package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.inputfield; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.geogebra.common.gui.inputfield.InputHelper; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Macro; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.util.AutoCompleteDictionary; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.inputfield.AutoCompleteW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.view.autocompletion.CompletionsPopup; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.view.autocompletion.GSuggestBox; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import; import; public class InputSuggestions implements HasSuggestions { protected AutoCompleteDictionary dict; private ScrollableSuggestionDisplay sug; public static final int querylimit = 5000; private List<String> completions; StringBuilder curWord; protected CompletionsPopup popup; private App app; private AutoCompleteW component; public InputSuggestions(AppW app, AutoCompleteW component) { = app; this.component = component; curWord = new StringBuilder(); popup = new CompletionsPopup(); popup.addTextField(component); sug = new ScrollableSuggestionDisplay(this, app.getPanel()); } protected SuggestOracle.Callback popupCallback = new SuggestOracle.Callback() { @Override public void onSuggestionsReady(SuggestOracle.Request req, SuggestOracle.Response res) { updateSuggestions(res); } }; protected GSuggestBox.SuggestionCallback sugCallback = new GSuggestBox.SuggestionCallback() { @Override public void onSuggestionSelected(Suggestion s) { String sugg = s.getReplacementString(); autocomplete(sugg, true); } }; public void updateCurrentWord(boolean searchRight) { // TODO curWord = new StringBuilder(component.getCommand()); // int next = InputHelper.updateCurrentWord(searchRight, this.curWord, // component.getText(), getCaretPosition(), false); // if (next > -1) { // this.curWordStart = next; // } } public int getCaretPosition() { return 0; } public void autocomplete(String sugg, boolean replace) { component.insertString(sugg); sug.hideSuggestions(); } public boolean popupSuggestions() { // sub, or query is the same as the current word, // so moved from method parameter to automatism // updateCurrentWord(true);// although true would be nicer here updateCurrentWord(false);// compatibility should be preserved if (curWord != null && curWord.length() > 0 && !"sqrt".equals(curWord.toString())) { // for length check we also need flattenKorean if (!InputHelper.needsAutocomplete(this.curWord, app.getKernel())) { // if there is only one letter typed, // for any reason, this method should // hide the suggestions instead! hideSuggestions(); } else { Log.debug("requestingSug" + curWord); popup.requestSuggestions( new SuggestOracle.Request(this.curWord.toString(), querylimit), popupCallback); } } else { hideSuggestions(); } return true; } public boolean hideSuggestions() { if (sug.isSuggestionListShowing()) { sug.hideSuggestions(); } return true; } protected void updateSuggestions(Response res) { sug.updateHeight(); component.updatePosition(sug); sug.accessShowSuggestions(res, popup, sugCallback); } @Override public double getMaxSuggestionsHeight() { double ret = (app.getHeight() / 2); if (component != null) { ret = Math.max(29, Math.min(ret, app.getHeight() + ((AppW) app).getAbsTop() - component.getAbsoluteTop() - component.toWidget().getOffsetHeight() - ((AppW) app).getAppletFrame().getKeyboardHeight())); } return ret; } public List<String> resetCompletions() { updateCurrentWord(false); completions = null; // if (isEqualsRequired && !text.startsWith("=")) // return null; boolean korean = false; if (app.getLocalization() != null) { korean = "ko".equals(app.getLocalization().getLanguage()); } // start autocompletion only for words with at least two characters if (!InputHelper.needsAutocomplete(curWord, app.getKernel())) { completions = null; return null; } String cmdPrefix = curWord.toString(); if (korean) { completions = getDictionary().getCompletionsKorean(cmdPrefix); } else { completions = getDictionary().getCompletions(cmdPrefix); } Log.debug(cmdPrefix + ":" + (completions == null ? "-1" : completions.size())); List<String> commandCompletions = getSyntaxes(completions); // Start with the built-in function completions completions = app.getParserFunctions().getCompletions(cmdPrefix); // Then add the command completions if (completions.isEmpty()) { completions = commandCompletions; } else if (commandCompletions != null) { completions.addAll(commandCompletions); } return completions; } /* * Take a list of commands and return all possible syntaxes for these * commands */ private List<String> getSyntaxes(List<String> commands) { if (commands == null) { return null; } ArrayList<String> syntaxes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String cmd : commands) { String cmdInt = app.getInternalCommand(cmd); Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); String syntaxString; if (component.isForCAS()) { syntaxString = app.getLocalization() .getCommandSyntaxCAS(cmdInt); } else { syntaxString = app.getExam() == null ? loc.getCommandSyntax(cmdInt) : app.getExam().getSyntax(cmdInt, loc, app.getSettings()); } if (syntaxString.endsWith(component.isForCAS() ? Localization.syntaxCAS : Localization.syntaxStr)) { // command not found, check for macros Macro macro = component.isForCAS() ? null : app.getKernel().getMacro(cmd); if (macro != null) { syntaxes.add(macro.toString()); } else { // syntaxes.add(cmdInt + "[]"); Log.debug("Can't find syntax for: " + cmd); } continue; } for (String syntax : syntaxString.split("\\n")) { syntaxes.add(syntax); } } return syntaxes; } public AutoCompleteDictionary getDictionary() { if (this.dict == null) { this.dict = component.isForCAS() ? app.getCommandDictionaryCAS() : app.getCommandDictionary(); } return dict; } public List<String> getCompletions() { return completions; } public void setFocus() { sug.setFocus(true); } public boolean isSuggesting() { return sug.isSuggestionListShowing(); } public boolean needsEnterForSuggestion() { if (sug.isSuggestionListShowing()) { sugCallback.onSuggestionSelected(sug.accessCurrentSelection()); return true; } return false; } public void onKeyDown() { sug.moveSelectionDown(); } public void onKeyUp() { sug.moveSelectionUp(); } }