package org.geogebra.desktop.gui.inputfield; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GGraphics2D; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.Drawable; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawInputBox; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.FocusListener; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.KeyHandler; import org.geogebra.common.gui.inputfield.AutoComplete; import org.geogebra.common.gui.inputfield.AutoCompleteTextField; import org.geogebra.common.gui.inputfield.InputHelper; import org.geogebra.common.javax.swing.GBox; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Macro; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoInputBox; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.MyError; import org.geogebra.common.util.AutoCompleteDictionary; import org.geogebra.common.util.Korean; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.desktop.awt.GColorD; import org.geogebra.desktop.awt.GFontD; import org.geogebra.desktop.euclidian.event.FocusListenerD; import org.geogebra.desktop.euclidian.event.KeyListenerD; import org.geogebra.desktop.gui.autocompletion.CommandCompletionListCellRenderer; import org.geogebra.desktop.gui.autocompletion.CompletionsPopup; import org.geogebra.desktop.gui.util.GeoGebraIconD; import org.geogebra.desktop.main.AppD; public class AutoCompleteTextFieldD extends MathTextField implements AutoComplete, AutoCompleteTextField { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private transient AppD app; private transient Localization loc; private StringBuilder curWord; private int curWordStart; protected AutoCompleteDictionary dict; protected boolean isCASInput = false; protected boolean autoComplete; private int historyIndex; private ArrayList<String> history; private KeyNavigation handleEscapeKey = KeyNavigation.IGNORE; private List<String> completions; private String cmdPrefix; private CompletionsPopup completionsPopup; private HistoryPopupD historyPopup; private DrawInputBox drawTextField = null; /** * Flag to determine if text must start with "=" to activate autoComplete; * used with spreadsheet cells */ private boolean isEqualsRequired = false; private boolean popupSymbolDisabled = false; private boolean forCAS; /** * Pattern to find an argument description as found in the syntax * information of a command. */ // private static Pattern syntaxArgPattern = // Pattern.compile("[,\\[] *(?:<[\\(\\) \\-\\p{L}]*>|\\.\\.\\.) // *(?=[,\\]])"); // Simplified to this as there are too many non-alphabetic character in // parameter descriptions: private static Pattern syntaxArgPattern = Pattern .compile("[,\\[\\(] *(?:<.*?>|\"<.*?>\"|\\.\\.\\.) *(?=[,\\]\\)])"); /** * Constructs a new AutoCompleteTextField that uses the dictionary of the * given Application for autocomplete look up. A default model is created * and the number of columns is 0. * */ public AutoCompleteTextFieldD(int columns, App app) { this(columns, (AppD) app, KeyNavigation.BLUR); } /** * @param columns * width * @param app * Application * @param handleEscapeKey * how to handle escape key * @param forCAS * dictionary */ public AutoCompleteTextFieldD(int columns, AppD app, KeyNavigation handleEscapeKey, boolean forCAS) { super(app); // allow dynamic width with columns = -1 if (columns > 0) { setColumns(columns); } = app; this.loc = app.getLocalization(); setAutoComplete(true); this.handleEscapeKey = handleEscapeKey; curWord = new StringBuilder(); historyIndex = 0; history = new ArrayList<String>(50); completions = null; CommandCompletionListCellRenderer cellRenderer = new CommandCompletionListCellRenderer(); completionsPopup = new CompletionsPopup(this, cellRenderer, 6); // addKeyListener(this); now in MathTextField setDictionary(forCAS); enableLabelColoring(isCASInput); } public AutoCompleteTextFieldD(int columns, AppD app, KeyNavigation handleEscapeKey) { this(columns, app, handleEscapeKey, true); // setDictionary(app.getAllCommandsDictionary()); } public AutoCompleteTextFieldD(int columns, App app, Drawable drawTextField) { this(columns, app); this.drawTextField = (DrawInputBox) drawTextField; } @Override public DrawInputBox getDrawTextField() { return drawTextField; } public ArrayList<String> getHistory() { return history; } /** * Add a history popup list and an embedded popup button. See * AlgebraInputBar */ public void addHistoryPopup(boolean isDownPopup) { if (historyPopup == null) { historyPopup = new HistoryPopupD(this); } historyPopup.setDownPopup(isDownPopup); ActionListener al = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String cmd = e.getActionCommand(); if (cmd.equals(1 + BorderButtonD.cmdSuffix)) { // TODO: should up/down orientation be tied to InputBar? // show popup historyPopup.showPopup(); } } }; setBorderButton(1, GeoGebraIconD.createUpDownTriangleIcon(false, true), al); this.setBorderButtonVisible(1, false); } @Override public void showPopupSymbolButton(boolean showPopupSymbolButton) { ((MyTextFieldD) this).setShowSymbolTableIcon( showPopupSymbolButton && !popupSymbolDisabled); } @Override public void removeSymbolTable() { popupSymbolDisabled = true; } /** * Set whether this is a CAS Input field */ public void setCASInput(boolean val) { isCASInput = val; enableLabelColoring(isCASInput); } /** * Set the dictionary that autocomplete lookup should be performed by. * * @param forCAS * whether this is for CAS */ @Override public void setDictionary(boolean forCAS) { this.dict = null; this.forCAS = forCAS; } /** * Gets the dictionary currently used for lookups. * * @return dict The dictionary that will be used for the autocomplete * lookups. */ @Override public AutoCompleteDictionary getDictionary() { if (this.dict == null) { this.dict = this.forCAS ? app.getCommandDictionaryCAS() : app.getCommandDictionary(); } return this.dict; } /** * Sets whether the component is currently performing autocomplete lookups * as keystrokes are performed. * * @param val * True or false. */ @Override public void setAutoComplete(boolean val) { autoComplete = val && app.getLocalization().isAutoCompletePossible(); if (autoComplete) { app.initTranslatedCommands(); } } public List<String> getCompletions() { return completions; } /** * Gets whether the component is currently performing autocomplete lookups * as keystrokes are performed. * * @return True or false. */ @Override public boolean getAutoComplete() { return autoComplete && loc.isAutoCompletePossible(); } public String getCurrentWord() { return curWord.toString(); } public int getCurrentWordStart() { return curWordStart; } @Override public void geoElementSelected(GeoElement geo, boolean add) { if (geo != null) { replaceSelection( " " + geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate) + " "); requestFocusInWindow(); } } /** returns if text must start with "=" to activate autocomplete */ public boolean isEqualsRequired() { return isEqualsRequired; } /** sets flag to require text starts with "=" to activate autocomplete */ public void setEqualsRequired(boolean isEqualsRequired) { this.isEqualsRequired = isEqualsRequired; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean ctrlC = false; private GeoInputBox geoUsedForInputBox; private boolean previewActive = true; @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int keyCode = e.getKeyCode(); // we don't want to trap AltGr // as it is used eg for entering {[}] is some locales // NB e.isAltGraphDown() doesn't work if (e.isAltDown() && e.isControlDown()) { return; } // swallow eg ctrl-a ctrl-b ctrl-p on Mac if (AppD.MAC_OS && e.isControlDown()) { e.consume(); } ctrlC = false; switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_Z: case KeyEvent.VK_Y: if (AppD.isControlDown(e)) { app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleGeneralKeys(e); e.consume(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_C: if (AppD.isControlDown(e)) // workaround for MAC_OS { ctrlC = true; } break; case KeyEvent.VK_0: case KeyEvent.VK_1: case KeyEvent.VK_2: case KeyEvent.VK_3: case KeyEvent.VK_4: case KeyEvent.VK_5: case KeyEvent.VK_6: case KeyEvent.VK_7: case KeyEvent.VK_8: case KeyEvent.VK_9: if (AppD.isControlDown(e) && e.isShiftDown()) { app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleGeneralKeys(e); } break; // process input case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE: if (handleEscapeKey == KeyNavigation.IGNORE) { break; } if (handleEscapeKey == KeyNavigation.HISTORY) { setText(""); } Component comp = SwingUtilities.getRoot(this); if (comp instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) comp).setVisible(false); return; } // loose focus app.getActiveEuclidianView().requestFocusInWindow(); break; // removed - what is this for? // case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS: // break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: if (handleEscapeKey == KeyNavigation.IGNORE) { break; } if (historyPopup == null) { String text = getPreviousInput(); if (text != null) { setText(text); } } else if (!historyPopup.isDownPopup()) { historyPopup.showPopup(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: if (handleEscapeKey == KeyNavigation.IGNORE) { break; } if (historyPopup != null && historyPopup.isDownPopup()) { historyPopup.showPopup(); } else { // Fix for Ticket #463 if (getNextInput() != null) { setText(getNextInput()); } } break; case KeyEvent.VK_F9: // needed for applets if (app.isApplet()) { app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleGeneralKeys(e); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: if (moveToNextArgument(false)) { e.consume(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: if (usedForInputBox()) { AutoCompleteTextField tf = app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getTextField(); if (tf != null) { geoUsedForInputBox.setText(tf.getText()); } // // app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleTab(e.isControlDown(), // e.isShiftDown(), true); app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleGeneralKeys(e); GeoElement next = app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos() .get(0); Log.debug("next is " + next); if (next instanceof GeoInputBox) { GeoInputBox input = (GeoInputBox) next; app.getActiveEuclidianView().focusTextField(input); } else { // app.getActiveEuclidianView().requestFocus(); } // } else if (moveToNextArgument(true)) { e.consume(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_F1: String helpURL = isCASInput ? App.WIKI_CAS_VIEW : App.WIKI_MANUAL; if (autoComplete) { boolean commandFound = false; if (!getText().equals("")) { int pos = getCaretPosition(); while (pos > 0 && getText().charAt(pos - 1) == '[') { pos--; } String word = getWordAtPos(getText(), pos); String lowerCurWord = word.toLowerCase(); String closest = getDictionary().lookup(lowerCurWord); if (closest != null) {// && // lowerCurWord.equals(closest.toLowerCase())) showCommandHelp(app.getInternalCommand(closest), isCASInput); commandFound = true; } } if (!commandFound) { Object[] options = { loc.getPlain("OK"), loc.getPlain("ShowOnlineHelp") }; int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(app.getMainComponent(), loc.getMenu(isCASInput ? "CASFieldHelp" : "InputFieldHelp"), GeoGebraConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + " - " + loc.getMenu("Help"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, // do not use a // custom Icon options, // the titles of buttons options[0]); // default button title if (n == 1) { app.getGuiManager().openHelp(helpURL); } } } else { app.getGuiManager().openHelp(helpURL); } e.consume(); break; default: } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { // stop autocompletion re-opening on <Escape> if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { e.consume(); return; } // Application.debug(e+""); /* * test code to generate unicode strings for Virtual Keyboard String * text = getText(); String outStr = ""; for (int i = 0 ; i < * text.length() ; i++) { int ch = text.charAt(i); if (ch < 128) outStr * += text.charAt(i); else { String unicode = Integer.toHexString(ch); * if (unicode.length() < 4) unicode = "\\u0"+unicode; else unicode = * "\\u"+unicode; outStr += unicode; } } Application.debug(outStr); // */ // ctrl pressed on Mac // or alt on Windows boolean modifierKeyPressed = AppD.MAC_OS ? e.isControlDown() : e.isAltDown(); // we don't want to act when AltGr is down // as it is used eg for entering {[}] is some locales // NB e.isAltGraphDown() doesn't work if (e.isAltDown() && e.isControlDown()) { modifierKeyPressed = false; } char charPressed = e.getKeyChar(); if ((StringUtil.isLetterOrDigitOrUnderscore(charPressed) || modifierKeyPressed) && !(ctrlC && (AppD.MAC_OS || AppD.LINUX)) && !(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_A && AppD.MAC_OS)) { clearSelection(); } // handle alt-p etc super.keyReleased(e); mergeKoreanDoubles(); if (getAutoComplete()) { updateCurrentWord(false); startAutoCompletion(); } /* * if (charCodePressed == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE && isTextSelected && * input.length() > 0) { setText(input.substring(0, input.length())); } */ } public void mergeKoreanDoubles() { // avoid shift on Korean keyboards if (app.getLocale().getLanguage().equals("ko")) { String text = getText(); int caretPos = getCaretPosition(); String mergeText = Korean.mergeDoubleCharacters(text); int decrease = text.length() - mergeText.length(); if (decrease > 0) { setText(mergeText); setCaretPosition(caretPos - decrease); } } } private void clearSelection() { int start = getSelectionStart(); int end = getSelectionEnd(); // clear selection if there is one if (start != end) { int pos = getCaretPosition(); String oldText = getText(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(oldText.substring(0, start)); sb.append(oldText.substring(end)); setText(sb.toString()); // set caret position to start pos = start; if (pos < sb.length()) { setCaretPosition(pos); } } } /** * Automatically closes parentheses (, {, [ when next sign is a space or end * of input text. and ignores ] }, ) if the brackets already match (simple * check) */ @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { // only handle parentheses char ch = e.getKeyChar(); int caretPos = getCaretPosition(); String text = getText(); // checking for isAltDown() because Alt+, prints another character on // the PC // TODO make this more robust - perhaps it could go in a document change // listener if (ch == ',' && !e.isAltDown()) { if (caretPos < text.length() && text.charAt(caretPos) == ',') { // User typed ',' just in ahead of an existing ',': // We may be in the position of filling in the next argument of // an autocompleted command // Look for a pattern of the form ", < Argument Description > ," // or ", < Argument Description > ]" // If found, select the argument description so that it can // easily be typed over with the value // of the argument. if (moveToNextArgument(false)) { e.consume(); } return; } } if (!(ch == '(' || ch == '{' || ch == '[' || ch == '}' || ch == ')' || ch == ']')) { super.keyTyped(e); return; } clearSelection(); caretPos = getCaretPosition(); if (ch == '}' || ch == ')' || ch == ']') { // simple check if brackets match if (text.length() > caretPos && text.charAt(caretPos) == ch) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c == '{') { count++; } else if (c == '}') { count--; } else if (c == '(') { count += 1E3; } else if (c == ')') { count -= 1E3; } else if (c == '[') { count += 1E6; } else if (c == ']') { count -= 1E6; } } if (count == 0) { // if brackets match, just move the cursor forwards one e.consume(); caretPos++; } } } // auto-close parentheses if (!e.isAltDown() && (caretPos == text.length() || org.geogebra.common.gui.inputfield.MyTextField .isCloseBracketOrWhitespace(text.charAt(caretPos)))) { this.setPreviewActive(false); switch (ch) { default: // do nothing break; case '(': // opening parentheses: insert closing parenthesis automatically insertString(")"); break; case '{': // opening braces: insert closing parenthesis automatically insertString("}"); break; case '[': // opening bracket: insert closing parenthesis automatically insertString("]"); break; } this.setPreviewActive(true); } // make sure we keep the previous caret position setCaretPosition(Math.min(text.length(), caretPos)); } private void setPreviewActive(boolean b) { previewActive = b; } /** * Updates curWord to word at current caret position. curWordStart, * curWordEnd are set to this word's start and end position */ public void updateCurrentWord(boolean searchRight) { int next = InputHelper.updateCurrentWord(searchRight, this.curWord, getText(), getCaretPosition(), true); if (next > -1) { this.curWordStart = next; } } // returns the word at position pos in text public static String getWordAtPos(String text, int pos) { // search to the left int wordStart = pos - 1; while (wordStart >= 0 && StringUtil .isLetterOrDigitOrUnderscore(text.charAt(wordStart))) { --wordStart; } wordStart++; // search to the right int wordEnd = pos; int length = text.length(); while (wordEnd < length && StringUtil.isLetterOrDigitOrUnderscore(text.charAt(wordEnd))) { ++wordEnd; } if (wordStart >= 0 && wordEnd <= length) { return text.substring(wordStart, wordEnd); } return null; } // static String lastTyped = null; /* * ----------------------------------------- Autocompletion * ----------------------------------------- */ private boolean moveToNextArgument(boolean find) { String text = getText(); int caretPos = getCaretPosition(); // make sure it works if caret is just after [ // if (caretPos > 0 && text.charAt(caretPos - 1) == '[') caretPos--; Matcher argMatcher = syntaxArgPattern.matcher(text); boolean hasNextArgument = argMatcher.find(caretPos); if (find && !hasNextArgument) { hasNextArgument = argMatcher.find(); } if (hasNextArgument && (find || argMatcher.start() == caretPos)) { setCaretPosition(argMatcher.end()); // do not select the space after , but do select space after [ if (text.charAt(argMatcher.start()) == ',') { moveCaretPosition(argMatcher.start() + 2); } else { moveCaretPosition(argMatcher.start() + 1); } return true; } return false; } private List<String> resetCompletions() { String text = getText(); updateCurrentWord(false); completions = null; if (isEqualsRequired && !text.startsWith("=")) { return null; } boolean korean = app.getLocale().getLanguage().equals("ko"); // start autocompletion only for long enough words if (!InputHelper.needsAutocomplete(curWord, app.getKernel())) { completions = null; return null; } cmdPrefix = curWord.toString(); if (korean) { completions = getDictionary().getCompletionsKorean(cmdPrefix); } else { completions = getDictionary().getCompletions(cmdPrefix); } List<String> commandCompletions = getSyntaxes(completions); // Start with the built-in function completions completions = app.getParserFunctions().getCompletions(cmdPrefix); // Then add the command completions if (completions.isEmpty()) { completions = commandCompletions; } else if (commandCompletions != null) { completions.addAll(commandCompletions); } return completions; } /* * Take a list of commands and return all possible syntaxes for these * commands */ private List<String> getSyntaxes(List<String> commands) { if (commands == null) { return null; } ArrayList<String> syntaxes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String cmd : commands) { String cmdInt = app.getInternalCommand(cmd); String syntaxString; String suffix = Localization.syntaxStr; if (isCASInput) { syntaxString = loc.getCommandSyntaxCAS(cmdInt); if (syntaxString.endsWith(Localization.syntaxCAS)) { syntaxString = loc.getCommandSyntax(cmdInt); } else { suffix = Localization.syntaxCAS; } } else { syntaxString = loc.getCommandSyntax(cmdInt); } if (syntaxString.endsWith(suffix)) { // command not found, check for macros Macro macro = isCASInput ? null : app.getKernel().getMacro(cmd); if (macro != null) { syntaxes.add(macro.toString()); } else { // syntaxes.add(cmdInt + "[]"); Log.debug("Can't find syntax for: " + cmd); } continue; } for (String syntax : syntaxString.split("\\n")) { syntaxes.add(syntax); } } return syntaxes; } public void startAutoCompletion() { // don't show autocompletion popup if the current word // is a defined variable resetCompletions(); completionsPopup.showCompletions(); } public void cancelAutoCompletion() { completions = null; } /** * Ticket #1167 Auto-completes input; <br> * * @param index * index of the chosen command in the completions list * @param completions * @return false if completions list is null or index < 0 or index > * completions.size() * @author Arnaud */ public boolean validateAutoCompletion(int index, List<String> completions) { if (completions == null || index < 0 || index >= completions.size()) { return false; } int start = curWordStart; String command = completions.get(index); String text = getText(); String before = text.substring(0, curWordStart); String after = text.substring(curWordStart + curWord.length()); int bracketIndex = command.indexOf('['); if (bracketIndex == -1) { bracketIndex = command.indexOf('('); } if (bracketIndex > -1 && after.startsWith("[")) { // probably already have some arguments // eg user is just changing the command name command = command.substring(0, bracketIndex); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(before); sb.append(command); sb.append(after); setText(sb.toString()); // Special case if the completion is a built-in function if (bracketIndex == -1) { bracketIndex = command.indexOf('('); setCaretPosition(start + bracketIndex + 1); return true; } if (command.indexOf("[]") > -1) { // eg GetTime[] bracketIndex += 2; } else if (command.indexOf("[ ]") > -1) { // eg GetTime[ ] bracketIndex += 3; } setCaretPosition(start + bracketIndex); moveToNextArgument(false); return true; } /** * Adds string to input textfield's history * * @param str */ public void addToHistory(String str) { // exit if the new string is the same as the last entered string if (!history.isEmpty() && str.equals(history.get(history.size() - 1))) { return; } history.add(str); historyIndex = history.size(); if (historyPopup != null && !isBorderButtonVisible(1)) { setBorderButtonVisible(1, true); } } /** * @return previous input from input textfield's history */ private String getPreviousInput() { if (history.size() == 0) { return null; } if (historyIndex > 0) { --historyIndex; } return history.get(historyIndex); } /** * @return next input from input textfield's history */ private String getNextInput() { if (historyIndex < history.size()) { ++historyIndex; } if (historyIndex == history.size()) { return null; } return history.get(historyIndex); } /** * shows dialog with syntax info * * @param cmd * is the internal command name */ private void showCommandHelp(String cmd, boolean cas) { // show help for current command (current word) String help = cas ? loc.getCommandSyntaxCAS(cmd) : loc.getCommandSyntax(cmd); // show help if available if (help != null) { app.showError(new MyError(loc, loc.getPlain("Syntax") + ":\n" + help, cmd, null)); } else { app.getGuiManager().openCommandHelp(null); } } /** * just show syntax error (already correctly formulated by * CommandProcessor.argErr()) * * @param e * error */ public void showError(MyError e) { app.showError(e); } @Override public void setFont(GFont font) { super.setFont(GFontD.getAwtFont(font)); } /** * Set the font of completions and history commands * * @param font * the new font */ public void setPopupsFont(Font font) { if (this.completionsPopup != null) { this.completionsPopup.setFont(font); } if (this.historyPopup != null) { this.historyPopup.setFont(font); } } @Override public void setForeground(GColor color) { super.setForeground(GColorD.getAwtColor(color)); } @Override public void setBackground(GColor color) { super.setBackground(GColorD.getAwtColor(color)); } @Override public void addFocusListener(FocusListener focusListener) { if (focusListener instanceof FocusListenerD) { super.addFocusListener((FocusListenerD) focusListener); } } @Override public void wrapSetText(final String s) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setText(s); } }); } @Override public void setUsedForInputBox(GeoInputBox geo) { geoUsedForInputBox = geo; } @Override public boolean usedForInputBox() { return geoUsedForInputBox != null; } @Override public void requestFocus() { super.requestFocus(); if (geoUsedForInputBox != null && !geoUsedForInputBox.isSelected()) { app.getSelectionManager().clearSelectedGeos(false); app.getSelectionManager().addSelectedGeo(geoUsedForInputBox); } } @Override public void addKeyHandler(KeyHandler handler) { addKeyListener(new KeyListenerD(handler)); } @Override public String getCommand() { this.updateCurrentWord(true); return this.getCurrentWord(); } @Override public void setFocus(boolean b) { // called from common, needed only in web } @Override public void prepareShowSymbolButton(boolean b) { this.setShowSymbolTableIcon(b); } @Override public void drawBounds(GGraphics2D g2, GColor bgColor, int left, int top, int width, int height) { g2.setPaint(bgColor); g2.fillRect(left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 4); // TF Rectangle g2.setPaint(GColor.LIGHT_GRAY); g2.drawRect(left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 4); } @Override public void hideDeferred(final GBox box) { setVisible(false); box.setVisible(false); } /** * @return whether we may update preview */ public boolean isPreviewActive() { return previewActive; } @Override public void setDrawTextField(DrawInputBox df) { drawTextField = df; } @Override public GeoInputBox getInputBox() { return geoUsedForInputBox; } }