package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.algebra; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.inputfield.AutoCompleteTextFieldW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.dialog.TextEditPanel; import; import; /** * @author gabor * * Creates an InputPanel for GeoGebraWeb * */ public class InputPanelW extends FlowPanel{ private AutoCompleteTextFieldW textComponent; private boolean showSymbolPopup; private TextEditPanel textAreaComponent; /** * @param app * application * @param columns * number of columns * @param autoComplete * whether to allow autocomplete */ public InputPanelW(App app, int columns, boolean autoComplete) { super(); //setHorizontalAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER); //setVerticalAlignment(ALIGN_MIDDLE); addStyleName("InputPanel"); textComponent = new AutoCompleteTextFieldW(columns, app); textComponent.setAutoComplete(autoComplete); add(textComponent); } /** * @param initText * initial text * @param app * application * @param columns * number of columns * @param rows * number of rows * @param showSymbolPopupIcon * whether to show symbol icon */ public InputPanelW(String initText, App app, int rows, int columns, boolean showSymbolPopupIcon) { this.showSymbolPopup = showSymbolPopupIcon; // set up the text component: // either a textArea, textfield or HTML textpane if (rows > 1) { textAreaComponent = new TextEditPanel(app); } else { textComponent = new AutoCompleteTextFieldW(columns, app); textComponent.prepareShowSymbolButton(showSymbolPopup); } if (rows > 1) { if (initText != null) { textAreaComponent.setText(initText); } add(textAreaComponent); } // else { if (initText != null) { textComponent.setText(initText); } add(textComponent); } if (textComponent != null) { AutoCompleteTextFieldW atf = textComponent; atf.setAutoComplete(false); if (app.has(Feature.KEYBOARD_BEHAVIOUR)) { atf.enableGGBKeyboard(); } } } /** * @return single line editable field */ public AutoCompleteTextFieldW getTextComponent() { return textComponent; } /** * @return multiline editable field */ public TextEditPanel getTextAreaComponent() { return textAreaComponent; } /** * @return text */ public String getText() { if (textComponent != null) { return textComponent.getText(); } return textAreaComponent.getText(); } /** * Focus text component */ public void setTextComponentFocus() { if (textComponent != null) { textComponent.getTextBox().getElement().focus(); } else { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { focusTextImmediate(); } }); } } /** * Move focus to textarea without sheduler */ protected void focusTextImmediate() { textAreaComponent.getTextArea().setFocus(true); } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible){ super.setVisible(visible); if (textComponent != null) { textComponent.setVisible(visible); } if (textAreaComponent != null) { textAreaComponent.setVisible(visible); } } /** * Sets the input field enabled/disabled * @param b true iff input field should be enabled */ public void setEnabled(boolean b) { textComponent.setEditable(b); } /** * @param app * application * @return new AutoCompleteTextField */ public static AutoCompleteTextFieldW newTextComponent(App app) { return new InputPanelW(app, -1, false).getTextComponent(); } }