package org.geogebra.common.cas.giac; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import org.geogebra.common.cas.CASparser; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.AsynchronousCommand; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.CASException; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.CASGenericInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.AssignmentType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Command; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Equation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyArbitraryConstant; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyVecNDNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.ArbconstReplacer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.DiffReplacer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.PowerRootReplacer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.PrefixRemover; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.VariableReplacer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ValidExpression; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Variable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCasCell; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoDummyVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.prover.polynomial.PPolynomial; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.prover.polynomial.PVariable; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.AbstractSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.CASSettings; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import; import; /** * Platform (Java / GWT) independent part of giac CAS */ public abstract class CASgiac implements CASGenericInterface { /** parser tools */ /** * Random number generator */ protected static final Random rand = new Random(); /** * string to put Giac into GeoGebra mode (not affected by 'restart') * */ public final static String initString = "caseval(\"init geogebra\")"; /** * In web we need to skip caseval because of emcscripten */ public final static String initStringWeb = "init geogebra"; /** * string to put Giac off GeoGebra mode */ // public final static String closeString = "caseval(\"close geogebra\")"; // public final static String closeStringWeb = "close geogebra"; public static enum CustomFunctions { /** * */ RESTART(null, "restart"), /** * suppress warning about = vs := */ DISABLE_WARNING(null, "warn_equal_in_prog(0)"), /** * */ PROBA_EPSILON(null, "proba_epsilon:=0;"), /** * used for sorting output of Solve/Solutions/NSolve/NSolutions sort() * doesn't work for list of lists null -> always sent (used by other * definitions) * * now implemented natively in Giac. This is just for reference / * testing */ // SORT(null, // "ggbsort(x):=when(length(x)==0,{},when(type(x[0])==DOM_LIST,x,sort(x)))"), /** * these both give 3 // @size(point(1,2,3)[1]) gives 3 * // @size(point((-(5))+(ggbtmpvark),(-(5))+(ggbtmpvark))[1]) gives 3 * // so need to check subtype(x[1])==20 to distinguish 2D and 3D * * null -> always sent (used by other definitions) */ // IS_3D_POINT(null, // "is_3dpoint(x):=when(size(x[1])==3 && // subtype(x[1])==20,true,false)"), /** * check whether a is polynomial special cases like y^2=1 also handled * now implemented natively in Giac. This is just for reference / * testing */ // IS_POLYNOMIAL("ispolynomial", // "ispolynomial(a):=when(a[0] == '=' ,is_polynomial(a[1]) && // is_polynomial(a[2])," // + "when (is_polynomial(a) == 1, true, false ) )"), /** * */ // IS_POLYNOMIAL2("ispolynomial2", // "ispolynomial2(a,b):= is_polynomial(a) && is_polynomial(b)"), /** * NOTE: works for max 2 variable */ GGBIS_POLYNOMIAL("ggbisPolynomial", "ggbisPolynomial(a):= when (size(lname(a)) == 1, is_polynomial(a,lname(a)[0])," + "when (size(lname(a)) == 2, is_polynomial(a,lname(a)[0]) && is_polynomial(a,lname(a)[1]), ?))"), /** * now implemented natively in Giac. This is just for reference / * testing */ // GGBALT("ggbalt", "ggbalt(x):=when(type(x)==DOM_IDENT,altsymb(x)," // + // "when(x[0]=='pnt',when(is_3dpoint(x),atan2(x[1][2],sqrt(x[1][0]^2+x[1][1]^2)),0),?))"), /** * xcoordsymb(A) converted back to x(A) in CommandDispatcherGiac * * check for type(evalf(a)) needed as type(exact(-2.24)+i*exact(-1.54)) * gives DOM_RAT * */ XCOORD("xcoord", "xcoord(a):=when(type(evalf(a))==DOM_COMPLEX, real(a), when(type(a)==DOM_IDENT,xcoordsymb(a),when(a[0]=='pnt',when(is_3dpoint(a),a[1][0],real(a[1])),when(a[0]=='=',coeff(a[1]-a[2],x,1),a[0]))))"), /** * altsymb(P) converted back to alt(P) in CommandDispatcherGiac */ YCOORD("ycoord", "ycoord(a):=when(type(evalf(a))==DOM_COMPLEX, im(a), when(type(a)==DOM_IDENT,ycoordsymb(a),when(a[0]=='pnt',when(is_3dpoint(a),a[1][1],im(a[1])),when(a[0]=='=',coeff(a[1]-a[2],y,1),a[1]))))"), /** * make sure z((1,2)) = 0 */ ZCOORD("zcoord", "zcoord(a):=when(type(a)==DOM_IDENT,zcoordsymb(a),when(a[0]=='pnt',when(is_3dpoint(a),a[1][2],0),when(length(a)<3 && a[0] != '=',0,when(a[0]=='=',coeff(a[1]-a[2],z,1),a[2]))))"), /** * unicode0176u passes unaltered through Giac then gets decoded to * degree sign in GeoGebra needed for * "return angle from inverse trig function" see ExpressionNode.degFix() */ DEG_ASIN("asind", "asind(x):=normal(asin(x)/pi*180)*unicode0176u"), /** * unicode0176u passes unaltered through Giac then gets decoded to * degree sign in GeoGebra needed for * "return angle from inverse trig function" see ExpressionNode.degFix() */ DEG_ACOS("acosd", "acosd(x):=normal(acos(x)/pi*180)*unicode0176u"), /** * unicode0176u passes unaltered through Giac then gets decoded to * degree sign in GeoGebra needed for * "return angle from inverse trig function" see ExpressionNode.degFix() */ DEG_ATAN("atand", "atand(x):=normal(atan(x)/pi*180)*unicode0176u"), /** * unicode0176u passes unaltered through Giac then gets decoded to * degree sign in GeoGebra needed for * "return angle from inverse trig function" see ExpressionNode.degFix() */ DEG_ATAN2("atan2d", "atan2d(y,x):=normal(arg(x+i*y)/pi*180)*unicode0176u"), /** * subtype 27 is ggbvect[] * * abs() in Giac now works for vectors so this isn't needed * */ // ABS("ggbabs", // "ggbabs(x):=when(x[0]=='pnt' || (type(x)==DOM_LIST && // subtype(x)==27),l2norm(x),abs(x))"), /** * check list before equation to avoid out of bounds. flatten helps for * {} and {{{0}}} * * used for EQUAL_BOOLEAN in ExpressionNode * sb.append("when(ggbIsZero(simplify("); * * eg sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2==1 */ IS_ZERO("ggbIsZero", "ggbIsZero(x):=when(x==0,true,when(type(x)=='DOM_LIST',max(flatten({x,0}))==min(flatten({x,0}))&&min(flatten({x,0}))==0,when(x[0]=='=',lhs(x)==0&&rhs(x)==0,x[0]=='pnt' && x[1] == ggbvect[0,0,0])))"), /** * Convert the polys into primitive polys in the input list (contains * temporary fix for primpart also): */ PRIM_POLY("primpoly", "primpoly(x):=begin local pps,ii; if (x==[0]) return [0]; pps:=[]; for ii from 0 to size(x)-1 do pps[ii]:=primpart(x[ii],lvar(x[ii])); od return pps end"), /** * Compute squarefree factorization of the input poly p. Strange why * sommet(-x)!='-' (so we do an ugly hack here, FIXME) */ FACTOR_SQR_FREE("factorsqrfree", "factorsqrfree(p):=begin local pf,r,ii; pf:=factor(p); if (sommet(pf)!='*') begin if (sommet(pf)=='^') return op(pf)[0]; else begin if (sommet(pf)!=sommet(-x)) return pf; else return factorsqrfree(-pf); end; end; opf:=op(pf); r:=1; for ii from 0 to size(opf)-1 do r:=r*factorsqrfree(opf[ii]); od return r end"), /** * Remove zeroes or linear dependencies from a list (workaround for * buggy eliminate). Probably obsolete and can be removed and * substituted by eliminate(). */ ELIMINATE2("eliminate2", "eliminate2(x,y):=eliminate(eliminate(x,y),y);"), /** * Eliminate variables from a polynomial ideal. If the result is a set * of discrete points, then convert the linear polynomials to a product * of circle definitions with zero radius. */ GEOM_ELIM("geomElim", "geomElim(polys,elimvars,precision):=begin local ee, ll, ff, gg, ii; ee:=eliminate(polys,revlist(elimvars)); ll:=lvar(ee); if (size(ee)>1) begin ff:=round(fsolve(ee,ll)*precision)/precision; gg:=1; for ii from 0 to size(ff)-1 do gg:=gg*(((ll[0]-ff[ii,0])^2+(ll[1]-ff[ii,1])^2)); od; ee:=[expand(lcm(denom(coeff(gg)))*gg)]; end; if (size(ee)==0) return 0; else return primpoly(ee)[0]; end;"), /** * Help simplifying the input when computing the Jacobian matrix in the * Envelope command. Input: a list of polynomials and a list of * variables which will not be used as derivatives. Output: another list * of polynomials (a shorter list) which does not contain the linear * ones and equivalent with the input. Note that * op(solve(polys[ii]=0,linvar)[0])[1] is required in GeoGebra mode, in * standard Giac here solve(polys[ii],linvar)[0] should be written. * * The algorithm finds the polys which have one variable and it is * linear. After solving such a poly=0 equation, the solution will be * substituted into all other polys. After doing this for all one * variable linear polys recursively, the resulted polys will be used in * the Jacobian matrix in jacobiDet(). * * Used internally. */ JACOBI_PREPARE("jacobiPrepare", "jacobiPrepare(polys,excludevars):=begin local ii, degrees, pos, vars, linvar; vars:=lvar(polys); ii:=0; while (ii<size(polys)-1) do degrees:=degree(polys[ii],vars); if (sum(degrees)=1) begin pos:=find(1,degrees); linvar:=vars[pos[0]]; if (!is_element(linvar,excludevars)) begin substval:=op(solve(polys[ii]=0,linvar)[0])[1]; polys:=remove(0,expand(subs(polys,[linvar],[substval]))); /* print(polys); */ ii:=-1; end; end; ii:=ii+1; od; return polys; end"), /** * Compute the Jacobian determinant of the polys with respect to * excludevars. Used internally. */ JACOBI_DET("jacobiDet", "jacobiDet(polys,excludevars):=begin local J, ii, vars, s, j, k; vars:=lvar(polys); for ii from 0 to size(excludevars)-1 do vars:=remove(excludevars[ii], vars); od; s:=size(vars); J:=matrix(s,s,(j,k)->diff(polys[j],vars[k])); return det_minor(J); end"), /** * Compute the Jacobian determinant of the polys with respect to * excludevars, but first some geometrical preparations are performed to * simplify the result. Used internally. */ GEOM_JACOBI_DET("geomJacobiDet", "geomJacobiDet(polys,excludevars):=begin local J; J:=jacobiPrepare(polys,excludevars); return jacobiDet(J,excludevars); end"), /** * Compute the coefficients of the envelope equation for the input * polys, elimvars with given precision for the curve variables x and y. * Used publicly. */ ENVELOPE_EQU("envelopeEqu", "envelopeEqu(polys,elimvars,precision,curvevarx,curvevary):=begin local D; D:=geomJacobiDet(polys,[curvevarx,curvevary]); polys:=append(polys,D); return locusEqu(polys,elimvars,precision,curvevarx,curvevary); end"), /** * Compute the coefficients of the locus equation for the input polys, * elimvars with given precision for the curve variables x and y. Used * publicly. */ LOCUS_EQU("locusEqu", "locusEqu(polys,elimvars,precision,curvevarx,curvevary):=implicitCurveCoeffs(subst(geomElim(polys,elimvars,precision),[curvevarx=x,curvevary=y]))"), /** * Compute coefficient matrix of the input polynomial. The output is a * flattened variant of the matrix: the elements are returned row by * row, starting with the sizes of the matrix: height and width. Used * internally. */ COEFF_MATRIX("coeffMatrix", "coeffMatrix(aa):=begin local bb, sx, sy, ii, jj, ee, cc, kk; bb:=coeffs(aa,x); sx:=size(bb); sy:=size(coeffs(aa,y)); cc:=[sx,sy]; for ii from sx-1 to 0 by -1 do dd:=coeff(bb[ii],y); sd:=size(dd); for jj from sd-1 to 0 by -1 do ee:=dd[jj]; cc:=append(cc,ee); od; for kk from sd to sy-1 do ee:=0; cc:=append(cc,ee); od; od; return cc; end"), /** * Compute the coefficient matrices for the factors of the input * polynomial. The first number in the flattened output is the number of * the coefficient matrices, then each coefficient matrix is added. Used * internally. */ COEFF_MATRICES("coeffMatrices", "coeffMatrices(aa):=begin local ff, bb, ccf, ll, aaf; ff:=factors(aa); ccf:=[size(ff)/2]; for ll from 0 to size(ff)-1 by 2 do aaf:=ff[ll]; bb:=coeffMatrix(aaf); ccf:=append(ccf,bb); od; return flatten(ccf); end"), /** * Compute the flattened coefficient matrix as it is directly used when * the algebraic curve is plotted as an implicit poly. Used publicly. */ IMPLICIT_CURVE_COEFFS("implicitCurveCoeffs", "implicitCurveCoeffs(aa):=begin local bb; bb:=factorsqrfree(aa); return [coeffMatrix(bb),coeffMatrices(bb)]; end"); /** function name */ final public String functionName; /** definition string */ final public String definitionString; CustomFunctions(String functionName, String definitionString) { this.functionName = functionName; this.definitionString = definitionString; } @Override public String toString() { return functionName; } private static List<Entry<CustomFunctions, CustomFunctions>> CustomFunctionsDependencies; private static void setDependency(CustomFunctions cf1, CustomFunctions cf2) { Entry<CustomFunctions, CustomFunctions> pair = new SimpleEntry<CustomFunctions, CustomFunctions>( cf1, cf2); CustomFunctionsDependencies.add(pair); } /** * Create dependencies between two CAS custom functions. This is * required to ensure that all dependencies will be loaded when a custom * function is loaded. */ public static void setDependencies() { CustomFunctionsDependencies = new ArrayList<Entry<CustomFunctions, CustomFunctions>>(); setDependency(IMPLICIT_CURVE_COEFFS, COEFF_MATRIX); setDependency(IMPLICIT_CURVE_COEFFS, COEFF_MATRICES); setDependency(IMPLICIT_CURVE_COEFFS, FACTOR_SQR_FREE); setDependency(GEOM_ELIM, PRIM_POLY); setDependency(LOCUS_EQU, IMPLICIT_CURVE_COEFFS); setDependency(LOCUS_EQU, GEOM_ELIM); setDependency(ENVELOPE_EQU, LOCUS_EQU); setDependency(ENVELOPE_EQU, GEOM_JACOBI_DET); setDependency(GEOM_JACOBI_DET, JACOBI_PREPARE); setDependency(GEOM_JACOBI_DET, JACOBI_DET); } /** * Create the list of prerequisites of a custom command. TODO: Currently * we don't have a complex tree of dependencies. Later we may add a more * sophisticated algorithm here to remove duplicates, be faster etc. * * @param cf * the custom command * @return the prerequisites */ public static ArrayList<CustomFunctions> prereqs( CustomFunctions cf) { ArrayList<CustomFunctions> list = new ArrayList<CustomFunctions>(); for (Entry<CustomFunctions, CustomFunctions> pair : CustomFunctionsDependencies) { CustomFunctions key = pair.getKey(); CustomFunctions value = pair.getValue(); if (key.equals(cf)) { list.add(0, value); list.addAll(0, prereqs(value)); } } return list; } } /** CAS parser */ public CASparser casParser; private static int nrOfReplacedConst = 0; /** * Creates new Giac CAS * * @param casParser * parser */ public CASgiac(CASparser casParser) { this.casParser = casParser; } /** * @param exp * Giac command * @return value returned from CAS */ @Override public abstract String evaluateCAS(String exp); @Override final public String evaluateRaw(final String input) throws Throwable { String exp = input; String result = evaluate(exp, getTimeoutMilliseconds()); // FIXME: This check is too heuristic: in giac.js we can get results // starting with \" // and they are still correct (e.g. from eliminateFactorized). // TODO: Find a better way for checking, now we assume that \"[ start is // OK (or \"\"). Log.debug("input = " + input); String rtrimmed = result.trim(); if (rtrimmed.startsWith("\"") && rtrimmed.endsWith("\"")) { result = result.substring(1, result.length() - 1); // removing } Log.debug("result = " + result); return result; } /** * @param exp * expression string * @param timeoutMilliseconds * timeout in milliseconds * @return result in Giac syntax * @throws Throwable * for CAS error */ protected abstract String evaluate(String exp, long timeoutMilliseconds) throws Throwable; @Override final public synchronized String evaluateGeoGebraCAS( final ValidExpression inputExpression, MyArbitraryConstant arbconst, StringTemplate tpl, GeoCasCell cell, Kernel kernel) throws CASException { ValidExpression casInput = inputExpression; Command cmd = casInput.getTopLevelCommand(); boolean keepInput = (cell != null && cell.isKeepInputUsed()) || (cmd != null && "KeepInput".equals(cmd.getName())); String plainResult = getPlainResult(casInput, kernel); if (keepInput) { // remove KeepInput[] command and take argument if (cmd != null && cmd.getName().equals("KeepInput")) { // use argument of KeepInput as casInput if (cmd.getArgumentNumber() > 0) { casInput = cmd.getArgument(0); } } } // convert result back into GeoGebra syntax if (casInput instanceof FunctionNVar) { // delayed function definition f(x)::= Derivative[x^2] should return // Derivative[x^2] if (cell != null && cell.getAssignmentType() == AssignmentType.DELAYED) { return casInput.toString(StringTemplate.numericNoLocal); } // function definition f(x) := x^2 should return x^2 // f(x):=Derivative[x^2] should return 2x // do not return directly, must check keepinput /* * plainResult = evaluateMPReduce(plainResult + "(" + * ((FunctionNVar) * casInput).getVarString(StringTemplate.casTemplate) + ")"); */ } String result = plainResult; if (keepInput && (cell == null || !cell.isSubstitute())) { // assume keepinput was not treated in CAS return casParser.toGeoGebraString(casInput, tpl); } if (keepInput && (cell != null && cell.isSubstitute())) { // assume keepinput was not treated in CAS ExpressionValue substList = casInput.getTopLevelCommand() .getArgument(1).unwrap(); ExpressionValue substArg = casInput.getTopLevelCommand() .getArgument(0); if (substList instanceof MyList) { for (int i = 0; i < ((MyList) substList).size(); i++) { substArg = subst(substArg, ((MyList) substList).getItem(i), cell.getKernel()); } } else { substArg = subst(substArg, substList, cell.getKernel()); } if (substArg != null) { return casParser.toGeoGebraString(substArg, tpl); } } // standard case if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return null; } return toGeoGebraString(result, arbconst, tpl, kernel); } private static ExpressionValue subst(ExpressionValue substArg, ExpressionValue item0, Kernel kernel) { ExpressionValue item = item0.unwrap(); if (item instanceof Equation) { ExpressionValue lhs = ((Equation) item).getLHS().unwrap(); if (lhs instanceof GeoDummyVariable || lhs instanceof Variable) { ExpressionValue rhs = ((Equation) item).getRHS(); ExpressionValue copy = substArg.deepCopy(kernel); copy.traverse(VariableReplacer.getReplacer( lhs.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), rhs, kernel)); return copy; } } return null; } @Override final public synchronized ExpressionValue evaluateToExpression( final ValidExpression inputExpression, MyArbitraryConstant arbconst, Kernel kernel) throws CASException { String result = getPlainResult(inputExpression, kernel); // standard case if ("".equals(result)) { return null; } return replaceRoots(casParser.parseGiac(result), arbconst, kernel); } private String getPlainResult(ValidExpression casInput, Kernel kernel) { // KeepInput[] command should set flag keepinput!!:=1 // so that commands like Substitute can work accordingly Command cmd = casInput.getTopLevelCommand(); if (cmd != null && "Delete".equals(cmd.getName())) { ExpressionValue toDelete = cmd.getArgument(0).unwrap(); if (toDelete.isExpressionNode() && (((ExpressionNode) toDelete) .getOperation() == Operation.FUNCTION || ((ExpressionNode) toDelete) .getOperation() == Operation.FUNCTION_NVAR)) { toDelete = ((ExpressionNode) toDelete).getLeft(); } String label = toDelete.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(label); if (geo == null) { geo = kernel.lookupCasCellLabel(label); } if (geo != null) { geo.remove(); } return "true"; } // convert parsed input to Giac string String giacInput = casParser.translateToCAS(casInput, StringTemplate.giacTemplate, this); // evaluate in Giac String plainResult = evaluateCAS(giacInput); // get initial nr of vars int nrOfVars = casParser.getNrOfVars(); StringBuilder newPlainResult = new StringBuilder(); // case we need to process the result if (nrOfVars > 0) { // get array of potential results String[] partsOfResult = plainResult.split("},"); for (int i = 0; i < partsOfResult.length; i++) { // get array of solutions String[] partsOfCurrSol = partsOfResult[i].split(","); // append only asked solutions for (int j = 0; j < nrOfVars; j++) { if (j == nrOfVars - 1) { newPlainResult.append(partsOfCurrSol[j]); newPlainResult.append("},"); } else { newPlainResult.append(partsOfCurrSol[j]); newPlainResult.append(","); } } } newPlainResult.setLength(newPlainResult.length() - 1); newPlainResult.append("}"); // reset nrOfVars casParser.setNrOfVars(0); return newPlainResult.toString(); } return plainResult; } /** * Tries to parse a given Giac string and returns a String in GeoGebra * syntax. * * @param giacString * String in Giac syntax * @param arbconst * arbitrary constant handler * @param tpl * template that should be used for serialization. Should be * casCellTemplate for CAS and defaultTemplate for input bar * @param kernel * kernel * @return String in Geogebra syntax. * @throws CASException * Throws if the underlying CAS produces an error */ final public synchronized String toGeoGebraString(String giacString, MyArbitraryConstant arbconst, StringTemplate tpl, final Kernel kernel) throws CASException { ExpressionValue ve = replaceRoots(casParser.parseGiac(giacString), arbconst, kernel); // replace rational exponents by roots or vice versa ve = ve.traverse(new Traversing() { public ExpressionValue process(ExpressionValue ev) { if (ev instanceof MyVecNDNode && ((MyVecNDNode) ev).isCASVector()) { return new ExpressionNode(kernel, new Variable(kernel, "ggbvect"), Operation.FUNCTION, ev); } return ev; } }); return casParser.toGeoGebraString(ve, tpl); } private static ExpressionValue replaceRoots(ExpressionValue ve0, MyArbitraryConstant arbconst, Kernel kernel) { ExpressionValue ve = ve0; if (ve != null) { boolean toRoot = kernel.getApplication().getSettings() .getCasSettings().getShowExpAsRoots(); ve = ve.traverse(DiffReplacer.INSTANCE); ve.traverse(PowerRootReplacer.getReplacer(toRoot)); if (arbconst != null) { arbconst.reset(); ve.traverse(ArbconstReplacer.getReplacer(arbconst)); } PrefixRemover pr = PrefixRemover.getCollector(); ve.traverse(pr); } return ve; } /** * Timeout for CAS in milliseconds. This can be changed in the CAS options. */ public long timeoutMillis = 5000; /** * @return CAS timeout in seconds */ protected long getTimeoutMilliseconds() { return timeoutMillis; } @Override public void settingsChanged(AbstractSettings settings) { CASSettings s = (CASSettings) settings; timeoutMillis = s.getTimeoutMilliseconds(); } @Override public String translateAssignment(final String label, final String body) { return label + " := " + body; } /** * This method is called when asynchronous CAS call is finished. It tells * the calling algo to update itself and adds the result to cache if * suitable. * * @param exp * parsed CAS output * @param result2 * output as string (for caching) * @param exception * exception which stopped the computation (null if there wasn't * one) * @param c * command that called the CAS asynchronously * @param input * input string (for caching) * @param cell * cas cell */ public void CASAsyncFinished(ValidExpression exp, String result2, Throwable exception, AsynchronousCommand c, String input, GeoCasCell cell) { String result = result2; // pass on exception if (exception != null) { c.handleException(exception, input.hashCode()); return; } // check if keep input command was successful // e.g. for KeepInput[Substitute[...]] // otherwise return input if (cell.isKeepInputUsed() && ("?".equals(result))) { // return original input c.handleCASoutput(exp.toString(StringTemplate.maxPrecision), input.hashCode()); } // success if (result2 != null) { c.getKernel(); // get names of escaped global variables right // e.g. "ggbcasvar1a" needs to be changed to "a" // e.g. "ggbtmpvara" needs to be changed to "a" result = Kernel.removeCASVariablePrefix(result, " "); } c.handleCASoutput(result, input.hashCode()); if (c.useCacheing()) { c.getKernel().putToCasCache(input, result); } } @Override public void appendListStart(StringBuilder sbCASCommand) { sbCASCommand.append("["); } @Override public void appendListEnd(StringBuilder sbCASCommand) { sbCASCommand.append("]"); } @Override public String createEliminateFactorizedScript(String polys, String elimVars) { /* * Some examples to understand the code below: * * [[aa:=eliminate([-1*v1,-1*v11*v10+v12*v9+v11*v8+-1*v9*v8+-1*v12*v7+ * v10 *v7,v13*v8+-1*v14*v7,-1*v13+v13*v10+v9+-1*v14*v9, * -1*v15*v10+v16*v9+v15 * *v2+-1*v9*v2+-1*v16*v1+v10*v1,v15*v12+-1*v16*v11, * v17+-1*v17*v12+-1*v11+v18*v11, * -1*v17*v8+v18*v7+v17*v2+-1*v7*v2+-1*v18 * *v1+v8*v1,-1+-1*v19*v17*v16+v19 * *v18*v15+v19*v17*v14+-1*v19*v15*v14+-1*v19*v18*v13+v19*v16*v13], * [v17,v16,v19,v1,v18,v8,v13,v14,v15])],[bb:=size(aa)],[for ii from 0 * to bb-1 do cc[ii]:=factors(aa[ii]); od], cc][3] * * table( 1 = [v2-1,1,v7,1,v12-1,1], 2 = [v2,1,v9,1,v12,1], 3 = * [v7,1,v10-1,1], 4 = [v12,1,v12-1,1,-1,1,v2,1,v10-1,1,v10-v2,1], 5 = * [-v2+1,1,v7,1,v11,1], 6 = [v2,1,v9,1,v11,1], 7 = * [-v11*v10+v11*v2+v12*v9,1], 0 = [v7,1,v9,1] ) * * But we need the same output as Singular does, so we use this code * instead: * * [[aa:=eliminate([-1*v1,-1*v11*v10+v12*v9+v11*v8+-1*v9*v8+-1*v12*v7+ * v10 *v7,v13*v8+-1*v14*v7,-1*v13+v13*v10+v9+-1*v14*v9, * -1*v15*v10+v16*v9+v15 * *v2+-1*v9*v2+-1*v16*v1+v10*v1,v15*v12+-1*v16*v11, * v17+-1*v17*v12+-1*v11+v18*v11, * -1*v17*v8+v18*v7+v17*v2+-1*v7*v2+-1*v18 * *v1+v8*v1,-1+-1*v19*v17*v16+v19 * *v18*v15+v19*v17*v14+-1*v19*v15*v14+-1*v19*v18*v13+v19*v16*v13], * [v17,v16,v19,v2,v18,v8,v13,v14,v15])],[bb:=size(aa)],[for ii from 0 * to bb-1 do print("["+(ii+1)+"]:");print(" [1]:");print(" _[1]=1" * );cc: =factors(aa[ii]);dd:=size(cc); for jj from 0 to dd-1 by 2 do * print(" _["+(jj/2+2)+"]="+(cc[jj])); od; print(" [2]:"); print(" " * +cc[1]);for kk from 1 to dd-1 by 2 do print(" ," * +cc[kk]);od;od],0][3] * * which gives * * [1]: [1]: _[1]=1 _[2]=v7 _[3]=v9 [2]: 1 ,1 ,1 [2]: [1]: _[1]=1 * _[2]=v7 _[3]=v10-1 [2]: 1 ,1 ,1 [3]: [1]: _[1]=1 _[2]=v9 _[3]=-1 * _[4]=v11*v10-v9*v12 [2]: 1 ,1 ,1 ,1 [4]: [1]: _[1]=1 _[2]=v1 [2]: 1 * ,1 0 * * in giac with CoCoA support on command line and runs forever in * giac.js. */ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); /* * return script.append("[[aa:=eliminate(["). append(polys). * append("],["). append(elimVars). append( * "])],[bb:=size(aa)],[for ii from 0 to bb-1 do print(\"[\"+(ii+1)+\"]:\");print(\" [1]:\");" * ). append("print(\" _[1]=1\");cc:=factors(aa[ii]);dd:=size(cc);"). * append( * "for jj from 0 to dd-1 by 2 do print(\" _[\"+(jj/2+2)+\"]=\"+(cc[jj])); od; print(\" [2]:\");" * ). append( * "print(\" \"+cc[1]);for kk from 1 to dd-1 by 2 do print(\" ,\"+cc[kk]);od;od],0][3]" * ) * * .toString(); */ String eliminateCommand = CustomFunctions.ELIMINATE2 + "([" + polys + "],revlist([" + elimVars + "]))"; return script.append("[" + "[ff:=\"\"],[aa:=").append(eliminateCommand) .append("],") .append("[bb:=size(aa)],[for ii from 0 to bb-1 do ff+=(\"[\"+(ii+1)+\"]: [1]: ") .append(" _[1]=1\");cc:=factors(aa[ii]);dd:=size(cc);") .append("for jj from 0 to dd-1 by 2 do ff+=(\" _[\"+(jj/2+2)+\"]=\"+cc[jj]); od; ff+=(\" [2]: ") .append("\"+cc[1]);for kk from 1 to dd-1 by 2 do ff+=(\",\"+cc[kk]);od;od],[if(ff==\"\") begin ff:=[0] end],ff][5]") .toString(); // We return text from the CAS here. } /** * Create a script which eliminates variables from a set of polynomials. * * @param polys * the input polynomials * @param elimVars * the variables to be eliminated * @param oneCurve * if the output consists of more polynomials, consider the * intersections of them as points with real coordinates and * convert them to a single product * @return the Giac program which creates the output ideal */ @Override public String createEliminateScript(String polys, String elimVars, boolean oneCurve, Long precision) { if (!oneCurve) { return CustomFunctions.PRIM_POLY + "(" + CustomFunctions.ELIMINATE2 + "([" + polys + "],revlist([" + elimVars + "])))"; } String PRECISION = Long.toString(precision); Log.debug("PRECISION = " + PRECISION); String retval; /* * Exact approach. This will not work if there are irrationals since * sqrt(...) cannot be directly converted to a number. */ /* * retval = "primpoly([[ee:=eliminate([" + polys + "],revlist([" + * elimVars + * "]))],[ll:=lvar(ee)],[if(size(ee)>1) begin ff:=solve(ee,ll);" + * "gg:=1;for ii from 0 to size(ff)-1 do gg:=gg*right(((ll[0]-ff[ii,0])^2+(ll[1]-ff[ii,1])^2)-" * + FAKE_NULL + ");" + * "od ee:=[lcm(denom(coeff(gg)))*gg]; end],ee][3])"; */ /* * Rounded approach. This works in general, but we should check how * fsolve is implemented. The best would be to use symbolical * computation during solve(...) and then do the numerical * approximation. TODO: Check how giac implements fsolve and use a * different method if needed (and available). */ retval = CustomFunctions.PRIM_POLY + "([[ee:=" + CustomFunctions.ELIMINATE2 + "([" + polys + "],revlist([" + elimVars + "]))],[ll:=lvar(ee)],[if(size(ee)>1) begin ff:=round(fsolve(ee,ll)*" + PRECISION + ")/" + PRECISION + ";" + "gg:=1;for ii from 0 to size(ff)-1 do gg:=gg*(((ll[0]-ff[ii,0])^2+(ll[1]-ff[ii,1])^2));" + "od ee:=[expand(lcm(denom(coeff(gg)))*gg)]; end],ee][3])"; return retval; } @Override public String createGroebnerSolvableScript( HashMap<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions, String polys, String freeVars, String dependantVars, boolean transcext) { /* * Example syntax (from Groebner basis tester; but in GeoGebra v1, v2, * ... are used for variables): * * [[ii:=gbasis(subst([2*d1-b1-c1, 2*d2-b2-c2,2*e1-a1-c1, * 2*e2-a2-c2,2*f1-a1-b1, 2*f2-a2-b2 , * (d1-o1)*(b1-c1)+(d2-o2)*(b2-c2),(e1-o1)*(c1-a1)+(e2-o2)*(c2-a2), * s1*d2 * +a1*(s2-d2)-d1*s2-a2*(s1-d1),s1*e2+b1*(s2-e2)-e1*s2-b2*(s1-e1),(a1 * -m1)*(b1-c1)+(a2-m2)*(b2-c2), * (b1-m1)*(c1-a1)+(b2-m2)*(c2-a2),z1*(b1*c2 * +a1*(b2-c2)-c1*b2-a2*(b1-c1))-1, z2 * *(s1*m2+o1*(s2-m2)-m1*s2-o2*(s1-m1 * ))-1],[d1=0,b1=3]),[a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,d1,d2,e1,e2,f1,f2,o1, * o2,s1,s2,m1,m2,z1,z2],revlex)],(degree(ii[0])!=0)||(ii[0]==0)][1] * * In the last part we check if the Groebner basis is a constant neq 0, * i.e. its degree is 0 but it is not 0. If yes, there is no solution. * * The giac implementation does not handle the case for request for * polynomial ring with coefficients from a transcendental extension. We * silently use a polynomial ring instead. */ String idealVar = "ii"; String ret = "[[" + idealVar + ":=gbasis("; if (substitutions != null) { ret += "subst("; } ret += "[" + polys + "]"; if (substitutions != null) { String substParams = substitutionsString(substitutions); ret += ",[" + substParams + "])"; } String vars = freeVars + PPolynomial.addLeadingComma(dependantVars); // ret += ",[" + vars + "],revlex)],(degree(" + // idealVar + "[0])!=0)||(" + idealVar + "[0]==0)][2]"; ret += ",[" + vars + "],revlex)],(" + idealVar + "[0]!=1)&&(" + idealVar + "[0]!=-1)][1]"; return ret; } /** * Converts substitutions to giac strings * * @param substitutions * input as a HashMap * @return the parameters for giac (e.g. "v1=0,v2=0,v3=0,v4=1") * * Taken from prover.Polynomial, one character difference. Maybe * commonize. */ static String substitutionsString( HashMap<PVariable, BigInteger> substitutions) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<Entry<PVariable, BigInteger>> it = substitutions.entrySet() .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<PVariable, BigInteger> v =; ret.append(","); ret.append(v.getKey().toString()); ret.append("="); ret.append(v.getValue()); } if (ret.length() > 0) { return ret.substring(1); } return ""; } /** * Combine non-factorized and factorized results as a 3 dimensional array. * * The input is like this example: * {{6,5,-184,304,-160,28,-2,52,-136,96,-14,1,-2,-12,-12,0,0,27,2,2,0,0,-10, * 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0},{2,2,1,-2,1,5,5,92,-152,80,-14,1,20,-8,-8,0,0,11,2,2,0 * ,0,-8,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}} describes a Steiner deltoid * ( by its expanded polynomial * x^5+x*y^4+2*x^3*y^2-10*x^4-2*y^4-14*x*y^3-12*x^2*y^2+2*x^3*y+27*x^3+28*y^ * 3+96*x*y^2-12*x^2*y-2*x^2-160*y^2-136*x*y+52*x+304*y-184 which is the * first list {6,5,...} and its two factors: x-2=0 and * y^4-14*y^3+2*y^2*x^2-8*y^2*x+80*y^2+2*y*x^2-8*y*x-152*y+x^4-8*x^3+11*x^2+ * 20*x+92=0. In the second list {2,2,...} the first element tells the * number of factors (2), then the coefficients are listed (2,1,-2,1 for * x-2=0, here the first two elements describe the size of the coefficient * matrix) and the rest for the other one. * * In the output the 0. element in the 1. dimension contains the * non-factorized values, the next elements contain the factorized ones. * * @param rawResult * input string of coefficients of a polynomial and its factors * in a custom format * @return the output array of coefficients in GeoImplicitCurve's format */ @Override public double[][][] getBivarPolyCoefficientsAll(String rawResult) { double[][] coeff = getBivarPolyCoefficients(rawResult); double[][][] coeffSquarefree = getBivarPolySquarefreeCoefficients( rawResult); double[][][] retval = new double[coeffSquarefree.length + 1][][]; retval[0] = coeff; for (int i = 0; i < coeffSquarefree.length; ++i) { retval[i + 1] = coeffSquarefree[i]; } return retval; } private static double[][][] getBivarPolySquarefreeCoefficients( String rawResult) { int firstClosingBracket = rawResult.indexOf('}'); String numbers = rawResult.substring(firstClosingBracket + 3, rawResult.length() - 2); String[] flatData = numbers.split(","); int factors = Integer.parseInt(flatData[0]); double[][][] result = new double[factors][][]; int counter = 1; for (int factor = 0; factor < factors; ++factor) { int xLength = Integer.parseInt(flatData[counter++]); int yLength = Integer.parseInt(flatData[counter++]); result[factor] = new double[xLength][yLength]; for (int x = 0; x < xLength; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < yLength; y++) { result[factor][x][y] = Double .parseDouble(flatData[counter]); Log.trace("[LocusEqu] result[" + factor + "][" + x + "," + y + "]=" + result[factor][x][y]); ++counter; } } } return result; } private static double[][] getBivarPolyCoefficients(String rawResult) { int firstClosingBracket = rawResult.indexOf('}'); String numbers = rawResult.substring(2, firstClosingBracket); String[] flatData = numbers.split(","); int xLength = Integer.parseInt(flatData[0]); int yLength = Integer.parseInt(flatData[1]); double[][] result = new double[xLength][yLength]; int counter = 2; for (int x = 0; x < xLength; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < yLength; y++) { result[x][y] = Double.parseDouble(flatData[counter]); Log.trace("[LocusEqu] result[" + x + "," + y + "]=" + result[x][y]); ++counter; } } return result; } // eg {(ggbtmpvarx>(-sqrt(110)/5)) && ((sqrt(110)/5)>ggbtmpvarx)} // eg {(ggbtmpvarx>=(-sqrt(110)/5)) && ((sqrt(110)/5)>=ggbtmpvarx)} // eg (ggbtmpvarx>3) && (4>ggbtmpvarx) // private final static RegExp inequality = // RegExp.compile("(.*)\\((ggbtmpvar[^,}\\(\\)]+)>(=*)(.+)\\) && // \\((.+)>(=*)(ggbtmpvar[^,}\\(\\)]+)\\)(.*)"); // works only for variables in form [A-Za-z]+ /** expression with at most 3 levels of brackets */ public final static String expression = "(([^\\(\\)]|\\([^\\(\\)]+\\)|\\(([^\\(\\)]|\\([^\\(\\)]+\\))+\\))+)"; /** * inequality a >=? ex1 && ex1 >=? b where a,b are literals and ex1, ex2 are * expressions with at most 3 brackets */ public final static RegExp inequality = RegExp .compile("^(.*)\\(([A-Za-z]+)>(=*)" + expression + "\\) && \\(" + expression + ">(=*)([A-Za-z]+)\\)(.*)$", ""); // eg 3.7 > ggbtmpvarx // eg (37/10) > ggbtmpvarx // eg 333 > ggbtmpvarx // eg (-33) > ggbtmpvarx // private final static RegExp inequalitySimple = // RegExp.compile("([-0-9.E/\\(\\)]+)>(=*)(ggbtmpvar.+)"); // works only for variables in form [A-Za-z]+ private final static RegExp inequalitySimple = RegExp .compile("^([-0-9.E/\\(\\)]+)>(=*)([A-Za-z]+)$"); // eg {3, 3>ggbtmpvarx, x^2} // eg {3, 3>ggbtmpvarx} // eg {3>ggbtmpvarx, x^2} // eg {3>ggbtmpvarx} // works only for variables in form [A-Za-z]+ and if it's a simple number private final static RegExp inequalitySimpleInList = RegExp.compile( "(.*)([,{])(\\(*)?([-0-9.E]+)(\\)*)?>(=*)([A-Za-z]+)([,}\\)])(.*)"); // old version, causes problems with eg Solve[exp(x)<2] // private final static RegExp inequalitySimpleInList = // RegExp.compile("(.*)([,{\\(])([-0-9.E/\\(\\)]+)>(=*)([A-Za-z]+)([,}\\)])(.*)"); /** * convert x>3 && x<7 into 3<x<7 convert 3>x into x<3 convert {3>x} into * {x<3} eg output from Solve[x (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-5) < 0] * * Giac's normal command converts inequalities to > or >= so we don't need * to check <, <= * * @param exp * expression * @return converted expression if changed */ protected String checkInequalityInterval(String exp) { String ret = exp; MatchResult matcher = inequalitySimple.exec(ret); // swap 3>x into x<3 if (matcher != null && exp.startsWith(matcher.getGroup(1))) { // Log.debug(matcher.getGroup(1)); // Log.debug(matcher.getGroup(2)); // Log.debug(matcher.getGroup(3)); // Log.debug(matcher.getGroup(4)); ret = matcher.getGroup(3) + "<" + matcher.getGroup(2) + matcher.getGroup(1); Log.debug("giac output (with simple inequality converted): " + ret); return ret; } // swap 5 > x && x > 3 into 3<x<5 while ((matcher = inequality.exec(ret)) != null && // TODO: check not x<3 && x<4 // check variable the same // ie not x>5 && y<4 matcher.getGroup(2).equals(matcher.getGroup(11))) { ret = matcher.getGroup(1) + matcher.getGroup(4) + "<" + matcher.getGroup(3) + matcher.getGroup(2) + "<" + matcher.getGroup(10) + matcher.getGroup(7) + matcher.getGroup(12); } // swap {3>x, 6>y} into {x<3, y<6} while ((matcher = inequalitySimpleInList.exec(ret)) != null) { // matcher.getGroup(6) is either "" or "=" // Log.debug("1 "+matcher.getGroup(1)); // Log.debug("2 "+matcher.getGroup(2)); // Log.debug("3XX"+matcher.getGroup(3)+"XX"); // Log.debug(""+matcher.getGroup(3).equals("undefined")); // Log.debug("4 "+matcher.getGroup(4)); // Log.debug("5XX"+matcher.getGroup(5)+"XX"); // Log.debug("6 "+matcher.getGroup(6)); // Log.debug("7 "+matcher.getGroup(7)); // Log.debug("8 "+matcher.getGroup(8)); // Log.debug("9 "+matcher.getGroup(9)); String g3 = matcher.getGroup(3); String g5 = matcher.getGroup(5); // GWT regex bug? eg Solve[(2exp(x)-4)/(exp(x)-1) > 1], // Solve[(x^2-x-2)/(-x^3+7x^2-14x+8)<2] // #4710 GWT 2.7 beta 1 & RC1 needs the +"" as well if ((g3 + "").equals("undefined")) { g3 = ""; } if ((g5 + "").equals("undefined")) { g5 = ""; } // Log.debug("g3= "+g3); // Log.debug("g5= "+g5); // eg "(" + "-2" + ")" String g345 = g3 + matcher.getGroup(4) + g5; String g7 = matcher.getGroup(7); ret = matcher.getGroup(1) + matcher.getGroup(2) + g7 + "<" + matcher.getGroup(6) + g345 + matcher.getGroup(8) + matcher.getGroup(9); } if (!exp.equals(ret)) { Log.debug("giac output (with inequality converted): " + ret); } return ret; } /** * various improvements and hack for Giac's output * * @param s * output from Giac * @return result that GeoGebra can parse */ protected String postProcess(String s) { // #5099 / TRAC-3566 // catch "dotvecteur Error: Invalid dimension" // and "GIAC_ERROR:" // (small bug in giac.js, not all errors have GIAC_ERROR: if (StringUtil.toLowerCase(s).indexOf("error:") > -1) { // GIAC_ERROR: canonical_form(3*ggbtmpvarx^4+ggbtmpvarx^2) Error: // Bad Argument Value Log.debug("error from Giac: " + s); return "?"; } String ret = s.trim(); // output from ifactor can be wrapped to stop simplification // eg js giac output:-('3*5') int primeOpen = ret.indexOf('\''); while (primeOpen >= 0) { int primeClose = ret.indexOf('\'', primeOpen + 1); if (primeClose < 0) { break; } // ((a')') -- delete brackets if (primeClose == primeOpen + 2 && ret.charAt(primeOpen + 1) == ')') { int bracketOpen = ret.lastIndexOf('(', primeOpen); if (bracketOpen >= 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ret); sb = sb.replace(primeOpen + 1, primeOpen + 2, ""); sb = sb.replace(bracketOpen, bracketOpen + 1, ""); ret = sb.toString(); } // primeOpen = primeClose; } else { int check = StringUtil.checkBracketsBackward( ret.substring(primeOpen, primeClose)); // -('3*5') will have check = -1 if (check < 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ret); sb = sb.replace(primeOpen, primeOpen + 1, ""); sb = sb.replace(primeClose - 1, primeClose, ""); ret = sb.toString(); primeOpen = ret.indexOf('\'', primeClose); } else { primeOpen = primeClose; } } } // #5099 / TRAC-3566 GIAC_ERROR: string missing // if (ret.indexOf("Unable to solve differential equation") > 0) { // return "?"; // } if (ret.indexOf("integrate(") > -1) { // eg Integral[sqrt(sin(x))] return "?"; } if (ret.indexOf("c_") > -1) { nrOfReplacedConst += ret.length() / 3; // upper bound on number of // constants in result Log.debug("replacing arbitrary constants in " + ret); ret = ret.replaceAll("c_([0-9]*)", "arbconst($1+" + nrOfReplacedConst + ")"); } if (ret.indexOf("n_") > -1) { Log.debug("replacing arbitrary integers in " + ret); ret = ret.replaceAll("n_([0-9]*)", "arbint($1)"); } // convert Giac's scientific notation from e.g. 3.24e-4 to // 3.2E-4 // not needed, Giac now outputs E // ret = parserTools.convertScientificFloatNotation(ret); ret = casParser.insertSpecialChars(ret); // undo special character // handling // don't do check for long strings eg 7^99999 if (ret.length() < 200) { // convert x>3 && x<7 into 3<x<7 ret = checkInequalityInterval(ret); } return ret; } final private static String EVALFA = "evalfa("; private StringBuilder expSB = new StringBuilder(EVALFA); /** * evalfa makes sure rootof() converted to decimal * eg @rootof({{-4,10,-440,2025},{1,0,10,-200,375}}) * * @param s * input * @return "evalfa(" + s + ")" */ protected String wrapInevalfa(String s) { expSB.setLength(EVALFA.length()); expSB.append(s); expSB.append(")"); return expSB.toString(); } /** * Test if Giac is up and running. Overridden in CASGiacW * * @return true if Giac is already loaded */ @Override public boolean isLoaded() { return true; } }