndefined(); return; } */ Coords v = getCoordSys().getVx(); double vz = v.getZ(); /* * if (!Kernel.isZero(vz)){ setUndefined(); return; } */ double phi = phiValue.getDouble(); double cos = Math.cos(phi); double sin = Math.sin(phi); double x = o.getX(); double y = o.getY(); double w = o.getW(); Coords Q = point.getInhomCoords(); double qx = w * Q.getX(); double qy = w * Q.getY(); Coords oRot = new Coords((x - qx) * cos + (qy - y) * sin + qx, (x - qx) * sin + (y - qy) * cos + qy, z, w); double vx = v.getX(); double vy = v.getY(); double vw = v.getW(); Coords vRot = new Coords(vx * cos - vy * sin, vx * sin + vy * cos, vz, vw); setCoord(oRot, vRot); } private Coords tmpCoords1, tmpCoords2; final private void rotate(NumberValue phiValue, Coords o1, Coords vn) { if (vn.isZero()) { setUndefined(); return; } Coords vn2 = vn.normalized(); Coords point = getCoordSys().getOrigin(); if (tmpCoords1 == null) { tmpCoords1 = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } point.projectLine(o1, vn, tmpCoords1, null); // point projected on the // axis Coords v1 = point.sub(tmpCoords1); // axis->point of the line Coords v = getCoordSys().getVx(); // direction of the line double phi = phiValue.getDouble(); double cos = Math.cos(phi); double sin = Math.sin(phi); // new line origin Coords v2 = vn2.crossProduct4(v1); Coords oRot = tmpCoords1.addInsideMul(v1, cos).addInsideMul(v2, sin); // new line direction v2 = vn2.crossProduct4(v); v1 = v2.crossProduct4(vn2); Coords vRot = v1.mul(cos).addInsideMul(v2, sin).addInsideMul(vn2, v.dotproduct(vn2)); setCoord(oRot, vRot); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue phiValue, GeoPointND S, GeoDirectionND orientation) { Coords o1 = S.getInhomCoordsInD3(); Coords vn = orientation.getDirectionInD3(); rotate(phiValue, o1, vn); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue phiValue, GeoLineND line) { Coords o1 = line.getStartInhomCoords(); Coords vn = line.getDirectionInD3(); rotate(phiValue, o1, vn); } // ////////////////////// // MIRROR // ////////////////////// @Override public void mirror(Coords Q) { Coords o = getCoordSys().getOrigin().mul(-1); o.addInside(Q.mul(2)); setCoord(o, getCoordSys().getVx().mul(-1)); } @Override public void mirror(GeoLineND line) { Coords o1 = line.getStartInhomCoords(); Coords vn = line.getDirectionInD3(); Coords point = getCoordSys().getOrigin(); if (tmpCoords1 == null) { tmpCoords1 = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } point.projectLine(o1, vn, tmpCoords1, null); // point projected on the // line point.mulInside(-1); point.addInsideMul(tmpCoords1, 2); double l = vn.getNorm(); Coords v = getCoordSys().getVx(); setCoord(point, vn.copy().mulInside(2 * v.dotproduct(vn) / (l * l)) .addInsideMul(v, -1)); } @Override public void mirror(GeoCoordSys2D plane) { Coords point = getCoordSys().getOrigin(); // point projected on the plane if (tmpCoords1 == null) { tmpCoords1 = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } point.projectPlane(plane.getCoordSys().getMatrixOrthonormal(), tmpCoords1); point.mulInside(-1); point.addInside(tmpCoords1.mulInside(2)); Coords vn = plane.getDirectionInD3().normalized(); Coords v = getCoordSys().getVx(); if (tmpCoords2 == null) { tmpCoords2 = new Coords(4); } setCoord(point, tmpCoords1.setAdd(v, tmpCoords2.setMul(vn, -2 * v.dotproduct(vn)))); } // ////////////////////// // DILATE // ////////////////////// @Override public void dilate(NumberValue rval, Coords S) { double r = rval.getDouble(); Coords o = getCoordSys().getOrigin().mul(r); o.addInside(S.mul(1 - r)); setCoord(o, getCoordSys().getVx().mul(r)); } @Override public void setToUser() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setToGeneral() { // no general line type in 3D } }