package org.geogebra.web.web.main; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.gui.layout.DockPanel; import org.geogebra.common.gui.toolbar.ToolBar; import; import; import; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.View; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.GeoGebraProfiler; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.TabbedKeyboard; import org.geogebra.web.html5.Browser; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GDimensionW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.GeoGebraFrameW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.HasKeyboardPopup; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.CancelEventTimer; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.GeoGebraTubeAPIWSimple; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ArticleElement; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.GuiManagerW; import; import; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.applet.GeoGebraFrameBoth; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.dialog.DialogBoxW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.inputbar.AlgebraInputW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.laf.GLookAndFeel; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockGlassPaneW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockSplitPaneW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.ZoomSplitLayoutPanel; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels.EuclidianDockPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.algebra.AlgebraViewW; import org.geogebra.web.web.move.ggtapi.operations.LoginOperationW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Full-featured GeoGebra instance that needs part of the screen only. */ public class AppWapplet extends AppWFull { // Event flow operations - are these needed in AppWapplet? // private LogInOperation loginOperation; private int spWidth; private int spHeight; private boolean menuShowing = false; private boolean menuInited = false; private GeoGebraFrameBoth frame; /****************************************************** * Constructs AppW for applets with undo enabled * * @param ae * article element * @param gf * frame * @param dimension * 3 for 3d, 2 otherwise * @param laf * look and feel */ public AppWapplet(ArticleElement ae, GeoGebraFrameBoth gf, int dimension, GLookAndFeel laf) { this(ae, gf, dimension, laf, null); } /****************************************************** * Constructs AppW for applets * * @param ae * article element * @param gf * frame * @param dimension * 3 for 3d, 2 otherwise * @param laf * look and feel * @param device * browser or tablet */ public AppWapplet(ArticleElement ae, GeoGebraFrameBoth gf, int dimension, GLookAndFeel laf, GDevice device) { super(ae, dimension, laf, device); this.frame = gf; setAppletHeight(frame.getComputedHeight()); setAppletWidth(frame.getComputedWidth()); this.useFullGui = !isApplet() || ae.getDataParamShowAlgebraInput(false) || ae.getDataParamShowToolBar(false) || ae.getDataParamShowMenuBar(false) || ae.getDataParamEnableRightClick();"GeoGebra " + GeoGebraConstants.VERSION_STRING + " " + GeoGebraConstants.BUILD_DATE + " " + Window.Navigator.getUserAgent()); initCommonObjects(); initing = true; this.euclidianViewPanel = new EuclidianDockPanelW(this, allowStylebar()); // (EuclidianDockPanelW)getGuiManager().getLayout().getDockManager().getPanel(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN); this.canvas = this.euclidianViewPanel.getCanvas(); canvas.setWidth("1px"); canvas.setHeight("1px"); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(1); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(1); initCoreObjects(this); afterCoreObjectsInited(); resetFonts(); Browser.removeDefaultContextMenu(this.getArticleElement()); if (ae.getDataParamApp() && !this.getLAF().isSmart()) { RootPanel.getBodyElement().addClassName("application"); } if (this.showMenuBar()) { // opening file -> this was inited before if (getLoginOperation() == null) { initSignInEventFlow(new LoginOperationW(this), ArticleElement.isEnableUsageStats()); } } else { if (Browser.runningLocal() && ArticleElement.isEnableUsageStats()) { new GeoGebraTubeAPIWSimple(has(Feature.TUBE_BETA)) .checkAvailable(null); } } } @Override public GeoGebraFrameBoth getAppletFrame() { return frame; } @Override protected void afterCoreObjectsInited() { // Code to run before buildApplicationPanel initGuiManager(); if (this.showConsProtNavigation(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN)) { ((EuclidianDockPanelW) euclidianViewPanel).addNavigationBar(); } // following lines were swapped before but for async file loading it // does not matter // and for sync file loading this makes sure perspective setting is not // blocked by initing flag initing = false; GeoGebraFrameW.handleLoadFile(articleElement, this); } private void buildSingleApplicationPanel() { if (frame != null) { frame.clear(); frame.add((Widget) getEuclidianViewpanel()); // we need to make sure trace works after this, see #4373 or #4236 this.getEuclidianView1().createImage(); ((DockPanelW) getEuclidianViewpanel()).setVisible(true); ((DockPanelW) getEuclidianViewpanel()) .setEmbeddedSize(getSettings().getEuclidian(1) .getPreferredSize().getWidth()); ((DockPanelW) getEuclidianViewpanel()).updatePanel(false); getEuclidianViewpanel() .setPixelSize( getSettings().getEuclidian(1).getPreferredSize() .getWidth(), getSettings().getEuclidian(1).getPreferredSize() .getHeight()); // FIXME: temporary hack until it is found what causes // the 1px difference // getEuclidianViewpanel().getAbsolutePanel().getElement().getStyle().setLeft(1, // Style.Unit.PX); // getEuclidianViewpanel().getAbsolutePanel().getElement().getStyle().setTop(1, // Style.Unit.PX); getEuclidianViewpanel().getAbsolutePanel().getElement().getStyle() .setBottom(-1, Style.Unit.PX); getEuclidianViewpanel().getAbsolutePanel().getElement().getStyle() .setRight(-1, Style.Unit.PX); oldSplitLayoutPanel = null; } } private DockSplitPaneW oldSplitLayoutPanel = null; // just a technical // helper // variable private HorizontalPanel splitPanelWrapper = null; @Override public void buildApplicationPanel() { if (!isUsingFullGui()) { if (showConsProtNavigation() || !isJustEuclidianVisible()) { useFullGui = true; } } if (!isUsingFullGui()) { buildSingleApplicationPanel(); return; } for (int i = frame.getWidgetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!(frame.getWidget(i) instanceof HasKeyboardPopup || frame.getWidget(i) instanceof TabbedKeyboard || frame.getWidget(i) instanceof DialogBoxW)) { frame.remove(i); } } // showMenuBar should come from data-param, // this is just a 'second line of defense' // otherwise it can be used for taking ggb settings into account too if (articleElement.getDataParamShowMenuBar(showMenuBar)) { frame.attachMenubar(this); } // showToolBar should come from data-param, // this is just a 'second line of defense' // otherwise it can be used for taking ggb settings into account too if (articleElement.getDataParamShowToolBar(showToolBar) && this.getToolbarPosition() != SwingConstants.SOUTH) { frame.attachToolbar(this); } if (this.getInputPosition() == && articleElement .getDataParamShowAlgebraInput(showAlgebraInput)) { attachAlgebraInput(); } attachSplitLayoutPanel(); // showAlgebraInput should come from data-param, // this is just a 'second line of defense' // otherwise it can be used for taking ggb settings into account too if (this.getInputPosition() == InputPosition.bottom && articleElement .getDataParamShowAlgebraInput(showAlgebraInput)) { attachAlgebraInput(); } if (articleElement.getDataParamShowToolBar(showToolBar) && this.getToolbarPosition() == SwingConstants.SOUTH) { frame.attachToolbar(this); } if (has(Feature.SHOW_ONE_KEYBOARD_BUTTON_IN_FRAME) // we do not need keyboard in whiteboard && !isWhiteboardActive()) { frame.attachKeyboardButton(); } frame.attachGlass(); } private void refreshSplitLayoutPanel() { if (frame != null && frame.getWidgetCount() != 0 && frame.getWidgetIndex(getSplitLayoutPanel()) == -1 && frame.getWidgetIndex(oldSplitLayoutPanel) != -1) { int wi = frame.getWidgetIndex(oldSplitLayoutPanel); frame.remove(oldSplitLayoutPanel); frame.insert(getSplitLayoutPanel(), wi); oldSplitLayoutPanel = getSplitLayoutPanel(); Browser.removeDefaultContextMenu( getSplitLayoutPanel().getElement()); } } /** * Attach algebra input */ public void attachAlgebraInput() { // inputbar's width varies, // so it's probably good to regenerate every time GGWCommandLine inputbar = new GGWCommandLine(); inputbar.attachApp(this); frame.add(inputbar); if (has(Feature.KEYBOARD_MESSED_WITH_OLD_INPUTBAR)) { updateSplitPanelHeight(); } this.getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput() .setInputFieldWidth(this.appletWidth); } @Override protected final void updateTreeUI() { if (getSplitLayoutPanel() != null) { ((ZoomSplitLayoutPanel) getSplitLayoutPanel()).forceLayout(); } // updateComponentTreeUI(); } /** * @return main panel */ public DockSplitPaneW getSplitLayoutPanel() { if (getGuiManager() == null) { return null; } if (getGuiManager().getLayout() == null) { return null; } return ((GuiManagerW) getGuiManager()).getRootComponent(); } private void attachSplitLayoutPanel() { boolean oldSLPanelChanged = oldSplitLayoutPanel == getSplitLayoutPanel() ? false : true; oldSplitLayoutPanel = getSplitLayoutPanel(); if (oldSplitLayoutPanel != null) { if (getArticleElement().getDataParamShowMenuBar(false)) { this.splitPanelWrapper = new HorizontalPanel(); // TODO splitPanelWrapper.add(oldSplitLayoutPanel); if (this.menuShowing) { splitPanelWrapper.add(frame.getMenuBar(this)); } frame.add(splitPanelWrapper); } else { frame.add(oldSplitLayoutPanel); } Browser.removeDefaultContextMenu( getSplitLayoutPanel().getElement()); if (has(Feature.FIX_KEYBOARD_POSITION) && !oldSLPanelChanged) { return; } ClickStartHandler.init(oldSplitLayoutPanel, new ClickStartHandler() { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, final PointerEventType type) { onUnhandledClick(); } }); } } @Override public void onUnhandledClick() { updateAVStylebar(); if (!isWhiteboardActive() && !CancelEventTimer.cancelKeyboardHide()) { Timer timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { getAppletFrame().keyBoardNeeded(false, null); } }; timer.schedule(0); } } @Override public void afterLoadFileAppOrNot() { closePerspectivesPopup(); if (!getLAF().isSmart()) { removeSplash(); } String perspective = getArticleElement().getDataParamPerspective(); if (!isUsingFullGui()) { if (showConsProtNavigation() || !isJustEuclidianVisible() || perspective.length() > 0) { useFullGui = true; } } frame.setApplication(this); if (!isUsingFullGui()) { buildSingleApplicationPanel(); } else { ((DockManagerW) getGuiManager().getLayout().getDockManager()) .init(frame); Perspective p = null; if (perspective != null) { p = PerspectiveDecoder.decode(perspective, this.getKernel() .getParser(), ToolBar.getAllToolsNoMacros(true, false, this)); } getGuiManager().updateFrameSize(); if (articleElement.getDataParamShowAlgebraInput(false) && !isWhiteboardActive()) { Perspective p2 = getTmpPerspective(p); if (!algebraVisible(p2) && getInputPosition() == InputPosition.algebraView) { setInputPosition(InputPosition.bottom, false); p2.setInputPosition(InputPosition.bottom); } } getGuiManager().getLayout() .setPerspectives(getTmpPerspectives(), p); } getScriptManager().ggbOnInit(); // put this here from Application // constructor because we have to delay // scripts until the EuclidianView is // shown initUndoInfoSilent(); getEuclidianView1().synCanvasSize(); getAppletFrame().resetAutoSize(); getEuclidianView1().doRepaint2(); stopCollectingRepaints(); frame.splash.canNowHide(); if (!articleElement.preventFocus()) { requestFocusInWindow(); } if (isUsingFullGui()) { if (needsSpreadsheetTableModel()) { getSpreadsheetTableModel(); } refreshSplitLayoutPanel(); // probably this method can be changed by more, // to be more like AppWapplication's method with the same name, // but preferring to change what is needed only to avoid new unknown // bugs if (getGuiManager().hasSpreadsheetView()) { DockPanel sp = getGuiManager().getLayout().getDockManager() .getPanel(App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET); if (sp != null) { sp.deferredOnResize(); } } } if (isUsingFullGui()) { updateNavigationBars(); } this.setPreferredSize(new GDimensionW((int) this.getWidth(), (int) this .getHeight())); setDefaultCursor(); GeoGebraFrameW.useDataParamBorder(getArticleElement(), frame); GeoGebraProfiler.getInstance().profileEnd(); onOpenFile(); showStartTooltip(0); setAltText(); adjustViews(false); kernel.notifyScreenChanged(); resetPenTool(); } private static boolean algebraVisible(Perspective p2) { if (p2 == null || p2.getDockPanelData() == null) { return false; } for (DockPanelData dp : p2.getDockPanelData()) { if (dp.getViewId() == App.VIEW_ALGEBRA) { return dp.isVisible() && !dp.isOpenInFrame(); } } return false; } private View focusedView; @Override public void focusLost(View v, Element el) { super.focusLost(v, el); if (v != focusedView) { return; } focusedView = null; GeoGebraFrameW.useDataParamBorder(getArticleElement(), frame); // if it is there in focusGained, why not put it here? this.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().setFocused(false); } @Override public void focusGained(View v, Element el) { super.focusGained(v, el); focusedView = v; GeoGebraFrameW.useFocusedBorder(getArticleElement(), frame); // we really need to set it to true switch (v.getViewID()) { case App.VIEW_ALGEBRA: case App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN: case App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2: this.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().setFocusedIfNotTab(); break; default: if (App.isView3D(v.getViewID()) || ((v.getViewID() >= App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_START) && (v .getViewID() <= App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_END))) { this.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().setFocusedIfNotTab(); } } } @Override public boolean hasFocus() { return focusedView != null; } @Override public void setCustomToolBar() { String customToolbar = articleElement.getDataParamCustomToolBar(); if ((customToolbar != null) && (customToolbar.length() > 0) && (articleElement.getDataParamShowToolBar(false)) && (getGuiManager() != null)) { getGuiManager().setGeneralToolBarDefinition(customToolbar); } } /** * Check if just the euclidian view is visible in the document just loaded. * * @return */ private boolean isJustEuclidianVisible() { if (tmpPerspectives == null) { return true; } Perspective docPerspective = getTmpPerspective(null); if (docPerspective == null) { return true; } boolean justEuclidianVisible = false; for (DockPanelData panel : docPerspective.getDockPanelData()) { if ((panel.getViewId() == App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN) && panel.isVisible()) { justEuclidianVisible = true; } else if (panel.isVisible()) { justEuclidianVisible = false; break; } } return justEuclidianVisible; } private Perspective getTmpPerspective(Perspective fallback) { for (Perspective perspective : tmpPerspectives) { if (perspective.getId().equals("tmp")) { return perspective; } } return fallback; } @Override public void updateCenterPanel() { buildApplicationPanel(); this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.setPixelSize(spWidth, spHeight); // we need relative position to make sure the menubar / toolbar are not // hidden this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getElement().getStyle() .setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); if (!has(Feature.NEW_TOOLBAR) && getGuiManager().hasAlgebraView() && showView(App.VIEW_ALGEBRA)) { ((AlgebraViewW) getAlgebraView()) .setShowAlgebraInput(showAlgebraInput() && getInputPosition() == InputPosition.algebraView); } } @Override public double getWidth() { if (spWidth > 0) { return menuShowing ? spWidth + GLookAndFeel.MENUBAR_WIDTH : spWidth; } return super.getWidth(); } @Override public void updateContentPane() { super.updateContentPane(); frame.setApplication(this); frame.refreshKeyboard(); } @Override public void persistWidthAndHeight() { if (this.oldSplitLayoutPanel != null) { spWidth = this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getEstimateWidth(); spHeight = this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getEstimateHeight(); } } @Override public int getWidthForSplitPanel(int fallback) { if (spWidth > 0) { return spWidth; } return super.getWidthForSplitPanel(fallback); } @Override public int getHeightForSplitPanel(int fallback) { if (spHeight > 0) { return spHeight; } return super.getHeightForSplitPanel(fallback); } @Override public void toggleMenu() { if (!this.menuShowing) { this.menuShowing = true; boolean needsUpdate = menuInited; if (!menuInited) { frame.getMenuBar(this).init(this); this.menuInited = true; } if (isWhiteboardActive()) { this.splitPanelWrapper.insert(frame.getMenuBar(this), 0); } else { this.splitPanelWrapper.add(frame.getMenuBar(this)); } this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.setPixelSize( this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getOffsetWidth() - GLookAndFeel.MENUBAR_WIDTH, this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getOffsetHeight()); updateMenuHeight(); if (needsUpdate) { frame.getMenuBar(this).getMenubar().updateMenubar(); } this.getGuiManager().refreshDraggingViews(); oldSplitLayoutPanel.getElement().getStyle() .setOverflow(Overflow.HIDDEN); getGuiManager().updateStyleBarPositions(true); frame.getMenuBar(this).getMenubar().dispatchOpenEvent(); } else { hideMenu(); } } @Override public void updateMenuHeight() { if (menuShowing) { frame.getMenuBar(this).setPixelSize(GLookAndFeel.MENUBAR_WIDTH, this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getOffsetHeight()); } } @Override public void hideMenu() { if (!menuInited || !menuShowing) { if (this.getGuiManager() != null) { this.getGuiManager().updateStyleBarPositions(false); } return; } this.menuShowing = false; this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.setPixelSize( this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getOffsetWidth() + GLookAndFeel.MENUBAR_WIDTH, this.oldSplitLayoutPanel.getOffsetHeight()); this.splitPanelWrapper.remove(frame.getMenuBar(this)); oldSplitLayoutPanel.getElement().getStyle() .setOverflow(Overflow.VISIBLE); if (this.getGuiManager() != null && this.getGuiManager().getLayout() != null) { this.getGuiManager().getLayout().getDockManager().resizePanels(); } if (this.getGuiManager() != null) { this.getGuiManager().setDraggingViews(false, true); this.getGuiManager().updateStyleBarPositions(false); } } @Override public boolean isMenuShowing() { return this.menuShowing; } @Override public DockGlassPaneW getGlassPane() { return frame.getGlassPane(); } @Override public void addToHeight(int i) { this.spHeight += i; } /** * Updates height of split panel accordingly if there is algebra input * and/or toolbar or not. Implemented for the case if there is no keyboard * open. */ @Override public void updateSplitPanelHeight() { int newHeight = appletHeight; if (this.showAlgebraInput() && getInputPosition() != InputPosition.algebraView && getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput() != null) { newHeight -= ((AlgebraInputW) getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput()) .getOffsetHeight(); } if (getToolbar()!=null && getToolbar().isVisible()){ newHeight -= ((GGWToolBar) getToolbar()).getOffsetHeight(); } if (frame.isKeyboardShowing()) { newHeight -= frame.getKeyboardHeight(); } this.spHeight = newHeight; oldSplitLayoutPanel.setHeight(spHeight + "px"); } @Override public Panel getPanel() { return frame; } public boolean hasKeyboardInProbCalculator() { return has(Feature.ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD_AT_PROBCALC); } public double getInnerWidth() { return getWidth() - getArticleElement().getBorderThickness(); } }