package org.geogebra.web.web.euclidian; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GRectangle2D; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianConstants; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianController; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianStyleBarStatic; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.Previewable; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.EuclidianView3D; import org.geogebra.common.gui.util.SelectionTable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ConstructionDefaults; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.AngleProperties; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoButton; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement.FillType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoImage; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolyLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.TextProperties; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.OptionType; import org.geogebra.common.main.SelectionManager; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.EuclidianSettings; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.euclidian.EuclidianViewW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.color.ColorPopupMenuButton; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.color.MOWColorButton; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.AppResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.ImgResourceHelper; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.StyleBarResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.ButtonPopupMenu; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.GeoGebraIconW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.ImageOrText; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.MyCJButton; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.MyToggleButtonW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.PointStylePopup; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.PopupMenuButtonW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.StyleBarW2; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * StyleBar for euclidianView */ public class EuclidianStyleBarW extends StyleBarW2 implements org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianStyleBar, ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> { private enum StyleBarMethod { NONE, UPDATE, UPDATE_STYLE } private static ButtonPopupMenu currentPopup = null; private EuclidianController ec; protected EuclidianView ev; private Construction cons; protected HashMap<Integer, Integer> defaultGeoMap; private ArrayList<GeoElement> defaultGeos; private GeoElement oldDefaultGeo; // flags and constants public int mode = -1; private boolean isIniting; private Integer oldDefaultMode; private boolean modeChanged = true; private boolean firstPaint = true; // button-specific fields // TODO: create button classes so these become internal protected ArrayList<GeoElement> activeGeoList; private boolean visible; // // buttons and lists of buttons private ColorPopupMenuButton btnBgColor, btnTextColor; private PopupMenuButtonW btnTextSize; private PopupMenuButtonW btnLabelStyle; private PopupMenuButtonW btnAngleInterval; private PopupMenuButtonW btnShowGrid; private PopupMenuButtonW btnShowAxes_new; protected PopupMenuButtonW btnPointCapture; protected PopupMenuButtonW btnChangeView; private MyToggleButtonW btnShowAxes; MyToggleButtonW btnBold; MyToggleButtonW btnItalic; private MyToggleButtonW btnFixPosition, btnFixObject; protected MyCJButton btnStandardView; protected MyCJButton btnCloseView; private MyToggleButtonW[] toggleBtnList; private MyToggleButtonW[] btnDeleteSizes = new MyToggleButtonW[3]; private PopupMenuButtonW[] popupBtnList; private StyleBarMethod waitingOperation = StyleBarMethod.NONE; private Localization loc; private ContextMenuPopup btnContextMenu = null; /** * @param ev * {@link EuclidianView} * @param viewID * id of the panel */ public EuclidianStyleBarW(EuclidianView ev, int viewID) { super((AppW) ev.getApplication(), viewID); this.loc = ev.getApplication().getLocalization(); isIniting = true; this.ev = ev; ec = ev.getEuclidianController(); cons = app.getKernel().getConstruction(); // init handling of default geos createDefaultMap(); defaultGeos = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); initGUI(); isIniting = false; setMode(ev.getMode()); // this will also update the stylebar setToolTips(); setOptionType(); } protected void setOptionType() { if (ev.equals(app.getEuclidianView1())) { optionType = OptionType.EUCLIDIAN; } else { optionType = OptionType.EUCLIDIAN2; } } /** * create default map between default geos and modes */ protected void createDefaultMap() { defaultGeoMap = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.createDefaultMap(); } /** * * @return euclidian view attached */ public EuclidianView getView() { return ev; } @Override public void updateButtonPointCapture(int captureMode) { if (captureMode > 3) { return; } int captureModeIndex = captureMode; if (captureModeIndex == 3 || captureModeIndex == 0) { captureModeIndex = 3 - captureModeIndex; // swap 0 and 3 } btnPointCapture.setSelectedIndex(captureModeIndex); } @Override public void setMode(int mode) { if (this.mode == mode) { modeChanged = false; return; } modeChanged = true; this.mode = mode; // MODE_TEXT temporarily switches to MODE_SELECTION_LISTENER // so we need to ignore this. if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_SELECTION_LISTENER) { modeChanged = false; return; } if (getCurrentPopup() != null) { getCurrentPopup().hide(); } updateStyleBar(); } protected boolean isVisibleInThisView(GeoElement geo) { return geo.isVisibleInView(ev.getViewID()); } @Override public void restoreDefaultGeo() { if (oldDefaultGeo != null) { oldDefaultGeo = cons.getConstructionDefaults().getDefaultGeo( oldDefaultMode); } } @Override public void setOpen(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; if (visible) { switch (this.waitingOperation) { default: // do nothing break; case UPDATE: updateStyleBar(); break; case UPDATE_STYLE: updateButtons(); break; } this.waitingOperation = StyleBarMethod.NONE; } } /** * Updates the state of the stylebar buttons and the defaultGeo field. */ @Override public void updateStyleBar() { if (!visible) { this.waitingOperation = StyleBarMethod.UPDATE; return; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Create activeGeoList, a list of geos the stylebar can adjust. // These are either the selected geos or the current default geo. // Each button uses this list to update its gui and set visibility // ----------------------------------------------------- activeGeoList = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); // ----------------------------------------------------- // MODE_MOVE case: load activeGeoList with all selected geos // ----------------------------------------------------- if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE) { boolean hasGeosInThisView = false; SelectionManager selection = ev.getApplication() .getSelectionManager(); for (GeoElement geo : selection.getSelectedGeos()) { if (isVisibleInThisView(geo) && geo.isEuclidianVisible() && !geo.isAxis()) { hasGeosInThisView = true; break; } } for (GeoElement geo : ec.getJustCreatedGeos()) { if (isVisibleInThisView(geo) && geo.isEuclidianVisible()) { hasGeosInThisView = true; break; } } if (hasGeosInThisView) { activeGeoList = selection.getSelectedGeos(); // we also update stylebars according to just created geos activeGeoList.addAll(ec.getJustCreatedGeos()); } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // MODE_PEN: for the pen mode the default construction is // saved in EuclidianPen // All other modes: load activeGeoList with current default geo // ----------------------------------------------------- else if (defaultGeoMap.containsKey(mode) || mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN) { // Save the current default geo state in oldDefaultGeo. // Stylebar buttons can temporarily change a default geo, but this // default // geo is always restored to its previous state after a mode change. if (oldDefaultGeo != null && modeChanged) { // add oldDefaultGeo to the default map so that the old default // is restored cons.getConstructionDefaults().addDefaultGeo(oldDefaultMode, oldDefaultGeo); oldDefaultGeo = null; oldDefaultMode = null; } // get the current default geo ArrayList<GeoElement> justCreatedGeos = ec.getJustCreatedGeos(); Integer type = defaultGeoMap.get(mode); if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN) { GeoElement geo = ec.getPen().DEFAULT_PEN_LINE; if (geo != null) { activeGeoList.add(geo); } } else { if (type.equals(ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_ALL_BUT_COMPLEX) && justCreatedGeos.size() == 1){ GeoElement justCreated = justCreatedGeos.get(0); if (justCreated.isGeoPoint()){ // get default type regarding what type of point has been created if (((GeoPointND) justCreated).isPointOnPath()) { type = ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_ON_PATH; }else if (((GeoPointND) justCreated).hasRegion()){ type = ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_IN_REGION; }else if (!((GeoPointND) justCreated).isIndependent()){ type = ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_DEPENDENT; }else{ type = ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_FREE; } } } if (type.equals(ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_ALL_BUT_COMPLEX)){ // add all non-complex default points activeGeoList.add(cons.getConstructionDefaults().getDefaultGeo( ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_FREE)); activeGeoList.add(cons.getConstructionDefaults().getDefaultGeo( ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_ON_PATH)); activeGeoList.add(cons.getConstructionDefaults().getDefaultGeo( ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_IN_REGION)); activeGeoList.add(cons.getConstructionDefaults().getDefaultGeo( ConstructionDefaults.DEFAULT_POINT_DEPENDENT)); }else{ GeoElement geo = cons.getConstructionDefaults().getDefaultGeo(type); if (geo != null){ activeGeoList.add(geo); } } if (btnContextMenu != null) { btnContextMenu.hideMenu(); } } // update the defaultGeos field (needed elsewhere for adjusting // default geo state) defaultGeos = activeGeoList; // update oldDefaultGeo if (modeChanged) { if (defaultGeos.size() == 0) { oldDefaultGeo = null; oldDefaultMode = -1; } else { oldDefaultGeo = defaultGeos.get(0); oldDefaultMode = type; } } // we also update stylebars according to just created geos activeGeoList.addAll(ec.getJustCreatedGeos()); } updateButtons(); // show the pen delete button // TODO: handle pen mode in code above // btnPenDelete.setVisible((mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN)); addButtons(); } protected void updateButtons() { // ----------------------------------------------------- // update the buttons // note: this must always be done, even when activeGeoList is empty // ----------------------------------------------------- if (activeGeoList == null) { return; } Object[] geos; if (app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR)) { if (!isDynamicStylebar() && (this.getView() instanceof EuclidianViewW) && app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { // in view stylebar won't be appeared object stylebar geos = new Object[0]; } else if (!isDynamicStylebar() && (this.getView() instanceof EuclidianView3D) && (app.getMode() != EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE) && (app.getMode() != EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN) && app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { // show the object stylebar in 3D view, when the user selects a // tool geos = activeGeoList.toArray(); } else { ArrayList<GeoElement> geoList = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); for (GeoElement geo0 : activeGeoList) { if (geo0.isEuclidianVisible()) { geoList.add(geo0); } } geos = geoList.toArray(); } } else { geos = activeGeoList.toArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < popupBtnList.length; i++) { if (popupBtnList[i] != null) {// null pointer fix until necessary popupBtnList[i].update(geos); } } for (int i = 0; i < toggleBtnList.length; i++) { if (toggleBtnList[i] != null) {// null pointer fix until necessary toggleBtnList[i].update(geos); } } } @Override public void updateVisualStyle(GeoElement geo) { if (activeGeoList != null && activeGeoList.contains(geo)) { if (!visible) { this.waitingOperation = StyleBarMethod.UPDATE_STYLE; return; } updateButtons(); } } // ===================================================== // Init GUI // ===================================================== private void initGUI() { createButtons(); setActionCommands(); addButtons(); popupBtnList = newPopupBtnList(); toggleBtnList = newToggleBtnList(); } protected void setActionCommands() { if (!app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { setActionCommand(btnShowAxes, "showAxes"); } setActionCommand(btnPointCapture, "pointCapture"); } /** * adds/removes buttons (must be called on updates so that separators are * drawn only when needed) */ private void addButtons() { clear(); // --- order matters here // button for closing extra views if (app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR) && App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_START <= viewID && viewID <= App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_END) { addCloseViewButton(); } // add graphics decoration buttons addGraphicsDecorationsButtons(); add(btnPointCapture); // add color and style buttons add(btnColor); add(btnBgColor); add(btnTextColor); add(btnLineStyle); add(btnPointStyle); if (app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { // order of buttons changed add(btnTextSize); } // add text decoration buttons if (btnBold.isVisible()) { addSeparator(); } add(btnBold); add(btnItalic); if (!app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { add(btnTextSize); } add(btnAngleInterval); add(btnLabelStyle); if (btnFixPosition.isVisible() || btnFixObject.isVisible()) { addSeparator(); } add(btnFixPosition); add(btnFixObject); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { add(btnDeleteSizes[i]); } if (!app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR) || !isDynamicStylebar() || !app.isWhiteboardActive()) { addMenuButton(); } if (!app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR)) { if (getViewButton() == null) { addViewButton(); } else { add(getViewButton()); } } if (app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR) && hasActiveGeos()) { addContextMenuButton(); } } private boolean hasActiveGeos() { return !ev.getEuclidianController().getAppSelectedGeos().isEmpty(); } private void createContextMenuButton() { if (!hasActiveGeos()) { return; } btnContextMenu = new ContextMenuPopup(app); // btnContextMenu.setIcon(new // ImageOrText(AppResources.INSTANCE.dots())); // btnContextMenu.addStyleName("MyCanvasButton-borderless"); // btnContextMenu.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // if (ec.isObjectMenuActive()) { // app.closePopups(); // btnContextMenu.setIcon( // new ImageOrText(AppResources.INSTANCE.dots())); // // } else { // btnContextMenu.setIcon( // new ImageOrText(AppResources.INSTANCE.dots_active())); // ec.showObjectContextMenu(0, 0); // } // } // }); } // TODO instead of addViewButton() we need a new function addContextMenu() // that uses the same icon (3 dots) as ViewButton but instead opens the // context menu protected void addContextMenuButton() { if (!isBackground() && app.isWhiteboardActive()) { if (btnContextMenu == null) { createContextMenuButton(); } btnContextMenu.addStyleName("dynStyleContextButton"); add(btnContextMenu); } else if (!isBackground()) { if (getViewButton() == null) { addViewButton(); } else { add(getViewButton()); } } } protected ContextMenuPopup getContextMenuButton() { return btnContextMenu; } /* * Some style button removed from dynamic stylebar. Those will be shown in the default stylebar yet. */ boolean showAllStyleButtons() { return !app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR) || (!isDynamicStylebar() && !(this.getView() instanceof EuclidianView3D)) || !app.isWhiteboardActive(); } protected boolean isDynamicStylebar(){ return false; } protected boolean isBackground() { return (btnShowGrid != null && btnShowGrid.isVisible()); } /** * add axes, grid, ... buttons */ protected void addGraphicsDecorationsButtons() { addAxesAndGridButtons(); addChangeViewButtons(); addBtnRotateView(); } /** * add axes and grid buttons */ protected void addAxesAndGridButtons() { if (app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { add(btnShowAxes_new); } else { add(btnShowAxes); } if (mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_ERASER) { add(btnShowGrid); } } /** * add standard view, show all objects, etc. buttons */ protected void addChangeViewButtons() { add(btnChangeView); } protected void addCloseViewButton() { add(btnCloseView); } /** * add automatic rotate 3D view button */ protected void addBtnRotateView() { // used in 3D } protected MyToggleButtonW getAxesOrGridToggleButton() { return btnShowAxes; } protected PopupMenuButtonW getAxesPopupMenuButton() { return btnShowAxes_new; } protected PopupMenuButtonW getAxesOrGridPopupMenuButton() { return btnShowGrid; } protected MyToggleButtonW[] newToggleBtnList() { if (app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { // no axes button here if // feature flag is true return new MyToggleButtonW[] { btnBold, btnItalic, btnFixPosition, btnFixObject, btnDeleteSizes[0], btnDeleteSizes[1], btnDeleteSizes[2] }; } return new MyToggleButtonW[] { getAxesOrGridToggleButton(), btnBold, btnItalic, btnFixPosition, btnFixObject, btnDeleteSizes[0], btnDeleteSizes[1], btnDeleteSizes[2] }; } protected PopupMenuButtonW[] newPopupBtnList() { if (app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { // axes menu added if feature // flag is true return new PopupMenuButtonW[] { btnShowAxes_new, getAxesOrGridPopupMenuButton(), btnColor, btnBgColor, btnTextColor, btnLineStyle, btnPointStyle, btnTextSize, btnAngleInterval, btnLabelStyle, btnPointCapture, btnChangeView }; } return new PopupMenuButtonW[] { getAxesOrGridPopupMenuButton(), btnColor, btnBgColor, btnTextColor, btnLineStyle, btnPointStyle, btnTextSize, btnAngleInterval, btnLabelStyle, btnPointCapture, btnChangeView }; } // ===================================================== // Create Buttons // ===================================================== protected void createButtons() { // TODO: fill in createAxesAndGridButtons(); createStandardViewBtn(); createLineStyleBtn(mode); createPointStyleBtn(mode); createLabelStyleBtn(); createAngleIntervalBtn(); createPointCaptureBtn(); createDeleteSiztBtn(); if (app.isWhiteboardActive()) { createMOWColorBtn(); } else { createColorBtn(); } createBgColorBtn(); createTextColorBtn(); createTextBoldBtn(); createTextItalicBtn(); createFixPositionBtn(); createFixObjectBtn(); createTextSizeBtn(); createChangeViewButtons(); if (app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR)) { createCloseViewBtn(); } } protected class ProjectionPopup extends PopupMenuButtonW { public ProjectionPopup(AppW app, ImageOrText[] projectionIcons) { super(app, projectionIcons, 1, projectionIcons.length, SelectionTable.MODE_ICON, true, false, null); } @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { if (app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { super.setVisible(geos.length == 0); } else { super.setVisible(geos.length == 0 && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_PEN); } } /* * @Override public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent e) { return new * Point(TOOLTIP_LOCATION_X, TOOLTIP_LOCATION_Y); } */ } protected void createChangeViewButtons() { ImageOrText[] directionIcons = ImageOrText.convert(new ImageResource[] { StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.standard_view(), StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.view_all_objects() }, 24); btnChangeView = new ProjectionPopup(app, directionIcons); btnChangeView.setIcon(new ImageOrText(StyleBarResources.INSTANCE .standard_view())); btnChangeView.addPopupHandler(this); } protected void createAxesAndGridButtons() { // ======================================== // show axes button if (app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { ImageOrText[] axes = new ImageOrText[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { axes[i] = GeoGebraIconW.createAxesStyleIcon( EuclidianView.getAxesStyle(i), true); } btnShowAxes_new = new AxesPopup(app, axes, -1, 4, SelectionTable.MODE_ICON); btnShowAxes_new.addPopupHandler(this); } else { btnShowAxes = new MyToggleButtonWforEV( StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.axes(), this); btnShowAxes.setSelected(ev.getShowXaxis()); btnShowAxes.addValueChangeHandler(this); } // ======================================== // show grid button ImageOrText[] grids = new ImageOrText[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { grids[i] = GeoGebraIconW .createGridStyleIcon(EuclidianView.getPointStyle(i)); } btnShowGrid = new GridPopup(app, grids, -1, 4, SelectionTable.MODE_ICON, ev); btnShowGrid.addPopupHandler(this); } private void createDeleteSiztBtn() { ImageResource[] delBtns = new ImageResource[] { StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.stylingbar_delete_small(), StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.stylingbar_delete_medium(), StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.stylingbar_delete_large() }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { btnDeleteSizes[i] = new MyToggleButtonW(delBtns[i]) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { // always show this button unless in pen mode super.setVisible(mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_DELETE || mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_ERASER); } }; btnDeleteSizes[i].addValueChangeHandler(this); } } private void createPointCaptureBtn() { ImageOrText[] strPointCapturing = ImageOrText.convert(new String[] { loc.getMenu("Labeling.automatic"), loc.getMenu("SnapToGrid"), loc.getMenu("FixedToGrid"), loc.getMenu("off") }); btnPointCapture = new PopupMenuButtonW(app, strPointCapturing, -1, 1, SelectionTable.MODE_TEXT) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { if (app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { super.setVisible(geos.length == 0); } else { // same as axes super.setVisible( geos.length == 0 && !EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode) && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_DELETE && mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_ERASER); } } @Override public ImageOrText getButtonIcon() { return this.getIcon(); } }; // it is not needed, must be an Image preloaded like others. ImageResource ptCaptureIcon = StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.magnet(); // must be done in callback btnPointCapture.setIcon(ptCaptureIcon); ImgResourceHelper.setIcon(ptCaptureIcon, btnPointCapture); btnPointCapture.addPopupHandler(this); btnPointCapture.setKeepVisible(false); } private void createLabelStyleBtn() { ImageOrText[] captionArray = ImageOrText.convert(new String[] { loc.getMenu("stylebar.Hidden"), // index // 4 loc.getMenu("Name"), // index 0 loc.getMenu("NameAndValue"), // index 1 loc.getMenu("Value"), // index 2 loc.getMenu("Caption") // index 3 }); btnLabelStyle = new PopupMenuButtonW(app, captionArray, -1, 1, SelectionTable.MODE_TEXT) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { GeoElement geo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic .checkGeosForCaptionStyle(geos, mode, app); boolean geosOK = geo != null && showAllStyleButtons(); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { setSelectedIndex(EuclidianStyleBarStatic .getIndexForLabelMode(geo, app)); } } @Override public ImageOrText getButtonIcon() { return this.getIcon(); } }; ImageResource ic = AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhidelabel_16(); // must be done with callback btnLabelStyle.setIcon(ic); ImgResourceHelper.setIcon(ic, btnLabelStyle); btnLabelStyle.addPopupHandler(this); btnLabelStyle.setKeepVisible(false); } private void createAngleIntervalBtn() { String[] angleIntervalString = new String[GeoAngle .getIntervalMinListLength() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < GeoAngle.getIntervalMinListLength() - 1; i++) { angleIntervalString[i] = app.getLocalization().getPlain( "AngleBetweenAB.short", GeoAngle.getIntervalMinList(i), GeoAngle.getIntervalMaxList(i)); } ImageOrText[] angleIntervalArray = ImageOrText .convert(angleIntervalString); btnAngleInterval = new PopupMenuButtonW(app, angleIntervalArray, -1, 1, SelectionTable.MODE_TEXT) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { GeoElement geo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic .checkGeosForAngleInterval(geos); boolean geosOK = (geo != null && !app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { setSelectedIndex(((AngleProperties) geo).getAngleStyle() .getXmlVal()); } } @Override public ImageOrText getButtonIcon() { return this.getIcon(); } }; ImageResource ic = AppResources.INSTANCE.stylingbar_angle_interval(); // must be done with callback btnLabelStyle.setIcon(ic); ImgResourceHelper.setIcon(ic, btnAngleInterval); btnAngleInterval.addPopupHandler(this); btnAngleInterval.setKeepVisible(false); } private void createStandardViewBtn() { btnStandardView = new MyCJButton(); ImageOrText icon = new ImageOrText( StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.standard_view()); btnStandardView.setIcon(icon); btnStandardView.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { setEvStandardView(); } }); } private void createCloseViewBtn() { btnCloseView = new MyCJButton(); ImageOrText icon = new ImageOrText(GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_close()); btnCloseView.setIcon(icon); btnCloseView.addStyleName("StylebarCloseViewButton"); btnCloseView.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView(false, viewID); } }); } /** * set EV to standard view */ protected void setEvStandardView() { getView().setStandardView(true); } private void createColorBtn() { btnColor = new ColorPopupMenuButton(app, ColorPopupMenuButton.COLORSET_DEFAULT, true) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_FREEHAND_SHAPE) { Log.debug( "MODE_FREEHAND_SHAPE not working in StyleBar yet"); } else { boolean geosOK = (geos.length > 0 || EuclidianView .isPenMode(mode)); for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[i]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); if (geo instanceof GeoText || geo instanceof GeoButton) { geosOK = false; break; } } super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { // get color from first geo GColor geoColor; geoColor = ((GeoElement) geos[0]).getObjectColor(); // check if selection contains a fillable geo // if true, then set slider to first fillable's alpha // value double alpha = 1.0; boolean hasFillable = false; for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { if (((GeoElement) geos[i]).isFillable()) { hasFillable = true; alpha = ((GeoElement) geos[i]).getAlphaValue(); break; } if (geos[i] instanceof GeoPolyLine && EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { hasFillable = true; alpha = ((GeoElement) geos[i]).getLineOpacity(); break; } } if (hasFillable) { setTitle(loc.getMenu("stylebar.ColorTransparency")); } else { setTitle(loc.getMenu("stylebar.Color")); } setSliderVisible(hasFillable); if (EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { setSliderValue( (int) Math.round((alpha * 100) / 255)); } else { setSliderValue((int) Math.round(alpha * 100)); } updateColorTable(); setEnableTable(!(geos[0] instanceof GeoImage)); // find the geoColor in the table and select it int index = this.getColorIndex(geoColor); setSelectedIndex(index); if (EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { setDefaultColor(alpha / 255, geoColor); } else { setDefaultColor(alpha, geoColor); } this.setKeepVisible(mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE); } } } }; btnColor.addPopupHandler(this); } private void createMOWColorBtn() { btnColor = new MOWColorButton(app) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_FREEHAND_SHAPE) { Log.debug( "MODE_FREEHAND_SHAPE not working in StyleBar yet"); } else { boolean geosOK = (geos.length > 0 || (EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode) && !app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR))); for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[i]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); if (geo instanceof GeoText || geo instanceof GeoButton) { geosOK = false; break; } } super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { // get color from first geo GColor geoColor; if (EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { geoColor = app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getEuclidianController() .getPen().DEFAULT_PEN_LINE.getObjectColor(); } else { geoColor = ((GeoElement) geos[0]).getObjectColor(); } // check if selection contains a fillable geo // if true, then set slider to first fillable's alpha // value double alpha = 1.0; boolean hasFillable = false; boolean alphaOnly = false; FillType fillType = null; for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { GeoElement geo = (GeoElement) geos[i]; if (geo.isFillable()) { alphaOnly = geo.isAngle() || geo.isGeoImage(); hasFillable = true; alpha = geo.getAlphaValue(); fillType = geo.getFillType(); break; } if (geos[i] instanceof GeoPolyLine && EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { hasFillable = true; alpha = ((GeoElement) geos[i]).getLineOpacity(); break; } } if (hasFillable) { setTitle(loc.getMenu("stylebar.ColorTransparency")); } else { setTitle(loc.getMenu("stylebar.Color")); } setSliderVisible(hasFillable); boolean enableFill = hasFillable && !alphaOnly; setFillEnabled(enableFill); if (enableFill) { setFillType(fillType); } if (EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { setSliderValue( (int) Math.round((alpha * 100) / 255)); } else { setSliderValue((int) Math.round(alpha * 100)); } updateColorTable(); setEnableTable(!(geos[0] instanceof GeoImage)); // find the geoColor in the table and select it int index = this.getColorIndex(geoColor); setSelectedIndex(index); if (EuclidianView.isPenMode(mode)) { setDefaultColor(alpha / 255, geoColor); } else { setDefaultColor(alpha, geoColor); } this.setKeepVisible( mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE); } } } }; btnColor.addPopupHandler(this); } private void createBgColorBtn() { btnBgColor = new ColorPopupMenuButton(app, ColorPopupMenuButton.COLORSET_BGCOLOR, false) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = (geos.length > 0); for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[i]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); if (!(geo instanceof GeoText) && !(geo instanceof GeoButton)) { geosOK = false; break; } } super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { // get color from first geo GColor geoColor; geoColor = ((GeoElement) geos[0]).getBackgroundColor(); /* * // check if selection contains a fillable geo // if true, * then set slider to first fillable's alpha value float * alpha = 1.0f; boolean hasFillable = false; for (int i = * 0; i < geos.length; i++) { if (((GeoElement) * geos[i]).isFillable()) { hasFillable = true; alpha = * ((GeoElement) geos[i]).getAlphaValue(); break; } } * getMySlider().setVisible(hasFillable); * setSliderValue(Math.round(alpha * 100)); */ double alpha = 1.0; updateColorTable(); // find the geoColor in the table and select it int index = getColorIndex(geoColor); setSelectedIndex(index); setDefaultColor(alpha, geoColor); // if nothing was selected, set the icon to show the // non-standard color if (index == -1) { this.setIcon(GeoGebraIconW.createColorSwatchIcon(alpha, geoColor, null)); } } } }; btnBgColor.setEnableTable(true); btnBgColor.setKeepVisible(true); btnBgColor.addPopupHandler(this); } private void createTextColorBtn() { btnTextColor = new ColorPopupMenuButton(app, ColorPopupMenuButton.COLORSET_DEFAULT, false) { private GColor geoColor; @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = !app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR) && checkGeoText(geos); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[0]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); geoColor = geo.getObjectColor(); updateColorTable(); // find the geoColor in the table and select it int index = this.getColorIndex(geoColor); setSelectedIndex(index); // if nothing was selected, set the icon to show the // non-standard color if (index == -1) { this.setIcon(getButtonIcon()); } } } @Override public ImageOrText getButtonIcon() { return GeoGebraIconW.createTextSymbolIcon("A", getSelectedColor(), null); } }; btnTextColor.setEnableTable(true); btnTextColor.addStyleName("btnTextColor"); btnTextColor.addPopupHandler(this); } private void createTextBoldBtn() { btnBold = new MyToggleButtonW(loc.getMenu("Bold.Short")) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = checkGeoText(geos) && !((GeoElement) geos[0]).isGeoInputBox(); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[0]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); int style = ((TextProperties) geo).getFontStyle(); btnBold.setValue((style & GFont.BOLD) != 0); } } }; btnBold.addStyleName("btnBold"); btnBold.addValueChangeHandler(this); } private void createFixPositionBtn() { btnFixPosition = new MyToggleButtonW( StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.fixPosition()) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = EuclidianStyleBarStatic .checkGeosForFixPosition(geos) && showAllStyleButtons(); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { btnFixPosition.setValue(EuclidianStyleBarStatic .checkSelectedFixPosition((GeoElement) geos[0])); } } }; // btnFixPosition.addStyleName("btnFixPosition"); btnFixPosition.addValueChangeHandler(this); } private void createFixObjectBtn() { btnFixObject = new MyToggleButtonW( StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.objectUnfixed(), StyleBarResources.INSTANCE.objectFixed()) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = EuclidianStyleBarStatic .checkGeosForFixObject(geos) && showAllStyleButtons(); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { btnFixObject.setValue(EuclidianStyleBarStatic .checkSelectedFixObject((GeoElement) geos[0])); } } }; btnFixObject.addValueChangeHandler(this); } private void createTextItalicBtn() { btnItalic = new MyToggleButtonW(loc.getMenu("Italic.Short")) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = checkGeoText(geos) && !((GeoElement) geos[0]).isGeoInputBox(); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[0]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); int style = ((TextProperties) geo).getFontStyle(); btnItalic .setValue((style & GFont.ITALIC) != 0); } } }; btnItalic.addStyleName("btnItalic"); btnItalic.addValueChangeHandler(this); } private void createTextSizeBtn() { // ======================================== // text size button ImageOrText[] textSizeArray = ImageOrText.convert(app.getLocalization() .getFontSizeStrings()); btnTextSize = new PopupMenuButtonW(app, textSizeArray, -1, 1, SelectionTable.MODE_TEXT) { @Override public void update(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = checkGeoText(geos); super.setVisible(geosOK); if (geosOK) { GeoElement geo = ((GeoElement) geos[0]) .getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog(); setSelectedIndex(GeoText .getFontSizeIndex(((TextProperties) geo) .getFontSizeMultiplier())); // font size // ranges from // -4 to 4, transform // this to 0,1,..,4 } } }; btnTextSize.addPopupHandler(this); btnTextSize.setKeepVisible(false); btnTextSize.setIcon(new ImageOrText(StyleBarResources.INSTANCE .font_size())); } // ===================================================== // Event Handlers // ===================================================== @Override public void updateGUI() { if (isIniting) { return; } updateButtonPointCapture(ev.getPointCapturingMode()); updateAxesAndGridGUI(); } protected void updateAxesAndGridGUI() { if (app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { btnShowAxes_new.setSelectedIndex(axesIndex(ev)); } else { btnShowAxes.removeValueChangeHandler(); btnShowAxes.setSelected(ev.getShowXaxis()); btnShowAxes.addValueChangeHandler(this); } btnShowGrid.setSelectedIndex(gridIndex(ev)); } @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); handleEventHandlers(source); } @Override protected void handleEventHandlers(Object source) { needUndo = false; ArrayList<GeoElement> targetGeos = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); targetGeos.addAll(ec.getJustCreatedGeos()); if (mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE) { targetGeos.addAll(defaultGeos); Previewable p = ev.getPreviewDrawable(); if (p != null) { GeoElement geo = p.getGeoElement(); if (geo != null) { targetGeos.add(geo); } } } else { targetGeos.addAll(app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos()); } processSource(source, targetGeos); if (needUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); needUndo = false; } } static boolean checkGeoText(Object[] geos) { boolean geosOK = (geos.length > 0); for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { if (!(((GeoElement) geos[i]).getGeoElementForPropertiesDialog() instanceof TextProperties)) { geosOK = false; break; } } return geosOK; } protected boolean processSourceForAxesAndGrid(Object source) { if (source == btnShowGrid) { if (btnShowGrid.getSelectedValue() != null) { setGridType(ev, btnShowGrid.getSelectedIndex()); } return true; } else if (source == btnShowAxes_new) { if (btnShowAxes_new.getSelectedValue() != null) { setAxesLineType(ev, btnShowAxes_new.getSelectedIndex()); } } return false; } /** * process the action performed * * @param source * @param targetGeos */ @Override protected boolean processSource(Object source, ArrayList<GeoElement> targetGeos) { if ((source instanceof Widget) && (EuclidianStyleBarStatic.processSourceCommon( getActionCommand((Widget) source), targetGeos, ev))) { return true; } // processes btnColor, btnLineStyle and btnPointStyle if (super.processSource(source, targetGeos)) { return true; } if (source.equals(btnChangeView)) { int si = btnChangeView.getSelectedIndex(); switch (si) { case 0: // standard view setEvStandardView(); break; case 1: // show all objects getView().setViewShowAllObjects(true, false); break; default: setDirection(si); break; } } else if (source == btnBgColor) { if (btnBgColor.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { GColor color = btnBgColor.getSelectedColor(); if (color == null) { if (app.isWhiteboardActive()) { openColorDialog(targetGeos, true); } else { openPropertiesForColor(true); } return false; } double alpha = btnBgColor.getSliderValue() / 100.0; needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyBgColor(targetGeos, color, alpha); } } else if (source == btnTextColor) { if (btnTextColor.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { GColor color = btnTextColor.getSelectedColor(); if (color == null) { if (app.isWhiteboardActive()) { openColorDialog(targetGeos, false); } else { openPropertiesForColor(false); } return false; } needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyTextColor(targetGeos, color); } } else if (processSourceForAxesAndGrid(source)) { // done in method } else if (source == btnBold) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyFontStyle(targetGeos, GFont.ITALIC, btnBold.isDown() ? GFont.BOLD : GFont.PLAIN); } else if (source == btnItalic) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic .applyFontStyle(targetGeos, GFont.BOLD, btnItalic.isDown() ? GFont.ITALIC : GFont.PLAIN); } else if (source == btnTextSize) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyTextSize(targetGeos, btnTextSize.getSelectedIndex()); } else if (source == btnAngleInterval) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyAngleInterval(targetGeos, btnAngleInterval.getSelectedIndex()); } else if (source == btnLabelStyle) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyCaptionStyle(targetGeos, mode, btnLabelStyle.getSelectedIndex()); } else if (source == btnFixPosition) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyFixPosition(targetGeos, btnFixPosition.isSelected(), ev) != null; } else if (source == btnFixObject) { needUndo = EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyFixObject(targetGeos, btnFixObject.isSelected(), ev) != null; btnFixObject.update(targetGeos.toArray()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (source == btnDeleteSizes[i]) { setDelSize(i); return true; } } return false; } return true; } protected void setDirection(int si) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public static void setGridType(EuclidianView ev, int val) { EuclidianSettings evs = ev.getSettings(); boolean gridChanged = false; if (val == 0) { gridChanged = evs.showGrid(false); } else { evs.beginBatch(); gridChanged = evs.showGrid(true); switch (val) { case 2: evs.setGridType(EuclidianView.GRID_POLAR); break; case 3: evs.setGridType(EuclidianView.GRID_ISOMETRIC); break; default: evs.setGridType(EuclidianView.GRID_CARTESIAN); } evs.endBatch(); } if (gridChanged) { ev.getApplication().storeUndoInfo(); } } public static void setAxesLineType(EuclidianView ev, int val) { EuclidianSettings evs = ev.getSettings(); boolean axesChanged = false; if (val == 0) { axesChanged = evs.setShowAxes(false); } else { evs.beginBatch(); axesChanged = evs.setShowAxes(true); switch (val) { case 2: evs.setAxesLineStyle(EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_TWO_ARROWS_FILLED); break; case 3: evs.setAxesLineStyle(EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_FULL); break; default: evs.setAxesLineStyle(EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_ARROW_FILLED); } evs.endBatch(); } if (axesChanged) { ev.getApplication().storeUndoInfo(); } } private void setDelSize(int s) { ev.getSettings().setDeleteToolSize(EuclidianSettings.DELETE_SIZES[s]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { btnDeleteSizes[i].setDown(i == s); btnDeleteSizes[i].setEnabled(i != s); } } @Override public int getPointCaptureSelectedIndex() { return btnPointCapture.getSelectedIndex(); } protected void setActionCommand(Widget widget, String actionCommand) { widget.getElement().setAttribute("actionCommand", actionCommand); } private static String getActionCommand(Widget widget) { return widget.getElement().getAttribute("actionCommand"); } public static int gridIndex(EuclidianView ev) { if (!ev.getShowGrid()) { return 0; } if (ev.getGridType() == EuclidianView.GRID_POLAR) { return 2; } if (ev.getGridType() == EuclidianView.GRID_ISOMETRIC) { return 3; } return 1; } /** * @param ev * @return current axis type */ public static int axesIndex(EuclidianView ev) { if (!ev.getShowAxis(0) && !ev.getShowAxis(1)) { return 0; } int type; switch (ev.getAxesLineStyle()) { case EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_TWO_ARROWS: case EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_TWO_ARROWS_FILLED: type = 2; break; case EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_FULL: type = 3; break; // EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_ARROW, // EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_ARROW_FILLED,... default: type = 1; } return type; } @Override public void hidePopups() { if (EuclidianStyleBarW.getCurrentPopup() != null) { EuclidianStyleBarW.getCurrentPopup().hide(); } } @Override public void resetFirstPaint() { firstPaint = true; } @Override public void onAttach() { if (firstPaint) { firstPaint = false; updateGUI(); } super.onAttach(); } public PointStylePopup getBtnPointStyle() { return btnPointStyle; } @Override public void setLabels() { super.setLabels(); // set labels for popups this.btnPointCapture.getMyTable().updateText( ImageOrText.convert(new String[] { loc.getMenu("Labeling.automatic"), loc.getMenu("SnapToGrid"), loc.getMenu("FixedToGrid"), loc.getMenu("off") })); this.btnLabelStyle.getMyTable().updateText( ImageOrText.convert(new String[] { loc.getMenu("stylebar.Hidden"), // index 4 loc.getMenu("Name"), // index 0 loc.getMenu("NameAndValue"), // index 1 loc.getMenu("Value"), // index 2 loc.getMenu("Caption") // index 3 })); String[] angleIntervalArray = new String[GeoAngle .getIntervalMinListLength() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < GeoAngle.getIntervalMinListLength() - 1; i++) { angleIntervalArray[i] = app.getLocalization().getPlain( "AngleBetweenAB.short", GeoAngle.getIntervalMinList(i), GeoAngle.getIntervalMaxList(i)); } this.btnAngleInterval.getMyTable().updateText( ImageOrText.convert(angleIntervalArray)); this.btnTextSize.getMyTable() .updateText( ImageOrText.convert(app.getLocalization() .getFontSizeStrings())); // set labels for buttons with text e.g. button "bold" or "italic" this.btnBold.getDownFace().setText(loc.getMenu("Bold.Short")); this.btnItalic.getDownFace().setText(loc.getMenu("Italic.Short")); this.btnBold.getUpFace().setText(loc.getMenu("Bold.Short")); this.btnItalic.getUpFace().setText(loc.getMenu("Italic.Short")); // set labels for ToolTips setToolTips(); } protected void setAxesAndGridToolTips(Localization loc) { btnShowGrid.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Grid")); if (app.has(Feature.AXES_STYLE_SUBMENU)) { btnShowAxes_new .setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Axes")); } else { btnShowAxes.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Axes")); } } /** * set tool tips */ protected void setToolTips() { setAxesAndGridToolTips(loc); btnStandardView.setToolTipText(loc .getPlainTooltip("stylebar.ViewDefault")); btnLabelStyle.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Label")); btnAngleInterval.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("AngleBetween")); btnColor.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Color")); btnBgColor.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.BgColor")); btnLineStyle.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.LineStyle")); btnPointStyle .setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.PointStyle")); btnTextColor.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.TextColor")); btnTextSize.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.TextSize")); btnBold.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Bold")); btnItalic.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Italic")); btnPointCapture.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Capture")); btnBold.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Bold")); btnItalic.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("stylebar.Italic")); btnFixPosition.setToolTipText(loc .getPlainTooltip("AbsoluteScreenLocation")); btnFixObject.setToolTipText(loc.getPlainTooltip("FixObject")); } @Override public void reinit() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public static ButtonPopupMenu getCurrentPopup() { return currentPopup; } public static void setCurrentPopup(ButtonPopupMenu currentPopup) { EuclidianStyleBarW.currentPopup = currentPopup; } public void setPosition(GRectangle2D gRectangle2D, boolean hasBoundingBox) { //used only in DynamicStyleBar class } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); if (btnContextMenu != null) { btnContextMenu.close(); } } }