package org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.DecompositionSolver; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.EuclidianViewCE; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.PathMover; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.SegmentType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordSys; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoPointOnPath; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Equation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.EquationValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeConstants.StringType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Polynomial; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.VariableReplacer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ValueType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.ConicMirrorable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Dilateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLocus; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Mirrorable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.PointRotateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Traceable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Transformable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Translateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.parser.ParseException; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * GeoElement representing an implicit curve. * */ public class GeoImplicitCurve extends GeoElement implements EuclidianViewCE, Traceable, Translateable, Dilateable, Mirrorable, ConicMirrorable, Transformable, PointRotateable, GeoImplicit, EquationValue { /** * Movements around grid [TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT,TOP_FAR, BOTTOM_FAR, * LEFT_FAR, RIGHT_FAR] */ static final int[][] MOVE = { { -1, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 }, { -3, 0 }, { 3, 0 }, { 0, -3 }, { 0, 3 } }; /* The input expression. */ private FunctionNVar expression; /* * If the input is in factorized form, then the factors are stored * separately, each in squarefree form in factorExpression[]. Even if there * is one factor, the visualization subsystem uses the factors for plotting. * The input expression is only used on computing intersections or other * non-visual calculations. */ /** factorised expression */ private FunctionNVar[] factorExpression; private FunctionNVar[] diffExp = new FunctionNVar[3]; /** path */ protected GeoLocus locus; /** * Underlying drawing algorithm */ protected final QuadTree quadTree = new WebExperimentalQuadTree(); private final double[] evalArray = new double[2]; private final double[] derEvalArray = new double[2]; private boolean defined = true; private boolean trace; private boolean hasDerivatives; private boolean isConstant; private int degX; private int degY; /* The coefficients of expression. */ private double[][] coeff; /* The coefficients of each factorExpression. These are used on plotting. */ private double[][][] coeffSquarefree; private double[] eval = new double[2]; private boolean calcPath = true; private boolean inputForm; /** * Construct an empty Implicit Curve Object * * @param c * construction */ public GeoImplicitCurve(Construction c) { super(c); locus = new GeoLocus(c); locus.setDefined(true); cons.removeFromConstructionList(locus); c.registerEuclidianViewCE(this); } /** * Constructs an implicit curve object with given equation containing * variables as x and y. * * @param c * construction * @param label * label * @param equation * equation of the implicit curve */ public GeoImplicitCurve(Construction c, String label, Equation equation) { this(c); fromEquation(equation, null); setLabel(label); } /** * Create an {@link GeoImplicitCurve} object for given equation containing * variables as x and y * * @param c * construction * @param equation * equation of the implicit curve */ public GeoImplicitCurve(Construction c, Equation equation) { this(c); fromEquation(equation, null); } /** * Create a new {@link GeoImplicitCurve} for a given function * * @param c * {@link Construction} * @param func * {@link FunctionNVar} */ public GeoImplicitCurve(Construction c, FunctionNVar func) { this(c); MyDouble rhs = new MyDouble(kernel, 0.0); Equation eqn = new Equation(kernel, func, rhs); fromEquation(eqn, null); } /** * create a copy of given ImplicitCurve * * @param curve * curve to copy */ public GeoImplicitCurve(GeoImplicitCurve curve) { this(curve.cons); this.set(curve); } /** * Create expression and coeff from the input eqn. If the input eqn is in * form (p1)^n1*(p2)^n2*...=0, then the factors p1, p2, ... will also be * stored separately in factorExpression[] and coeffSquarefree. * * @param eqn * equation * @param coeffEqn * coefficients of the equation (unused? FIXME) * */ @Override public void fromEquation(Equation eqn, double[][] coeffEqn) { coeffSquarefree = null; setDefinition(eqn.wrap()); ExpressionNode leftHandSide = eqn.getLHS(); ExpressionNode rightHandSide = eqn.getRHS(); /* * in the polynomial case we want to simplify the factors if right side * is 0 * */ if (!rightHandSide.containsFreeFunctionVariable(null) && Kernel.isEqual(rightHandSide.evaluateDouble(), 0) && eqn.mayBePolynomial()) { ExpressionNode copyLeft = leftHandSide.deepCopy(kernel); // get factors without power of left side ArrayList<ExpressionNode> factors = copyLeft.getFactorsWithoutPow(); if (!factors.isEmpty()) { ExpressionNode expr = new ExpressionNode(factors.get(0)); // build expressionNode from factors by multiplying int noFactors = factors.size(); coeffSquarefree = new double[noFactors][][]; factorExpression = new FunctionNVar[noFactors]; for (int i = 0; i < noFactors; i++) { Equation fEqn = new Equation(kernel, factors.get(i), new MyDouble(kernel, 0.0)); fEqn.initEquation(); Polynomial lhs = fEqn.getNormalForm(); setCoeffSquarefree(lhs.getCoeff(), i); ExpressionNode functionExpression = new ExpressionNode( factors.get(i)); FunctionVariable x = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable y = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); VariableReplacer repl = VariableReplacer .getReplacer(kernel); VariableReplacer.addVars("x", x); VariableReplacer.addVars("y", y); functionExpression.traverse(repl); FunctionNVar fun = new FunctionNVar(functionExpression, new FunctionVariable[] { x, y }); factorExpression[i] = fun; if (i >= 1) { ExpressionNode copy = expr.deepCopy(kernel); expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, copy, Operation.MULTIPLY, factors.get(i)); } } /* * Use the squarefree version of the equation for non-visual * computations (like intersection or mirror about circle). This * should improve numerical stability. */ Equation squareFree = new Equation(kernel, expr, new MyDouble(kernel, 0.0)); updateCoeff(squareFree); } } ExpressionNode functionExpression; functionExpression = new ExpressionNode(kernel, leftHandSide, Operation.MINUS, rightHandSide); FunctionVariable x = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable y = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); VariableReplacer repl = VariableReplacer.getReplacer(kernel); VariableReplacer.addVars("x", x); VariableReplacer.addVars("y", y); functionExpression.traverse(repl); FunctionNVar fun = new FunctionNVar(functionExpression, new FunctionVariable[] { x, y }); expression = fun; setDerivatives(x, y); defined = expression.isDefined(); // create/update coefficients if (coeffEqn != null) { doSetCoeff(coeffEqn); } else { /* * If the eqn was not in form ...=0, it means that we need to use * the input eqn in its unmodified as an only factor. */ if (coeffSquarefree == null) { updateCoeff(eqn); forgetFactors(); } } euclidianViewUpdate(); } /* * Copy coeff and expression to coeffSquarefree[0] and factorExpression[0]. * From now on we use only one factor which is the original input. This is * the general case: if there is no easy way to use a factorized form, then * we fall back to use the original input as a single factor. */ private void forgetFactors() { if (coeff != null) { coeffSquarefree = new double[1][coeff.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; ++i) { coeffSquarefree[0][i] = new double[coeff[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; ++j) { coeffSquarefree[0][i][j] = coeff[i][j]; } } } /* * These are unsupported in GWT, the first will stop with a runtime * error, the second one with a compile error. :-( */ // System.arraycopy(coeff, 0, coeffSquarefree[0], 0, coeff.length); // coeffSquarefree[0] = coeff.clone(); factorExpression = new FunctionNVar[1]; factorExpression[0] = expression.deepCopy(kernel); } /* * Update coefficients, usually done on transformations (translate, mirror, * ...). */ private void updateCoeff(Equation eqn) { eqn.initEquation(); Polynomial lhs = eqn.getNormalForm(); if (eqn.isPolynomial()) { setCoeff(lhs.getCoeff()); } else { resetCoeff(); } } /* * Update factor coefficients, usually done on transformations (translate, * mirror, ...). */ private void updateCoeffSquarefree(Equation eqn, int factor) { eqn.initEquation(); Polynomial lhs = eqn.getNormalForm(); if (eqn.isPolynomial()) { setCoeffSquarefree(lhs.getCoeff(), factor); } else { coeffSquarefree = null; } } /* * Initialize the coeff array and other variables like degree. (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit.GeoImplicit#setCoeff(org.geogebra. * common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue[][]) */ @Override public void setCoeff(ExpressionValue[][] ev) { resetCoeff(); degX = ev.length - 1; coeff = new double[ev.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < ev.length; i++) { coeff[i] = new double[ev[i].length]; if (ev[i].length > degY + 1) { degY = ev[i].length - 1; } for (int j = 0; j < ev[i].length; j++) { if (ev[i][j] == null) { coeff[i][j] = 0; } else { coeff[i][j] = ev[i][j].evaluateDouble(); } if (Double.isInfinite(coeff[i][j])) { setUndefined(); } isConstant = isConstant && (Kernel.isZero(coeff[i][j]) || (i == 0 && j == 0)); } } } /** * Initialize the coeff arrays for the factors. They contain the * coefficients of the squarefree factors of the implicit curve. If there * are no factors provided by the user (or the caller algorithm), then the * coefficients are stored "as is". * * @param ev * coefficients * @param factor * number of a squarefree factor of the expression */ public void setCoeffSquarefree(ExpressionValue[][] ev, int factor) { coeffSquarefree[factor] = new double[ev.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < ev.length; i++) { coeffSquarefree[factor][i] = new double[ev[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < ev[i].length; j++) { if (ev[i][j] == null) { coeffSquarefree[factor][i][j] = 0; } else { coeffSquarefree[factor][i][j] = ev[i][j].evaluateDouble(); } } } } private void resetCoeff() { isConstant = true; degX = -1; degY = -1; coeff = null; } private void setDerivatives(FunctionVariable x, FunctionVariable y) { try { hasDerivatives = true; FunctionNVar func = expression.getFunction(); diffExp[0] = func.getDerivativeNoCAS(x, 1); diffExp[1] = func.getDerivativeNoCAS(y, 1); ExpressionNode der = new ExpressionNode(kernel, diffExp[0].getExpression().multiply(-1.0), Operation.DIVIDE, diffExp[1].getExpression()); diffExp[2] = new FunctionNVar(der, new FunctionVariable[] { x, y }); } catch (Exception ex) { hasDerivatives = false; } } /** * * @param x * x coordinate * @param y * y coordinate * @return value of partial derivative, if exist, at (x, y) w.r.t x, NaN * otherwise * */ @Override public double derivativeX(double x, double y) { if (coeff != null) { return evalDiffXPolyAt(x, y, coeff); } return derivative(diffExp[0], x, y); } /** * * @param x * x coordinate * @param y * y coordinate * @return value of partial derivative, if exist, at (x, y) w.r.t y, NaN * otherwise */ @Override public double derivativeY(double x, double y) { if (coeff != null) { return evalDiffYPolyAt(x, y, coeff); } return derivative(diffExp[1], x, y); } /** * @param x * x * @param y * y * @param coeff1 * coefficients * * @return value of dthis/dx at (x,y) */ public static double evalDiffXPolyAt(double x, double y, double[][] coeff1) { double sum = 0; double zs = 0; // Evaluating Poly via the Horner-scheme if (coeff1 != null) { for (int i = coeff1.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { zs = 0; for (int j = coeff1[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { zs = y * zs + coeff1[i][j]; } sum = sum * x + i * zs; } } return sum; } /** * @param x * x * @param y * y * @param coeff1 * coefficients * @return value of dthis/dy at (x,y) */ public static double evalDiffYPolyAt(double x, double y, double[][] coeff1) { double sum = 0; double zs = 0; // Evaluating Poly via the Horner-scheme if (coeff1 != null) { for (int i = coeff1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { zs = 0; for (int j = coeff1[i].length - 1; j >= 1; j--) { zs = y * zs + j * coeff1[i][j]; } sum = sum * x + zs; } } return sum; } /** * * @param x * x coordinate * @param y * y coordinate * @return value of derivative, if exist, at (x, y) w.r.t x, NaN otherwise */ public double derivative(double x, double y) { return derivative(diffExp[2], x, y); } private double derivative(FunctionNVar func, double x, double y) { if (func != null) { derEvalArray[0] = x; derEvalArray[1] = y; return func.evaluate(derEvalArray); } return Double.NaN; } /** * @return partial derivative w.r.t. x */ public FunctionNVar getDerivativeX() { return diffExp[0]; } /** * @return partial derivative w.r.t. y */ public FunctionNVar getDerivativeY() { return diffExp[1]; } /** * @return -1 * derivative(x) / derivative(y) */ public FunctionNVar getDerivativeXY() { return diffExp[2]; } /** * * @return true if derivative of the function exists */ public boolean hasDerivative() { return hasDerivatives; } @Override public GeoClass getGeoClassType() { return GeoClass.IMPLICIT_POLY; } @Override public GeoElement copy() { GeoImplicitCurve curve = new GeoImplicitCurve(cons); curve.set(this); return curve; } @Override public boolean hasDrawable3D() { return true; } @Override public void set(GeoElementND geo) { ExpressionValue unwrapped = geo.getDefinition().unwrap(); if (unwrapped instanceof Equation) { Equation copied = ((Equation) unwrapped).deepCopy(kernel); copied.initEquation(); fromEquation(copied, null); } else if (geo instanceof GeoImplicitCurve) { ExpressionValue lhs = ((GeoImplicitCurve) geo).expression .getFunctionExpression().deepCopy(kernel); // Object equationCopy = ((GeoImplicitCurve) geo).equation // .deepCopy(kernel); fromEquation(new Equation(kernel, lhs, new MyDouble(kernel, 0)), ((GeoImplicitCurve) geo).coeff); } } @Override public boolean isDefined() { return defined && expression != null; } @Override public void setUndefined() { defined = false; } @Override public boolean isGeoImplicitCurve() { return true; } @Override public String toValueString(StringTemplate tpl) { if (!inputForm && coeff != null) { return toRawValueString(coeff, kernel, tpl); } return getDefinition() == null ? "" : getDefinition().toValueString(tpl); } @Override public String toString(StringTemplate tpl) { return label + ": " + toValueString(tpl); } @Override public boolean showInAlgebraView() { return true; } @Override protected boolean showInEuclidianView() { return true; } @Override public boolean isEqual(GeoElementND geo) { return false; } /** * @param x * function variable x * @param y * function variable y * @return the value of the function */ @Override public double evaluateImplicitCurve(double x, double y) { if (coeff != null) { return GeoImplicitCurve.evalPolyCoeffAt(x, y, coeff); } evalArray[0] = x; evalArray[1] = y; return this.expression.evaluate(evalArray); } /** * @param x * function variable x * @param y * function variable y * @param factor * number of a squarefree factor * @return the value of the function */ public double evaluateImplicitCurve(double x, double y, int factor) { if (coeffSquarefree != null) { return GeoImplicitCurve.evalPolyCoeffAt(x, y, coeffSquarefree[factor]); } evalArray[0] = x; evalArray[1] = y; return getFactor(factor).evaluate(evalArray); } /** * @return Locus representing this curve */ @Override public GeoLocus getLocus() { return locus; } /** * Updates the path of the curve. */ synchronized public void updatePath() { if (!calcPath) { return; } double[] viewBounds = kernel.getViewBoundsForGeo(this); if (viewBounds[0] == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { viewBounds = new double[] { -10, 10, -10, 10, 10, 10 }; } updatePathQuadTree(viewBounds[0], viewBounds[3], viewBounds[1] - viewBounds[0], viewBounds[3] - viewBounds[2], viewBounds[4], viewBounds[5]); /* * TODO (some speedup): Consider not running the QuadTree algorithm if * the path is just a single point (see below). */ /* * If a factor is a point, the QuadTree algorithm will not add that * point in the locus, so just add that single point to the locus * separately. */ int factors = coeffSquarefree == null ? 0 : coeffSquarefree.length; for (int i = 0; i < factors; i++) { if (coeffSquarefree[i].length == 3 && coeffSquarefree[i][0].length == 3) { double xx = get(coeffSquarefree[i][0], 2); double xy = get(coeffSquarefree[i][1], 1); double yy = get(coeffSquarefree[i][2], 0); double x = get(coeffSquarefree[i][1], 0); double y = get(coeffSquarefree[i][0], 1); double xxy = get(coeffSquarefree[i][1], 2); double xyy = get(coeffSquarefree[i][2], 1); double xxyy = get(coeffSquarefree[i][2], 2); double constant = get(coeffSquarefree[i][0], 0); /* * E.g. (x+2)^2+(y-3)^2=0 is stored as x^2+4x+y^2-6y-13=0 or for * some constant c as c*(x^2+2x+y^2-6y-13)=0. */ double px = -x / 2; double py = -y / 2; if (Kernel.isEpsilon(xy, 1) && Kernel.isEpsilon(xxy, 1) && Kernel.isEpsilon(xyy, 1) && Kernel.isEpsilon(xxyy, 1) && !Kernel.isEpsilon(yy, 1) && Kernel .isEpsilon(xx / yy - 1, 1) && Kernel.isEpsilon((px /= xx) * px + (py /= xx) * py - constant / xx, 1)) { // add single point to locus locus.insertPoint(px, py, SegmentType.MOVE_TO); locus.insertPoint(px, py, SegmentType.LINE_TO); locus.insertPoint(px, py, SegmentType.MOVE_TO); Log.trace("Point (" + px + "," + py + ") inserted."); } } } } private static double get(double[] ds, int i) { return ds.length > i ? ds[i] : 0; } private void updatePathQuadTree(double x, double y, double w, double h, double scaleX, double scaleY) { locus.getPoints().clear(); quadTree.updatePath(x, y - h, w, h, scaleX, scaleY); } /** * Update euclidian view */ @Override public boolean euclidianViewUpdate() { if (isDefined()) { updatePath(); return true; } return false; } @Override final public HitType getLastHitType() { return HitType.ON_BOUNDARY; } @Override public boolean isPath() { return true; } @Override public boolean isTraceable() { return true; } @Override public void setTrace(boolean trace) { this.trace = trace; } @Override public boolean getTrace() { return trace; } @Override public void getXML(boolean listeners, StringBuilder sbxml) { if (isIndependent() && getDefaultGeoType() < 0) { sbxml.append("<expression"); sbxml.append(" label =\""); sbxml.append(label); sbxml.append("\" exp=\""); StringUtil.encodeXML(sbxml, toString(StringTemplate.xmlTemplate)); // expression sbxml.append("\"/>\n"); } super.getXML(listeners, sbxml); } @Override protected void getXMLtags(StringBuilder sb) { super.getXMLtags(sb); getLineStyleXML(sb); if (coeff != null) { sb.append("\t<coefficients rep=\"array\" data=\""); sb.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append("["); for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; j++) { if (j > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(coeff[i][j]); } sb.append("]"); } sb.append("]"); sb.append("\" />\n"); } sb.append("\t<userinput show=\""); sb.append(isInputForm()); sb.append("\"/>"); } /** * set defined */ @Override public void setDefined() { this.defined = true; } /** * @param PI * point */ protected void polishPointOnPath(GeoPointND PI) { quadTree.polishPointOnPath(PI); } @Override public void pointChanged(GeoPointND PI) { if (locus.getPoints().size() > 0) { locusPointChanged(PI); } } /** * Update point when changed using locus as path * * @param PI * point on path */ protected void locusPointChanged(GeoPointND PI) { locus.pointChanged(PI); polishPointOnPath(PI); } @Override public void pathChanged(GeoPointND PI) { // if kernel doesn't use path/region parameters, do as if point changed // its coords if (!getKernel().usePathAndRegionParameters(PI)) { pointChanged(PI); return; } if (locus.getPoints().size() > 0) { locusPathChanged(PI); } } /** * Update point for locus change * * @param PI * point on path */ protected void locusPathChanged(GeoPointND PI) { locus.pathChanged(PI); polishPointOnPath(PI); } /** * @param PI * point * @return whether point is on path */ public boolean isOnPath(GeoPointND PI) { return isOnPath(PI, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION); } @Override public boolean isOnPath(GeoPointND PI, double eps) { if (!PI.isDefined()) { return false; } double px, py, pz; if (PI.isGeoElement3D()) { Coords coords = PI.getInhomCoordsInD3(); if (!Kernel.isZero(coords.getZ())) { return false; } px = coords.getX(); py = coords.getY(); } else { GeoPoint P = (GeoPoint) PI; px = P.x; py = P.y; pz = P.z; if (P.isFinite()) { px /= pz; py /= pz; } } eval[0] = px; eval[1] = py; double value = this.expression.evaluate(eval); return Math.abs(value) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION; } @Override public double getMinParameter() { return locus.getMinParameter(); } @Override public double getMaxParameter() { return locus.getMaxParameter(); } @Override public boolean isClosedPath() { return locus.isClosedPath(); } @Override public PathMover createPathMover() { return locus.createPathMover(); } /* * The following methods compute the transformation changes (translate, * mirror, ...) for both the input expression and also for its factors. * While for visualization only the factors will be used, the original * expression could be used for other purposes (like intersections), so we * need to do both kind of computations. */ @Override public void translate(Coords v) { expression.translate(v); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).translate(v); } updateCoeffFromExpr(); euclidianViewUpdate(); } private void updateCoeffFromExpr() { if (coeff != null) { updateCoeff(new Equation(kernel, expression.getFunctionExpression(), new MyDouble(kernel, 0))); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { updateCoeffSquarefree((new Equation(kernel, getFactor(factor).getFunctionExpression(), new MyDouble(kernel, 0))), factor); } } } /** * translate the curve * * @param dx * distance in x direction * @param dy * distance in y direction */ @Override public void translate(double dx, double dy) { translate(new Coords(dx, dy, 1)); } @Override public void mirror(Coords Q) { MyDouble minusOne = new MyDouble(kernel, -1.0); expression.dilate(minusOne, Q); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).dilate(minusOne, Q); } updateCoeffFromExpr(); euclidianViewUpdate(); } private FunctionNVar getFactor(int factor) { return this.factorExpression[factor]; } @Override public void mirror(GeoLineND g) { expression.mirror((GeoLine) g); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).mirror((GeoLine) g); } updateCoeffFromExpr(); euclidianViewUpdate(); } @Override public void dilate(NumberValue r, Coords S) { expression.dilate(r, S); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).dilate(r, S); } updateCoeffFromExpr(); euclidianViewUpdate(); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue phi) { expression.rotate(phi); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).rotate(phi); } updateCoeffFromExpr(); euclidianViewUpdate(); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue phi, GeoPointND S) { expression.rotate(phi, S.getInhomCoords()); for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).rotate(phi, S.getInhomCoords()); } updateCoeffFromExpr(); euclidianViewUpdate(); } /* mirror about a circle */ @Override public void mirror(GeoConic c) { if (getCoeff() != null) { double cx = c.getMidpoint().getX(); double cy = c.getMidpoint().getY(); double cr = c.getCircleRadius(); plugInRatPoly( new double[][] { { cx * cx * cx + cx * cy * cy - cx * cr * cr, -2 * cx * cy, cx }, { -2 * cx * cx + cr * cr, 0, 0 }, { cx, 0, 0 } }, new double[][] { { cx * cx * cy + cy * cy * cy - cy * cr * cr, -2 * cy * cy + cr * cr, cy }, { -2 * cx * cy, 0, 0 }, { cy, 0, 0 } }, new double[][] { { cx * cx + cy * cy, -2 * cy, 1 }, { -2 * cx, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }, new double[][] { { cx * cx + cy * cy, -2 * cy, 1 }, { -2 * cx, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }); } else { MyDouble r2 = new MyDouble(kernel, c.getHalfAxis(0) * c.getHalfAxis(0)); expression.getFunction().translate(-c.getMidpoint2D().getX(), -c.getMidpoint2D().getY()); FunctionVariable x = expression.getFunctionVariables()[0]; FunctionVariable y = expression.getFunctionVariables()[1]; ExpressionNode expr = expression.getFunctionExpression() .deepCopy(kernel); FunctionVariable x2 = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable y2 = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); ExpressionValue newX = x2.wrap().multiply(r2) .divide(x2.wrap().power(2).plus(y2.wrap().power(2))); ExpressionValue newY = y2.wrap().multiply(r2) .divide(x2.wrap().power(2).plus(y2.wrap().power(2))); expr.replace(x, newX); expr.replace(y, newY); FunctionNVar f2 = new FunctionNVar(expr, new FunctionVariable[] { x2, y2 }); expression.set(f2); expression.translate(c.getMidpoint2D()); // do the same computations for the factors also for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { getFactor(factor).getFunction().translate( -c.getMidpoint2D().getX(), -c.getMidpoint2D().getY()); x = getFactor(factor).getFunctionVariables()[0]; y = getFactor(factor).getFunctionVariables()[1]; expr = getFactor(factor).getFunctionExpression() .deepCopy(kernel); x2 = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); y2 = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); newX = x2.wrap().multiply(r2) .divide(x2.wrap().power(2).plus(y2.wrap().power(2))); newY = y2.wrap().multiply(r2) .divide(x2.wrap().power(2).plus(y2.wrap().power(2))); expr.replace(x, newX); expr.replace(y, newY); f2 = new FunctionNVar(expr, new FunctionVariable[] { x2, y2 }); getFactor(factor).set(f2); getFactor(factor).translate(c.getMidpoint2D()); } setDefinition( new Equation(kernel, expr, new MyDouble(kernel, 0)).wrap()); // for polynomials pluhIn does that euclidianViewUpdate(); } } /** * replace x by px/qx and y by py/qy * * @param pX * x numerator * @param pY * y numerator * @param qX * x denominator * @param qY * y denominator */ public void plugInRatPoly(double[][] pX, double[][] pY, double[][] qX, double[][] qY) { int degXpX = pX.length - 1; int degYpX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pX.length; i++) { if (pX[i].length - 1 > degYpX) { degYpX = pX[i].length - 1; } } int degXqX = -1; int degYqX = -1; if (qX != null) { degXqX = qX.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < qX.length; i++) { if (qX[i].length - 1 > degYqX) { degYqX = qX[i].length - 1; } } } int degXpY = pY.length - 1; int degYpY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pY.length; i++) { if (pY[i].length - 1 > degYpY) { degYpY = pY[i].length - 1; } } int degXqY = -1; int degYqY = -1; if (qY != null) { degXqY = qY.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < qY.length; i++) { if (qY[i].length - 1 > degYqY) { degYqY = qY[i].length - 1; } } } boolean sameDenom = false; if (qX != null && qY != null) { sameDenom = true; if (degXqX == degXqY && degYqX == degYqY) { for (int i = 0; i < qX.length; i++) { if (!Arrays.equals(qY[i], qX[i])) { sameDenom = false; break; } } } } int commDeg = 0; if (sameDenom) { // find the "common" degree, e.g. x^4+y^4->4, but x^4 y^4->8 commDeg = getDeg(); } int newDegX = Math.max(degXpX, degXqX) * degX + Math.max(degXpY, degXqY) * degY; int newDegY = Math.max(degYpX, degYqX) * degX + Math.max(degYpY, degYqY) * degY; double[][] newCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; double[][] tmpCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; double[][] ratXCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; double[][] ratYCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; int tmpCoeffDegX = 0; int tmpCoeffDegY = 0; int newCoeffDegX = 0; int newCoeffDegY = 0; int ratXCoeffDegX = 0; int ratXCoeffDegY = 0; int ratYCoeffDegX = 0; int ratYCoeffDegY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newDegX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < newDegY; j++) { newCoeff[i][j] = 0; tmpCoeff[i][j] = 0; ratXCoeff[i][j] = 0; ratYCoeff[i][j] = 0; } } ratXCoeff[0][0] = 1; for (int x = coeff.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (qY != null) { ratYCoeff[0][0] = 1; ratYCoeffDegX = 0; ratYCoeffDegY = 0; } int startY = coeff[x].length - 1; if (sameDenom) { startY = commDeg - x; } for (int y = startY; y >= 0; y--) { if (qY == null || y == startY) { if (coeff[x].length > y) { tmpCoeff[0][0] += coeff[x][y]; } } else { polyMult(ratYCoeff, qY, ratYCoeffDegX, ratYCoeffDegY, degXqY, degYqY); // y^N-i ratYCoeffDegX += degXqY; ratYCoeffDegY += degYqY; if (coeff[x].length > y) { for (int i = 0; i <= ratYCoeffDegX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= ratYCoeffDegY; j++) { tmpCoeff[i][j] += coeff[x][y] * ratYCoeff[i][j]; if (y == 0) { ratYCoeff[i][j] = 0; // clear in last loop } } } } tmpCoeffDegX = Math.max(tmpCoeffDegX, ratYCoeffDegX); tmpCoeffDegY = Math.max(tmpCoeffDegY, ratYCoeffDegY); } if (y > 0) { polyMult(tmpCoeff, pY, tmpCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegY, degXpY, degYpY); tmpCoeffDegX += degXpY; tmpCoeffDegY += degYpY; } } if (qX != null && x != coeff.length - 1 && !sameDenom) { polyMult(ratXCoeff, qX, ratXCoeffDegX, ratXCoeffDegY, degXqX, degYqX); ratXCoeffDegX += degXqX; ratXCoeffDegY += degYqX; polyMult(tmpCoeff, ratXCoeff, tmpCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegY, ratXCoeffDegX, ratXCoeffDegY); tmpCoeffDegX += ratXCoeffDegX; tmpCoeffDegY += ratXCoeffDegY; } for (int i = 0; i <= tmpCoeffDegX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= tmpCoeffDegY; j++) { newCoeff[i][j] += tmpCoeff[i][j]; tmpCoeff[i][j] = 0; } } newCoeffDegX = Math.max(newCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegX); newCoeffDegY = Math.max(newCoeffDegY, tmpCoeffDegY); tmpCoeffDegX = 0; tmpCoeffDegY = 0; if (x > 0) { polyMult(newCoeff, pX, newCoeffDegX, newCoeffDegY, degXpX, degYpX); newCoeffDegX += degXpX; newCoeffDegY += degYpX; } } // maybe we made the degree larger than necessary, so we try to get it // down. coeff = PolynomialUtils.coeffMinDeg(newCoeff); // calculate new degree degX = coeff.length - 1; degY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) { degY = Math.max(degY, coeff[i].length - 1); } setCoeff(coeff, true); if (algoUpdateSet != null) { double a = 0, ax = 0, ay = 0, b = 0, bx = 0, by = 0; if (qX == null && qY == null && degXpX <= 1 && degYpX <= 1 && degXpY <= 1 && degYpY <= 1) { if ((degXpX != 1 || degYpX != 1 || pX[1].length == 1 || Kernel.isZero(pX[1][1])) && (degXpY != 1 || degYpY != 1 || pY[1].length == 1 || Kernel.isZero(pY[1][1]))) { if (pX.length > 0) { if (pX[0].length > 0) { a = pX[0][0]; } if (pX[0].length > 1) { ay = pX[0][1]; } } if (pX.length > 1) { ax = pX[1][0]; } if (pY.length > 0) { if (pY[0].length > 0) { b = pY[0][0]; } if (pY[0].length > 1) { by = pY[0][1]; } } if (pY.length > 1) { bx = pY[1][0]; } double det = ax * by - bx * ay; if (!Kernel.isZero(det)) { double[][] iX = new double[][] { { (b * ay - a * by) / det, -ay / det }, { by / det } }; double[][] iY = new double[][] { { -(b * ax - a * bx) / det, ax / det }, { -bx / det } }; Iterator<AlgoElement> it = algoUpdateSet.getIterator(); while (it != null && it.hasNext()) { AlgoElement elem =; if (elem instanceof AlgoPointOnPath && isIndependent()) { GeoPoint point = (GeoPoint) ((AlgoPointOnPath) elem) .getP(); if (!Kernel.isZero(point.getZ())) { double x = point.getX() / point.getZ(); double y = point.getY() / point.getZ(); double px = evalPolyCoeffAt(x, y, iX); double py = evalPolyCoeffAt(x, y, iY); point.setCoords(px, py, 1); point.updateCoords(); } } } } } } } } /** * @param x * x * @param y * y * @param coeff * coefficients of evaluated poly P * @return P(x,y) */ public static double evalPolyCoeffAt(double x, double y, double[][] coeff) { double sum = 0; double zs = 0; // Evaluating Poly via the Horner-scheme if (coeff != null) { for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { zs = 0; for (int j = coeff[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { zs = y * zs + coeff[i][j]; } sum = sum * x + zs; } } return sum; } /** * polyDest=polyDest*polySrc; * * @param polyDest * destination polynomial (coefficients) * @param polySrc * source polynomial * @param degDestX * x degree of dest * @param degDestY * y degree of dest * @param degSrcX * x degree of src * @param degSrcY * y degree of src */ static void polyMult(double[][] polyDest, double[][] polySrc, int degDestX, int degDestY, int degSrcX, int degSrcY) { double[][] result = new double[degDestX + degSrcX + 1][degDestY + degSrcY + 1]; for (int n = 0; n <= degDestX + degSrcX; n++) { for (int m = 0; m <= degDestY + degSrcY; m++) { double sum = 0; for (int k = Math.max(0, n - degSrcX); k <= Math.min(n, degDestX); k++) { for (int j = Math.max(0, m - degSrcY); j <= Math.min(m, degDestY); j++) { sum += polyDest[k][j] * polySrc[n - k][m - j]; } } result[n][m] = sum; } } for (int n = 0; n <= degDestX + degSrcX; n++) { for (int m = 0; m <= degDestY + degSrcY; m++) { polyDest[n][m] = result[n][m]; } } } /** * * @return FunctionNVar */ @Override public FunctionNVar getExpression() { return expression.getFunction(); } /** * @param fa * f(p1) * @param fb * f(p2) * @param p1 * first point * @param p2 * second point * @return linear interpolation of p1 and p2 based on f(p1) and f(p2) */ public static double interpolate(double fa, double fb, double p1, double p2) { double r = -fb / (fa - fb); if (r >= 0 && r <= 1) { return r * (p1 - p2) + p2; } return (p1 + p2) * 0.5; } /** * * @param in * parameters {f(x1, y1), f(x2, y2), x1, y1, x2, y2} * @param out * interpolated {x, y} */ public static void interpolate(double[] in, double[] out) { double r = -in[1] / (in[0] - in[1]); if (!MyDouble.isFinite(r) || r > 1.0 || r < 0.0) { r = 0.5; } out[0] = r * (in[2] - in[4]) + in[4]; out[1] = r * (in[3] - in[5]) + in[5]; } /** * * @param c1 * first curve * @param c2 * second curve * @param n * maximum number of samples in output * @return list of points which may be closer to the path of both implicit * curves */ public static List<Coords> probableInitialPoints(GeoImplicitCurve c1, GeoImplicitCurve c2, int n) { return c1.quadTree.probablePoints(c2, n); } /** * * @param f1 * First function * @param f2 * Second function * @param params * {xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax} * @param n * number of samples * @return at most n points around which the path of the function might * intersect in the rectangle defined by (xMin, yMin), (xMax, yMax). * The rectangle is sampled at regular interval of ceil(sqrt(n)) */ public static List<Coords> probableInitialPoints(FunctionNVar f1, FunctionNVar f2, double[] params, int n) { return probableInitialPoints(f1, f2, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], n); } /** * * @param f1 * First function * @param f2 * Second function * @param xMin * minimum x value * @param yMin * minimum y value * @param xMax * maximum x value * @param yMax * maximum y value * @param n * number of samples * @return at most n points around which the path of the function might * intersect in the rectangle defined by (xMin, yMin), (xMax, yMax). * The rectangle is sampled at regular interval of ceil(sqrt(n)) */ public static List<Coords> probableInitialPoints(FunctionNVar f1, FunctionNVar f2, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax, int n) { int root = (int) (Math.sqrt(n) + 1); List<Coords> out = new ArrayList<Coords>(); if (xMin >= xMax || yMin >= yMax) { // empty intersecting rectangle return out; } double inx = (xMax - xMin) / (root + 1), inx2 = 0.5 * inx; double iny = (yMax - yMin) / (root + 1), iny2 = 0.5 * iny; double[] y1 = new double[root + 1]; double[] y2 = new double[root + 1]; boolean[] present = new boolean[n + 1]; double cur1, cur2, prev1, prev2; double[] eval = new double[] { xMin, yMin }; y1[0] = f1.evaluate(eval); y2[0] = f2.evaluate(eval); for (int i = 1; i <= root; i++) { eval[0] = xMin + i * inx; y1[i] = f1.evaluate(eval); y2[i] = f2.evaluate(eval); if ((y1[i - 1] * y1[i] <= 0.0) && (y2[i - 1] * y2[i] <= 0.0)) { present[i] = true; eval[0] -= inx2; out.add(new Coords(eval)); } } for (int i = 1; i <= root; i++) { eval[1] = yMin + i * iny; prev1 = f1.evaluate(eval); prev2 = f2.evaluate(eval); for (int j = 1; j <= root; j++) { eval[0] = xMin + j * inx; cur1 = f1.evaluate(eval); cur2 = f2.evaluate(eval); if (!present[j] && (y1[i - 1] * y1[i] <= 0.0) && (y2[i - 1] * y2[i] <= 0.0)) { present[j] = true; out.add(new Coords(eval[0] - inx2, eval[1] - iny2)); if (out.size() == n) { return out; } } else { present[j] = false; } y1[i - 1] = prev1; y2[i - 1] = prev2; prev1 = cur1; prev2 = cur2; } y1[root] = prev1; y2[root] = prev2; } if (out.size() < 2) { out.add(new Coords(0.5 * (xMin + xMax), 0.5 * (yMin + yMax))); out.add(new Coords(0.25 * (xMin + xMax), 0.25 * (yMin + yMax))); out.add(new Coords(0.75 * (xMin + xMax), 0.25 * (yMin + yMax))); out.add(new Coords(0.25 * (xMin + xMax), 0.75 * (yMin + yMax))); out.add(new Coords(0.75 * (xMin + xMax), 0.75 * (yMin + yMax))); } return out; } /** * Border mask */ static final int[] MASK = { 0x9, 0xC, 0x6, 0x3 }; private static class Timer { public long now; public long elapse; public static Timer newTimer() { return new Timer(); } public void reset() { = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void record() { this.elapse = System.currentTimeMillis() - now; } } /** * @author GSoCImplicitCurve-2015 */ private class WebExperimentalQuadTree extends QuadTree { private static final int RES_COARSE = 8; private static final int MAX_SPLIT = 40; private int plotDepth; private int segmentCheckDepth; private int sw; private int sh; private Rect[][] grid; private Rect temp; private Timer timer = Timer.newTimer(); public WebExperimentalQuadTree() { super(GeoImplicitCurve.this); } @Override public void updatePath() { for (int factor = 0; factor < factorLength(); ++factor) { try { evaluateImplicitCurve(0, 0, factor); } catch (Throwable e) { continue; } this.sw = Math.min(MAX_SPLIT, (int) (w * scaleX / RES_COARSE)); = Math.min(MAX_SPLIT, (int) (h * scaleY / RES_COARSE)); if (sw == 0 || sh == 0) { return; } if (grid == null || grid.length != sh || grid[0].length != sw) { this.grid = new Rect[sh][sw]; for (int i = 0; i < sh; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sw; j++) { this.grid[i][j] = new Rect(); } } } if (temp == null) { temp = new Rect(); } double frx = w / sw; double fry = h / sh; double[] vertices = new double[sw + 1]; double[] xcoords = new double[sw + 1]; double[] ycoords = new double[sh + 1]; double cur, prev; for (int i = 0; i <= sw; i++) { xcoords[i] = x + i * frx; } for (int i = 0; i <= sh; i++) { ycoords[i] = y + i * fry; } for (int i = 0; i <= sw; i++) { vertices[i] = evaluateImplicitCurve(xcoords[i], ycoords[0], factor); } // initialize grid configuration at the search depth int i, j; double dx, dy, fx, fy; // debug = true; timer.reset(); for (i = 1; i <= sh; i++) { prev = evaluateImplicitCurve(xcoords[0], ycoords[i], factor); fy = ycoords[i] - 0.5 * fry; for (j = 1; j <= sw; j++) { cur = evaluateImplicitCurve(xcoords[j], ycoords[i], factor); Rect rect = this.grid[i - 1][j - 1]; if (rect == null) { continue; } rect.set(j - 1, i - 1, frx, fry, false); rect.coords.val[0] = xcoords[j - 1]; rect.coords.val[1] = ycoords[i - 1]; rect.evals[0] = vertices[j - 1]; rect.evals[1] = vertices[j]; rect.evals[2] = cur; rect.evals[3] = prev; rect.status = edgeConfig(rect); rect.shares = 0xff; fx = xcoords[j] - 0.5 * frx; dx = derivativeX(fx, fy); dy = derivativeY(fx, fy); dx = Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy); if (Kernel.isZero(dx, 0.001)) { rect.singular = true; } this.grid[i - 1][j - 1] = rect; vertices[j - 1] = prev; prev = cur; } vertices[sw] = prev; } timer.record(); if (timer.elapse <= 10) { // Fast device optimize for UX plotDepth = 3; segmentCheckDepth = 2; LIST_THRESHOLD = 48; } else { // Slow device detected reduce parameters plotDepth = 2; segmentCheckDepth = 1; LIST_THRESHOLD = 24; } for (i = 0; i < sh; i++) { for (j = 0; j < sw; j++) { if (grid[i][j] != null && !grid[i][j].singular && grid[i][j].status != EMPTY) { temp.set(grid[i][j]); plot(temp, 0, factor); grid[i][j].status = FINISHED; } } } timer.record(); if (timer.elapse >= 500) { // I can't do anything more. I've been working for 500 ms // Therefore I am tired return; } else if (timer.elapse >= 300) { // I am exhausted, reducing load! plotDepth -= 1; segmentCheckDepth -= 1; } for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for (i = 0; i < sh; i++) { for (j = 0; j < sw; j++) { if (grid[i][j] != null && grid[i][j].singular && grid[i][j].status != FINISHED) { temp.set(grid[i][j]); plot(temp, 0, factor); grid[i][j].status = FINISHED; } } } } } } public void createTree(Rect r, int depth, int factor) { Rect[] n = r.split(GeoImplicitCurve.this, factor); plot(n[0], depth, factor); plot(n[1], depth, factor); plot(n[2], depth, factor); plot(n[3], depth, factor); } public void plot(Rect r, int depth, int factor) { if (depth < segmentCheckDepth) { createTree(r, depth + 1, factor); return; } int e = edgeConfig(r); if (grid[r.y][r.x] == null) { Log.warn("Grid for implicit plotting is null"); } if (grid[r.y][r.x] != null && grid[r.y][r.x].singular || e != EMPTY) { if (depth >= plotDepth) { if (addSegment(r, factor) == T0101) { createTree(r, depth + 1, factor); return; } if (r.x != 0 && (e & r.shares & 0x1) != 0) { nonempty(r.y, r.x - 1); } if (r.x + 1 != sw && (e & r.shares & 0x4) != 0) { nonempty(r.y, r.x + 1); } if (r.y != 0 && (e & r.shares & 0x8) != 0) { nonempty(r.y - 1, r.x); } if (r.y + 1 != sh && (e & r.shares & 0x2) != 0) { nonempty(r.y + 1, r.x); } } else { createTree(r, depth + 1, factor); } } } private void nonempty(int ry, int rx) { if (grid[ry][rx] != null && grid[ry][rx].status == EMPTY) { grid[ry][rx].status = 1; } } @Override public void polishPointOnPath(GeoPointND pt) { pt.updateCoords(); double x1 = onScreen(pt.getInhomX(), this.x, this.x + this.w); double y1 = onScreen(pt.getInhomY(), this.y, this.y + this.h); double d1 = evaluateImplicitCurve(x1, y1); if (Kernel.isZero(d1)) { pt.setCoords(new Coords(x1, y1, 1.0), false); return; } double mv = Math.max(w, h) / MAX_SPLIT, x2, y2, d2, mx, my, md; for (int i = 0; i < MOVE.length; i++) { x2 = x1 + mv * MOVE[i][0]; y2 = y1 + mv * MOVE[i][1]; d2 = evaluateImplicitCurve(x2, y2); if (d2 * d1 <= 0.0) { int count = 0; mx = x1; my = y1; while (!Kernel.isZero(d2) && count < 64) { mx = 0.5 * (x1 + x2); my = 0.5 * (y1 + y2); md = evaluateImplicitCurve(mx, my); if (Kernel.isZero(md)) { pt.setCoords(new Coords(mx, my, 1.0), false); return; } if (d1 * md <= 0.0) { d2 = md; x2 = mx; y2 = my; } else { d1 = md; x1 = mx; y1 = my; } count++; } // we didn't hit exact 0, let's use the closest we have pt.setCoords(new Coords(mx, my, 1.0), false); return; } } } private double onScreen(double v, double mn, double mx) { if (Double.isNaN(v) || Double.isInfinite(v) || v < mn || v > mx) { return (mn + mx) * 0.5; } return v; } } @Override public boolean hasLineOpacity() { return true; } @Override public ValueType getValueType() { return ValueType.EQUATION; } @Override public double[][] getCoeff() { return coeff; } @Override public void setCoeff(double[][] coeff) { setCoeff(coeff, true); } @Override public int getDeg() { if (coeff == null) { return -1; } int deg = 0; for (int d = degX + degY; d >= 0; d--) { for (int x = 0; x <= degX; x++) { int y = d - x; if (y >= 0 && y < coeff[x].length) { if (Math.abs(coeff[x][y]) > Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION) { deg = d; d = 0; break; } } } } return deg; } @Override public boolean isOnScreen() { return defined && locus.isDefined() && locus.getPoints().size() > 0; } @Override public int getDegX() { return degX; } @Override public int getDegY() { return degY; } @Override public void setInputForm() { inputForm = true; } @Override public synchronized void preventPathCreation() { calcPath = false; } @Override public boolean isValidInputForm() { return getDefinition() != null; } @Override public boolean isInputForm() { return inputForm; } @Override public void setExtendedForm() { inputForm = false; } @Override public void throughPoints(GeoList points) { ArrayList<GeoPoint> p = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { p.add((GeoPoint) points.get(i)); } throughPoints(p); } /** * make curve through given points * * @param points * ArrayList of points */ public void throughPoints(ArrayList<GeoPoint> points) { if ((int) Math.sqrt(9 + 8 * points.size()) != Math .sqrt(9 + 8 * points.size())) { setUndefined(); return; } int degree = (int) (0.5 * Math.sqrt(8 * (1 + points.size()))) - 1; int realDegree = degree; RealMatrix extendMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(points.size(), points.size() + 1); RealMatrix matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(points.size(), points.size()); double[][] coeffMatrix = new double[degree + 1][degree + 1]; DecompositionSolver solver; double[] matrixRow = new double[points.size() + 1]; double[] results; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { double x = points.get(i).x / points.get(i).z; double y = points.get(i).y / points.get(i).z; for (int j = 0, m = 0; j < degree + 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; j + k != degree + 1; k++) { matrixRow[m++] = Math.pow(x, j) * Math.pow(y, k); } } extendMatrix.setRow(i, matrixRow); } int solutionColumn = 0, noPoints = points.size(); do { if (solutionColumn > noPoints) { noPoints = noPoints - realDegree - 1; if (noPoints < 2) { setUndefined(); return; } extendMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(noPoints, noPoints + 1); realDegree -= 1; matrixRow = new double[noPoints + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < noPoints; i++) { double x = points.get(i).x; double y = points.get(i).y; for (int j = 0, m = 0; j < realDegree + 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; j + k != realDegree + 1; k++) { matrixRow[m++] = Math.pow(x, j) * Math.pow(y, k); } } extendMatrix.setRow(i, matrixRow); } matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(noPoints, noPoints); solutionColumn = 0; } results = extendMatrix.getColumn(solutionColumn); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < noPoints + 1; i++) { if (i == solutionColumn) { continue; } matrix.setColumn(j++, extendMatrix.getColumn(i)); } solutionColumn++; solver = new LUDecomposition(matrix).getSolver(); } while (!solver.isNonSingular()); for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { results[i] *= -1; } double[] partialSolution = ((ArrayRealVector) solver .solve(new ArrayRealVector(results))).getDataRef(); double[] solution = new double[partialSolution.length + 1]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < solution.length; i++) { if (i == solutionColumn - 1) { solution[i] = 1; } else { solution[i] = (Kernel.isZero(partialSolution[j])) ? 0 : partialSolution[j]; j++; } } for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < realDegree + 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; i + j < realDegree + 1; j++) { coeffMatrix[i][j] = solution[k++]; } } this.setCoeff(coeffMatrix, true); setDefined(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { if (!this.isOnPath(points.get(i), 1)) { this.setUndefined(); return; } } } /* * Create expression if the coeff matrix is already set. */ private void setExpression() { setDefined(); FunctionVariable x = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable y = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); ExpressionNode expr = null; for (int i = 0; i <= degX; i++) { // different rows have different lengths for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; j++) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, coeff[0][0]); } else { expr = expr .plus(x.wrap().power(i).multiply(y.wrap().power(j)) .multiplyR(coeff[i][j])); } } } setDefinition( new Equation(kernel, expr, new MyDouble(kernel, 0)).wrap()); expression = new FunctionNVar(expr, new FunctionVariable[] { x, y }); } /* * Create factorExpression[] if the coeff matrix is already set. */ private void setFactorExpression() { factorExpression = new FunctionNVar[coeffSquarefree.length]; for (int factor = 0; factor < coeffSquarefree.length; ++factor) { ExpressionNode expr = null; int factorDegX = coeffSquarefree[factor].length - 1; FunctionVariable x = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "x"); FunctionVariable y = new FunctionVariable(kernel, "y"); for (int i = 0; i <= factorDegX; i++) { // different rows have different lengths for (int j = 0; j < coeffSquarefree[factor][i].length; j++) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, coeffSquarefree[factor][0][0]); } else { expr = .multiply(y.wrap().power(j)) .multiplyR(coeffSquarefree[factor][i][j])); } } } if (expr == null) { expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, Double.NaN); } factorExpression[factor] = new FunctionNVar(expr, new FunctionVariable[] { x, y }); } } private void setCoeff(double[][][] coeffMatrix, boolean updatePath) { doSetCoeff(coeffMatrix[0]); if (coeffMatrix[0] == null) { return; } setExpression(); // Setting factors. this.coeffSquarefree = new double[coeffMatrix.length - 1][][]; for (int factor = 0; factor < coeffMatrix.length - 1; ++factor) { this.coeffSquarefree[factor] = coeffMatrix[factor + 1]; } setFactorExpression(); if (updatePath) { updatePath(); } } private void setCoeff(double[][] coeffMatrix, boolean updatePath) { doSetCoeff(coeffMatrix); if (coeffMatrix == null) { return; } setExpression(); // Copy coefficients and expression as single factor for visualization: forgetFactors(); if (updatePath) { updatePath(); } } private void doSetCoeff(double[][] coeffMatrix) { if (coeffMatrix == null) { resetCoeff(); return; } this.coeff = coeffMatrix; this.degX = coeff.length - 1; this.degY = coeff[0].length - 1; } @Override public CoordSys getTransformedCoordSys() { return CoordSys.XOY; } /** * @param coeff * coeefficients * @param kernel * kernel * @param tpl * string template * @return string representation of polynomial with given coefficients */ protected static String toRawValueString(double[][] coeff, Kernel kernel, StringTemplate tpl) { if (coeff == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = coeff[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { if (first) { sb.append("0"); } sb.append("= "); sb.append(kernel.format(-coeff[0][0], tpl)); } else { String number = kernel.format(coeff[i][j], tpl); boolean pos = true; if (number.charAt(0) == '-') { pos = false; number = number.substring(1); } // don't use Kernel.isEqual as a small coefficient can be // significant // check for "0" doesn't work for 0.00 if (!"0".equals(number) && coeff[i][j] != 0) { if (pos) { if (!first) { sb.append('+'); } } else { sb.append('-'); } if (!first) { sb.append(' '); } first = false; // check both in case of 1.000 if (!"1".equals(number) && coeff[i][j] != 1) { sb.append(number); if (tpl.hasCASType()) { appendMultiply(sb); } } if (i > 0) { sb.append(tpl.printVariableName("x")); } addPow(sb, i, tpl); if (j > 0) { if (tpl.hasCASType()) { appendMultiply(sb); } else if (i > 0) { // insert blank after x^i sb.append(' '); } sb.append(tpl.printVariableName("y")); } addPow(sb, j, tpl); sb.append(' '); } } } } return sb.toString(); } private static void addPow(StringBuilder sb, int exp, StringTemplate tpl) { if (exp > 1) { if (tpl.getStringType().equals(StringType.LATEX)) { sb.append('^'); sb.append('{'); sb.append(exp); sb.append('}'); } else if ((tpl.getStringType().equals(StringType.GEOGEBRA_XML)) || (tpl.hasCASType())) { sb.append('^'); sb.append(exp); } else { String p = ""; int i = exp; while (i > 0) { int c = i % 10; switch (c) { case 1: p = '\u00b9' + p; break; case 2: p = '\u00b2' + p; break; case 3: p = '\u00b3' + p; break; default: p = (char) ('\u2070' + c) + p; } i = i / 10; } sb.append(p); } } } private static void appendMultiply(StringBuilder sb) { if (sb.length() == 0) { return; } char ch = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1); if (ch != '*' && ch != ' ') { sb.append('*'); } } /** * Evaluate a factor of the curve of the given function. * * @param x * x-coordinate * @param y * y-coordinate * @param factor * nr. of the factor * @return the value of the function being evaluated at (x,y) */ public double evaluate(double x, double y, int factor) { return this.evaluateImplicitCurve(x, y, factor); } /** * Evaluate a factor of the curve of the given function. * * @param val * the (x,y)-coordinates * @param factor * nr. of the factor * @return the value of the function being evaluated at (x,y) */ public double evaluate(double[] val, int factor) { return evaluateImplicitCurve(val[0], val[1], factor); } /** * @param x * first variable value * @param y * second variable value * @return evaluation result */ public double evaluate(double x, double y) { return this.evaluateImplicitCurve(x, y); } /** * Evaluate the implicit curve at a certain position. * * @param val * position * @return evaluated value */ public double evaluate(double[] val) { return evaluateImplicitCurve(val[0], val[1]); } @Override public Equation getEquation() { try { return (Equation) kernel.getParser().parseGeoGebraExpression( this.toValueString(StringTemplate.maxPrecision)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public void setCoeff(double[][][] coeff) { setCoeff(coeff, true); } @Override final public char getLabelDelimiter() { return ':'; } @Override public FunctionNVar getFunctionDefinition() { return expression; } @Override public Coords getPlaneEquation() { return Coords.VZ; } @Override public double getTranslateZ() { return 0; } /** * @return number of factors */ int factorLength() { return factorExpression.length; } }