package org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.MyPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.SegmentType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; /** * Base class for quadtree algorithms */ abstract class QuadTree { /** * */ private final GeoImplicitCurve geoImplicitCurve; /** * All corners are inside / outside */ public static final int T0000 = 0; /** * only bottom left corner is inside / outside */ public static final int T0001 = 1; /** * bottom right corner is inside / outside */ public static final int T0010 = 2; /** * both corners at the bottom are inside / outside */ public static final int T0011 = 3; /** * top left corner is inside / outside */ public static final int T0100 = 4; /** * opposite corners are inside / outside. NOTE: This configuration is * regarded as invalid */ public static final int T0101 = 5; /** * both the corners at the left are inside / outside */ public static final int T0110 = 6; /** * only top left corner is inside / outside */ public static final int T0111 = 7; /** * invalid configuration. expression value is undefined / infinity for at * least one of the corner */ public static final int T_INV = -1; public static final int EMPTY = 0; public static final int FINISHED = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final int VALID = 1; /** * it would be better to adjust LIST_THRESHOLD based on platform */ public int LIST_THRESHOLD = 48; protected double x; protected double y; protected double w; protected double h; protected double scaleX; protected double scaleY; protected ArrayList<MyPoint> locusPoints; private LinkedList<PointList> openList = new LinkedList<PointList>(); private MyPoint[] pts = new MyPoint[2]; private PointList p1, p2; private MyPoint temp; private ListIterator<PointList> itr1, itr2; public QuadTree(GeoImplicitCurve geoImplicitCurve) { this.geoImplicitCurve = geoImplicitCurve; } public int config(Rect r) { int config = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { config = (config << 1) | sign(r.evals[i]); } return config >= 8 ? (~config) & 0xf : config; } /** * * @param val * value to check * @return the sign depending on the value. if value is infinity or NaN it * returns T_INV, otherwise it returns 1 for +ve value 0 otherwise */ public int sign(double val) { if (Double.isInfinite(val) || Double.isNaN(val)) { return T_INV; } else if (val > 0.0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public void abortList() { itr1 = openList.listIterator(); while (itr1.hasNext()) { p1 =; locusPoints.add(p1.start); locusPoints.addAll(p1.pts); locusPoints.add(p1.end); } openList.clear(); } private static boolean equal(MyPoint q1, MyPoint q2) { return Kernel.isEqual(q1.x, q2.x, 1e-10) && Kernel.isEqual(q1.y, q2.y, 1e-10); } public int addSegment(Rect r, int factor) { int status = createSegment(r, factor); if (status == VALID) { if (pts[0].x > pts[1].x) { temp = pts[0]; pts[0] = pts[1]; pts[1] = temp; } itr1 = openList.listIterator(); itr2 = openList.listIterator(); boolean flag1 = false, flag2 = false; while (itr1.hasNext()) { p1 =; if (equal(pts[1], p1.start)) { flag1 = true; break; } } while (itr2.hasNext()) { p2 =; if (equal(pts[0], p2.end)) { flag2 = true; break; } } if (flag1 && flag2) { itr1.remove(); p2.mergeTo(p1); } else if (flag1) { p1.extendBack(pts[0]); } else if (flag2) { p2.extendFront(pts[1]); } else { openList.addFirst(new PointList(pts[0], pts[1])); } if (openList.size() > LIST_THRESHOLD) { abortList(); } } return status; } public int createSegment(Rect r, int factor) { int gridType = config(r); if (gridType == T0101 || gridType == T_INV) { return gridType; } double x1 = r.x1(), x2 = r.x2(), y1 = r.y1(), y2 = r.y2(); double tl = r.evals[0], tr = r.evals[1], br = r.evals[2], bl = r.evals[3]; double q1 = 0.0, q2 = 0.0; switch (gridType) { // one or three corners are inside / outside case T0001: pts[0] = new MyPoint(x1, GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(bl, tl, y2, y1), SegmentType.MOVE_TO); pts[1] = new MyPoint(GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(bl, br, x1, x2), y2, SegmentType.LINE_TO); q1 = Math.min(Math.abs(bl), Math.abs(tl)); q2 = Math.min(Math.abs(bl), Math.abs(br)); break; case T0010: pts[0] = new MyPoint(x2, GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(br, tr, y2, y1), SegmentType.MOVE_TO); pts[1] = new MyPoint(GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(br, bl, x2, x1), y2, SegmentType.LINE_TO); q1 = Math.min(Math.abs(br), Math.abs(tr)); q2 = Math.min(Math.abs(br), Math.abs(bl)); break; case T0100: pts[0] = new MyPoint(x2, GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tr, br, y1, y2), SegmentType.MOVE_TO); pts[1] = new MyPoint(GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tr, tl, x2, x1), y1, SegmentType.LINE_TO); q1 = Math.min(Math.abs(tr), Math.abs(br)); q2 = Math.min(Math.abs(tr), Math.abs(tl)); break; case T0111: pts[0] = new MyPoint(x1, GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tl, bl, y1, y2), SegmentType.MOVE_TO); pts[1] = new MyPoint(GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tl, tr, x1, x2), y1, SegmentType.LINE_TO); q1 = Math.min(Math.abs(bl), Math.abs(tl)); q2 = Math.min(Math.abs(tl), Math.abs(tr)); break; // two consecutive corners are inside / outside case T0011: pts[0] = new MyPoint(x1, GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tl, bl, y1, y2), SegmentType.MOVE_TO); pts[1] = new MyPoint(x2, GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tr, br, y1, y2), SegmentType.LINE_TO); q1 = Math.min(Math.abs(tl), Math.abs(bl)); q2 = Math.min(Math.abs(tr), Math.abs(br)); break; case T0110: pts[0] = new MyPoint(GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(tl, tr, x1, x2), y1, SegmentType.MOVE_TO); pts[1] = new MyPoint(GeoImplicitCurve.interpolate(bl, br, x1, x2), y2, SegmentType.LINE_TO); q1 = Math.min(Math.abs(tl), Math.abs(tr)); q2 = Math.min(Math.abs(bl), Math.abs(br)); break; default: return EMPTY; } // check continuity of the function between P1 and P2 double p = Math.abs(this.geoImplicitCurve .evaluateImplicitCurve(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, factor)); double q = Math.abs(this.geoImplicitCurve .evaluateImplicitCurve(pts[1].x, pts[1].y, factor)); if ((p <= q1 && q <= q2)) { return VALID; } return EMPTY; } /** * force to redraw the rectangular area bounded by (startX, startY, startX + * w, startY + h) * * @param startX * starting x coordinate * @param startY * starting y coordinate * @param width * width of the rectangular view * @param height * height of the rectangular view * @param slX * scaleX * @param slY * scaleY */ public void updatePath(double startX, double startY, double width, double height, double slX, double slY) { this.x = startX; this.y = startY; this.w = width; this.h = height; this.scaleX = slX; this.scaleY = slY; this.locusPoints = this.geoImplicitCurve.getLocus().getPoints(); this.updatePath(); this.abortList(); } public void polishPointOnPath(GeoPointND pt) { // pt.setUndefined(); } public List<Coords> probablePoints(GeoImplicitCurve other, int n) { double xMin = Math.max(x, other.quadTree.x); double yMin = Math.max(y, other.quadTree.y); double xMax = Math.min(x + w, other.quadTree.x + w); double yMax = Math.min(y + h, other.quadTree.y + h); return GeoImplicitCurve.probableInitialPoints( this.geoImplicitCurve.getExpression(), other.getExpression(), xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, n); } public int edgeConfig(Rect r) { int config = (intersect(r.evals[0], r.evals[1]) << 3) | (intersect(r.evals[1], r.evals[2]) << 2) | (intersect(r.evals[2], r.evals[3]) << 1) | (intersect(r.evals[3], r.evals[0])); if (config == 15 || config == 0) { return EMPTY; } return config; } /** * * @param c1 * the value of curve at one of the square vertices * @param c2 * the value of curve at the other vertex * @return true if the edge connecting two vertices intersect with curve * segment */ private static int intersect(double c1, double c2) { if (c1 * c2 <= 0.0) { return 1; } return 0; } public abstract void updatePath(); static class PointList { MyPoint start; MyPoint end; LinkedList<MyPoint> pts = new LinkedList<MyPoint>(); public PointList(MyPoint start, MyPoint end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.start.setLineTo(false); this.end.setLineTo(true); } public void mergeTo(PointList pl) { this.pts.addLast(this.end); if (pl == this) { MyPoint startCopy = new MyPoint(this.start.x, this.start.y, SegmentType.LINE_TO); this.pts.addLast(startCopy); return; } pl.start.setLineTo(true); this.pts.addLast(pl.start); this.end = pl.end; int s1 = this.pts.size(), s2 = pl.pts.size(); if (s2 == 0) { return; } if (s1 < s2) { ListIterator<MyPoint> itr = this.pts.listIterator(s1 - 1); while (itr.hasPrevious()) { pl.pts.addFirst(itr.previous()); } this.pts = pl.pts; } else { ListIterator<MyPoint> itr = pl.pts.listIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { this.pts.addLast(; } } } public void extendBack(MyPoint p) { p.setLineTo(false); this.start.setLineTo(true); this.pts.addFirst(start); this.start = p; } public void extendFront(MyPoint p) { p.setLineTo(true); this.pts.addLast(this.end); this.end = p; } } }