package org.geogebra.common.util; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Beta; import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf; import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.util.mathIT.Riemann; /* * moved functions from MyMath as they use org.apache * important for minimal applets */ public class MyMath2 { final public static double gammaIncomplete(double a, double x) { try { // see // return Gamma.regularizedGammaP(a, x) * gamma(a); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // catches ArithmeticException, IllegalStateException and // ArithmeticException return Double.NaN; } } final public static double gammaIncompleteRegularized(double a, double x) { try { return Gamma.regularizedGammaP(a, x); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // catches ArithmeticException, IllegalStateException and // ArithmeticException return Double.NaN; } } final public static double beta(double a, double b) { return Math.exp(Beta.logBeta(a, b)); } final public static double betaIncomplete(double a, double b, double x) { try { return Beta.regularizedBeta(x, a, b) * beta(a, b); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // catches ArithmeticException, IllegalStateException and // ArithmeticException return Double.NaN; } } final public static double betaIncompleteRegularized(double a, double b, double x) { try { return Beta.regularizedBeta(x, a, b); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // catches ArithmeticException, IllegalStateException and // ArithmeticException return Double.NaN; } } /** * Factorial function of x. If x is an integer value x! is returned, * otherwise gamma(x + 1) will be returned. For x < 0 Double.NaN is * returned. * * @param x * @return factorial */ final public static double factorial(double x) { if (x < 0 || x > 170.624) { // infinity, undefined is better return Double.NaN; } // big x or floating point x is computed using gamma function if (x < 0 || x > 32 || x - Math.floor(x) > 1E-10) { // exp of log(gamma(x+1)) return Math.exp(Gamma.logGamma(x + 1.0)); } int n = (int) x; int j; while (factorialTop < n) { j = factorialTop++; factorialTable[factorialTop] = factorialTable[j] * factorialTop; } return factorialTable[n]; } private static int factorialTop = 4; private static double[] factorialTable = new double[33]; static { factorialTable[0] = 1.0; factorialTable[1] = 1.0; factorialTable[2] = 2.0; factorialTable[3] = 6.0; factorialTable[4] = 24.0; } final public static double gamma(double x) { // Michael Borcherds 2008-05-04 if (x <= 0 && Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.round(x))) { return Double.NaN; // negative integers } // Michael Borcherds 2007-10-15 BEGIN added case for x<0 otherwise no // results in 3rd quadrant if (x >= 0) { return Math.exp(Gamma.logGamma(x)); } return -Math.PI / (x * Math.exp(Gamma.logGamma(-x)) * Math.sin(Math.PI * x)); // Michael Borcherds 2007-10-15 END } final private static int CANTOR_MAX_ITERATIONS = 1000; /** * * * * @param x * @return cantor(x) (calculated iteratively) */ final public static double cantor(double x) { return cantor(x, 0); } final private static double cantor(double x, double depth) { if (x < 0) { return 0; } if (x > 1) { return 1; } double x3 = 3 * x; if (0 <= x3 && x3 <= 1) { if (depth > CANTOR_MAX_ITERATIONS) { return 0.25; } return cantor(3 * x, depth + 1) / 2; } else if (1 < x3 && x3 < 2) { return 0.5; } if (depth > CANTOR_MAX_ITERATIONS) { return 0.75; } return (cantor(x3 - 2, depth + 1) + 1) / 2; } final public static double erf(double mean, double standardDeviation, double x) { try { return Erf.erf((x - mean) / (standardDeviation)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (x < (mean - 20 * standardDeviation)) { // JDK 1.5 blows at 38 return -1.0d; } else if (x > (mean + 20 * standardDeviation)) { return 1.0d; } else { return Double.NaN; } } } private static double C2sqrtPi = 1.1283791670955125738961589; /** * Inverse of the error function Erf. * * Implementation: Inversion by Newton iteration of erf(x). The initial * value x0 = 0. For |z| <= 0.84 (=erf(1)) at most 4 iterations are * necessary. * * adapted from * * -functions/inv_erf.c (in fact needs up to about 20 in extreme cases for * very small z) * * @param z * z * @return inverf(z) */ final public static double inverf(double z) { if (z > 1 || z < -1) { return Double.NaN; } /* f(x) = erf(x) - z */ /* f'(x) = c*exp(-x*x) */ /* f''(x) = -2 f'(x) */ double c = C2sqrtPi; double f = -z, f1 = c; double q = f / f1, x = -q, x0 = 0; while (Math.abs(x - x0) > 1e-12 && Math.abs(f) > 1e-14) { /* Newton 2nd order: x <- x - f/f'(1 + f*f''/(2 f'^2)) */ x0 = x; f = MyMath2.erf(x) - z; f1 = c * Math.exp(-x * x); q = f / f1; x -= q * (1 - x * q); /* Newton Step 2nd order */ } return x; } final public static double psi(double x) { return Gamma.digamma(x); } final public static double logGamma(double x) { return Gamma.logGamma(x); } final public static double polyGamma(NumberValue order, double x) { int o = (int) order.getDouble(); switch (o) { case 0: return Gamma.digamma(x); case 1: return Gamma.trigamma(x); // case 2: // return PolyGamma.tetragamma(x); // case 3: // return PolyGamma.pentagamma(x); // default: // return PolyGamma.psigamma(x, o); default: return Double.NaN; } } private static double TMIN = 2.0; private static int MAXIT = 100; // Maximum number of iterations allowed. private static Complex cisi(double a2) { int i, k; boolean odd; double a, err, fact, sign, sum, sumc, sums, t, term; // double him, hre, bim, bre, cim, cre, dim, dre, delim = 0, delre = 0; Complex h, b, c, d, del, one, two; one = new Complex(1, 0); two = new Complex(2, 0); t = Math.abs(a2); if (t == 0.0) { return new Complex(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0); } if (t > TMIN) { b = new Complex(1, t); c = new Complex(1000, 0); d = one.divide(b); h = one.divide(b); // d=h=1/b=1/(bre+ibim)=bre-ibim/(bre^2+bim^2); for (i = 2; i <= MAXIT; i++) { a = -(i - 1) * (i - 1); b = b.add(two); // dinv = a*d+b // d=1/dinv; Denominators cannot be zero. d = one.divide(b.add(d.multiply(a))); // c=b+a/c c = b.add(one.divide(c).multiply(a)); del = c.multiply(d); // del = c*d h = h.multiply(del); // AbstractApplication.debug(Math.abs(delre - 1.0)+ // Math.abs(delim)); if (Math.abs(del.getReal() - 1.0) + Math.abs(del.getImaginary()) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) { break; } } // if (i > MAXIT) // return new Complex(Double.NaN,Double.NaN); // h = (cos(t)-isin(t))*h h = h.multiply(new Complex(Math.cos(t), -Math.sin(t))); return new Complex(-h.getReal(), Math.signum(a2) * (Kernel.PI_HALF + h.getImaginary())); } if (t < Math.sqrt(Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION)) { sumc = 0.0; sums = t; } else { sum = sums = sumc = 0.0; sign = fact = 1.0; odd = true; for (k = 1; k <= MAXIT; k++) { fact *= t / k; term = fact / k; sum += sign * term; err = term / Math.abs(sum); if (odd) { sign = -sign; sums = sum; sum = sumc; } else { sumc = sum; sum = sums; } if (err < Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION) { break; } odd = !odd; } if (k > MAXIT) { return new Complex(Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } } return new Complex(sumc + Math.log(t) + MyMath.EULER, Math.signum(a2) * sums); } /** * Returns cosine integral of given number, for negative values returns * undefined * * @param a * number * @return cosine integral of given number */ final public static double ci(double a) { if (a < 0) { return Double.NaN; } return cisi(a).getReal(); } /** * Returns sine integral of given number, for negative values returns * undefined * * @param a * number * @return sine integral of given number */ final public static double si(double a) { return cisi(a).getImaginary(); } /** * Returns exponential integral of given number, for negative values returns * undefined * * @param a * number * @return exponential integral of given number * */ final public static double ei(double a) { double ret = MyMath.EULER + Math.log(Math.abs(a)) + a; double add = a; for (int i = 2; i < MAXIT; i++) { add = add * a * (i - 1) / i / i; ret = ret + add; } return ret; } public static double erf(double d) { return erf(0, 1, d); } /** * Rieman zeta function (for reals) * * @param val * argument * @return rieman zeta of val */ public static double zeta(double val) { if (val < 0 && Kernel.isInteger(val / 2)) { return 0; } double[] s = { val, 0 }; return Riemann.zeta(s)[0]; } }