package org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoJoinPoints3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoPolygon3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoPolyhedronPoints; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.transform.MirrorableAtPlane; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.CircularDefinitionException; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ConstructionElementCycle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Path; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.PathMover; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.PathMoverGeneric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.PathParameter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Region; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoTransformation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ValueType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Dilateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Traceable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Transformable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Translateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys2D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPolyhedronInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoSegmentND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.HasHeight; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.HasSegments; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.HasVolume; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.RotateableND; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * @author ggb3D * * Class describing a GeoPolyhedron * */ public class GeoPolyhedron extends GeoElement3D implements HasSegments, HasVolume, Traceable, RotateableND, Translateable, MirrorableAtPlane, Transformable, Dilateable, HasHeight, Path, GeoPolyhedronInterface, GeoNumberValue { /** pyramid */ public static final int TYPE_PYRAMID = 1; /** prism */ public static final int TYPE_PRISM = 3; /** tetrahedron */ public static final int TYPE_TETRAHEDRON = 4; /** cube */ public static final int TYPE_CUBE = 5; /** octahedron */ public static final int TYPE_OCTAHEDRON = 6; /** dodecahedron */ public static final int TYPE_DODECAHEDRON = 7; /** icosahedron */ public static final int TYPE_ICOSAHEDRON = 8; /** one of the TYPE_* constants */ int type; /** vertices */ // protected ArrayList<GeoPoint3D> points; /** edges index */ protected TreeMap<ConstructionElementCycle, Long> segmentsIndex; /** max faces edges */ protected long segmentsIndexMax = 0; /** edges */ protected TreeMap<Long, GeoSegment3D> segments; /** edges linked (e.g basis of the prism -- WARNING: not always updated) */ private TreeMap<ConstructionElementCycle, GeoSegmentND> segmentsLinked; /** faces index */ protected TreeMap<ConstructionElementCycle, Integer> polygonsIndex; /** faces descriptions */ protected ArrayList<ConstructionElementCycle> polygonsDescriptions; /** max faces index */ protected int polygonsIndexMax = 0; /** faces */ protected TreeMap<Integer, GeoPolygon3D> polygons; /** faces linked */ protected ArrayList<GeoPolygon> polygonsLinked; /** points created by the algo */ protected ArrayList<GeoPoint3D> pointsCreated; /** face currently constructed */ private ConstructionElementCycle currentFace; /** * constructor * * @param c * construction */ public GeoPolyhedron(Construction c) { super(c); // moved from GeoElement's constructor // must be called from the subclass, see // setConstructionDefaults(); // init visual settings polygonsIndex = new TreeMap<ConstructionElementCycle, Integer>(); polygonsDescriptions = new ArrayList<ConstructionElementCycle>(); polygons = new TreeMap<Integer, GeoPolygon3D>(); segmentsIndex = new TreeMap<ConstructionElementCycle, Long>(); segments = new TreeMap<Long, GeoSegment3D>(); segmentsLinked = new TreeMap<ConstructionElementCycle, GeoSegmentND>(); polygonsLinked = new ArrayList<GeoPolygon>(); pointsCreated = new ArrayList<GeoPoint3D>(); } /** * Update segments linked set with the polygon's segment * * @param polygon * source polygon */ private void addSegmentsLinked(GeoPolygon polygon) { if (polygon.getSegments() != null) { for (GeoSegmentND segment : polygon.getSegments()) { addSegmentLinked(segment); } } } /** * update set of segments linked to this */ public void updateSegmentsLinked() { segmentsLinked.clear(); for (GeoPolygon p : getPolygonsLinked()) { addSegmentsLinked(p); } } /** * * @return segments linked to the polyhedron (eg segments of the bottom) */ public Collection<GeoSegmentND> getSegmentsLinked() { return segmentsLinked.values(); } /** * * @return polygons linked to the polyhedron (eg the bottom) */ public Collection<GeoPolygon> getPolygonsLinked() { return polygonsLinked; } /** * Copy constructor * * @param polyhedron * original */ public GeoPolyhedron(GeoPolyhedron polyhedron) { this(polyhedron.getConstruction()); set(polyhedron); } /** * set the type of polyhedron * * @param type * one of the TYPE_* constants */ public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } /** * * @return the type of polyhedron */ public int getType() { return type; } /** * start a new face */ public void startNewFace() { currentFace = new ConstructionElementCycle(); } /** * add the point to the current face and to the point list if it's a new one * * @param point * vertex */ public void addPointToCurrentFace(GeoPointND point) { currentFace.add(point); } /** * ends the current face and store it in the faces list */ public void endCurrentFace() { currentFace.setDirection(); // Application.debug(polygonsIndexMax); // add to index polygonsIndex.put(currentFace, Integer.valueOf(polygonsIndexMax)); polygonsDescriptions.add(currentFace); polygonsIndexMax++; } /** * * @return index for polygon described by current constructing face (null if * not exists) */ public Integer getCurrentFaceIndex() { currentFace.setDirection(); Integer index = polygonsIndex.get(currentFace); int ret; if (index == null) { ret = -1; } else { ret = index; } Log.debug(currentFace + ": " + ret); return index; } /** * * @return current face descriptor */ public ConstructionElementCycle getCurrentFace() { return currentFace; } /** * * @return constructed polygons indices */ public Collection<Integer> getPolygonsIndices() { return polygonsIndex.values(); } /** * last face index (for pyramid/prism) */ private int topFaceIndex; /** * says that current face created is the last face (for pyramid/prism) (warn * : call it AFTER endCurrentFace()) */ public void setCurrentFaceIsTopFace() { topFaceIndex = polygonsIndexMax - 1; } /** * creates a polygon corresponding to the index * * @param index * index of the polygon * @return polygon corresponding */ public GeoPolygon3D createPolygon(int index) { currentFace = polygonsDescriptions.get(index); // vertices of the face GeoPointND[] p = new GeoPointND[currentFace.size()]; // edges linked to the face GeoSegmentND[] s = new GeoSegmentND[currentFace.size()]; GeoPointND endPoint = (GeoPointND) currentFace.get(0); p[0] = endPoint; // first point for the polygon GeoPointND firstPoint = endPoint; int j; for (j = 1; j < currentFace.size(); j++) { // creates edges GeoPointND startPoint = endPoint; endPoint = (GeoPointND) currentFace.get(j); s[j - 1] = createSegment(startPoint, endPoint); // points for the polygon p[j] = endPoint; } // last segment s[j - 1] = createSegment(endPoint, firstPoint); GeoPolygon3D polygon = createPolygon(p, index); polygon.setSegments(s); return polygon; } /** * update the faces */ public void createFaces() { for (int index = 0; index < polygonsDescriptions.size(); index++) { createPolygon(index); } } /** * create a polygon joining the given points * * @param points * vertices of the polygon * @param index * index in polygons map * @return the polygon */ public GeoPolygon3D createPolygon(GeoPointND[] points, int index) { AlgoPolygon3D algo = new AlgoPolygon3D(cons, points, false, this); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); GeoPolygon3D polygon = (GeoPolygon3D) algo.getPoly(); // refresh color to ensure polygons have same color as polyhedron: polygon.setObjColor(getObjectColor()); polygon.setAlphaValue(getAlphaValue()); polygon.setLineThickness(getLineThickness()); polygon.setLineType(getLineType()); // force init labels called to avoid polygon to draw edges polygon.setInitLabelsCalled(true); if (condShowObject != null) { try { polygon.setShowObjectCondition(getShowObjectCondition()); } catch (Exception e) { // circular definition } } // put the polygon into the collection polygons.put(index, polygon); return polygon; } /** * add the polygon as a polygon linked to this (e.g basis of a prism) * * @param polygon * existing polygon */ public void addPolygonLinked(GeoPolygon polygon) { polygonsLinked.add(polygon); addSegmentsLinked(polygon); polygon.addMeta(this); } /** * add the point as created point (by algo) * * @param point * vertex */ public void addPointCreated(GeoPoint3D point) { pointsCreated.add(point); } /** * return a segment joining startPoint and endPoint if this segment already * exists in segments, return the already stored one * * @param startPoint * the start point * @param endPoint * the end point * @return the segment */ public GeoSegmentND createSegment(GeoPointND startPoint, GeoPointND endPoint) { // Application.debug(startPoint.getLabel() + endPoint.getLabel()); ConstructionElementCycle key = ConstructionElementCycle .segmentDescription((GeoElement) startPoint, (GeoElement) endPoint); // check if this segment is not already created if (segmentsIndex.containsKey(key)) { // Application.debug(startPoint.getLabel() + endPoint.getLabel()); // App.error("segmentsIndex : "+key); return segments.get(segmentsIndex.get(key)); } // check if this segment is not a segment linked if (segmentsLinked.containsKey(key)) { // App.error("segmentsLinked : "+key); return segmentsLinked.get(key); } return createNewSegment(startPoint, endPoint, key); } /** * create new segment (if not already exists) * * @param startPoint * start point * @param endPoint * end point * @param key * key for segment * @return new segment */ protected GeoSegmentND createNewSegment(GeoPointND startPoint, GeoPointND endPoint, ConstructionElementCycle key) { // App.error("new segment : "+key); GeoSegment3D segment; AlgoJoinPoints3D algoSegment = new AlgoJoinPoints3D(cons, startPoint, endPoint, this, GeoClass.SEGMENT3D); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSegment); segment = (GeoSegment3D) algoSegment.getCS(); // refresh color to ensure segments have same color as polyhedron: segment.setObjColor(getObjectColor()); segment.setLineThickness(getLineThickness()); segment.setLineType(getLineType()); if (condShowObject != null) { try { segment.setShowObjectCondition(getShowObjectCondition()); } catch (Exception e) { // circular definition } } storeSegment(segment, key); return segment; } /** * store the segment with the given key * * @param segment * segment * @param key * key */ protected void storeSegment(GeoSegment3D segment, ConstructionElementCycle key) { Long index = Long.valueOf(segmentsIndexMax); segmentsIndex.put(key, index); segments.put(index, segment); segmentsIndexMax++; } /** * @param startPoint * segment start point * @param endPoint * segment end point * @return segment with given endpoints or null if not found */ public GeoSegmentND getSegment(GeoPointND startPoint, GeoPointND endPoint) { // Application.debug(startPoint.getLabel() + endPoint.getLabel()); ConstructionElementCycle key = ConstructionElementCycle .segmentDescription((GeoElement) startPoint, (GeoElement) endPoint); // check if this segment is already created if (segmentsIndex.containsKey(key)) { return segments.get(segmentsIndex.get(key)); } // check if this segment is a segment linked if (segmentsLinked.containsKey(key)) { return segmentsLinked.get(key); } return null; } /** * @param segment * existing segment */ public void addSegmentLinked(GeoSegmentND segment) { ConstructionElementCycle key = ConstructionElementCycle .segmentDescription(segment.getStartPointAsGeoElement(), segment.getEndPointAsGeoElement()); // Log.debug("linked : "+key); segmentsLinked.put(key, segment); } /** * @param labels * output labels, only first one is used */ public void defaultLabels(String[] labels) { if (cons.isSuppressLabelsActive()) { // for redefine return; } if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { setLabel(null); } else { setLabel(labels[0]); } defaultPolygonsLabels(); defaultSegmentLabels(); } private boolean allLabelsAreSet = false; /** * Returns whether the method initLabels() was called for this polygon. This * is important to know whether the segments have gotten labels. * * @return true iff all labels (of created polygons, segments, points) are * set. */ final public boolean allLabelsAreSet() { return allLabelsAreSet; } /** * set init labels called * * @param flag * flag for labels */ public void setAllLabelsAreSet(boolean flag) { allLabelsAreSet = flag; } /** * Inits the labels of this polyhedron, its faces and edges. labels[0] for * polyhedron itself, labels[1..n] for faces and edges, * * @param labels * labels for this, points, faces, edges */ public void initLabels(String[] labels) { // Application.printStacktrace(""); if (cons.isSuppressLabelsActive()) { // for redefine return; } if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { initLabels(new String[1]); return; } setAllLabelsAreSet(true); /* * String s="labels:\n"; for (int i=0; i<labels.length; i++) * s+=labels[i]+"\n"; s+="points: "+pointsCreated.size()+"\npolygons: " * +polygons .size()+"\nsegments: "+segments.size(); * Application.debug(s); */ // first label for polyhedron itself setLabel(labels[0]); int index = 1; // labels for created points if (labels.length - index < pointsCreated.size()) { defaultPointsLabels(); defaultPolygonsLabels(); defaultSegmentLabels(); return; } for (GeoPoint3D point : pointsCreated) { point.setLabel(labels[index]); index++; } // labels for polygons if (labels.length - index < polygons.size()) { defaultPolygonsLabels(); defaultSegmentLabels(); return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setLabel(labels[index]); // Application.debug("labels["+index+"]="+labels[index]); index++; } // labels for segments if (labels.length - index < segments.size()) { defaultSegmentLabels(); return; } // labels for segments for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setLabel(labels[index]); // Application.debug("labels["+index+"]="+labels[index]+",\nsegment:"+segment.getParentAlgorithm()); index++; } } private void defaultPointsLabels() { for (GeoPointND point : pointsCreated) { point.setLabel(null); } } private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /** * * @param geo * @return level of usability of the label */ private static int usableLabel(GeoElement geo) { if (!geo.isLabelSet()) { return 2; // not usable } else if (geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate).contains("_")) { return 2; // not usable } else { return 0; // usable } } private void defaultPolygonsLabels() { for (Entry<ConstructionElementCycle, Integer> entry : polygonsIndex .entrySet()) { ConstructionElementCycle key = entry.getKey(); // stores points names and find the first String label1 = null; int labelUsability = 0; String[] points = new String[key.size()]; int indexFirstPointName = 0; int i = 0; for (Iterator<GeoElementND> it = key.iterator(); it.hasNext() && (labelUsability < 2);) { GeoElement p = (GeoElement); labelUsability += usableLabel(p); if (labelUsability < 2) { points[i] = p.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); if (points[i].compareToIgnoreCase( points[indexFirstPointName]) < 0) { indexFirstPointName = i; } i++; } } if (labelUsability < 2) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(getLoc().getPlain("Name.face")); // sets the direction to the next first name int indexSecondPointPlus = indexFirstPointName + 1; if (indexSecondPointPlus == points.length) { indexSecondPointPlus = 0; } int indexSecondPointMinus = indexFirstPointName - 1; if (indexSecondPointMinus == -1) { indexSecondPointMinus = points.length - 1; } if (points[indexSecondPointPlus].compareToIgnoreCase( points[indexSecondPointMinus]) < 0) { for (int j = indexFirstPointName; j < points.length; j++) { sb.append(points[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < indexFirstPointName; j++) { sb.append(points[j]); } } else { for (int j = indexFirstPointName; j >= 0; j--) { sb.append(points[j]); } for (int j = points.length - 1; j > indexFirstPointName; j--) { sb.append(points[j]); } } label1 = sb.toString(); } polygons.get(entry.getValue()).setLabel(label1); } } private void defaultSegmentLabels() { for (Entry<ConstructionElementCycle, Long> entry : segmentsIndex .entrySet()) { ConstructionElementCycle key = entry.getKey(); int labelUsability = 0; String label1 = null; String[] points = new String[2]; int i = 0; for (Iterator<GeoElementND> it = key.iterator(); it.hasNext() && (labelUsability < 2);) { GeoElement p = (GeoElement); labelUsability += usableLabel(p); if (labelUsability < 2) { points[i] = p.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); i++; } } if (labelUsability < 2) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(getLoc().getPlain("Name.edge")); // sets the points names in order if (points[0].compareToIgnoreCase(points[1]) < 0) { sb.append(points[0]); sb.append(points[1]); } else { sb.append(points[1]); sb.append(points[0]); } label1 = sb.toString(); } segments.get(entry.getValue()).setLabel(label1); } } @Override public GeoSegmentND[] getSegments() { GeoSegmentND[] ret = new GeoSegmentND[segments.size()]; int i = 0; for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { ret[i] = segment; i++; } return ret; } /** * @return polyhedron's edges */ public GeoSegment3D[] getSegments3D() { GeoSegment3D[] ret = new GeoSegment3D[segments.size()]; int i = 0; for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { ret[i] = segment; i++; } return ret; } /** * @return polyhedron's faces */ public GeoPolygon[] getFaces() { GeoPolygon[] polygonsArray = new GeoPolygon[polygonsLinked.size() + polygons.size()]; int index = 0; for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygonsArray[index] = polygon; index++; } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygons.values()) { polygonsArray[index] = polygon; index++; } return polygonsArray; } /** * @return polyhedron's faces */ public GeoPolygon3D[] getFaces3D() { GeoPolygon3D[] polygonsArray = new GeoPolygon3D[polygons.size()]; int index = 0; for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygonsArray[index] = polygon; index++; } return polygonsArray; } /** * @return faces as collection */ public Collection<GeoPolygon3D> getFacesCollection() { return polygons.values(); } /** * @param index * face index * @return face */ public GeoPolygon getFace(int index) { int polygonsLinkedSize = polygonsLinked.size(); if (index < polygonsLinkedSize) { return polygonsLinked.get(index); } return polygons.get(index - polygonsLinkedSize); } /** * @return total number of faces */ public int getFacesSize() { return polygonsLinked.size() + polygons.size(); } /** * @param index * index * @return face */ public GeoPolygon3D getFace3D(int index) { return polygons.get(index); } /** * * @return collection of polygons created by this */ public Collection<GeoPolygon3D> getPolygons() { return polygons.values(); } /** * set all polygons to reverse normals (for 3D drawing) * * @param flag * flag */ public void setReverseNormalsForDrawing(boolean flag) { for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setReverseNormalForDrawing(flag); } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setReverseNormalForDrawing(flag); } } /** * set all polygons to reverse normals */ public void setReverseNormals() { for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setReverseNormal(); } setReverseNormalsForDrawing(true); } @Override public void setEuclidianVisible(boolean visible) { super.setEuclidianVisible(visible); if (cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setEuclidianVisible(visible, false); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setEuclidianVisible(visible, false); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setEuclidianVisible(visible); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { segment.setEuclidianVisible(visible); } } @Override public void setObjColor(GColor color) { super.setObjColor(color); if (cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setObjColor(color); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setObjColor(color); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setObjColor(color); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { segment.setObjColor(color); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void removeColorFunction() { if (getColorFunction() == null) { return; } super.removeColorFunction(); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.removeColorFunction(); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.removeColorFunction(); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.removeColorFunction(); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).removeColorFunction(); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void setColorFunction(final GeoList col) { super.setColorFunction(col); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setColorFunction(col); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setColorFunction(col); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setColorFunction(col); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).setColorFunction(col); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void setLineType(int type) { super.setLineType(type); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setLineType(type, false); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setLineType(type, false); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setLineType(type); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).setLineType(type); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } } @Override public void setLayer(int layer2) { super.setLayer(layer2); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setLayer(layer2); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LAYER); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setLayer(layer2); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LAYER); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setLayer(layer2); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LAYER); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).setLayer(layer2); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LAYER); } } @Override public void setLineTypeHidden(int type) { super.setLineTypeHidden(type); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setLineTypeHidden(type, false); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setLineTypeHidden(type, false); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setLineTypeHidden(type); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).setLineTypeHidden(type); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } } @Override public void setLineThickness(int th) { super.setLineThickness(th); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setLineThickness(th, false); polygon.update(); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setLineThickness(th, false); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setLineThickness(th); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { segment.setLineThickness(th); segment.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LINE_STYLE); } } @Override public void setLineThicknessOrVisibility(int th) { super.setLineThickness(th); if (polygons == null || cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } GProperty prop = th > 0 ? GProperty.LINE_STYLE : GProperty.COMBINED; for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setLineThickness(th, false); polygon.update(); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setLineThickness(th, false); polygon.updateVisualStyle(prop); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setLineThicknessOrVisibility(th); segment.updateVisualStyle(prop); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).setLineThicknessOrVisibility(th); segment.updateVisualStyle(prop); } } @Override public void setAlphaValue(double alpha) { super.setAlphaValue(alpha); if (cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setAlphaValue(alpha); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setAlphaValue(alpha); polygon.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } @Override public GeoElement copy() { return new GeoPolyhedron(this); } @Override public GeoClass getGeoClassType() { return GeoClass.POLYHEDRON; } @Override public String getTypeString() { switch (type) { case TYPE_PRISM: return "Prism"; case TYPE_PYRAMID: return "Pyramid"; case TYPE_TETRAHEDRON: return "Tetrahedron"; case TYPE_CUBE: return "Cube"; case TYPE_OCTAHEDRON: return "Octahedron"; case TYPE_DODECAHEDRON: return "Dodecahedron"; case TYPE_ICOSAHEDRON: return "Icosahedron"; default: return "Polyhedron"; } } @Override public boolean isDefined() { return isDefined; } @Override public boolean isEqual(GeoElementND Geo) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } static private Comparator<GeoPointND> pointIdComparator = null; @Override public void set(GeoElementND geo) { if (geo.isGeoPolyhedron()) { GeoPolyhedron polyhedron = (GeoPolyhedron) geo; isDefined = polyhedron.isDefined; // global type = polyhedron.type; setVolume(polyhedron.getVolume()); setArea(polyhedron.getArea()); setOrientedHeight(polyhedron.getOrientedHeight()); topFaceIndex = polyhedron.topFaceIndex; if (!polyhedron.polygonsLinked.isEmpty()) { // in this case, polyhedron has a bottom face linked topFaceIndex++; } // init copy points list if (copyPoints == null) { if (pointIdComparator == null) { pointIdComparator = new Comparator<GeoPointND>() { @Override public int compare(GeoPointND o1, GeoPointND o2) { if (o1.getID() < o2.getID()) { return -1; } if (o1.getID() > o2.getID()) { return 1; } return 0; } }; } copyPoints = new TreeMap<GeoPointND, GeoPoint3D>( pointIdComparator); } int index; // set segments index = 0; for (GeoSegmentND s : polyhedron.segmentsLinked.values()) { if (setSegment(index, s)) { index++; } } for (GeoSegment3D s : polyhedron.segments.values()) { if (setSegment(index, s)) { index++; } } // set last segments undefined if (!segments.isEmpty()) { for (int i = index; i <= segments.lastKey(); i++) { segments.get((long) i).setUndefined(); } } // set polygons index = 0; for (GeoPolygon p : polyhedron.polygonsLinked) { if (setPolygon(index, p)) { index++; } } for (GeoPolygon p : polyhedron.polygons.values()) { if (setPolygon(index, p)) { index++; } } // set points values for (Map.Entry<GeoPointND, GeoPoint3D> entry : copyPoints .entrySet()) { // set copy point to original point entry.getValue().set(entry.getKey()); } AlgoElement algo = getParentAlgorithm(); if (!(algo instanceof AlgoTransformation)) { // we need it e.g. for polyhedron0 = polyhedron, for lists updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } } } private TreeMap<GeoPointND, GeoPoint3D> copyPoints; private GeoPoint3D getCopyPoint(GeoPointND point) { GeoPoint3D copyPoint = copyPoints.get(point); if (copyPoint == null) { copyPoint = new GeoPoint3D(point); copyPoints.put(point, copyPoint); } return copyPoint; } private boolean setPolygon(int index, GeoPolygon p) { if (!p.isDefined()) { return false; } int pointsLength = p.getPointsLength(); if (pointsLength == 0) { return false; } // set list of points GeoPoint3D[] pointsList = new GeoPoint3D[pointsLength]; int i = 0; for (GeoPointND point : p.getPointsND()) { GeoPoint3D copyPoint = getCopyPoint(point); pointsList[i] = copyPoint; i++; } // set polygon GeoPolygon3D poly = polygons.get(index); if (poly == null) { startNewFace(); for (GeoPointND point : pointsList) { addPointToCurrentFace(point); } endCurrentFace(); createPolygon(index); } else { poly.modifyInputPoints(pointsList); } return true; } private boolean setSegment(long index, GeoSegmentND s) { if (!s.isDefined()) { return false; } GeoPoint3D startPoint = getCopyPoint(s.getStartPoint()); GeoPoint3D endPoint = getCopyPoint(s.getEndPoint()); ConstructionElementCycle key = ConstructionElementCycle .segmentDescription(startPoint, endPoint); if (index >= segmentsIndexMax) { // seg = (GeoSegment3D) createNewSegment(startPoint, endPoint, key); } else { GeoSegment3D seg = segments.get(index); seg.modifyInputPoints(startPoint, endPoint); segmentsIndex.put(key, index); } return true; } private boolean isDefined = true; @Override public void setUndefined() { isDefined = false; volume = Double.NaN; /* * for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()){ * polygon.setEuclidianVisible(visible,false); } * * for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked){ * polygon.setEuclidianVisible(visible,false); } * * for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()){ * segment.setEuclidianVisible(visible); } * * for (GeoSegmentND segment : segmentsLinked.values()){ * segment.setEuclidianVisible(visible); } */ } /** * Set defined flag to true */ public void setDefined() { isDefined = true; } @Override public boolean showInAlgebraView() { return true; } @Override protected boolean showInEuclidianView() { return isDefined(); } @Override public boolean isGeoPolyhedron() { return true; } @Override public String toValueString(StringTemplate tpl) { return kernel.format(getVolume(), tpl); } private StringBuilder sbToString = new StringBuilder(50); @Override public String toString(StringTemplate tpl) { sbToString.setLength(0); sbToString.append(label); sbToString.append(" = "); sbToString.append(kernel.format(getVolume(), tpl)); return sbToString.toString(); } @Override public String toStringMinimal(StringTemplate tpl) { sbToString.setLength(0); sbToString.append(regrFormat(getVolume())); return sbToString.toString(); } /** to be able to fill it with an alpha value */ @Override public boolean isFillable() { return true; } @Override protected void getXMLtags(StringBuilder sbXml) { getLineStyleXML(sbXml); super.getXMLtags(sbXml); } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // GeoElement3DInterface @Override public Coords getLabelPosition() { return Coords.O; // TODO } @Override public void remove() { for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.removeMeta(this); } // prevent from removing this when redefine a prism (see // AlgoJoinPoints3D and AlgoPolygon) if (this != getConstruction().getKeepGeo()) { super.remove(); } } // ////////////////////////// // VOLUME // ////////////////////////// private double volume = Double.NaN; /** * sets the volume * * @param volume * volume */ public void setVolume(double volume) { this.volume = volume; } @Override public double getVolume() { return volume; } @Override public boolean hasFiniteVolume() { return isDefined(); } // ////////////////////////// // AREA // ////////////////////////// private double area = Double.NaN; /** * sets the area (total area of the faces) * * @param area * area */ public void setArea(double area) { this.area = area; } /** * Note : recalc area when from pyramid/prism algo * * @return area */ public double getArea() { // if parent algo is prism/pyramid, update area from faces AlgoElement algo = getParentAlgorithm(); if (algo instanceof AlgoPolyhedronPoints) { area = 0; for (GeoPolygon p : polygonsLinked) { area += p.getArea(); } for (GeoPolygon p : polygons.values()) { if (p.isDefined()) { area += p.getArea(); } } } return area; } /** * @return true when defined */ public boolean hasFiniteArea() { return isDefined(); } // //////////////// // TRACE // //////////////// private boolean trace; @Override public boolean isTraceable() { return true; } @Override public boolean getTrace() { return trace; } @Override public void setTrace(boolean trace) { this.trace = trace; if (polygons == null) { return; } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setTrace(trace); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setTrace(trace); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setTrace(trace); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((Traceable) segment).setTrace(trace); } getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } // //////////////////////////////// // TRANSFORM // //////////////////////////////// @Override public void rotate(NumberValue r, GeoPointND S) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.rotate(r, S); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue r) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.rotate(r); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue r, GeoPointND S, GeoDirectionND orientation) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.rotate(r, S, orientation); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } @Override public void rotate(NumberValue r, GeoLineND line) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.rotate(r, line); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } @Override final public boolean isTranslateable() { return true; } @Override public void translate(Coords v) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.translate(v); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } private void updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos() { for (GeoSegment3D seg : segments.values()) { seg.getParentAlgorithm().update(); } for (GeoPolygon3D p : polygons.values()) { p.getParentAlgorithm().update(); } } // ////////////////////// // MIRROR // ////////////////////// @Override public void mirror(Coords Q) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.mirror(Q); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } @Override public void mirror(GeoLineND g) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.mirror(g); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } @Override public void mirror(GeoCoordSys2D plane) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.mirror(plane); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); } // ////////////////////// // DILATE // ////////////////////// @Override public void dilate(NumberValue rval, Coords S) { for (GeoPoint3D point : copyPoints.values()) { if (point.isDefined()) { point.dilate(rval, S); } } updatePolygonsAndSegmentsAlgos(); double r = rval.getDouble(); double rAbs = Math.abs(r); volume *= rAbs * rAbs * rAbs; area *= rAbs * rAbs; orientedHeight *= r; } /** * oriented (positive or negative) height */ private double orientedHeight; /** * set oriented (positive or negative) height * * @param height * height */ public void setOrientedHeight(double height) { orientedHeight = height; } @Override public double getOrientedHeight() { return orientedHeight; } /** * * @return bottom face (for pyramid & prism) */ public GeoPolygon getBottomFace() { if (polygonsLinked.isEmpty()) { return polygons.get(0); } return polygonsLinked.get(0); } /** * * @return last face (for pyramid/prism) */ public GeoPolygon getTopFace() { return polygons.get(topFaceIndex); } /** * * @return first side face (for prism) */ public GeoPolygon getFirstSideFace() { if (polygonsLinked.isEmpty()) { return polygons.get(1); } return polygons.get(0); } /** * * @return top point (for pyramid) */ public Coords getTopPoint() { GeoPolygon p = getFirstSideFace(); return p.getPoint3D(p.getPointsLength() - 1); } // ///////////////////////////////// // Path interface @Override public boolean isPath() { return true; } @Override public PathMover createPathMover() { return new PathMoverGeneric(this); } @Override public double getMaxParameter() { return segmentsLinked.size() + segments.size(); } @Override public double getMinParameter() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isClosedPath() { return true; } @Override public void pathChanged(GeoPointND PI) { // if kernel doesn't use path/region parameters, do as if point changed // its coords if (!getKernel().usePathAndRegionParameters(PI)) { pointChanged(PI); return; } // TODO remove that if (!(PI instanceof GeoPoint3D)) { return; } GeoPoint3D P = (GeoPoint3D) PI; PathParameter pp = P.getPathParameter(); // remember old parameter double oldT = pp.getT(); // find the segment where the point lies int index = (int) pp.getT(); GeoSegmentND seg; if (index < segmentsLinked.size()) { seg = (GeoSegmentND) segmentsLinked.values().toArray()[index]; } else { seg = (GeoSegmentND) segments.values().toArray()[index - segmentsLinked.size()]; } // sets the path parameter for the segment, calc the new position of the // point pp.setT(pp.getT() - index); seg.pathChanged(P); // Log.debug(seg+" , "+oldT); // recall the old parameter pp.setT(oldT); } @Override public void pointChanged(GeoPointND PI) { // TODO remove that if (!(PI instanceof GeoPoint3D)) { return; } GeoPoint3D P = (GeoPoint3D) PI; Coords coordsOld = P.getInhomCoords().copyVector(); // prevent from region bad coords calculations Region region = P.getRegion(); P.setRegion(null); double minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Coords res = null; double param = 0; // find closest point on each segment PathParameter pp = P.getPathParameter(); int i = 0; for (GeoSegmentND segment : segmentsLinked.values()) { P.setCoords(coordsOld, false); // prevent circular path.pointChanged if (segment.isDefined()) { segment.pointChanged(P); } double dist;// = P.getInhomCoords().sub(coordsOld).squareNorm(); // double dist = 0; if (P.hasWillingCoords() && P.hasWillingDirection()) { dist = P.getInhomCoords().distLine(P.getWillingCoords(), P.getWillingDirection()); } else { dist = P.getInhomCoords().sub(coordsOld).squareNorm(); } if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; // remember closest point res = P.getInhomCoords().copyVector(); param = i + pp.getT(); // Application.debug(i); } i++; } for (GeoSegmentND segment : segments.values()) { P.setCoords(coordsOld, false); // prevent circular path.pointChanged if (segment.isDefined()) { segment.pointChanged(P); } double dist;// = P.getInhomCoords().sub(coordsOld).squareNorm(); // double dist = 0; if (P.hasWillingCoords() && P.hasWillingDirection()) { dist = P.getInhomCoords().distLine(P.getWillingCoords(), P.getWillingDirection()); } else { dist = P.getInhomCoords().sub(coordsOld).squareNorm(); } if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; // remember closest point res = P.getInhomCoords().copyVector(); param = i + pp.getT(); // Application.debug(i); } i++; } P.setCoords(res, false); pp.setT(param); P.setRegion(region); } @Override public boolean isOnPath(GeoPointND PI, double eps) { GeoPoint P = (GeoPoint) PI; if (P.getPath() == this) { return true; } // check if P is on one of the segments for (GeoSegmentND segment : segmentsLinked.values()) { if (segment.isDefined() && segment.isOnPath(P, eps)) { return true; } } for (GeoSegmentND segment : segments.values()) { if (segment.isDefined() && segment.isOnPath(P, eps)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void setShowObjectCondition(final GeoBoolean cond) throws CircularDefinitionException { super.setShowObjectCondition(cond); if (cons.isFileLoading()) { return; } for (GeoPoint3D point : pointsCreated) { point.setShowObjectCondition(cond); } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.setShowObjectCondition(cond); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.setShowObjectCondition(cond); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.setShowObjectCondition(cond); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).setShowObjectCondition(cond); } } @Override public void updateVisualStyle(GProperty prop) { super.updateVisualStyle(prop); for (GeoPoint3D point : pointsCreated) { point.updateVisualStyle(prop); } for (GeoPolygon3D polygon : polygons.values()) { polygon.updateVisualStyle(prop); } for (GeoPolygon polygon : polygonsLinked) { polygon.updateVisualStyle(prop); } for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { segment.updateVisualStyle(prop); } for (GeoSegmentND segment : getSegmentsLinked()) { ((GeoElement) segment).updateVisualStyle(prop); } } @Override public void setPointSizeOrVisibility(int size) { for (GeoPoint3D point : pointsCreated) { setPointSize(point, size); } if (getParentAlgorithm() != null) { for (GeoElement point : getParentAlgorithm().getInput()) { if (point.isGeoPoint()) { setPointSize((GeoPointND) point, size); } } } for (GeoPolygon p : polygonsLinked) { p.setPointSizeOrVisibility(size); } } private static void setPointSize(GeoPointND point, int size) { if (size > 0) { point.setEuclidianVisibleIfNoConditionToShowObject(true); point.setPointSize(size); } else { point.setEuclidianVisibleIfNoConditionToShowObject(false); } point.updateRepaint(); } @Override final public HitType getLastHitType() { return HitType.ON_FILLING; } @Override public MyDouble getNumber() { return new MyDouble(kernel, getDouble()); } @Override public double getDouble() { return getVolume(); } @Override public ValueType getValueType() { return ValueType.NUMBER; } @Override public void pseudoCentroid(Coords coords) { coords.set(0, 0, 0); int n = 0; for (GeoSegment3D segment : segments.values()) { pseudoCentroidAdd(coords, segment); n++; } for (GeoSegmentND segment : segmentsLinked.values()) { pseudoCentroidAdd(coords, segment); n++; } coords.mulInside(0.5 / n); } final private static void pseudoCentroidAdd(Coords coords, GeoSegmentND segment) { coords.setAdd3(coords, segment.getStartInhomCoords()); coords.setAdd3(coords, segment.getEndInhomCoords()); } }