package org.geogebra.keyboard.web; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Language; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.Accents; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.Action; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.Keyboard; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.KeyboardFactory; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.Resource; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.listener.KeyboardObserver; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.model.Row; import org.geogebra.keyboard.base.model.WeightedButton; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.KeyboardLocale; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TabbedKeyboard extends FlowPanel { private static final int TAB_NUMBERS = 0; private static final int TAB_FX = 1; private static final int TAB_ABC = 2; private static final int TAB_ALPHA = 3; private static final int TAB_SPECIAL = 4; /** * minimum width of the whole application to use normal font (small font * otherwise) */ protected static final int MIN_WIDTH_FONT = 485; private class KeyboardSwitcher extends FlowPanel { private static final int SWITCHER_HEIGHT = 40; private FlowPanel contents; private List<Button> switches; private CustomButton closeButton; private ToggleButton moreButton; private Integer width = null; private int selectedIdx; private Button selectedButton; boolean isSpecialActive = false; public KeyboardSwitcher() { addStyleName("KeyboardSwitcher"); add(makeCloseButton()); contents = new FlowPanel(); contents.addStyleName("switcherContents"); add(contents); switches = new ArrayList<>(); } public void addMoreButton() { contents.add(makeMoreButton()); } public void addSwitch(final KeyPanelBase keyboard, String string) { Button btn = makeSwitcherButton(keyboard, string); switches.add(btn); contents.add(btn); } private Button makeSwitcherButton(final KeyPanelBase keyboard, String string) { final Button ret = new Button(string); ClickStartHandler.init(ret, new ClickStartHandler(true, true) { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { for (int i = 0; i <= switches.size(); i++) { ((FlowPanel) keyboard.getParent()).getWidget(i) .setVisible(false); setSelected(i, false); } currentKeyboard = keyboard; keyboard.setVisible(true); setSelected(ret, true); } }); return ret; } private void setSelected(Button btn, boolean value) { if (value) { btn.addStyleName("selected"); selectedButton = btn; } else { btn.removeStyleName("selected"); } } private void setSelected(int idx, boolean value) { if (idx == TAB_SPECIAL) { if (value) { setSelected(switches.get(TAB_ABC), value); isSpecialActive = true; } return; } else if (idx == TAB_ABC && isSpecialActive) { setSelected(switches.get(TAB_ABC), value); isSpecialActive = false; } else { setSelected(switches.get(idx), value); } if (value) { selectedIdx = idx; } } private void unselectAll() { for (Widget btn: switches) { btn.removeStyleName("selected"); } } private Widget makeCloseButton() { Image img = new Image(KeyboardResources.INSTANCE .keyboard_close_black().getSafeUri().asString()); Image hoverImg = new Image(KeyboardResources.INSTANCE .keyboard_close_purple().getSafeUri().asString()); closeButton = new CustomButton(){}; closeButton.getUpFace().setImage(img); closeButton.getUpHoveringFace().setImage(hoverImg); closeButton.addStyleName("closeTabbedKeyboardButton"); ClickStartHandler.init(closeButton, new ClickStartHandler() { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { updateKeyBoardListener.keyBoardNeeded(false, null); keyboardWanted = false; } }); return closeButton; } private Widget makeMoreButton() { Image img = new Image(KeyboardResources.INSTANCE .keyboard_more().getSafeUri().asString()); Image hoverImg = new Image(KeyboardResources.INSTANCE .keyboard_more_purple().getSafeUri().asString()); moreButton = new ToggleButton(img, hoverImg); moreButton.getUpHoveringFace().setImage(hoverImg); moreButton.addStyleName("moreKeyboardButton"); ClickStartHandler.init(moreButton, new ClickStartHandler() { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { // unselectAll(); showHelp(moreButton.getAbsoluteLeft() + moreButton.getOffsetWidth(), moreButton.getAbsoluteTop()); } }); // moreButton.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { // // @Override // public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { // unselectAll(); // } // }); // // moreButton.addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { // // @Override // public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { // setSelected(selectedButton, true); // } // }); return moreButton; } public void setWidth(int width) { // if (this.width != null) { // return; // } // this.width = width; // // contents.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("height", getOffsetHeight(), Unit.PX); // contents.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("width", width, Unit.PX); // } public void reset() { if (moreButton != null) { moreButton.setValue(false); } } public void select(int idx) { for (int i = 0; i < tabs.getWidgetCount();i++) { tabs.getWidget(i).setVisible(i == idx); setSelected(i, i == idx); } } } private static final int BASE_WIDTH = 70; private KeyboardLocale locale; private boolean isSmallKeyboard; protected HasKeyboard app; private ArrayList<Keyboard> layouts = new ArrayList<Keyboard>(4); private Object keyboardLocale; private ButtonHandler bh; private UpdateKeyBoardListener updateKeyBoardListener; private FlowPanel tabs; private KeyboardSwitcher switcher; protected KeyPanelBase currentKeyboard=null; protected boolean keyboardWanted = false; public TabbedKeyboard() { } public UpdateKeyBoardListener getUpdateKeyBoardListener() { return updateKeyBoardListener; } public void setListener(UpdateKeyBoardListener listener) { this.updateKeyBoardListener = listener; } public void buildGUI(ButtonHandler bh, HasKeyboard app) { KeyboardFactory kbf = new KeyboardFactory(); this.tabs = new FlowPanel(); switcher = new KeyboardSwitcher(); = app; = bh; this.locale = app.getLocalization(); this.keyboardLocale = locale.getLocaleStr(); KeyPanelBase keyboard = buildPanel(kbf.createMathKeyboard(), bh); tabs.add(keyboard); switcher.addSwitch(keyboard, "123"); keyboard = buildPanel(kbf.createFunctionsKeyboard(), bh); tabs.add(keyboard); keyboard.setVisible(false); switcher.addSwitch(keyboard, "fx"); keyboard = buildPanel( kbf.createLettersKeyboard(filter(locale.getKeyboardRow(1).replace("'", "")), filter(locale.getKeyboardRow(2)), filter(locale.getKeyboardRow(3))), bh); tabs.add(keyboard); keyboard.setVisible(false); switcher.addSwitch(keyboard, "ABC"); keyboard = buildPanel(kbf.createGreekKeyboard(), bh); tabs.add(keyboard); keyboard.setVisible(false); switcher.addMoreButton(); switcher.addSwitch(keyboard, Unicode.alphaBetaGamma); switcher.setSelected(0, true); // add special char tab keyboard = buildPanel(kbf.createSpecialSymbolsKeyboard(), bh); keyboard.setVisible(false); tabs.add(keyboard); add(switcher); add(tabs); addStyleName("KeyBoard"); addStyleName("TabbedKeyBoard"); addStyleName("gwt-PopupPanel"); } private String filter(String keys) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(11); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i += 2) { sb.append(keys.charAt(i)); } // TODO remove the replace once ggbtrans is fixed return sb.toString().replace("'", ""); } private KeyPanelBase buildPanel(Keyboard layout, final ButtonHandler bh) { final KeyPanelBase keyboard = new KeyPanelBase(layout); layouts.add(layout); keyboard.addStyleName("KeyPanel"); keyboard.addStyleName("normal"); updatePanel(keyboard, layout, bh, getBaseSize()); layout.registerKeyboardObserver(new KeyboardObserver() { public void keyboardModelChanged(Keyboard l2) { updatePanel(keyboard, l2, bh, getBaseSize()); } }); return keyboard; } /** * * @return button base size */ int getBaseSize() { final int n = 11; return (int) ((app.getInnerWidth() - 50) > BASE_WIDTH * n ? BASE_WIDTH : (app.getInnerWidth() - 50) / n); } void updatePanel(KeyPanelBase keyboard, Keyboard layout, ButtonHandler bh, int baseSize) { keyboard.reset(layout); int index = 0; for (Row row : layout.getModel().getRows()) { for (WeightedButton wb : row.getButtons()) { if (! { KeyBoardButtonBase button = makeButton(wb, bh); keyboard.addToRow(index, button); } } index++; } updatePanelSize(keyboard, baseSize); } /** * This is much faster than updatePanel as it doesn't clear the model. It * assumes the model and button layout are in sync. */ private void updatePanelSize(KeyPanelBase keyboard, int baseSize) { int buttonIndex = 0; int margins = 4; if (keyboard.getLayout() == null) { return; } KeyBoardButtonBase button = null; for (Row row : keyboard.getLayout().getModel().getRows()) { double offset = 0; for (WeightedButton wb : row.getButtons()) { if ( { offset = wb.getWeight(); } else { button = keyboard.getButtons() .get(buttonIndex); if (offset > 0) { button.getElement().getStyle() .setMarginLeft(offset * baseSize + margins / 2, Unit.PX); } button.getElement().getStyle() .setWidth(wb.getWeight() * baseSize - margins, Unit.PX); offset = 0; buttonIndex++; } } if ( .get(row.getButtons().size() - 1).getActionName())) { button.getElement().getStyle() .setMarginRight(offset * baseSize + margins / 2, Unit.PX); } } if (app.getInnerWidth() < getMinWidthWithoutScaling()) { addStyleName("scale"); removeStyleName("normal"); removeStyleName("smallerFont"); if (app.getInnerWidth() < MIN_WIDTH_FONT) { addStyleName("smallerFont"); } } else { addStyleName("normal"); removeStyleName("scale"); removeStyleName("smallerFont"); } } private KeyBoardButtonBase makeButton(WeightedButton wb, ButtonHandler b) { switch (wb.getResourceType()) { case TRANSLATION_MENU_KEY: if (wb.getResourceName().equals("Translate.currency")) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(Language.getCurrency(keyboardLocale.toString()), Language.getCurrency(keyboardLocale.toString()), b); } return new KeyBoardButtonBase(locale.getMenu(wb.getActionName()), wb.getActionName().replace("Function.", ""), b); case TRANSLATION_COMMAND_KEY: return new KeyBoardButtonBase(locale.getCommand(wb.getActionName()), wb.getActionName(), b); case DEFINED_CONSTANT: return functionButton(wb, b); case TEXT: default: if (wb.getActionName().equals( { return accentButton(Accents.ACCENT_ACUTE, b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals( { return accentButton(Accents.ACCENT_CARON, b); } if (wb.getActionName() .equals( { return accentButton(Accents.ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX, b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals( { return accentButton(Accents.ACCENT_GRAVE, b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals("*")) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(Unicode.MULTIPLY + "", "*", b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals("/")) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(Unicode.DIVIDE, Unicode.DIVIDE, b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals("|")) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("|a|", "|", b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals("-")) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(Unicode.MINUS + "", "-", b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals(Unicode.EULER_STRING)) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("e", Unicode.EULER_STRING, b); } if (wb.getActionName().equals( { return functionButton(wb, bh); } if (wb.getActionName().equals( { return functionButton(wb, bh); } if (wb.getActionName().equals("" + Unicode.LFLOOR)) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(KeyboardConstants.FLOOR,wb.getActionName(),bh); } if (wb.getActionName().equals("" + Unicode.LCEIL)) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(KeyboardConstants.CEIL, wb.getActionName(), bh); } return new KeyBoardButtonBase(wb.getActionName(), wb.getActionName(), b); } } protected boolean isAccent(String txt) { return Accents.ACCENT_GRAVE.equals(txt) || Accents.ACCENT_ACUTE.equals(txt) || Accents.ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX.equals(txt) || Accents.ACCENT_CARON.equals(txt); } private KeyBoardButtonBase accentButton(String accent, ButtonHandler b) { return new KeyBoardButtonBase(accent, accent, b); } protected void processShift() { for (Keyboard layout : layouts) { layout.toggleCapsLock(); } } protected void disableCapsLock() { for (Keyboard layout : layouts) { layout.disableCapsLock(); } } protected void processAccent(String text) { for (Keyboard layout : layouts) { layout.toggleAccent(text); } } private KeyBoardButtonBase functionButton(WeightedButton button, ButtonHandler bh) { String resourceName = button.getResourceName(); if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.keyboard_enter_black(), bh, Action.RETURN_ENTER); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.keyboard_backspace(), bh, Action.BACKSPACE_DELETE); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.keyboard_arrowLeft_black(), bh, Action.LEFT_CURSOR); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.keyboard_arrowRight_black(), bh, Action.RIGHT_CURSOR); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("a^2", "^2", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("a^b", "a^x", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.keyboard_shift(), bh, Action.CAPS_LOCK); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.keyboard_shiftDown(), bh, Action.CAPS_LOCK); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("10^x", "10^", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("e^x", Unicode.EULER_STRING + "^", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("log_10", "log10", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("log_b", "log_", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonBase("a_n", "_", bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.nroot(), button.getActionName(), bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.integral(), button.getActionName(), bh); } else if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.derivative(), button.getActionName(), bh); } if (resourceName.equals( { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase( KeyboardResources.INSTANCE.sqrt(), button.getActionName(), bh); } if (resourceName.equals(KeyboardConstants.SWITCH_TO_SPECIAL_SYMBOLS)) { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase(KeyboardConstants.SWITCH_TO_SPECIAL_SYMBOLS, bh, Action.SWITCH_TO_SPECIAL_SYMBOLS); } if (resourceName.equals("ABC")) { return new KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase("ABC", bh, Action.SWITCH_TO_ABC); } return new KeyBoardButtonBase(button.getActionName(), button.getActionName(), bh); } /** * */ public void updateSize() { if (app.getInnerWidth() < 0) { return; } // -2 for applet border this.setWidth(app.getInnerWidth() + "px"); boolean shouldBeSmall = app.needsSmallKeyboard(); if (shouldBeSmall && !isSmallKeyboard) { this.addStyleName("lowerHeight"); this.isSmallKeyboard = true; } else if (!shouldBeSmall && isSmallKeyboard) { this.removeStyleName("lowerHeight"); this.isSmallKeyboard = false; } updateHeight(); for (int i = 0; tabs != null && i < tabs.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget wdgt = tabs.getWidget(i); if (wdgt instanceof KeyPanelBase) { updatePanelSize((KeyPanelBase) wdgt, getBaseSize()); } } } private void updateHeight() { if (app != null) { app.updateKeyboardHeight(); } } /** * loads the translation-files for the active language if it is different * from the last loaded language and sets the {@link #keyboardLocale} to the * new language */ public void checkLanguage() { switcher.reset(); if (bh == null) { return; } // TODO validate? String newKeyboardLocale = app.getLocalization().getLocaleStr(); if (newKeyboardLocale != null && keyboardLocale.equals(newKeyboardLocale)) { return; } if (newKeyboardLocale != null) { this.keyboardLocale = newKeyboardLocale; } else { this.keyboardLocale = Language.English_US.localeGWT; } clear(); buildGUI(bh, app); } @Override public void setVisible(boolean b) { switcher.reset(); super.setVisible(b); } protected void showHelp(int x, int y) { } private void selectTab(int idx) {; } public void selectNumbers() { selectTab(TAB_NUMBERS); } public void selectFunctions() { selectTab(TAB_FX); } public void selectAbc() { selectTab(TAB_ABC); } public void selectGreek() { selectTab(TAB_ALPHA); } public void selectSpecial() { selectTab(TAB_SPECIAL); } /** * check the minimum width. Either width of ABC panel or 123 panel. 70 = * width of button; 82 = padding * * @return */ private int getMinWidthWithoutScaling() { int abc = 10 * 70 + 82; int numbers = 850; return Math.max(abc, numbers); } public final boolean shouldBeShown() { return this.keyboardWanted; } public final void showOnFocus() { this.keyboardWanted = true; } }