package org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; /** * Collection of static methods to find intersection of implicit with line, function, conic and * other implicit curve * * @author GSoCImplicitCurve2015 * */ public final class ImplicitIntersectionFinder { private ImplicitIntersectionFinder() { // utility class } /** * Default sampling interval */ public static final int SAMPLE_SIZE_2D = 1521; /** * Default size of output */ public static final int OUTPUT_SIZE = 100; /** * Root Precision */ private static final double EPS = Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION_SQRT; // FIXME 0.1 and -0.1 both are different of root of x^10 = 0 with satisfied // standard precision accuracy and root accuracy condition private static final double ROOT_ACCURACY = 1e-3; /** * We want a very accurate solution */ private static final double ACCURACY = Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION; private static final double DECAY_RATE = 0.9; private static final double MOMENT_RATE = 0.92; private static final double MIN_LAMBDA = 0.0001; /** * * @param fun1 * first function * @param fun2 * second function * @param xMin * maximum x value * @param yMin * minimum y value * @param xMax * minimum x value * @param yMax * maximum y value * @param samples * maximum number of samples for initial points * @param outputs * maximum size of output * @param vals * points at which two functions intersect. The output size is * bounded above by parameter samples. * */ public static void findIntersections(FunctionNVar fun1, FunctionNVar fun2, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax, int samples, int outputs, List<double[]> vals) { double[] params = new double[] { xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax }; List<Coords> guess = GeoImplicitCurve.probableInitialPoints(fun1, fun2, params, samples); boolean derivative = false; try { FunctionVariable x = fun1.getFunctionVariables()[0]; FunctionVariable y = fun1.getFunctionVariables()[1]; FunctionVariable x2 = fun2.getFunctionVariables()[0]; FunctionVariable y2 = fun2.getFunctionVariables()[1]; FunctionNVar[] f = new FunctionNVar[6]; f[0] = fun1; f[1] = fun2; f[2] = fun1.getDerivativeNoCAS(x, 1); f[3] = fun1.getDerivativeNoCAS(y, 1); f[4] = fun2.getDerivativeNoCAS(x2, 1); f[5] = fun2.getDerivativeNoCAS(y2, 1); derivative = true; intersections(f, params, guess, outputs, vals); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if (derivative) { // Log.debug("Derivative exists, but failed to find intersection // using Newton's method"); return; } // Log.debug("Some functions are not differentiable"); // Log.debug("Trying to find intersections using Broyden's method"); intersects(fun1, fun2, params, guess, outputs, vals); } } /** * Damped newton's method with Armijo's line search * * @param f * {f1(x,y), f2(x,y), f1'(x), f1'(y), f2'(x), f2'(y)} * @param params * {xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax} * @param guess * rough coordinates * @param outputs * number of samples in output * @param vals * output array */ static void intersections(FunctionNVar[] f, double[] params, List<Coords> guess, int outputs, List<double[]> vals) { // double[][] out = new double[outputs][2]; double f1, f2, jx1, jx2, jy1, jy2, det, x, y; double delta1, delta2, lambda = 1.0, dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0, evals[], moment; boolean add = true; // papers suggest that Newton's method converges in at most 2n // steps for linear equation, n being number of variables int maxStep = 12, minStep = 4, smooth, n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < guess.size() && n < outputs; i++) { evals = guess.get(i).val; if (!MyDouble.isFinite(evals[0]) || !MyDouble.isFinite(evals[1])) { continue; } f1 = f[0].evaluate(evals); f2 = f[1].evaluate(evals); // More efficient but less accurate way to find sqrt(f1^2+f2^2) smooth = 0; delta1 = Math.abs(f1) + Math.abs(f2); for (int j = 0; j < maxStep && smooth < minStep; j++) { x = evals[0]; y = evals[1]; // evaluate Jacobians jx1 = f[2].evaluate(evals); jy1 = f[3].evaluate(evals); jx2 = f[4].evaluate(evals); jy2 = f[5].evaluate(evals); // determinant det = jx1 * jy2 - jx2 * jy1; // check singularity if (Kernel.isZero(det)) { break; } // find deviation dx = (jy1 * f2 - jy2 * f1) / det; dy = (jx2 * f1 - jx1 * f2) / det; lambda = 1.0; moment = 1.0; // Armijo line search with some simple tweaks do { evals[0] = x + lambda * dx; evals[1] = y + lambda * dy; f1 = f[0].evaluate(evals); f2 = f[1].evaluate(evals); delta2 = Math.abs(f1) + Math.abs(f2); lambda *= moment * DECAY_RATE; moment *= MOMENT_RATE; } while ((lambda > MIN_LAMBDA) && (delta2 > delta1)); if (delta2 > delta1) { // the function in not converging even for lambda ~ 0.0 break; } delta1 = delta2; if (Kernel.isZero(delta1, ACCURACY)) { smooth++; } } if (!Kernel.isZero(delta1, ACCURACY)) { // unfortunately our guess was very bad, repeat with other guess continue; } // check whether root is within view bound add = (evals[0] >= params[0]) && (evals[0] <= params[2]) && (evals[1] >= params[1] && evals[1] <= params[3]); // check if we have already calculated the same root if (add) { insert(new double[] { evals[0], evals[1] }, vals); } } } /** * @param pair * intersection to be inserted * @param pairs * ordered intersection */ static void insert(double[] pair, List<double[]> pairs) { ListIterator<double[]> it = pairs.listIterator(); double eps = ROOT_ACCURACY; // find good value... while (it.hasNext()) { double[] p =; if (Kernel.isGreater(p[0], pair[0], eps)) { it.previous(); break; } if (Kernel.isEqual(p[0], pair[0], eps)) { if (Kernel.isGreater(p[1], pair[1], eps)) { it.previous(); break; } if (Kernel.isEqual(p[1], pair[1], eps)) { return; // do not add } } } it.add(pair); } /** * Find the intersections between two curves using Broyden's method * * @param fn1 * first function * @param fn2 * second function * @param params * {xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax} * @param outputs * number of samples in output * @param guess * initial guesses * @param vals * intersection between functions */ public static void intersects(final FunctionNVar fn1, final FunctionNVar fn2, double[] params, List<Coords> guess, final int outputs, List<double[]> vals) { boolean add; double[] evals; double jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2, delta1, delta2, det, Dx, Dy, dx, dy; double x, y, f1, f2, fPrev1, fPrev2, df1, df2, lambda, norm, moment; int steps = 10, size = guess.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { evals = guess.get(i).val; if (!MyDouble.isFinite(evals[0]) || !MyDouble.isFinite(evals[1])) { continue; } f1 = fn1.evaluate(evals); f2 = fn2.evaluate(evals); delta1 = Math.abs(f1) + Math.abs(f2); if (!Kernel.isZero(delta1, ACCURACY)) { x = evals[0]; y = evals[1]; jx1 = finiteDiffX(fn1, x, y); jy1 = finiteDiffY(fn1, x, y); jx2 = finiteDiffX(fn2, x, y); jy2 = finiteDiffY(fn2, x, y); for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { fPrev1 = f1; fPrev2 = f2; det = jx1 * jy2 - jx2 * jy1; if (Kernel.isZero(det)) { break; } dx = (jy1 * f2 - jy2 * f1) / det; dy = (jx2 * f1 - jx1 * f2) / det; lambda = 1.0; moment = 1.0; do { evals[0] = x + lambda * dx; evals[1] = y + lambda * dy; f1 = fn1.evaluate(evals); f2 = fn2.evaluate(evals); delta2 = Math.abs(f1) + Math.abs(f2); lambda *= moment * DECAY_RATE; moment *= MOMENT_RATE; } while (delta2 >= delta1 && lambda > MIN_LAMBDA); if (delta2 >= delta1 || Kernel.isZero(delta2, ACCURACY)) { delta1 = delta2; break; } delta1 = delta2; df1 = f1 - fPrev1; df2 = f2 - fPrev2; dx = evals[0] - x; dy = evals[1] - y; norm = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (Kernel.isZero(norm)) { break; } Dx = (df1 - dx * jx1 - dy * jy1) / norm; Dy = (df2 - dx * jx2 - dy * jy2) / norm; jx1 = jx1 + dx * Dx; jy1 = jy1 + dy * Dx; jx2 = jx2 + dx * Dy; jy2 = jy2 + dy * Dy; x = evals[0]; y = evals[1]; } } if (!Kernel.isZero(delta1, ACCURACY)) { // unfortunately our guess was very bad, repeat with other guess continue; } // check whether root is within view bound add = (evals[0] >= params[0]) && (evals[0] <= params[2]) && (evals[1] >= params[1] && evals[1] <= params[3]); if (add) { insert(new double[] { evals[0], evals[1] }, vals); } } } private static double finiteDiffX(FunctionNVar func, double x, double y) { double[] eval = { x - EPS, y }; double left, right; left = func.evaluate(eval); eval[0] = x + EPS; right = func.evaluate(eval); return (right - left) / (2 * EPS); } private static double finiteDiffY(FunctionNVar func, double x, double y) { double[] eval = { x, y - EPS }; double left, right; left = func.evaluate(eval); eval[1] = y + EPS; right = func.evaluate(eval); return (right - left) / (2 * EPS); } }